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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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in my opinion, if we are going to appear colorful there, we will be able to survive and increase our power, we definitely need the support of our friends in the government before the past, which we hope will be realized in the 14th government. gentleman, let's ask that to remove the obstacles to export to afghanistan and actually remove the obstacles from the exporters. may they be able to export more easily, do business more easily , do business with afghanistan, what is the government doing now? look at their statements, mr. his excellency said correctly , i will go back to what you said, now the issue of afghanistan and even afghans inside the country involve all the ministries of the country, that is, the ministry of education , the ministry of roads, the ministry of telecommunications, all institutions,
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don't think about anything other than the security apparatus, it is only a matter of security . some kind of institutions and even the ministry of health are involved in the issue of afghanistan, and according to the number of afghan friends who are present in iran now, so that the conditions are ready and they return to their country, this amount of this number needs an arrangement. that this the office of the special representative of mr. siadad has now said that the government's support is that the government is doing things in isolation. this strategy of the representative office means creating a single command both inside the country and abroad in the policy discussion with the country. it is easier to remove these obstacles from the feet of the people, precisely the committee for influencing the image and removing obstacles to production and iranian investors. we established afghani in the representative body together, and we are waiting for mr. siadat's continuous meetings with the support of the government but with the management of the private sector.
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there are members who, god willing, can quickly reactivate this committee, so that we can remove the obstacles, one of the main and challenging obstacles we have been fighting for for years, especially in the last two years with all the meetings held by the heads of the country . it was done, we couldn't overcome it , the issue of attracting capital of afghans in iran, if it is not your topic, i will give a full explanation now , see the discussion. our export, this export, let me give you the answer. let me come back to the discussion of investment, which we are really discussing. let's go to saruz now, our export department to afghanistan, in the discussion of their facilitation, it can almost be said that since mr. mullah baradar's trip to afghanistan to iran last november, we have made several economic memorandums in the joint commission headed by the ministry of agriculture. alhamdulillah
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, they are following up well in this matter. we have made good agreements on this matter. what was the agreement on the agriculture sector , air road, in the discussion of the chabahar azad zone, even with zob ahan company for joint cooperation . in afghanistan, it worked much better than us. it is really better than our iranian friends he said that they put a person in charge for each clause of this memorandum, from which 90 clauses were extracted. planning the period of time for the implementation of ikash . with all the follow-ups that the ministry of agriculture did, we could have had such an understanding internally that this work could be done , so that we could not have a clause by clause, if a special office was not formed, see the justification. it is difficult to make the officials and officials responsible in this copper , what is the position of afghanistan as a neighboring country, we are arguing with the country. afghanistan
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, i say, we are talking about isis, we are talking about security now this is not my duty. my discussions with afghanistan are only economic discussions. part of the duties of our office is the economic section. these friends should understand that what you are saying now is immigration, for example , we want to control inside iran, as mr. siadat mentioned. let's start there, not from here, because whatever you send , they will eventually enter the country through another way. finally, how should they understand what to do? if it is done, you should see that resolution clause by clause. for this resolution, we have done 24 simplification of the borders, establishment of trade now until 11:00 pm. it should be established, we tried very hard to make these devices, at least, we don't want to say that they should do nothing else, they should just do their own work, and now we have left it until 11:00 p.m. well, the country or the country's authorities have not yet come to the conclusion that the forces should be strengthened there.
