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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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welcome to the environment. according to the routine in this program , you will be informed about some of the most important environmental events of the past days. last week, the president introduced mrs. sheena ansari as the head of the environmental protection organization in the 14th government. mrs. ansari, on the first day of her activity as the head of the environmental protection organization, by attending the group of environmentalists, improving the structure and using specialized work power. kanan mentioned this organization as one of the priorities of his plans. the head of the environmental protection organization in his first appearance in the national media and special news talk show, environmental problems such as he raised air pollution, subsidence and lack of water resources as major challenges and said: solving these challenges requires the participation of people, government and executive institutions. the environmental organization must
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be able to resolve issues through cooperation and strengthen this inter-sectoral cooperation, for example, in the case of the taliban , it must work with the ministry of energy, even with the ministry of agricultural jihad, regarding the cultivation model of the ship, which is compatible with the climate. in fact, the coordination between bakhtieh coincided with the 9th of shahrivar, the national day for the protection of the iranian wild boar , we came to the breeding center of this endangered species in captivity until the last measures of the organization. environmental protection let's follow up to save iranian yuvuz. in this center , there are 3 adult iranian yuzos, delbar, firouz, and 3 young females, azar, turan, and giso. officials of the environmental protection organization stated that the non-standard location of the iranian yuvoz is one of the most important reasons for the failure of the breeding plan of this species in captivity. informing about the 40% progress of the standardization of this center and saying: with the completion of the standardization in the
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coming months, the breeding plan in captivity of the iranian yaws has a better chance of success . in recent months, it shows that the protection measures, including the securing of the habitat protection crossing and the hunting of lynxes in recent years, have caused the dynamics of the population of this endangered species in these three months, 6 adult lynxes, one. we recorded a male and 5 females, and four of these 5 females had cubs. electricity production in the country has increased by 9% using solar panels. according to the announcement of the monitoring center for renewable energy sources, solar power plants have produced more than 415 million kilowatt hours of electricity since the beginning of this year, which compared to the period
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similar to last year, there was an increase of 9. the development of solar energy is considered one of the solutions to reduce air pollution and resolve the imbalance in electricity production at the present time. the capacity of installing and operating solar power plants in the country has reached more than 700 megawatts. the volume of water in the country's surface reservoirs is 12% more than the last water year. the spokesperson of the country's water industry said that although the average rainfall in the current water year is normal. but these rains in some provinces are less compared to last year and the situation of hundreds of reserves in these provinces is not favorable. we had good water flow in hundreds of us many of them have been stored, but what is the use of tehran, for example, in the southern region of sistan-baluchistan province, where the rainfall is less than normal, or what is the use of mashhad. we
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have to manage water issues on a local regional scale. mr. bozorgzadeh asked people to conserve water as much as possible until the autumn and winter rains begin. the head of the country's natural resources and watershed management organization said that during the implementation of the seventh plan, watershed management projects will be implemented in 20 million hectares of natural areas. according to mr. hassan vahid, 20% reduction in the center of storms sand and dust are among the other assignments of the seventh grade program. unfortunately, one of the problems that the country has is becoming a problem, and it is a very serious issue that in the areas where we have crisis centers in the country, we now have about 14 million hectares of crisis centers in the country. that we should reduce this crisis by 20%, of course , it is a very complicated issue, a very important issue in
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the country. at the end of this program, while reviewing some short environmental news, i will say goodbye to you, ramadan rastogar. from the environmentalists of the dena protected area kohki levy and boyer ahmed were wounded in the leg due to the direct shooting of hunters and were taken to yasouj hospital. a quarter of china's energy comes from clean sources. the officials of the chinese government announced that the country achieved its goals in the field of clean energy 6 years earlier and was able to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide to about 3 billion tons. monsoon rains caused floods in india, bangladesh and thailand. floods in these three countries displaced thousands of people in addition to human casualties. the scorching heat and severe drought in romania
