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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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in the artificial intelligence and quantum document, we need theories. now these theories are sometimes philosophical , sometimes jurisprudential, sometimes sociological , sometimes psychological, and so on. got involved that they do these theories. we in the council itself should not do this , otherwise we will become a research center. even some dear members of the council thought that, for example , we should have a research center for the transformation of humanities , but the members did not vote. if the allelic council of the revolution culture and the secretariat of the council, be it a research institute or a university , it deviates from its path. the capacity of universities and research institutes should be used, which is now.
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both universities and research institutes help us in theorizing, which of course we are very deprived of. they are used, of course, in the activities we want to do , we must follow the theories of the imams of the revolution. we consider the opinion of great people like shahid motahari, shahid sad even you can see that when we want to compile the toy document, what is the toy document, what is the teacher promotion mirror document , we use the opinions of the scientific elites, especially the imams of the revolution, and after the elites , we will complete that series of discussions, but at the same time, it is very dislodge
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we have an opinion that should be implemented. now these theories will definitely be used in policy-making , then this policy-making should be implemented. well, in discourse-making, as you said, we should have two types of discourse-making, one is internal discourse-making, and one is international discourse-making. i have to confess with many services in these 40 years the supreme council of the cultural revolution has been involved in discourse creation. we were weak, even internal discourse creation means , can you believe me, in the provincial trips i go , i traveled to about 17 provinces during this period , we had various meetings with the elites and middle circles , when i presented the report on the performance and efforts of the supreme council of the cultural revolution. i'm saying this, we haven't heard it, it's the first time we're hearing it, even you see some of the legal problems that are sometimes brought to the cultural guardian council. and sometimes they are lawyers or
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sometimes judges, but in my opinion this is a weakness of discourse creation if they pay attention to some subtle points. either they won't take your problems or, for example , i apologize, recently one of these political figures said that the budgets approved by the supreme cultural council for cultural issues should not be approved by the council at all. his job is not to approve the budget. it is not, but because that servant of god does not know, or more precisely , our discourse creation is weak, so these problems are sometimes raised . the arrival of sadasima has honestly provided a good platform for which i would like to thank mr. dr. jabali and his colleagues for providing a solid foundation for work.
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another important thing is international discourse creation, which, of course , sometimes ambassadors and political figures of other countries visit the council and use the status of the council's documents. a bigger thing should be done, sir. for example, in the west, there is an almost unwritten law that the theory.
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miad supports islamic civilization or religious civilization then, because of this, he comes to occupy afghanistan , this is discussed in the media. now, whether he succeeded or not, that is the problem. the bottom line is that these republican extremists give the order to occupy iraq, they occupy bani ahrin, that is, a theory is created, then it becomes action . let's actually design it so that this can be the basis of action in practice. yes, you see, as i mentioned , we have the creation of theory, but more than the removal of the theory
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, we have the creation of the maturity of the theory-based action . he becomes the trustee of a responsibility. they take over a home ministry, or even though they themselves are academics , they are academics, in any case, they teach, sometimes they are full professors, but when they want to enter the implementation , the decisions are not based on theory, that is, they feel that the executives themselves are theorizing and this is a mistake , i don't want to say that maybe the presenters themselves feel that they have to theorize now, either this feeling or that, for example, in the field of sports, in the field of sports diplomacy, we have a theory of dispossession, this is where we really have a dispossession of theory. theories in the field we have the science and culture of dispossession, there are about 30 theories that
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are creation, which are now occupied by research institutes and universities . culture is now extracted from the collection of the sayings of imams of the revolution, especially the position of leadership, the idea of ​​culture, but how much cultural theory is used in policies , and how much work is enough for one second in decision-making and planning, this is the same weakness of maturity that i told you in there is an executive body, some complain about us, so these are all good documents. it is very important and one of the credits of our civilization is this
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traditional medicine. unfortunately, some of those who do not know enough about traditional medicine say that this is pseudo-science. no, these are the same scholars, and what they say is a pseudo-scholarship is a pseudo-scholarship. pay attention to this traditional medicine, which is the pride of our islamic iran, which has grown up to the 12th century with the efforts of some scientists in the country in the ministry of health. the council caused us to rank fourth in the world in traditional medicine, although we had the capacity to rank first. if some people put aside obstacles, don't be stubborn, and of course some people will unfortunately, individualism is used in traditional medicine or iranian or traditional medicine or the term islamic medicine and they question modern medicine
