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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2024 6:30am-7:01am IRST

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big iranian sarai in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only branch in tehran in sarah afsarieh. in the name of allah, the merciful , the merciful, look at the rising sun. smile, say hello
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to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun , the pilgrimage day of agha imam reza, peace be upon him, the final journeys of our independence, the partner of iraq, this pipeline is the beginning of an endless road. if you are well, i invite you.
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stay with us with today's program, because the rain does not fall on the trunks of many countries, in the chaos of this noisy land, how are we doing? the sun is full of flame on your lips, whatever makes you smile , how are you doing in this cold and dreamless world?
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we run from the stairs. we are proud of the love that we have a song in our heart, a bright sun hidden in our soul, we are patient because there is a storm on the way. create a wave
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, we iranians don't live in a field, we are traveling in this world
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, we are building it, we are coming, and for some reason, the sun is shining on this city, there is a blue cloud in the sun. and the services of one of the
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active women in the field of education as a lady on balaek in the days of reza khani, the same days when the veil was removed from the heads of the daughters of muslim mothers. they used to live those days when it was difficult for women to go out of the house whether they were daughters or mothers, they no longer had a safe place in various social fields. after reza khan , the next shah, a little out of fear, gave way to the clergy, for example, the entry of religious scholars into the field of educating women, who had been far away from the atmosphere of learning together for a long time. and home meetings were formed , the planning of women's religious education was planned by ms. haddadian, the center of this activity was the women's meeting, as students were in our home, this meeting was held and the need was felt to be schools for girls. the first thing we do is to build a school.
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we have to train students and the first school is for girls with an approach in iran in 1951, he got a license to operate . in that new round, the educational system had changed , that is, there was counseling and guidance. they said that now the government gives you licenses, i am busy, they want driving schools, you can easily get a license. after the revolution , ms. haddadian's mission became more serious with the emphasis of the imam of the ummah on the issue of education. this great lady hastened to meet the god on arbaeen day. sometimes beggars from the managers who use their loved ones from their own studies and dare to make a bag as if their product is the result of their hard work. there is a lot of connection with each of them with their individual differences, knowing this, for example, a certain girl
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used to say this to my girl , she knew this, she has this feature, she likes this , now the girls who learned the science of love with her are mothers. this is the land and the builders of the civilization that was the dream of this lady knew that it was necessary to be in the community, they say that this will make them grow, and as you can see, most of the graduates that we have are definitely doing social activities as well as the fields that are suitable for them. it was important to lead the fields that must be women sima join us to see other moments of the sports section of today's program
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. mr. hosseini, hello, good morning to you too. in the name of god, i greet you. sports enthusiasts . good morning. good morning . we are at your service. from here, we are at the open space studio of the hello reporter program and we will review sports topics like every day. the sports group of sed and sima news agency will be with me this morning . morteza, hello, good morning, welcome. hello , good morning. the
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third team is supposed to start from tomorrow and there are four games in which fans are playing with tractors . tehran is playing and their press conference is actually the head coaches of the two teams today, with the fact that the head coach of the fans starts the press conference at 1:30 p.m., but skocchik, the head coach of tractor , has canceled his press conference because of the discussion of the flight and the team coming to tehran. well , my colleagues will go in two stages, one at 1:30 p.m. and our other colleague at 8:00 p.m. tonight to cover this news conference, and both teams will leave tomorrow. there is another game that we want now
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the most important thing to mention is the match between esteghlal tehran and esteghlal khuzestan, which will actually be held in ahvaz. anyway, the press conference of these four teams will be held today. in fact, there will be 4 games and two other games, such as rafsanjan, alemannium , iraq, and khyber. khorram abad with zubahehne , the press conference of their head coaches will be held today, and my colleagues will cover these pre-game conversations of the coaches in different news sections, but the most important event of the event, which is not actually a camp, is the camp of the handball team in actually , it is our teenagers who are in the last 16th stage of their camp of course, the last stage is that the team is going to be sent to jordan, because the tenth round
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of the youth handball tournament is going to be held from the 13th to the 24th of september, and anyway, it is important because four teams are actually eligible to participate in the world championships. the competitions that will be held next year 2025 in slovenia , i will get the license to participate in those competitions, and in fact, our junior team is training. there are 16 stages in the tournament the organized camp must have the conditions and we hope that they will get this permission to participate in the world competitions. we also have an event today , our women's cycling, which is actually a selection
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for the national team, and it is an important and important competition. the contenders to reach the doshkhrani national team ride together today, and in the end, the top players get the license to participate in the camp and the national team. we will go to these competitions and it will be one. i will just say that tomorrow, in fact, niro will start tomorrow. the first week will be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow , the army will play against morteza islamic azad university and the food industry.
