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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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it is not a threat to people, everyone can go to the senate , they can have it at home , they don't even have to go anywhere, they can go to the judicial system, they can be authenticated , and if someone goes and files a complaint against us unnecessarily. we should be informed so that we can defend ourselves. previously , this was not the case. sometimes people would be declared unknown, a lawsuit would be filed against them , and a sentence would be issued. laws of the seventh schedule, several rulings on legal issues and judicially announced and approved. it has come to pass that if
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it is implemented and implemented, these rulings will eliminate a large part of people's referrals to the food system. one of these axes is article 19 of the seventh plan. an axis whose implementation prevents people's rights from being violated by combining all notifications in one system. the end of voting was approved. non-judicial bodies that result in decisions, votes and orders. they must be notified in accordance with the laws or regulations, such as the branches of the government penalty organization, the tax dispute resolution board, are required to schedule their notifications from the beginning of the second year , if the oil person in the electronic notification system if the judiciary has a user account, send it through the mentioned system. the change in the method of issuing the certificate of monopoly of inheritance is co-axial, which, if implemented annually, is about 400.
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it reduces the judiciary by a thousand cases. as soon as someone dies , the monopoly of inheritance is issued electronically within 20 days after the death in the system in compliance with civil registration and security issues. reforming the process of paying damages in accidents that lead to bodily harm has also been considered in the 7th plan. in the judicial system, many of these cases do not need judicial proceedings, if this section of the law is implemented yes, the process will be very short and at the most one month to one and a half months, if there is no objection, the compensation will be received. the seventh plan has also foreseen several other legal tasks to reform the country's legal and judicial system, tasks that require the cooperation and
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coordination of various government agencies with it has a judicial branch and this coordination is part of the duties of the ministry of justice according to article 160 of the constitution. mehdi javadiar of sed and sima news agency. mr. rahimi , we talked about the sana system in the section. forgiveness goes back to judicial notices, part to other cases now. perhaps we can say quasi-judicial institutions, rulings that it is issued in different parts of the council , there are disagreements about the tax issues that we mentioned again in the abia department, article 100 of the municipality. the system of this type of notification and these types of institutions in the 7th program has assigned this to be done. they are not connected to sana'a. how much time do you think it will take? now, our judicial branch has to
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follow up on this. it has some considerations regarding the security of its own systems. these security considerations, these hacks that happen, this is important, but the authority is of the opinion that it should be done, it must be done, but the considerations of the law are also important, this is another issue , if this is a rip-off, yes, yes, this is why i have this law. the government also has this will, what should they do with those security considerations , which is my own, so that people's information is not copied , the people's judicial powers are very important, so there are two agendas, and there is only my law, how does this fragmentation help the people? what is their status as well as the court cases? article 10 the same way in tax , sometimes they know that the tax is not known at all .
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actually, balabian's eagle dome, which is basically a rule, is for me to be informed so that i can defend myself. if i am not informed, it is possible without need. this tool is very good, god willing, it will be implemented, we have to prepare the preparations, how long do you think it will take, the legal duty of the 7th program has specified from the beginning of the second year of the program, yes, that's why it said from the beginning of the second year, it means that it will happen that we should prepare the preparations during this period, we must try to make this happen, i said the most important issue is the security issue and connecting these systems to each other.
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the law of the program at the end of every year is a report to the body , so it is part of our plans. when we say that we are in contact, it is not just the meetings, this is part of this relationship .
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they can also participate in the government's procurement system, which is actually for transparency, so that all people know where the government's property that they want to sell is put. even if it is clear that some devices are still not connected to this system and in fact the headquarters, which is the procurement, including the registration organization, according to the legal obligation in the seventh plan, what is the reason ? i didn't ask about this, i don't know why the registration organization is not connected to this, of course they are in charge. the actions of the registration organization are now through the system, but why is it not connected to this? now, there may have been justifications provided by the headquarters system through the headquarters. they should be connected to the headquarters organization where it is now. they must be connected. they must have some considerations
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now, yes, but i don't know what the considerations were, but they must be followed up because it is the task of the program, except for the tasks of the ministry of justice, all the work that is possible. judiciary and related organizations are in the 7th program, they are all asking me about the explanation you gave in the first part, so the follow-up is part of my executive duty. if it has not happened , they will naturally ask your excellency again about this system. yes, and i have to answer and we must follow up that this is done .
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people, let's talk, i don't know exactly how much these 50 assignments are, some of them take 3 months.
