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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  November 6, 2023 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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ited. only $30 bucks a line per month. that's hundreds in savings a year when you wave bye to the other guys. all on the most reliable 5g network nationwide. you really shouldn't walk out the front door without it. switch today at roof going up and up and down with the thing. i'm not laughing. of happiness. i'm laughing of hurt. you know, this is uncalled for. >> it sure is uncalled for. tens of thousands of dollars in damage by thieves using construction equipment, trying to steal an atm. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley. we've seen a would be atm thieves use cars and trucks. but this is new tonight.
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oakland police are asking for your help after an outrageous attempted robbery at a convenience store. video shows vandals breaking into the store using a backhoe trying to claw the atm out of the building. as abc seven news reporter j.r stone shows you it didn't work. >> surveillance video showing a backhoe crashing through the bulletproof glass of this ampm store on west grand avenue in west oakland on monday morning. watch as the backhoe is eventually used to tear apart the atm. >> they tore up the whole front. that's at least $70,000 worth of damage. >> that is ali abdullah. he is the owner of the ampm store that was damaged and chose not to show his face due to safety concerns. he says the clerk who was working is okay. outdoor surveillance video shows the masked individuals first breaking into the store with the
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backhoe, then backing a white pickup truck to the entrance. soon they can be seen pulling out a chain, which you can see. they then tried to connect to the damage atm. abdullah says the chain was not long enough to connect to the atm. so when the would-be thieves heard sirens at least one jumped into the back of this pickup and drove off without even taking anything. >> i was born and raised in oakland. i'm 51 years old. i've never seen nothing like this. i think the only way you can run a business in oakland is you maybe have to as soon as you close, you sleep in your store and stay locked and loaded with an ak 47 and just be ready because the police is not coming on time. and i'm not blaming the police. it's just not enough of them out there. >> abdullah says he is frustrated by the thousands of dollars worth of damage to his store and also upset over what has happened to other businesses in oakland. he wants to know where his tax dollars are going when it comes to public safety. >> this is not what we were promised, that american dream.
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you know, i don't see the american dream. i think it's american nightmare right now. >> when officers arrived, the backhoe was still there. but no signs of the vandals. and a heavily damaged store in oakland . j.r. stone, abc seven news and vallejo. >> police say a homeowner shot and killed a burglar who broke into his house today. it happened on georgia street near monterey street, which is only a few blocks actually from police headquarters. when police got there, about 945 this morning, they found a man who had been shot. he died at the scene. the investigation is just beginning. well, it is all quiet on the tarmac of sfo tonight as we look at our live camera from the airport. but earlier there was a bit of a disruption. a jetblue plane had a collision with a pushback tractor on the tarmac. this was at about 1:40 p.m. the flight was full and all passengers had to be deplaned. one passenger says they were taxiing toward the runway when they heard just a loud bang. it felt almost like getting a flat tire. the plane is out of
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service because of significant damage to the engine. no one was hurt. a replacement flight departed at 10 p.m. this evening. a little more than eight hours later. all right. let's check in with abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel, who has been tracking some activity for us tonight. she has what to look for tuesday in your 24 hour accuweather forecast and you dan it's going to be brighter after the morning fog so let me show you live doppler seven right now. >> we did have those showers move through here and there were some downpours at times especially last night and this morning. lightning strikes north of the bay area uh- all is quiet right now, but we can't completely rule out an isolated shower tomorrow morning. visibility is down to zero right now in half moon bay where there is some fog and a look at that 24 hour forecast, 7:00 in the morning, we are looking at the sun coming up shortly before that 40s, 50s as we head towards the early afternoon temperatures in the 60s. it is going to be breezy, but bright, clear skies
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and cooler weather at 7 p.m. and then as we head towards the latter part of the night, the cooling will continue. it will be chillier wednesday morning. i'll be back with a look at the forecast east coming up. plus when we'll see a possibility of stretch of wet weather as well. dan okay, sandy, we'll touch base again in a few minutes. >> well, a big buzz in basketball tonight that will have an impact in the bay area far beyond sports. we're on hand to hear the bay area will be hosting the 2025 nba all star game with a game itself played at chase center and other events at oakland arena. the old home of course, of the warriors, an abc7 news sports director, larry biel has been at chase all night covering this major announcement . >> it was a who's who of dignitaries here for the official announcement this afternoon that the 2025 nba all star game will be played right here at chase center in san francisco. nba commissioner adam silver flew into town for this event, joined by warriors team owners joe lacob and peter guber