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in fact, our representatives will compete in the paralympic games in paris
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. i am sure that from tomorrow we will have good news and medals from this source. certainly , we were always good in the paralympics and the veterans and talented people of our country will shine. my head is the pillow vali has. if i am not mistaken, i will give the statistics that i have and they are very wonderful statistics. a team means a team sport, we didn't have a team, so of course i went to the camp, which is actually one of the sitting volleyball camps. it became weak. in fact, not having a camp in mashhad
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was a lot, so holding a game in mashhad was not a lot of preparatory games for this team. but mr. rezaei , the head of the team, came back to me and told me that all the teams are proud to participate in the olympics and paralympics. we don't like it so much that this team won the championship. and he is only thinking about the championship . we hope that they will actually win the gold medal. inshallah, we expect from there are many good veterans and talented people in our country because we really believe in their abilities and our expectations are high and they themselves have caused our expectations
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to rise with the brilliance they have so far. the official form will begin. the good representatives of our country will start their competition in this event in paris 2024. we will definitely talk more about the field and the good representatives of our country with our colleagues in the coming days. i am grateful to dear morteza tenai and to you dear viewers you were with us in the sports section. we will return inside the studio. hello, reporter. we will be with you , dear mr. hosseini. thank you very much, mr. ghaffari , for you and mr. eizat pannah, the sports reporter of sed and sima news agency, but today and until the next hour , a ceremony to honor the memory of the martyrs of the month of shahrivar , focusing on the commemoration of the martyrs of rajaee and bahoner , is scheduled to be held in tehran. we are taking a look at the details of this the ceremony was attended by hujjat al-islam
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wal-muslimin, mr. seyyed mohsen mahmoudi, chairman of the coordination council for islamic propaganda and tehran province , haj agha. hello , good morning. hello and good morning to all dear viewers, and we send our greetings to all the dear martyrs of the islamic revolution, the martyrs who defend the shrine, the martyrs of health, the martyrs of security, may they live, god willing, please tell me about today 's program. the first day begins with the martyrdom of the brave martyr.
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there are those who are martyred at the hands of mercenary agents of hypocrisy, of course, dastardi martyr is one of the martyrs of shahrivar day, but he is injured and dies a few days later on the 8th of shahrivar, which is the anniversary of the martyrdom of the martyrs of rajaei and with art, the martyred president. our martyr prime minister, each of these martyrs have distinguished characteristics and indicators, which is interesting to say to both the appointed power and the judiciary, for the executive power and personalities who are waiting for the position of the clergy, the position of the bazaar and different classes in in fact, this is important, that is, if the strata to which these martyrs belong , it is very important to pay attention to these martyrs and the characteristics and lives of these martyrs
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. it is relevant. well, it is natural that we consider the commemoration of the martyrs as a duty, and the position of the supreme leader also keeps them alive in his famous sentence. having the nectar of memory of martyrs is not less than martyrdom with the programs that we can predict , we will always keep the memory of the martyrs forever. pay attention to these martyrs. but in a mass ceremony that will be held today, we will remember all the martyrs and the memory of the martyr rajaei and with art and the martyr ayatollah raisi and the martyrs. we honor the service of being the martyrs of the government today, god willing, at 9:00 am at refah cultural foundation in baharestan square, tehran.
