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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  November 3, 2023 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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closures on the bay bridge for days. commuters you might want to start planning now for this. good evening. i'm karina nova. >> and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. a friday surprise to be sure. one week before the apec summit, the chp announces it is going to make the bay area's worst commute even worse starting tuesday, november 14th.astbound and westbound lan on the bay bridge and the off ramps at fourth and fifth streets are being sh down. there are closures for the golden gate bridge to abc7 news reporter suzanne fawn joins us live now from the newsroom with reasons behind this decision suzanne. >> so, karen, i mean, karina, the apec summit is going to test a lot of commuters, whether you take public transportation or you drive. the chp just announced new closures that will affect thousands of drivers. the week of apec. if you think this traffic is bad, just wait until the apec summit starts. >> chinese president xi jinping and president joe biden will be among the major world leaders
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expected in san francisco. there will be high security all around moscone center between market and harrison street and second and fifth streets. the chp and caltrans now plan on closing freeway ramps and lanes during the summit, chp officer andrew berkeley explains. >> most notably the far left lane. on eastbound 80 on the bay bridge, as well as the far right lane on westbound 80 on the bay bridge. that's going to be a four day closure and that's going to be beginning 5 a.m. on tuesday through 9 p.m. on friday . >> berkeley says drivers can also expect some off ramps to be closed. the ramp from eastbound 80 at fourth street will be shut down from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily from wednesday, november 15th through friday, november 17th. we asked the chp why the ramps specifically that are mentioned there, those ramps feed directly into essentially the area where this conference is going to be. the chp says expect to see a lot
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more law enforcement in the area, especially if you're entering san francisco. >> the goal for this is to make it as low impact as possible. but obviously with the very heightened security for this event, these closures are necessary and the bay bridge isn't the only one affected. >> chp says the off ramp from 101 at golden gate bridge, vista point will be closed to pedestrians, cars and cyclists for five days. the bike path on the west side of the bridge will remain open. live in the newsroom, suzanne vaughan, abc seven news. it's going to be a bit tricky, isn't it? >> suzanne, thanks very much. it's been nearly two weeks since that off duty pilot was accused of trying to cut the engines power mid-air. now, three passengers on that flight have filed a class action lawsuit. abc seven news reporter zach fuentes has more from one of those passengers and from an expert who believes this suit is premature for many passengers aboard alaska airlines flight 2059 on october 22nd are still working to process what happened. >> passenger paul stephen from
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washington was aboard the flight heading to san francisco. he says a flight attendant let passengers know something was going on. >> she says we're having an emergency. we need to take an emergency landing. >> the passenger saw an arrest made on the plane. stephen said they didn't know specifics and it was only until the next morning when had read on the news what actually had happened. charging documents claim that alaska pilot and pleasant hill resident joseph david emerson was off duty riding in the jump seat in the cockpit when he suddenly said, i'm not okay. authorities say he tried to pull handles that would have cut fuel to the engines. the document said he had not slept for 40 hours and had discussed using psychedelic mushrooms. the flight was diverted to portland, where he was arrested. stephen and two other passengers from san francisco are listed on the lawsuit against alaska airlines. the passengers experienced something quite dramatic and underlie deserve to be compensated for that. the lawsuit said that the plaintiffs have suffered from a variety of emotional effects because of the incident. attorneys who filed the suit say the airline should have done more to screen the pilot before he sat in the cockpit. extra seat. >> they failed in their duty
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here. >> in a statement sent to abc, seven, alaska airlines said, we have received the complaint and are reviewing it. they go on to say that they are proud of the flight crew for keeping passengers safe for 30 some odd years. >> we have not had a problem with anybody in a jump seat. and consider this, 32,000 flights a day times 12 times 30. that's a pretty impressive situation. >> abc news aviation analyst and attorney john nance said the lawsuit is premature. he said that the way pilots are screened is effective. >> i don't know what you would change it to because we don't know of any methodology of giving a psychological test to somebody stepping on an airplane or not stepping on the airplane. we just don't have that methodology. energy, yes, we can test for drugs and absolutely should. and yes, we can test for alcohol, but you can't test for psychological instability if there's been no indication in the past the firm that filed the class action lawsuit said it's now heard from even more passengers and will continue to push for accountability. >> the best case scenario is that we will plug a hole in the airline security system. >> zach fuentes, abc seven news.
