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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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however, the parliament was involved in the discussion of the vote of confidence in the ministers, and for that reason, we are aware that the movement in the parliament was prohibited, so that the parliament could fulfill its duty. let me tell you that this is an important issue. based on the report of the inspection organization, we had frequent cases where these facilities were supposed to come to people, but they were not given these facilities to people, and they were called marriage facilities. a series of their own employees gave these to us there are banks that commit violations in the name of marriage education. my question now is that if the source of these is really 317 hemat , how do they get to their own employees? these
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reports that have been published , so far, they have been able to provide loan facilities to employees and to various people, so where do they get this, and how do they give this, this is a problem . 911 it may be with facility 4, it can be with facility 6. look, the name of the facility is loan. this is not it, but gentlemen from this the facility that is compulsory means that it is the facility that has a way to bring it in . we understand these issues. look at these issues . it is not the place of tv to tell us about these issues. they add a percentage to it, then they say , sir, this education is not loaned, for example, fourteen is 6%, so it is not included. this is one point. another point is that
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hammati said 10%, 10%. i almost think that 5 to 10 years ago, we made such a number. now, i will explain this completely. the reports are other than this. you see, the other point is that every month they have to release this education to the banks, that is, the central bank says that we have given this amount of tomans every month to any bank that you provide marriage loan facilities. however, people go, they just start, sir, go for two months, i don't know , the guarantee is like this, i don't know if this is a problem , this money is deposited in this bank for two months, who will answer the money deposited in this bank, that is, in this bank the fact that there is no delay in the payment of these facilities is a good thing the bank gets points, where does this point go? someone should give this. today, the most important
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problem is ambiguity and lack of transparency in banks . we cannot solve this problem in our own country . the central bank should not come as someone who controls the flow of governance in this country. if the country does not solve the problem with the banks, no problem will be solved. thank you , mr. pejmanfar, mr. sahabi, mr. pejman's answer is below. naturally, this page is added slowly, that is, naturally, if the site it's open, people can register and this opportunity will be provided, probably the queue is much longer than the things you have announced the statistics of, that's right, anyway, yes, look, anyway, it's the national media, this is the place where we should definitely talk to the people clearly, what happened this year what we have done in four days means the amount of 190, which we want to consider now or even 200. this is the 190, which is supposed
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to equip the banking network for the whole year and pay this amount of facilities by march 28. this commitment amount was created, no more, sorry, because here our assumption is wrong, we come to this wrong conclusion because you think of the commitment, which means what you are declaring is that the commitment was 200 hemat, we gave more than the commitment, if the floor of the commitment was 200 hemat, that is, if you are 400 hemat did you know that the incident that i mentioned, we reached it in july. in the past years, we reached it around december, that is, in december, it comes to a situation where you can see the amount of registration. i have nothing to do with the word "commitment". which has actually been created for banks, we have four four , which means that there are so many candidates for registration that in four four banks, that is, if my
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colleague and i close the central bank system , by the end of the year, as much as the minimum obligation, which is the maximum in my opinion, now you say, at least, the process of marriage, which is characteristic , should increase now. it's not bad, which means that there were more marriages. naturally, more people came . let me make it clear that at least 780 people want money. i mean, look, if this is the national media, we must speak clearly. if we want , all those who have not registered before all those who have not yet married this year, now if let's expect it to be like last year. your colleagues announced in the previous program that if we want to give these 300,000 people on our page, we need money. please reach out to me . it is true, my friends said it correctly. my point
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is that if all those who are still now they did not come and want to say nothing about these 300,000 people that you and i will check on the pages . yes, if you say that there is one bank, takilat, qarz al-hasna, qarz al-hasna, my line is not up to four, if it is under ten, we have a report on the sources of the loan. al-hasnah marriage and child loan for the employees and the banks, thank you very much, haj agha, order this information
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to be checked by the supervision department of the central bank, but see, these statements of the bank employees do not mean that if it is not paid , you will get married education instead. i don't want to defend , look at each heading, in fact, expenses. it is self-evident that banks are not allowed to collect public deposits , whether they are loans or not. it is also good to give the central bank's supervision department the authority. i suggest that we now serve haj agha. let's really see what the solutions are for next year. anyway, there are a series of solutions. for example, the characteristic of saderat bank is that it must pay so much by the end of the year. now you say at least, but this is what we are talking about . saderat bank is going
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to pay a certain amount by the end of the year. they divide by 12 and divide by days the education ceiling of 600 has been added, but the capacity of the banking network has not increased to this extent. this is not a very complicated thing in my opinion, so we come to the conclusion that if the site is really opened and everyone can register, the queue of 349 thousand people will be very large.
