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tv   [untitled]    August 27, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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a government that is based on expertise will be able to maintain our own national and islamic values ​​in running the country. the approach of the government of unity in running the country is based on right and justice. right and justice means that the rights of the people of iran regardless of gender, regardless of geographical location, regardless of the rights of all the members of the nation must be properly protected and the rights of all members of the nation must be properly protected, regardless of religion or political tendencies. no one in the country should feel that his rights have been lost, god forbid. all of us, the government, based on the words that the president's promise to the people is that we must win the people's satisfaction. mr
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dr. qaimpanah, in the same satisfaction of the people that you mention now and emphasize that the members of the 14th government are also the head of the president , they emphasize the implementation of the upper documents of the 7th plan . i mean , first of all, let me tell you, because it is the week of my government, we government employees from the minister. until the last level, when they consult with the people in the electricity department, in the municipality, in the social security organization, in the hospital, first of all , the belief must be created that the people are our masters. pride does not speak. we must speak to people out of respect for our own masters, who are people.
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we must speak with respect, so from this government week, i ask all the government employees, all the dear ones who are working in this government , to show this approach in the society that the people are our masters and we should honor them in front of the people , respect them even if they have an illegal request , tell the people that we want to be members, i cannot help you , and i apologize that the law does not allow me to help you. in front of the people, we had provincial trips in the government of shahid raisi, which were carried out on a weekly and continuous basis . what is the plan of the government of mr. bizikian and the members of the cabinet of the 14th government regarding provincial trips? the government has a plan , the seventh plan and the so-called characteristic plan, what
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projects have been determined for the provinces, that is, now we should take the government delegation to the provinces , we have not reached any conclusion, maybe we should take a new approach to follow up. well, today's world is a digital world that can be remote control but surely, the honorable president will talk to the people , he will visit the people, but maybe the way it was in the past, maybe we haven't reached a conclusion yet , it should be discussed in the cabinet , but maybe we will choose a new approach. after all , if the country has a plan, if everyone try and support a program that is implemented according to the law , maybe it is less necessary. we have provincial approvals . one thing that we should pay attention to is that there are thousands of unfinished projects in the country and the resource limitations if there is a project.
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definitely, the government approves the previous government as far as possible and in terms of economics and planning it is justified. it is technically justified . of course, we are obliged to implement the government's commitments . undoubtedly, this is the right of the people and the right of the people to return to the government. we will carry out the projects
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, but in order to overcome many problems , our country must become rich, wealth must be produced by the people. how long do we want the people, in fact, with subsidies, with the help that comes from the organization's aid committee to the people's lives, they should with their own dignity , the government's policies based on the vision, based on the general policies and the seventh plan is that they should be capable enough to generate wealth and not need the help of the government to live with dignity. the people should not seek to get subsidies from the government. it will continue, or god forbid , they will be needed for so-called help organizations or helpers, and this, in my opinion, is the dignity of the iranian nation above this. all the youth, all the women , all the men of this land should
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live with freedom and need for no one. don't lie down , be rich, be strong, our women, our men, and god willing and i hope with the help of all the components of power and those who, in a country with power, we can create wealth for the people of iran, and before the production of wealth by the people and the government, the government can achieve its three main tasks . it means that it is the right of the people to get a good education from the government, so that all the children of this country can have a good education. the third duty of the government is public health. these are the duties of government governance, governance
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of economy and livelihood in the form of people's security and that sense of security of wealth of the people, the government should all have these three principles. rulership is the duty of rulers. these are the three principles of education security and bring health to the people , we have 6 minutes, mr. dr. qaim penna, time management with you so that we can ask you more questions from egypt. you have taken on the responsibility of mr. medzikian. well, the broadcast of the news network also gave us more time than other conversations. what are you supposed to do in the country's selection affairs office? complaints in this field, mr. qaimpanah, are not few, especially regarding code 5 and code 19. yes, unfortunately, well, these days, maybe hundreds.