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>> the first hearing for a nationwide civil lawsuit filed on behalf of uber sexual assault victims happened in district court in san francisco today. a federal judge said at issue will be what uber knew, when uber knew it and what actions uber took. plaintiffs attorneys said every day, thousands of people are being sexually assaulted while using the platform, calling it an epidemic. in court, uber's attorney said many incidents happen outside of a car and were not preventable. from uber's point of view, we think that uber is going to point the finger at the drivers and say, we couldn't have stopped this, but we disagree with that. >> uber can put in policies and different things to make the platforms much safer for if they had the safety implementation options in place, then in the amount of sexual assaults would decrease exponentially. >> an uber spokesman told abc seven news it could not comment on pending litigation and that uber is deeply committed to the safety of all users on the
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platform. today, the judge ordered both sides to preserve all documents and evidence in the case. >> an urgent search is happening right now across california for the man accused of a gruesome murder in santa rosa. police are looking for luis gustavo arroyo lopez, whom they say is wanted for decapitating a female relative in her home yesterday. police believe arroyo lopez may be carrying the victim's head around with him. it is gruesome. as i said, he's five feet, six inches tall, weighs about 150 pounds and was has a large 420 tattoo on the left side of his head. he was last seen yesterday wearing a long sleeve black hooded jacket, black pants and white shoes. one neighbor responded to the pleas for help yesterday, but it was too late. well you know, i feel terrible, just that i come from my work and i hear, you know something, some lady, you know, just calling for help, told me, you know, my sister, it's not head. >> my sister's dead. she. she
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just. it's terrible. >> this neighbor says he couldn't sleep last night under standardly knowing what happened to that woman. >> if you live in the north bay and you smell smoke, it's not coming from an out of control bay area wildfire. the source is this large controlled burn in novato. firefighters are taking advantage of the calm winds to burn acres of dry brush that could provide fuel for a wildfire to the intentional burn has sent lots of smoke into the air and impacted air quality. >> i want to remind people of the years that we've been impacted by those devastating wildfires. the air quality was so, so bad for so long. if we can get out here and do this work, we're going to be better off. when it comes to summer, unhealthy air quality also today, east bay congresswoman barbara lee appeared on our show getting answers at three, promoting her new bill that would give workers leave of up to 12 weeks for unhealthy air quality due to wildfires. >> she says there will be a cost to employers, but keeping
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workers healthy is better for companies in the long run. >> and speaking of the health of our air, let's get an update on the air quality right now. that's right. >> sandhya patel is here now with the details. sandhya. yeah. and karina and dan, take a look at this live picture right now from our sutro tower camera. you can see some haze in the air, but also right behind both of you guys as i switch the camera here, layers of smoke and haze are pretty much visible there from our south beach camera. so that smoke has been drifting across other parts of the bay area because of the wind direction. if you are noticing it in your area. that is why good to moderate air quality right now. purple air, though, which is not the official reporting agency, is showing some poor air quality near that prescribed burn. i want to give you some quick reminders. if you do smell or see smoke, keep your windows and doors closed. bring your pets inside, put your ac on, recirculate just some safety tips. and as we take a look at your air quality over the weekend, it's going to be good to moderate. and speaking of weekend live, doppler seven
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tracking a system. i'll let you know who will see showers and how much you can expect coming up. dan and karina. all right, sandhya, thank you. >> with major league baseball owners poised to vote on the a's proposed move to las vegas, get this, oakland is about to make one final pitch to keep the a's from leaving. >> abc seven sports producer casey pratt has been on this story for a long time now. and you've got a preview of the effort from mayor shengtao and what's being done now. casey >> well, they're hoping that the sun hasn't set on oakland's baseball hopes. you guys good? >> a lot of people are. i mean, look at that. yeah. recommend ing a resolution affirming support. >> sort of sounds like words salad now doesn't it? but this politically motivated gesture carries a bit more weight than just symbolism. it shows the mayor, the city council, the port and the a's fans are all on the same page on tuesday, the mayor and the port will hold a press conference that may end up looking more like a rally. a's fans are already posting on social media with the same exact
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energy they had during the reverse boycott and with a potential relocation vote looming later this month, the city council's vote on tuesday could be the last chance for oakland to make major headlines and show a unified front. it's again, you know, we are constantly hearing hearing from whether it's the commissioner or whether it's john fisher and his team or dave kaval that, oh, well, we never had a proposal. >> you know, you know, there's all this political barriers in place in the city of oakland and we wanted to show the fans and show the owners, the owners who are actually taking a vote on a possible relocation, that that's absolutely not true and that we are still in this moment, we have the political will to move this item forward because we truly believe that the a's belong here in the city of oakland. >> so part of the motion here is to put on record all of the work they've put in to getting a ballpark done in oakland, including raising over $425 million for the off site infrastructure. it is a last ditch effort. it is a hail mary. it's not going to save the day
