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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm IRST

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do a good job and maybe in the house of melwan , he can be a hundred ways of the melwan team . let's talk about khyber very briefly. i think that khyber has appeared promising for his fans. he can remain the top of khyber team. it is a cohesive team, reza mohajeri, tactically , his team is playing well technically , but khyber team is a team that entered the premier league because it is its first year. who is playing. from a technical point of view , i wanted to tell you that when he is playing football when he owns the ball, he is playing very open, even when he loses the ball, he is still in the same open style, which means that they are not compressed, and this may lead to a shot. thank you, mr. seziz, for
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participating in this conversation. thank you for your company. have a good time . god bless you.
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in the abrar newspaper in 1970, which was later published in gol agha's yearbook, in the same year 1970 , i think that when they asked him who was involved in gol agha's essay writing after the revolution , he mentioned the names of 3 people in that interview. he said that ayatollah khamenei
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and they were laughing and they gave him a few coins as a reward from these two rial coins, the whole price of which was two rials, but as a blessing and he was always happy that i got a reward from him, for example, and above that his smile i saw shahid before the revolution. rajaei was a colleague of the late rajaei, he taught mathematics , kumers sabri was a strong advisor to rajaei, until the moment of his sanity, this mention should be enough. ayatollah khamenei also, because before the revolution, they were connected with various magazines
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, which means they studied and read, and they had a lot of information, and especially they knew mr. saberi's tenz tawfiq magazine. in the satirical magazine tawfiq, he had a column called eight days of the week and signed therefore, saberi's base in the presidency is broken. the new republic was also strengthened, may god have mercy on the late saberi saberi. saberi was very apostate with us during his presidency . he was the so-called cultural vice president of our cultural department. two.
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without his own name, without a stable nickname , i think arize wrote that the groups that were fighting armed were out of the distance. however , one day a questioner asked him a questioner from tuvode party and the secretary of klash, nouruddin kyanuri, if you are a supporter of the soviet union and you are also a supporter of iran in the war, how would you answer that the soviet union provided mig warplanes to saddam's regime and saddam's regime he will bombard tehran with the same planes. he answered that some of these planes were taken by saddam from others, not from the soviet union. it has been in iraq's possession for a long time, even before the start of the iran-iraq war. when sabri read this question and answer, he was very excited and told me, "i want to write a satire." in this
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context, he named this long satire "mikh namara" and half a second saberi from kyanori. he answered that we researched and found in the documents that this is not true. iraqi shoemakers use one type of nail for the shoes they make there . they nail the soles of the shoes they want . ok, write a letter and send it to the soviet union and from the soviet union. a score of two and a half the translators wanted to make a mistake because the letter g is not in arabic and the arabs sometimes use the letter kh instead of the letter gaf as an equivalent
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. instead of nouruddin jafari, write noor shaaban kiya jafari. he saw that this was published. it was published in the newspaper of the tudeh party's general secretary. well, he had read this article and was very angry. in the next question and answer that was published, he said, "we know what the work of these so-called satirists is." abu torabian writing or similar sajjad javidi or the likes of kumers saberi mr. brezhnev , the president of the soviet union and the chairman of the presidium of the former socialist soviet union, passed away. the phone of the editorial council rang and they told me that kumers sabri is working for you
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. now it's time for us to print an awareness and condolences to mr. kianuri. i said yes, he said, write mr. nurshaaban kiajafarri , i offer my condolences for the misfortune that has befallen me. my signature is the nail of my second grade. i saw that brezhnev is very fond of being the parent of the tudeh party, that is, the tudeh party was born in the soviet union. so, we can do this. calamity let's turn it into the tragedy of his father. an hour passed after the newspaper was printed and explained, mr. saberi called him very upset and said, "why did you print this?" i said you said it yourself. he said no, i was joking . i said it has been printed now. he said that if
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i denied until now that i am the author of these long satires and scores two and a half , i will deny 100 from now on. and even if my name comes up in the middle , i will deny it. officially, you have to take responsibility for it. i said that it is my responsibility. another hour passed . he called me for the third time. this time, i saw him laughing. saberi has very contradictory positions hour by hour , like politicians and diplomats, you change your position , he said, "do you know what happened to mr. pariwi, who worked in the president's office?" he laughed when he read the article. for the president himself, i waited in the next room to see what the president's reaction would be. when the president read it, he laughed loudly.
