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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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you see, i was in contact with him almost once a week. after all, because he was the main member, he, other friends and organizations and unions. i told him to hold the pricing council meeting as soon as possible. even about 45 days ago, i called their service and said that it is getting late to arrange a meeting of the pricing council . this shows that we introduced two colleagues, in addition to the fact that if these friends were looking for work , finally, now the parliament has done its work with some delay in the discussion of the commissions, as soon as the board of the chairman of the specified commission quickly introduced the people, that is, the next day, the letter was sent to the ministry of agriculture. and my emphasis is on this, see
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mr. hashemi, they themselves know that in addition to the fact that two members of the commission attend my pricing council, i also come many times, that is , i try to attend all the meetings , so basically there would have been no problem. a meeting should be held and a decision should be made. yes, yes. what is this guarantee of implementation that at least next year we don't have a meeting like this at a time like this , we will have the same pisai discussion again, right now it has not been held. an example of abandoning action, now we have written a letter to the trustees and executive agencies of the inspection organization and the judiciary should be followed by the honorable government itself. both the previous government and the current government should
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show sensitivity towards this issue. even one of the officials tweeted, one of the officials saw me and said i am complaining. we introduced it to the regulatory and judicial authorities. i said, "you are sitting in tehran , you don't know about production. you don't know that our hardworking farmer , our wheat producer, is in debt today." the wheat production inputs are enough, the fertilizers and poisons have already been taken, but he still hasn't been able to pay for the new year. he has to go and borrow. what should he answer to these issues ? thank you very much, mr. askari, mr. moayedian . let's not be coincidental, how many other institutions
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are responsible for the ministry of economy, finance and organization of the bonjai program, of course, i would like to emphasize again that we invited and followed up on the participation of the program and the answers to the questions we are asking our guests and the answers to the questions that the farmers have in the first report of the program we have seen each other, but not agreeing to not appear in the program, of course , there is a 15-20 minute time frame. again, this opportunity is provided for them to come and present their explanations. mr. mehidoon, if you allow me to read nasl qunun before i talk about the guarantee. in the note two of the amendment law on the purchase of products, it is stated that council meetings are held at the invitation of javad agriculture minister and are formalized with the presence of the majority of members. its approvals are valid with the absolute majority of the members present. so now, even if even if the so-called parliament co- representatives means two representative representatives. did not
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ok, yes, those 9 people are the absolute majority, because they are 50 to 1, and we did not have any restrictions on holding the main meeting, as mr. dr. hashemi also said, the main story of price determination happens in the meetings and specialized commissions of the shura secretariat, and cooking, if now they say that there is only one meeting held since khordad, which was held with the majority according to the explicit text of the law. in the so-called formation, its approval is valid. this is from the discussion of the guarantee meeting. we have an old issue in this law , which i mentioned was approved in 2019. since then, we have also discussed the implementation guarantee of this law in the parliament. we used to bring up the meetings when this law was being drafted, and later we brought it up to the dignitaries at the time of the agriculture commission. unfortunately, this is one of the few loopholes
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that is now among the few loopholes that this law amending the purchase guarantee law has is pricing, which is really a guarantee for implementation. with this price determination, there is no price announcement. there was a suggestion in the same year 99 that if the government , since it is responsible for the ministry of agriculture, should hold the council meeting, if it postpones it from now on , there should be a trigger mechanism, so-called legal context , in such a way that the council itself is the parliament itself. council islamic agriculture commission should be in charge of this issue and hold the meeting with the same combination as in the law. there is, and these specialized discussions should be done with those members and the price should be applied and communicated . unfortunately, this was not included in the law . at that time, there were either legal discussions or the dissatisfaction of our legislators . for many years, that is, in the first
