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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  September 20, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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bay area is because of distant wildfires. we'll have more on that in just a minute. >> first, let's hear from abc's seven news meteorologist sandhya patel. she has the forecast. sandhya. yeah, ama and larry, let's take a look at a live picture right now from walnut creek camera and you can pretty much see that it is a hazy view right now as we take a look at the air quality just about everybody in the moderate to poor category. so oranges, poor for sensitive groups. and the yellow is moderate. but one thing i have noticed is there is some good air quality starting to show up in parts of the north bay as that sea breeze has increased. it's just temporary, but at least there is some sign of improvement. there now we look at the smoke forecast, 7:00 tonight. it's still going to be hazy and smoky as those wildfires burning to our north continue to send smoke in our direction. tomorrow morning, starting out with the haze and the smoke as it all settles. and then tomorrow night, it'll get a little more diffuse. and so we take a look at that spare the air alert. it is in effect
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through tomorrow. the poor air quality for both days. and we're going to take a look at that visible satellite picture because one thing you may notice is there are multiple fires burning, not just around. and the oregon area, but we also have fires burning right around northern california. so when you take a look there, you have that one right there around the western side of oregon. we have another one, northwestern california. and that smoke is just coming into our area. so we're going to have to deal with it. in addition to all of this fire danger will be elevated for the north bay mountains, lake and solano counties starting at 11 p.m. tonight when that red flag warning goes up. i'll be back with a closer look at that fire danger and when air quality will improve in just a minute larry. >> all right, sandy, thank you. we'll see you in a few minutes with the seven day forecast. sandy just mentioned the wildfires causing our bad air are pretty far away. you can see up on the map here, this cluster of fires up in the oregon area. this, by the way, is our abc seven weather tracker. it shows you where the fires are burning. and you can also see air quality
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lels on the very same map. abc seven news reporter stephanie sierra with a closer look at the fires and smoke. >> the bay area is bracing for several days of hazy skies as some of the largest wildfires burning in the us are merging in the dense forests of california's northwest corner. it's causing scenes like this no sailboats out on the bay, but smoky skies drifting over the golden gate bridge. duck, wind is an air quality specialist with the bay area air quality management district. he says the wind circulation is expected to become heavy and will continue to bring unhealthy conditions to the area. >> we do anticipate an impact in the bay area to continue through today and thursday. >> the haze is stemming from intense smoke from several major fires burning along the southern coast of oregon and in far northern california. south of the oregon border. >> it's possible these conditions could remain for a few days. our incident meteorologist is looking at a cold front coming into the area
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today that is going to bring in strong winds. and so we have a likelihood of additional fire growth and fire growth means additional smoke. but as we look out towards the weekend, there's increasing chance of rain bringing relief back to the bay area. >> smoke coming down take long distances. >> there's a lot of variables, including when temperatures impact, how the smoke plume is going to behave. >> the bay area has 30 air quality monitoring stations that track the latest aqi levels. and to put it in perspective for you, the air we're breathing today is the worst it's been in nearly two years. so expect that the spare the air alert to continue through thursday with unhealthy conditions that could persist through friday. reporting in san francisco, stephanie sierra, abc seven news. air quality is impacted all around the bay area. >> on the peninsula we use drone view seven to get an aerial view of the haze over stanford university today and some views. it doesn't look too bad. you can
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see patches of blue sky above palo alto. check it out. you can see some blue sky above the golden gate bridge. not a bad shot there. a drone view seven flew over the marina district of san francisco today. there was noticeable haze in the sky, but visibility wasn't too bad. more than half of the branches of the san francisco public library were at risk of closing today, 17 locations don't have advance eight ventilation systems, so an air quality deteriorates. it's not safe for people or staff to be inside. ten branches can stay open, even in poor air conditions. two of them the main library and the mission bay branch, are designated air respite centers for san francisco. >> now, over in the east bay, the oakland zoo was closed today because of the smoke. it just wasn't healthy for visitors or staff. all the animals have access to indoor spaces and vet staffers are checking on them for any possible health impacts the zoo might stay closed tomorrow as well if conditions do not improve. oakland schools also had also had to make some adjustments today. abc seven news reporter elena howland talked with families who were