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the text message came to me after the notification of the honorable chairman and the president regarding the issue of selection to the ward. hundreds of text messages were sent to me via virtual networks to tell me that we were subject to code 19 or 5 for teachers in the notification that the honorable president sent to me, in fact, the notification was issued to paragraph 3 of the general policies of the administrative system dated 14 89/13, by the supreme leader, in this paragraph, there is improvement of the criteria and updating of the methods of selection of human resources in order to attract capable, committed and competent human resources and avoid
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narrow-mindedness and tasteless and non-literal attitudes. this is the emphasis of the honorable presidency in the communication issued by him to me. what does this general policy mean? it means that we should hire the deserving people of this country, which means that we have to update our own selection, well, everyone who is in this land has the right. justice dictates that all the dear ones who study in our departments and are employed in our education , the rejection or non-selection of people must be based on the logic of justice and justice, and on the other hand
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, you will prevent ajuri from this, in fact, the choice of taste that was made before that i came a few days ago. the same thing happened from the beginning of the honorable minister of education i would like to thank you for following up after this happened, god willing . the choice of education and education is taken care of, and i would like to ask you to talk to the youth of this country with respect, just as mullah ali said in his order to malik ashar , treat the people with respect. if a young person
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posts a story, gives a message, or wears clothes that may not be what you want, you can choose these dear ones, the dear ones who are the children of this country, the dear ones who have been paid for in this let's try to deal with the country of their upbringing with some tolerance and choose teachers who have more knowledge and have more knowledge . these dear ones must definitely have a higher academic level. well, making the percentage 40%, this percentage should be based on the same more scientific basis . do not answer or answer less, the consequences will be that
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we will face more people's dissatisfaction. therefore, from all the cores of the selection to the notification of the new letter that we can according to our law let's amend the selection regulations based on the policies of the supreme leader. i am asking the dear ones to please treat the youth of the country a little more kindly with the dear girls of this kind land. be wet these dear ones belong to this land , belong to their islamic republic. we have to absorb these. if there is a problem , kindly, by recruiting them into the government, we can unite all of iran to solve the problems. we must do something to prevent our youth from leaving the country. when we see thousands of educated people of this country go because of our theories outside some people are unhappy with the country , why should the youth of this country leave their motherland
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, go to a foreign country to serve, why should our doctor go abroad, why should our engineer go abroad because, god forbid, the unkindness and unkindness that we have in iran iran is all for everyone , iran belongs to all iranians, so we are choosing this approach with this approach. iranians make us proud, god forbid, for the sake of youth improper treatment of a government institution or a choice of cash to leave the country. we must be accountable, both in this world and in the hereafter, we must be accountable for
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why we, those we educated, have been paid for, be it doctors, engineers or nurses, we must help them to be absorbed into the islamic republic. iran's honor depends on people's satisfaction. the honor of iran depends on the satisfaction of the youth of this country. abadii iran with blessings to all the youth, women and men of this country. if these young men and women are unhappy with us, god forbid, it will cause people to be unhappy with the islamic republic. we hope our government will do something hopefully, in the regular elections, anyone can be a candidate , instead of 50%, 70, 80 people will participate in the elections. our satisfaction with the islamic republic, the people's satisfaction with the islamic republic, makes iran proud, makes iran proud, and makes the leadership of the islamic republic proud
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. mr. dr. qahem panah, let's go over the implementation percentage of past programs. if we have a review of the past 6 programs, their implementation percentage is now based on statistics and figures, and let's go back to the 7th program, mr. medical doctors themselves have a role in the preparation of the 7th program before the elections. the presidency has repeatedly emphasized the implementation of the seventh program when they were elected as the president of the islamic republic of iran, they emphasized on this issue and its implementation in the cabinet and members of the delegation. the government has also emphasized, do you think that with the approach taken on the issue of national unity, which is emphasized by them and the members of the government delegation and you in your speech , we hope that how much our seventh plan will be implemented , the truth is that it will be very little, this plan for all institutions executive means, we must
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reach these goals within 5 years, god willing, with the system of all the elements of the islamic republic, we must try, the main part is related to the government, so that we can achieve it step by step. based on the so-called indicators that will be determined and for each minister, for each ministry , quantitative numbers will be determined whether the goal is reached or not. edited now you are saying that it is the same point that mr. dr. mezikian mentioned in the first meeting that the plans should be made clear, and in the first meeting of the government board, in the notification issued by the honorable president's office to all ministers, it was mentioned about the perspective of politics. general and
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the seventh plan, you are obligated in this. that's the framework in his debates, because of mr. dr. bizikian, he said, "we have a plan. i don't have a plan. my plan is the seventh plan. it is not possible for anyone to plan and not invite the owners of the process. in a small organization, even in a family, if you want to do something in a family of several people, if the family, the wife, the family, the children of the family do not participate in planning for a change in a family life, we think that the program will be implemented when the honorable parliament plans and based on the general policies of the program, that is, as those who own the process from the expert body. the government that definitely, they will still be in our government
