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tv   [untitled]    August 30, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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they are on the list of terrorism and sanctions, in addition to iran itself , it has been under the most severe economic sanctions, but in terms of comparing iran and the entire resistance front, for example, they have become stronger since the last 20 years, but the american government no longer has the power it had in the past 20 years. i mentioned that we have had many historical events recently, in which the resistance front was able to win the wars in syria, iraq, lebanon, and gaza. this is a problem that even observers in asia and west asia see as ablution. just this week, i saw a report in asia times that addressed this issue. analyst he wrote the report that as a researcher of security studies who has been studying conflicts in the middle sleep for more than 20 years, he says that all american foreign policies towards iran have failed and collapsed. america's deterrence power in
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the middle east has reached its peak . what do you think about this? why did the american government 's policies against iran and west asia backfire and fail to such an extent ? it is clear that they have failed. that america by turning its own economy into a weapon by turning the dollar into a weapon, and by turning the western financial transfer system into a weapon , it has actually encouraged and promoted iran and even russia and china to look for alternative ways of trade and bypassing those sanctions, and they succeeded in that system.
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the multi-polarity of the world is the result of american pressures, and this order that they created was through brics, which is now expanding a lot. iran itself is constantly adding new members, and this one is actually the belt and road initiative that it started from china and now it was an alternative to the erosion road, this is also a way there was another method and another approach of the easterners to bypass american sanctions and become independent. in commercial fields and therefore these events and the fact that iran lived under sanctions made iran much more self-sufficient in many ways in the development of its own industries in more cooperation with eastern countries, countries that have access to western technologies and can they use iran for their own purposes and have good relations with them. iran's economy can
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progress, but now they have learned to develop their own industries and are independent in many ways. we can see this happening in iran , china, russia, and other countries, and they can unite with each other, even with as a result of these sanctions, in fact, with the passage of time , these became meaningless and ineffective, and as a result, they lost their effect in many ways. these sanctions were designed against the leaders of the countries, but the people were under he put pressure and hurt people. and these
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countries with this new multi-polar world order, which is actually creating a challenge for the west now, very well, mr. melev as the final question is, in your opinion , what messages do you think this global image, which can be seen from america's failed practical policies, has for international observers? the people of all countries, especially the people of the region in west asia, when they see that america is looking for things in its foreign policy, but the opposite results are obtained. i think what we have seen are the consequences of the failure of american policies. we see now that
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more and more countries are joining this new global multipolar system. they are creating themselves and developing countries latin american countries and african countries are slowly taking steps to get out of dependence on the united states and become independent by joining this system, and the united states has no answer for this development
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, it has no plan and no way to deal with these events and developments. . in my opinion , westerners will face economic problems in the coming years, i mean their economic system and a revolution is being created in the east with these new systems. i thank mr. maalouf for being with us in this conversation. i do as you invited me. ukraine's first f-16 fighter american lost in the war with russia. two days after zelensky expressed his satisfaction about the role of american f-16s in the recent operation in ukraine, the downing of the first f-16 fighter was confirmed. some sources
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say that the russian fighter has shot down the american f-16. before the crash of this fighter , it was said that ukraine has 6. india launched its second indigenously built nuclear submarine. this submarine is about 112 meters long and weighs about 6 thousand tons. this submarine can carry up to 12 nuclear ballistic missiles with a range of 750 km. china, france, britain, russia and the united states are among the owners of nuclear submarines. the new phase of disputes between the brazilian food authority and social media x. the financial facilities of starlink satellite internet company in brazil are closed. as reported by stalling officials. brazil has held this satellite operator responsible for the fines imposed against social media x. yesterday , a brazilian supreme court judge threatened elon musk
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with the suspension of his activity in brazil if he does not appoint a new legal representative for x social media within 24 hours. early in the year it was happening that this brazilian judge asked the social network x to close the accounts of some users due to the spread of false news and hateful messages. however, elon musk refused to comply with this request by calling the brazilian judiciary a criminal. serbia and france signed an arms agreement worth 3 billion euros . this agreement took place during the visit of french president emmanuel macron to belgrade. according to this agreement, france will sell 12 rafale planes to serbia. macron's trip is supposed to enter france's energy industry, especially in the field of construction facilitate nuclear power plants to serbia. there is still
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no news about the 210 missing people due to the flood in sudan and the search continues. as a result of heavy rains a few days ago in sudan, hundreds of arbaats were broken and flooded. the village was destroyed, in addition to the missing, more than 130 people died. yesterday, the yemeni resistance published new pictures of the destruction of the greek ship that was carrying oil to the ports of the zionist regime. this time, the yemenis used a new form for their operations with their own boats. reach this oil tanker and destroy it by bombing.