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in oakland, but what it will do is show unity and it will get the a's fans, everybody together, the council, the port, the mayor's office and just make noise for major league baseball to see that they can get something done quickly here with the political will in place. >> but we don't know what happens if they approve the move , it's all for nothing. >> i think if they do vote, the move will be approved. but there's still more questions than answers in las vegas as well. and that's something we have to consider. we haven't even seen a rendering. they don't even have a design architect yet. we don't know how much it's going to cost, how they're going to pay for it. and there's a referendum right now where teachers are actually fighting back, trying to get the $380 million passed for them in vegas out of the a's hands, which would sink the whole deal. >> so the whole thing has been messy, chaos everywhere. >> it has been. >> and somehow you've been able to keep up with all of it. casey, for anyone that wants to get all the updates, i know you're on twitter and you're constantly updating. >> he is our resident expert on this. >> he is. thanks, casey. all
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right. >> well, still to come this evening, swimmers frightening encounter in a northern california. >> it is by far the most terrifying experience i've ever had in my life. >> next, the man bitten at least a dozen times by river otters. that's right, river otters. what wildlife experts are saying about this attack. >> also the changes driving marine life like sharks into the northern california waters while forcing others out. the change. researchers think could help them survive. >> and later here tonight, the october jobs report. it wasn't as strong as expected, but it might be just what the economy needs. we'll explain
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by otters. >> it is by far the most terrifying experience i've ever had in my life. nothing even that's matt leifer's describing an attack last month while swimming at serene lakes in placer county. >> two otters bit leifer's at least a dozen times. matt suffered about 40 puncture wounds. wildlife experts warn that otters may be more aggressive around their hunting grounds, but they say these attacks are rare. >> they won't normally attack people or larger animals. however, they will defend their territory if they feel threatened. >> otters may be expand their hunting grounds because of an abundance of fish. wildlife officials are asking residents of serene lakes to limit fish stocking in the lake. >> well, there is evidence that climate change is pushing many marine species out of their natural habitats, and now it's sparking a new proposal from researchers at stanford for
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california coast and beyond. here's abc seven spencer christian with the story. >> the stunning marine sanctuaries that dot the california coast are critical for the continued health of ocean species. areas like the gulf of the farallones cordell bank and monterey bay. but if we think of them as massive cities in the sea. new research is suggesting we may also need something smaller in the future, maybe closer to a string of airbnbs for conservation, because species are moving from these areas, larvae are drifting through ocean currents, nur arif jamal is a marine conservation scientist at stanford dora school of sustainability. his work includes documenting a severe marine heat wave off the coast of mexico. the kind of event that can both threaten marine habitats and push species to migrate. >> and, you know, as climate change is happening, species are moving. kind of shifting a little bit there distribution. >> but right now we've seen
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about ten of these what appears to be juvenile white sharks in the area. >> recently, the abc seven climate team profiled the unexpected appearance of juvenile great white sharks in monterey bay, much farther north than their normal nursing habitats of southern california. while a similar northward migration by the predatory california market, squid impacted salmon populations in the gulf of alaska. fellow stanford dora researcher larry crowder studies marine food chains. >> the data show that marine animals are moving poleward in the northern hemisphere to the north in the summer, southern hemisphere to the south. and that's thought to be related to long term trends in climate. in this most recent study, the stanford team identified areas off the coast of california and mexico that might act as safe zones, many containing healthy kelp forests or other habitat. >> yes, we have this amazing data set in california, but also in mexico based on satellite that maps kelp forest. in the past 40 years. so there are
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places that the satellite always detect that the kelp is there. >> the goal now to possibly turn the areas into an international string of migration sanctuaries, a pathway where species on the move could easily check in and check out as they adjust to changes and fluctuations brought by climate change. spencer christian, abc7 news. >> the stanford team has now published its results. the team has also included specific guidelines for world governments to help them create protected migration stopovers along coastal corridors. >> all right. we've talked a little about the air quality, but the weekend is here. how about the forecast? >> yeah, it's so important. but let's see if that is going to get in the way with sandhya patel. i don't think it'll get in the way. all right. dan and karina, we're looking at part of your weekend, including showers. but as long as you have an umbrella, you'll be fine. so let me show you a stunning view since karina turned around and said, oh, that sunset is gone, at least i'll show you a beautiful view of a post sunset picture from our mount tam cam.