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what is wrong with it and what is the task for the future has been determined. now the procedure is that if an accident happens, the traffic police will blame the case and report it to the prosecutor's office . an indictment is issued, the case goes to the court, a verdict is issued, how long does it all take? therefore, if we can do something about non-intentional issues so that the judiciary does not file a case at all and does not need to go to the courts , that is good. in general , it will take several months to receive a claim for damages . in the end
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, he wants to take money. therefore, in the 7th plan , the ministry of justice is required to write a regulation and after the approval of the head of the judicial branch, it will be approved by the council of ministers. if it happens by accident, even injury leading to my death, if it happened, from a simple injury to leading to death, if no one objects to the officer's theory, because sometimes the parties object , then the objection should go to the same court, the objection procedures should be handled, but if there is no objection, the medical examiner will determine the amount of injuries to the individual. it specifies that if there is no objection to it , there is no need to refer to the judiciary from the insurance side, from the side of the other parties, that is, in fact, it will be dismissed. first of all, here in the statistics, it said that 300,000 cases will be reduced, and then it will cause. other cases should be dealt with sooner how much
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will the case be made easier for the people? this is because it was very important . the seventh program is now in tower four. in fact , it has been finalized for a month and it has already become legal. we have written the regulations . the judicial branch is also investigating. the honorable head of the branch confirmed that we will go to the government and we will actually approve this . it helps that, in fact, the accident itself is an injury, it has an inconvenience, it's like an illness, it's difficult to treat, and these things go to the judiciary and the courts are added to it. it has reduced the time and the others must be paid at the legal rate. for some accidents, such as overnight accidents , according to the law, there is a 2-year deadline for them to pay the other, but we have also affected this in the regulations. the insurances must be paid at the full rate, so
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this helps people to get their rights sooner, of course, in accidents with serious injuries or if it leads to death, because the law provides that in addition to the payment of public punishment , the public part will definitely go to the courts to issue a verdict , but accidents that the injuries are less, that it is not public at all, to the judiciary at all. with this determination his excellency pointed out that it was done so quickly and sent to the food department, and on the other hand, the head of the judicial department himself emphasized that there should be fewer cases and that these procedures should be carried out. we should hope that this will happen soon. the law will be enforced , how long do you think it will take, with the existing follow-up , it took us a month and we prepared , now we have to consider the current conditions of rome, now let's give it about a month, i think. in the next two months, god willing, this will be implemented in the end of the year
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this is the reason why there is no need to refer to the judiciary. of course, the condition is that there is no objection, then there is an objection. you can be prosecuted. these are the cases where the parties have reached an agreement. they have that the amount of damage is so much injury and all that. well, another issue that is in the 7th plan is the decriminalization of inheritance monopoly certificate. yes, in the 7th plan , what will happen in this field? now, whoever wants to get a certificate of inheritance, someone will die and that's it. they should refer to the dispute resolution council now currently, they are requesting that they also conduct an examination of the circuit that wants to issue a certificate, and then you must have an interaction with the civil registry .
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in this way, as soon as someone dies, in fact , in the form of the civil registry, because he has all the information , who are the heirs of the person who died, he should issue this certificate, so that he can say that from the beginning of the second year of the program, there is a deadline for this. together with the civil registry, we did almost 90% of the work of the regulations , although we had a deadline until the end of the second year of the first program. this is one of the things that must be approved by the head of the judiciary and then approved by the government board. maybe within the next week or two , we will have the last meeting with the registration of some interactions . to be confirmed by the government , we hope that from the beginning of the law, from the beginning of the second year of the core inheritance certificate program
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, there is no need to apply. this is what the law of the program said. we also read the regulations we are writing about this issue because what is wrong with this issue, the current situation, the trend that is prevailing now, those who make this offer , well, now there is a need to refer, there is a need to apply , they must prepare the documents and take them to the body, while these are files for the judiciary will be formed now, of course, now is not the time to discuss it, it has opponents and supporters, some say that this is not a very good thing for the civil registry to do, in general, some people need it because it has become a law, and you accept the view of the opponents, they raise issues that the civil registry may not be able to handle. do it like what, assume, assume for example, religious minorities now
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have different inheritances, sometimes it is not clear in their birth certificates what religion they belong to, for example , we divide according to the civil law, if they receive an official document that the inheritance is divided in this way, if that minority has a completely different inheritance . for example , we may face challenges like this in practice, or sometimes we have in the civil registry that sometimes there are common names. if it happens in the future, it should be done if it happens let's find a solution for it, as soon as we can't see these issues in this regulation , for example, i'm going to register first, for example, now the issue is not here , i'm saying that we don't have these facilities, the registry says that i don't have the facilities, we should call for
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everyone to implement this statement, urgently, as quickly as possible. it can be done. those who have this proposal are in the parliament. it was done, these were not included in the government bill , well, we were the government that day, but it was done to speed up people's work so that there is no need for those requests , then it is issued to everyone, then it is sent to a series of authorities, whoever goes to it is already in the system. its advantages are more if it doesn't have any challenges , it seems like a good thing, but anyway we have prepared it. in the opinion of my opponents, it has become a law , it has become a law, and we cannot have a discussion of opposing and agreeing opinions. we are implementing it, we are preparing the preparations. very well, the next issue, which is one of the responsibilities of the ministry of justice, is about both the rights of citizens and the rights of children in both departments , please tell me separately what actions are being taken and what program you are following in the 14th government regarding the rights of children. justice , in fact, is the national authority of the convention on the rights of the child islamic iran has joined the united nations convention