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. the approval bill was extracted from this expert body. and the bill went to the parliament, and the parliament has been with the government for 54 years, and the government is with the parliament, and mr. dr. mezikian himself is present as a member of the islamic council, and they are aware of the law of the program. we will definitely not have a new program , it is possible that it is being implemented. some parts of this program are not executable or the resources are better. well , we can interact with the parliament , change some clauses, but for sure, all our efforts are to reach a high percentage of these goals that have been formulated. 10%, 20%, 25% is not enough in my opinion, we hope to
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reach above 80, above 90, above 90. we hope to reach the indicators prepared in the five-year plan, this is not possible. an empathy and consensus of all, the parliament, the government and the judiciary that i have a place in. from here again, from the honorable chairman of the parliament, from the honorable representatives and especially the honorable judiciary that i had a meeting with my loved ones, the declaration of support for the government. i am unprecedented, honorable head of the authority. with the power of announcing that we support the implementation of the 7th plan and the general policy plan of the government, we support and we will spare no effort. this agreement is that we all try to reach this goal, and above all, the support of the supreme leader and the support of the people
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, the people demand from us, the people demand from us the implementation of the program. regarding the program , the respected representatives and the people should not demand us to agree on the implementation of the program, the implementation of the program, the implementation of the program is also based on the scientific foundations of wisdom, knowledge, ultimately, all this is for the satisfaction of the people, mr. dr. qaim , the progress of iran. peace be upon you. you just mentioned that from the ministers asked that the operational plans of the body be appropriate to the capacity. and in accordance with the ministry's approach and what i feel now as priorities in line with the seventh plan and general policies, and now the plans that the vision plan , the operational plan of the ministry of home affairs, and now that time period has been selected, because you mentioned a 5-year number , when will it be in your hands? it will arrive or it will be brought up in the government board. what is characteristic is that
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the cabinet has not been formed for a week. the deputies should sit down to execute the photo because mr. president said in the first meeting, the first meeting that the honorable president emphasized, we do not have a pact other than this. the first session is even before that the day before we went to the parliament, the day of the introduction of the cabinet, that is, the letter of mr. dr. dr. bezikian had not been announced to the parliament. all the ministers were invited by mr. dr. bezikian, and there we agreed to implement the program and policy and said that these plans will be presented in the next meeting. yes, the timings and certainly the timings, well, the ministers should go, from the scientific point of view , the plan should be with the owners of the process of action plans or modification of operational plans. the so-called established vision of general policies has scientific foundations. the vision of the foundations of general policies and
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program law. operational plans or management terms can be called action plans. every ministry should sit down and implement these plans step by step based on the goals set for them. the owners of the process should be involved. maybe you, the different experts at different levels, from here you should think how long it will take, sir. i have to say this to all the government employees, they need to tighten their belts. he wants because i worked for him, he is very capable, he is very demanding, and the ministers should tie their waists, the deputies should tie their belts, the managers should tie their belts. governors should all make an effort , because the medical doctor is very demanding of korea, that is , he insists on his loyalty and that the community should
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follow his words, and again , when we were in the imam's criticism, he emphasized that i adhere to i am those promises, the promise of the medical doctor was to serve the disadvantaged, to serve the people, so the whole government should try to fulfill these promises to the society , and i think that in less than a few months, maybe less than a few weeks, the ministers should announce their operational plan and they announce their own evaluation indicators . it has been discussed many times that responsiveness means responsibility for performance and accountability is the term "response performance accountability", but we have persian march . we give responsibility for performance and accountability. the type of performance must be specified. the executive responsibility is the program. my performance is based on rationalization of indicators, the approach
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of seeking justice, the approach of seeking rights, and also the satisfaction of the people, and all must be on a scientific basis . finally, we must answer what we have done and finally. how much the people have satisfied the government and this will happen in the next few months. we will evaluate each ministry and see how much we were able to satisfy the people after a few years. i hope that all the ministers can provide an acceptable track record for the satisfaction of the people. now , most of the physics letters and requests are in this
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form. we are trying to plan so that with a platform with a so-called system, we can use the knowledge of today's technology to address people's requests in a scientific and up-to-date manner. receive and finally sum up the demands of the people let's face the message of the honorable president, a powerful society can be demanding, this is where the expansion of civil institutions, trade union institutions, political parties should be an intermediary for the transition. the demands and demands of the people in an organized manner to the government and this closure and the expansion of civil, trade union and political institutions
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can be a step towards empowering the people to request their demands from the government. one minute, in any case , what i wish as an iranian muslim is to raise the status of dear iran from what we are now in the past 40 years. many measures have been taken. many attempts have been made . but what we mean is that this is not iran's position. our historical honors our distant past is full of iran's great honors. i hope we can make iran proud in the future. thank you very much mr. dr. qaim panna, executive vice president, responsible
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for the administration of the country's selection affairs and, of course, the head of the presidential institution. dear compatriots, i am grateful as always for your company. good night and god bless you.
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6:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and their speedy fate, dear compatriots, greetings , good morning, in the air attack of the zionist regime on the nurshams camp in the east of turk.


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