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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  October 4, 2023 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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[ indistinct conversations ] ♪ this is a narrow a final to senator dianne feinstein. >> today, she returned to the place where her political career got its start. san francisco city hall to lie in state. a parade of people stopping by to pay their respects. the line stretching around the block. >> her mark is on in so many pieces of this city. >> dignitaries from all walks of life came to the rotunda, including mayor london breed and dr. anthony fauci. he worked closely with feinstein in the 1980s during the aids pandemic. a longtime friend and
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congressional colleague, nancy pelosi, flanked by her husband, paul, and feinstein's daughter, catherine. with the larger feinstein family looking on the former house speaker at one point hugging the casket. some very moving moments there today. good evening. thank you for joining us. >> i'm dan ashley and i'm ahmad daetz. it's only the start of the tributes to come tomorrow. >> yes, san francisco city hall will be the backdrop for thursday's memorial service for feinstein. and today, from san francisco to the us senate, the public and political leaders took time to honor a trailblazer of firsts. but today, there are 24 women serving in this chamber , and every one of them would admit they stand on diane's shoulders. these images from washington were late senators old desk and nameplate were draped in black, accompanied by white roses. the senate judiciary committee convened in tribute. now the attention turns back to san francisco. >> abc7 news reporter tim johns was here at home witnessing those paying their respects at city hall, the place where
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senator feinstein began her rise to political prominence. tim. >> yeah. dan and now some people felt it important enough to wait for more than an hour to see the late senator's casket. tonight, the public viewing was supposed to stop at seven, but the line was so long that the feinstein family and city officials kept extending it to allow as many people to come by as possible. we were there when the final person got inside before feinstein's body was finally escorted out around 815 this evening. we thought it was the last time dianne feinstein will ever be inside san francisco city hall. on wednesday, her casket was carried down the steps of the building in front of family and friends. throughout the day, thousands came to pay their final respects to the late us senator, with the line often times stretching around the block as a woman working in government, i'm so inspired by all of the leadership she showed and all of the trails that she blazed for women who also want to make a difference in public service. feinstein was san francisco's
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first female mayor and led the city through multiple crises. those included the murders of george moscone and harvey milk, as well as the aids epidemic. >> she was a fighter. she was for she was for a gun reform. she was for women's rights. she was for gay rights. and i feel like she just a very genuine woman. >> even after leaving san francisco politics to become a us senator. feinstein was known to always keep tabs on the city she loved. >> i don't think she ever gave up the mayorship. i know when i had the job, she'd call me and tell me what i should be doing. and the robin said. >> many waiting in line wednesday told us they'll remember feinstein not just for her leadership, but also for her being a trailblazer throughout her multi-decade career, she shattered numerous glass ceilings despite facing challenges in a book of condolences, several people wrote about her being a source of inspiration for women and other minority groups, and she didn't let that stop her from
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being as aggressive as she could . >> and to get things done for san francisco and for the state of california. so i think that's probably the biggest thing. i walk away with is, you know, you have to be courageous. >> while feinstein will never be forgotten for all that she gave san francisco mayor london breed says she's happy that now the city can finally give back to her. >> i'm proud of the city for coming together in this way and to celebrate her legacy and if i think if she were here and to see this, it would it would make it would warm her heart. >> feinstein's memorial service will be held tomorrow at 1:00 in front of city hall. plans have been back and forth with organizers not closing it off to the public again and making it by invitation only. we are expecting several other high profile faces to be in attendance. some of those include vice president kamala harris and california's congressional delegation, including feinstein's appointed replacement, senator laphonza butler. in the studio, tim johns
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, abc seven news. >> tim, thank you. and the travel plans for some in that congressional delegation are getting pretty complicated because of how speaker situation in washington after senator feinstein passed representative zoe lofgren contacted then speaker kevin mccarthy about transportation for her colleagues to attend the memorial service. typically a delegation is given that courtesy of accommodation so they can all fly together when a member dies. but pete lofgren says she never heard back from mccarthy. north bay congressman mike thompson says lofgren then made the same request but never got a response from speaker pro tem patrick mchenry and mchenry temporarily took over when mccarthy was ousted yesterday. >> it's just sad commentary on the house republican leadership that they wouldn't pay tribute to this great legislator, great senator and allow for a plane to bring her colleague back to pay her a final tribute.
