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tv   [untitled]    August 29, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm IRST

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in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you , dear viewers, dear and respected compatriots , we are in egypt, we present the 12 o'clock news , deposit one million tomans to the account of about one million , 720,000 pensioners of the national pension fund, according to the public relations of the national pension fund in cooperation with the treasury. you have the entire organization of the credit program and budget. proportionation of july pensions of national retirees was provided and 1 million tomans was deposited into their account. on the 6th of july, 3 million tomans were paid to the account for proportionalizing pensions of retirees. the exact amount of pension proportional increase retirees will be determined after issuing final orders. according to the announcement of the medical education evaluation center
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, the applicants of the 51st course of the residency exam have 4 days to register at the university where they are accepted. the start of the course for all admitted students is no later than the first sunday of mehr. the 51st medical assistant admission test was held on may 13, and out of 12358 participants. the iraqi processions who used to serve the pilgrims of imam hussain (peace be upon him) in their country during arbaeen hussain days are now to serve pilgrims of imam reza, peace be upon him, are on their way to mashhad. according to the official of the iraqi processions, 70 processions from different provinces of iraq are stationed in mashhad during the days of mourning for the martyrdom of imam reza ( peace be upon him). this is iraq and serving
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the iraqi and iranian processions and arbaeen hosseini pilgrims to the iranian pilgrims in our procession is serving iran. now , after the pilgrimage of abba abdullah al-hussein during the arbaeen days, the iraqi processions are going to mashhad to serve. this is the seventh year that they go to mashhad and hold a procession. we are going to the islamic republic to visit the pilgrims of agha imam reza (peace be upon him) in mashhad to serve holy. we do not have a special place in mind to serve the lovers of ahl al-bayt, peace be upon him, and serve the lovers wherever we can.
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the iraqi processions will continue their service trip until the end of the month, as the iraqi procession official said, about 70 iraqi processions will serve the pilgrims of imam reza (peace be upon him) . we present the news at 12 o'clock after the call to prayer at noon, tehran time, begging for supplication in the name of god, the light, in the name of god, the light, the light, in the name of god, light on the light, in the name of god, light on the light.
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in the name of god, light on light. in the name of god, the light of god is great. allah is great, god is great, god is great, i am a witness , there is no god but god. i am witness, there is no god but god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i bear witness that muhammad is the messenger of god . hai ali al-falah
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hai ali halah hai ali khair al-alam hai ali ali khair al-amal god is great, god is great, there is no god but god, there is no god but god. with the hope that your prayers will be accepted , we will go to the divine door to continue the news. daru integrated software
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was unveiled. the head of the scientific association of pharmacists said that this software is for the prevention of interference and errors the drug is specially designed and produced in hospitals and for coordination. using this process, the medicines used by the patient were done manually and on paper. in fact , there are general pharmacists and pharmacists specializing in clinical pharmacology who work in hospitals, and then supply to any of the colleagues who do the work of drug compounding in the treatment center. license to hire 2,600 teachers to purchase services for the new academic year. if they are not accepted for employment in education and training, they can
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teach as teachers. there are several conditions for continuing their activities. the first one is with us, with the companies that in fact, it is a violation of the contract with education. they must have a contract, insurance has been deposited for them , they must be present in the classroom in the academic year 402-43, they must have a valid education certificate , as before, and the conditions that we announced in the circular, the length of time they have been working is important, anyway, definitely those those who have a higher history are in any case priority , but we are trying to make sure that all the dear ones who are in the 4th year of the 4th year of study use them . the brutal aggression of the zionist regime against
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the gaza strip has caused a lot of material and human damage, according to the arti network, in addition to the material damage, a large number of children have suffered mental and physical injuries due to these barrages. a child without hair. this little girl wishes to comb her hair. israel has made him lose his hair out of fear. i cover my head with a scarf. i was very afraid of rozi's night banbarana and we had to go out of rifa and we arrived near ye khan yunus. every time i comb my hair for almost two or three days, it falls out severely. until all my hair fell out and my head was dizzy. i was scared when i saw my hair fall and
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screamed and told my mom that i want my hair. regret is also clearly visible on the face of this little girl's mother as she has no choice to help her children. the mother looks at her daughter's face and sighs deeply. he doesn't go out of the tent at all, he says, "mom, i want to have hair on my birthday party. his birthday is coming up and his birthday is almost a month and a half away . the war in gaza has taken the joy of children from the children of the gaza strip. they are directly and indirectly related to death. hand and they struggle and have no way out of physical and mental problems. war events have a bad impact on children.