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you can see those high clouds coming in ahead of this storm on live doppler seven in the pacific northwest, getting the brunt of this atmospheric river. a couple of systems will go through there and they'll get slammed over the next few days. looking at several inches of rain. but they're in a drought, so they need the rain for us here in the bay area. let's first talk about what's showing up, up around crescent city, eureka, just knocking on their doors, some wet weather and they will get their fair share for us. we'll get the tail end of this system. so not a lot right now. we are seeing those high clouds. and here's a lovely view from our san jose camera right now of the post-sunset sky low 70s oakland, san francisco currently still 75 degrees in san jose. palo alto, 72. today's temperatures are about 10 to 11 degrees above average, coming in into low 70s to low 80s. and look at this view from our pier 39 camera just so quiet. nice 75. santa rosa, 73. in novato you're in the upper 70s. fairfield, concord, livermore 74 degrees. one last view. these
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are all just gorgeous from our east bay hills camera. you can see some color there. cooler this weekend. chance in the north bay of a few showers tomorrow night. scattered light showers showing up anywhere in the bay area on sunday and daylight saving time ends this weekend. don't forget to fall back sunday morning. we go to standard time, 7:00 tonight in case you're stepping out for friday night plans. it is still mild out there. 60s and 70s. those temperatures will fall by morning. you see the cloud cover, but not really that cold. and then in the early afternoon, numbers will be running lower than today, primarily in the 60s and 70s your morning temperatures in the 50s the clouds will insulate us tonight. so we're not expecting any bone chilling cold weather tomorrow afternoon is cooler mid 60s to the upper 70s. the clouds begin to increase throughout out the day. you'll notice more of it to the north and then less to the south until later on at night. level one system coming in sunday, scattered light showers. we will see some slippery roadways, breezy conditions. but here's the deal. rainfall is not
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expected to be on the high end. i mean, we're talking about under 15 hundredths of an inch for most areas where we do see the rain. tomorrow night, mendocino county seeing some showers at 9 p.m. notice tomorrow, more a sunday morning excuse me, 630. it's in the north bay, 3:00 sunday afternoon. you see a batch going through the east bay. penina kula santa cruz mountains. and that's continues into the evening before this system winds down. so have the umbrella handy for sunday. you will likely need it for some parts of the bay area, a few hundredths of an inch to about a few tenths of an inch. accuweather seven day forecast. it is a cooler weekend and we do go to standard time sunday morning that's when we fall back one hour as daylight saving time ends early next week. still a level one with another system coming in and keeping it unsettled. but it will feel more like november next week. dan and karina. >> and remember sandy, every year i ask you to call me at 2 a.m. to remind me, oh, yeah, i'll wake up just to call you. >> right. thank you very much.
