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tv   [untitled]    August 29, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm IRST

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what kind of education should it be? this is another discussion that i will not take up your time. you are all honorable teachers and hard workers of this country. we are asking you. now, in relation to this national unity and the employment of human forces, how do we bring in elite people? we are looking for a group of scientists or professors to have a tool in our hands so that we can choose based on this tool . give people a management tool in our hands . we talked with my honorable representatives, now they say sir, take this and put this. the tool is that i have to take this and put that one . give me a framework.
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they pay for actions, they don't pay for words. we could not get this tool until now. we know a general thing, but we don't have the ability to have this tool in our hands and implement it. now, i don't know the universities, if they are your fields, tell them to take out these tools . hazrat peace be upon him in fact.
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there are three principles in managing any reforms you must first accept these 3 principles: who is responsible, how should he act and how should he be accountable? we want to tell the administration what to do . there should be a recipe for this, which is the same as the imam's letter to owner ashtar, which says, treat people like this , choose your managers like this , run the process like this, pay like this , i don't know if all of this has a scientific basis. and it's characteristic, give us a recipe, the governor who came, should be right first.
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we should choose the right person, we chose the right one, we have to say, go do this for us, if you don't do it, then come and tell us why you didn't do it. let him go and do this work for the people and create problems for the people because i put my man to work. they should be right. sorry, i'm talking too much, i just want to say that i don't want to take up your time . let's build a world that knows how to act and universities that solve society's problems. i sometimes think that when i was not the president, now that i am the president, i don't know this. how should i implement
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it ? i don't know if you didn't solve the problem. i won't give you money. i know you want to train someone to go and solve the problem. this person is this problem. solve it. i'll give you money. i'm dating you. i close, you know better than american universities and advanced countries, now look at these projects, they solve problems , they get money, universities don't get money from the government, the university itself is profitable. in colombia, students protested and said you are a project. don't work for them, that means the fight was about why you are working for them, the university. he
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earns money himself, the university is a place of creativity and problem solving. in our universities, everyone wants money , but nothing comes out of it. in this university, it should be the 3rd generation, the 4th generation, or continue like this it comes back to us who shape the future , let's say this, let's finish it, that's how to choose and this, i've said this many times, i'll say it again , because we learned to close the koran and the book to read and then what they say, to leave a gap, or in we read the koran in our meetings. one day , several years ago, i didn't understand these concepts until then. we were sitting and studying according to the school routine
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. make it clear based on justice, don't underestimate the dead we say, oh god, al-wadz is dead, what are you calling him? he is telling you, he is telling me , when you are choosing, when you are hiring people
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, when you are hiring managers, you are hiring experts. why did we find a problem because we didn't give the job to the employer, because we didn't give the right to the right holder, this is the problem, because we didn't put science in the employment of the society, we have to do this to solve the problem, the problem cannot be solved other than this, the university can save our country, there is a condition for scholars, scientists and elites let's respect any taste, opinion and belief. let's respect, away from any kind of orientation , that professor, i am a scientist, only sirni abda, whoever teaches me one word, makes me his servant , then we, the professors, who bring us here
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, we bring a young person, we make them their boss, then disrespect to these professors are disrespectful , he thinks he was someone until yesterday, for example , if this professor i wouldn't have reached here. now , i won't take delivery of a professor. i don't know about those professors that now, for example, the university can cancel their contract in any way. well, i will guide him, a student cannot be a bad person, a student is the future of our country, he must be able to ask questions, the same
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discussion that the supreme leader says , put a free-thinking chair, a free-thinking chair means that i can speak freely, my answer is logical. if you don't have logic, accept my logic, that's the evidence evidensen says management is a very clear scientific issue . we can make decisions based on evidence. a student can be guided. a student can be justified. he becomes a student.
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whoever tells lies to people, or if someone tells the truth, denies it, hell is not a place for infidels. hell is white , the copper of disbelievers is on the truth, my folder is honest.