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>> at least two republicans are going to seek the speaker ship, jim jordan, who is a staunch supporter of former president trump and steve scalise, who is the current house majority leader. >> there are major street closures in and around city hall to keep in mind for tomorrow in person city hall services are closed all day. all city hall entrances will be closed from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. the surrounding street closures run from larkin to franklin and from golden gate to hayes. busses along those streets will be rerouted. and the civic center parking garage will not reopen until 6 p.m. tomorrow. and don't forget, if you want to watch the memorial service, you can just watch it here with us. the service begins at 1 p.m, but our coverage on the live stream begins at 1245. just watch on the abc7 news bay area app, abc7 or wherever you stream. all right, for now let's turn things over to abc7 news meteorologist sandhya patel. >> of course you felt that change out there today big time.
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>> she's getting us ready for what to expect in our 24 hour accuweather forecast. sandy. yeah. dan and alma. >> no one is going to escape the heat tomorrow as we take a look at tomorrow's planner in the morning. the sun comes up shortly after seven and it's already going to be mild. noontime warming quickly. it's going to be a warm to hot afternoon with low 80s to upper 90s and as the sun sets at 646, we're still going to retain some of that heat. clear skies expected and there is a heat advisory for parts of san francisco, the bay shoreline, santa cruz mountains and santa clara valley as temperatures soar. well above average. and that heat advisory starts at 11 a.m. tomorrow, runs until 11 p.m. friday. there is a moderate to high risk of heat illnesses, so definitely stay hydrated and keep cool. i'll let you know how long this hot weather is going to last. coming right up. dan >> okay, sandhya, thanks a lot. new at 11, a suspect is under arrest in the killing of a neighborhood shop owner in the richmond district. the chronicle is reporting a man is now in custody in connection with the
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deadly beating of the shopkeeper. police say the shopkeeper had been trying to stop a robbery at richmond market back in august. tomorrow morning, san francisco's police chief and district attorney will give a full update on the case. >> new details tonight on a major break in a murder case that has been sitting cold for 40 years. noelle russo was found dead near the sonoma state campus in rohnert park. and tonight, abc seven news reporter jared stone is hearing from family and friends about what might have happened on that 1983 night. >> you're looking at noelle russo, a woman who at the age of 37 was found beaten to death and naked in this area of rohnert park back in 1983. >> noelle was a close friend, if not at the time, the best friend of my mom and my mom's name was laura serban. >> dominique tells us her mom, who kept this picture of noelle, passed away back in 2019 and was with russo the night she went missing. they kind of liked to barhop a little bit and just
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like anybody in the area, just have a little bit of fun. >> and that's what they were doing the night that she went missing, they split up. she said that, you know, noelle may have been talking to an ex-boyfriend, but that she didn't think it was him, that she went off with. but somehow they got separated in the night and then she couldn't get ahold of her the whole next day. and then they, of course, found her. >> dominique showed us some of the old press democrat newspaper articles that her mom had saved about noelle's case. in those articles, detectives said that russo never made it to a bus in santa rosa that would have brought her back to rohnert park the night she went missing. more than 48 hours passed and her body was then found in this area . now, 40 years later, detective say dna evidence has linked alfredo otero jr to her killing. authorities haven't said if the two knew each other. dominique showed us the ring that noelle's
