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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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which is the pride of our islamic iran, which has grown up to the 12th century, with the efforts of some scientists in the country in the ministry of health, which honestly caused this document in the shura. put aside the obstacles , don't be obstinate, and of course, unfortunately, these people also use individualism in traditional or natural iranian or traditional or islamic medicine and question modern medicine. and to have that wise moderation. well, this document was approved by the council when it was 12 years old he drafted and approved our rank in traditional medicine , or for example, the map of the country's scientific community. 60
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% of it has been implemented, or for example, the aerospace document, in my opinion , nearly 70% of the aerospace document has been implemented, all these activities in the aerospace field are being carried out based on this document, but some of our documents were not very successful, for example, let's say the cultural engineering map first of all, it took many years for the president to sign this and announce that this is still a staff that the first deputy is the head of this staff, but this document has not yet been used in the public culture councils of the provinces because the system the executive and the ministry of cultural centers, who are responsible for implementing this document , are doing little in various fields of public culture. well, now , do we have
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the ability to monitor this act? and we launched the evaluation. earlier , of course , there were some activities in the council in the last four decades, but now it has become much more serious . they have a lot of work to understand the subjects. we have reached 94 centers now we have identified about 40 direct centers , they are working with us, and the headquarters has actually been formed in the secretariat of the council. this has been done. what do you want to do? how much
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is this actually the end of the story of the executive guarantee for this ? unfortunately, i have to say that we are in trouble here because the council approves the documents and policies. budget program elsewhere it means structure. his budget plan should come and approve the budget in view of our approvals. i believe that this collateral link between the budget planning organization and the supreme cultural council has not yet been formed. we are faced with the same issue, dr. for example, with the judgment of the supreme court of branch 42, the verdict has been issued, and you
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have also reacted. which may happen in the future and change first of all, this issue was brought up recently in some of this media group . this is a ruling from about a year and a half ago . it is true, and a year and a half ago is not new. now why bring it up again in this period of government change. and the formation of the cabinet will be known . well, some people have special intentions in their minds. i will say this first. this is an important point that some people take their legal problems to the supreme council of the cultural revolution. you see, according to article 57 of the constitution, our province is the constitution, which is politics. policy-making
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is the responsibility of the appointed leadership that the supreme national security council. he formed the supreme council of the cultural revolution and issued orders to it , and transferred this function of policy making in the field of science and culture to here. that the supreme national council was mentioned, the expediency discernment council was mentioned, it was good, it was very good , it was included in the constitution, yes, but the fact that it did not come is not the reason for the illegitimacy of legislation in the policy-making area of ​​the cultural council, because it is within the authority of the leadership according to the constitution, so friends who now yourself
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they claim to be experts in law and say that we know the law. in my opinion, they either don't read the constitution carefully, or they don't believe in article 11, or article 57 and b, but that dear judge gave such a ruling. i believe that the ruling was completely imprecise and non-legal. he gave a ruling because at least if he saw the statements of the imams of the revolution, both the imam and the position of leadership said many times. that the interviews of the supreme cultural council are legal, he should no longer say that, for example, no, it is not legal, or if he had a conflict, for example, so-and-so, well, it turns out that he does not have comprehensive aristocracy, and when i have that bill in my hand it came to pass that even though our expertise
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is in the field of jurisprudence, when i checked, i saw how weak and few nobles this servant of god had compared to the issues that were expressed by the leaders of the revolution . in addition, you see, we wrote a letter to the supreme leader's office, which sometimes goes to the court of administrative justice , sometimes other judges, in 1992, hazrat agha issued an order to the chairman of the expediency council that the resolutions of the cultural revolution council were compatible with the council's decisions. in fact, the supreme court of the cultural revolution is exempted from the entry of the judicial authorities and the court, and all of them should be they should follow it, the lord said, he said the same thing to their office, he said the same thing to the heads of the forces
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in january 1402, the ruling of that court judge before this order of the lord, that is, before this order of the lord, but of course if he is careful the kurds should not have given this, because in 1992 , hazrat agha had such an order. anyway , this order was issued in january of 1402. the letter is not confidential. it was also distributed. in fact, it was issued to the heads of the forces . well, of course, after that, in fairness, the head of the judiciary, mr. hajeh. salam al-moslem mohseni ajei and the head of the court of administrative justice and other judges obeyed accompanying us after january, because before january there were doubts, even the court had doubts , anyway, because the parliament had an outlet that we
