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tv   [untitled]    August 29, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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in the first step, make the seeds special for oil seeds. first of all , the first thing that happens is that when you import whole grain, instead of adding oil and flour, you only import grain at a preferential rate . you can create an oil mill , for example, you import nearly 10 million seeds , you produce the flour you need , you don't need to import anymore , you export a part of the produced flour, that's all, and from this policy, you can allocate one billion dollars. economical preference if you make a search, you will make 4 billion, a trillion dollars . this is a production-oriented program, which means that in order to optimize the oil chain and its production, i will actually make it prosperous, and this is with the approach that this prosperity will actually happen, and the industry will actually move between one and the other. i will implement a program that will reduce the supply of tajrim. what will be the next step ? the next step will be to import oilseeds. let's make it dependent on domestic production, that is
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to say, whoever wants to import oilseeds, for example , must produce 20% domestically. you ignore this, that is, our program, the time of my invitation to your presence, according to the width of 40. we wrote a letter to the government. we said dollars, in the first stage , remove one billion dollars of wheat altogether, come from its place, and actually make a guaranteed purchase of wheat. your policy of preference must depend on your presence , production and production plan. this decision was made in the government. well, i was in the news. we were going back and forth . we were following up on the matter with friends. almost now , different institutions may say that we did not agree with this model or this model, or anything
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that was proposed that was implemented. it was obtained through consensus, that is, gentlemen , sitting around the table, what do you say, what do you say, what do you say , let's collect everyone's opinion, let's summarize an opinion, so that it is impossible to make a policy in the country or decide that you should have a plan. oh , provide an institution with zero to one hundred based on it let your plan come, in fact, increase your production , if you want to, in fact, reduce the width of the business, and so on, and go to the direction of implementing it , so that we can decide with our consensus. in fact, one of our weaknesses in our decision-making system , mr. pol ibrahim, the process was the same, that is , it was done by consensus. well, it was discussed in detail. they are buying . we told the government not to change the conditions due to the price changes due to the decision to remove the preferred width. if you can adjust the price
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, there is no need to remove it at all . enter the same number of products with the same width of 423. the price for the consumer should be the same. if it is not possible for any reason and you do not have monitoring control, at the end of the cycle , give it per capita consumption. we agreed on the text of the layer, even our basis, we said that the price of the goods should be the price of the goods at the end of september 1400. this is the text of the budget resolution of 1401, the note clause of a law, the 1401 parliament is more than this.
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we can use the capacity of kala berg . it is in the law. it is true that our government had all our discussions in the 12th government. the challenge we had in the period it was the 12th because 97 of the 12th period was established in 1400 around the middle of 1400. the 13th government was established . our talk was that you should go and implement the systems. the ministry of cooperation, social welfare was obliged by law to implement the social welfare system so that we can have transparency of information. in the 13th government , gentlemen said that we are doing our best to make 143 things operational from the beginning. our condition in giving the subsidy payment was that we defined the area that is the compensation level for the subject of discussion. the information should be complete, but you don't have a sub-site . no, that's what i want to say. no , it happened in ardi behesht. it was at the end of ardi behesht. i held a meeting in the economic commission
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. we invited the then minister of compensation for work and social loyalty, who was mr. abdul maleki, and we invited the entire rome apparatus. our people used to come and say that our subsidy has been cut off, contrary to what happened with this preferential policy, then their assistants were connected . we held a meeting at the beginning of june , and we invited all the institutions in charge of rome, which lead and support the system. we found out the main part one of the challenges was that the government was not ready to do this, the infrastructure was not complete, even though it was agreed that these infrastructures are provided because of this incomplete implementation, that is, if the necessary infrastructures were there, it would have been possible to pay for the electronic goods, it would have been possible to allocate them .