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family gave her mom after noelle's death, a symbol to her of how much noelle had meant to her family. she says her mom even kept a journal and often wrote about her friend noelle think her eyes just twinkled when she looked at her like she just was such a beautiful person . >> and that's one thing that shined through in my mom's writing is that this was somebody she really cared about and it just devastated her that she lost her. i'm grateful for the detectives. i'm grateful for noelle's family for not giving up hope. um, and just to, you know, even though we haven't met , letting noelle's family know that she touched many lives and that she's been thought of daily ever since this happened to her . >> uh- j.r. stone, abc seven news. >> developing news regarding the huge strike by tens of thousands of kaiser permanente workers. there's no settlement tonight, so expect a second day of picketing. a variety of employees in multiple states
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walked out, ranging from pharmacists to medical technicians. the union says its primary issue is a staffing shortage, causing people to burn out and quit. >> we are distressing the point out of safety and patient care. a patient crisis that we're in now because of short staffing and we're asking that they fix that and they fix it immediately . >> patients could see delays with appointments and prescriptions being filled because of the strike. kaiser did put out a statement about negotiations, and it reads in part, quote, we remain committed to reaching a new agreement that continues to provide our employees with market leading wages, excellent benefits, generous retirement income plans, and valuable professional development opportunities. end of the statement. and in a lot of ways, this really has been the summer of strikes. the writers guild of america's strike lasted 148 days. it ended last week in july, sag-aftra, a union representing nearly 160,000 actors, joined the picket lines. it now says it
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will hold more talks with the major movie studios on friday and again on monday. and the auto united auto workers union has been on strike for a little more than two weeks now. negotiate leaders say the talks are going well and are planning for a friday update. so we shall see. >> in the south bay, the san jose police department is unveiling a permanent memorial dedicated to the department's fallen officers. >> abc7 news south bay reporter lauren martinez on the meaning behind the monument. >> it's a promise that we will never forget their service and sacrifice and ensuring that future generations will know their valor after years in the making, the san jose police department unveiled their fallen officer monument outside headquarters wednesday night. >> it's this concept that we will not forget. >> tom catherman son, michael, was the 13th san jose officer who has died in uniform in 2016. he was killed when his motorcycle collided with a
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minivan in 2015. officer michael johnson was gunned down while responding to a welfare check in 2001. officer jeffrey fontana was shot following a traffic stop. the memorial is now a standing reminder to honor all of the 13 fallen officers and their families. today with this monument, we honor men who rose above of who overcame their fears, who mastered their self-interest. the memorial is also a reminder for future generations. today with all these men and women who are here today and those who will join the force and come after them to do the exact same thing, to protect and serve the citizens of san jose. the monument is made of dichroic glass. on one side, you see blue and the other. it appears gold. the department and the city has worked to get this installation complete since 2008, and our commitment that those before us and those after us will never
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forget a hero in san jose, lauren martinez, abc7 news. >> i've never seen anything like this. it's totally sticky. it falls up anytime you really touch it. >> clumps of white silk falling from the sky. spooky phenomena across northern california that has a lot of people curious. >> plus the murder of tupac with a big first day in court. the clues about that las vegas night in 1996. >> also here, the wnba coming to the bay area. we have the exciting announcement expected soon. >> first, a look at what's coming up tonight on jimmy kimmel live right after abc seven news at 11. jimmy thanks, dan. and to stay up all night and watch tv. >> do people ever mistake you for another celebrity? >> they thought i was lenny kravitz.
