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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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the country was in wheat, now it has decreased to 4th and 5th , therefore, one of the things that we have put on our agenda now is the issue of optimal water use in agriculture . it means that it consumes one or two rounds of water less and we have drought-resistant ideas available to farmers with the help of our researchers . salts have more resistance, this is efficiency which we have in relation to wheat. we do it, but
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in addition to the so-called consumption of water in our sugar beet, one of the methods we found is to change the season, that is, we used to stretch the beet in our sugar beet more in the summer and between 12 and 14 thousand cubic meters of water. well, according to the progress of scientists in the world, including the researchers of my own country. the seeds that we provide to farmers now are resistant and will be harvested in the fall . when they are discovered in the fall, the water consumption will be reduced by 60%. for example, in khuzestan, where we use 14 thousand cubic meters of water for one hectare, we can we can get 60 tons of beets in qom, now we can get the same amount with 4,500 to 6,000 cubic meters.
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to get it in the autumn cultivation, well, this is one of the great achievements that is not paid much attention to, or in golestan province, according to the recent growths of this year, well, fortunately, the farmers did not give water at all or were satisfied with one water, which means that less than 1500 cubic meters of water were consumed. this is one of the ways that can be done to solve this problem, engineer. in general, we can think about self-sufficiency in the field of sugar, which is actually one of the raw materials of beetroot. by the way, it is the easiest. in other words, sugar is the easiest product that we can decide today to be self-sufficient in two years . there is a question about sugar, why don't you do this? there is one issue: we are faced with government-wide imports in basic products, so the question arises that
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when we import with government width, which means that domestic production must be able to compete with that price . we are always suffering from this contradiction. well, one of the policies of the current government is to be able to solve this paradox to a large extent. one of the other things we need is a factory in the province. khuzestan has been in operation for a few years now, but it has not yet been put into operation. if that factory in khuzestan is fully operational and we can also build a factory in golestan province that can take over our autumn beetroot , self-sufficiency in sugar will easily happen. it falls and is there forever, and luckily, it solves my other problem when we plant chrysanthemums. first of all
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, it improves our soils, it sweetens our salty lands, more importantly, we have a problem with alfalfa. we can maximize red meat and milk , so we don't have a problem with self-sufficiency in sugar, one of the other issues and other products that are good for the country. there is rapeseed in an important role. my colleagues prepare a report in this field . we will prepare the report. then we will talk about the merits and demerits of this issue. this year, the production wheel turned according to the wishes of the farmers. our crops are fruitful, especially our 25 hectares of land we planted our fields under rapeseed, the costs are really low and the pests are very low. very little, as the member of the
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agricultural product pricing council says, the right price in increasing the production of this product, institutions were provided on time, such as seeds, which were provided on time and provided to the farmers. gulzar's crop will increase twice compared to the previous year. this year, 280,000 tons of rapeseed were produced in an area of ​​more than 150,000 hectares of agricultural land in the country, which has doubled compared to last year. at that time, the use of fertilizer and the recipes that were issued for the cultivation of pulza can be effective. but the agent the main one was the price set for rapeseed. according to the announcement of the manager of the oilseeds project of the ministry of jihad of agriculture, 70% of the demands of rapeseed farmers
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have been paid so far. we expect the private sector to help and pay the production price of rapeseed farmers faster. may we witness that both the rapeseed farmers get their rights and that it becomes more motivation for the farmers to be willing to cooperate in the field of rapeseed production again. the opportunity to have one month from the time of delivery of zareen should be paid . many provinces observed this one month. rapeseed has been purchased from farmers all over the country and 70% of their claims have been paid except for golestan province. about 24 private sector companies bought the seeds produced by farmers from them and mostly paid the farmers' fees. according to the member of the pricing council for basic agricultural products, one third of the law of the sixth plan
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has been implemented in rapeseed production. haratian , sed and broadcasting news agency. mr. engineer, one of the topics. which both in this report and almost all officials , experts and farmers are complaining about it, there is a guaranteed price issue that is sometimes late it will be announced now. today, i think the inspection organization has warned that why the guaranteed price has not been announced yet. my competitors, according to the report that i broadcasted, should i turn to produce more products? yes, i will also answer the question of his excellency regarding rapeseed . you know that rapeseed
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contains more than 40% oil. it is important considering that most of our flour comes from outside. more important than these three roles that i mentioned, too much oil and flour is the problem and your service our basic problem that karza solves is the issue of our rotation in wheat and rape which we plant in the fall, which is about 8 million hectares. wheat if we didn't need oil one day, we didn't need flour
