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tv   [untitled]    August 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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it didn't prevent . there was no defect in hezbollah's operation. israel makes many claims and these claims have continued until today. this is mostly because the zionists' silence on this issue has cost them a lot in the eyes of others and in the eyes of the countries of the region . have them, and not at the same time , they could not target any hizbullah fighters in the same initial distance as they did many pulpits and carry out the operation in its full form. mr. omani, about four days after the arbaeen operation , how do you assess the repercussions of this attack? perhaps it would be better to ask what effect
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it had on the calculations of the zionist regime. certainly, now within the zionist regime , they were confused about the announcement of the results of this attack by hezbollah. in fact, hezbollah has announced that it has targeted the area that was located near talaweeb, an area that, according to news agencies, is an area that is not allowed to travel at all . this attack has reached its goal in the few days that have passed since this attack , the zionists are trying to write a series of scenarios and a series of psychological warfare, which in fact shows their great weakness, which has always been very evident throughout the nearly 80-year history of the regime.
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they are trying to somehow compensate for their own weakness, which has a great impact on the actions of the zionist regime and its military movements. so far , the zionists have not been able to find a solution for this issue. do nothing but war the channel that usually follows mr. omani , do you think that hezbollah's response to the assassination of mr. fouad shirk has been completed, or may it have other stages , especially considering that mr. seyed hassan nasrallah said that if we see it, it will not please him, in fact, the arbaeen operation and we feel that there is still a need to respond, the operation may be repeated, see mr. hassan nasrallah in his own speech, well
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, as you mentioned, we have information about the effects of this attack, which must be confirmed. on the one hand, some officials the zionists recommend that the regime itself declare that this operation is to some extent. according to them , there is no excuse to repeat or complete the operation against zionists. some others insist that this operation did not actually achieve its goal and did not hit the regime, and that both narratives have not reached anywhere within the regime because each of them has its own consequences. if the regime claims. if he says that no attack is going to happen
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there, then he might actually create the possibility of additional operations by hezbollah, and if he actually announces that there have been damages and show a video and a picture of it, it also causes the zionists to break down. i think that among the many bombshells that netanyahu is involved in, there is one dead end. the hand related to the arbaeen operation in the morning of sunday morning is hezbollah, which they still could not prepare an answer for, or a way out , while according to the announcement of mr. seyed hassan nasrallah, the response of the resistance and those who were targeted from the iraqi groups of ansarallah, as well as iran's response about the martyrdom of ismail haniyeh, these are the promised answers. there is only one data that
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the zionist regime should prepare for them and therefore this expectation of an attack from the remaining three axes is very fragile. mr. amani , with these points that you said, we can come to the conclusion that mr. seyed hassan nasrallah by choosing the sentence that if we are not satisfied with the results of the operation , we will complete a the policy of zarif's media is to put the zionist regime on a one-on-one two-way basis that if you read the results. if they don't mediate the operation , they will face a more severe operation, and if they want to mediate the results , then their failure will become more obvious. do you agree with this point? yes, mr. master hassan nasrallah has always
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shown in the management of these issues that while maintaining all the characteristics of honesty, openness and courage. at the same time , they have powerful tools and capabilities that they can use, and it is these capabilities that we have a proud history for hezbollah in lebanon, that all the different factions of lebanon, all the parties, except for a few. and limited, all of them are proud of this power. the drive that lebanon enjoys is that during the last 40 or 45 years , the zionist regime has not been able to face the threats that it always faced, especially before the islamic revolution of iran. and in the early years of the islamic revolution, iran always
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acted against the people of lebanon for the sake of comfort , and it attacked and carried out land invasions and murders. in lebanon, they are actually following them, in fact, in a way, hezbollah, under the management of mr. sassen rasoolullah, was able to actually limit them, and the zionists were always unable to win even a partial victory in any confrontation with hezbollah. 2006, 2000 , 1996, 3 very important dates. there is resistance in the history, certainly this period, which is this year , and 11 months have passed since then, this is also for honors hezbollah will be added. thank you very much , mr. mojtaba amani, ambassador of iran to lebanon, who was with the jahan today program from beirut.
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thank you too. thank you. implementation of new laws on the subject of mobile phones. in france, with the implementation of a plan from next year, children under the age of 15 will have to hand in their phones before entering school. in france , it was also decided that the use of smart phones with the ability to access the internet was prohibited for people under the age of 13. russian foreign minister's warning to america lavrov about washington's permission to kiev to carry out attacks deep in russian territory using he warned against western weapons. russian foreign minister also authorized. world war iii was not limited to europe. one of the most famous chain restaurants in america announced that it will close its other 23 branches. red lobster, which offers seafood, closed its 100 branches earlier this summer. this company has announced that
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it is unable to pay its rent and expenses due to financial losses. another news from america is that two people died due to the explosion of a boeing tire at the atlanta airport. they died. this plane was in the repair hangar when its tire exploded for unknown reasons. crisis safety in boeing flights has led to the death of 350 people in recent years. the number of cities involved in forest fires in the state of sao paulo, brazil reached 48. governor saulo announced the arrest of three suspects accused of setting fires in the state. so far, two people have lost their lives while trying to control the fire. the fire continues in the forest areas of krugaasi. this sodi fire, which started two days ago, is spreading rapidly with strong winds. a number of residents of the area have been evacuated and the roads in the area have been blocked. toyota motor company announced that because
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the approach of a powerful typhoon in japan stops the production line of its factories. japan's meteorological authorities warned local residents of heavy rain and strong winds at a speed of 1. they warned of 30 km/h in the coming days. 22 people were killed and 19 were injured due to floods and landslides in thailand. about 30 thousand thai families. all over the country are affected by these incidents. a volcano erupted on the reykjanes peninsula in southern iceland. the eruption of this volcano started after a series of strong earthquakes. iceland has more than 30 active volcanoes that make this island one of the destinations of tourists has become the cultural tomato throwing festival in spain. in this festival, which is held every year near the city of valencia, thousands. spaniards throw more than 100 tons of tomatoes at each other.