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affected. >> a thick blanket of smoke covers the bay area so thick you could hardly see san francisco from the east bay. >> i think it's terrible, but i didn't realize it was so bad to the point where they had to close the school, the lake school, a preschool near oakland's lake merritt, making the difficult choice to close early. >> we calling for the early pickup of around 40 kids, and they were only able to play for about two hours before we had to make that phone call to send them home early. this happened when the air quality index hit 150, when we have this bad air quality, we have to have everything shut down and air filters running. >> but when it reaches the point of red, it's just like that call of do we stay inside? and you know, maybe pass illnesses or do we try to have early pickups and really just keep everyone safe? >> cyrus yamin, a parent, is finding the silver lining. >> it threw an awesome wrench into my day because i get to have an adventure with my son prem, what are we going to do, primo? have adventure minutes away. >> children's fairyland making a similar decision to close its
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gates early by one in the afternoon. up until that point, they were offering masks to guests as they entered volunteer for summer. cunningham said she kept her mask on the whole time. we're both really sensitive to the smell and i currently can get headaches. >> it's maddie here has a hard time with breathing in. does definitely provide kids a lot of discomfort. meanwhile the oakland unified school district is instituting its poor air quality day protocols. >> but so we've been informing our staff to, you know, keep windows closed in the classrooms to keep their air filters on high. >> if the air quality index reaches 151 or higher, all activities will be moved indoors. but ousd tries to avoid canceling school altogether. >> and so we know that if they're at school, they're a bit more protected, at least in certain circumstances, than they might be if they were elsewhere. so we were very hesitant to actually cancel school in oakland. >> lena howland, abc seven news in the south bay, it's hard to
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see the skyline of san jose. >> take a look at all the haze in this view. let's take aoo at conditions in the north bay. here's the view from our tower camera atop mt. tam. not too bad. it's nice to see some green, t on the hills. >> yeah, reasonable. >> yeah, it could be worse. it could be a lot worse. yeah, actually. >> yeah, a lot worse. based on what we saw earlier in the day, if you're breathing in bad air, it can cause negative health impacts even on a short term basis. if you do it over a longer period of time, obviously that can be extremely dangerous as abc7 news special correspondent dr. relo patel explained on our 3 p.m. program getting answers. >> one thing that really concerned about is pm 2.5 things in the air that are 2.5 micrometers or smaller. to give you a sense of how small that is, it's almost 30 times smaller than a strand of hair. so you can imagine if you were to inhale that how deep in your lungs it could go even to your bloodstream. so that can cause a lot of not only short term but also long term health effects. if you're chronically exposed to it. >> dr. patel says everybody
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should heed the notices about not exercising outdoors because if the air gets really bad, he says, if you have to be outside , wear an n95 mask, adding that the cloth ones or maybe you see some people running around wearing bandanas, those are not going adequately protect you. you can check the air quality anytime where you live using o online interactive tracker. and this is the tl at we showed you before. it also shows where the fires are burning up along the oronoastline. you can check it out at abc7 and we also, by the way, have put it on the home page just to make it easier for you to find and you can do that right now. >> still to come tonight, autonomous flying taxis as they're working on them in fremont. how long until this could be the future of your commute? and next, the limited time for rv dwellers in san francisco to find a new place to park. >> the deadline coming up fast past. and the question now, can
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to implement a time limit on parking along wins drive that's right next to stonestown
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galleria, near san francisco state university. abc7 news reporter liz pena live now in the newsroom to tell us about the impact of the city's plan. liz. that's right, larry. >> time is ticking in three months, people who live in rvs on winston drive along lake merced will need to find another place to park their vehicles or find housing. today in san francisco, more than 100 families in rvs woke up to a deadline. we have families here that they have children. >> they have teenage years, they have kids. and i don't know what's going to happen if they lose their place because nobody wants to see them living on a tent. >> william rafael and his wife have lived in this rv for a year on tuesday. san francisco's municipal transportation authority board of directors voted to implement a four hour parking limit on winston drive from lake merced boulevard to buckingham way. meaning rvs won't be able to park here long term housing in san francisco has been almost impossible for