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, we still had to kill canola in our wheat rotation. i apologize that unfortunately, despite being a company. accepted to buy golzai in golestan province, but unfortunately he did not fulfill his commitments and i hope that such companies will be able to fulfill their commitments on time, but with the conversation i had with the honorable minister of agriculture jahid, he said that we will try to meet these demands as soon as possible. in golestan province , their farmers should be paid, and there is room for this so-called negative view in golestan province , and the dear farmers of golestan province should continue to grow rapeseed, as our wheat production is in the group of corn cultivation, but in relation to the discussions that hazrat excellent, you said that we should, for example, this
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your question, once again, if the guaranteed price is always announced, then yes, let me tell you that there are several issues that we should pay attention to regarding the guaranteed price. yes, the ministry of agricultural jihad has been the main responsible for pricing since 2009, with the help of various ministers of the day program management organization , and the supervisor from the honorable islamic council of farmers' representatives. well, this year, unfortunately, somewhat due to the change of government. due to the election debate due to the closure of part of the parliament and being involved
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with the discussion of the selection of ministers, this was delayed a bit . i hope that in the next week , god willing, with the help of all zainfans, the ministry of jahad agriculture will announce the guaranteed purchase of rice . we are talking about the guaranteed purchase or the guaranteed price. the difference between the two is that we announce the guaranteed price in the so-called guaranteed price of wheat and oilseeds. in the guaranteed price , we announce the highest price. cultivate but in the relationship. with the so-called price or buy a guarantee, buy a price guarantee
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guarantee in guaranteed purchase, we only have wheat and oilseeds and in the guaranteed price, the number of our products is too many. if if if if the price goes down so much that the farmer is shaken , the government is obliged to make a guaranteed purchase according to the guaranteed price that we announce . sometimes the rice farmers complain that when they harvest the crop, the ground for importing rice is also provided. so ok the price of the imported product
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will be lower due to its quality, and these will suffer, that is, the issue of pricing and the issue of monitoring the supply and demand, especially the import license, how is the decision made? in the past 34 decades , we had to support domestic production, which was to not import similar products from abroad until the harvest is over, so that the farmer does not have to pay as soon as this purchase from the market comes to the market. we import a balance receipt, unfortunately last year's terms were not respected and the farmers were shaken yesterday when the governor of his ministry
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asked me a question about this issue and raised this issue in the government committee that we are in the field of rice, corn, and barley and similar crops. which we have in the production, the directive announced by the government should be followed until the problem will be solved, god willing. we have another proposal , our second proposal is that rice should not be imported with state currency, at least it should go to the second hall, for example , 450 tomans. if this happens, definitely the balance between currency and demand, balance between price it is established between the domestic and foreign products and the problem of the farmers is solved forever . we should not let the consumer get into trouble, on
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the one hand, we should not cause the producer a crisis, and since we are responsible for the production , we are looking to be the defender of the producer more than other discussions, mr. engineer, one of the the issues that are raised especially in the field of rice cultivation is the type of irrigation, which is water-based. well , in some areas, despite the decrease in rainfall, the situation is better in the north sometimes we see that rice is cultivated in the middle parts of the country, which are facing the challenge of rainfall. bakare, well, the point that
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your excellency mentioned is a very important point that we have to deal with in the form of our cultivation model, so we should definitely plant rice in the north of the country because we have water and the farmers are familiar with the climate and ecology of this issue. this topic is familiar, but there is a problem regarding the price there is, that is, if the price of a product increases significantly. in areas where rice should not be grown, for example, in isfahan province, in fars province, in the center of iran, in many places where we now have micro spots, for example, kalima, we have no choice , for example, the land is lower than the river. cultivation , but the area is very small, but if we
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have, for example, 10 liters of water, we can assume that this 10 liters of water is one hectare. basically, according to the climate, where there is a need , according to the width that i made, we can plan the prices in such a way that the farmer can choose a product that uses less water. according to what was said, from your point of view, as someone who is an expert in the field of agriculture, the most important challenge for iran in the field of achieving self-sufficiency in basic and strategic products, such as some rice, wheat and
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oilseeds, these are the products that countries need. may be other countries in this chaotic open market of conflicts in the world are not easily available and they hand over and sell to their own allies. now, our most important challenge in these three areas is wheat, rice and oilseeds. to achieve continuous self-sufficiency.
