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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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it's tiring to have no objection to it, whether it's from the insurance side or from the other parties , there's no need to go to the judiciary at all, which means it 's actually food poisoning. first of all, here in the statistics, it said 300,000 less, more cases will be reduced, then it will cause other cases to be dealt with sooner. let this case be the last one, how much will it be made easier for the people? because it was very important, the seventh plan has now been put in tower four. it's been a month since it became legal. we wrote the regulations. yesterday, i signed them and sent them to the judiciary. now the judiciary is also reviewing them. kenan, the honorable head of the authority, who confirmed that we will go to the government , we will actually approve this. and the courts are also added to
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it, it has reduced the time and the other has to be paid at the legal rate. for some, because for accidents such as overnight accidents , according to the law, there is a 2-year deadline if they want to pay the other, but we have also affected this in the insurance regulations. they have to pay the full rate, so this helps people a lot, which is actually sooner they should get their right, of course, in accidents with serious injuries or if it leads to death, because the law provides that in addition to public punishment , the public part will definitely go to the courts to issue a verdict , but accidents with less injuries, which are not public at all, will go to the judiciary at all. it is not possible with the insistence that your excellency pointed out that it was done so quickly and sent to the food department, and on the other hand, the head of the judicial department himself insists that there will be fewer cases to go through these procedures. let's hope that
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soon this law will be implemented, you think how much time will it take ? it took a month for us to prepare it . ok, finally, very well , there is another point in the field, no, this is the same, no, this is not the same , there is no need to refer to the judiciary, of course , the condition is that the protest.
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he dies, and to be honest, they should go to the dispute resolution council right now and request that they also do an investigation, they want documents, and then they issue a certificate. in this context, now in the law of the 7th plan, it is said that it is no longer necessary for the author to issue a civil registry in such a way that as soon as someone dies , in fact, in the form of a civil registry certificate. the person who died has all the information , who are his heirs, he should issue this to him, of course, he said that there is a deadline for this from the beginning of the second year of the program , and we have to write the regulations together with the civil registry. second , we had a deadline for the program. this is one of those that must be approved by the head of the judiciary and then approved by the board the government will come to us, maybe within
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the next week or two , we will have the last meeting with the registration of some interactions to do the work, this is all a system, and then we will send it to the government for approval, which we hope from the beginning of the second year of the program, as the law says. there is a certificate of inheritance . in fact, there is no need to apply. the registrar itself issues the same photo certificate. after that , it issues the certificate of exclusiveness of my inheritance. it automatically goes this way. yes, this program law said this. there is a need to refer , there is a need to apply, they must prepare the documents and take them to the body these are the cases that are being filed for the judiciary. now , of course, this is not the time to discuss it . there are opponents and supporters. or that
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it is possible to register the exact hawal now, but it is legal because it is against the law, you accept this , they raise issues that are not clear, for example, what religion do they have, we divide according to the civil law, if they then provide an official document. it happens to them that the inheritance is divided in this way, if that minority's inheritance is different at all, i will give an example such challenges. in practice , we may deal with it, or sometimes we have in the civil registry that sometimes there are common names, it is not known whether it is a girl, a boy , a woman or a dead person, this common name is not written there either , sometimes we have something like this that is not recorded in the civil registry records, so the inheritance of a woman is different from a man, why write something
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like this challenges may arise in the future, and if they do, we will have to find a solution for them. urgently, this law cannot be implemented . now, the civil registry, for example, i will say. let's let everyone declare that this will be implemented as soon as possible, that it will be done quickly. they are the ones who made this proposal that was carried out in the parliament. these were not included in the government's bill. well, we were in that government, but to speed up the work of the people so that there is no need for him to make demands . everything is exported, then it is sent to a series of authorities, whoever goes there is in the system. it has more advantages if it doesn't have challenges . it seems like a good thing, but in any case , we have prepared it. in the opinion of my opponents, it has become a law and it has become a law. well, the next issue, which
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is one of the responsibilities of the ministry of justice, is about both the rights of citizens and the rights of children in both departments , please tell me separately what actions are being taken and what program you are following in the 14th government regarding the rights the child of the ministry of justice is actually the national authority of the convention on the rights of the child , the islamic republic of iran has joined the united nations convention, and then with the help of my government , the national authority of the rights of the child has been the work of the national authority for many years. report to the united nations in iran. this one of the main duties of the national authority for children's rights, however, we started working in the 13th government and now in the 14th government, and we want to continue to take measures