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the poor people. >> it's very expensive, like we have. we need to have credit score and a bunch of things to rent an apartment for living here. >> during this meeting, advocate and residents pushed back. >> why add more people to this crisis? >> manny jekuthiel, one of sfmta's board of directors, proposed to delay the parking limit for three months, giving residents and the city time to find solutions before they begin the construction of a pedestrian safety project. >> this road is dangerous as there are fire safety issues there are sewer issues, there's just there's quality of life issues. and so we need to find a place for folks to go. but we couldn't wait forever. so the parking changes are going to be happening for multiple years. >> supervisor myrna melgar has been in charge of finding solutions here. her office confirmed they're looking into sites for rv residents but did not confirm if any yet. >> the families are so, so nervous about this because they don't know where they're going to be able to park if they you know, they're likely get tickets, they could lose their vehicles to tow all of these
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things can happen and then they end up out on the streets. >> in a statement, san francisco's homelessness d supportive housing department said in part, we have outreach to 100 of the inhabited vehicles in the area where an active contact with 70 of these households, these 70 hous, have been enrolled in our coordinated entry system, which has anyone from the city come here offering help. >> i think and nobody came here from the city. and if we don't fight, we don't know what we're going to do. >> now, the city's department of homeless and supportive housing confirmed they have identified 20 households that are families with children and offer them long and short term housing vouchers. in the newsroom, luis pena, abc7 news. so loses the city also looking into maybe like potential safe parking sites for residents who are in these rvs, especially if they have kids. yeah. yes larry. larry, according to the department of homelessness and supportive housing, they have assessed dozens of sites over the past two years. and they
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haven't found one yet. their goal is to find one on the west side of san francisco to keep those residents in that community. and they have three months to do that. >> all right, luis pena, thanks so much. >> new details tonight on the windows that broke in downtown san francisco during storms this past march. a report says most of the windows already had problems before the storms blew through. it adds repairs would have prevented just about all of them from shattering. the report looked at 31 windows. the department of building inspection says it's going to make some changes, including requiring visual inspections of all buildings, 15 stories or taller that were built after 1998. it expects building managers to make repairs promptly and just about every window in the bay area is looking out at hayes. yeah, it's another rough one out there. sandy yeah, and it's best to keep those windows closed. larry and let's take a look at a live picture from from our emeryville camera as we look at downtown oakland. we're going to pan around here and you can see just how bad it looks right now. it's
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very smoky in the area. hard to see. visibility is poor and that's due to the smoke from those wildfires up to our north around oregon and northwestern california. here's what's bringing the wildfire smoke. it's this trough that's deepening. the wind is coming out of the north northwest and it's just dragging that smoke down into our area. that same wind direction will bring concern later on tonight as that trough continues to drop southward. it's that northerly wind that is raising our fire danger here in the north bay mountains, lake and solano county. so 11 p.m. tonight, that red flag warning goes up. it runs until 5 p.m. tomorrow. we are not expecting terribly strong winds. gusts will be up to 35 out of the north and the humidity is not going to be extremely low. it'll be in the 22 to 35% range. but around this time of year, when you get that drying wind, it is very important to stay aware as any fires that develop could quickly grow in size and intensity. and as you take a look at the hour by hour winds, 11 p.m. tonight,
