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tv   [untitled]    August 31, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm IRST

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banks entered iran from the day when naseruddin shah needed international borrowing , and at that time the shah received a loan for granting the privilege of establishing a bank, and the shahshahi bank was established as the first official bank in the country. in a simple and general definition, a bank is an intermediary of funds in most countries of the world. acting as a depositor's lawyer in iran. there is a small difference here that when he acts as a lawyer, the discussion of the principal agent or principal agent arises, but when he acts as an intermediary of funds, it is discussed in a different way, when he is considered as a participant, another difference. achieving profit is the main driving force in many activities and this exchange of profit and interest
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has been prevalent in societies since the past. a title that is called riba in our religion. in the word riba , something is added to the principal of the loaned property . islam has considered riba as haram and has imposed very strict rules on it. to the extent that they considered it a war with god, because its nature is destructive. from the point of view of islam, the formation of robots in society causes the destruction of production. the development of riba in the society will cause the increase of all kinds of chaos and corruption in the society and in this condition the masses of the people they are deprived of the pleasant and enjoyable blessings of life. of course, this issue is not limited to islam , and there are clear documents in the religion of jews and christians, which prohibits the payment of interest and the receipt of usury and considers it a cause of losses . the capitalist system, based on its own culture, came
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to use this tool with the legal form of loan, which is known as riba in our jurisprudence . should we use it exclusively in this way, or can the same mediation of funds be designed in the form of sharia contracts. did in every transaction . whenever profit and loss based on regard to economic sectors under the title of profit and loss, the existence of production institutions and the realities of an economic activity , the real economy is in progress. but when the main institutions of production and real economic events are ignored and the payment of interest is considered independent of economic activities, the gap between the real economy and the nominal economy occurs. one of the main factors of destroying structures.
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that is, the contracts that work with the real economy , as opposed to usurious banking, which is based on loan contracts with interest, what are they called paper contracts, for example, the difference between installment sales and loans with interest is that in installment sales, a production must be formed, a product must be made, the bank buys the product and then sells it in installments, that is, before the banking activity is formed, the real economy must have moved, but in banking contracts
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it is usury, it is possible that the real economy has not moved at all. ok, but you have access to a loan with interest through a bank and the bank has received the interest , so we say that interest is formed there regardless of the real economy, but in banking without usury, if it is to be implemented correctly, the real economy will definitely move. it will make a profit some of the phenomena that enter islamic countries from the west, our muslim thinkers
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, religious scholars, when they encounter that phenomenon , they see that the original mission of that phenomenon is a false mission at all, and the mission of that phenomenon is not compatible with the teachings of islam. here , they usually oppose the phenomenon itself. but at some point they will see that the main mission of that phenomenon is not a problem , but the form and forms of its execution are problematic. when faced with the bank phenomenon , religious scholars and muslim thinkers saw that the bank is a financial intermediary. the ingredients of the racket are from people who fund he collects surplus from them
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, provides it to economic activists, farmers, artisans , service providers, and merchants, and they can create employment, generate income, and raise public welfare. they see that this mission takes the form of legal usury, that is, western banks collect deposits in the form of loans with interest, and on the other hand, when they ask for a loan , they give credit in the form of loans with interest. well, this is where people like martyr ayatollah sadr by writing a book like al-bank al-laraboi fai-islam came and presented a new plan , saying that we can maintain the main mission of the bank , which is mediation. sources between the owners of the funds and the economic operators, but not in the form of loans with interest, in the form of good loan contracts or islamic profit contracts, such as the contract
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of mudarabah, murabaha, lease, etc. it was here that the idea of ​​usury-free banking was proposed, which can fulfill its main mission. the bank should be preserved, but only within the framework of accepted sharia contracts. banks were often attacked during the islamic revolution due to usury. people with the attack on the banks of the tagoot government had the cost of destroying them. but imam khomeini, may allah's mercy be upon him , considered this act wrong, and the banks. they declared it part of the assets of baitul-mal. gentlemen, according to the opinion of the special commission, in these four paragraphs, with the same words and with the same characteristics that we have read and
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given to you, and with the same quality as the modified ones, that is, the one that has arrived here, gentlemen who agree that for implementation to the government. we announce that these gentlemen should rise up. please, it was shown with an overwhelming majority. in 1362, the illegal banking law was approved. this law is a period a five-year trial was announced to try to remove usury and interest from the banking system. we have an interest-free bank. we have an islamic bank in a usury-free bank. the main concern is to remove usury from the banking system. for example, he has a disease , his body is messed up with all kinds of problems, but the doctor
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recognizes that we need to bring down his fever for the time being. later, his other diseases were treated. the acute problem of western banking is the issue of usury . scholars have recognized it and believe that we should concentrate on eliminating usury. is the removal of usury enough? no, in addition to the removal of usury, seven other elements must be formed in the banking industry so that we can call it islamic banking by eliminating it. with us, we can only say that this banking has become usury-free banking, but is it islamic? no, the promulgation of this law was a step on the way to usury-free banking, and in those days, some bank contracts needed to be amended and changed, although
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this important revision did not happen. it was supposed to be reviewed after 5 years, but this did not happen. yes, adjustments and reforms have been made. what happened at the beginning of the implementation of this law is that the money and credit council approves a regulation. in this regulation, it allows banks to pay interest to depositors. take it until it is clear at the end of the financial year how much the profit was, if
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it was more than this, they should give it to the depositors. although in some cases sudab was observed, but in principle sudab replaced usury, and this transaction evoked a form of usury in public opinion. the title remained. the basis of sudab law, bank supervision it was to reach a real partnership between the lender and the borrower. but in the practice of the bank in the field of acquisition. the actual participation did not show any sensitivity and the customers also considered the payment of interest as a criterion.