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most of it is true, don't doubt, this is an obvious thing at all, that is, how much your estimate is , see it at the highest possible level, that is, if the assumption. let's take until the end of the year those who didn't register in the past years, now it's a far-fetched assumption , let's consider the highest limit, if the people who have been allowed by the law since the past years for some reason or not being able or not wanting to, in any way, if they enter, they should register the number of marriages that will be realized this year by the end of the year. if all this happens, we want something around 780. we want resources . how many people do you think there will be in the queue? collect these . with a number above one million and 2030 thousand people, i said that this is the highest possible limit , but in any case, it is clear that we need to clarify the issue, one is that the 50 people that we have actually released will reach that number. that is, the number that friends say, at least we have sources
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we released the bank deposits, that number is equal to 2405. until next 3 months, when the next report will be , how much will this queue decrease, that is, how much should we expect? applicants, starting tomorrow, the process will definitely be easier . they will open this, i can promise to his highness and the respected viewers that the registration of marriage registration will be easier from tomorrow and how much will the queue be until the end of mehr, i didn't understand until the end of mehr how much will it be if we consider that we will have the same conversation with you in a month? page from 349. however, how much they register is not clear, not only for your credit, but also for your educational ability. . why should i give you another number that may be more logical and can be checked
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. if we did not actually help these 50 people, by the end of the year, our forecast was that around 41,15,000 people would be able to benefit from education. 130,000 people will definitely be added to this number, which means that at least they can score this goal thank you, mr. sahabi, of course , this roof and floor is of no help. shay this idea that mr. hemmati put forward in the last few days regarding the fact that a part of this marriage education that is being paid, now if anyone wants to complete the explanation last night, if anyone wants to be able to get it sooner , go get it in the form of a loan for goods and such. what is your opinion about that, if you allow me to give a short explanation about the discussion that has been going on so far , the discussion is that i think the explanation was clear , representative of the central bank, and now it is a good explanation. they are also good at giving arguments. their argument is that banks do not have resources. but what we, as experts , see from the financial statements of the banks, as i said, the balance of deposits is more than 2 thousand
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thousand billion tomans, these deposits have finally been legalized, and the majority of the forgiveness should have been spent on loan repayments. in different years, not in one year, and we expect this to be returned over time, that is, on average , if the loans are for 10 years, one fifth should be returned in one year, that is, our expectation is to receive the education, to receive the education that i received from the sources. qarz al-hassan rental and savings in one year should be at least 300 thousand billion tomans for example 143. honorable members of the parliament say that the central bank's calculations are not clear to us. what this means is that the central bank should explain how it reached this 317, while the current deposits of qarz al-hassan and the savings of the banks are more than 200 thousand billion tomans, and these will be returned to the deposit in at least one year.
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with the lowest estimates, i.e. with the minimum estimate with regard to the new collection, the main point is the same as the central bank representative himself said that all current loan resources are spent on marriage and children's education. can't it means that the banks do not spend a good part of their resources relying on that current good loan for this education, that is, they actually believe that, if you ask them to say it clearly , they believe that the law is not the right law that says you should get your education from this place, they say we can't give it or we don't want to let's give a point here , what about the central bank as a governing body, which is often talked about that it should be independent, and it is correct, the point is that this central bank should not only be independent from the government board, it should not be independent from the president. esteghlal should be independent from the banking network
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ok, that means when the representative of the central bank comes to speak in the national media , he should not be a full-fledged defender of the banks, he should come with the people, with the government delegation, with the parliament , and explain how he made the banks act in the implementation of the law, while now it is the opposite, because now after all, all their managers or officials have a relationship with the banking network, now it's a revolving door, when is there a conflict of interest issue , now our central bank system has become the defender of the banks' performance , while it should come from the other side, the people's demand, the parliament's law from the banks. now we see that the position is reversed and this is happening so the issue is clear, now regarding the proposal that mr. hemmati gave, it seems like a very forward-looking proposal because on the other hand, the banks claim that we do not have the resources, on the other hand, some of the couples who want to take the loan will definitely give it to them if they want. if this queue is removed from them, it is good that
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they can buy goods from the bank sources instead of paying cash, but there are certain considerations. the first consideration is that it should be optional and not mandatory in any way. it should have the necessary diversity and not be forced to ask read a product, sell it and discuss. moreover , in terms of price, it is not such that it requires a cost, and in fact, education is no longer a loan institution. what we are seeing now is access to the idea that mr. hemti said, i think it is good. in a way, it is a double-edged sword, which means
