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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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2nd runner-up from tehran, arta etemadi, 3rd runner -up from isfahan, hamid reza khavani, berdan berdanjani , i think it's okay, pardanjani pardanjani, 4th runner-up , atosa salemi arani, 5th runner-up, nastern ghasemi, from mashhad , i wish to congratulate all these dear ones. who are part of the elites of the country , take positive and effective steps on the path to becoming elite and render their religious services to the islamic republic and their dear people in the future, god willing . i am very grateful for your attention. term obtaining notebooks, choosing a virtual field that
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this year we are also trying to be available to our loved ones, and finally our cooperation will be from today until next week, which will be next week . next week, the last day we will be at the service of our loved ones is sunday , i think it will be the 11th. and our manual, which has all fields and capacities , will be uploaded on sunday, the 11th. god willing, eleven cities will combine with each other over time in such a way as to form the health status related to before and after the dismissal period.
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but to be clear, i want to say that your research is not actually for the reasons of this process pay i mean how strong is the evidence you are talking about. you are providing shortcuts. i think your article definitely proves this. right yes in this research, we do not make any claims regarding the causality of the expulsion event itself . we will sort of compare this issue . how did the mortality rate among people who were sued for eviction during the epidemic change compared to the mortality rate among this group before the outbreak of the epidemic, so this is a descriptive finding rather than a causal finding of this research. it shows a very sharp increase in the death rate for these people during the first one or two years of the epidemic, however, even with the limitations related to the study
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, this issue is not only related to housing policies, but also vital in relation to health policies. . what is the crime situation in this area? the situation is very bad. if you want to walk here, you must have a knife to keep yourself safe. there are more 14-year-old children here than anywhere else. they smoke cigarettes and cocaine and stab each other. this is a scary place to live. what is the age of drug use among teenagers here? years old it's hard to say how old he is, but every time you cross the street, you only see small children. they are 10 years old. yes, they are almost at that age. they came and stabbed me. hey stabbing later, i became obsessed with them. cleveland is a relatively small area on the northeast coast of england, which is part of york.
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covers ham and teesside. it is not only test river that passes through the region. it is also a crime. police! crime rate in. we are the center of criminal activity in england and new statistics show that the crime rate
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recorded in claymoreland police is 1417 cases per thousand. no one this means that more than 14% of people who are here were victims of crime last year. considering this, this is almost 40% higher than the crime rate reported by the metropolitan police of london , more than 50% higher than the crime rate in england and belgium, and when you look closely, the picture is even worse. . this area has the highest crime rate, including sexual assault , the second rate of knife-related crimes, and the fourth and worst rate of drug-related crimes. drugs in the country. here you immediately notice the big challenges facing cleveland. we are in broad daylight we were threatened by several people and in the hamlington area of ​​middlesbrough it didn't take long for the crime to catch up with us. i
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always have to carry one of these knives with me to keep myself safe. you should always have a knife with you. i always walk with a knife just to be careful with myself, because in each of these streets you walk, you might find someone with a knife. wife, do you have a knife, no, i don't, he doesn't have a knife because he's always with me, no, no , i don't need a knife, you know what i mean , you've had to use a knife many times, but i'm not proud of it like always. have you ever used a knife? well, it depends . of course, if someone doesn't bother me , i have nothing to do with it, but if someone wants to bother me , i'll attack him sneakily without him seeing me and i'll do my job immediately. it's no problem at all , so what now? you know what i'm doing , i'm shivering from the cold, what do you mean, we're in the middle of a deal , i was shocked by the insolence of confronting this man, and once this man told us without the presence of a camera that he doesn't sell drugs himself, but children there are those who sell these materials to him, this is not unusual and now using