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i took a lot of your time from our brother mr. dr. zulfi gol, a dear scientist , a valuable scholar. evidence is enough. he talked to him, we don't have a fight , there's no scientific debate, there's no fight, anyone's words can be said based on the evidence, we accept it and we don't have any enmity with the right words , we don't include those who don't accept the right words if they come, but anyway, social views and management and policy- making are different. one of the problems is that we imagine that if, for example, i am a doctor. i'm elite in my field, i mean i'm elite in everything , i can give my opinion, i'm elite in what i need to know is
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where i can give a decisive opinion, where should i use experts to help us solve the problem in any case, i will not enter because i want to discuss the whole issue. we thank mr. doctor during his hard work, god willing , we will continue to use his precious presence. the efforts and hard work of all the dear teachers and clerics who are there to guide us and teach us these verses and hadiths. now if we destroy some places, they should have reconsidered and the presence of our dear brother mr. simai, who may god willing. with the same view of the term right adaptability based on evidence or evidence and
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scientific documentation, use the forces of the forces and the work that is available, based on the right decision , we must implement the next right decision. if we make a wrong decision, we want to implement it correctly . help us to go hand in hand . the society has placed their hopes on me. i am afraid that if the university, scholars , scientists and those who know help us , i can't do anything. if we don't have unity and coherence, unity and coherence have no right to fight. this me i say that you should accept, i will accept any truth that comes and has solid evidence and i will act on it and help. dear people , we need you and the people need us, the people need us
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to be able to show them the right path, the path that is honorable and proud, god willing, with your help, with empathy, cooperation, harmony, and away from division. in so-called selfish things , i say selfishness is nothing else, we can be together because every time i say something, i want to say four more words. i won't take your time, thank you, god bless you let's work together to solve the country's problems. in relation to the general policies of the program law , of course, we are also talking about the program law.
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in the name of god, i greet you , dear viewers, in the last 24 hours, the hottest place in the country was dehloran in ilan province with a maximum temperature of 50 degrees and... the coldest place in namdan plain in fars province with a minimum temperature of 8 degrees was reported between the centers of the provinces are ahvaz , the warmest with a maximum temperature of 50 degrees, and kurd city is the coolest with a minimum temperature of 11-10 degrees. we predict that for today and tomorrow , we will have a relative decrease in temperature in most parts of the country, especially in the northern part of the country, where this decrease in temperature will be more. also , for today, rains will occur in parts of gilan provinces, mazandaran, the highlands of golestan province, parts of ardabil, the northeastern regions
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of east azarbaijan province, the northern parts of zanjan provinces, qazvin, alborz, tehran and in the highlands of the provinces, we expect to witness a barrage . for tomorrow i.e. friday, in addition to the parts that i have presented to you, there is also a possibility of rain in the heights of central alborz. in the northern half in west azarbaijan province, we expect to have rain. on saturday and sunday of next week , we predict that rain will occur in the southern parts of sisistan balochistan. for the next three or four days in most areas. the weather will be calm and stable, clear and sunny skies are expected in the northeast, southeast, southeast of the southern slopes of alborz, areas of the center and southwest of the country, we will have an increase in wind speed, and strong winds can lead to the rise of dust and pollen. in the next 24 hours, the air quality will decrease in the caspian sea , the western parts of the persian gulf, and the oman sea
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during the next 5 days, it will be stormy and turbulent. we also predicted for tehran that today, especially after and early night, there will be an increase in clouds , sometimes there will be windy weather and there will be thunderstorms in prone areas, and there is a possibility of showers and thunderstorms. the weather is also present especially in the northern parts and highlands of tehran province. the temperature in tehran is also decreasing. we predict that we will have a maximum temperature of 32 degrees today in the hottest hour and a minimum temperature of 22 degrees in the coldest hour tomorrow morning. thank you god , you are very welcome. thank you very much, your family it's hard, it's hard to forgive, man, once you say the correct pronunciation, i need to read something, sir, we
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brought you a gift, what's in your luggage , you haven't opened it yet, in the name of god , there is a killer, it will definitely be on our way, every day mr. president updates for us more. i read its meaning and let's act, which means liberation and salvation. i read some parts of it, but not completely. in any case , there
