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tv   [untitled]    August 29, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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for example, we should ask you this question once again . if the guaranteed price is always announced, yes , i will tell you how many issues we should pay attention to in relation to the guaranteed price . there is a wide price. well, the ministry of jihad agriculture has been the main responsible for pricing since 99 with the help of various ministers of the program management organization, two supervisors from the honorable majlis , the islamic council of farmers' representatives. discussion of the election due to the holiday part of the parliament and being involved in the discussion of the selection of ministers
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, this was delayed a bit. i hope that next week , god willing, with the help of all zainfan, the ministry of agriculture will announce the guaranteed purchase of rice. well, we have a guaranteed purchase of some products. price the difference between these two products is that we declare the guaranteed price for wheat and oilseeds in the so-called guaranteed price. in the guaranteed price , we declare the highest price. the so-called price or purchase terms.
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the number of our products is too much in these products, we announce the minimum because the market should come and buy these products , this supply and demand should determine the price if , if, if the price falls so low that the farmer has to panic. the government is obliged to make a guaranteed purchase according to the guaranteed price that we have announced. sometimes , rice farmers complain that when they are harvesting, the ground for importing rice products is also provided, so the price of the imported product is due to the quality is lower. will
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and these will be affected, i.e., the issue of pricing and the issue of monitoring the supply and demand , especially how the import license is decided. our plan was not to import the same products from abroad until the harvest is over, so that the farmer does not have to worry. in the so-called last year, this was not observed and the farmers were shaken yesterday, the governor of his ministry
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asked me a question about this issue and raised this in the government delegation that we have both in the field of rice and in the field of corn and in the field of barley and similar products that we have in production, the directive that the government he announced that it should be followed until the problem is solved, god willing . we also have another suggestion. our second suggestion is that the import of rice should not be carried out at the state level, at least it should go to the second hall, for example, 450 tomans will be imported. if this happens, the balance between the supply and the demand balance between the price of domestic and foreign products is also established and the problem of farmers it will be solved forever. now this need needs to be checked. on the one hand, we should not allow the consumer to have a problem. on the other hand
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, we should not cause the producer to have a crisis, and since we are responsible for production, we are looking for this , especially in the field of the deputy of agriculture. we are the defenders. rain and rain, but finally the situation is better in the north , but sometimes we see that rice is cultivated in the middle parts of the country, which are also facing the challenge of rain. bring the product it needs less water to grow. well, the point that
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your excellency mentioned is a very important point that we have to plant rice in the north of the country because we have water and the farmers are familiar with the climate. and they are familiar with the ecology of this issue, but one problem that exists is the issue of price, that is , if the price of a sarsamour product increases in areas where rice should not be grown, for example in isfahan province, in the province. there are many places in the center of iran where we now have micro points, for example, kalima, there is no other way, for example, the ground is lower. it is from the river, usually the water goes there , nothing else can be planted there except for rice, but the level is very low, but
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if we have, for example, 10 liters of water , we can use this 10 liters of water to plant one hectare of wheat, but with these reasons, for example, 300 for example, let's plant rice in a square meter , let's prefer it. we are trying to guide the farmers to grow basic crops according to the climate, where there is a need, according to the width that i mentioned, we can plan the prices in such a way that the farmer can choose a product that consumes less water according to the talk from your point of view, as an expert in the field of agriculture , iran's most important challenge in the field of achieving self-sufficiency in basic and strategic products, such as some rice, wheat and oilseeds, these
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are products that, if countries need them , other countries may have in this in the world, they are not easily available and they hand over and sell to their own allies. now, our most important challenge in these three areas is wheat, rice and oilseeds to achieve continuous self-sufficiency, not one year , we will be self-sufficient for 5 years. we are not self-sufficient again.
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let's easily find out how many iranian people we lost due to starvation during the first and second world wars, god damn it. yes, yes , well, after all, this is very much, at least, for example, many of our elders who can still testify that this happened, so food security is important, and if we want to pay attention to this, we must also pay attention to the so-called points of why we cannot wheat is one of our basic water problems, so we should appreciate the water we have. let's use this, as i mentioned, the resistant seed of the new irrigations, change of season and in the new irrigation, i see irrigation we should use the ones that have less evaporation , well, this is one of our priorities that we have
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to address. the second priority that we have to address is the issue of prices. we import the oil with the government width, we import the rum seeds with the government width , we tell the person who imports these to come and buy the domestic seeds, he will definitely not come to buy them. one of our challenges is that we have to solve this. if we solve this, then definitely my wheat is according to the 7th plan, which we will also reach dana ghani. we don't have it in this field, but in burj , due to the limited amount of water, we have to go towards
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high -yielding varieties, hybrid varieties. if we can reach a conclusion, this achievement will definitely be achievable . we will see and then we will talk about it, fertilizers and fuel, these are part of the big and small problems of farmers at the beginning of the cropping season. there are funds that we need to give to our product so that it is ready, it is not available to us. in the discussion of fuel, you just mentioned the issue that we need to solve this with the ministry of oil. anyway, the farmer wants to produce, he wants to plow and kill. if he doesn't find gas for his tractor, this is really very painful in his country, the farmer
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is willing to cut off the electricity to his house, but the electricity to his well is not cut off. they are responsible for the final price and then receive additional claims can the farmers be right, we are starting to grow paizo, well, according to the law , this guaranteed purchase price for the next year should have been announced some time ago so that the farmer can make plans based on that , which has been delayed, so we can no longer blame the lack of sources of money. and i don't know, not having an allocation and these things , it needs a coordination, it needs a meeting to reach a decision, the problems that need coordination planning to achieve the hopes and dreams in the 7th plan. i