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29 mile an hour winds in the mountains. we're talking about over 30 miles an hour in the wee hours of the morning. still gusty at 11 a.m. and then the winds will begin to let up as we head towards tomorrow afternoon. fire danger will be coming up. the highest fire danger will be in the north bay mountains where you'll go into the yellow and orange, which is high to very high category. so just be aware of that. a live view from pier 39 camera. and we do have the haze and the low clouds, as you will notice, san francisco, 63 degrees, oakland, 65. most areas were below average. once again, 72. in san jose, 61.5 moon bay from our mt. tam cam, you are seeing the combination of the clouds and the haze out there. upper 60s novato, santa rosa, 66 in napa. it's pretty mild in fairfield right now. 71. concord, 68. in livermore, 70 degrees. oakland airport camera. we're showing you another kind of murky view right now. hazy skies and spare the air through tomorrow. gusty in the hills. higher fire danger late tonight
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and fall arrives on friday and just in time for that first weekend of fall, we'll have better air quality for the weekend and hazy conditions. first thing in the morning, your temperatures will begin in the 50s. there will be some areas of low clouds similar to this morning. and then tomorrow afternoon, we're going to hang on to some of that smoke. low 80s in our inland valleys, mid 60s coast side. it's going to be breezy. and these temperatures once again falling behind where they should be for this time of year. as we check out the accuweather seven day forecast, not a lot of change in terms of the temperatures fall begins at 1150 friday night and as we head into that first weekend notice those temperatures in the low 60s to low 80s below average for september. but the air quality begins to improve on friday and it gets a lot better over the weekend as the wind comes off the ocean and picks up that sea breeze. now early next week, this would be the first rain of our season. it looks like we could be getting some wet weather here in the bay area beginning monday night and
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continuing into early tuesday. so i know it sounds crazy. it's a little early. unofficially, we get rain here around halloween, but i'm larry, we're basically expecting the possibility a little bit earlier. >> we'll take what we can get. yeah, absolutely. >> that'll help to clean out the air a little more. >> thank you, sandy. well, stocks were down today as the federal reserve decided not to increase interest rates. but there are some hints that one more hike might come before the year ends. the dow lost nearly 77 points. the nasdaq took a significant loss of more than 200 points, or 1.5% of its overall value. the s&p down close to 42 points, although the federal reserve decided not to hike those interest rates. inflation is still rising and officials warn that rates can go up before the end of the year to target their 2% inflation rate. >> the federal government is relaunching a program to provide free covid 19 home tests. >> the department of health and human services says you can order four free tests from per
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household from starting monday. the program was suspended in may after the end of the covid 19 public health emergency. before then, government shipped more than 755 million free covid 19 tests upon request. >> all right. coming up next, sports and social issues. see how a golf tournament is bridging the gap when it comes to
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but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces
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like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at to combat those problems. here's abc seven news anchor jobina fortson with the story from tpc harding park golf course. >> the tpc harding park golf course is witnessing history. you can see it on the flags waving as you enter. and it's a little more obvious when you look at who's playing on the fairway. >> golf needs help.
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>> you're looking at the second annual university of san francisco, howard university intercollegiate a golf tournament, shaking up a game built on tradition. the first one was last year on the east coast at tpc potomac. >> my brother is actually a member at tpc potomac back in washington, d.c. so we were trying to get howard some access to practice at tpc potomac. and we thought the best way to get them access was to put on a golf tournament, give the club some money. >> and here we are. last year, nine teams participated. this year, 13, the tournament puts an emphasis on including historically black colleges and universities like howard and also schools from our region and ivy leagues. >> the partnership has worked out best for really well for all parties. so very excited about that. >> golf needs this. the golf is now, to me, the inclusive piece to give everyone who enjoys it should have the opportunity to compete and play. and i think that's what this tournament is doing, is showcasing a lot of great programs. some have, whom may not have an opportunity to play together. >> according to golf digest, of the nearly 29,000 pga of america
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members, fewer than 1% are black. less than 10% are women. ahead of the tournament, young girls could be spotted at the howard, usf first tee clinic for kids. >> college kids were running the clinic giving back to the kids of the future of golf, which was really special. that was more more important than the golf tournament, really. the bay area connections run deep for the bison. >> in 2019, warriors star steph curry donated millions to resurrect howard's men and women's golf teams. they debuted at the division one level, with the men winning the pga works collegiate championship twice. and during this interview we found out the women won their first tournament at the fall slate i can't believe something unless you see it. you can watch both teams now and an espn plus series executive produced by curry. >> he exemplifies someone who is not just trying to write a check. you know, he does it in in time and in talent. and so, you know, like i was texting