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you wrote this sequel, the same long joke of the score of d and half. the administration stepped aside over time in accordance with the events in the society there were street assassinations, bomb explosions , and a security environment was created. and the officials have to check the various institutions and devices more . mr. engineer mirslim, who had the ability to manage an institution , was chosen by the president as the director and head of the presidential institution. mr. engineer, we send that it was inevitable that they would have to start everything from scratch, that is
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, to send special forms to all the personnel and employees of the president's office, without exception, there were many questions in it , when they put the form on his desk and saw that there were a lot of questions in the form, nothing. he did not answer a question treat this form with a letter of resignation and immediately send it to the president. last time i came, i would lock the room and take the key to the locksmith. in my resignation letter, i had written to the president, we are not newcomers, because we are returning home with broken bricks, we are not newcomers , like this person who just arrived, until i picked up the phone, i saw the voice of the president, hello hello, said mr. thabit. listen
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, we warm the lovers with the blade of the tongue, because we are candles of a butterfly's whip. he said that he saw exactly another verse of the same ghazal of sahib, which i remembered or did not remember. to the presence of the mind and present answer and literary attention. the president was very attracted to him, but finally due to some differences of opinion with his colleagues outside the presidential institution or inside the presidential institution , he finally came to the conclusion that it is better to resign after the presidency . he was very loving.
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farshen on the head of mojn then says that the wave of ihram on his shower is very beautiful. this wave that is coming is like a man who was a man who was in ihram. it is very beautiful. at the age of one and a half , i became an orphan from my father. education i spent my high school in pieces in the cities. my university education
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, meta-postgraduate level, has been put together in pieces. i have a diploma in agriculture. i have a diploma in literature. i have a bachelor's degree in political science and a master's degree in comparative literature. none of these threads are connected. we were in the office at 3 o'clock in the afternoon . it became a city after so-called few issues and it became necessary for us to have this face in
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my cartoons. this is my job. mr. saberi called me and we talked about it. i told my point of view and he said that it should be this face. let it be like this. this is how it was in my mind . we exchanged thoughts. i went and made a few sketches. it was approved and we worked on the cover the same week with colleagues with experience. in tawfiq magazine, it means being tawfiqia, and to be fair, they were great people. i was bold , so bold that others were surprised at all . sabri was a committed person in the true sense of the word and one of the people who appreciated the revolution because he
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had completely touched the period before the revolution. melana esadiq wrote about the prominent personalities of that time and those who are like that. not you could pass by their name at all , but he used to say that it was very sweet that they write letters and thank you. i asked the late saberi , who is he? he said, by the way, he was fine. yes , we had open heart surgery three years ago. the late mr. saberi told me a lot
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about the closure of the so-called davt. jawane eshari gol agha well, people have different opinions , we came and saw a note from mr. saberi that you should take the front of the magazine, leave the cover aside , i am writing the editorial, the bottom of the article will be changed. at the bottom of the rome article, i had written that the circulation had dropped anyway and it is falling, the views had changed , the elite forces of gol agha had left at that time. there was a press that had a strong tendency to caricature articles written by gul agha , and they put them in front. at all, everyone asked gul agha , why was this closed? he said it was a secret
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. he reached his foundation before him and no one has been able to fill his void in these few years since he passed away. my last memory from the time of his life was the night when the late jahanshah nasser called me and he said that saberi is in the hospital in an isolated space. this was the last conversation we had together. and he told me in the same accent and tone and language as always, my glory, to come out of the hospital , we must see each other once a week until the day when the news broke and it was very bitter for us
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, we made a pact that we would not see each other for a long time. we see, unfortunately, i never saw him bring sabri's body from that hospital, may god have mercy on him, and also mr. zaroui, how empty you are at night. we saw shocking scenes all over the country. crazy minority rioters to the building people attacked and even tried to set fire to the building where people are present. they chanted racist slogans in the streets and called these absurd actions legal demonstrations. these riots, which of course pay for the rioters, showed the state of our society and it became clear that