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have reduced the harvest of some agricultural products such as corn to zero. officials of this country say that every year thousands of hectares of arable land are lost due to climate change. and environmental activists say that contrary to the claims of the japanese government, the release of water contaminated with nuclear compounds has caused sea pollution. japan claims that these waters are used to cool nuclear reactors and pose no risk to the sea environment. together with the deputy minister of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts on the way to calder cave, one of the seven prehistoric caves of khorram abadim valley, the history here
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is with you. darestan is one of the key historical points of iran, where the remains of human beings or intelligent humans 54 thousand years ago in it found one it is one of the 17 places that have been sent to unesco in the world registration of khorram abad valley, and now, with the equipping and smoothing of the road , it is possible for tourists to visit it for the first time. the most magnificent part of it, the museum, is in progress. we are re-designing and re-defining the falak al-aflaq peak museum with the help of all the best experts and with the presence of dr. darabi , deputy minister of cultural heritage and handicrafts and tourism of the country,
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after the restoration of the military barracks of the falak castle historical complex. al-aflaq opens, god bless you. friends of lorestan, in fact, there are 36 restoration projects and works related to museum keeping and various works are being done, but on the occasion of government week, 13 projects have been opened and operated, and one of these projects is this building, which is more than 30 billions were actually spent and dr. darabi praised the collective effort of people's officials, especially seman and the cultural claimants of the province, for the international registration of the khorram abad valley and said: the case that will be held next year in the international monitoring committee in bulgaria will be the subject of registration. global castle of falak al-flak
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and the seven caves in khorram abad valley have become a public demand, a work that will be registered in the world , it no longer belongs to the people of that city and that country, it belongs to the members of the human society, they also feel responsible for preserving and maintaining it. introducing him, i wish, god willing, with the world registration , dear colleagues and dear people of khorramabad hassan lorestan will get tired and the final point is that the presence of unesco representatives to review the world registration of khorramabad valley will be on the 17th of shahrivar, dargahpur of khorramabad seda and sima news agency. . hello, young iran
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, we will start this week with a news about the country's population with a different statistics it is true that its primary source was reported abroad. the news was that the population of iran has reached 92 million people , a statistic quoted by a news site called wordometers, which was accompanied by various analyzes in the virtual space. the purpose of these sites, such as cytometer or sites that are they warn at the beginning of the work of the new government. in fact, these statistics follow the goal
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of causing the country's managers to make calculation errors and wrong analysis in the country's planning system, and further make them suffer from wrong policies, and of course, it is clear that wrong policies lead to the country's problems will not be solved. for this reason, i feel it is necessary to tell the officials of the respected managers of the country, especially in the 14th government, that the issue of population should be taken very seriously. the super-challenge of the country's population is very serious, because all the country's demographic indicators have recorded minimal records and are in a state of alarm, and today more than any other day, we need the general policies of the population and the youth law of the population on the agenda of the management system. and the planning of the country
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, you can see that in the city of tehran, based on the maps of the population monitoring center of the country, the changes and developments the population of iran is almost 86 million, and this center can be used by various devices in the fields of policy planning, especially in the fields of universities. sometimes it can also be used for research, that is , researchers who want to do research in the field of population, this information is available in the country's population access center in the civil registration organization, and they can easily use it and do their own work. the previous government promised us to give 300,000 plots of land this year, so far it has been 85,000. you are 300 thousand it's up to you whether you get it or not. this was the commitment that the members of the family and youth support faction of the majlis took from the proposed minister of roads and urban development.
