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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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on the first day of the first week of the round of the competition from group a, azad university of babol won eight matches against the ground force team.
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the 9th of shahrivar, the 25th of safar and the 3rd of august will be noon at 125 minutes and maghrib at 1853 minutes. thank you very much for your company. have a nice day. god bless you.
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the 60s have started quite stormy. for the last time. the republic does not have the islamic republic of iran.
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mr. president was found to be politically ineligible for the presidency. the hypocrites and bani sadr. they make up for the negative vote of the representatives with a bomb. slowly come forward. about two months later, on august 2, 1960 with imam's pursuit and focus on religious democracy, people chose muhammad ali rajaee, that is, his opposite pole, using the experience of bani sadr. the guardian council also confirms the correctness of the election on august 10th
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. in the name of allah, the merciful. the guardian council approves. mr. mohammad ali rajaei, son of abdul samad, with birth certificate number 63, issued by qazvin, born in 1312 ah during the presidential election. he was elected as the president of the islamic republic of iran with an absolute majority of 13 million thousand 761 out of 14 million 763 thousand 363 votes held on 5/2/1360.
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this is the ceremony of the initiation of allahu akbar, allahu akbar , allahu akbar, no one doubts that this peddler, a sincere teacher , will fulfill his oath. as the president, in front of the holy qur'an and in front of the people of iran, i swear to the almighty god to be the guardian of the official religion and system of the islamic republic and the country's constitution, and to use all my talent and competence in fulfilling the responsibilities that i have assumed. i should use my time to serve the people and survey the country, promote religion and morality, support the right
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and spread justice, and avoid any kind of autocracy. and the freedom and dignity of persons and rights that the constitution is known to the nation, i support it. mohammad ali rajaee, who in his life has experienced being a teacher, fighting against the dictatorship, representing the parliament, the ministry of education, and being the prime minister, now he has turned his back to serve the people in the absence of the president. as the countrymen know, i am from qazbin. four i was healthy when my father died and i was about 9 years old . i was raised in the same situation from a middle-class religious family and at the same time i grew up in a relatively dignified life. i was 13 years old. i came to tehran in
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tehran . i was a hawker in tehran and you are a student kardam in rajai bazaar is different from bani sadr from the ground up to the sky, this is known by the people who have easy access to him. warm and sincere greetings from your little brother to your service with the hope that god will grant us all the success of following the imam of the ummah , god willing, we belong to you and
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we are because of you, everything we are is for you. and we are at your service. the spring of revolution in the government field is sprouting. less than a month has passed since the presidency of rajaei, the beloved prime minister with art, which is coming on september 8.
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both rajaei and mr. bahner are martyrs who fought together in the battle fronts. the late shahid rajaei to me they said that i have been with mr. wahner for 20 years and god wanted them to emigrate from this world together
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and migrate to him, rah rajai. it is worth the passion of liberation to pass, even though the name of the road, even though the name of the name goes to fame. say the artless people with our art. say the artless people with our art. although art goes with art , rajaei's executive leadership with art lasts less than a month , so in a realistic view, it is not possible to make an accurate judgment about their performance. why despite the very short life of responsibility? rajaee and bahoner have become the symbol of righteous and honest officials in the islamic system
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are it was not like the presidency had an effect on them. they had an impact on the presidency. be victorious and be proud of your revolutionary duty. virtual space it's a new world , and you must know more than me, that is , virtual space is not virtual anymore. today, it is a reality in people's lives. i want the law to exist. this is what
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i sometimes said, virtual space is the way. this is because of this. rule by law. if you don't have a law, create a law. based on take that work attachment rule. the whole world does this. you see he says that the french are treating this poor young man so harshly. they arrest him, imprison him and threaten him with a 20-year sentence . this is because he violated their rule . violation of rule is not acceptable. you are a country. it is your responsibility. you have a mission towards it, you can't
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violate your rule, they shouldn't violate this issue, this is the issue, on this occasion of the virtual space, i said my words based on that, i said it in a different way before. some people explain or they understand or they don't want to understand, but my point is that the cyber space in the country should be legalized, then it becomes an opportunity if we can have legal governance in the cyber space , the cyber space will be an opportunity for the country, otherwise it may be threatened by this it is my opportunity to raise the issue of artificial intelligence, which i did not know who was tanfiz or what it was in that meeting . with an astonishing speed, it means that
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you are completely amazed by the speed that this strange technology has found in the world and is moving forward. well, our devices now our various military and civilian devices are using artificial ears , but they are deceiving us. in the issue of artificial intelligence , it is not a privilege to be a user . it has deep layers. this technology must master those layers . those layers are in the hands of others. if you cannot provide the deep and diverse layers of artificial intelligence for this technology, tomorrow this will be a station. like the atomic station, the atomic agency is making preparations for the artificial intelligence that they are currently doing, so that if
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you reach that station, you must get permission to use artificial intelligence in a certain area. you don't have the right to use it in any other sector . this is how the smart people of the world are looking for these things . the opportunists and power seekers of the world will create an agency with an artificial cover then. you are not allowed to pass through this area. you have to get to the deep and deep technologies of this issue. you should follow the infrastructure layers of artificial intelligence in the country, those who are responsible for these issues , god willing, they will follow them. of course, during the 13th government, an organization was formed called the national artificial intelligence organization under the supervision of the president. now if
