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tv   [untitled]    August 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm IRST

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hello, welcome to half day news. the leader of the revolution in the first meeting of the 14th government, the rapid formation of the new government with the valuable cooperation of the parliament is a great blessing for the country. i also consulted with my servant, and some of the people i knew, or whose qualifications were passed on to us by the case, confirmed this later. i also
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emphasized i did not know more. i said i have no opinion about them. ayatollah khamenei's advice to the government delegation is to use colleagues with young, revolutionary and motivated characteristics. if they can, for example suppose there are 100 young believers motivated by the revolution. prepare those who are committed and finally their government will train 100 young doctors in the country. in my opinion, a great job has been done. the leader of the revolution emphasized on the necessity of meeting the priorities. solving the problem of high prices and inflation is one of the urgent priorities. to the enemy
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do not use experts who are looking for copies of their foreign copies. president at the induction ceremony of the minister of health: there is no bombing in the country and all the problems in the country have been solved. we can solve the problem of this country. we are able to come out of this crisis outside if we will, we will find a way. because we are dealing with elites for whom there is no way out. the minister of health announced the deposit of the first part of the nurses' claims to the account of the universities of medical sciences. america announced the gaza war with the arrival of the 500th aircraft carrying weapons from america, the 11-month aid of america to the zionist regime. iran's exports to afghanistan in
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the last 5 months and in the economy desk, we are examining what measures should be taken to maintain the afghan market and continue the increasing trend of trade with the eastern neighbor. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful muhammad and ajl farjaham good day, respected viewers of the detailed news at 14:00, we present to you the presence of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution in the first meeting between the president and the 14th government, with gratitude for the quick formation of the government with the efforts of the president and the valuable help of the national assembly.
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ayatollah khamenei expressed important issues such as compliance with immediate priorities, including inflation and inflation, how to choose managers and colleagues, presence among the people, the necessity of rule of law in cyberspace and attention to production as the key to solving economic problems. the glorious arbaini people congratulated the government week and with respect to the martyrs of rajaei and with art , as well as shahid raisi and his companions, they expressed the hope that the government week will be the 14th week of hope and joyful reports in all the long years of service to the government. he called the formation of the government on time as the grace of god and a great blessing, and to all those who
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helped the normal administration of the country and the holding of safe and sound elections after the tragic incident of the martyrdom of mr. raisi and his companions, including the officials of the previous government, the national media and other institutions. they thanked the leader of the revolution, in explaining how the president consulted with him about the cabinet, said mr the president was very active in this field and worked hard to select the ministers with whom he should do everything . i confirmed some of them, i emphasized some of them, i didn't know more, i said i had no opinion about them, so thank god they were able to make the election and convince the parliament, and
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this was a great success, and i thank god for them. today, all honorable ministers who have been trusted by the president of the parliament are high officials they are the rank of the country and everyone's duty is to support and help them to succeed. ayatollah khamenei, in his first address to the new government , considered the opportunity to serve the people and strive for the country's progress to be a great blessing from god and added: appreciate this trust of god and the people, and know the opportunity. four years of service goes by at the speed of lightning, of course , great things can be done during this time. just as amir kabir did great things in 3 years and raisi aziz also
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did some good foundations in about 3 years of service, the fruits of which, god willing, will reach the country. the leader of the islamic revolution in the second point is to have knowledge and capacities as a condition for efficiency. the government knew and said: there are many examples that in the past, some officials did not recognize or did not believe in domestic talents and capacities , and because of this, losses were caused to the country. he called the natural and abundant and valuable capacities of the geographical location, being located between the four roads of the north, south, west and east of the world and long beaches among the material capacities and added: the religious and political faith of the people and human talents and millions of educated young people. it is an incomparable wealth if we know them and their thought and strength many problems are solved by using it. hazrat ayatollah khamenei
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called the iranian nation as having the capacity to create genius and he agreed by referring to famous people such as khwaja nasiruddin tusi, ibn sina, mullah sadra and zakaria. these are a sign of the infinite capacity of the intellectual flight of the iranian nation, and now we can also raise geniuses from the talented youth of the country . the leader of the revolution listed political capacities, strategic depth and regional power among other capacities of iran and added: the positive and negative experiences of the last 45 years are among the most valuable points that should be taken into consideration. explanation of essential points the third point in the selection of colleagues of the new government was the words of the leadership in this meeting. he said: choose young, faithful, revolutionary, committed and motivated colleagues, so that they can untie the knots, and by cultivating them in different levels of management from
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the bottom, gradually a generation of prominent and motivated managers will be formed for the future of the country. . the leader of the revolution advised the president to employ 100 young people with these qualities and at the end of the government to hand over 100 strong and ready managers, which will be a very big task. of course, shahid raisi also had success in this field. in the next point, he referred to the president's remarks to experts emphasized the issue. in the advertisements of dr. mesicht. the statements and statements that were said to refer to the experts have been repeated. i have a firm opinion on this matter. refer to the expert. i believe that when the governments do their expertise, their governance