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that alarm. dan, let me let me set that alarm for you. don't worry about it. thank you, karina. karina got me. okay? just ahead, today's party in oakland celebrating the unveiling of tupac but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry,
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or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at
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safety connector along state route 84. workers will replace a portion of the existing deteriorated roadway with new pavement. officials say the work will enhance motorists safety and reduce the number of nightly closures needed. the freeway will be closed on this route from the southbound direction starting tonight at nine through four monday morning. >> a section of macarthur boulevard in oakland now officially bears the name of rap legend tupac shakur. the section is between grand and van buren avenues, a short walk from where shakur used to live. well known hip hop artists attending the unveiling ceremony this morning, including mc hammer. tupac was born in new york, but launched his career in the bay area. oakland and its strong black culture were influential in his lyrics and music. >> when he say he got his game from oakland, he's talking about an oakland. the spirit, the culture, the. the ancestors. >> hammer calls shakur the
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greatest rapper of all time with songs focused on social inequality, injustice and love. >> well, it should be a great weather weekend and tomorrow for this year's walk to end alzheimer's. it's going to be perfect. the fundraising walk starts at 1030 in the morning from pier 27 in san francisco. walkers can do either a one mile walk along the embarcadero or a two and a half mile route. the money raised goes for research and to support those caring for someone with alzheimer's. abc7 news anchor reggie aqui will emcee this year's event. registration is still open for tomorrow's walk. >> come join us. well, still to come, american diplomatic efforts in israel. secretary of state blinken calling for a cease fire. prime minister netanyahu's response when we come back. >> and pro-palestinian demonstrators take aim at a ship in the port of oakland refusing
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as long as the united states stands, israel will never stand alone.
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>> secretary of state antony blinken reaffirming us support for israel and urging prime minister netanyahu to consider a humanitarian pause in the conflict. >> and netanyahu's answer. no, no. cease fire until hamas releases the hostages it's holding. >> welcome back. the israel-hamas war enters its fifth week tomorrow. and tonight, israeli forces are intensifying their bombing of gaza while battling hamas militants on the ground surround in gaza city. it is a major step in what officials expect to be a long and bloody invasion that's already pinned down hundreds of thousands of palestinians. >> we had planned that we could cope with about 1500 people sheltering in one of our schools. we now have over 4000 people on average in the 147 schools, which are now operating as shelters. conditions there are becoming desperate. >> some people are getting out. more than 1000 foreign passport holders and dozens of injured palestinians have crossed into
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egypt. in israel, families and friends of the more than 200 hostages still being held by hamas staged a demonstration today, releasing hundreds of balloons outside the government buildings where secretary blinken held his meetings and police arrested several demonstrators who chained themselves to a ship at the port of oakland today. >> the demonstrators claiming the ship was taking military equipment to israel for use against palestinians. the protesters blocked one of the port's entrances and delayed the ship's departure. some attempted to board the ship. organizers say they want the violence in gaza to end. >> this vessel will be loaded with military weapons from the united states to go to israel. so we're here to disrupt it. >> the ship was able to depart this afternoon. it's headed to seattle to load more equipment, more antiwar protests are expected there for president biden. >> and first lady jill biden traveled to lewiston, maine, today to visit and show support
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for the community. shaken by last week's mass shooting. the biden spent the day with victims families and first responders. the day was also marked with funerals for some of the 18 people who were killed in the shooting. another 13 people were injured when an army reservist with a mental health history opened fire at a bowling alley and restaurant. the president urged lawmakers on both sides to find a consensus and sensible gun legislation. >> jill and i are here, though, on behalf of the american people to grieve with you and to make sure you know that you're not alone. >> the governor of maine is also calling for an independent commission to investigate how the shooter's mental health warnings were neglected. >> meantime, the federal ban on so-called bump stocks is headed to the supreme court today. justices agreed to take up the challenge to the federal ban on devices that essentially allow shooters to fire semi-automatic rifles like machine guns. the