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for children in addition to this report that will be sent on time. they have a duty, especially now for children who are exposed to abuse, such as orphaned and abused children. in the previous government, with the cooperation of welfare and the prosecutor's office of justices all over the country , we tried to form a complex under the name of shogh zegend complex in all provinces . it was formed in one third of the provinces and some provinces judiciaries have been given facilities, the rest of the institutions have been established, some provinces have been provided with building facilities and personnel, the judiciary has been established in this community, the zest for life, all the institutions that have to serve the ill-behaved and orphaned child, from the judge, who must give orders, from the social worker to life, which should be one of the non-governmental organizations that should help, if a legal consultant is needed , a psychological consultant, all of these
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are gathered in the same shogh jesen complex and help the situation of orphaned children to be better managed. one of the important things that was done work is being done on these complexes regarding the handing over of orphaned children to bad families, according to the law, when such a child is actually seen, the prosecutor orders him to be placed in the custody of behzisi, or he should be kept by himself according to the regulations, or he could be given to a series of centers that are they keep a group, you could not give it to families except under the title of adopted child. an adopted child also has a difficult condition. anyone who wants to accept a child as an adopted child has a long process. i have been married for many years
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, i couldn't have children, i wanted to raise a child, but i was in a hurry, i didn't have anything in this situation, i wanted to do something in the name of a child, but my qualification was approved, my income was limited. he was able to raise a child. we took it and revised this regulation. we said in the government that this is up to his own life , which he can keep temporarily. so now you have seen a course for him temporarily, how many years, how many, no, no, we didn't have any he doesn't have time, so if the child now takes the same temporary restriction, that legal prohibition, yes , we have removed the reports that have reached me, you can send them to see if this is valid or not , report to the deputy who is in the deputy of justice, said the majority of shirgah. it's empty , people come and take these children to their homes on a temporary basis. for now, if
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he finds the conditions for adoption later , they will adopt him as a child. if not , they will monitor him . they are keeping this child by himself some children have disabilities at all, in these family centers, they may not want to take them as adopted children, but they are willing to temporarily take them in and take care of them. therefore, with an amendment to the constitution, in fact, the care of orphaned children in the 14th government has become family-oriented. we want to develop this , community. let's form the joy of life throughout the country in all jurisdictions, with the cooperation of the judiciary and the welfare, we have the same duty of coordination regarding the rights of the child, and we do not have the duty of enforcement and the possibility of enforcement, but the same well-being and justice together, this is a very good action that has been done. we gave it from the point of view that its effects were evident, that the nursing mothers were also empty, but from the other side, the issue
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of the emotional attachment that is created between the child and the parents, that temporary attachment requires a care . we invited the experts and they said, look, what's the difference now, if we don't see this temporary family, where is he in the centers, in the living room , at night, until the nurse changes, this child at all . when he needs his mother's hug , he doesn't see her because he can change. incidentally, even if he goes to the first place, these usually go to families. the adopted child will go there later , even if it doesn't happen, but he wants to come back , it is better if he has been alive for example for 3 years , that is, the experts confirmed that even if that relationship is created, he will suffer a lot here , when he needs a hug. the mother is going to the arms of the family. in any case, this possibility
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became available for the nurseries to be empty , even we are planning for older children, just any child who is unattended and badly cared for by the family that wants to take him and raise him , this makes it possible for the children better support let's say that the question in the previous section was that this temporary adverb has a specific time frame. he needs to be taken care of. where should i leave the child? therefore , we have temporarily solved all of this with a simple amendment to the law on working children. and at your service to
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support them, there are a number of them, these are the people who are subject to this, the homeless , who are few, the majority are those whose families send this, and most of them are nationals, unfortunately , those whose families do this due to financial weakness let's go back to life with harmony efforts are being made to the family. he should not be on the street, if he really needs money , through introduction for work, sometimes their families are unemployed , sometimes they suffer from social harms, addictions, etc. , in any case , we entered into this matter and we entered, we coordinated the welfare of the judiciary with the complex. various our several devices this national reference council several devices. it has started with a serious cooperation and interaction , and it will not be abandoned, but hey, we will collect this
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once, because unfortunately most of them are atbata, we have a little more than a minute to summarize a point. if there are any remaining or important plans that you have in your rasul in the next 4 years in addition to what we talked about, please let me know . and in their government, they showed their government that the national unity government they called used all tastes, all tendencies, all thoughts, and the point of view they have is also the point of view that i saw in the parliament with this vote of confidence in the cabinet that is right here. i really thank them for how kind they are to me, according to the whole cabinet and my view honorable president of the judiciary and the leadership of the supreme leader, i very much hope that in the 14th government, the result of these understandings and interactions
