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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm IRST

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we are in the wake of the all-out attack of the zionist regime on the west bank, the intense conflict between the resistance forces and the forces of the occupying regime continues during karam. resistance fighters detonated several bombs in the path of zionist military vehicles. the zionist regime attacked the west bank and the cities of jenin, tubas and tulkam in the biggest operation since 2002.
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placed under complete siege. the zionist media announced that the purpose of this attack, which will last for several days , is to arrest the wanted persons and destroy the infrastructure of the resistance. so far, 11 palestinians in these attacks were martyred yisrael kats, the foreign minister of the occupying jerusalem regime, in a brazen statement called for the relocation of palestinians from the west bank and said: "any necessary action must be taken in this area." at the same time, the quds brigades, the military branch of the islamic jihad movement , announced the start of terror camp operations against the occupying forces. the palestinian islamic jihad movement has condemned the zionist regime's massive attack on the west bank. fully
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aware of the consequences of these aggressions. the resistance battalions also announced that hell is waiting for the aggressors. hosting the processions of north khorasan pilgrims of imam reza (peace be upon him). on the eve of imam reza's martyrdom, 23 processions are served to pilgrims in north khorasan province. i want anything. strong and loving hearts for the love of imam reza
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, i am 5 years old. they help to the threshold of friends from breakfast , lunch, dinner and accommodation . there is, and here they know, they can understand a tiredness . we are waxing the shoes for three days, why do we do this, so that people can go to imam reza with clean and tidy shoes, we love imam reza and we check their blood pressure every year. to be able to continue the journey with more energy . those who died in the trenches of service yesterday are again in the line of service today for the love and devotion of imam mehrabani. god willing , one day i will be able to go far with this dear one.
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in the name of god, noor al-noor, in the name of god, light on light, in the name of god, the great god is great, god is great, god is great i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god . i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god .
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allah is great, god is great, there is no god but god, there is no god but god. accepting your obedience and prayers , we will be with you at 12 o'clock, the director general of the youth planning and social development office of the ministry of sports and youth
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has announced the issuance of licenses for the operation of more than 60 specialized marriage and family counseling centers at the same time as the government week , mr. mehdi. motaghifar pointing out that the ministry of sports and youth is the only authority for licensing specialized centers marriage and family counseling is in the country, he added , this week the meetings of the psychological and behavioral competence commission of the managers of these centers will be held and the license of 60 specialized marriage and family counseling centers will be issued. the ministry of justice seeks to shorten people's time in the justice system, the minister of justice stated that the time to deal with injury accidents will be shortened, and he said that according to the 7th program , a regulation has been written so that people can get their rights
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sooner in these accidents. curfews for people at the moment also said that this is the right of citizenship according to the law of the program seventh, anyone who is banned from going out must be informed about this person. it is given that the condition is to have a senate system, this task exists for the judiciary and other institutions that are prohibited from exiting by law. now it is not complete for the shadow of the judiciary . he is informed every moment unless it is a matter of security which is foreseen by the law . after india limited its rice exports to african countries, sahel aj turned to the cultivation of a high-yielding type of rice, according to the network. sahel aj rice sector development authority has predicted that
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the country will become self-sufficient in rice production in the next three years. francois casillau, who is a farmer and grows rice, i can truly say that the rice crop we produce today provides us with nutrition. slow sahil aj hopes to reduce and finally end its dependence on rice imports from india and other countries such as thailand and pakistan by cultivating this new type of rice. according to haman, this type of rice is able to grow despite the frequent lack of water. with this kind of variation we have about the changes
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, but all these to the figures collected by it depends on the national institute of statistics. this entity shows us the level of consumption habits and types of food we consume. based on these details we will be able to take a good action. this institution predicts that sahel aj will become self-sufficient within the next 3 years. this variety allows you to harvest twice a year because the half- harvest cycle is only 18 days. but if
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nejadi of the united nations announced in a report after reviewing the records of england that this committee is worried about the continuation. and in some cases, the increase in hate crimes, xenophobic rhetoric and hate speech in this country. is racists in england falsely identify immigrants and people of color as responsible for the crises in this country. anti-immigrants and anti-islamism also raised the voice of the united nations. the extreme right last month with propaganda.
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the lies responsible for all economic and social crises in this country know that really. it is cruel, in the un report, the racist and xenophobic words of politicians and famous personalities in england are mentioned, and this committee has reported that there is a direct connection between the words caused by xenophobia and racial violence in england. a policy has been adopted in this country that completely it is irresponsible. the doors of this country have already been opened for immigrants.
