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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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the investments we are making in this field are to have more achievements in the field of education , to reduce cultural concerns and educational concerns of families. to do it in the area of ​​its main mission, so we follow the daily and current issues and the priorities that we have considered , we consider this to be our most important and main mission, which of course may take time, we will patiently consult with ponder the accuracy of this delicate work, god willing god willing, a very important point that the supreme leader of the revolution pointed out very precisely was the issue of artificial intelligence.
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or have you reviewed, i added two axes to the axes of my programs in the education of his city, different from the previous ministers, one of them is artificial intelligence , metaverse artificial intelligence, augmented reality, added value , see, now you have a doubt. in fact, technologically and in digital terms, you have between what the students are facing and what we offer to the students. this gap is a very deep, deep and annoying gap for the students. therefore, if you see that the classroom environment is boring for the student because it is not updated, it is far from what the student is facing now. we do this
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in the form of a so-called fully written program to plan the infrastructure of artificial intelligence and this literacy related to this field in education should be formed precisely, but we cannot really achieve the necessary progress. we must design this in the heart of the program. let's take a lesson, if necessary , define a structure for it, if necessary , provide it with facilities and equipment, even hardware constructions , we will follow this seriously. the part that is detailed in our plans, now they have a team working so that we can, god willing , get into this issue immediately . the next issue is the economy of education. anyway , you know that education is an investment that has its outputs. the result
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is not very proportional to the investment we are making. we have to think about what we should do to balance our own incomes with our own incomes. she returns to her husband's economics teacher now, sometimes we need to pass a series of new laws in this area , sometimes we need to work on a series of key issues such as the quality of public schools. it is almost a concern of the general public . one of my most important policies is to improve the quality level in public schools. if we invest in this method, our achievements will increase exactly in proportion to our contributions and increase the productivity of the education system. we must use
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the capacity and assets that we have that mr let's use it to solve part of the teacher's problems. look, today we have a school in the best part of the city. we can build this same school by moving 10 schools. so why don't we do this? we can build one today attach a law in the islamic council that this law brings many stability and stability to the system. we are definitely thinking of generating sustainable financial resources for it, along with productivity, if these things happen, a so-called central core should sit down and think about this issue and plan. plan and see what to do with all the economic capacities of my country, god willing, i want to use it now. the livelihood concerns of teachers
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can be placed in the form of economics, education and training, and you can see the dispossession of this issue in the education system and nature. without these authors , nothing can be done. really, very good. thank you very much. if you agree, we will see a report about the renovation of schools . i think it will be the final part of the conversation. 1700 new schools are being prepared. for the beginning of the school year, mizoni said that the children will be settled in schools that are earthquake -resistant. the skeleton is concrete and above 8 wires , and it is equipped with new heating systems. the school had an old gas heating system, and
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now we have a central heating system. 1,500 students of stone, clay and mud schools, water pours down , and 1000 of connection schools. it was provided to the good students of the province. with the construction of these buildings, the number of schools will reach 15 thousand schools in the new academic year. we made 128 projects, god willing, for the government week, and i will complete 235 projects on our educational project, god willing. this year , we will deliver education to our colleagues and present it to our beloved students. with all these constructions , the educational space per capita in three provinces is still lower than the standard of the transformation document. the capacity of our classes is up to 40, there are three classes, each class
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has more than 40 people. 3 million students have been added to the student population compared to the last 5 years, and to reach the standard index of 26 students per class, 450 thousand classes are needed. it should be built new, for each student, 5 tenths of the space should be available to the students in the classroom, square meters, the reason is the concentration of population is in the big cities of our metropolis, by changing the use of surplus properties and completing 1,700 half-completed schools, 900 new classes will be added to the schools , those that need to be retrofitted and need to be demolished and renovated , however, 11,000 schools this year, there will be two shifts so that the classes are not overcrowded. thanks to the efforts of donors and jihadists in the field of school construction, 10 thousand billion tomans are going to be spent on school construction. amir hossein zulfiqari of sed and sim news agency. very well, mr. minister
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, what specific plan do you have for this topic? education see one of the problems that education has. it also struggles with the lack of educational space, which i think is pointed out precisely in this report. well , the average educational space per capita is about 5.285 shares, and this is with the standards that are in any case in it is considered 8 shares , there is a so-called meaningful distance. the 7th plan is 6th. yes, the 7th plan is correct