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with a special emphasis on population growth policies based on the family and youth protection law , the obligation to fulfill the tasks of the youth population law was brought to the top of the list of the minister of roads and urban development, but it was not limited to this minister. we have prepared a checklist for each minister, and we get a commitment from him that you must implement these duties. did the ministers of the previous government , who started their work at the same time as the implementation of the youth population law, make a similar commitment? period it was like this before, when the minister of health came to the parliament, there was no young population in his program, we asked him, we talked to him, he made a commitment, he announced behind my phone, and honestly, he fulfilled his promise , it is not in the book of life that imam hasina is the headline, which is for every generation, and this year, children too. along with
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his parents, he made the crowd of pilgrims of karbala and the arbaini army into soldiers. these children, in short, even though we were a family, they brought us here tonight by force , the issue that was recorded in the camera frame of this documentary maker and activist of the population, so that he will soon portray the child-rearing in the form of a documentary. shamalat zeinab chekhmoghi of the tv news agency mesmuk hasan took the car by force and took us in. he paid for us to come and settle here tonight. may god's blessings and peace be upon ali muhammad and the family of muhammad , we are going to imam khomeini airport to welcome a world champion team
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somewhere, a student was appreciating his mother in this way. oh, what a beautiful gesture for my mother . please, it was hazrat zahra who gave me such a flower hand. and somewhere, the mother was praising her child who won the medal. in the future, i have university ahead of me. the teachers of my students were welcomed all countries, england, romania. but despite being second, the opinion of the passengers of imam khomeini airport was interesting. i am proud that the children of iran are supporting in such a way that they can see more progress than this. these are the geniuses of our country . we don't have one or two
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of them . we have children, why do they consider everything that is considered the olympic circuit to be considered as the stadium. the student olympiad team reached the championship position of amsa, while it had won the third place the previous year. the 60s have started in full swing. we pay our respects to you for the last time. those who are inside the house, speak out. in the summer, the hot weather of politics is also accompanied by this storm. mr. abulhasan bani sadr
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political capacity to hold office. he does not hold the office of the president of the islamic republic of iran. with 93 of the votes in the parliament, mr. president was recognized as having no political qualifications for the presidency. the hypocrites and bani sadr bombed the negative votes of the representatives. about two months later
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, on the second of august 60, with imam's follow-up and focus on the religious democracy of the people using the bani experience sadr muhammad ali rajaee, that is, the pole opposite him , is chosen. the guardian council also confirms the validity of the election on the 10th of august, in the name of allah , the most merciful. in the presidential election held on 5/2
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, he was elected as the president of the islamic republic of iran with an absolute majority of 13 million thousand 761 votes out of 14 million 763 thousand 363 votes. it has been a spectacular ceremony. allahu akbar allahu akbar allah is great no one doubts this selling an honest teacher will keep his oath. i , as the president, in front of the holy quran and before the nation of iran, to the almighty god. i swear to be the guardian of the official religion and the system of the islamic republic and the country's constitution, and
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to use all my talent and competence in fulfilling the responsibilities i have assumed, and to serve the people and inform the country, promote religion and ethics. to support the right and spread of systematic justice and to avoid any kind of autocracy and to support the freedom and dignity of individuals and the rights recognized by the constitution for the nation. mohammad ali rajaee who in his life the peddling of a teacher has experienced the fight against the dictatorship of the representative of the parliament of the ministry of education and the prime minister. president kemer's relationship is tied to serving the people. as the countrymen know, i am from qazbin. my father died when i was 4 years old, and
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i died in the same situation when i was 9 years old . i grew up from an average religious family and at the same time in a relatively dignified life. i was 13 years old. tehran in tehran, at first i was doing normal work, as i said several times, i was a hawker in tehran and i was an apprentice in rajaei bazaar. they have easy access to him. greetings and sincerely, brother. your little one is at your service with the hope that god
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will grant us all the success of following the imam of the ummah, inshallah. we belong to you and we are because of you. everything we are is for you and we are at your service. the spring of revolution in the government field is budding.
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both rajaee and mr. bahner are martyrs who
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fought together in the battle fronts against corrupt powers. the late martyr rajaee told me that i had been with mr. bahner for 20 years and god wanted them to emigrate from this world together and to emigrate to him, the way of hope is the desire of liberation.
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be victorious and be proud of your revolutionary duty. there is always an easy way, it is as easy as the entrance exam . students from sixth to twelfth grade and entrance exam are required to
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get 60% of the entrance exam. so let's go and see them . don't bother them too much to choose new carpets. renovate a large iranian mansion with exceptional conditions and enjoy this affordable purchase and photos of a large iranian mansion in the cities
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of qom, isfahan. and the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh hello, at 5 o'clock, the principle of the effect of the gpa in the entrance exam will not change. next year's entrance exam will be held according to the same approval of the cultural revolution council. the secretary of the supreme council of the cultural revolution in the program on the first page, while stating this issue , rejected the impossibility of applying the law to the decisions of the supreme council of the cultural revolution and the approvals and decisions of this council including violations of the court of administrative justice and other judicial authorities.


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