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would like to apologize to all of them for the delay and give the good news that about 80-85% of the government's debt to these loved ones has been secured, it has been approved and it is in the payment stage. i think the allocations have also been done . seema, mr. mohajer engineer, we have seen the report. well, the challenges are specific to the seed, there is the guaranteed price, there is the cultivation pattern, and issues like this. what solutions are there to deal with each of these issues, for example, so that the right seed is available to the farmer and the farmers are convinced. . let them use this seed . well, fortunately, as i said about the seed
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, some of the 100 needs are provided internally. the quality of everything is ensured by the private sector , in general, in our agriculture, almost 100% of the exploitation system is in the hands of the private sector, so some of them are almost except for the upper classes of the organization. dear researchers, the research takes a lot of effort. the rest is propagated by the farmers themselves. we are one of the achievements of self-sufficiency in wheat due to the high consumption of some of the quality wheat. it was modified last year. there are many goat farms. which will be available to farmers in time, and one
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one of our so-called good achievements in the ministry of agriculture is related to the fuel issue that is in your report. well , it was also mentioned in the orders of the minister of agriculture. finally, he consulted with the minister of oil so that we do not have this problem . regarding electricity, you know that many years of hard work have been done with the help of the ministry of energy with all the devices of the respected organization. the management of planning that we converted the agricultural wells from diesel to reduce fuel consumption and electrified them. well, when we electrified them, we also gave a lot of subsidies. now that we have little electricity, we are coming to cut off the water. this well, now that i
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will explain one point for a minute, look, we are in the summer , some of our products do not last more than 70 days, yes, like rice, for example, 60 days, 70 days at most, for example, 80 days. until the 15th of september, it will be approximately 75 days. we cannot tell this plant to last you 90 days. then we will not give you water here, then we will give it to you at that time, that is, according to the amount of water we give it, the 5 hours that we cut off will not cause 50% damage, but 50% damage , which means that we will destroy the agricultural sector by a lot. farmers are interested in having their houses cut off but not their water wells, so this caused
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us to suffer a bit, even some farmers raised this issue that when the time of irrigation is important to them, for example, 7 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon, for example. if you say no at this time from noon, but at the end of the night , this will also cause problems for them. as i am a farmer myself, as you mentioned, watering during the day is very easy, which means that you cannot find the water at night. in that darkness, the water will disappear. a place where the water has already eaten. well , it means that we waste more water at night than during the day we have it, and that's why farmers are interested in having their irrigation be so-called one time. one time a day happens. well, when we cut off the water , it happens at night. he has to look with lanterns, flashlights, etc., so it makes the work difficult. and that's why less attention is paid to these things and one
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of the other things that you have in your report. that we should take action regarding the so-called timely provision of the institutions, now it is the season when planning for the budget is happening, we hope that conditions will be provided with the help of the ministry of agriculture , the honorable majlis, the islamic council, the honorable organization of management planning of the central bank and the board. we will be able to announce the price of wheat on time to buy wheat and the necessary credits for next year, god willing , we will plan from now so that it will not be like this year
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. god be great. one problem is the problem of not being afraid of obstacles. i wanted to say this to the ladies and gentlemen. nothing. there is no such thing as an unobstructed job , you won't find any program that doesn't have obstacles in its way , there are always some obstacles, some of them are the first choice when they hit an obstacle, it is a mistake to retreat , try to cross the obstacle, try to bypass the obstacle, after you have done everything
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, sometimes a person makes a tactical retreat , but it is not a word. don't let it be like this that we ran into an obstacle , full of our words, our vote , let's go back from our program, don't be afraid of the obstacle, this is also our next advice, don't trust the enemy either . . we should not rely on the enemy for our plans even if one interacts with the same enemy in this place, there is no problem, but don't trust him, don't trust the enemy. shanghai
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is one of the most reliable university ranking systems at the international level. the quality of education and faculty members , research output and per capita performance of four criteria used in the ranking system. the number of graduates and faculty members who won the nobel prize , the number of highly cited researchers, the number of articles published in nature and science journals, the number of articles displayed in authoritative databases was the shanghai ranking criterion in 2024. meanwhile, the university tehran medical sciences ranks among the top 400 universities in the world with 100 ranking points and ranks first in iran's isad. planning that the honorable deputy.
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the production of scientific products in our country is good. one of our weaknesses is the visibility of these products in international forums and sites and scientific media in general . a great effort was made in this field. we have good programs. in order to support the industrialists , we have improved our health system. tehran university has the most technological productions in the field of health among all the technical and non-technical universities of the country. the university of tehran was able to collect, without any change compared to last year top 500 universities in the world and ranked second in iran . in order to be able to set a more precise goal , we started an institution called the tehran university science gold medal club, and in the first phase, we enrolled 80 of our professors, who were highly cited professors, into this club
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. our specialized scientific field is below 100. we are ranked 37th in the world in the field of water resources . if i want to mention other fields, they are between 51st and 75th. in the world, there is mechanical engineering, there is civil engineering, there is mineral mining engineering there is our biomedical engineering. these are the fields in which we ranked 51st to 75th in the world . tarbiat modares university also ranked third among iranian universities among the top 600 universities in the world in this ranking of iranian medical sciences. shahid beheshti and saneti sharif were ranked fourth to sixth. amirak university of science and technology and tabriz university ranked 7th to 9th, respectively. in amir kabir afdi university of technology, we
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did not have any issues related to our scientific productions or similar issues . but it seems that with checks that have been done, dates that should be entered into the system. we used to make a change in order to make the ranking based on that , and some of this aspect of information was not fully entered, and regarding the degree of recognition of universities in international systems, there was also a change in the method that caused some universities to those who take more international students and are better known will find a better position. in the ranking of 2024, shanghai is one of the top 100 universities in the world. were evaluated and harvard and stanford universities and the amity institute respectively the first to the third places were taken by sed and sima news agency.
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