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also, there are no solutions to save palestinian children in gaza from illness and mental injuries. after a year, sweden finally prosecutes two people who read the quran. saeed prosecutor's office these two people have been accused of committing crimes of incitement against an ethnic or national group. these two people
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made derogatory statements about muslims last year. the suad government's action against these two people has been ongoing since last summer the rise of the feelings of the muslims of the world and the widespread international protests in stockholm allowed these people several times to desecrate the quran in public under the protection of the police. the swedish government also placed them under the security protection program, and one of them was denied asylum due to false information in his asylum application. thank you for your attention.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, i offer greetings and courtesy to you, dear viewers, companions of the network. i invite you to stay with us on the front page of the news since last wednesday and with the vote of confidence of the people's representatives in the people's house, the 14th government took its full form and he started his activity, but in the talk-oriented programs of the political deputy of the broadcasting organization , including on the first page and in the private conversation, we have a look at the programs of the members of the 14th government, and it is from this perspective in this program. first of all, we are hosting mr. dr. shahram dabiri, deputy speaker of parliament affairs
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, mr. dr. hello, you are very welcome . i congratulate you on the week of the government and the responsibility of asalio. in the name of allah , the most gracious, the most merciful . and i honor martyr bahoner and also martyr khemit ayatollah raisi. and dolto week congratulations to all the statesmen and dear public . greetings to you, mr. dr. amir abdullahian , martyred amir abdullahian mazloum. mr. president , in this field, they worked very hard and worked hard to select the ministers with whom they should
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do everything. they also consulted with me and some people. i confirmed some of them that i knew or their qualifications were exercised through reliable methods. i confirmed some of them and i did not know more. convince and this success it was great and i thank god. stay with us on the first page with the presence of mr. dr. shahram debiri, vice president of parliament affairs, mr. dr. one of the characteristics of the 14th government, we can say that the parliamentary weight of the government is too much from the point of view
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of dr. i became a representative of the parliament and became the president with several terms of representation until the first deputy. some of the ministers and other officials who were assigned today are the head of the supreme media council of the former government, or the deputy of development affairs of russia and deprived areas, as well as the legal deputy of all of them. there are people who have experience in representation . yes, two of the ministers, mr. nouri, minister of agriculture and mr. dunami, minister of sports and youth , how much this experience and this experience of representation can help to strengthen the interaction of the parliament government. in order to advance the goals and affairs, yes, i would like to tell you that, well, in any case , the honorable representatives, and considering that they have the same duties both in making laws and monitoring them , they are familiar with the affairs, and in any case, they play a fundamental role in the resolution of the budget, and also five-year programs and
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at the same time considering that they are elected by the people and persistent. to solve people's problems, especially in the field they are chosen , they know the problems of the people better than anyone and they are looking for solutions to solve the problems, so this experience can be very effective in the executive management of the ministers, and god willing, by using this experience, we will be able to take very good and positive steps in the direction of solve problems take it to the people, god willing, and how much can it help to realize the slogan of national unity, mr. president? well , this slogan of the national unity of the president was finally something that was relatively new, even though it existed to some extent in the previous governments. let a person become the president and everyone will look
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put aside factionalism and try different factions based on ability. it was a bit of a novelty for him to choose the ministers, and considering that now the parliament may be a bit different from the president in terms of his line of thinking, but giving a very good and positive response to this slogan of national unity, mr. president, this is very promising. that in any case , that national unity plan can really go forward successfully and we can witness a successful experience if we only look for the people's problems and solve them, and god willing, we try to use only capable people without taking into account the tendencies politically, this is for a new experience, which god willing will be very successful. god willing
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, if we want to look at another characteristic of this period , which is related to both the government and the parliament , it is that the two branches are starting their work almost simultaneously. well, it was not like this in the past , there was a gap between the parliamentary elections and the presidential elections . now, aside from the bitter incident that witnessed the martyrdom of the martyred president and his companions, but from this point of view, we want to see that the two powers start working almost at the same time. how much does this issue help to advance the affairs that the two powers should let them move forward together and in interaction with each other. i would like to tell you that we first requested the dear representatives at this stage of the vote of confidence that, if possible, they should not act criminally in voting for the cabinet. we said that now, if they find fault based on their ability, for example, their work experience , they can do their duty, but we asked them