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will be a wise and thought-provoking governance, not a communal and friendly governance, and this is a recommendation from let's use expert to be faithful. be honest , believe in the ability of the country's internal and national capabilities , recognize the national capitals , do not use the expertise that follows foreign copies , sometimes an economic or social copy or tell me that politics
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was proposed abroad 50 years ago, 70 years ago, and then it was rejected. now, let's bring it and present that version here. be careful not to be an expert in this way, otherwise , an expert is very necessary . being among the people to order. they said: don't pay attention to these words that if you travel to a province, they say that it is populism and populism, because it is not possible to know about the context of people's lives with briefcases and written reports. even if the reports are good. therefore, the provincial trip and presence among the people, including the villages, and the decision follow giri based on observations and hearsay . the next important point that hazrat aye: khamenei considered the importance of the vision of the system and the revolution
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was the issue of justice. referring to the approval of the implementation of the program and various laws, he considered it very important to determine their impact on the realization of justice and pointed out that a few years ago , we raised the issue of the attachment of justice and said that for every important law and decision, an attachment of justice should be prepared, which the leader of the revolution they read and added that adding justice is not an administrative work and a paper and ceremonial form attached to the laws, but a real thing in the text of the laws and programs. the attachment of justice means centers such as the program and budget organization that make decisions or prepare bills and laws. or a group on behalf of the president should be required to
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measure the impact of the program and laws on the indicators of social justice, including the class gap , and if the class gap increases , remove that part of the program. referring to the information about the software production by a group of young university students, regarding the compliance of the program and the laws, with the attachment of justice, the officials invited this group and used the product. they recommended and emphasized justice by saying and expressing it repeatedly language cannot be achieved, but it requires motivation and entry into the field, which fortunately exists in the president and should be done in such a way that no official can violate the path leading to justice . in the seventh recommendation, ayatollah khamenei paid attention to the observance of priorities with limited resources and opportunities and many tasks ahead and
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added that respecting priorities, we have little time , we have little money, we have a lot of work, let's see what the priorities are, what are the priorities infrastructural and basic works , what are the priorities of urgent works , we have two types of priorities. some of the priorities related to the issues of february should these should be solved in a proper way in the society, the issue of high inflation , some of these issues are infrastructure issues. if we don't do it today, we have to start in 10 years . he considered nuclear energy to be one of the infrastructural priorities and necessary for the future of the country
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, and rejecting some doubtful statements about its benefits, he said that the country cannot deprive itself of an advanced scientific and technical issue in the world , and by falling behind the path years later will follow its beginning. leader of the revolution government plans to complete the northern routes. south and east west considering the important communication capacities of the country , they called it another priority that cannot be ignored and added: the issue of judicial security, self-sufficiency in wheat, new methods of irrigation in agriculture, development of the upstream parts of oil and the use of facilities as much as possible for the use of new methods of oil and gas extraction as well as the production of diverse and numerous products in the downstream sectors
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are other important priorities facing the country. the issue of virtual space, the eighth point of the leader of the revolution. it was addressed to government officials, cyberspace is a new world, you must know more than me, that is, virtual space is now virtual. it is not a reality that is happening in people's lives day by day, what is important is that there is a rule of law in cyberspace. this is what i sometimes said that cyberspace is a way, but it is because of this rule based on a law, if you don't have a law
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, create a law based on that law. take that job, the whole world is doing this, you see this poor young man, the french are so strict, they arrest him , put him in jail, threaten to give you a 20-year sentence, because of this is that violating their governance is not acceptable. you have a country at your disposal , you have a duty to it, you have a mission to it , your governance cannot be violated, it should not be violated , this is the issue, on this occasion, the virtual space, i said my words on that basis,
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i said it before, some explain it in another way. do or understand or they don't want to understand, but my point is that the parliamentary space in the country should be legalized, then it will become an opportunity if we can have legal governance in cyber space, cyber space will be an opportunity for the country, but the leader may be threatened. the revolution in the discussion of virtual space is once again an important issue. they drew attention to artificial intelligence and the strange and surprising acceleration of this technology in the world and said: now our military and civilian devices are exploiting this technology, but this use should not deceive us because it is not just exploitation of privileges. rather, one should master the deep and diverse layers of this technology. he
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considered lagging behind in mastering the deep layers of artificial intelligence as the creation of another exclusive domain such as atomic energy in the hands of countries that dominate this technology and added that the world's opportunists and power seekers in the future they create an artificial intelligence agency , they will not allow other countries to enter some parts and layers of it. in the ninth recommendation, the leader of the revolution found the key to solving the country's economic problems in production and strengthening and increasing supply and said. by strengthening and taking seriously the issue of producing inflation problems, the value of the national currency will be solved. he called the need for the development of national production to be the help of the government and the improvement of issues such as the business environment, and referring to his meeting with a group of entrepreneurs a few months ago, he said: the
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abilities available to the activists of the production sector are surprising , of course, they all believe that in order to strengthen production to they need government help. in another recommendation, ayatollah khamenei, referring to the danger of premature aging of the country's population , emphasized the need for dynamic and flexible policies in accordance with the country's needs , and said that the minister of health should seriously follow up on the population issue and take necessary measures, including monitoring the health network should stop the obstacles of population growth because the country needs a young population and there is no cure if it suffers the bitter consequences of population aging. hazrat ayatollah khamenei in his advice: 11th nine emphasized not to be afraid of obstacles and referring to this the fact that no plan or work is without obstacles , they added, the first option of some people