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over time, this became a natural process, and although this recipe was implemented in some cases and in some banks, it was only a written law in some cases. you see, the issue of the banking system cannot be answered in one piece. regarding the discussion of riba and whether their transactions. is there or not, the banks are different and i classify the banks in three groups, i wish there would be a so-called ranking in this respect in the country. we started and they rated the banks for this reason , both their board of directors, their employees, and their senior managers pay attention to ensure that the transactions are correct. in other words, they have the necessary confidence, they provide the necessary training to their employees. shariah supervisions
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are carried out in order for proper implementation to take place in the banks, and we can say that fortunately these banks were able to really behave within the shariah and legal frameworks, and we can consider their performance to be defensible. another group of banks try in some transactions, especially in large transactions yes, they observe sharia transactions , they observe sharia views and rulings of transactions , they receive proper training, not enough, but they have it to an appropriate extent, and the third group, unfortunately, are banks and credit institutions , which despite being under the authority of the central bank. the institutions are legal, but
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they do not have the necessary precision regarding the operation of the transactions, the legitimacy of the transactions, they do not give proper training to the employees , they do not explain the customers, as a result , many of their transactions are facing various sharia doubts it was mentioned earlier that banking laws without usury were implemented in some banks, and at the same time, banks apart from the demand for joint profits , they were responsible for civil and social services such as participating in the construction of roads, schools, hospitals and activities in urban and social affairs, which separated them from the identity of usurious banking to some extent . there were flaws in the banking system , but without a doubt, the solution was to reform the structure, because
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living in the modern world without banking is impossible. in the meantime , it created an atmosphere of suspicion in the society that we should remove the bank. but was it possible to dismantle the middle of banking ? and the problem should be removed or should be solved was there an attempt? we now we have 400 million bank accounts inside iran. yes, if you divide it among each iranian , it will be about 5 bank accounts, and we have about 300 million bank cards, and more than 12 million bank transactions are done every day . as long as you see, for example , you say to me, "oh, don't drink water, i'm thirsty
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, until you bring a replacement drink , no matter what you say, don't drink water, i have to eat when i'm thirsty . reforming the structure of banks needed a multi-dimensional approach, a solution." arising from the science and technology of economics and at the same time, it is based on jurisprudential principles to be accepted and correct by both sides. an important part of this need was realized with the presence of the late hojjatul islam mousaviyan. a character who also benefited from the knowledge of economics. and he had sufficient knowledge of the principles of jurisprudence and issues related to financial affairs. mousavian can be called a spiritual economist who devoted his efforts to clarifying solutions and creating tools to get out of the impasse of usurious and western banking. he was born in ajabshir in 1339. after graduating
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, he went to qom seminary and at the same time started studying economics. after years of studying and learning science having a master's degree in economics from shahid beheshti university, hozovi received a doctorate in economics from qom seminary. god bless you, mr. dr. mousaviyan had a very high mastery in explaining the subject. if i want to define mr. mousavian, i will tell the viewers the connection between modern economic discussions and economic discussions and the field , which means that he also had a good understanding of the field , he had the etiquette of the field, he had the etiquette of the seminary, and he had worked on that side for decades, maybe 3 he had worked for a decade, that is,
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nearly 3 decades, not as a specialist. it was at work. we sometimes say that someone is an expert in this work, that is, the owner his opinion may not be refined, he can do different things , but he is what we need, and mr. mousaviyan was one of his examples, that is, he started from the border of knowledge , he reached expertise in his work , he reached attention. this was the task for this student, and therefore it was successful. the complexity and expansion of new economic issues and the need to comply with sharia in it caused the central bank to be confused. these factors made the existence of a determining authority even more necessary. the legal council of the central bank was a solution to solve this problem.
