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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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next month, this issue can be examined in the parliament and the approval that it will have, god willing, can help a lot in increasing people's satisfaction. because a detailed and comprehensive expertise was not done, he was in trouble now. of course , there is a foothold in the seventh five-year plan, and it is predicted that this work should be done, that is , it is also in that plan, and therefore we hope to be able to implement this to some extent this year, considering it is certain that we will have council elections next year as well, so that after the new term of councils, we will have a new form and image of the management of public services. this work will start, but
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not at least in the same experimental way that it starts as a test in some cities and will continue gradually with successful experience. well , apart from this issue, which is of course very important , what are the other points and what are the other issues that have been the concerns of your excellency on behalf of the provincial councils and councils? yes , there were many different issues related to the structure of the councils themselves. it was that they still did not have an approved organizational chart, which we had gone through some steps and now we are following up again to make sure that it becomes operational. in the village councils, for example, you can see that, for example, the council, you know that membership in the council is not considered a job, and you see that these friends work for a year with a very small meeting fee. but
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later, for example, maybe some of them who are not working may have problems in the future. they are now very effective in solving the problems of the village. there are dear villagers everywhere, and god willing, something good should be done in this case. now we are looking for the councils to not be too political, and to follow up more management and work issues separately. god willing, now in my election, this series will be held, now we have to see when the next period is going to be held, maybe, apart from big cities, some big cities in other areas, city councils, village councils , and cities will have less of a political view. in some places , sometimes, maybe there was one, but now, for example, anyway there is nothing wrong with having political thinking.
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in order to solve the problems of the people there, it is necessary to be political , for example, it seems that it is not very suitable , but if the councils are strengthened, they can certainly be very effective in solving the problems of the people, creating hope and satisfaction of the people, and we are looking for this. good interaction with dandruff . may the councils be able to play a more effective role , and now it may be necessary to amend some of the laws and regulations . in relation to their structure, the way of voting and various commissions , there are a series of removals and a series of contradictions , which, in my opinion, should
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be followed by the amendment of the laws by the provincial council. action is being taken, work is being done, and god willing, this will be approved . what is the way of work? does the supreme council of provinces itself have the possibility of passing it and turning it into a law? you need to know whether the government will pass the bill. or submit the bill directly to the parliament and from this in any case, it has a good position that should be used and we hope to have a very good interaction with the councils and municipalities in this period, they are a very good capacity , the municipalities themselves in many big cities, especially , can take a burden off the shoulders of the government, and in principle, the management of the city should
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be done by councils and municipalities, which are non-governmental and non-political. is there another point about the council and the provincial councils? no, it is not a special point. now , this work that has started there, god willing, we hope that it will come to fruition in this period they can have a special budget line and they can count on your help, and in any case, we are more interested in the so-called local councils or parliaments, which are at the same level as the parliament. yes, let's go to the seventh program mr. president, we must say that at the moment of registration in the presidential election , the seventh plan stated their main work plan, to continue introducing ministers and in the continuation of the work of the government, emphasizing the same issue, having an example , the same issue of the asana supreme council and urban services. you also mentioned that it will be implemented according to the seventh plan in this context, please tell me what process the government will follow. well, anyway, we have a vision, which is what
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we want to be ideal, where we will reach. this vision that has been defined is a good vision, which is actually the plan years based on this perspective. it is compiled and every year we pass the budget that we come up with, in fact , it is a part of this five-year plan. it will be operational and it will be implemented and god willing next year, this must be a part of that 5-year plan based on the main priorities that exist. in the society, what the people expect and the things that the leader of the border said, we should consider these and plan based on this , but we will try to do a series of allameh b , because our budget is limited, it is a 5-year plan, but
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we will try to in addition to this, we should be able to create an environment for the private sector to invest in education , and we should be able to strengthen the importance of the issue related to tourism. anyway, iran is among the top 10 countries in the world in terms tourist attractions, this is a very important issue, and there are a few issues related to sanctions that we need to follow up on. he will find, anyway , our effort is to use different methods. to be a help for this five-year plan and the annual budget, one of the issues related to the plan, which was raised both during the elections , in the debates and election numbers, and later in the parliament, in order to check the qualifications of the proposed ministers. this attention of the 7th program is very good, but
