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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2024 10:30am-11:00am IRST

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isfahan and the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh , in the name of the lord of beauty and beauty, the friend of god, the most merciful and the most merciful, the respected viewers of khabar network. hello , we will start the news section of the media with a behind-the-scenes report and news from two tv series . a story of
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the formation of the 77th khorasan armored battalion, mr. soroush jamshidi , mr. ustadi and other characters from mashhad, we had guests, we had guests from mashhad, a very good actor who creates the atmosphere of the comedy work, it is a source for the audience, even mr. ash majidi and other friends and mrs. those who form the more serious atmosphere of the work, in general , the work belongs to the unknown personalities of our country , they do not have names, they do not have degrees and they do not have special titles , they are not managers, they are mostly mechanics, repairmen, drivers, and the completely middle class of the country , whose story is being told here. this tv series will be aired at the same time as the holy defense week . at the same time as autumn in sima, a series on
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the topic of fighting against drugs. hasht par and ali talebabadi wrote for 20 episodes, and ahmed moazzami and mohammad darza shafiei are in charge of directing and producing it, respectively. police genre, now it includes crime, mystery or action of different genres, which is one of the works that are related to family. basically, this is what i do in all my work, and the story is complicated and twisted, and at the end , let's review some news from several artists, mr. behrani, mohammad behrani, the voice of mr. khan, who was in the hospital for several days due to heart problems , has recovered. thank you to paris st. germain. hello, fidad, abolfazl pourarab is better now. these sentences of the late hatam tahabori, which
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were republished this week, were republished a lot. he said, "what should i do so that i don't suffer? they said, 'be a child.'" collection toba tv will be broadcast tonight at 10:00 pm on channel 1. this collection is the story of an iranian girl who had to migrate to iraq before the revolution , juba khanum. i have been looking for such an opportunity to talk to you for a long time . what happened to toba, a story from the contemporary history of iran and iraq? i said that i don't know him , but seeing him with your husband, this man, with another person , i have never seen anyone like this in my life. i know all of my husband's friends. the story of an iranian family centered on a girl named it
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is narrated from the year 50 until the year 82, when we follow this path of his life in the countries of iran and iraq for 1300 years. this is the name of arbaeen, which is filled with blood, pain and sighs , a collection that tries to depict the close relationship between the two nations of iran and iraq. the main character of our story lives in tehran. the events that happen to him will force him to go to iraq and there will be many setbacks that he will face . in fact, this is how our narrative takes shape. tuba has been produced in 53 episodes. mohammad sadegh zamani of sed and sima news agency , i am talking to mr. saeed soltani about the tv series tuba. the director of this series, who directed other and various series such as after the rain, maamur badragh and you are very welcome to mr. soltani
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. i greet you. we can tell you that you are the director of mystery melodramas that take place on the background of history. first of all , i would like to say hello to you and dear viewers. well , i accept this as a compliment, but i am actually reviewing the work that you just ordered . it is mostly my desire or now the luck that happened to me, in fact, in the field of social dramas. and with this background and theme, it was a mystery. now, why are the main characters of most of your works, like hemi toba, a woman? well, women are actually the main element of life. the main element is actually the family and the family is actually the main part of a society. dealing with
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women's narration is dealing with the society from the women's point of view. it is close to all these human approaches that happen in people's daily life , so maybe this is an unwanted tendency or this actually existing look is the result of this . yes, it has historical context , it takes you almost three decades, almost three decades of research, but apart from this. what else was interesting to you in toba that you accepted? well , there is a selection chapter in the character of toba and the main characters of the story.
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it is quite clear that suddenly, due to the events that happen, he is forced to make a choice and moves away from his homeland. he leaves his homeland and inevitably starts to live in another country , but all his love, creation and desire for his country remains far from his country, but in fact, this sense of existence that he has for his homeland and family is constantly in the story. mizneh, in this sense, it seemed to me that there is actually a significant point that can be jumped on. in addition to the fact that according to the events that have happened in the last 30-40 years, we and the country of iraq and our neighbors actually
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have a cultural affinity. the military and the events that happen, this is actually never a common season. it doesn't go away. this was a point that was really taken into consideration in toba's story, and i think that it could be done . therefore, maybe we were promoted because such a story he proceeded with this form of narration . is this really an adaptation of azad's opinion or not? it is completely an excerpt from mr. imamian's book arbaeen tuba. yes , this is actually mr. seyyed hossein. amir jahani , our good writer, in fact, according to arbaeen toba's novel, he actually shaped the main characters to a certain extent. in fact, the story is subject to this initial formation of the story and the main characters, but in
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the rest, when we entered the script, according to necessity, the reality of the novel and the form of the narrative that exists in the film are, of course, fundamental changes. this is that we want the war from the point of view of iraqi personalities this is a very basic point. yes, well , the narratives that we have had so far, all the stories are actually the events that have happened in our country since the revolution, after the start of the war, and according to the events that have happened in the region, we have actually told them all from the perspective of our own people. we have seen that an iranian is present in a country that is at war with his country and cannot do anything, and in fact his point of view on the issues of war on the issues that
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will inevitably happen in the continuation of these events actually gives a special perspective to the story. therefore, yes, you are correct. in fact, the tuba itself iraq, where the revolution happens, and then the war happens, and his dear family, which now happens frequently in the story.