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first and second, how many iranian people did we lose due to hunger, god damn england , well, after all, this is a lot, this is at least, for example, many of our elders who can still testify that this happened, so it is important, judicial security and if we want we should pay attention to the so-called points why we can't also pay attention to wheat, one of our basic problems is water in general, so we should appreciate the water we have and use it , as i said, resistant seeds , new irrigations, change of season and in modern irrigation , we use irrigations that have less evaporation let's do it. well, this is one of our priorities that we must
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address. the second priority that we must address is the discussion of prices. in oil, when we import the oil with the government width , we import the oil meal with the government width , we import the rum seeds with the government width , we tell the person who imports these to come and buy the domestic grain, well, he will definitely not come to buy one. one of our challenges is that we have to solve this. if we solve this, my wheat will definitely grow according to the seventh plan. we will come to it in relation to the discussion of sugar, as i said, we do not have a problem in this field, but in relation to the win somewhat due to our limited water, we have to go towards high-yielding varieties
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, hybrid varieties. god willing, the achievement will be achievable. my colleagues will prepare a report on the problems and challenges that farmers face. at the beginning of the new agricultural season, we will see this and then we will talk about it, fertilizer and fuel , these are part of the big and small problems of the farmers at the beginning of the agricultural season. we should give it to our product so that it is ready . it is not available to us. in the discussion of fuel, you just mentioned that this is the issue that should be discussed with the ministry of petroleum. let's do it anyway , the farmer wants to produce, he wants to plow , he wants to plant, but he can't find gas for his tractor , this is really very painful in his own country, the farmer
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is willing to cut off the electricity to his house but not cut off the electricity to his well, he wants an inter-sectoral cooperation and god willing, we had preliminary discussions with the ministry of energy, which addressed their other concerns, such as the final price of the responsible party and received later. the demands are added, the farmers have the right to plant in the fall we are starting, but according to the law , this guaranteed purchase price for the next year should have been announced some time ago so that keshavoz can plan based on that , which has been delayed. well, you can't blame the lack of sources of money, i don't know, the lack of allocation and so on. it needs coordination , it needs a meeting to reach a decision, the problems that need planning and coordination to achieve the hopes and dreams in the 7th plan. the government's debt to the hardworking wheat farmers, which i have room for, first of all
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, i will apologize to all of them for the delay and give the good news that i think about 80-85% of the debt. the government provided these loved ones, it was approved and it is in the payment stage. we have seen the report, so the challenges are characteristic of the seed , there is a guaranteed price, there is a cache pattern, and there are issues from this, what solutions are there to deal with each of these issues, for example for this. that the right seed is available to the farmer and the farmers are convinced to use this seed. well, fortunately
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, in some cases, as i said, 100% of the needs of some are provided internally, and the quality of all is provided by the private sector. in general, in our agriculture, almost 100 our exploitation system is owned by the private sector. therefore, some are almost different from the classes dear researchers, if the research organization works hard, the rest will be propagated by the farmers themselves . one of the achievements of our self-sufficiency in wheat was improved last year due to the high consumption of high-quality seeds, and this year, fortunately , 500,000 tons of wheat have been obtained and provided to bojari goz companies . they are processing it, god willing. the term will be available to farmers in time, and one
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of the good achievements of the so-called term is now in the ministry of agriculture, in relation to the discussion of fuel, which is in your report, well, in minister jad's orders. there was also agriculture. consult with the oil minister so that we don't have this problem . it is related to electricity, which you know has been done for many years with the help of the ministry of energy and all the organizations of the respected organization of planning management, which we will use diesel for the agricultural wells. to reduce fuel consumption , we made it electric. well, when it was electric. we also gave a lot of subsidies, now that we have low electricity, we are going to cut off the water from this well.
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our products don't last more than 70 days, yes , like rice, for example, 60 days, 70 days maximum, for example our 80 days from the beginning of july to the 15th of september is approximately 75 days. we can't tell this plant to live for 90 days, then we won't give you water for 90 days, then we will give it to you at that time, that is , it won't lose 50% of the amount of water we give it for 5 hours, but it will lose 50%. that is, we are destroying the agricultural sector, many farmers are interested in having their house electricity cut off, but their water wells not being cut off
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. for them it is important that, for example, 7 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon, if you say no at this time, but at the end of the night, this will also cause problems for them. well, since i am a farmer myself, because of the point you mentioned, watering during the day is very easy, that is, at night. you can't find the water in that darkness , the water will go to a place where the water has already been consumed. well, it means that we waste more water at night than during the day, and that's why farmers are interested in having their irrigation be so-called one- time . it happens during the day, well, when we cut off the water , it happens at night. you have to use a lantern and a flashlight and look at it with these, well, it makes the work difficult and
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that's why he pays less attention to these things. it is possible and one of the other things that you mentioned in your report is that we should take action regarding the so-called timely provision of the institutions. now is the season when planning for the budget is happening . islamic council of the organization. dear planning management of the central bank and the government board, if we can announce the price of wheat on time , we will also have the necessary credits to buy wheat for next year, god willing. god willing, thank you very much, mr. engineer mohajer, the honorable deputy of agriculture affairs of the ministry of agricultural jihad.
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thank you, dear viewers, may god bless you. sarafat is quick, why am i your officer , don't mistake me for being an officer, be careful sirah, i am an officer of a large iranian office, the only branch in tehran. in serah
4:00 am
afsarieh with unbelievable prices, long-term installments and without advance payment in a large iranian house. hello at 4: iran's policy is to avoid conflict, interaction and expansion of relations with all countries of the world. the president responded to the norwegian prime minister's phone call criticizing the us-european treaty breaking in not adhering to their commitments in the jcpoa, he said that iran fulfilled all its commitments, but america and european countries did.


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