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unity europe has threatened telegram false declaration of the number of users is fined according to the digital services act or the dsa of the european union. it was approved less than a year ago to control cyberspace. platforms that have more than 45 million users in the european union must be accountable to the european union. in early 2024, the european union passed a law requiring platforms to declare the number of their users. telegram announced at that time.
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the european union
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has set the digital services law in 12 pages to prevent platforms from providing content that is against eu laws to limit the dsa law has been implemented in the member countries of this union since february last year. in case of violation of the digital services law, a fine of 6% of the annual turnover will be imposed. now the new york post of america, referring to this law of the europeans, wrote durov, ceo of telegram, who just ate the french abacus, he must experience this new trouble. pain in the neck for the owners of large platforms in order to legalize the cyber space in the member states of the european union. fatemeh sharifi, sed and sima news agency. today is the 46th anniversary of the shooting. imam musa was sadr. our colleague's report from the ceremony
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held in lebanon on this occasion. saad, the palestinian intellectual meeting was held in beirut in the memory of this outstanding figure of lebanese shiites. imam khomeini of israel was blocked by seyyed musa. describing absolute evil. the same view practically led to the formation of powerful resistance against the illegitimate zionist regime in lebanon, which led to the liberation of southern lebanon, and today we are witnessing the same resistance's battle with the zionist enemy. dozens of political and intellectual elite thinkers from various lebanese islamic and christian denominations, as well as representatives of militant parties and groups. lebanese and palestinian attended this meeting.
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palestinian and lebanese personalities from different groups all emphasized the centrality of the palestinian issue in the civilizational view of imam musa sadr, and the interesting point is actually the strange intellectual similarity between the thought and the system of thought. imam musa sadr and the intellectual system of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, especially in the issue of palestine and
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that horizon of civilization, which was emphasized in this meeting. the zionist regime hoped to prevent the formation of active resistance in southern lebanon by kidnapping and disappearing seyyed musa sadr. today, the zionists, lebanon's hezbollah, are the greatest danger they consider it a threat to their existence in occupied palestine. seyyed mohammad hosseini, reporter. we are reaching the end of the world today, good night and god bless you.
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hello, welcome to the environmental magazine. as usual , this program is part of the most important environmental events of the day. i will inform you about the past. last week, the president introduced mrs. sheena ansari as the head of the environmental protection organization in the 14th government. mrs. ansari, on the first day of her activity as the head of the environmental protection organization , by attending the group of environmentalists, improved the structure and used the specialized power of the employees of this organization.
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he mentioned the priority of his plans. head of the environmental protection organization. in his first appearance in the national media and the special news talk program , he raised environmental problems such as air pollution and the lack of water resources as major challenges and said that solving these challenges requires the participation of the people of the organization and the executive bodies of the environmental organization . the issues can be solved by cooperation and strengthening of this inter-sectoral cooperation, for example, regarding the issue of the taliban , it must be coordinated with the ministry of energy, even with the ministry of agricultural jihad, regarding the model of farming, which is compatible with the climate. between bakhshisheh and 9th of shahrivar, the national day of protection of the iranian goose , we came to the breeding center of this endangered species in order to
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follow up on the latest measures of the environmental protection organization to save the iranian goose in this center, three adult iranian gooses. firouz s. long female azar toran and giso are kept. the officials of the environmental protection organization , who stated that the non-standard location of the iranian yuzos is one of the most important reasons for the failure of the breeding project in captivity of this species , announced the 40% progress of standardization in this center. with the end of the standardization plan in the coming months propagation in captivity of iranian ewes has a higher chance of success. on the other hand, the officials of the environmental protection organization believe that the images recorded from the iranian yuves in the past months show protective measures, including the securing of the protection crossing. in recent years, the habitat and habitat of the ostrich has caused the population dynamics of this endangered species. in these three months, we