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will be honest service to the people, so that the people will touch this, because these interactions are as much as we can say whatever we say. people say that we have to see that it is an honest service , especially when it comes to the economy and people's anger. god willing , thank you very much, mr. rahimi. we have 30 seconds. if my friends tell me that it is less than a minute, i think that the time is less than 30 seconds. it's over. thank you very much, mr. rahimi, dear minister, for your presence in the safah program first of all, i would like to thank you for your attention and companionship , dear viewers, have a happy hour ahead of you , god bless you. the eighth open day of tehran university was held. a good university will definitely help us
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to develop the country's infrastructure in a better way. i am very interested in mathematics and i like it very much. i am interested in mathematics and other engineering and technical fields . you are going to study with your son in the university this year . what do you think? god, i am very excited that you and your son will be admitted to the university in one year . thank god, i was able to get a doctorate in management media of tehran university, i am accepted at the same time my son , god willing, if you choose tehran university , we can study together in the university, i myself major in social communication sciences. i really like social sciences and humanities . students, along with their families , got to know the academic fields and this university. the field is your interest and ultimately your career path is with the field, and the university also helps to perform better in that career field. i studied with quality. only biotechnology university of tehran. the playground
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should be provided to students rather than children do not be one-dimensional. i think it's enough to be able to lead us to those goals that keep the space well so that the student is really studying. this event was held with the aim of familiarizing students with different faculties and university of tehran. university of tehran is one of the oldest universities , it is one of the best universities in iran, and the goal of anyone who is studying as an entrance exam student is definitely tehran university. i held a conference on the ranks below 1000
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or actually the ranks above 9500 and it is for four fields. it was interesting to me that we all can. different types of people in different fields . after working hard for a year, i fell in love with psychology and i really enjoyed it so much that i felt that i was made for this field. first of all , i am full of hope and that, for example, you are going to be in the best university, according to the song of the university itself. tehran is the cradle of science and iran. i want to come and study. the field i wanted to study was electricity and telecommunication electricity, and well , their professors were mothers, and well, they all studied at universities like the top universities in the world. this is very important for me, it can create a good educational environment for the students, and it can also create a good job guarantee and a good future. in this conference, in addition to introducing
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educational, research, cultural and welfare facilities of this university, there is a report from reliable statistical sources. it was said about the degree of satisfaction of graduates from the field, professors and university. choose courses in tehran university that are more compatible with their interests, abilities, and the career they are interested in. our goal is that these students actually get top ranks let's get acquainted with the conditions of tehran university, with the services and programs that are offered in this university, the fields that exist in tehran university and the facilities that are considered for elites and top students of tehran university. the balance and report cards of the students are specified. they observe which university to study in which field. sed and sima news agency's smile.
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the prime minister's office of the islamic republic of iran in the 1960s in the history of the islamic revolution is a reminder of the bloody days of the iranian nation before the victory of the islamic revolution against various groups. they were placed on the government of muhammad reza pahlavi and these groups after being successful the islamic revolution was looking for a share. one of these groups is the people's mojahedin khalq organization, which, with
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marxist thinking, sought to rule its own view on iran's political structure. the members of this organization, who had gained influence in the country's executive bodies with bani sadr's company , initially assumed the responsibility of confronting the critics of the government. the position of the president of the people's mojahedin organization faced a political bombast. this angered them. the same, but we want you to understand
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that we will start by beating our chests like before the revolution. we will burn tires in the streets. we will do it. i said that you are wrong. you are not the opponent of these hezbollah children. i said that when you were burning tires, people supported you because the whole country. he agreed with the revolution, so not supporting you in opposition to the shah accepts them, but now they don't. i announced my readiness. with the coming of the next government headed by mohammad ali rajaee, the hypocrites will have the possibility of influencing the decisions of the executive branch. they saw that it was lost, that's why they were afraid of an opportunity to attack the government after bani. they will enter sadr, finally on the 8th of shahrivar 1360, while not even a month had passed since the presence of martyrs rajaei and bahoner in the government, a bomb explosion
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in the prime minister's office ended the work of this revolutionary government. the choice of a smart person is insurance day with the visit of payment in cash and photos, there are all sorts of ways to receive a roof and pension with life insurance, we will take his bag, issue car insurance.
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1:58 pm
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instead of a container. it makes it dirty. it was a good question . i said there is a problem. why don't you buy household appliances from the city? unfortunately, no. unfortunately, no . why should you buy from the city? household appliances city.
2:00 pm
hello, welcome to the half-day news. president welcomes the national leader. turkmenistan emphasizes increasing trade relations and discussing issues one area in the meeting of gurbangholi berdimohamedov with mr. bezikian, the president's emphasis in the government delegation is to curb inflation, promote production, and govern properly in the cyberspace. mr. medzikian in the joint meeting of the government and the judiciary.


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