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technology has made it easier than ever to target youth. crime is no longer limited to the streets, but has become online within minutes. they advertised their products on popular social media sites. it 's not just illegal drugs they sell. they claim that they can buy guns, knives, prescription drugs, counterfeit money, and fake credit cards with just one call. but some locals are fighting back. harris and davy leppard's money will last him a lifetime. they see the children in a life filled with crime , they were fed up and started a plan to keep kids off the streets, more of our friends went to jail, died, became narcissistic, things
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are not the same, things have changed, and yes , drugs have played a role. it is important in this regard, it is everywhere , so the only thing that came to my mind was to give the children a better chance and tell them not to follow this path and instead of becoming a drug dealer in the end, a business is a better future job. and have better plans for their lives . kam3 is the 9-year-old drug dealer in did you see around this area, how old was it? maybe it's an exaggeration, but i saw a 12-year-old kid doing this while selling drugs. yes , yes, it's very normal. you look at me like you're shocked. but now i have to say, why is all this cheating going on? it all comes back to drugs, money, and fame. these days, we gather the children in this place to avoid these dangers in amman. surely, their work is very popular with the officials and officials. i like this place very much
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, there are many facilities for playing , we have video games, billiard table, hand football table and so on it's very good because we don't go to the street to play anymore , why is this important to you, because instead of playing on the street, we can be in a safe and protected center. hadak reads that donna, elfi's mother, is one of the parents of the children present in this center every week. who work here voluntarily. they are active in arts and crafts. they cook hot food and even run a grocery store in this center. but in a situation where the local council is facing the risk of bankruptcy, the future of this center is in a state of uncertainty. what if these children are not here? could something happen to them? what were they doing i cannot speak for all of them. but probably. they wander in the street, they probably torment all the neighbors
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, they fight with each other in the cold and dark street , there is really nothing for them to do, you know, as a mother, i tell my child to leave the house and play outside , but i am worried about this. where can our children go? this is a sad fact that for some people, crime is a part of daily life, and they must accept the fact that crime is a part of everyone's daily life. is here i don't feel safe at all, i don't even dream of going out after sari hawa, the prostitutes are drug addicts, the houses are broken into and the lack of police presence is really terrible , this is terrible. my friend paul and i used to come here , but he he doesn't do this because of his safety . he doesn't come here. this is absolutely shocking. i have lived in cannon park and carlow street. i have lived everywhere you can think of . i will come back and there are many stories
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of this kind of theft related here the activity of the second largest criminal group in cleveland is worse than anywhere else . in cleveland , they had to install security surveillance equipment, and one of the shopkeepers in middlesbrough went even further. well, you know, every night when i want to leave here , i take mobile phones with me from the store, because if someone wants to come here to steal come on, there's nothing you want to steal and steal parvez akhtar owns a mobile phone store in the city, but he has been targeted many times. thieves have been exposed. this has caused him to take extreme measures. how many times
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has he been robbed from here? i think he has been robbed from here 9 times in total . in the first 3 years, if i am not mistaken , he has been robbed 7 times. what i am doing now is that i will protect myself with barbed wire . i will put the barbed wire here on the main entrance. if someone wants to come here from a truck or a car, then i will hide myself and no one can enter here . then if someone wants to come from behind the canvas or from you. the wall come in here, i 'm protecting myself with this barbed wire because i can't take the risk. this happened once and a boy came here and took the phone from me and ran away . after three days, the same boy with his other friends came outside my shop and called me and said come out, we want to talk to you. when i went out, he said, do you want to buy this phone from me? that was my phone. the label of my store was rosh, he wanted to sell it to me again, and they told me that we consider you a smart person