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with him this morning. he's crossed seas right now and, you know, texting him, wishing the team good luck and different things like that. >> every element of the usf howard partnership is rooted in access. >> my dad was an all-american in golf in 65, so i mean, i've been in golf my whole life. you know, your friends look different. you play, you play in different communities. you play good courses, bad courses, you travel the country to play that was my exposure. and so now being able to bring it full circle to give the howard students an opportunity to do that, it's been exciting. reporting from the cart path in san francisco as a proud howard alum, jobina fortson, abc seven news jobina was having fun. >> you know the sentiment when tiger woods rose to fame and prominence was that it would encourage a lot of younger minority kids to play. it's still so expensive, though, and so it's great. you know where tiger leaves off. steph jumps in. that's awesome. yeah. all right. coming up next, meet the future of your commute. maybe
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maybe a flying self-driving taxi. it would cost no more than an uber and we'll update our air quality forecast to look at conditions now and over the
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tonight because it's obviously been bad all day long and it's going to stay bad through tomorrow. we in a are in a spare the air alert both today and tomorrow. >> let's bring back abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel with how it's looking now. sandhya it is still smoky and hazy. and larry, let's take a look at a live picture from our sfo camera and you can see just how murky it is. i'm going to switch the camera here now to show you san jose. i mean, you barely can make it out. so yes, we do have that. spare the air alert up through tomorrow. poor air quality both today and tomorrow, although you will notice as we look at the air quality current conditions, there are a couple of sensors in the north bay that have gone to green, which is good around mendocino as well as that sea breeze has kicked up most of the rest of you in that moderate to
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poor category. as we go hour by hour, the smoke forecast will show you the haze and smoke lingering really through tomorrow morning. later on in the day, we are expecting the air quality to get a little bit better. but it's going to have to wait until friday before we start to notice some improvement . the smoke is coming from multiple fires burning around oregon. also around the northwestern portion of the state. and you can see that smoke just getting dragged down by the north northerly winds. and that is a wind that is concerning, which is why a red flag warning is going up at 11 p.m. tonight for the areas shaded in red. the north bay mountains, solano and lake counties, gusty winds, low humidity, any fires that develop are going to spread quickly as we look at those winds over the hilltops, not too bad right now about 25 miles an hour. oakland hills, mount diablo, 23 miles an hour, larry. all right. >> thank you, sandhya p-g-and-e's is raising the likelihood that it's going to shut off power to some areas. a preemptive move to reduce the risk of wildfires. but there's only one bay area county that
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could be affected, and that's napa. and we're only talking about seven customers there. this is part of a psps warning which is in effect today and tomorrow. about 5000 customers across eight counties in northern california may be impacted. >> a new driverless endeavor is about to take off. flying taxis . a company just opened an office in fremont and as abc7 news anchor karina nova went there to learn how these vehicles are being developed and how they're going to operate. >> the future is here in the bay area specifically in fremont, where these autonomous aircraft are being built. super bowl is an advanced air mobility company, part of hyundai motor group. the vision is to create an air taxi that would allow people to skip the commute on the roads. ramona stefanescu is the lead research manager going from a hub like an airport or again, a downtown san francisco or san jose to palo alto or some city in between. >> that can be done as a short
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trip with an air taxi not being stuck in traffic, not spending 40 to 50 minutes in in traffic. we want to give time to people to spend more time with their families. >> stefan askew and her team are in the process of designing a first generation aircraft. it would seat four people and at first be piloted by a human going about 120mph with a 25 to 30 mile battery range. >> we're looking at here is it does kind of look like a helicopter to me. but what's different? so you're going to see a lot of movement in in the rotors. >> so you're you're taking off vertically. you're flying as a plane forward and then you land back vertically. so it's a it's a mix between a helicopter and a plane. >> how hard is it to design and build something this new? >> it is challenging, but, you know, we cannot forget that we are building on top of existing technologies and existing