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. when it was written and approved 12 years ago. our rank in traditional medicine was the fourth place, or for example , 60% of the country's scientific community map was implemented, or for example, the aerospace document, in my opinion, nearly 70% of the aerospace document was implemented, all these activities in the field of aerospace are being carried out based on this document some of our documents are not very successful we were not, for example, let's say that the plan of the cultural engineer first took years. so that the president can sign this and notify it. this one. two. there is still a headquarters that is headed by the first deputy head of this headquarters. but this document has not yet been used in the public culture councils of the provinces. why because the
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executive system and the ministry of cultural centers, which are responsible for implementing this document , are failing in various fields of public culture. well, now, in response to this omission, do we have monitoring and supervision? yes , in the last one or two years, we launched the planning and evaluation center. already, of course. in the last four decades, the activities of the council have been active , but now it has become much more serious. we have now identified 94 rasadi centers and... nearly 40 centers are working directly with us, and the rasadi headquarters has actually
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been formed in the council's secretariat. you called me, i came, gave an explanation, and it became clear to you that this omission has taken place what do you want to do, how much is this actually? at the end of the story , there is an executive guarantee for this. unfortunately, i have to say that we are dispossessed here because the council approves the document and policies, of course, the seventh plan also played a role in the progress of the council, but the budget plan is somewhere else, that is, the organization of his budget plan. he should come to the supervisor of our mosques to create the budget. i believe that this bond between the organization of the budget program and cultural poetry
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has not yet been formed, and if it is formed, the executive guarantee of the mosques will be close to 100, in this regard, dr. we are facing for example, with the decision of the 42nd branch of the supreme court, the president issued a decision, and you also reacted. for example, in this context, you can explain what the supreme council of the cultural revolution should do and how to see this discourse and with issues like this that may happen in the future and become a consensus. first of all, this issue has recently been discussed in some the media group mentioned that this is a ruling from almost a year and a half ago, and a year ago, a year and a half means new. it is not, now why bring it up again in this period of government change and
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cabinet formation? there are certain things in their minds. i will say this first . this is an important point that some people take their legal problems to the supreme council of the cultural revolution. you see, according to article 57 of the constitution, absolute authority is given to the jurist and jurist, and article 11 of the constitution, which states politics. as far as policy-making is the responsibility of the appointed leadership, the leadership is the same way that the supreme national security council was formed and the supreme council of the cultural revolution also issues decrees to it, and nature has left this function of policy-making in the field of science and culture to this , of course, the leadership as well. it has supervision, so these are the leadership's powers, of course, i wish in the revision of the constitution in the same way that the supreme national security council was mentioned, the expediency council was mentioned, it was good, it was very good
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, it was included in the constitution, but the fact that it did not come is not the reason for the illegitimacy of legislation in the policy-making area of ​​the cultural council, because it is within the authority of the leadership according to the constitution, so friends who now claim to be legal experts and say that we know the law, and in my opinion, they either don't read the constitution carefully, or they don't believe in principle 110, or they don't believe in principle 57, that is, the discussion is an ideological discussion, it is an ideological critique, not a legal critique, but that dear judge he gave a ruling . i believe that the ruling was completely imprecise and illegal he should not have given such a ruling, because at least if he had seen the statements of the imams of the revolution, both the imam and the supreme leader, who repeatedly said that
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the decisions of the supreme cultural council are legal, he should not have said that, for example, no, it is not legal, or if there was a conflict, for example, so and so. well, it turns out that he did not have comprehensive elites, and when i received that bill, even though we specialize in the field of jurisprudence. also, when you check how much this servant of god has weak and few nobles compared to the issues that have been expressed by the leaders of the revolution, now this problem remains. in addition, see us a letter dear leader, we wrote that sometimes the court of administrative justice intervenes , sometimes other judges, hazrat agha, in 1992 , gave an order to the chairman of the council of expediency that
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the supreme council of the cultural revolution , the supreme council of the cultural revolution, should not do this. it would be because in 1992, hazrat agha had such an order. anyway , this order was issued in january 1402. the letter is not confidential . it was also distributed. in fact, it was issued to the leaders of qaba. well, after that, in fairness, the head of the judiciary, mr.
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hajjah islam al-moslimi mohseni. ajei and the head of the court of administrative justice and other judges. follow the companionship we did it after january, because before january there were doubts, even the court had doubts , anyway, because the parliament had an outlet that we give the right to, my dear ones, but after this statement, hazrat agha became the head of the judiciary in january. respected judges all obeyed, and in fact, after that, according to the resolutions of the supreme revolutionary council. there was no cultural defect . yes, sometimes satellite councils themselves have a cause.