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we don't have the forces that can work there 24 hours a day, this should be strengthened. the discussion of width and width, as mr. siadat said, do we really need our financial exchanges with afghanistan in the form of an offer? let's talk about assignment or the discussion of investment attraction in afghanistan, as i said, in what form it will be the issue of creating joint production industrial zones at the borders so that we can have a basic economy for our border guards as the first bastions of protecting the country at the borders. why does our border guard smuggle because he has no job. alhamdulillah, our afghan friends have come very well and are working. now we have the discussion of chaba, and in the coming weeks mr. karmi, the honorable governor of sistan baluchistan, will discuss the issue of chabahar and the use of the chaba corridor. he suggested chabahar to sign the contract as an investment
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we should attract afghans, but mr. moderator, i can only serve you so that the issue of investment and investment attraction is not resolved . let me see, you can say it simply right now, as a foreign investor , bring your product into the country, invest, then go and convert your product to the nima rate, convert it into the banking system right now, that means 20% loss, 30 % loss because this rate is 42 tomans , the market rate is 60 tomans, the foreign businessman says that i am not responsible for the low and high rates, it is not you who should come to charge me a price, i am doing my job. to do the central bank says no, that rate is a smuggled rate. after all, it is happening. i am not responsible for these policies of the central bank, but you really need to think about it. it means that an afghan businessman who comes to iran, you should know that they say that afghans go to european countries, turkey, hundreds of times. i want
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to invest hundreds of times in iran. we invited the investment organization of mr. fakhri and mr. koudi to be present . yes, they could not say, but afghanistan is really a permanent export market for iran. afghan investors produce in iran and export to afghanistan. 40 to 50 the percentage of products that are exported with the capital of afghans in iran is 100%. now, if the products are construction materials, steel, medicine,
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food industry, machine carpets, carpets, all of these are exported, but only for export. we are currently working on the issue of import. you see, this diagram that you showed is just a diagram. in the discussion of joint investments in the mining sector, in the judicial sector, in many industrial discussions in afghanistan, we can grow afghanistan's trade so much that our imports from afghanistan will be a significant import. in fact now there is no cash, it's just that this trade is one-way, we are ready to import up to 3 million dollars from afghanistan. we can bring whatever is there, because
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that country itself needs mines, and now the discussion of mines has just started, that is, the discussion of mines in afghanistan and politics in afghanistan is just taking shape. mines can be used to see if they don't have a special program in these 40 years, the aggressors who were present in afghanistan did not have a coherent economic plan for afghanistan to implement. the biggest money laundering in history happened in afghanistan. now, since you are actually a reporter there , you follow afghanistan's economy closely . do you think there are other capacities besides the ones we are using now so that we can also export? let us also be able to import from afghanistan , now it means importing goods and services, and
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it means that they have investment here at all. afghanistan does not export maybe 40-50 million dollars more than our 2 billion dollars per year . the honorable representative of the government in afghanistan affairs, yes, yes, it should be said that their proposal was that i said that the afghan officials were talking about this, they said that of course they had already made this proposal, we said. we can import agricultural products up to 5 billion dollars per year. we should have it from afghanistan, because the cultivation of poppy is prohibited there now, and they
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are looking for an alternative, in fact, poppy. a few days ago , i went to the badakhshan side of the fields that were close, well, the people there really do not know, because they have been planting poppies there for years. they didn't know that the people said that we can import agricultural products from them for up to five billion dollars and provide training related to this. there is a lot of commercial and unused between iran and afghanistan, now the issue is the same railway well, finally, this trouble has been dragged to the end, so now it is pending, don't forget that mr. javamert also mentioned it some time ago, about 40 days ago, iran's mining house was also opened there. the memorandums mentioned by mr. jamal , well, these are the things that have been done in this memorandum, but
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the process is very slow, which means that it is difficult for us as journalists to see the tangible results, and the afghan market is such that it cannot be said that it was a virgin market before. well, it was insecurity, and the afghans had more contact with us, and they were close in terms of language and neighborhood. countries as you can see, just 10 days ago , the prime minister of uzbekistan came to kabul to visit an exhibition of uzbekistan. before me, he was in azerbaijan. even at the border, just two or three days ago , the minister of foreign affairs of turkmenistan met with the acting minister of foreign affairs of afghanistan regarding various projects. speaking economically means that different countries have their own economy, in fact, their foreign policy. it is economy-oriented, and it
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had problems even with countries that had problems with uzbekistan regarding these helicopters that were sitting in uzbekistan when they crashed and were not delivered later, but now we see that it is working. it does, and sometimes you can see that now various issues between iran and afghanistan are sometimes fueled. i even sometimes say that i think that they are afraid of afghanistan in a way , so that we can avoid this market. yes, mr. javamed. there is a framework, there is a law in afghanistan that we can have extra-territorial cultivation there, we talked about a plan for this, yes, in this memorandum, one of the discussions is about extra-territorial cultivation, but with the type of view and culture of the afghan people, we are now looking for this. we are not sending labor to afghanistan looking for their workforce with capital and investment, as my dear mr. yazdani said, we will do it in afghanistan .