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year of the implementation of the law in the twelfth government , the president opposed this council to be a decision-making authority and announced it late, and now there is some delay. we had, and in the so-called later government, sometimes we saw that the ministry of agriculture, well , you showed the statistics, sometimes it announced this with delays of several months and it caused disruptions, so we have a loophole in the law itself. there is a guarantee for him in a serious way. now that we do a follow-up from the supervisory institutions and supervisory bodies, it is an issue and now. let's give up the verb and all this , which will fall into a process that will definitely not reach the current chapter, but that we have a so-called direct executive guarantee and a trigger mechanism that a replacement institution if for whatever reason, the government now wants to change the government, i don't know
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if there is a change in the parliament, the introduction of a representative , for whatever reason this did not happen at the appointed time, there should be an alternative and legitimate body to determine the price. and announce it and the government board has to announce it and it will be considered as the original resolution and the work should not be disturbed, the management of the farmers will not be delayed to kill them. another point that is sometimes said and criticized is that other ministers who do not participate in the 11 themselves sometimes their representatives participate. you were also in the secretariat. some experts say that the meetings become formal in some way. or the representatives are present after the decision is made, now the budget program organization of the ministry of economy will apply their opinion later, the work there will get stuck and the payments will be difficult . see how difficult it is. that the current law and the current situation and the current pricing council
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are much better than the previous situation, which means that before, other people used to make decisions. now the ministry of agriculture has some javad. he makes a decision, but there is this issue, well, the ministers must be present and send a representative. again , in my opinion, this is not a very negative point. the negative point is that the decision that is made is now a formal meeting. the meeting has its own formality. obviously, the detailed expert discussions that mr. dr. hashemi himself is involved in every year , due to the legal status that they have in those specialized commission meetings, are discussed in detail in several sessions. farmers are present among the dignitaries themselves , it is from the government and they reach the price in the main meeting in the official form of that legal dignity and real approval according to the law. it will happen, but the issue that the program organization wants
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to implement in the budget allocation for the next year, it wants to apply it in the provision of the budget, these are issues that we were obliged to deal with in these years as well. let's meet shaukti together and come back. the guaranteed purchase price law for basic agricultural products should have been determined at least 3 months before the start of the new crop season. it will be announced soon , god willing. see when the government wants to announce the wheat money , how many kilos it wants to take from the farmer let's make a book and see, with this situation, the price of wheat , the price of goats, the price of manure, black manure, which cannot be found, and the current expenses that we have, the task is to determine whether it is economical to plant or not, we do
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not know whether to plant or not, the prices have not been determined. shall we plant wheat or not if by the end of last week it has been shown that every time the review and pricing of basic agricultural products including wheat and oilseeds have been done on time, in addition to increasing productivity, it has created motivation and planning among producers and farmers. is the law when the legislator enacts a law, he also oversees its implementation. agricultural product pricing council is established in the ministry of agricultural jihad. let's
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establish the government as soon as possible, probably after the week, because it is very necessary . the price will be announced soon. now it depends. the meeting must be coordinated. the meeting must be coordinated. well , not everything is coordinated within the organization. some ministers must coordinate the meeting with the government itself. it takes time, that's why they can't. but we are ready from this moment , our drafts are ready and opinions have been taken , the meetings will take place, god willing, in the coming days. we also announce that the new cropping season has started in the first week of september, but the pricing council for basic agricultural products has not yet convened a meeting to determine the prices. alireza shoukti of sed and sima news agency , we saw the report together, mr. askari, we don't have a few more minutes. let us have your attention regarding the point that mr. moaydian mentioned regarding the existence of an executive guarantee that if
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the meeting is interrupted for any reason , there was a change of government, there was a change in the parliament, there was a delay, this incident will not lead to a delay. in announcing and let's make a decision about the price. see, we passed a good law. li devices should do their job well. finally , the minor objection that he said in the pricing council debate that a law should be passed if there is a legal action for non-payment at the specified time and due date, yes, we have now coordinated a number of consultants to create a legal environment, god willing, in the form of consultation. we will be able to collect this matter if necessary in the form