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justice department implemented the ban after the 2017 las vegas mass shooting. federal appeals courts have come to different decisions about whether the regulation defining a bump stock as a machine gun comports with federal law. >> the labor department released the october jobs report today, and it's likely welcome news to the federal reserve and for its effort to tame inflation. an abc news reporter, ed wynn, has a look at the numbers and their possible impact on the economy. >> hiring slowed sharply in october after the labor department says the us economy added a lower than expected 150,000 jobs. that's a big decline from september, which saw the number of jobs created, revised down to around 300,000. still a very impressive number, but the job market is starting to lose some of that momentum that we've been seeing, economists say. strikes across different industries, including the united auto workers strike, which ended earlier this week, likely contributed to the lower job growth. the unemployment
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rate also ticked up slightly last month from 3.8 to 3.9. >> manufacturing lost 35,000 jobs, though, and that's mainly because we saw those auto workers strike last month. and when they're out on the picket lines, they are counted as unemployed. >> the october report also showed minimal wage growth, up 0.2% for the month, lower than economists expected. overall this report was likely welcome news to the federal reserve as evidence that its interest rate hikes to cool the economy and reduce inflation are working. the fed is paying close attention after officials voted wednesday to hold interest rates steady, keeping rates at a 22 year high. inflation has moderated since the middle of last year, but a few months of good data are only the beginning of what it will take to build confidence that inflation is moving down sustainably toward our goal. fed chair jerome powell expressed optimism that inflation. will continue to head lower, potentially eliminating the need for additional rate
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hikes. john gains for august and september were also revised down by combined 101,000. another promising sign that the fed may be hitting the sweet spot with a cooling but still strong labor market. and when abc news washington. >> the financial markets registered their best week of 2023, thanks in part to today's job report, the dow rose 222 points, or 0.66, closing back above 34,000. the nasdaq jumped 1.38% and the s&p 500 gained just under 1. coming up here, a development dilemma in the south bay. >> next, the property owner standing up against a plan to build thousands of housing cancer is a journey you don't take alone. you did it! our cancer care team works together to care for all that is you.
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the berryessa neighborhood. yeah >> the city wants to bring thousands of housing units, but the land's owner says that may not be feasible. abc7 news south bay reporter dustin dorsey. >> in an attempt to bring more housing to san jose. the city council approved zoning on the berryessa flea markets land next to the new bart station to bring
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between 17 and 3400 housing units and millions of square feet of commercial space. but mayor matt mehan says the developer is trying to evoke a state law called builder's remedy to actually build fewer homes. >> the entire premise of bringing mass transit like bart into san jose is that we are going to put dense jobs and housing near transit so that we don't continue to sprawl out. and this is frankly a perversion of state law. >> builders remedy was created to get housing projects approved in cities deemed by the state to not have substantially compliant housing. eric shanower is the land use consultant for the flea market ownership and says san jose has some of the lowest housing production in america and their housing plans are not always feasible to build. instead of a housing plan that includes so much unwanted office development, genauer says the owners want to build a project with fewer units and less commercial space to allow work to get done now to help the housing crisis cities plan. >> right now, it can't be built with half the site required to be office when there's no office
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market. our plan would be feasible to finance and build and would yield up to 1128 units. this neighborhood's council representative, david cohen, says builders remedy was not intended to downsize housing projects. >> he believes even if it takes longer, the city should push for more units instead of less. >> the sacrifice is the loss of that economic engine of the flea market really requires that we maximize the value of this property and this new proposal does not maximize value. this property in fact it way under values the property. >> if the city is deemed to be compliant with housing needs when the plans were made, builders remedy cannot be used and the city can deny the downsized plan. in san jose. dustin dorsey, abc7 news. >> it is the disneyland of walt's imagined version. still to come, the attraction at the disney family museum in the presidio showcasing the park as its founder saw and envisioned it and we are your bargain bliss market.
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what's bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you love but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. it's grocery outlet's 20% off wine sale going on now through november 7th. we have hundreds of wines sure to pair with any gathering. so act now because this deal won't last long. stop in and save today.