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manufacturing process for aircraft, for civilian commercial aircraft and general aviation aircraft. part of the process is developing batteries that are lightweight and powerful, building the airframe rotors sensors, as well as an eco system for these vehicles to take off and land, something they're calling a vertiport. it's going to be a dedicated structure. we can draw analogies with a helipad right now. right. a very similar construction where we need to land vertically, but yes, it's going to have charging stations. this is an electric aircraft powered by batteries. so it's going to have availability of charging stations for cars, for the aircraft, but also to park our cars or bikes or as i said, hopefully we can walk to a vertiport so what does it take to build something this future forward? >> niraj nath, head of facility strategy and management at, says
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a big part of it is attracting silicon valley tech talent with the help of an innovator and welcoming work facility at the highest level. >> we were given the direction from hmg and our leaders to build build an office base that is better than home and. and. and provide all the amenities that you would have at home. just better the sustainability focused facility includes many spaces that promote collaboration for the 140 employees who come into work, a gym entertainment room free lunches and more. >> the timetable for supernal employees here and across the company to get the aircraft into service is 2028. that's five years from now. >> through this process, we have safety as the core may take a few years and we, you know, taking the right steps, we may not be the first or second to market, but there is something that the company is dedicated to. the safety of our aircraft. >> some of this video we're
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seeing multiple aircraft flying at the same time. >> how will that be the future? >> yes, that's definitely the future. and we are working on aircraft integration. the airspace. we are aware that we are not going to be the only one flying. >> so fog, rain will not be an issue. >> that's some of the work that my team is looking into how we are going to operate, when we are going to have fog in san francisco in 2038. >> you imagine your friends family saying, oh, i'm going to take this to skip my commute in my car. >> yes. and i hope myself to come to work one day with an air taxi. i hope that for sure we need it here. >> karina nova, abc7 news. >> you wonder what the noise would be like and if they can keep it down. but if they can pull this off in five years it would be amazing. the company is working with the faa to try to certify the aircraft supernal. that's the company they want to
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make this affordable. they're saying the same price as an uber for a 45 minute drive. >> well, for now, the target markets are los angeles, seoul and miami. but the goal is to eventually have the autonomous flying taxis here in the bay area. >> all right. coming up next, we'll give you one of the first looks at a brand new development in santa clara, a combination that we actually have but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one,
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or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at
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zach fuentes was at the grand opening. >> sweet potato parsley bell peppers and so much more are growing right in the middle of this santa clara neighborhood. just a short walk away from westfield valley fair mall and santana row in the south bay. it's an urban farm called agrihood. >> this is the first urban agrihood in a city of this size or in any in any city in this country. and it's got an
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agricultural working farm here. >> but that's not all. agrihood is also the site of affordable housing, with a focus on seniors and veterans, providing not just a place to live and access to produce, but also a community with farmers markets and gardening lessons. >> it's going to give them something to do, places to be. we're going to have 50 pop up events a year here, and so they're going to meet each other, have fun together and really enhance their quality of life. >> community member kirk vartan was one of the driving forces behind the project. he started encouraging the city 20 years ago to revitalize the former uc davis agriculture site. >> he started connecting and we started engaging community and we started having meeting. >> after meeting millions in funding from 2016. measure a affordable housing bond and the city of santa clara helped fund agrihood bringing in a master developer called the core companies. 165 affordable units have been allocated for older adults, including 54 units of permanent supportive housing. for us, it was really important to look at what are we building and who are we serving? >> and we know that our homeless population is aging and agrihood is responding to that need.