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not to vote for ministers with a criminal and political view until we can agree with each other for 4 years. let's interact. well, fortunately , the representatives gave a positive answer and we, mr. president . in numerous meetings with representatives having now the assembly of representatives of the provinces , different factions, as well as the parliamentary commissions , we promised the representatives that we would use their advisory opinions and try to have a really positive approach to solving the problems of this constituency. let's do and god willing, we said for these 4 years that we are going to work with each other and it is different compared to the previous periods, now it is our turn and we
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will try to do this for sure and have this good constructive interaction with the members of the parliament, god willing. your excellency, how long? it has not been a month in this responsibility, yet yes , it is new. now, i have a work experience in the city council of the province, and i don't remember the number, but i can say that any assembly that requested it, or any faction or any
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commission that requested us, will quickly meet this meeting. we put it on and it was done, only in the last few days some friends requested that after the closure of the parliament, god willing, this will continue and we will try to hold this meeting. it should be followed up and carried out, which can be very effective in the consensus and empathy of the government and the parliament, and really now there is a very good interaction and i can even say a relationship. an emotional relationship has been established between us, between mr. president of the parliament, of course, mr. doctor , i was there before and they were friends, but some of my new friends came and, god willing, we hope that
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they would welcome these meetings, and in a way, old friends would also see that they were happy to anyway, they say remember it. we were in the parliament and we were working together. my representatives were very happy that one of the representatives was elected as the president, and in any case, the meetings were good, and god willing, you will find healing, which can be said to be the form and image of the concerns of the people's representatives. he knows how it is possible to use it in the field of implementation, your excellency, in the responsibility you have assumed. let's continue the discussion from this point of view. what are the chapters of your work plan in the office of the president's house of representatives? well, let me tell you that the first stage of this matter was the vote of confidence, which
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, fortunately, was done very well. then, in the next stages, one of the questions is how much should be obtained from this vote of confidence. to be honest, i did the coordination , but mr. president himself was very influential in spending a lot of time with the representatives. speaking and those last words, which were very sincere and from the heart , had a very good influence on the representatives, and also accompanied the speaker of the parliament and all the representatives and commissions very well . it was a collective and team work. we cannot say that one person was influential. but the connecting link is this, but anyway, i was doing this coordination, but anyway, mr. president, the representatives are very influential in this case, but now, in the next steps, i told you, we will try to work
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with the representatives in a. communication with the problems of their provinces should be accompanied by advisory opinions let's use the commissions in a specialized way, even in the administrations that are at the level of the ministry of housing , as well as the provincial assemblies in connection with the provincial administrations, and in this case, we are also trying to make sure that the bills that are going to be submitted are done well. and we must try to take into account the fact that many of our provinces do not have a good position in terms of facilities. in the whole country, all
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of them should be developed in a balanced way and that lack you mentioned the issue of bills . i have a question from this point of view, and then we will proceed with the work program of your excellency. well, the new government that has been formed naturally takes time to complete the changes. but on the other hand, the people expect noticeable changes at least in the short term. from this point of view, what bills will probably be on the agenda or what will be activated by the government to be examined in the parliament so that the concerns of the people and the problems of the people in the short term time has reached a good point in solving that we can also say that this is a common characteristic of the parliament and the government. as a concern to bring about a change in people's lives in a short period of time, i would like to tell you that, just as the gentleman said, we
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have a series of urgent priorities, which is the issue of high prices and inflation. is it the payment of the rights and salaries of, for example, the wheat farmers or the pensioners , this is the priority of our plans and the work has started, and god willing, from next week, some of the work will start in the operational form of those payments. a series of infrastructural priorities will be presented later for example , it is related to issues related to food security, it is related to the issue of water, and also nuclear energy is an issue of oil, and similar issues, for example, roads, especially the free way from north to south, these are the priorities of the prophet. there is an infrastructure, now an example.
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s. what is the subject of the first layer likely to be? no, the first layer is not clear yet. anyway, now we have a series of issues that have come back from the guardian council. the amendments are being made. they are different issues. now, there were some small issues that have been resolved and will be sent to the guardian council. we are reviewing the remaining bills from the previous government to see which ones
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are priority. we must keep it, and then i told you that the issues related to economic issues are in any case a priority, and god willing , we will try to inform the people about all the cases, act very transparently , and provide good information so that the people are informed about the work of our people. they deserve the best and should be updated. to be able to participate in our work, we expect that our next step is that there must be people's participation so that we let's be able to move our work well, which is also in shaal year, yes, let me tell you the same way we know, for example, for example, for the moment , there is a problem of power outage due to the signs of power imbalance, people should know that this problem exists, but we are trying to get to...


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