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, and then with the issue of my government. for many years , the national authority for children's rights is the work of the national authority, so to speak , every year now it has a period to report the state of the country's rights in iran to the united nations. in the 14th government , we started the work and we want to continue that in addition to this report that will be sent on time , we will take measures for children . in the previous government, we tried to form complexes under the name of
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the joy of life complex in all provinces , in cooperation with welfare and justice prosecutors all over the country. the establishment of some provinces has given construction facilities and personnel to the life force, the judiciary has been established in these communities of love for life, all the devices that should serve the child after you and the orphan, from the judge who must give orders, from the social worker to the life who should be. of non-governmental organizations that they should help if he needs a legal advisor or a psychological advisor. all these are collected in the same complex of shogh zeghand and help to better manage the situation of orphaned children. one of the important things that has been done, which is being done in these districts, is regarding the handing over of unruly children to their families. according to the law, when
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such a child is actually seen , the prosecutor orders that he be placed in behzisi's custody or he should be himself. keep it according to the regulations , or you could give it to a series of centers that keep it collectively, but you couldn't give it to families. give except under the title of adopted child. an adopted child also has a difficult situation. someone wants to accept a child as an adopted child. it is a long process. one of the difficult conditions is that you have to put a financial property in the name of this child. there are many people. for many years, they were married and did not have children. love to raise a child. but i was in a hurry myself. i don't have anything in my situation to want to say something in the name of a child. but his qualification was confirmed. my income was enough to raise a child . his own life, which he can keep, temporarily, temporarily
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, he can give it to families, temporarily, not adopted children, adopted children, if possible, because of the law, he has to go through those conditions, so now you have seen a period for him temporarily. individuals and individuals are the same temporary restriction of the prohibition of the law. yes, we have received the reports that have reached me , you can send them to see if this is true or not, the report to the deputy minister who is in the deputy ministry of justice. their homes are temporary for the time being. now, if they find the conditions for adoption later , they will adopt them as children. if not, they will be under biological control . they will monitor them. they must have the qualifications. they have disabilities in these centers , the families may not want to take them as adopted children, but they are willing to temporarily take
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them in and take care of them. therefore, with a change in the mirror, in fact, the care of orphaned children in the 14th government became family-oriented. all over the country let's form courts with the cooperation of the judiciary. we have the same task of coordination, we do not have the task of implementation and the possibility of implementation, but with the same well-being and justice together, this was a very good action that we did. from the other side , the issue of emotional attachment, the emotional attachment that is created between the child and the parents, that temporary attachment needs a care. yes, you see, this was discussed a lot when we wanted to approve the mirror . we invited the experts. where is this temporary family in the living centers
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? how many nurses do they change day and night? at all , this child does not see the mother's embrace when he needs his mother's hug, because hey, he can be changed . incidentally, even if he goes to the first place, this is usually in families. they will go and become adopted children. later, the conditions will be prepared. even if it doesn't happen and he wants to come back, it is better if he has been alive for, for example, 3 years. that means the experts would confirm it, and even if that connection is created, they say that it will be very damaged at that time. those who need a mother's hug go to her the family of zamin, as i said, they usually become adopted children of the same family, that is , they provide the conditions, in any case, it is possible that the nurseries are empty, even we are planning for the older children to be only children.
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this kid needs to be taken care of. all this has been solved with a simple amendment of the mirror about working children. you have also taken measures regarding the working children of this complex. i love the life of my working children, who are homeless and poorly cared for. we are talking about working children. there are a number of them, these are the same people this includes the homeless, who are less likely. there are more people whose families send this, and most of them are nationals, unfortunately, those whose families do this due to financial weakness, are back in life with the coordination that has been done.
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they try to help the family, they take the child to the same family, they take a commitment from him that this child should go to school, he should not be on the street anymore, if he really needs money through introduction for work, sometimes their families are unemployed , sometimes they suffer from social problems. attitudes and these are, in any case, about this issue we did and entered, no, we also did the welfare of the judiciary with our various institutions. there are several institutions in this national council. there are several institutions that are members . it has started with a serious cooperation and interaction. please be careful, we have a little more than a minute to conclude, if there is anything left or an important plan that is in the works for the next 4 years, in addition to what we have talked about, please tell me.
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there are presidents who want to use all capacities and in their government, they showed their government that the national unity government they called used all tastes, all tendencies, all thoughts, and the point of view that they have is also the point of view that i saw in the parliament with this vote of confidence in the cabinet, which is also here , really from them. i would also like to express my gratitude to my servant for the kindness of the entire cabinet and the vision of the honorable head of the judiciary and the guidance of the supreme leader . people should touch this because these interactions are at the level of our words whatever we say, people say that we have to see it, that is honest service, especially when it comes to the economy and people's table. god willing, thank you very much, mr. rahmi
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, we have 30 seconds. okay, time is up. thank you very much, mr. rahimi, honorable minister. thank you for your presence in the first page program . dear viewers , have a good time ahead of you. god saver this is gymna publications. we always tried to serve you with the latest methods. and today 60% of your educational resources are supposed to be
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buy from this. let's enjoy the great iranian store in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in sarah afsariye. with the announcement at 4 o'clock, i present to you the news of this news section. the ministry of health of palestine announced the increase in the number of martyrs of the zionist military attack on the city of jenin in the bakhsari bank. on tuesday , at least 33 palestinians started to fight in the north of the west bank


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