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, so don't drag the police into this fight. we know where you live. i'm afraid. i'm really afraid. what is the reason for all these thefts? well , you know, prostitutes cause problems because they work as prostitutes to get their drug money, and most of the prostitutes here are addicted to prostitution. i told them that what you are doing has nothing to do with me, it is your business, but don't do this in my house, because my children are around here, my children are listening to what they are saying through the window. for example, people ask them how much money do you get for this work ? my 11-year-old daughter asked me, "dad, what does this mean?" how should i answer him? after a few moments, we saw closely what kind of situation he was dealing with . some sex workers
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announced that they had settled 40 sex workers in a place to reduce the harm. knives are at the top of the list, given the number of knife attacks now taking place across the uk. we wanted to meet with the people involved in these crimes , with 3 people, a victim, a criminal , and a grieving mother whose lives have changed forever. when i woke up, it was bending from my body like this, i thought i just died i said i'm dying, i'm dying. i thought so. we meet gary gill in thornby area. two years ago, at this very spot, he was brutally attacked by three men. they
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are knocking hard on the door of the house. i saw that they had knives with them. i said put down your knives so i can fight you. one of them said that i should fight, you fool , and in this way he pretended to put the knife on the ground and then moved behind me. one of them came towards me and i punched him in the face. to fight with him, then i felt a knife i tried to get away from there, but they stabbed me again and this time they hit my legs. i fell on the ground and tried to protect myself from their blows . they started hitting me on the back. in the two years since this happened, do you think knife crime has decreased? a 14-year-old boy was recently arrested with a knife. i asked him. why
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do you carry a knife with you and he said that i have a problem with people, this is for me. the real word shows that carrying a knife has become a normal thing and because he knows that others also carry knives, so my son should carry a knife with him. it seems that knife crime is seen everywhere in this region. that night, we talked to androk, 14 years old, who was behind bars for the crime of murdering someone. i went out alone. i used to carry a knife to protect myself. i walked and asked a man to give me a cigarette. he said no, i threatened him. and i asked him for all his money and he started to fight, unfortunately he stabbed me 11 times and obviously i ran away and realized that that dead man is so sorry for your actions. i regret my actions 100%. i wish this had never
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happened. however, i feel that the sentence i received was justified and changed my life completely. what is your advice to someone who is thinking of picking up a knife? i tell him not to do it because he is an idiot. they don't want to use it, but they are with their friends and they might use a knife under the pressure of their peers. i want them all to do this. don't work and don't be under the pressure and influence of your peers, while andrew. it seems to us that he now has the opportunity to change his life for the better, but not everyone is so happy. barbara's son, robert , was stabbed in the back with an ornamental samurai sword a few meters from his house and killed. his tireless campaigns against the use of melee weapons led to the banning of
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similar weapons. but after more than 20 years , his mental wounds are still fresh. never fully recovered, the sword passed through his throat and it had passed through the left cavity of his heart, it even cut the vertebrae in the back of his neck, and then it passed through the aorta. he bled profusely on the street . i arrived at the hospital. i was very nervous , i was literally nervous before i went to the hospital. go, his friend called me and said that your son is gone. i told him where he went because i didn't know what happened. i called the hospital and the hospital receptionist told me that he was discharged and is at home. later, his friend called again and said that he was gone. i called his father. although years have passed since this incident, i am terrified that day,
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i go up and down the stairs of the house many times. i arrived at the hospital and screamed right at the entrance. this was a normal thing and i told the receptionist that you told me that he was at home but people say that he was stabbed and died. at that moment i told myself that this situation must end. stories like barbara's story are challenges. it reveals the burden placed on the local community, but how can meaningful change be made, whether it's violence, anti -social behavior, theft, or any other crime, every person we spoke to said it was all related to drugs. the state of drug use in this area, you can find any type of drug here. this place is known as the city of crack . i know many kids who are 14, 15 and 16 years old who smoke crack, that is, they smoke crack before they turn 16.