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he mentioned the british police and judicial system and asked the authorities of this country to create a mechanism to investigate complaints about this. in my opinion, this type of anti-islamic and anti-immigrant attitude in this country is based on the words of some politicians. they are trying to blame all the problems of this country on muslims and immigrants. the national council of british police commanders announced that so far, nearly 120 people have been arrested and 703 people have been charged for taking part in the recent riots in real and virtual space. it has been cleared and the search is on for the rest of last month's rioters. according to official reports published in the people who
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have been arrested for their role in the recent riots in this country have committed crimes in cyberspace, and 51 of them have been sentenced to more than two and a half years in prison. mojtaba ghasemzadeh of the london broadcasting news agency. the end of this news section, god bless you.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful , i offer greetings and politeness to you, dear viewers, companions of the khabar network . stay with us until the first page. today , for the first time, members of the 14th government delegation met with the supreme leader of the revolution their own words say that the issue of justice is an issue that cannot be implemented with language, with pleas, with requests, with repetition, with threats, etc., justice needs implementation, it needs motivation, it needs to enter the field , it needs to be on the occasion of government week and what i mentioned. in this program
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, let's start the conversation from the first page of the meeting with what they said in the meeting with the government. first of all, if you have any other points about today's meeting , then let's talk about the issue of justice, which is always emphasized by him, including he asked this question in today's speech in order to realize the issue of justice, which is emphasized by the leader of the revolution, what are you doing and what is your plan? the implementation of justice is actually the ideals of the dear iranian nation, which has been realized in the constitution with the victory of the glorious islamic revolution, and the three forces, each of them, are in accordance with those duties and powers. who are moving to reach this goal. however, when we see in practice, sometimes the efficiency of this system
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and the institutions included in the constitution, in fact , it faces some problems. i think that this 37-year experience that i served is one of the reasons why our efficiency is low in some places. which is the same in the issue of justice, in fact , the actions of the institutions may sometimes result in an island , which means that the institutions are acting with discretion and authority. but it cannot be concluded, because it is necessary to actually make decisions. how effective is this issue in not really realizing justice? i believe that it is very effective, that is, the synergy of powers is very effective. this does not mean that
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each device works for itself, even if it works properly, so what i think, if we want, the order of the supreme leader. in the 14th government, we should increase the interaction of the powers, that is, we should synergize so that we can reach the desired result. now the ministry of justice has the most important task in terms of principle 160. this is the interaction of the judiciary with the government and the judiciary with the parliament, in fact, the most important. this is the job, and even the respected guardian council says that article 160 does not allow this, so the most important job of the minister of justice is this interaction, and we have decided , god willing,
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to increase the interaction between the judiciary and the government and between the judiciary and the parliament in this period . we can share a memorandum of understanding with the same one from the experience of the previous government we created a central working group in the center between the first vice president of the parliament, the first deputy head of the judiciary and the minister of justice. or a working group in the provinces , the deputy chief of justice of each province contacted the representatives of that province and the judiciary of that province, that is , the members of the parliament have a capacity that can be used to solve many issues in the provinces. and in the 14th government, we want to develop this even at the city level
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, so that the representatives of the problems in their constituencies can discuss with the officials of the judiciary. the cities put forward, we emphasize that we should not get too close with the heads of judicial branches, the honorable representatives, in order to solve the problems of the people and use the capacity of the representatives to solve the judicial problems of the people of their region . how effective was it ? what were the results? i told you that the formation of the working groups was very effective. the person himself
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the honorable head of the judiciary believes in this interaction . the minister of justice has a relationship. if the head of the judiciary does not accept the interaction, nothing will happen. above was very good. it was not bad at the provincial level , but it was weak at the city level. we used this experience that in the 14th government, we want to take this to the city level. more because the government does executive work the prosecutors are also doing their judicial work , they take an action, sometimes there is a conflict , they go to the inspection organization, prepare an inspection report , they are doing their own work, there may be an obstacle sometimes, the administrative court of justice, the complaints that
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people make about the government's decisions are processed there . they issue that there may be solidarity. in the 13th government, we formed a working group to implement this interaction, with the presence of 5 people, the first vice president, the first vice president of the judiciary. in this working group, we take challenging issues and find a legal solution for them, so that wherever problems and these issues should be clarified in the newspapers and media between the judiciary and the government in that working group, it would be investigated and a solution would be found in the 14th government. governors and heads of justice the governor is the supreme representative
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of the government in the province. the chief justice of the province is actually a representative of the judiciary in the province . they have independent duties and authority and they exercise their authority. the government has decided that at the same level. let's develop the interactions. it has happened so far, but sometimes it has happened that these clashes, therefore, the development of interactions in the 14th government between the judiciary and the government and the judiciary and the parliament in order to achieve justice. the government has all the high officials of the judiciary to congratulate them on the week of the government in the presence of the honorable president of the judiciary. they come to have a joint meeting with members of the government.