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give the right to, my dear ones, but after this statement , hazrat agha dar dima is also the head of the judiciary. may all the judges obey. and in fact, after that , there was no defect in the resolutions of the supreme council of the cultural revolution. yes, sometimes they have satellite councils themselves. that's why mr to emphasize the satellite courses of the cultural council should have the role of thinking. therefore, whatever resolution we have in the headquarters councils and satellite councils, it will definitely come to the supreme council and be reflected and communicated, and now
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the cultural revolution council has a close coordination with the parliament , which means that it is fair. i would like to thank dr. qalibaf i have a very good cooperation from mr. haj, mr. ajei, we should thank you in this previous course, mr. shahid raisi , to be honest, he had a lot of cooperation and companionship in this course as well, that we had the first meeting with mr. dr. we had doctors, well, they are nobles , they know very well, they started a very good cooperation and they believe that we should have efficient approvals , solve people's problems, follow justice, and this is the leader in the council. more seriously. we are following, so i have the right place here to emphasize to the people, i would like to say to
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our dear honorable people that if such a discussion is raised in some media, it should not be assumed that there is a challenge between the supreme council of the cultural revolution and the seghan forces, for example. it will be held, of course, the discussions are very honest and open between the members, but whatever the resolution is , all the forces will support it and there is no challenge between the council and the seghan forces. the so-called national exam, which was among the sources of the supreme council of the cultural revolution, the minister of education of the 13th government had a discussion about this issue and said that there were complaints raised by the parents, and transferred this to
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the supreme council of the cultural revolution in this regard. minister of the 14th government of the 14th government, i am at your service yes, the honorable minister gave an accurate answer in my opinion. he said that the first interview of the cultural revolution council and the ministry cannot enter. it is a resolution that the parliament issued a resolution that had a brief challenge with this resolution , which was rejected by the guardian, then i insisted that he come to the assembly. he did not accept it, and therefore this issue is the reason that it has been running for 22 years now . i would like to tell you that it is unlikely that the members of the council will call for this issue to be canceled and of course no other organization has the power to cancel it. let's say, for example, that the legal vice-president of such and such authority can always insist on the supreme council of cultural revolution
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this decree is going to be continued, why because our students leave school in the middle school level , without teachers and textbooks, they start taking tests and you see , mainly the mafia is also looking for this. it is interesting to know that it was announced a few days ago. for example: they want to hold a rally , advertise for two or three weeks, well, a small number of people gather at the council's secretariat, our friends also go, talk and listen to their talks, of course we certainly welcome to hear the criticisms that there are criticisms . there must be something wrong with this solution we correct, we don't have any ignorant prejudices against our sources, if we insist, we insist. it is wise that everyone is satisfied with the approval of the teachers, many
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families are satisfied now, only some families say , for example, the stress of our children has increased. i declare that every criticism and opinion has a reason, dear ones, we hear that we had three detailed meetings with the members of the parliament, in some of these meetings the speaker of the parliament was present, which means that we do not hear the words, the criticisms. let's not listen, we will definitely listen . we have already set aside a table for this work. if this is the opinion of the experts and experts , there should be some amendments in this interview. the council should vote .
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please note that the principle of this decree will not change. the decree is a comprehensive decree. let's go back to the hafez -centric model and testing, and this has passed. definitely, the school has found its place, the teacher has found its place, the book has found its place, but now some special cases need to be corrected. have yes problem no, we are ready for these reforms to be carried out, but in the same way as this year and last year , entrance exams and final exams were conducted based on this decree. the decision of next year will be the same and the approval is still stable and a great work has been done in the country's education, that is , education has been based on wisdom, education has changed from being based on memorization to being based on rationality. now, some people say, sir, this is justice. and education
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, such discussions of justice and education is another discussion , we should definitely pay attention to it. how many times has the honorable president emphasized having non-profit schools they get a lot of money, and because of that, public schools are sometimes weak in some areas. surely, we have the issue of educational justice on our agenda in different discussions, because educational justice has different dimensions . this is being done in our education headquarters . .