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of a space. the proposal of the agriculture commission, because we were caught up in issues for almost two weeks, now the government and the ministers are discussing whether to present their statement in the commission and to get a vote of confidence, which means that we were caught up in this issue for two or three weeks, practically the commissions were closed, but as soon as when the parliament starts , we will implement this in the form of a reminder inquiry. if you want , you can announce a time to us and our viewers. in any case , if there is no problem, for example, next week, when it is a holiday, the next week, god willing, this discussion will be called let's turn this promise from you into a law let's assume that by the end of september, we can witness that this law's executive guarantee will finally come. you see, we
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have announced to the honorable speaker of the parliament that we must amend iran's law, so to speak. let's do this discussion, but let me tell you something , just a short one. thank you. look, if you see wheat , if we don't have wheat, we must go and buy it. for the purchase of wheat now , the officials usually coordinate, go, find the money , determine the money, and determine the amount. in the budget of 1403, we put about 165 hemats of money and what is more interesting is that the budget was announced on time. the honorable government should collect the cases. thank you
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, mr. askari, president. since they started in 1999, i have been allowed to participate in all 50 meetings without being absent. please let me clearly explain to you the reason for not holding the pricing council meeting and other side effects. the prices per year in all the years, that is, from 2009 to now and before that, which were determined by the economic council, see all the ministers a letter from the ministry of economy and property
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and especially the organization has a budget program. i have said this many times and now. let me prove that there are two things that are understandable. one is that they did not attend the meetings in these 50 meetings. they only participated in two meetings . you mentioned that the minister was also afraid of the meeting of the government board. is it possible that all the ministers from the organization of the program are there to hold a meeting and announce the price , maybe they won't accept this, this is another important issue for you, that is, the minister who says that we will announce the price, they are not present, let's go there and tell them. they are vetoing your service, which means there is something wrong with the performance guarantee
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. what should be the performance guarantee? the government should implement it, mr. bozor tsab, we had council meetings where our approvals were lost . you looked in your pocket and it was not in the secretariat. this shows that the weakness of the ministers causes many cases and many disasters to befall the farmer, that is, the organization of the budget program of the ministry of economic affairs and finance and the central bank put their heels on the snarl of the farmer and the chad ministry of agriculture. because that's what real money is they do not allow the pricing council to be formed, or their non -attendance, or their failure to fulfill their obligations , or their failure to fulfill their duties, they are
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making the farmers and the agriculture ministry discredited. i have and recently mr. dr. fetty as. the main person in charge of the secretariat is the economic deputy and the schedule of these two people. i hope, god willing, that they will do this as soon as possible. i hope that next year we will not have any more problems. every time we look in these years, the purchase number is guaranteed to be good and the time to announce it is time. it was relatively favorable, we had the growth of production , our food security was ensured, like last year, when we were able to buy 1.5 million tons of wheat, wheat flour and bread were supplied, this year, thank god , so far we have bought 118, it is a food security issue, it is a serious issue, and if we should not let this happen, the government may not have it
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, we have to discuss the cross pressure of political pressure and dependence on bread. and the dependency of the people's table will be abroad. this delay can lead to let it be yes definitely. thank you very much to all the guests of the program, all the good viewers of the economic desk program, we will continue to follow up until the guaranteed purchase price of basic agricultural products is announced. this issue will be on the agenda of the economic desk . i emphasize once again that we invited all the members of our pricing council to this program , unfortunately, none of them showed up and did not come to the program and did not give explanations from all the guests of your program and mr.
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as we approach the time of announcing the results of the national exam , some universities introduce the university and attract new students. shahid university beheshti also opened a conference in the university to introduce 12th grade students and entrance exam candidates who want to choose a major. we invited the honorable families of the volunteers, nearly 400 people actually registered. very soon, most of the universities are simultaneously giving students the opportunity to visit the faculties of their choice or the research institutes of their choice. talk to the professors of the volunteers who will choose their desired field of study and university in a few days based on their rank and score balance, and this choice will be their destiny.