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i am not exaggerating. the situation is very bad. crack is found everywhere. it is like an epidemic. with crack , what causes these crimes? only drugs, so it's all caused by drugs. i can always guarantee that there are drug dealers everywhere. i see even the working class can be seen among them. everyone they do this. this is not only seen among the people of the lower class of society, but it is seen everywhere. references to the issue of drugs are everywhere here. the police go to many buildings here and the name of the criminal is written on the buildings for everyone to see. cleveland police in a special and specialized operation in an effort to deal with the drug crisis and root out trafficking groups. but the sheer scale of the problem here is shocking. just a few days before our arrival, a large cannabis plantation here
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was discovered and attacked. we were filming the place with a big discovery we got more information. the police are constantly fighting to deal with drugs in this area, as soon as they arrest someone for producing drugs, another person is replaced in the supply of drugs. we hear that cleveland raided a property in hartlepool this morning and found £20,000 worth of cannabis, the main ingredient in cannabis. so we go there to take a look. how do you know about the existence of this tomb? does it have a special smell or do you find them with prior knowledge ? one of the dangers that exists is that this graves are widely spread and the risk of a large fire. if you live in the neighborhood of these houses, there is a great danger to your house. people do not understand the issue. the police are facing big hurdles here. but is
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n't it surprising that since 2010 the number of officers here has decreased by 14 percent. in 2019, this force took special measures to increase the number of its forces, and despite the removal of these measures last year, people are still here. do you feel safe in cleveland now? no , not really. you don't think the police are corrupt. they definitely are why do they have to bring the special forces here because the cleveland police force is not doing their job properly, there are 10 year olds here who are taking naps because of drug use, we are not going to arrest them, the police are not going to help you much because the police really not interested . social institutions are really interested in helping. we and the local community members worked together to do something about this. the police does nothing, that's why i was robbed 7 times. one of the most important roles in journalism
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, especially when it comes to public safety it is a matter of authority. over the past 3 months, we have had repeated requests to speak with the cleveland police, but the force said: "he is very busy, given that he spoke to several media outlets a few days before our arrival. " but the police and the district crime commissioner finally agreed to the interview. steve turner was elected to this position on behalf of the conservative party in the 2021 election. he is facing another election this year and was eager to say what he has done to improve the situation. what i promise the people is that they deserve an efficient and effective police force, and that's what we have we are looking for it here. so we are based on data on the amount of crimes. we look at the percentage of the population, but when you look at the arrest data by percentage of the population, we are the second best force in the country in terms of
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arresting criminals. that's why we increased our inspection and search operations here by about 40%. you have been in power for 3 years, why didn't this happen earlier? you should know that when we took mani, there were few of them. we are in we were in a situation where we could only deal with the issue of crime. we didn't have a strategy, we didn't have a clear path. we had a force that did not register the crime correctly. but now we know that we managed to put the wheels back on the rails. he knows that we started exploiting its benefits. what the people of cleveland need to know is that contrary to what the media is reporting, the police force is not a violent force. yes the number of crimes is high, we live in a difficult place and we cannot please others and there is no way to escape from it and a lot of work needs to be done and the majority
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it happens to me that there are people who do not see crime. many crimes go unreported and this affects very few people. steve is naturally eager to defend his history and his hometown, but his words do not reflect what we have seen and heard from the local community. yes , crime is not everywhere. at the same time , there is more crime in some areas than in other places. but anyway, the crime is visible here. residents talk about it in a real way. if i go out alone, i feel insecure because there are many crimes here. and wound what this situation leaves behind is even in public view. although the crime rate is decreasing both locally and nationwide. but that's not the case in cleveland, and it's an uphill battle for those who live here. what
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can the police do to prevent theft? how can he deal with this discussion? i don't know what answer i can give you . you tell me what more i can do. there is only one way left, and that is to speak a trench and cover it so that no one enters. i have lived here all my life and i grew up , i know the problems of this area better than anyone, that's why i really want to do something for it, the way they use to deal with issues is not right. it's not about money, they should do the right help there . you cannot stop those who want to carry a knife. they want to carry knives . the only way i think it can be done is to actually imprison them. but they don't go to jail. retirees, salary earners
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and pensioners. everything you buy should be original, don't you want everything you buy to be at the lowest price, aren't you looking for a place that is it should have long-term specifications and the conditions should be comfortable . i say, aren't you looking for a discount? why, by the way, then you should go to a specialized home appliance authority. you should go to a specialized home appliance authority.
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after azadi square, in front of tehran, head of household appliances city. it could just be real. the possibility of buying and declaring damage online b.
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tehran branch in three roads of afsarieh with unbelievable prices for long-term leases without prepayment in a large iranian house. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , the names of the best names of the 1403 konkur were announced based on the news section at 17:00 the announcement of the head of the assessment organization in the department of mathematical sciences, according to amir hossein soleimani tashe kandi from tabriz.


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