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the statistics that we had from this year's exam last year , the percentage of acceptances in deprived areas has increased in the last two years and this shows that this approval. it has brought us closer to educational justice. dear doctor, one of the important topics that you mentioned many times was the discussion of free-thinking seats, which you also said a while ago that the national house of dialogue do you want to launch azad because we don't have a minute or two more time? please tell me what happened in this field. yes, look at our chairs . we have a free-thinking chair that is a student activity in the last two or three years at both the islamic azad university and the government universities of the ministry. the science of the ministry of health has taken very good steps and held numerous meetings of theorizing chairs, which are followed by the board of chairs. well , anyway, the training chair has held 7,8,000 seats
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of theories, about 70 theories in fact. it was registered , but the national house of free talk was discussed for many years it has been more than 10 years, maybe 15 years, but this had not been reported , it had not been reported, alhamdulillah, this has recently been reported, we hope it will be implemented as soon as possible , that is, anyone who has any words or claims, has something to say , should come forward freely and raise the discussion, of course, compliance with ethics and logic is a necessary condition. this is a discussion, and mr. dar in his own council, i am interested in being in charge of this discussion house, mr. rahimpour azghadi has been given the responsibility. well, he is interested in these discussions and discussions, god willing . let's implement it, but the reason for 5% of the story is 95
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thank you very much dr. khosrafan. we are the secretary of the supreme council of the cultural revolution and thank you , dear viewers, may god be with you. thank you , doctor, please. here, mr. narenjkar is working to his heart's content. we have collected old tools of 20 years of hard work so that people can see and enjoy a museum that shows different periods of history. this is one of
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the oldest. now where is this, how does this englishman work? put the camera. here is a light it's turning on, it's getting hot , it's solid gas here, it's activating and it's going inside this pipe and the refrigerator is cooling it. and since his father's job was a locksmith, there are more old locks in this collection. this is russia , the oldest lock in russia. its material is steel, its key is brass, this lock is the name of the joghiyan era, it is black in color , and those are the locks of the name of the qajar era, these are russian locks
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, you can see the shape of a comb. shoulder locks, password locks of zaman pahlavi, the second of these demon-shaped locks, these are the locks of zaman zaandieh and qajar, this is a password lock. the bicycle is made in england, this key is unique, like the minarets of mosques, and it is opened in this way. this has a hole. here, this door opens the lock, or does it have a cover. you can see that this door opens, the key goes inside and opens it. the lock is made in england, germany, and steel. there are also these locks in the safavid era. these sliding doors worked.
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it's not like old and valuable drums, each of which has a wisdom to make. the drum is strange because of its sound, which has a special sound.
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those ten gods realize that they have a strange guest. this museum has a lot of demand because of its collection of precious objects. my goal was to display the heritage of the past to the people . we collected it from all over iran. tabriz, tehran , shiraz, of all the cities, visiting this cultural center every day on ashrafi isfahani street for those who are interested, prepared by mehdi sotoudeh of isfahan radio and television news agency, we are going to imam khomeini airport to welcome a team. the world champion, of course, this team is not a sports champion, but they are all students.
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it was interesting that they came to welcome them, from their classmates, they made iran proud, and our schoolmates, even this friend, family, neighbor, boy , all of them came, aunt's husband, yes, me, your grandfather, your grandfather, your mother, your grandmother, your neighbor's father, what? with the arrival of the student olympiad team, a welcoming ceremony was held for this champion team. the noteworthy point here was that this team consisted of 5 people, all five of whom had won the world gold medal of the 17th astronomy olympiad in physics. how hard did you work to win this medal? about 3 years. somewhere,
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a student was appreciating his mother like this for my mother, what a beautiful gesture of kindness from hazrat zahra , who gave me such a flowery hand and somewhere the mother admired her child who won the medal . but the opinion of the passengers of imam khomeini airport was interesting . i am proud that we have iranian children in such a way that they can support them in such a way that they can see more of this progress and see these geniuses in our
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country. he had won the third place last year. hosseinieh bai of sed and sima news agency. sarab is an officer, i am your officer, who is an officer don't make a mistake, be careful, it's a large officer's house.
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2:00 pm
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