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afghanistan, we talked with its advisor and announced our readiness. yesterday , we spoke with the minister of industry of the country. let's get land and plant it and that's it. with this policy, we are going forward so that we can use iranian technical know-how, seed fertilizer and quarantine health issues. iranians, let us produce whatever was used there , let us buy the rest, why should we import from countries such as brazil or other places? we can create stable employment in afghanistan , and put the issue of immigration back in its place , that is, reverse migration even happens. we can also enter. the issue is not that we should leave them in afghanistan, we just want
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to export to them, what can we do, all the issues, what i said, light livestock , heavy livestock, animal feed discussions, all these institutions in the form of a package given to the afghan government by the ministry of agriculture of iran during the last visit of mr. mohajer, which one is very important. if possible, mr. mohajer had a meeting with the minister we were serving in kabul and all this was done. the main discussion that has started, something has been done, now a step has been taken, we are not satisfied, the truth has started, at least yes, it has gone into the form of a signed memorandum . it has started, but since it has not happened yet, we have this discussion about the exhibition, and for this reason , we have the view to take the agricultural industry so that this will come to fruition. they are more interested in this matter than us. we are now discussing the quarantine, and
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we want the friends of the agricultural sector to sign the quarantine agreement as soon as possible . the country of afghanistan should increase it a lot, because the main issue of afghanistan's imports is the issue of agricultural enclosures, and these agricultural enclosures have the issue of quarantine. a basic issue is the issue of corridors. what are the international corridors for trade and afghanistan? look at us with afghanistan 36 band or head of the season. for the discussion of trade, one of the topics is the use of transit capacities and corridors between the two countries. this coincidentally with the discussion that with the war that happened in ukraine, the geographical role of iran and afghanistan became far more important, that is, the discussion of 40 million tons of transit cargo. russia was one of the topics, a fundamental topic of using
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the capacities of iran and afghanistan for china to reach turkey and european countries . if we want to stay in the international corridors , we need to move ourselves first. let iran pass this is an economic issue. if you ignore other roads like the road, i forgot your name . from the turkmenistan side, no, what is this shiny stone? i can remember its name now.
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this happened in kabul, the meeting of mr. transit , so that we can bring the khafrat railway and a road to china, but unfortunately, this railway is now on the sidelines, so these friends can solve the issue and the railway will be ahead of us. we are looking for you to do this by god, that is, the afghan government has repeatedly told us to connect this railway to us. because if we want to use afghanistan's mines , if we want to if we want economic development to take place in afghanistan , the cost of carrying cash in afghanistan should be reduced . from here to the border, the fare is 20 dollars. for example, from dokan or mahirod to afghanistan, kabul is 70 dollars. it's okay for us, for all the countries that are
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importing, but production in afghanistan makes no sense if we are going to have sustainable employment in agriculture. to create afghanistan, we must really look at these things paying attention to your conversation with mr. siadat , let's talk again, mr. siadat, in fact, we have very little time. in our borders, both in terms of success in the return of immigrants project and in terms of being able to really increase our share in this market and earn income and create jobs and benefits for our people, we must be much stronger and more coherent than what we have been doing so far. in the
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afghan market, let's act on your orders, my dear young man it was the fact that we worked, but we are far from the desired point, and most of this responsibility is on the shoulders of government friends, whether in the transition sectors or other economic sectors . it should be maintained. if we want both the basis of suitable economic conditions in afghanistan and the share and the so-called amount of work to be appropriate, the fact is that a national will much more serious than the one that exists now must be created and we.