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of your weekend. so if you want to get outside tomorrow, it's a
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good day. it's a good day for the walk to end alzheimer's right here in san francisco. dan and karina, we're looking at upper 50s at registration. walk begins. it'll be in the low 60s, a mix of sun and clouds and then getting up to about 64 degrees. reggie will be there emceeing the event and just a friendly reminder, we go to standard time sunday morning. so you want to fall back one hour on sunday. hey, saturday night, sunset 607, sunday sunset, 5:06 p.m. so you gain that extra hour of sleep though. live doppler seven showing you some high clouds right now, tomorrow afternoons, cooler mid 60s to upper 80s clouds will thicken up and then we have some showers coming in saturday night into sunday. monday and tuesday. right now, it's looking like an unsettled pattern as we look at that extended forecast. but the pacific northwest is going to get the soaking out of this. a few inches of rain by early next week. accuweather seven day forecast. it's a late night chance in the north bay tomorrow. otherwise it's a level one spotty showers sunday another system monday with a level one cooler weather it's going to start to feel more like
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november. karina and dan all right, we'll get our coats ready. >> sandhya, thanks. >> well, you don't have to go far to experience disneyland as walt disney truly imagined it. >> the disney family museum in the presidio has a special display, a miniature model of disneyland's attractions from walt lifetime, from sleeping beauty's castle to the matterhorn bobsleds. it's pretty good stuff. >> and tonight, in our local issue report, a look at the popular attraction that's called the disneyland of walt's imagination. we're centerpiece of one of the most recognizable galleries at the walt disney family museum in the presidio of san francisco, which features our model of the disneyland of walt's imagination . the design of the model is one of our local ties. >> the family reached out to
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kerner optical, a practical effects firm associated with industrial light and magic, who does the special effects for lucasfilm? they created our model of disneyland. it cost about $1 million and it took a team of between 5 and 7 model makers at a time, some nine months to put this model together and fit it together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. folks who have been to disneyland will recognize several landmarks, including sleeping beauty, castle, matterhorn, bobsleds and jungle cruise. there are elements on the model that correspond with attractions shops and restaurants that were at disneyland during the 1950s and 60s that aren't there anymore for some attractions on the model were approved during walt's lifetime and then opened at disneyland after he passed away. so he didn't actually get to see them open to the public. these include pirates of the caribbean haunted mansion and space mountain. space mountain on our disneyland model is actually based on a 1960s
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concept called spaceport, where the rockets would spiral around the outside of the building as opposed to inside. that design is how the model makers chose to represent that attraction on a model. walt disney imagineering wanted to be involved in the construction of the disneyland model. so they put forward sleeping beauty castle for us with tinkerbell flying overhead there are a couple of hidden elements in our disneyland model. there are actually two appearances of walt and his daughter diane, who is our co-founder. one of those is if you are looking down main street through the castle archway, you can see walt holding his daughter diane's hand. also on the red autopia car on top of the autopia track, you'll see a father and daughter there as well. that's also meant to be walt and diane.
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building our model of the disneyland of walt's imagination, the model makers noticed that they had some additional space, especially alley, just north of fantasyland . so they added a couple of nods to what was on the land before disneyland was there as well as a nod to walt's creative hobbies that in a way led to the development of disneyland. one of those is a patch of orange trees just as the land that disneyland is on was once a large orange grove just behind. it's a small world is a recreation of walt's barn that was at his house. one of the cool little easter eggs that was put in our disneyland model is the light in the window at walt's apartment on main street, usa, as the legend goes, when walt was in the park, the light in the window would be on, which served as kind of a signal to cast members for them to be on their best behavior because the
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boss was around after walt passed away, the decision was made to keep the light on at all times so that people still knew that walt's spirit would always be in the park. and so that effect was recreated for our model. if you look closely at walt's apartment over the firehouse, the light in the window is on and flickering, showing that walt's spirit is also in our model. >> the disney family museum is located inside the presidio in san francisco. it's open thursday through sunday from 10:00 until 530. disney, of course, the parent company of abc seven. >> all right, dan, let's talk about sports. we have larry biel joining us. >> he's up in the newsroom. hi, larry. >> what's going on, folks? the nba's got this new experiment called the in-season tournament. the warriors starting it off on what looks like the smurf turf of oklahoma city. that's next. in sports
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but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces
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like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at trying to make people care about early season games, which honestly most people don't. explaining the format, it kind of gives me a headache. so let's just say it's good to keep winning games with that. warriors at okc every tournament game to be played on a special court. this is blue, mostly okc. looks like they're in the old warriors uniform actually, which was confusing. chet holmgren next best thing to wemby 15