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have recorded 6 adult ostriches, one male and 5 female ostriches, and out of these 56 females, four of them have cubs. electricity production in the country has increased by 9% using solar panels , according to the announcement of the basic center for renewable energy resources since the beginning of this year, solar power plants have produced more than 415 million kilowatt hours of electricity, which has increased by 9 compared to the same period last year. the development of solar energy is considered one of the solutions to reduce air pollution and resolve the imbalance in electricity production, which currently has the capacity of installing and operating solar power plants in the country to more than 700 megawatts. the volume of water in the country's surface reservoirs is 12% more than the last water year. the spokesperson of the country's water industry said that although the average
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rainfall in the current water year is normal, but these rainfalls in some provinces are relatively low. last year it was less and the condition of hundreds of reserves in these provinces is not favorable. we had good runoff , many of which were stored in our hundreds . what is the use of water in tehran, for example, in the southern region of sistan-baluchistan province, where the rainfall is now less than normal, or what is the use of mashhad . we must manage water issues on a regional and local scale. mr. bozorgzadeh asked people to conserve water as much as possible until the autumn and winter rains begin . head of the organization. natural resources and watershed management of the country said during the implementation of the seventh plan watershed management will be implemented in 20 million hectares of natural areas. according to mr. hassan vahid
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, the 20% reduction of the center of sandstorms and grave walnuts is one of the other tasks of the seventh plan. unfortunately, one of the problems that exists in the country is the walnut problem , which is a very serious issue in the areas where we have crisis centers in the country. at the end of this program , i will say goodbye to you while reviewing some short environmental news. ramadan rastgar, one of the rangers of the dena protected area , was killed by gunshots. he was directly wounded in the leg and taken to yasouj hospital. a quarter of china's energy from resources
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pak is provided. the officials of the chinese government announced that the country achieved its goals in the field of clean energy 6 years earlier and was able to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide by about 3 billion tons . monsoons in india, bangladesh and thailand. caused a flood. floods in these three countries displaced thousands of people in addition to human casualties. the scorching heat and severe drought in romania have reduced the harvest of some agricultural products such as corn to zero. officials of this country say that thousands of hectares of arable land are lost every year due to climate change. and environmental activists say contrary to the claims of the japanese government. the release of water contaminated with nuclear compounds has caused sea pollution. japan claims that these waters are used to cool nuclear reactors and do not pose a threat to the marine environment.
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we are going to imam khomeini airport to welcome a world champion team. of course, this team is not a sports champion. they were all students, for whom did you bring a mohammadi agriculturalist ? it was interesting that they came to welcome them . you are great, mother, grandmother, father, neighbor, what , yes, neighbor, come, with the arrival of my student olympiad team, a welcoming ceremony was held for this champion team. the noteworthy point here was that this
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team 5. being a person who all five of them won the world gold medal of the 17th astronomy olympiad in physics . how hard did you work to win this medal ? it took about 3 years. this process made our country proud. it is the best possible feeling . let's grow up and reach higher levels. somewhere, a student was appreciating his mother like this. what about me for my mother? movement but the opinions of imam khomeini airport passengers are interesting.
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i am proud that we have iranian children in such a way that they can support them so that they can see more of their progress. these are the geniuses of our country . to consider, to consider , to consider in the stadium, to consider, to consider, to consider, i am beautiful , congratulations, congratulations to the student olympiad team, while it reached the championship position this year, and the third position last year . it was obtained by hosseini bai of radio and television news agency, which is full of maps of mahd farsheh, mahd farsheh designs bring joy mahd farsheh mahd farsheh is like the sun whose light is sour poison mahd farsheh mahd farsheh in the sky of iran.
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irani is the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh with unbelievable prices and long-term appointments and without prepayment in the big iranian house .
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what to buy, the price is low, aren't you looking for a place that has both long-term features and comfortable conditions ? i mean, aren't you looking for a discount? why, by the way ? specialized reference of supplies home after azadi square, facing tehran, sir
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shahr. homemade again. in the name of allah, rahman raheem, hello, have a good time . welcome to the football magazine program. let's go to the premier league. sepahan's return to the top. the first win of the season . in the continuation of the third week of this tournament , sepahan tonight at the imam khomeini stadium in iraq with a single goal in the 23rd minute by kaveh rezaei.


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