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we performed weaker both in the discussions of the transition and in the discussions of investment and joint works there is not much opportunity to make up for it. we hope that in the 14th government, with a more serious determination and an appropriate view, yes, thank you, mr. siadat, president of the joint chamber of commerce of iran and afghanistan. on the farahi border with afghanistan, it has been a month now that we have been waiting for what is the issue and what are the plans and what works
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are going to be done to see the end of this issue. my afghani, give me a hug mr. yazani's initial words are very short, very short , please let us discuss. we carefully check our own exports to prevent the export of low-quality products to afghanistan. now, sir , what do you say in the discussion of your manager? it is really a discussion that we should seriously pursue that our products are of suitable quality and what is consumed in iran enter the country. afghanistan, let's talk about transit . we had to reopen the transit due to the insistence of the taliban authorities . you know that we talk about transit and it has its own issues. it will be decided whether this will be taken out of iran or not. in the matter of fuel transit to afghanistan, we
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are on the side of a mafia, let's face it, with a mafia that put our whole country and afghanistan to work. this is exactly 6 months by 6 months. and check your reports. we have an accumulation of transit loads from iraq at the border of mahi rood. why is this fuel of poor quality ? afghan traders buy afghan fuel because iraq does not allow the afghan fleet to enter the country of afghanistan and iraq, so they use the iranian fleet. this iranian fleet is going there are some losses for us on that side. now , apart from the fleet, let me say this. one of our fleets is delayed over there. the afghan merchant does not allow it because of the poor quality of the material. iran's fuel niad. it should be smuggled into afghanistan, that is , it should be bridged from the point before the border, and the bridge should be opened after the border . in no way did my smuggling agent allow it. he said correctly that he did not allow this bridge
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to be opened inside iran. it goes to the other side. the quality of the bridge is low. an afghan businessman should do this let this go back to the origin in my country . i can't bring back mahir abu nasr, a fugitive in afghanistan. in a month , i will create a security problem for myself. 700 to 600 trucks there will come to the conclusion with the afghan authorities that they will empty this kind of stuff. it also has a high profit . he said that we gave him 10 days in a meeting with the governor fara's father in a meeting held by the respected governor of south khorsan two weeks ago. we said we didn't. now , the last thing we have to solve is that one or do transit because all the agencies have written to us that transit is prohibited in afghanistan, or if this transit
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prohibits the use of the iranian fleet in the transit sector, that will be collected . there is because they know that this is happening. yes, it is not their fault . it is not a question of fuel. we have mini-refineries inside the country that produce better fuel than this . i think that until this is resolved , a decision has finally been made. they always put pressure on us to go with the country afghanistan, let's talk about the business of a businessman . why should the government be involved ? you did business, you made low-quality fuel, you have to pay me. we are not joking with anyone in this matter. yes, thank you mr. yazni , our time is running out. it doesn't matter whether it comes from iran or iraq, but in the name of yes. yes, in the name of iranian fuel, it runs out in afghanistan, and every time they return 10 trucks, they quickly announce the return of iranian fuel to iran, of course, only
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in iraq. we don't have it in islamqola customs we went, 400, 500 of my afghan fleet were sleeping there, now it is not known where he got this fuel, no, in fact, this side of iran accepted it, and they were also staying at the same customs. in two stages, these were increased, for example, a thousand until now, more or less, later in the same refinery , there are refineries in afghanistan itself, yes, it was refined there once. and they gave them to the people, now maybe they are waiting for something like this, however , there is another issue related to the roads. pointing to the different countries that are now in the neighborhood of afghanistan , to build a road to the nearest city to the border, and finally reduce the cost of transportation . we have a road from gunrak abu nasr farahi to farah .
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i think he has been making ten for 15 years and i have seen trucks that go 100 km in 16 hours, so it was so bad. my report was prepared and distributed here . not much, as we mentioned during the program to expand business relations with afghanistan, i would like to thank the guests of the program who appeared in the program, and you, dear viewers, until the end. thank you for accompanying us . have a nice day.
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2:00 am
have a good time. welcome to 2 o'clock news. the first meeting of the supreme council of cultural revolution was held under the chairmanship of mr. the council's 40-year performance report and the handiwork document were among the issues that the president and council members reviewed. in this meeting , the interviews of the mayin council were discussed, the handiwork industry document was brought up, and also the discussion of interactions between national that we should have with the scientific centers of different countries , these were the topics that were discussed in the councils and in the announcement of the collection in this meeting, the main discussions that in this meeting, a report on the 40-year performance of the council was presented, especially this 3 -year performance during the period of shahid raisi in the field of great science and culture.


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