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the instrument becomes a bit difficult, we got acquainted with its open space, now we entered the conference, then the whole knowledge and this is something that is really good and right for me , and i will be successful in it. shahid beheshti university has 23 faculties and is currently active, and 10 the research institute and 5 research centers have the lowest admissions level of 8,000 and above to be accepted at shahid beheshti university . it is important to let the children know what level to get and what university is suitable for them. it does not matter to those who are the president of shahid beheshti university they want to study this university as a university where they can study for 4 years or more , he recommended. know the field well and be interested in the field you want to choose . a disinterested doctor is unmotivated and interest
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is certainly less effective than a motivated sociologist because i liked my field very much. well, i was more or less successful , but now i think that maybe if they had started that path with a better university , i would be in a better position now. the president of shahid beheshti university announced that every year 4,000 people enroll in this university at different levels and said: course bachelor's degree is the most important course of higher education and plays an essential role in students' lives. our effort in the last four to five years is to change and move from the general fields that the country needs to the convergent and new fields. apart from the basic sciences, we have the humanities, which naturally must go in its own direction. in other disciplines, we tried to go towards interdisciplinary activities . he said that some fields of study in the east asian region are offered only in this university, it is the only nuclear engineering faculty in the middle east and the whole of asia
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, because in asia we do not have a nuclear faculty , there is one in europe, there is also one in america, but here and based on the statistics of the information that the westerners themselves have is one of the best faculties in the output of our articles. attending this university and each of them told about their experiences and dreams with the professors that i actually had, professors by the name of being here, my career future was better , i was able to choose my career better and decide what field i want to work in. because the people who are working here , the professors who are teaching here , have good conditions in the industry and are active in the industry. i year i entered shahid beheshti university in the past year of 1956. what happened to shahid beheshti university? what happened ? you chose shahid beheshti university
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. the 1403 entrance exam will be announced at the beginning of october and the students will attend the classroom after passing the unit selection course. hello, my name is jacqueline. i am a journalist and i am from america. i walked from najaf to karbala and visited imam hussain's shrine. experience it was very, very beautiful. all the time i was walking from najaf to karbala, there were many places to rest, lots of food. the hospitality
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of iraqi people is unbelievable. finally, my arbaeen walk ended when i reached imam hossein's shrine. the beauty of what i saw in the pilgrimage is the way iraqi people and people from all over the world cooperate. it's to support pilgrims, to make sure people have a place to rest, and it's a service for the millions of pilgrims who come here. this was really interesting to me. this service was very parallel and it was the most beautiful thing i have ever seen i witnessed it on my trip. i strongly recommend everyone to visit arbaeen. whether they are muslim or not, to the hospitality of iraqis. be a witness in a beautiful way. it is a very beautiful experience and i recommend everyone to experience this trip. all of imam hussain.
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it has a very beautiful architecture, and imam hussain's shrine administration has allocated a lot of resources for free health services, such as free cancer treatment and education, which was a very beautiful thing that i witnessed and witnessed how imam hussein's shrine administration helps many people. each and every macaron, each and every macaron, each and every one makaron tak makaron tak makaron
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tak macaron tak mang karon tak makaron tak makaron tak mang karon tak makaron tak makaron tak makaron tak makaron tak makaron tak makaron tak mang karon tak makaron tak makaron tak makaron tak mang karon tak makaron tak makaron tak makaron tak mang karon tak makaron tak makaron tak makaron tak mang karon tak makaron tak makaron tak mang karon tak makaron tak makaron tak makaron tak mang karon tak makaron city of home appliances, city of home appliances, specialized reference for home appliances , after azadi square, facing tehran, head of city of home appliances, adam's choice.
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wow, i can't believe it. yes, it was only a while ago . if you wanted to buy something, you had to spend a lot of time to go and look around, and then get to the market, the market of each one. my side is getting better , we came to serah afsarieh.
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in the name of allah, rahman raheem, salaam, news section at 16:00 , the president said in the meeting of the government delegation with the members of the supreme judicial council that we should not look for the handcuffs, but the culprit should be warned, watch, i am going wrong, watch, tell me to be careful, you are going wrong, not send four more people. you have these problems after me remove the system from this ship. if we fix and take care of that system, we will not let our managers and our experts make mistakes, and where they make mistakes, let's get over it right then and there . we can change the government from the revolution.


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