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one of the professors, without a doubt, in fact, the image , color and light in cinema and our cinema and television valley. fortunately, mr. seyyed hamed hosseini and mr. zareen had a close friendship and friendship, and he was kind enough to read the story. and during the work and until now, when we are still busy with the picture of the end of our work , we have actually used them constantly, the new kind of look they have on the picture , a new feature that i hope will be seen and taken care of in toba's picture. the television that we always had in our series is completely with the actual consultations that we had. in the performance, we tried to make this happen, and for me, it was a great opportunity. yes
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, in historical works, one of the issues that always comes up is to pay attention to the texture of the atmosphere and atmosphere. you actually go to the 50s and then the 60s everything has changed, the urban spaces, the architecture, the clothes , what did you do with these, it is really very difficult to follow them, in fact, the historical work itself is difficult, but the history that is close, for example, the 50s, 40s, 60s, these are so close that people they have a mental history, they have an image, and we can object to it in the same way. in fact , as you said , we will experience a limbo, both in the actual performance and whether we can actually observe the general condition of the film . because we were in the middle of the day, but we tried
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to adapt ourselves to the reality, the place and the conditions that were in the scene, to be able to perform the image that we wanted. these spaces are really very rare in the production of series and movies . in fact, we are very poor because of this and changes. undoubtedly, this happens every year really the kind of cars that were in the 80s. the facade of the buildings, the covering of the people, was actually a kind of conversation, and for that reason, it was a difficult task before us, in addition to the fact that our work was very locational and full of characters , starting from the 50s in tehran, the cities of hawali to the south of iraq, these are actually the changes that in the location and the clothes of the people, the overall appearance of the film is different. you should also show the changes in iran and these changes in iraq
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, of course, you should show the story of mr. soltani , how was the experience of taking photos in iraq? well, a part of our pictures were actually taken in iraq, and it is a friendly country. in fact, the way we look at iraq is really contrary to what i imagined, a very warm look . it was interesting and i hope this incident will happen again. one of the positive points of the toba series is actually the federalism that exists between us, the brotherly nation of iraq, our neighbors around us are pakistan, tajikistan, and afghanistan. a collection like this will clarify this connection for us and our neighbors. i hope that the toba collection will be seen in iraq, but i wanted to see
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if there is a possibility that it will be played there. yes, now it's like this. which i actually know, as if in fact some initial discussions were held and an agreement was reached, because in the story, we really looked at the human narrative of the people, regardless of the fact that the iraqis are iranians, the people are in the actual situation of the story. they do their own human behavior regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, and i think it is a tolerable point. i hope it will be understood in the story . mrs. ghorbani, who is a well-known actress , has been working before me for a few years, one of the simorgh blu-ray awards , yes, one of our successes is serving her in all thanks to your work, we have a well-known actor at work , in addition, in fact, dear peshutan, who
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is in this work from mr. aayish, mr. falahipour, amin zindig, mr. homan bagnovard, dear mr. ghorbani, mrs. specialist, and other loved ones who are really not helping me. he gave us the opportunity to use the young part of the department, in fact , to use a lot of my talented young people in the work. god willing, you will see that they are very brilliant actors, and i hope that this will happen to them from this opportunity . see more of them. your resume it will be placed now when you look. for example, you would give him a higher rating than praise, because he was seen a lot, or how is he after a rain, well, my criterion is not actually seen, now, in fact, tuba is the result of a person who has been working for almost 40 years, and i am actually working. in fact
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, the honor of working with the great people we had in this project is actually a class for me. it was my own hand, i think that this collection is a collection that has a special rank compared to other works, and i hope that the result of my work and actually all our colleagues in the toba collection whether in front of the camera or behind the camera, the friends that you have seen on my tv during this one year are actually with us, people accept it.