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. good things in fact, it turns out that i am here to really thank the dear benefactors. let me also mention the late salimi ashtiani who was one of the biggest benefactors of the country and these days the community of benefactors is really saddened by the loss of this great benefactor. in fact , we are increasing the capacity of benefactors in addition to the limited resources of the government anyway. you know that the resources are limited, despite the fact that the school renovation budget has changed a lot, now it is more than 11 thousand billion budget, for example, the schools of the country are being renovated. there are benefactors who have committed exactly this amount. now
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, besides this, the government has also set a budget for the participation of benefactors, and this is a very high capacity that we will do our best. we want to develop and increase these capacities. in any case, there is a problem with the educational space, but very good measures have been taken by our colleagues in the general departments of renovation in the head of the province and the honorable head of the renovation organization. you can actually help us in this area like before i mentioned the issue of productivity, see today , if we can , we have found a detailed road map, the legal basis has been prepared, and it seems to me that the productivity processes
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are a bit long, and we should follow up on this more quickly if we enter this field. let's find entry and remove the minor obstacles. in my opinion, the speed of realizing that per capita index may be much shorter than when we took into account the set of capacities that exist in the government. yes, you are a real estate agent now in education you can, for example, assume that you can convert it into 5 properties. it is easily located in the best corner of the street . we can move it and build it in another space . maybe it is not significant, but for this area
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, we will sit down and design a detailed road map with our friends in the modernization organization. right now , other organizations have the same capacities. from this revolutionary collection from this concern collection i am grateful that wherever there is a problem, today they brought up an issue that i came, sir. it is interesting that her husband also came and said, sir, i have come to sit down with you and solve the problem of kanksi schools. road map week, anyway , we will design this problem and, god willing, we will start and we hope that we will be able to give a proper system to reduce this issue to the minimum possible. well, in some places
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, it may not be possible. there are 3 students and mobile students, which means they move while moving they are going to go among the best, maybe it is the condo , now there is some need for equipment facilities , we are arranging this, and it was good news that mr. dr. fattah came today with his husband and himself to work hard for this. there are also capacities in other institutions that now, for example, in the field of conservatories, we are following the neighboring conservatories, that is, if you have an industry today , you have an industry in the field of machinery, in the field of petrochemicals, you have in the field of services such as agriculture. they are building a conservatory next to this complex they also train for themselves. the technical force is trained and they also
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provide a service to the education system. now, because there is no time, i really want to point out all these capacities. we have 10 minutes , doctor, and we have a lot of questions. we can answer a single word , we are teachers, after all, we can answer a tashrini as well as a test, your honor. now about the indicators. we talked about the 7th program, one of them is the ratio of students to educators, which is specified as 15. what specific program do you have there ? well, this will reduce that rate
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, which means it will bring us closer to that indicator. now , there are 80,000 troops in different sectors, a portion of which is in the field of primary education , a portion of which is in the field of technical education, a portion of which is in the field of secondary education, and a large portion. there are approximately 19,000 employment lines in the field. part quality we got an educational consultant and trainer, a physical training trainer and a health trainer, and these areas will make up for your lack, see this number. naturally, jamran does not make up for our lack, but it is a big step to reach that index that we should reduce . in fact, what is the ratio of your students, if any , is it enough for you? this is different in urban schools
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, different in rural schools, different in private schools, we have maybe more than 5 thousand schools. we can't close these with less than 10 people by the way, one of the honors of the islamic republic of iran is that this class is open. we have a school with one student and a school with two students. we have a school with two students together. we have an average number of students, and the density of students is the same. it seems different, but in my opinion, good things have happened and the capacities of farhangian university have greatly increased. and perhaps the most important support of the education system
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is the cultural university, which is a completely strategic mission-oriented university. it is important and vital for our education system that all our efforts are for farhangian university to improve both in terms of infrastructure and facilities and in terms of the quality of faculty members and student recruitment, and i hope that we will reach a day when all the education resources will meet the required human resources. education through farhangian university to enter the field of carpet education. competent, young, motivated, capable teacher with all the competence and professional qualifications of managers in different disciplines, at different times, okay. mr. doctor, some educators still object to the rating system and its implementation and believe that it is implemented incompletely. you will
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take care and this is one of our priorities. anyway, you know that i was still on the third day today. we started working on saturday 1st. we came to you early . we are very happy to see you. we must be aware of the concerns of our cultural colleagues. anyway , i am the representative of my teacher. i know myself as a teacher . i know myself as a soldier of the education system. i know in the sense that some people take me the credibility of our minister, but i am really the representative of the teachers . i am the voice of the teachers in my government. i am the voice of the teachers in my parliament. anyway, in spite of all the system geniuses who made a lot of efforts to get this rating to a certain place with the help of the government parliament, it is natural