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we have a special ceremony honoring these precious martyrs who are among the memories of the martyrs of rajai babahan . yes, the foundation itself is a monument of the martyrs , and it is also near the house of the martyr rajai, which is now a museum . the families go to see that a school president who comes is really so influential , what was his life like, what was his outlook, and what was his position in terms of belief and knowledge. let them become martyrs and we have to do this in their lives let's see, in any case, god willing, we have this ceremony there today, and considering that rajaee and shahid bahonar are two teachers, it's a pity that their martyrdom actually took place when
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schools were closed. they would have gotten to know these martyrs much better, but in any case, it is summer and schools are closed , although our education system can really define the program, and god willing, we hope that the speaker of today's ceremony, the honorable minister of education, will have a more serious input in this matter. according to the testimony of two martyrs and after actually introducing this minister your honor, i think it should be my first official speech, which apparently is my official introduction today, and this is blessed, god willing, for them who will begin their work in an official speech commemorating the martyrs of rajaei and with art, and in any case , god willing, we are hosting his honorable minister. it is predicted that it will be implemented, god willing. we have a ceremony at zahra tomorrow afternoon. well, the martyrs' tomb in 7 tad and behesht zahra is a place of pilgrimage for all lovers of the revolution. believers
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and lovers of the revolution will pay their respects in and around the tombs of the martyrs. therefore, tomorrow we will pay five and in the afternoon, god willing, we will offer flowers to the graves of these dear martyrs who are our dear people and those who are interested in beheshj zahra. come and pay respect to the position of the martyrs, god willing, very well , thanks to the efforts of the islamic propaganda councils in other provinces , ceremonies will be held in commemoration of these martyrs. there is the presence of officials in the preaching area of ​​the central mosques, friday prayers, paying respect to the graves of the martyrs. in golzars of martyrs, the content works done by some groups, including the national media itself and the media collection of virtual space activists is the work that will be done, god willing, and in the whole country
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, we have the mood of martyr rajaei and martyr with art and attention to these martyrs, and also martyr ayatollah raisi, whose memory is still alive. it is alive and eternal for us, in any case, remember this throughout our country. they have and will have and they should have, we have a duty , i want to emphasize this, don't let the officials ignore us, let's not ignore all of us in the positions we have , if today there is a wide table and we sit at a table, we sit behind a table and in this islamic system we are serving, to whom we owe and what blood has been shed, and next to it , the face of the hypocrites is exposed. it means that these hypocrites, who today still have enmity in a different way , continue, how can they look at you, the people of iran? you took these faces, these faces of the people, the faces of the servants from us and
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made them martyrs like this, or the mercenaries of the pahlavi regime who are killing the lives of the common people today, they want to make themselves popular in the eyes of the nation, like the martyrs of the soothsayers, the martyrs of the revolution era . how to testify in any case these are the opportunities to introduce the crimes of the pahlavi regime , to expose the crimes of the hypocrites. we must use this. it means that opinion leaders, writers, media owners, anyone in any position should not wait here for someone to give them an order. this is an inherent duty, a religious duty, a revolutionary duty, and we should know that as much as we can, we should pay more attention to these martyrs and introduce more of their lives, and have a practical example in ways and means. the character of these martyrs , god willing, our own success will be greater , god willing, from this point of view, the discussion is coming to an end and let us make a statement about the importance and necessity
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of holding such ceremonies , please tell our viewers, considering the distance that we have since the martyrdom of these martyrs. but after more than 14 years have passed, it is still necessary. please tell me why this is necessary. in commemorating the memory of the martyrs , the martyrs of the islamic revolution are the martyrs who went on the path of imam hussain, the path of ashura to karbala, and were martyred on this path. we didn't take a break for arbaeen, and it is acceptable to visit the pilgrimage of arbaeen pilgrims and this great saga created, i will answer your question with a question , why should we keep arbaeen alive, why should we keep muharram alive, why should we keep alive the memory of the martyrs of ashura, after all, these slogans of these martyrs, their slogans and their messages are forever the history of the martyrs of the revolution. islamic martyrs are
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on the way to ashura. walking in the path of imam hussain , walking in the path of the ahl al-bayt school of quran. may it be the way to go, follow this path correctly let's do it, in any case, it is a duty, a quranic duty, a religious and revolutionary duty, which in fact, we are the martyrs whose faces, the personalities who burn like the sun , who light the way and show the way , let their names live forever, one of the ways is this ceremony. one of the ways, let me tell you , is to go to the graves of these people. this is a symbolic work that should actually lead us to that goal, and we hope that we will be able to do it with these small steps that we are taking as a minister.
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imam juma of tabriz happened at the hands of hypocrites . these are strange, meaningful memories. in
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all these incidents were behind the case of the american regime . there were american agents who either directly helped or encouraged or at least turned a blind eye to these crimes. honoring and commemorating other martyrs of shahrivar at the same time throughout the country and in tehran , wednesday, the 7th of shahrib at 93:00 in the morning at baharestan square, people street, reta cultural complex and thursday, 8th of shahrivar
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at the name of allah, rahman, and rahim. hello , good morning. regime in the north of the west bank. this the media reported that this military incursion was named as operation summer camps and would be the largest operation since 2002 in this region. according to zionist sources, the purpose of this operation is to arrest the wanted persons and destroy the infrastructure of the resistance, and if necessary, the residents
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of the northern regions.


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