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how many chapters does it have? the type of narration, the way it looks at the story, was designed like this from the beginning in tobam. it seems that this stuff actually exists. yes , there are many in the contemporary era, and we will witness very special changes in toba. for example, the number of episodes may increase, decrease, or something. do you want to change the character now? not like this. well, i am sure that the viewers will face more surprises as the story progresses. some stories are constantly changing and actually have ups and downs. and this promise can be made that, god willing , the viewer will be engaged in this way until the end of the story, and
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god willing, the special features of this story will be followed. 30 minutes will be broadcasted on radio tehran to measure information. in general, the topic of this contest is in the name of the good and kind god. ladies and gentlemen, i greet you . you are very welcome to radio tehran. solve the table with the presence of families in the multi-character program. also, they can participate in the competition as a family. you can have a very cheerful, interesting and memorable day together . we have a public information section, one of which is audio and the other is non-verbal. it can help increase the knowledge and public information of both the participants and the radio listeners. tehran. this competition will be held in 3 stages . besides being fun, the table solving competition also requires a lot of general information. so, one of our criteria for the presence of our participants is that they must have high general information . in the second stage of this program, we
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have an audio segment that introduces a movie or a place is it a craft industry? we play a part, the participants listen and we ask them questions based on it. in the third stage, we have a part that is very new, the secret agent, which those who play now know what it is. the radio, which has come in an audio format, what does the first letter of its name start with, it is very easy to get four points. i first came to you, for example , i thought it was a formal program, but when i came, it was an intimate atmosphere. the fact that the information was challenged , the questions and the rhythm of the program and the contest were very interesting. the most important thing was that my emotions were very high. to be focused, to be in control and to have confidence in myself. i will because i know that you will solve many questions. if you would like to participate in a few letters, it is very easy to enter your name and surname along with the name of the competition, i.e. a few
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more letters. this program is on thursdays and fridays at 11:30 p.m. for 30 the minute will be broadcasted on mojaf m radif 94 mhz by mehdi sarbazi of the radio and television news agency . we have reached the end of this news segment by broadcasting this report, which was related to the program "chandahari" that will be broadcast tonight on radio tehran. the next part of the news will be presented to you by our colleagues at 11 goodbye and god is the guardian of the street. an urban street that connects shahid babaei urban expressway and lavaskhan road to the urban uses of district four. a street where
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terrible accidents make news every now and then . of course, these are part of the accidents that happened in this street in the last decade. accidents that according to statistics only from 99 to 140. 7 people died and this is the latest accident about two weeks ago. now again , a similar incident occurred in this street, which left three people dead and four injured, and 11 cars and four shops were also damaged. the non-standard way of this street as city officials say, the most important reason for accidents is the slope of the lashkark road, or from darchak to maidun shani. that my colleagues have complained about in the past years, and also in the second grade from this field to the fourth grade, the average is 12. of course, the city officials say that
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they have taken measures to prevent savane. four warning threads with non-standard thickness above 120 microns have been made. similarly, at the beginning of the arrival, either from lashkark or from babaei, a 3d virtual speedway was created, which could have been very effective without it
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being there, what i remember is about 10 to 15 there have been such incidents since the second time, truck traffic is prohibited but the trucks are moving here, all the residents of the business here, maybe once, they collect the money for the driver to take to the municipality. but i don't pay attention, and now the city officials have made new promises to solve this problem, for several years, they are going to implement toll roads, which means that only passenger vehicles are allowed to travel, and the width of the highway is not the same as the width of the passing lane for trucks. it is not allowed, which means that they will not be allowed to enter, why this height reduction barrier will not be installed here. he used to have a horse, according to the encounters that took place in it was done in the past and the damages that were caused by our friends in the municipality
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were prohibited from collecting the truck sign. now our emphasis is more . 4. on behalf of mr. mayor, i am tasked to inform you within the maximum period of time. i wanted to fully implement these plans for 3 months , double plan, in the meantime, i emphasize that as an inner temple, we could not do anything in terms of traffic and technical engineering that we have not done. zahra ali mardanani of radio and television news agency.
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see what the priorities are? what are the priorities? some priorities are related to february issues. this should be done in the society in a proper way.
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we all know that when the air conditioner is serviced on time, the filter is washed on time , it is really better to use the energy when the weather is very hot, instead of replacing the air conditioner and the air conditioner
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big iranian saray, the only tehran branch in sarah afsarieh, with incredible prices and long -term contracts without pre-curtains. in the big iranian house , each macaron, each macaron, each macaron , each macaron, each macaron , each macaron, each macaron, each macaron, each macaron , each macaron, each macaron.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, salam , join us with the news section at 11 o'clock. 500,000 tons of modified seeds for farmers in the new cropping year, mr. mohajer said, for the new cropping year, supply and increase the quality of fertilizer and supply of seeds and appropriate institutions are targeted. some needs are provided internally , some of them are provided with high quality by the private sector.


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