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that a plan of this magnitude and extent with this right. the amount of human resources that you can count is 600,700,000 teachers there are some challenges and problems . we will definitely take care of them. they are on our agenda except for our priorities . we just have to formulate the regulations for their promotion , because now they have to spend the three or four years that they actually have to spend in one grade and at one stage. spending this time should be in your priorities right away. the least damage to the community of teachers from this area will be seen, god willing, mr. doctor . is it true that you negotiated with the supreme council of the cultural revolution for the past few days regarding the issue of entrance exams and the definitive cancellation of the effect of gpa? see one of the concerns that families have and reflect these days
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it is absolutely right for the members of parliament to raise this issue as one of their most important concerns, and i also said this, sir: i have heard your concerns, but you know that this resolution is a legal resolution of the supreme council of the cultural revolution. through various processes with very detailed expert reviews, this has been approved and communicated and implemented, but considering that the families have concerns , we must reflect the concerns to the supreme council . i am not the decision maker. in this constituency , the council is not the decision-maker it is a great cultural revolution and now it is legal, we all must be completely obedient to the law. and what the law has specified for us is the criteria of the staff, but this does not mean that if they have a concern about a definitive and applicable law, we
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will not reflect it. i will definitely reflect this issue on behalf of the families and the council the supreme council of the cultural revolution will also investigate and deal with it, and whatever decision they make will reflect our content with the supreme council of the cultural revolution itself. anyway, we can't interfere too much . now you expertly believe that this musa should be canceled, no, no, see, i don't have such a judgment, see, i don't have such a judgment, not even an expert judgment, no, see, i say this should be re-examined. we will deal with the issue and reflect on what the result will be. i am not in the decision-making and judging authority. the supreme council of the cultural revolution has a committee, a structure , a review process, and a review process. i am asking
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you to allow this matter in this media, as it has reached its own legal space. okay, no one can cancel this, i am sure that we will not cause too much concern at the level of the society and this needs an opportunity, god willing, in a calm and accurate atmosphere, if the supreme council of the cultural revolution deems it appropriate, in any case, the president will make a decision. yes, no one here, we can't really give an opinion as an expert, even in my opinion, because the group of experts should give an opinion, those who agree with this issue, those who oppose this issue , see its damages, see its weaknesses, maybe make a decision. get it right we can also have a prejudice let's see, anyway, all the effort was to remove mr. konkor, what should have been done to replace it, let the council decide about it, we
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have one minute, i will ask this for a very short minute. those who eat code 19 and 5 must be educated in writing and their central allegiance is an option that will be dealt with. what will you do with these students? there is a problem with the selection criteria. anyway, it's legal . it doesn't matter. look at the selection law sedasima has attached a law for education . we all must adhere to the selection law . no one can change the law. very well, but they will handle the teacher's protest. our friends promised to handle these issues more carefully in the selection of the public minister. in writing, any right to object is fully reserved and these objections will definitely
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be dealt with. thank you very much, sir minister, i have success for you, colleague, thank you for coming , thank you, thank you for watching, good night.
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zarwa al-dar, other than us, there is a limit to the martyrs, the injured, and the sick people like us, you are the ones who are under the burden of our sleep, the hour of bandur is under the burden of the lord. . isolation of israeli air force anzal mama kan ayesha tahunani or abu tajnani allah akbar. may god have mercy on you. may god have mercy on you
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. may god have mercy on you. the days of the missing abu, there are five days left in madinah, hamad and al-taqqina, the news of the martyrdom of al-madinah, al-halweh , see what happened in it, what happened in it, and see the death of haldemar and muhammad, and your death is the best of god, and the grace of the present and the rest of the arifs. a couple of itiklawah jews on al-hallab
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, we know about him, it is clear, alhamdulillah for everything, alhamdulillah. every day, i go out every day the place of nasharat is under al-swariq and under al-khoddar, i am the child of a small human being, i understand him every day, the place of lamkan is not a mystic, where is the soul, according to the words of lak aman, where are the gods, where are the gods .
5:58 am
renovate your home in a large iranian mansion with exceptional conditions and enjoy this affordable and special purchase. big iranian sarai in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only branch in tehran in sarah afsarieh.
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sarzdaran froudedeh habavaran and iman iman, imam of esteghlal. azad, the role of our lives , the martyrs wrapped in the ear of time, your cry, remain faithful and the bearer of the islamic republic.
6:00 am
good morning, dear viewers, with an announcement at 6 o'clock , i present the news of this news section to you. news sources on wednesday morning started the large-scale operation of the zionist regime in the cities of jenin , toul karam and tobas in the north bank. the zionist newspaper yedioth aharonot wrote that the operation in the north of the west bank will last for several days, and the helicopters and fighters of the zionist regime will also participate in it. zionist radio claimed that this operation will be the biggest operation since 2002 in this region. the palestinian ministry of health announced that at least two palestinians were among the occupation forces in the city of jenin west bank to shahad.


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