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britain is a deeply unhealthy society and there is a gap in the pillars of this system. it is deep and these are the result of a decade of division and decline in the quality of life, which was created by the demagogic policies of the previous government. the first speech of the new prime minister of england to reporters on the eve of the reopening of parliament and official activities the new government could not convince all the citizens and win their trust. to be honest , i trust the politicians of both major parties. they are making promises before the elections, but when they take power, they forget them , like the promise made by the prime minister and the leader of the labor party that he will not increase taxes, but to increase taxes. the beginning of his government's activity coincided with the recent riots in this country
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, he asked the british judicial system to punish all the people who were involved in the riots in real and virtual space with the most severe sentences. but judicial authorities they said that the prisons are full and there is room for hundreds of people who were arrested. according to the report of the british national statistics center, the occurrence of crimes has reached the highest level in the history of this country , and the prison cells of this country
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have no room for new criminals. the government is forced to release hundreds of prisoners before the end of their sentences. i did not want to release the imprisoned criminals early. but i had no choice. if criminals are imprisoned. if we didn't release him earlier, we couldn't arrest the rioters and control the riots quickly. the widespread arrests of the recent incident in england are said to be the cause the monitoring institutions have only about 100 places for new convicts in the prisons of this country. mojtaba ghasemzadeh of the london broadcasting news agency. in the name of allah, the merciful. thanks to almighty god
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who made our nation victorious in its third revolution. and now an islamic country, an islamic assembly, a nation. salman is the successor leader to the right of the prophet and the imam, and next to them is the president with two important characteristics of imitating the imam and the son of the nation. many years ago, at the end of this alley , abdul samad rajaei had a house that he inherited from his father. a house from which only. the wooden door of its colonnade and the sign above the entrance remain remaining apart from this house, abdul samad also had a shop in ghazvin bazaar. bezazi
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was giving enough for his own life and his wife's life. in the same years, in the same conditions as rezakhani, god gave abdul samad and glin khanum another son. a boy named muhammad ali and azan and iqamah in his ears. but glin's trust was older, it was more difficult in the basement.
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far away from iran, the second world war had started and its severity had taken hold of our people. the market had lost its prosperity. wheat and grains had decreased and the poverty of the people had reached the levels. many homes and lives. they had left them and came they went to big cities to find better business. mohammad hossein, the elder brother of mohammad ali, also came to tehran in the hope of giving prosperity to their lives. when he stayed for two years , he brought the rest of the family to him so that at least they could be together during these difficult days. but living was still difficult. everyone had to work. muhammad ali in short, as my countrymen know, i am from qazbin. i was 4 years old when my father died, and
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i stayed in qazbin when i was 9 years old. i came i was a hawker in tehran and i became an apprentice in the market and i am very happy because at a young age he became completely familiar with the life of korpsone and the south of tehran. when i was the minister of education , they thought that god has a place in hell that is as big as 10 million. there is a pressure of torment, there
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is a place for education, because every sentence of the minister of education affects 10 million people, so he must be aware of how far this speech has an effect and what responsibility he has. of course, the minister of education always hopes for god's grace, so we don't think only about that place of hell. well, for example he made the matter a little closer to us. let me talk more about this example. in the hell of god
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, there is a place where the pressure of punishment is equal to the sin of 36 million people. there, my place is where my words and actions affect the lives of 36 million people . the fate of 36 million people is under the influence of two and one nine.
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sarab is a quick service, i am an officer's office , don't make a mistake, be careful , a large iranian office, the only tehran branch in three roads, an officer's office, with reliable prices. kurdani and
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long-term photos without advance payment in a large iranian house in the name of allah, rahman, raheem, salam bakhsh. news at 12 o'clock and some news: the head of the country's civil registration organization announced the issuance of national cards to people at birth in the near future. mr. kargar said that the national card issuance process is speeding up and national cards will be issued to people in two months. the head of the civil registration organization said that in the digital identity system of iranians, people's identities are verified in the private sector.


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