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that it is also in the interest of the producer, who can finally sell his goods at a faster speed. eni can produce banking resources and it is in the interest of the consumer, with the same conditions that were mentioned, which i will not repeat, that is, the variety of goods, the prices of the prices due to the fact that the wholesale sale will have significant discounts, people and couples will definitely welcome this issue, provided that these considerations are made in it, that is, even from the same number as the title. it should have these features and it should have facilities , it should actually have a discount, it should have product quality, it should be able to choose , they can do this , they can do it. enter and
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in the same way as referring to the fact that banks are required to rule. to respond to the opposite people's deposits, i am really warning these banks as a monitoring device , that is, i really mean this interpretation carefully. naturally, the issue of people's trust in banks is damaged, and this is not an issue that can be easily ignored. i think that the bank should take care of this with some seriousness, and we certainly hope that this will be an ongoing case. thank you very much sir pajman, mr. sohabi , let's have your conclusion. now, the discussion that was raised, mr. farzin made a promise regarding the education information of the employees, this did not happen either last year or this year. this statistic, which is 91 thousand billion tomans. i was published
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. it seems that the number is high . anyway , i didn't understand what i am saying about the employees of the central bank . i mentioned your last order. the employees of the central bank have been told that their statistics will be determined. well, this should be done now they should actually talk to the central bank's personnel department to see how it is, i don't have any specific information about it, but regarding that project, it is actually a product, well, it is also a thing, we are ready to cooperate with the ministry of economy and the ministry of foreign affairs, but it is actually a thing. at the beginning of the work, it should be clear, for example , what incentives it will have, that is, that incentive must be created in some way, for example, we can witness that this plan may be implemented. both our fathers are ready for it, but in any case, time i feel that instead of
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looking for what to do now, we should go in the direction that we will not have these problems next year at least. then, for this idea that i apologize for, mr. hemti, is it necessary to bring up this idea to come to the parliament or not? it seems that the parliament needs to go back and forth. i think it also needs to amend the law. if friends, they should comment on the law now , but in my opinion, it is needed. however, if we come to the conclusion that it is not needed, god willing, with the cooperation of the ministry of economy. we will move forward with the plan . thank you very much, mr. sarabi, deputy director general of atbat the central bank of mr. pejam's followers, whom we said goodbye to, to all the good viewers of the meez ethsan program, who brought us this far. the moment of companionship will continue until this challenge and problem is resolved for the people. this issue will be on the agenda of the news agency
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. we have a friend who comes from isfahan. he always stays with the children as moke, that is, as a servant of moke. one day, i was in tehran. i was on a mission. i didn't think about it. he called me and said that let's go to the mashhad procession, let's march. there is a procession . i was just listening. i said, ok, i came. imam reza is a stranger. because the number of makba is very small. in 1995, when i was parted, i left. in karbala, i prayed there in the shrine of agha, these servants of god are doing this in the country of iraq. we
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should do this for the visit of ali bin musa reza in the path of ali bin musa reza. on the first day of the parade, there was a problem with the electricity on the second day of the parade . they said that the electricity was working. i came to the parade . i saw this wind i said that he is either his cousin or his younger brother, he has a family relationship because his face
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was very similar. i asked them if you are a child from khuzestan. they said yes. he gave the finger to ahmad sir and told him to go and ask them if your family is virtuous or not. when he asked, and the servant of god , our fellow citizen, after a little bit, for example, in a state of anger, he shook hands with them and said, "dad, someone tell this cartoon character, i am not seyed, i am ahmed hamzah." i am seyed ali fasali and we became friends again.
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or, mr. elias, he did the electrical work and came to serve us in the procession. the next year, we came and saw that our procession was very small and cramped. in front of our place, that is, his village, he said , "i will prepare everything you want, just accept it." i said, "what's better, he is a servant of god , from isfahan, my friend. we asked him for permission. we said , "he won't be upset . we will come next year, god willing. we will do another procession. hello, don't be tired. hello, alaikum, tired." don't stay there as soon as the chazaba procession ends, we will come two days later here
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i will connect the wire for the light of this wire to connect 2 families of hamzah and yaqouti, and now it is here that the wire of amanabad was connected to shahabi shushtar .
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macaroni only at the top. in the name of allah, the merciful. hello dear viewers. we are at your service and present the news at 16:00. ritual of honor the introduction of the former and new ministers of the army was held in the presence of the first vice president. the first vice president on increasing water supply to the city.


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