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with what implementation mechanism is it going to be taken into consideration and in what format is it going to be implemented? there is a program that means we want to reach the quantitative and qualitative goals that are there within 5 years. now every year we have to advance a part of this. yes, one of the parts you mentioned will have 5 one-year cuts budget, but apart from the budget layer, do we need other laws, i.e. are there legal loopholes that should be given to the parliament to implement the goals? program there is no need for a special issue in the seventh plan at the moment, unless it is foreseen in the same budget, but the issues that i have just presented are related to the field of
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domestic and then foreign investment, for example, it may need a series of laws or, for example, related issues. in any case, tourism has a series of coordinations , the rest of the issues that are next to this need to be enacted, but these issues are related to the five-year plan itself, mostly in the form of the same annual budget, which now, for example, should be examined and, god willing, we will move forward with this. coordinated with the parliament let's make sure that the budget we approve can reach the goals of the program for next year's budget. have the meetings and work started or not yet? now, expert meetings have been held, but now it is just starting, god willing, we have to do this work, and from now on, we need to get advisory opinions from the parliament, and god willing, according to that plan
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, it will be presented according to the schedule, so finally, what now that there is a budget law, both the previous parliament and the previous government have come before, and both institutions of both powers are required to implement it. and i asked the supervisory and implementation council from this point of view how much changes will the new government probably have in the form and north of the budget presentation, well, because it is something new. there are no special changes, it just has to be a completely scientific, expert and realistic look, based on the existing facts, we can see how much income we can really earn and with what priorities we should spend it , and i said, now there is coordination. we will do it with the parliament so that we don't get into trouble during the settlement in the parliament, and we will also use expert opinions and points of view.
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between the new parliament and the new government, but finally the parliament it has a duty in terms of supervision . it has a legislative duty. it has a supervisory duty that must supervise the activities of the government. according to the law, both the law that it has drawn and presented to be implemented by the government and other activities of the government. from this point of view , what kind of interaction will the government have with the parliament, and how much will you help, your excellency , to maintain and strengthen this interactive path, so that the parliament can fulfill its supervisory duty? we are very welcome. it is an obligatory part of this supervisory duty of the parliament and it can even help us may we also have more supervision at the level of the ministry of housing, so that there is no deviation from the budget and that the issues that have been raised there
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move forward according to the law of the budget program. this supervisory role is a good role . we welcome them and we can implement them . if there are any problems , we will try to correct them. yes, and in my opinion , this is a good thing and it is a help to the government. in terms of efficiency, both branches will actually lead, so holding joint meetings can be very effective, and parliament commissions can be, for example, our expert arms. be used, and the commissions of the government and the parliament commissions can
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have joint meetings to review these, and i think that expert opinions can help a lot in this field, and we will try to interact in this field. let's have a good time with the majlis and , god willing, we will do this both in the process of making laws and in the phase of monitoring the laws, and we ourselves now. we will try to do this supervisory role apart from the parliament, but these supervisory opinions of the parliament can help us a lot, and in any case, the issues and problems of the people that are raised in the provinces are our priority, and our effort is to we should also have a field presence, which means that the ministers must go to the provinces , have a field visit and see the progress of the projects closely
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. they move fast, but we try to prioritize the project those that are important move forward at a high speed and new projects, and we try not to define too much so that our projects do not take long and this does not increase the cost. in the previous sections , we talked about the priorities of the work plan and the surpluses of the work plan of your excellency. there is one point left in this section that you should say, no, it is not a special issue . anyway, the issues that have been raised now in connection with the virtual space must be completely legal. do what the gentleman said and we will try to have a good supervision in this field . if there is a need to enact a law, then now, for example
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, we should try not to limit people's access to information, so that they have any kind of access, but what does that mean anyway? for example , let them do anything in cyberspace and attack someone else without being identified. this is not the right thing to do, a legal framework should be defined to make it clear that someone who wants to go, for example, to do a scientific work , wants to go and investigate a topic. tick he can collect information from all over the world, he can easily do this, but there should be no way that he comes to abuse it or to destroy people there, for example, without its nature being clear. the people's satisfaction should also be gained , but at the same time, no one should be attacked