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it didn't happen from april to june. yes, now i am i would like to add my point, the principle of the hazab width of tajiri, especially after the difference that happened with other rates and these and the damages that we talked about, must have been a brave action. that is, the government that decided to do this must have taken a brave action and it was really worthy of praise . as we said, another show was born again after a while, and our production was damaged in some places , and it actually caused problems. yes, mr. hassan. khani, let us be at your service one more time. now, you said in your speech that it actually happened with the removal of the 420 width and it has continued until now. if you want to give a recommendation to the current government , what should it do in the face of the preferential width, what would you say, mr. hassan
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khankhani. there is a time difference, i think you see, now i have to present the issues that mr. pour ebrahim says in person , but if i want to summarize my points from here , i will tell you this point, it is a preferential presentation under no circumstances under any circumstances as a policy. optimum is not recommended mainly in countries with problems in fact, acute shocks or transverse acute shocks are countries that are actually either under sanctions or under natural disasters, such as argentina, which is dependent on exports.
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no one recommends it permanently, but removing this policy or converting this plan to a new plan needs to be prepared first. it is a new situation that the parliament must have a role in this situation. now, mr. pour ebrahimi is in the economic commission of the parliament, which in the law on permanent orders for the development of the country, paragraph t , article 20 of the law on permanent orders says this , the management says that the country's currency system is a floating management. so, sir, your recommendations. give it separately let's have a meeting with them and give your advice . this should be changed according to the conditions of sanctions. in a country that is under sanctions, floating land management
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will not solve anything by itself. that this is that if we want to apply a policy , first the goal and then the exact path of that policy should be defined. it is a fundamental decision because, first of all, the conditions that we had in the country due to the discontents, the inflation in the economy has been done, some of this is related to the budget imbalance, which
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goes back to the same provision of basic capital that we explained , when the government does not have the resources, it borrows indirectly from the central bank , the government borrows from the bank. centrally, the increase in the volume of the monetary base of liquidity and then the effect of inflation will be felt in people's lives and livelihoods, an imbalance in the banking system and the like, when we are facing a situation that comes to the field of inflation, it has an effect in the field of currency and changing the parity of our national currency. in contrast to external widths, we have to do this very carefully and carefully from the above discussion, i agree with mr. hassan khani that in the field of foreign exchange policy, we should do the work very carefully and carefully in such a way that the output of the work can be a positive action for the people . what are our suggestions? in order for us to provide the welfare of the people. through the reduction of the price that reaches the consumer with the approach of creating infrastructures related to the
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welfare system of iranians, which i thought should be complete and comprehensive after all these years, that is, we should have detailed information on women. be so that we can be in especially let's make a decision if there is wrong information , for example, a family, for example, if we want to make a decision in this field , our first task is that the society system related to the welfare sector of iranians should be complete and comprehensive . it should be removed, the difference should be given to the people. thirdly , it is not advisable to do it all at once. the next thing that is important is that the items of the product group should be done gradually so that we can do this with a gradual approach and not cause a price shock to the society. most importantly, all this should lead to this we can field. the policy
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of production in the country, which is the most important for us and has been heavily influenced by the policy of wide-ranging criticism in these years, should be implemented with the belief of appropriate decisions in the field of the country's currency conditions, this policy of supporting production in the country's economic system. thank you, mr. amin raieh. conclusion yes, i would like to hear from you . one point that must be pointed out is that in the field of preferential distribution and its correction, first of all, as i said , there should be a production plan based on it, and we should amend the policies based on that plan. secondly, let's pay attention to a preference such as the width of the preference in our currency field a part of our valuation issues is independent of the discussion of preferential width, and in fact, it is more important than the discussion of preferential width, and with these issues, it causes the price of our land to increase and jump over time, for example, what about our informal payment system, which is caused by the sanction of this event. it has fallen and we have to manage with strategies that we can correct in the conditions of sanctions.
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we should reform the price policies so that both our production will prosper and the people will actually see the least effect from these reforms and even see prosperity following what we should actually do. in fact, this elimination and reduction in price increases will reach the people this is a correct argument, and the other argument i mentioned is that for the management and governance of our currency , once we don't see currency jumps continuously, we must definitely apply other policies , such as reforming our informal payment system in the conditions of embargo. it will happen through the adaptation of the horizontal and commercial plan, and this is the implementation plan . in fact, god willing , it was followed up and implemented in the 14th government. sometimes, the demand of our official market enters the informal market, then we say why the informal market has become the anchor of land prices.