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we got the 13th and the will that is in the person of the honorable head of the judiciary to interact both with the parliament and with our government in the 14th government of onur , my doctor, the motto is interaction, they are the main point of the discussion. all with the powers of the parliaments , in the same way, mr. dr. qalib and the honorable representatives, i think that the interactions will be very good and we will be able to benefit from the synergy that i said, if we act in isolation, we will not get results, god willing, we will use it to implement justice. let's see each other. we will come back with the continuation of the program. i am with you. i am a judge from the 38 years of service of amin hossein rahimi, the minister. judiciary of the 14th government, the minister of justice, whose main job according to article 160 of the constitution is the relationship with the judiciary and the parliament, and the relationship between the judiciary and
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the government. our plan is to bring this interaction to the city level in the 14th government . mr. rahimi, who has the experience of the ministry of justice of the 13th government , said about the programs followed by the ministry of home affairs in the last 3 years, we submitted 41 bills to your parliament. the question is, no minister has so many bills, so our bills are ranked first, and then the parliament has dealt with them. then you run away it affected the livelihood problems of judges and employees of the judiciary. our employees, whose salaries are very low , cannot be said at all, and i am ashamed of them. but our judges, the judges who are new to work, are busy, they do not receive as much as their house rent. therefore, it is the duty of the minister of justice. the minister of justice also emphasized the functioning of the government penal organization. supervision of this organization requires everyone's interaction. now, you
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brought a ruling in the program law where you said that it is forbidden to set prices for goods except those that are directly subsidized. now if the price it was banned, what does tazirat deal with? we need to fix this. but the transfer of prisons outside the cities was mentioned as one of the other plans of the minister of justice in the 14th government. without wanting to get a budget from the government, by selling the prisons in the city, it is possible to transfer at least 50% of the prisons that are a priority during the program, and finally, mr. rahimi emphasized that the duties of the judiciary will be fulfilled with the interaction of the majlis government. . considering more than 50 tasks for the judiciary in the seventh plan. when my friends said that i did not appear in the program, you brought it by chance all of these regulations require that we have to be in touch with them, some of them we have to write at all, some of them
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. what you raised in the parliament and sometimes in the speeches of the honorable representatives were in the confidence vote of the ministers, especially the issue of the ministry of justice, which you have been talking about for a long time. let's start with the prisons in the cities, how is the situation now, how many prisons are still in the cities and what is your plan for this issue, which is required in the law of the sixth plan and even an independent law under the title of moving prisons outside the cities that the prisons that are inside the cities should be they should be transferred outside the cities. well , there is no need to explain the harms of inner-city prisons. everyone knows that they are really harming
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families. for the people, the prisoners must be moved, but in the previous laws , he proposed a solution that was not practically applicable because he said that you should sell the prison , put the money in the treasury, then transfer this prisoner, so we will sell the prison. where should we steal the treasury, where should we take the prison, it was practically not enforceable , that's why when was this law, this is in the 6th plan, of course, yes, in the 6th plan because of this process, because it was difficult , we were able to transfer very few prisons, but thank god, within the last one year, this regulation of productivity, which was approved by the economic council of saran , has given permission to clear, exchange , and move. and the prisons organization was the first institution that came, now we also helped as the ministry of justice, the honorable head
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of the prison organization and the order given by the honorable president to give authority in this regard was very effective and to try for a memorandum of understanding between me and the minister of economy and the head of the prison organization it was done and all the prisons identifying the prisons that are inside the cities and the cost that is required if we want to build a prison instead of them, how much is the cost , how much are these themselves worth, because production is the only way we can sell this, thank god for all the preparations. the work has been prepared and i think that with this authority that we got from the production board, all the permits have been completed, we can move at least half of the prisons inside the cities to outside the cities during the 7th plan. all the work has been done, building the prison, selling these things, it all takes time
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