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you know i got two home runs. you got two jacks. and then my grand slam. i signed a ball for you. okay. and it says papa i love you. why did you do that? because you've taught me everything about baseball. oh hunny bunny, that's so sweet. (♪) (♪)
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band of white going across it, and i'm thinking, that is weird. yeah it is a spooky sight seen falling from the sky. >> spiderweb looking strands appropriate though for the start of october. >> that's true. right many in the bay area and across california just mystified by the whole thing and talking about it online. >> yeah. countless webs were being spotted falling in san jose and stockton, even out in monterey and modesto. >> it is weird, but there's actually an interesting biological reason behind it. >> yes. insect experts say yes, these these are spider web clumps that are woven in a balloon shape. they say this phenomenon happens this time of
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year across the country, something they call ballooning. >> what it is, is there are these little spiderlings baby spiders. and when the conditions are right, they will release a bunch of silk and they will fly off to a new location. >> us experts say there's nothing to be alarmed about. there are about 50,000 spider species and this is just part of the normal spider life cycle. >> well, there you go. well there are new developments tonight in the murder of tupac, who grew up here in the bay area and became one of the most famous rappers of his generation. the 60 year old arrested in connection with his killing showed up in court for the first time today. duane davis did not enter a plea, saying his lawyer needed two weeks to arrange to be in court . authorities believe davis orchestrated the plan to shoot tupac and gave the murder weapon to his nephew to pull the trigger. >> any case that's 27 years old, sometimes presents some challenges. but we feel very confident that the criminal justice system will work in this case. >> and davis has admitted
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publicly he was in the car when his nephew with his nephew, when tupac was killed in the drive by shooting near the las vegas strip in 1996. he is due back in court later this month. >> president biden is canceling another $9 billion in student loans payments restarted on sunday after a three year pause for the pandemic, the president announced the expanded debt relief from the white house today. an extra 125,000 borrowers qualify for the loan forgiveness. these include some working in the public sector and making ten years of payments. those paying for at least 20 years and those with disabilities to see if you qualify, go to student aid. dot gov slash debt relief for more information. another historic powerball drawing tonight with a third largest powerball jackpot ever. there hasn't been a winner in the past 11 weeks. believe it or not. so now the total prize is $1.2 billion. that's an estimated cash value of $551 million. all right. here are
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tonight's numbers. 935, 54, 63, 64 powerball number. is one good old lucky number one, right? there was no jack spot winner. so saturday night's prize will jump to $1.4 billion. your odds of winning remain the same. about 1 in 292,000,000. your odds of winning if you don't have a ticket. not much worse than that, but you got a chance if you play. that is true. all right. also new at 11 we have we know that dogs hate the 4th of july because of all the fireworks. freak them out. >> but now halloween might be a close runner up if the decorations are scary enough. check this out. a three year old golden retriever named monty was not a fan of the spooky figures outside of this home in alamo. oh, no. the friendly pooch approached the house to check out the life size grim reaper. i would run to and quickly said nope, not having it. poor thing . >> didn't quite understand what was going on. no, no. >> yeah. go away from the reaper . exactly.
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>> smart dog. >> fear. the reaper instead of don't fear the reaper. all right . time to get a check on our weather meteorologist sandhya patel is here saying it awfully warm out there. >> yeah, and it's only going to get warmer to hotter tomorrow, believe it or not. dan and let's talk about the autumn sizzle. temperatures will be soaring. elevated risk of heat illnesses. and we are looking at high uv index. so during the heat of the day, it's best to limit your outdoor exposure to the sun. look at this stunning view from our mount tam cam right now as we look at the city by the bay just sparkling high temperatures versus records. as you will notice, half moon bay expected to hit 82 degrees. that would tie the old record of 82 set in 2013. now oakland will be getting close to its record. 96 was the previous record hitting 91 degrees. it certainly was a warm to hot one today, 81.5 moon bay all the way to 94 at the napa county airport. and as we take a look at the bigger