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is to retreat when dealing with obstacles, but this approach is wrong and one should cross the obstacle or avoid it, and of course , after doing all the work, sometimes a tactical retreat is also possible. it is necessary but should not be dealt with immediately. he retracted his words and vote. on another point, he emphasized that the enemy should not be satisfied and wait for it, and said: this fact was also present in the president's words and the foreign minister's statements a few days ago. of course , this does not mean that we interact with the enemy somewhere the problem is that you should not trust him. the last and thirteenth. the leader of the revolution's advice to the statesmen was to recommend spirituality and promotion of faith and devotional actions, mostly with the quran and supplication to the lord. referring to the role models
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of the officials in the eyes of the people and the employees of the institutions , he considered it necessary to pay more attention to the behavior of the statesmen and wished success to the statesmen in serving islam, the people and iran. at the beginning of this meeting, dr. masoud bizikian honored the memory of the martyrs of the government and service, especially mr. raisi of the 14th government, the advisory cabinet with he counted the participation of all political factions and specialized committees that were formed with the slogan of unity and empathy and to act within the framework of the general policies of the vision document system and the seventh plan. the president stated that the members of the 14th government board. he called the two important special tasks of his government to respect principles such as right and justice, taking care of deprived areas and paying attention to those who are not seen, and said that the
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first step in the path of reforming the country's affairs is unity, empathy, obedience to god's will, and unity under the guidance of god. it is leadership so that we can stand against all the problems of our enemies. the doctor added. people from officials it depends on treating them fairly and with respect , not on the cruel sanctions of the enemy. at the end of his speech, the president emphasized the need to avoid personal differences: if unity is formed inside the country and among the islamic ummah, america, europe and other countries that cruelly support the crimes of the genocidal zionist regime.
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the minister of communications is the youngest minister in the cabinet , what is the first thing you should do? special attention to the quality of communication and also a field work for the areas that do not have coverage and the only minister of the cabinet . yes, i can say that i am the youngest among us who say yes, in that sense, he is the youngest, and the most important demand of the people from the ministry of home affairs is housing. along with the astronomical prices of housing, we know that we will definitely be in a path that will have its own impact, and some people
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came to this government from the government of shahid raisi. i was a force , what is the most important thing you want to do when you restart, how many times do you ask this on the radio, fight with. terrorism is an example, but we should be responsible for this responsibility. i believe that our managers should make a commitment, when the one who accepts must say that i will give a push, i will create a transformation , you will give this guarantee. i said that you are responsive to the demands of the people. in fact, the national unity that should lead to national unity is the most important issue that solves everything . sit down
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, teachers, after all, we were among the people , treating customers well, responding to people, improving the economy, living conditions and people's table, these are the country's priorities. god willing, we are doing our best to solve the basic problems that have created this, which has created inflation and actually created acceleration in the price thread . it is mostly centered around economic issues, but we are not neglecting other sectors. the field of diplomacy also comes with the help of the economy. god willing, we will advance economic diplomacy in a way that creates an opening for the economic sectors of the country. they say that when you become responsible, time passes faster for you. are you thinking about a city in 4 years? definitely, if we don't think that nothing
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leave it to us. the ministers of this government should sit at the table or not, in your opinion, it should be seen, but they cannot sit at the table with this president . can you suggest a headline for the 14th government ? the 14th government also fulfills its duties in its missions and promises. may he be successful and god willing, he will always see seda vasima by his side. this is the first meeting of the 14th government with the leader of the revolutionary government that was formed with the slogan of national unity, and now it is time to do their work to meet the demands of the people. start seriously and this time the tips and recommendations of the leader of the revolution were like a light for the 14th government
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. and the points they heard from the leader of the revolution, i have said many times that the perspective of politics is the law of the program, and my leadership is the supreme leader who always stood in the way and they have that guidance. if we move together on that basis , there can be no difference. we told the president's advice to his ministers that the most important indicator for our work is people's satisfaction. we have to do something to make people satisfied, if what we do is satisfying no matter what , there is a problem in our work, we have to fix it. good luck
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, ali rizvani, sda news agency. let's do something so that at least in this current government, we can improve people's health within scientific frameworks and with existing indicators . we cannot do anything , of course, i believe that we can, we can solve the problem of this country, we are able to come out of this crisis, if we want to, there will be a way. we can find this way because we are dealing with elites for whom there is no impossible way. the
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president also assigned the health minister to prioritize the treatment of underprivileged patients and expressed hope that the medical complex would try to gain the satisfaction of the people, especially the underprivileged. the minister of health and medical education also had good news for nurses in this event. the good news is that the first part is for compensation. the demands of the nursing and personnel community were paid to the universities yesterday and today, that is, what we can we thought it would be done a little later, but it was done today and yesterday, and i am telling the presidents of the university from this platform that this should be done as soon as possible.


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