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the same organization under the supervision of mr. president, continue to work omid. there is a possibility that, god willing, this work will proceed as described. together with the deputy minister of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts, we visited calder cave, one of the seven prehistoric caves in khoramabad valley. history is talking to you here. and now, with the equipping and smoothing of the road
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, the presence of tourists has been provided for the first time. with the help of all the experts and with the presence of dr. darabi , deputy minister and deputy minister of cultural heritage , handicrafts and tourism of the country, the building of the museum of history. natural after the restoration of the barracks of the historical complex of falak castle al aflak opens. friends of lorestan, in fact , there are 36 restoration projects and works related to museum keeping and various works are being done, but on
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the occasion of the government week, 13 projects have been opened and operated, and one of these projects is this building, which is more than 30 billion was actually spent and dr. darabi praised the collective efforts of people's officials, especially seman and the cultural claimants of the province, for the world registration of the khorram abad valley and said: the case that will be held next year in the world heritage committee in bulgaria will be the subject of registration. the world of flak-al-flak castle and the seven caves khorramabad valley has become a public demand. a work that is registered internationally no longer belongs to the people of that city and that country. it belongs to the members of the human society. they also feel responsible for maintaining the restoration and maintenance of its introduction. i wish, god willing, with
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the global registration of this fatigue from dear colleagues and people . khorramabad and lorestan province in the statement and the final point that the presence of unesco land surveyors to review the world record of khorramabad valley will be on the 17th of shahrivar , dargahpur of khorramabad radio and television news agency. my name is jacqueline. i am a journalist and i am from america. from najaf to here, that is. i came to karbala on foot and to i visited imam hossein's shrine. it was a very beautiful experience. all the time i was walking from najaf to karbala, there were many places to rest, lots of food. the hospitality of iraqi people is unbelievable. finally, my arbaeen walk ended when i reached imam hossein's shrine. the beauty of what
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i saw in the pilgrimage. the cooperation of iraqi people and people from all over the world to support the pilgrims is to make sure that people have a place to rest and this service is for the millions of pilgrims who come here. this was really interesting to me. this service was very parallel and this it was the most beautiful thing i witnessed in my trip. i strongly recommend everyone to visit arbaeen . whether they are muslim or not, to witness the hospitality of iraqis in a beautiful way. it is a very beautiful experience and i recommend everyone to take this trip.
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he dedicated a lot for free health services such as free cancer treatment and education, which was a very beautiful thing that i witnessed and witnessed how the care of imam hossein's shrine helps many people. global research in 17 countries has shown that if instead of using brand or vision drugs, generics should be used, 60% of patients' costs . the generic plan is important for the whole world because it improves people's access , makes the price of medicine more reasonable and suitable for people , and makes quality monitoring universal. iran, according to the statistics of the majlis research center, 30% of the share of various services from out-of-pocket payments for health care is the share of medicine , the basis of our system is the system of generic drugs, that is, regardless
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of what company produces a drug, whether it is produced domestically or imported, it is important to us that based on what features that drug has and what benefits it can have for us in the health system the law of the 7th program once every three months, the brand name or the drug name system should be an issue that experts and policy makers of the drug system of the country reviewed in a one-day conference. we have the country's drug formulation council. this council is formed regularly, adds new drugs and the list is also published, but in the years, entry into the list was restricted or prohibited. again, since last year, this list has been opened and this process is being done, but the pros and cons of the gene system. our financial system is a generic drug system , but this does not mean that we are brand drugs the main thing is that we don't have generic brands in the country, which are very popular in the world. branded drugs are sometimes up to
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several times, seven, eight, or 10 times the price of drugs compared to generic drugs. therefore, in terms of the costs of the health system, this is an important issue in the country. biotechnology that is produced in other countries at a very high price is now in the country. they are produced in the form of their generic equivalents called biosimilars, and the studies we have show that they create up to 3 billion dollars in currency savings. for the purpose of holding the conference, let's examine it from the language of the organizers. what are the advantages and disadvantages of the generic system, if there are any disadvantages, let's identify those disadvantages and fix them and strengthen the advantages so that the medicine can be delivered to the people better. we should reach a common definition of the dos and don'ts so that we can take the future path of this plan better than before and
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with the limited resources we have available, we can have the best achievements for the health of our people . the quality of manufactured drugs and its packaging was another topic raised in this conference. the factor of maintaining the quality of medicine in the market, especially in iran, is the temperature difference between the coldest point and the hottest point. in the middle, the packaging becomes very important and the medicines are destroyed during the storage time, that is, the medicine comes right out of the factory, but what reaches the consumer may not be a high-quality medicine, considering the country's need for some medicine items. there is a special need to produce new drugs more than in the past. 40% of knowledge-based companies in the field of health in the field of production of pharmaceutical raw materials and production.
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bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah bismillah then take it to your home with an unbelievable price, long-term payments and free shipping. it's as simple as that, it's a sports equipment store in a large iranian store.
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big iranian sarai in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in sarai afsarieh. in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, greetings to the section. news at 9 o'clock, welcome, the deputy minister of agriculture affairs, the minister of agriculture , announced the provision of 500 thousand tons of improved seeds for farmers in the new crop year. mr. mohajer said that for the new crop year, the supply and increase of the quality of pesticides and the supply of goats and appropriate institutions are targeted for 100 needs. some of them are provided inside and all of them are of high quality.


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