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>> residents are already moving into units with more expected and though the housing is key, those behind this urban farm stress that the brand new space is for everyone, not just for the residents. >> it's for everybody. and that's that's really the goal is so this is a this is a community public asset. how does public space serve the public? and that's really what i think this will do in santa clara. >> zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> coming up next, a big picture look at our air quality. the wildfire smoke we're dealing with now is part of a bigger and disappointing
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could have some significant health consequences. researchers at stanford confirmed the link in a study that was released today. abc seven news anchor julian glover has the details. >> the smoke that's blanketing our bay area skies will eventually clear, but researchers at stanford's outdoor school of sustainability say an ongoing cycle of
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wildfires is literally tipping balance on air pollution. in california. environmental scientist marissa childs was a coauthor, particularly in california. >> wildfire smoke is undoing a bunch of progress towards air quality improvements. and in california, specific, we estimate that the trends in air quality have reversed because of wildfire smoke. >> and that reversal has been dramatic. they sayarculate pollution in california and nevada had actually fallen nearly a third from 2000 to 2015. but from then to now, that same pollution index is up 14, driven in large part by the wildfires that has swept through the sierra and elsewhere. marshall burke led the study. what we're seeing now is that for days at a time or weeks at a time or even months at a time, in recent years, we get wildfire smoke that really sticks around. >> and when it does that and it sticks around in high levels, it can have a substantial effect on the overall annual air pollution in a given area, enough to
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threaten air quality gains made by cutting pollution from cars and factories with the help of the clean air act passed half a century ago. >> and while the landmark law regulates most sources of pollution, they say it does not include wildfires. >> that's not going to be sufficient. if we want to think about clean air for, you know, the population. wildfires are starting to have a really big influence on total air quality. and if we omit them from regulation, we're just not going to be able to protect people's health in the same way. >> and whether that's controlled, burns or other fire management techniques, researchers believe the wildfire trend could trigger a serious rethinking about managing a growing threat. i'm julian glover, abc7 news. >> and researchers also point to the effects of climate change. you've got these ongoing cycles with drought and hotter temperatures and all this drives more wildfires. >> that's right. so let's get to meteorologist andy patel for the latest on our weather andy. >> yeah, let's take a look at
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the air quality, larry and ama and you will notice that parts of the bay area are still in the orange, which is poor for sensitive groups. live views pretty much confirm the haze and smoke. still with us from all different directions as we look at live doppler seven, we do have low clouds right near the coastline. the clouds will be limited tomorrow afternoon. we're looking at hazy sunshine, low 80s, so below average for this time of year, mid 60s, right along the coastline. and we're going to fast forward to next week. a cold front coming in early next week will bring us an opportunity for rain and obviously better air quality as it sweeps through here. so between monday night and tuesday morning, we're expecting some showers across the region, amounts based on one computer model under 1407 inch for most areas. but about 4/10 in ukiah, up in northern california. expect upwards of an inch of rain in some parts. so this will be beneficial if we get it, obviously, especially when we're talking about fire danger. accuweather seven day forecast fall begins on friday day at 1150 at night and we're going to
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continue with the theme of below average temperatures. but here's the good news. the air quality is going to get much better over the weekend as that sea breeze kicks up and then we'll bring in the opportunity for some wet weather and larry. >> all right. that'll both be nice. thank you. >> sandy, will the smoke be a factor tomorrow for the 49 ers game or not so much? >> i don't think it's going to be as bad as today by the time that game gets underway at 515. >> okay. all right. thanks, sandy. i'm in for dan, chris has sports. i think we're going to be focusing more on the 49 ers because it looks like baseball season is going to be over pretty quickly here. >> let's talk about the 49 ers, the team winning around here. we're less than 24 hours from that niners home opener at levi's and the giants slide co
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we choose remain for this team. the road struggles continue as well as a complete lack of run
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support for the a slogan. webb oh, big mike yastrzemski fans in the desert there in arizona. fifth pitch of the game. oh, lamont way jr there's some run support 16th of the year one nothing giants but that was pretty much it arizona has some really good young players everyone including alex thomas hot shot down the right field line it's an rbi double and all of a sudden it's three one snakes the giants managed just three hits all game thairo estrada swing and a miss with two out in the seventh and corbin carroll, he had four hits by himself. he becomes the first rookie to hit 25 homers and steal 50 bases in a season that made it four one. and then ketel marte makes it back to back. jax giants lose 7 to 1 now three and a half games back of the final wild card spot with just ten games to play. >> yeah i mean obviously these were must win games and you know going back several games those were also must win games and now the math is not on our side and you know every game is one that