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your importer comes to the width allocation page , after a period of time when you don't give him an offer, he supplies the width from the informal market, so the volume of this informal market increases, the price increases , the bicycle says that we provide all the allocations, and therefore there is no problem in there is no market, basically, this is there, this is this, in short, the mismatch between the demand for goods, whether basic goods or non- essential goods , will change with the amount of foreign exchange resources of the country. in this dimension, we say the informal market, why the change of the bar of these issues, then we, in fact , the program should be all-round, only the preferred width or only if it's not based on energy , it should be based on the production plan, the existing operational plans , in fact, the government should adopt a path, god willing , that the quality of decision-making in this area will rise , so that our decisions do not lead to the decisions that we make every period, that is, we decide from we took it, now it has been created again in 2850 , we will make the same decisions as before, and the same thing will happen again . there is also a problem, when you
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don't solve the problems, in time, as we move forward , it becomes a crisis, and during a crisis, you have to make a quick decision, and this is actually done with we should actually make a decision on the lowest quality, so this quick decision is also important, and i emphasize that production plan, god willing, in this field, if barak goods would have been allocated at that time, and then its infrastructure would have been formed at all. i think it would have been implemented better. you see, i should give you an explanation on my product page so that it doesn't look like this because we mentioned a point in your order. perhaps our target audience is that , for example, we give a coupon like at the beginning of the revolution.
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how much is the per capita consumption of basic household goods for one person, then the lady calculates. we calculate we made a credit card similar to the gasoline card , and the khan will be given any type of goods he wants there, and he will pay this fee and the difference from it, that is, if the price, for example, now, in these years, people have problems with gasoline cards , it is basically a problem. not having it means that the global price of gasoline has increased, there have been other changes, people are going with a certain rate, we say that the price of meat for the people should be, for example, chicken meat . thank you, dear viewers, for accompanying us until the end.
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the next point is to choose colleagues. after all, you choose colleagues. my advice is that from colleagues who have these characteristics, use them more , a young believer, a committed revolutionary. they are the ones who can help you. we are in various scientific and research departments such as nuclear department, nano department, stem cell department, various departments that are among the major scientific and research nodes in the world. we used these young people and
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progressed. great progress has been made , thank god. this feature use these young people, they will untie some knots, then by the way, when you bring young people in various management positions from the bottom , you will train a generation of motivated managers for tomorrow. it means that when you bring young people into your organizations, they will gain experience for tomorrow's generation. you have produced a highly motivated manager, which i think is very valuable . we were talking with mr. president , and the same issue was raised . to
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the youth of the country. in my opinion , a great work has been done, so this is also the issue of choosing the late shahid raisi in this field. be global research in 17 countries. the world has shown that if generic drugs are used instead of brand or vision drugs, the costs of patients will be reduced by 60%. the generic plan is important for the whole world because it improves people's access and makes the price of medicine more reasonable and suitable for people. it makes quality control universal in iran , according to the statistics of the majlis research center, 30% of the share of
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various services is paid out of the household's pocket for health care. according to the law of the 7th program , the brand name or the drug registration system must be updated once every 3 months, an issue that experts and policy makers the drug system of the country was reviewed in a one-day conference . we have a council for compiling the country's drugs. this council meets regularly , adds new drugs, and the list is also published, but for years, entry into the list was restricted or prohibited. this list has been opened almost since last year and this process is being carried out, but the dos and don'ts of the generic system, our drug system
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is a generic drug system, but this does not mean that we use the main brand drugs that are very popular in the world or the generic brand. we don't have brand medicines inside the country, sometimes up to seven or eight times it is 10 times more expensive than generic drugs, so in terms of health system costs , this project is an important issue. the country has caused that the biotechnology drugs that are produced in other countries at very high prices are now produced in our country in the form of their generic equivalents called biosimilars, and our studies show that they create up to 3 billion dollars in foreign exchange savings for the purpose of holding the conference. from the language of its organizers, let's check that the advantages of the generic system. and what are its disadvantages, if there are any disadvantages , let's identify those disadvantages and fix them and strengthen the advantages let's