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points in the first half. how about steph curry assist of the year? hook pass over his head? no. look to gary payton the second for the dunk steph five assists in the first half and then he decides well i'm going to i'm going to shoot it myself. gets the rebound raises up the court stops on a dime, lets it fly, splash makes it look really easy. it isn't that easy. curry with a dozen points at the break right now, they're late in the third quarter score is 102 99 okc complete highlights at 11 the city of oakland not giving up in its quest to keep the a's in oakland the city organizing a rally next tuesday afternoon at oakland city hall. they're hoping a's fans will show up and mask the expectation on is that the city council will vote on approving a ballpark with the mayor, the council and port of oakland all in support. in addition, they'll be sending baseball owners information showing fan support is here. the problem is a's owner john fisher refusing to invest in the team forever and now trying to convince officials in vegas he won't be as cheap there as he has been during his entire ownership here are our casey
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pratt with an exclusive interview with oakland mayor shang tao. today. >> we want to be transparent not only with the ownerships that will be making the decision not only with the commissioner, but also with our fan base and with our constituents to really show them that actually we have committed every single step of the way, including getting more funding for the oakland a's and they even asked for that's over $400 million, right. and get this part, casey, over 400 million of the grant funding that we were able to actually confirm for this investment. and yet this is more than what john fisher has ever invested into the team. >> mike, drop by the mayor right there cal football taking a three and five record and three game losing streak to sixth ranked oregon tomorrow potentially the last time the bears and ducks will meet with cal going to the acc oregon going to the big ten next year so maybe the last time that cal coach justin wilcox faces his ama mater. here's wilcox on a
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season that that is filled with final meetings there's a lot of i guess there lasts i mean we'll see where all this goes in the next you know five years ten years with conferences and all that. >> and i do have feelings about the conference realignment, but now's not the time to discuss that. we're 100% focused on the game this weekend. >> no school in dallas, about 500,000 fans watching. bruce bochy riding the world series trophy or with the trophy in a truck. naturally, it's texas. his fourth title is a manager tied with joe torry for the most in the wild card era. ex-giants reliever will smith made history, winning his third straight world series with three different teams. that's never happened before. seems like bochy was enjoying himself immensely. i know giants fans are all upset. we could have kept him. but even boesch admits he needed three years off to rest and recharge. this is his first year back, so it's not like if he was on the giants. the giants automatically win the world series. he needed the
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break to refresh an intense job. yeah absolutely. >> bob melvin will be next. yes. with that trophy. thanks larry, very much. >> let's hope. >> all right. well, finally this friday, a few thoughts about what really matters. san francisco is no longer the place where anything goes. is that warning to drug dealers? this week from mayor london breed the out of control fentanyl crisis in the city has apparently reached a tipping point. enough is enough. at least that's the battle cry from the mayor, the police chief and the district attorney announcing a new crackdown on street level dealers. it's called all hands on deck because it involves san francisco police, the sheriff's department, the san francisco co and us district attorney, the chp, p, the dea and the fbi. indeed, all hands. the upshot people caught selling drugs may face federal charges fast tracked through the system with the judgment in less than three weeks time. if you think you're going to outlast us and continue to kill people. police chief bill scott is warning the dealers, you are wrong. his words before for all hands were
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called to the deck. critics would argue that they were asleep at the switch. that's a mixed metaphor. but what really matters is whether those in charge stay as serious about this as they sounded at the news conference. i always love to hear from you. let me know what you think. follow me on twitter and on social media at dan ashley, abc7 and that's it for this edition of abc seven news. >> we hope you have a wonderful weekend. i'm karina nova. >> and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel larry biel all of us here, we appreciate your time. have a great evening. we'll see you again for abc we'll see you again for abc seven news at 11. ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪
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♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪ ♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪
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♪♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is... here is our second group of semifinalists-- an attorney originally from toronto, ontario, canada... a stay-at-home mom from austin, texas... and an associate professor of african history from san diego, california... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- ken jennings. [applause] thank you, johnny gilbert.
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welcome back to "jeopardy!" champions wildcard. yesterday it was emily sands, a three-time champ from season 37 who shot out the lights here on the alex trebek stage with an impressive runaway victory that put her in the finals. today our three semifinalists are t.j., leah, and aaron. and we're about to start finding out which of them will be joining emily in the finals. good luck. jeopardy! round up first and these categories. we have... then--ooh... my favorite kind. followed by... and finalmente, we have... t.j., you begin. - español for $800. - love it... - aaron. - what's the spelling? - that's right. - let's go third word for $800. - aaron. - what is "the"? it was "the" best of times. yeah.


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