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, god willing. very well, time is coming to an end in summing up and i will return to the beginning of the year. and the formation of the government of national unity, your excellencies, who are also present in the government, how much do you really like the government in terms of composition as well as the approach and discourse that you are facing the government is going to plan a national unity government , you know. now, what we have seen so far, for example , we have seen the presence of the ministers, and the issue of national unity, which was raised by dr. now, for example, political and criminal views do not rule much in their thinking and in their decision-making . now i see that they are very friendly, for example, friends who, whatever their political views , are only moving towards solving problems and interacting with each other
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, they are doing a very good job. i see that the government means complete ministers. are united with they are very friends and comrades , there is no special problem now, we hope that in the future , god willing, the same sympathy will continue and strengthen a bit, but it is a team work , there is another team that has come and started working, and god willing, with a good team work. people's participation and with the support of the parliament as well as the support of hazrat agha, which has always existed since the beginning. and it is continuing , we will be able to do the work well, god willing. thank you very much. we have a minute to hear the final point and conclusion from saliu. this is the field that we can do a good information
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and let the people know about the issues and works that have been done and also you can reflect the problems of the people to us and us. we also have the capacity to criticize . we need to be able to increase people's participation by interacting with each other. in my opinion, the more people participate in the work, it shows the success of our work, and if this is the case, you have an important role in this field, which we hope. so that we can have a good and constructive interaction with you , god willing, thank you very much, dr. debiri thank you for being on the front page program . your attention and companionship, dear viewers , have happy hours and days ahead of you, may god protect shanghai . it is one of the most reliable ranking systems of universities at the international level. the quality of education
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and faculty members, research output, and per capita performance are based on four criteria. it is taken in the shanghai ranking system. the number of nobel prize-winning graduates and faculty members, the number of highly cited researchers, the number of articles published in nature and science journals, the number of articles displayed in authoritative databases, the shanghai ranking criteria it was in 2024. in the meantime, tehran university of medical sciences was among the top 400 universities in the world and ranked first in iran with 100 points. the planning that the honorable vice-presidents did for research and for your presence, as well as the effort that we made for the visit, or in english, visibility, which was done , we can see in this story that the production of scientific products in our country is good, it is one of our weaknesses. the promotion of these products in the international forums of bebini sites and
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scientific media in general means that a great effort was made in this field. university of tehran the most technological production in the health issue is among all the technical and non-technical universities of the country. the university of tehran was able to be among the top 500 universities in the world and in the second place in iran without any change compared to last year. to be able to have more precise targeting. an institution called golden club. we started the university of tehran science club and in the first phase, we enrolled 80 of our professors, who were highly cited professors, as members of the club . tehran is ranked 2024, 8 of our specialized scientific fields are below 100. we are ranked 37th in the world in the field of water resources.
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if i want to mention other fields , we are in the range between 51 and 75 in the world , there is mechanical engineering, there is civil engineering , there is mining engineering, mineral materials, and biomedical engineering. . among the top 600 universities in the world, tarbiat modares university ranked third among iranian universities. in this ranking of iran's medical sciences, shahid beheshti and sharif industrial sciences were ranked 4th to 6th. amirkabir university of science and technology and tabriz university are ranked 7th to 9th respectively they took we at amir kabir university of technology. we did not have a drop in terms of our scientific productions or similar issues, of course, there was a drop in the position , we went down one rank in this aspect, but
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it seems that with the investigations that were done , the deadlines that we had to enter information into the systems in order to based on that ranking , there has been a change that some of this aspect of information has not been fully entered and about. universities in international systems have also undergone a change in method, which has caused some universities that have more students at the international level. they are better known and find a better position. in the ranking of 2024, shanghai was evaluated as one of the top 1000 universities in the world, and harvard and stanford universities and the amity institute took the first to third places respectively. radio news agency.
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in the bow of shahid al-halajah ali al-thalajah, the soul of the soul of maah, the soul of maah. wake up, o my nation, before you tear me apart, before you scatter in the darkness of al-darb al-shaqqi
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. god, o god , you will not see me.
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fasten your seat belts, my friends. dear passengers, the pilot is speaking. finally,
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i would like to say hello , dear viewer, welcome to the news of this hour's news of the general director of highways and road transport of ilam province about the traffic of more than 3 million and 4 thousand people from the mehran border since the beginning of the month of travel until now 23 news trips gave mr. cheshmkhavar said that 1,463 pilgrims and pilgrims from iran have left the country from mehran border and 1,468,471 people have entered the country. bus to the table.


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