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is another government charter in this letter. how to choose your first team, which part is most in your mind and in your heart the thing that hazrat ali insists on is paying attention to the enemy's tricks, he said that he should not see the affairs of the people in the hands of those who are narrow-minded and hard on the people . in any case, the advice you have for the people and putting the people first is contained in this letter. it is not the same. you also believe that presence among the people is definitely possible. is it possible to be an agent of the system without being present? another way that is very easy to access is the virtual space. which advice do you remember? imam ali says that i thought about the past as if i lived with them. reason and logic tell us that experience let's examine the past, use its strengths , and try to avoid our weaknesses. how about consulting? now, i
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do almost everything with consultation and the decisions i make are basically based on the wisdom of the community. what kind of apologetics are you? anything that a person sees that is wrong, if it is wrong, amir al-mu'minin, these questions are in your envelope. i hope that i am not ashamed of hazrat ali. can you read ? talk and discuss with many sages, which is a source of prosperity and reform cities and established. it is law and order that existed in the past. what is necessary for you is to always remember the previous judicial regimes, the valuable traditions of the past. retaliate against your enemy after reconciling, because sometimes the enemy approaches to take him by surprise, observe the right even towards your relatives, even though this plan
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is to the detriment of your relatives and your wishes, and also with cowardice and cowardice, the friend of amir al-mu'minin, peace be upon him, in this field as well. they advise not to consult with a coward , do not take an expert's opinion, because you want to do any great thing. every good action is great if you want to take it, it scares you. but after this , don't stay hidden from your vote for too long, because staying behind the veil of the governor of the branch is due to your narrowness and lack of knowledge about affairs. it is not possible to describe what is happening in people's life with a notebook and a written report. you must go see. hear from yourself. listen to the people , set aside time for those who need you personally, and at that time free yourself from all work for them. you should have the most beloved affairs in your eyes, the most moderate in the right
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, the most comprehensive in justice, the most comprehensive in your opinion. ok the issue of justice is an issue that language and begging and requesting and repeating and threatening and these things cannot be implemented. justice needs execution, the group needs motivation. in the field, if your subjects suspect you of wrongdoing, openly present your excuse to them, lest the drunkenness of your government prevent you from dealing with them, lest the drunkenness of your government prevent you from dealing with the affairs of the oppressed. ali, it 's hard work, he got a palace, it's very heavy. i always tried to thank him and it was my goal that this should be placed on the board of directors. now, where is this letter
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in your life? let's take a look. it's okay . i'll take your service as a gift from you. it's a very good gift and you didn't give me the first page. it was a good conversation and you said the commands of hazrat amir artistically and we stopped.
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wake up, o my nation, before you tear me apart, before you scatter in the darkness of al-darb al-shaqi, oh, god, i am an al-adi
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, the one who worships the design of mahd farsheh mahd farsheh. the sky of iran is shining, the cradle of carpets, iran is the cradle of carpets
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. i can't believe that it was so long ago if you wanted to buy something, you had to leave a lot of time to go look around, then reach the bazaar. every market is one-way at night. i said that here all the specialized markets were gathered next to me. we came to serah afsarieh. it was good . we came to sarai irani. the big iranian sarai is the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh with a price. unbelievable to long-term seizures. no prepayment at the large iranian store in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in the afsariyeh store.
12:00 pm
in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you , dear viewers, dear countrymen , we are in egypt, we present the news at 12 o'clock , deposit one million tomans into the account of about one million 720,000 pensioners of the national pension fund, according to the public relations of the national pension fund, with the cooperation of the treasury of the entire organization, the plan and budget will be provided for the proportionality of the pension of the pensioners in july, and it will be determined after the issuance of final orders. the beginning of the registration of those accepted for the exam d


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