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we have to win. >> we're not in a very good position, to be honest. probably have to win every single game from here on out and hopefully get some luck around the league. but you know, i don't there's no there's no quit in us. >> it's going to be tough with the weekend series at the dodgers and the padres and the dodgers. again, family and friends at the coliseum for the major league debut of right hander joey estes. and after a scoreless first the mariners, dominic calzone deep down the right field line, it's two nothing seattle and they got that home run trident that's a pretty cool thing their bottom four same score the rookie zach guelphs had a really good year he goes deep 13th of the year makes it a21 game but the mariners got some players like all star julio rodriguez gets that run back solo to right center three one mariners win six three. they're currently tied with bruce bochy's texas rangers for the final al wild card spot. less than 24 hours from now, the 49 ers will play in their home opener tomorrow night. on the injury front, giants running back saquon barkley officially ruled out today. he's got an ankle injury
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while 40 niners wide receiver brandon aiyuk limited in practice he's dealing with a shoulder probably be a game time decision after a two and zero start on the road niners now play three straight home games remember they lost just once at levi's last season. if they can win tomorrow night, they'll have kind of a mini bye this weekend followed by two more in front of the faithful, all while three at home. >> i didn't even know that i mean, home opener thursday night football prime time against a really good team i don't think you can you can draw it up any better than that. i love playing at home. i even said before the season i'm like, man, if we can go two and oh on the road and come back at home for thursday night, that's going to be a fun one. >> at the end of the day, it's like, man, how can you create momentum and juice for your team to get first downs, to get points up on the board and to create momentum for your whole team as a whole? >> you know, let's go get some points on the board and then win all right. >> so the niners to be wearing those cool 94 throwbacks as far as uniforms, i like that. three games in a row. it was kind of
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funny. you heard the sound bites is asking the players about short week and so what day is it now? it's probably saturday night right now if you're a 40 niners is that is that the math? yeah yeah and you're going to be there tomorrow excited about going and beating the traffic and all that good stuff. yeah well as long as i don't go saturday or sunday and i can figure it out tomorrow is the actual game. tomorrow is the game. >> yeah, tomorrow's the game. i mean, they should be the giants. the giants are shorthanded, shorthanded and not great to begin with. one thought on the giants here before you go. yes. so corbin carroll himself had four hits, the giants as a team had three three with their season and playoff hopes hanging in the balance, they got three total hits. >> well, they didn't make the moves at the trade deadline that all the fans wanted to have. and they really, in my opinion, the three out of four you lose in colorado. they need a miracle at this point. >> they need shohei ohtani next year. never mind. well maybe that is a miracle. that might be. yeah >> all right. coming up tonight. thank you, chris. on abc seven starting at eight. it's back to back episodes of the conners at ten. catch the rookie. then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. remember that abc seven news is streaming 24 over seven. get the abc seven bay area app and join us whenever you want wherever you are that's going to
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do it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for joining us. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm larry beall for sandhya and chris. all of us here at abc seven. i think we got to come up with a line like all the way for shohei, all the way for shohei. >> tomorrow is thursday, but it's a sunday game. >> something like all of that. all right. love it. >> this is abc. 724 in san francisco, live in the south bay in san jose in concord, live in oakland. >> yes, you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> here we are. >> we are. we are. we are. we are. we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start
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ken jennings! [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] thanks, everyone. thank you, johnny gilbert. welcome back to "jeopardy!" second chance. now, we already know that our two champions from earlier in the week, deanna bolio and rob kim will be appearing in our 2-game total point final that begins tomorrow. but that leaves one open spot. which season 37 contestant will be the third finalist-- brian, alex or pam? good luck, players. let's start finding out in the jeopardy! round where these categories await you. we begin... then we have... and in the sixth spot... brian, you begin. let's do the sporting news for $800. - brian. - what is the australian open?


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