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picture, this is why we had the warm to hot weather. high pressure in control of our weather storm track. well, to the north, this ridge is really going to be in charge tomorrow, taking those temperatures up even more. but considering how warm to hot, it was, look at the numbers. they've fallen quite a bit, 50s to low 70s, right now as we look at the 24 hour temperature change, those numbers are running higher than where we were yesterday by nine degrees in san francisco. so fall warmth is sticking around for fleet week festivities for friday for the air show. it's going to be clear as a bell. 86 degrees saturday fine flying weather, but it is going to be cooler. and then sunday, the fog rolls in. that's the only day where things could be a little bit touchy. but hopefully they'll be able to fly. emeryville camera looking at a beautiful view of san francisco . clear skies and mild conditions overnight. sunny and warm to hot. the next two days and heat relief does arrive this upcoming weekend. here's another equally gorgeous view with clear skies of the golden gate bridge. good to moderate air quality. tomorrow, air quality is moderate for all areas friday
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and saturday. with that heat building. so first thing tomorrow morning, temperatures in the 50s 60s by noontime, you're already at 80 degrees in half. moon bay, 90 degrees in fairfield. so you can see just how quickly things warm up. and in the early afternoon, many areas will be in the 80s and the 90s morning temperatures mid 50s to mid 60s clear and mild for many areas tomorrow afternoon getting hot in the south bay 94 santa clara 95. san jose on the peninsula, 96 redwood city 84 in pacifica, downtown san francisco, 88 degrees in the north bay. you're looking at mid 90s from san rafael to santa rosa, well above average. 93 in napa in the east bay, 91. oakland 93. castro valley. you'll feel that heat inland, 95 in concord in livermore, 96 degrees in fairfield. your accuweather seven day forecast we take that temperature for the heat up excuse me into the upper 90s inland low 80s coast side. the warmth will hold as we head into the first half of your
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weekend. but heat relief does arrive the second half of your weekend and we may even introduce a chance of showers early tuesday morning. i'm and dan, we'll b
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news today with a video teasing something big and it included multiple messages to the league, asking it to expand. >> the new team will reportedly start playing in 2025 and play at chase center. 2008 is the last time the wnba expanded. there are currently 12 teams. no official word on the new team's name. larry beale will be
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this day off today he deserves it. after his four touchdown game against arizona. as the undefeated 49 ers get set for their sunday night showdown with dallas at levi's. mccaffrey named the nfl offensive player of the week, leads the nfl in rushing yards, carries rushing touchdowns tied for the league lead in total tds with seven coach kyle shanahan. i'm very happy to have the human swiss army knife to deploy heading into a game that the whole league will be watching. i think anytime you have a sunday night game, it's always bigger sunday night, monday night, thursday night, there's always a little more excitement in the building knowing everyone's watching you got a lot of respect for the cowboys and how good of a team they are. >> so we know. we know the challenge that we have in front of us. and i think we're aware
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that of the rivalry back in the history which is always cool. >> warriors training camp continues. andrew wiggins played in only 37 games last season. remember, he missed two months due to personal issues, wigs and the dubs, opening the preseason saturday night against the lakers at chase. wiggins was good friends with jordan poole, who was traded in the chris paul deal, and he said the rocky year and second round playoff exit that was not poole's fault. >> i don't think it was jordan's fault for the, you know, lack of us, the team being, you know, connected. i feel like it was a bunch of things. and, you know, part of it, i wasn't there for a long time. and i feel i would like to think that i'm one of the key parts to the team. >> baseball playoffs. milwaukee fans clinging to hope against the arizona diamondbacks two one brew crew in the sixth tell marty the go ahead two run single to center. check out the purple hair here. nice look. three, two. d-backs tying run at the plate from milwaukee in the ninth. paul seewald gets the strikeout to send arizona to the division series against the dodgers. 5 to 2, the final. and
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while the giants search for a new skipper, bruce bochy just led texas to the division round as the rangers took out the rays. former a marcus simeon contributing with an rbi double as the rangers sweep two on the road, 7 to 1. rays fans were absolutely stunned. texas advancing to face baltimore twins and blue jays minnesota had not won a playoff series since 2002 against the athletics . sorry to bring it up. bases loaded in the fourth. carlos correa almost a giant, a single driving home run. they were going nuts in minnesota and former a sonny gray in a jam picks off vladimir guerrero jr to end the threat and the tag by correa twins win two zip sweeping their wild card series they'll meet the astros next sports on abc seven sponsored by river rock casino it's earning 3% at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i can save on something special for a first date? wait! that's all for a first date? whoa. alright, c'mon.
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previously on "jimmy kimmel live" -- >> a warren county, new jersey, police department is in touch with contractors and planning security upgrades after police say a man intentionally drove his car into the station. no one was injured. while this video doesn't have sound, county prosecutors said the driver had guns n' roses blasting from his car as he put


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