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reach a common definition of the do's and don'ts in order to deliver medicines to the people better, so that we can take the future path of this project better than before and with the limited resources we have available, we can have the best achievements for the health of our people, the quality of manufactured drugs. the form of packaging was another issue raised in this conference, the factor of maintaining the quality of medicine in the market , especially in iran, where the difference in temperature between the middle point and the hottest point and the humidity between, for example, suppose the northern regions to the middle is very high, packaging becomes very important and medicines in time kept from it means that the medicine comes out right from the door of the factory, but what reaches the consumer may not be a high-quality medicine, considering the country's need for some special medicine items, the need to produce medicines and the production of medicines for special patients and those
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who treat them are busy in the country, fatemeh. trans-border shanghai broadcasting agency is one of the most reliable ranking systems of universities at the level. it is international, the quality of education and faculty members , research output and per capita performance are the four criteria used in the shanghai ranking system. the number of graduates and faculty members who won the nobel prize the number of highly cited researchers, the number of articles published in nature and science journals, and the number of articles displayed in authoritative databases were the shanghai ranking criteria in 2024. meanwhile, the university. tehran medical sciences was ranked among the top 400 universities in the world and ranked first in iran with 100 points . the research was planned by the esteemed vice-chancellors, and
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thanks to your presence, we also made an effort to make the visit worthwhile, or visibility in english, and it was done. in this story, you can see that the production of scientific products in our country is good, one of our weaknesses can be seen there are products in international forums, scientific sites and media in general, a great effort was made in this field, we made good programs to support the industrialists of the health system, tehran university produces the most technological products in the health issue among all technical and other universities. the country has tehran university without any change compared to last year , it was able to be among the top 500 universities in the world and in the second place in iran. in order to be able to set more precise goals
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, we launched an institution called the university of tehran science scholars club, and in the first stage we are 80 professors because we joined this club as well-regarded professors, tehran university is ranked below 100 in 2024, 8 of our specialized scientific fields. our water resources are ranked 37th in the world . if i want to mention other fields , we are ranked between 51st and 75th in the world . there is mechanical engineering, there is civil engineering , there is mineral mining engineering, and biomedical engineering . these are the fields that we rank in. we got 51 to 75 in the world, tarbiat modares university is also ranked third among the top 600 universities in the world. he registered iran in his name. in this science ranking iran medicine, shahid beheshti medical sciences and sharif industrial sciences were ranked fourth to sixth. amir kabir university, science and industry and university.
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tabriz was ranked seventh to ninth respectively. in amir kabir afdi university of technology, we did not have any similar issues in terms of our scientific productions or similar issues. the ones that have been done , the dates that we should have entered the information into the systems for ranking based on that. to be done, there has been a change that a certain amount of this aspect of information has not been entered completely and about the amount the identification of universities in international systems has also resulted in a change in the method that has made some universities that receive more students at the international level and are better known find a better position. in the ranking of 2024, shanghai was evaluated as one of the top 1000 universities in the world, and
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harvard, stanford, and m.a. institute took the first to third places, respectively. sed and sima news agency's smile. what kind of energy does it make you feel better? at the time of the start, what kind of support does chirka have for ranchers? kakawi milk of ranchers. from bam dadan to shaugahan, with cattlemen. sarab
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evening, dear viewers, good news of the hour we present 16 to my colleagues . in the general assembly of the academy of medical sciences, the president considered the participation of the people and benefiting from the expertise of the elites as the way to solve the country's problems, and he said that surely with the cooperation and companionship of these two groups , there will not be any unsolved problems in the country. . we should go to those elites, those who know , and beg them to help us, otherwise, let's sit down and think that we have common sense, whatever we said , others should obey .


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