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having satellite councils of the cultural council should have the role of thinking. therefore, whatever conflict we have in the headquarters councils and the akhamari councils , it will definitely come to the supreme council and will be reported and communicated, and now the cultural revolution council has a close coordination with the parliament, which means that it is fair . i would like to thank dr. qalaf. i have a very good cooperation with mr. haj , mr. ajei. we should thank you in this previous period . to be fair, shahid raeesi had a lot of cooperation and companionship in this course as we had the first meeting with dr. the nobles are fully aware that they have started a very good cooperation and believe that we should have effective resolutions to solve people's problems
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and pursue justice, which is the leader of the council , god willing. we are following this publication with more seriousness , so i would like to emphasize to the people, to our dear honorable people, that if such a topic is raised in some media , it should not be assumed that the cultural revolution council and for example, it is a challenge to hold friendly meetings together. of course, the topics are very honest it is discussed openly among the members, but the decision of the council is supported by all the forces and
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there is no challenge between the council and the three forces. the categories of the supreme council of the revolution. faranghim, the minister of education of the 13th government had some discussions about this issue and said that complaints were raised by the parents. transfer this to the supreme council of the cultural revolution in this regard . minister of the 14th government. respected, give me an accurate answer saying the first interview of the cultural revolution council. and the ministry of arush can't enter. it is a resolution that the parliament issued a resolution that had a brief challenge with this resolution. well, he went to the governor for months. then i insisted that he came to the assembly. the assembly did not accept it. therefore, this is an issue that is definitely
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a 2. it has been running for 2 years now, i would like to tell you that it is unlikely that the members of the council will call for this issue to be canceled, and of course no other organization has the power to cancel it . the supreme council of cultural revolution insists on this masabbeh should continue, why because our students in the second year of high school are leaving school without having teachers and books, you see, mostly the mafia is also looking for this . they had to advertise for two or three weeks, so a small amount was collected. being in the secretariat of the council, our friends also going to talk and listen to their talks, of course we certainly welcome to hear the criticisms that
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there are criticisms, if there is really a fault in this resolution, we will correct it, no bias. we are not ignorant about our approvals. if we insist, it is a wise insistence on the teachers' approvals. everyone is satisfied. many families are satisfied now, only some families say, for example, the stress of our children has increased, for example, their suggestion is to remove the 10th grade , it will definitely affect only the 11th and 12th grades. dear friends , we hear that we had three detailed meetings with the mps in some of these meetings. the speaker of the parliament was present, which means that we do not listen to the words and criticisms, definitely. we are asking for the contents
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, we have already set aside a table for this work, if this is the opinion of the experts and experts , then the council should vote for amendments to be made in this interview. pay attention the principle of this resolution will not change. the resolution is comprehensive. let's go back to the memory-based model and testing and this is over. the school has definitely found its place , the teacher has found its place, the book has found its place. but if some special cases need to be corrected now, yes, there is no problem with preparation we want these reforms to be carried out, but just as this year and last year , the entrance exam was conducted based on this decree, and the final exams and the definite effect of next year will be the same, and the decree
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is still stable and a great work in the education of the country. it has been done, it means education and training of wisdom has been established, education and training has changed from a focus on memorization to a focus on rationality. now some people say, sir, this is, for example, justice. education is another discussion of educational justice. we should definitely pay attention to it. recently, several times, the honorable president has emphasized the importance of non-profit schools they get a lot of money and because of that, public schools are sometimes weak in some areas. for sure, the issue of educational justice is on our agenda in different discussions because educational justice has different dimensions. this is being worked on in our education and training headquarters , god willing, we hope to reach a day when this educational justice in our villages, that is, the school in
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the village does not have a deep gap with the school in tehran. there is no deep gap, i will tell you now the statistics we had from this year's exam last year accept we don't have time. you can tell us what happened in this field. yes, look at our chairs. we have free-thinking chairs, which are mostly student activities in the last two or three years at islamic azad university.
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the public universities of the ministry of science and the ministry of health have taken very good steps and held numerous meetings for theorizing chairs, which are followed by the chairpersons of the chairs. well , anyway, they have held 78,000 promotional chairs for theorizing. about 70 theories were actually registered, but the national house of free dialogue was discussed for years , some more than 10 years, maybe 15 years. but this is the reason it had not been done and it had not been notified. alhamdulillah , this has recently been caused. it has been notified. we hope that it will be implemented as soon as possible. it means that anyone who has any words or claims has something to come and discuss freely . responsibility in the council itself is the desire to be responsible. this
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discussion room was given to mr. rahimpour azghadi , he is also interested in these discussions and discussions , god willing, even if there are different places for this, god willing, we should implement this , otherwise it is the cause of 5% of the story, 95% is very much. i am grateful to dr. khosr panah, secretary of the supreme council of cultural revolution, and thank you. dear viewers, god bless you. thank you doctor.
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4:00 am
hello, at four o'clock wheat production in the country recorded the highest quota this year. the deputy minister of agriculture affairs of the ministry of roads and agriculture gave this news in the first page of the program and said that self-sufficiency is the result of 3 years of planning . the debt of the government to the laborers of wheat that i have room for, first of all , i apologize to all of them for the delay, the importance of ensuring judicial security in the beginning of the government's work.


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