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you are still watching the world today from the news network. i will start the third case of the program about france's plan to implement stricter laws on children's mobile phones. officials of the french ministry of education from a plan. they announced an experiment, according to which children under the age of 15 will have to turn off their mobile phones before entering body delivery school. this prohibition goes beyond previous laws that prohibited elementary and secondary school students from using cell phones in school . this plan is going to be implemented in all french schools from the beginning of next year. this
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is part of the french president's recent decisions to regulate the use of mobile phones for children. this committee had previously announced that children under the age of 11 should not have mobile phones and the use of smart phones with the ability to access the internet should be prohibited for people under the age of 13. in this context, i will talk with mr. jamal. abina, a reporter who is from paris with the world today program, mr. abina, welcome to this program. my question is, what happened to the french government and french legislators who decided to restrict the use of mobile phones and especially the internet by students in this country? . well, in practice , it should be said that we. we should remove many mobile phones from the hands of students and
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put them in dressers, not to deprive them of these phones altogether, but during the time of education, when they are at school, these phones should be out of reach. students should be placed because of the harm they may experience and my next question is , what was the reaction of french society and french parents to this law? first of all , the french society did not show much happiness with this law and their efforts were that these actions are actually an action for limiting freedom is for teenagers and citizens, but the french government
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said that it wants to protect students and young teenagers from the harm caused by mobile phones and especially social networks, especially the disclosure of their secrets, mr. abina. one of the questions that maybe it should be brought up and among the feedbacks of the publication of this news in the world, the thought of every audience is that france wants to be known as the claimant of freedom of expression in the world and it also puts forth its slogan. such a law has been violated or not, in any case , it has been accepted that a government is protecting its citizens. well, when
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you claim to defend freedom and citizen's rights , you introduce it as your country as a free country that the former government. france is also making efforts for this there was work and there was always talk about trying to protect citizens from possible harm. let them realize that they should take care of it. in fact , many citizens who use these phones are exposed to such damages, and the government's claim is that it is trying to protect them from such damages, and i want to know. as a priority, the concerns
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of the dangers of cyberspace against. that there are children, what messengers is it related to, are there specific concerns about communication platforms , that now this access is being limited. parents have the idea that the problem is that a lot of
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use of the internet, especially the possibility of sexual abuse of children, was one of the cases that were mentioned for the establishment of this law. thank you for your invitation. we have said about the children of france , we will also say about the children of gaza. in the continuation of the world today program , the brutal aggression of the zionist regime on the gaza strip has caused a lot of material and human damage . the bombings suffered
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the mental and physical injuries of a child without israel made him lose his hair out of fear . i wear a scarf. i was very afraid of rozi's shabana banbarana and we had to go out of rafe and we arrived near ye khanu younes. about two or three days. every time i brush my hair , it falls out severely until all my hair falls out and my head is in this situation. i was scared when i saw my hair falling out and i screamed and told my mom that i want my hair. the regret is also clearly visible on the face of this little girl's mother because she
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has no choice to help her children, mother to her daughter he looks and sighs from the bottom of his heart. it leaves a bad impression on children and harms their childish spirit. therefore , many palestinian children have problems such as not controlling urine, nail biting and finger sucking, and strong dependence on one of their parents in case of losing one of them. 70% of the war victims
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are children, including children who were among the bombers. it is very sensitive, and there are no solutions to save palestinian children in gaza from illness and mental injuries. the voice of gaza's oppression was heard at the meeting of brics mayors. international meeting mayors and heads of councils of the capitals and big cities of brics member countries were held in moscow.
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a nation that is now oppressed by a criminal regime that has devastated the gaza strip with unprecedented brutality and continues to commit merciless genocide. mehdi chamran, head of tehran islamic council, is also one of the managers. one hundred major brics member cities wanted to stand by the oppressed people of palestine. the argument i had here was that brics
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should not be just a political and economic agreement and should go beyond these and deal with cultural, social and even emotional issues. in this meeting, the ambassador of the republic islamic iran in russia. sanayeh and maaden of tehran were also present. the deputy mayors of tehran and moscow signed a memorandum of cooperation in line with the sisterhood of the two capitals, specifically in line with the development of tourism, as well as the development of smart activities, empowering the employees of the two municipalities and other areas that are of interest to the parties. it is on the sidelines of this meeting between internationally, the latest achievements in the field of smart cities and increasing the level of well-being and comfort of citizens, especially in the big capitals of the brics member countries, have been displayed
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. seyed ali is the property of sed and sima news agency moscow
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the fire of insults and distortion of the opponent's truth will not end. we have reached the world today . thank you for your cooperation with this program. have a good night and god bless you. hi my name is jacqueline. hello, my name is jacqueline. i am a journalist and i am from america. i walked from najaf to karbala and visited imam hussain's shrine. it was a very beautiful experience.
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all the time i was walking from najaf to karbala, there were many places to rest. the hospitality of iraqi people is unbelievable. finally, my arbaeen walk ends when i reach imam hossein's shrine. iraqi people and people from all over jahan is there to support pilgrims to make sure people have a place to rest and this service is for the millions of pilgrims who come here. this was really interesting to me. this service was very parallel and it was the most beautiful thing i witnessed in my trip.
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which was a very beautiful work that i witnessed and witnessed that tulit.
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that it is full of flowers and the map of mahd farsheh mahd farsheh.
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