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a place to raise the issue and find suitable solutions. he was invited and that council worked for maybe 10 or 12 years until it led to the official p council which was approved by the islamic council. mr. dr. mousavian has contributed a lot regarding various tools. he had an effective presence in the design of treasury documents and basically the focus of work was with him. about which the treasury documents were later released.
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in some places, the rate did not actually exist for its purchasing power. they should have had a plan from hassan wafa that when the government of the islamic republic of iran sells paper, if it sees that inflation has risen too high, it can come to hassan wafa and pay a certain amount, and this is in the law. the budget came, well, this design was also their design, of course, they worked a lot on bank contract designs. that is, there are many books, they have a lot of work to draw up the murabaha contract, the jaala contract , almost the proxy contract, in all the islamic contracts, they did a lot of work. there are some points, both jurisprudential and legal damages, economic and financial damages, and in the end , based on the priorities that have been made
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, solutions are proposed to overcome these damages. and if we want to solve the economic and financial problems of the bonds, what are the suggestions? do you have to think about measures? dr. seyed abbas mousavian's theorizing in reforming the economic structure of the country is very significant and is considered as moving on a razor's edge. because the financial relations of the market are intertwined with jurisprudential and legal issues of the economy, which on the one hand are related to religious and religious sensitivities and on the other hand. it is related to the concepts of economic sensitivity such as capital, profit and bank income, which could
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lead to a disaster if the rights of the customer and the bank are compromised. it was a tool used in western capital markets. it was proposed as hedging and hedging the risk of these financial instruments. and we with paying attention to the depth of shia jurisprudence. and according to the nature of such tools that exist in the western capitalist markets, we evaluated and investigated and found out that instead of using a contract of sale , they used the exchange of commitments, if we ask mr. mousaviano to define it. kanim answered this intelligence in the middle. on the one hand, he was aware of the legal literature, on the other hand, he was aware
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of the needs of the market because of his connections and his understanding of economics. this creativity that can intelligently combine this need based on these contracts. this requires creativity and it has initiative, creativity and initiative, and by the way, the personality of mr. mousaviyan. or veruz found , of course, they always had a so-called strong sharia consideration. if there was a point where something could be done from a sharia point of view, but there was even an iota of doubt, they said no, this is not expedient at the moment. they have many opinions. it was a path-breaker, but that religious sensitivity of his never diminished. he was in very important positions like the central bank . he had rent , he had a lot of information.
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he did not use this so-called capacity. i was once thinking about what interpretation to use about him . this interpretation seemed to me that he was a medicine that knew its intended use well. not only was he well-known, but the system was also well-known. they were also known by the people around them. attention to realism in dealing with issues and effective presence in the practical solution of financial doubts, along with his preaching activities in promoting the concepts of religious economy, made him a special person who was approved by most of the scholars and first-rate personalities of jurisprudence and science. economy was placed. specialized in the last 30 years of their academic course just focusing on the issue of islamic banking means
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they, or if they write a book about islamic banking, they write an article about the islamic banker, and now the discussion of the capital market has also been entered in such a way that many articles may be first and foremost. i count maybe first and around 140 scientific articles. he has published in various magazines and so-called various books, and he has more than 30 books, and when you look, you can see that one of his characteristics was that he was so-called focused on the topic of banking and hazrat agha. in the message to on the occasion of his death, he was given the title of economic jurist . his foundation was very important.
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saying that he doesn't want a check, he doesn't want it, he doesn't want it, so give me five coins, i'll go see if you have a toman in my hand , i want to pay in advance, he boldly doesn't want an advance, sir, this is a guarantor, he doesn't want a guarantor here , he doesn't want a guarantor at all, we didn't go to my bank, gentlemen, no need to go to the bank does not
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provide a special purchase for dear retirees. social from home appliance city. installment purchase without check, without guarantor, without advance payment without going to the bank. city of household appliances, a specialized reference for household appliances. after azadi square, in front of tehran sar. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you , dear compatriots. news at 5:00 pm, the selection booklet for the national entrance exam will be published tomorrow.


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