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. in fact, the mayors of san francisco, oakland and san jose were all here. london breed shengtao and matt mahan anticipating a weekend of activities all around the bay area in february of 2025. it's my honor and my pleasure to announce that the 2025 all star game will be held here in san francisco at the chase center and our own steph curry hopefully is in this in this this game gets to play for the first time. >> hopefully in front of his home fans and so that would be one of my great wishes for it. and i would just say to our fans here in the bay area for the all star fest activities in 2025, this will be the epicenter of basketball around the world. >> i know our fans from everywhere love coming to this market. they love being part of the excitement here. all the great things that this market has to offer. and i'll just add that so much innovation around the game has really come from the people who live and work in the bay area. so i want to thank
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you for that as well. and you heard joe lacob mention steph curry. >> just imagine what the ovation will be like when steph trots out. hopefully healthy and in the all star game and is welcomed by all the fans here at chase center. it will be quite a moment indeed. we'll have more coming up in sports. larry biel, abc7 sports. >> that will be a magic moment. thank you for larry. larry, we'll see you again in a minute. well, the bay area is going to feel like the center of the sports world in the next couple of years, along with the all star game, the new golden state wnba team arrives in 2025 with games at chase. then the super bowl, super bowl 60 and fifa world cup games will be held at levi's stadium. that's in 2026. the question is how much will all of these events actually boost our economy? abc7 news reporter tim johns has more on what this means for the bay area. >> the nba all star weekend in february 2025 will feature numerous events happening not just in san francisco but around the bay area.
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>> whether it's the dunking contest or the three-point contest or the game itself and all the events, parties activities during the formal announcement, local leaders stressed this is about more than just a fun weekend. >> once it's over, they expect about $350 million to be pumped into the economy. >> the generation of hotel stays, restaurants, taxi cabs, uber rides, all are just a big uplift. >> rodney fong is the president and ceo of the san francisco chamber of commerce. he says the nba choosing to host the all-star events locally is another example of the region's ability to host major sporting events in 2026. both the fifa world cup and the super bowl will be held at levi's stadium in santa clara, largely because of the number of hotel rooms. >> we have largely because of the arenas and sports centers and convention space that we have. >> the excitement wasn't contained to just bay area officials, though, outside of chase center, nba, all star fans like sami gutierrez say they
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weren't surprised the nba chose to host the weekend here. >> i've been inside the chase center before and it's like it's very spectacular. just like the seating areas, the venues like all the what do you call it, the eating spots and stuff like that . >> after getting hit hard during the pandemic, vaughn says things like this show the city is finally getting back on its feet. and even though it's more than 15 months away, he says he's hopeful all star weekend will be another part of san francisco's comeback story. >> san francisco is a magical place, and i think we all know that those of us that live here. and we also know that the narrative of san francisco is untrue. >> in san francisco, tim johns, abc7 news. >> all right, let's move now to abc seven's advancer at 11. our way to help get you ahead on some of the storylines. you'll be hearing more about in the days to come. and there are some big ones out there tonight. our first is the mega international event right here in san francisco, the asia pacific economic cooperation, or apec summit, is one of the city's biggest tests on the global
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stage in decades. and the security plan may test your patience. widespread traffic delays are expected in and out of san francisco and anywhere anywhere near the moscone center all next weekhere's a sample to help you prepare ahead of time. severalesill be closed in both direction on the bay bridge, the fourth and fifth street, off ramps will be closed until t end of the summit on the 17. this info information is also on website abc7 we have a lot of information on there for you and our next abc seven news advancer at 11 takes you to what we pay to get around the bay area. if you think the toll prices on the bay bridge are high, well, get ready for this. a plan is under consideration that could bring tolls to most bay area freeways. abc seven news reporter lauren martinez is looking ahead to tomorrow's next steps on what could be a drastic change for how we all get around driving on the freeway could cost you more than it already
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does. >> the metropolitan transportation commission started a two year study in 2022. it includes three proposals for charging drivers, one of which would add tolls to all lanes of many bay area freeways on tuesday and wednesday. the mtc is asking for public input on pricing freeway travel. >> no, no, i don't think so. no. >> an mtc spokesperson wants to emphasize this is a planning exercise, not a policy proposal. they say since the state has serious low emission targets, california should be serious about driving less cars. >> every day i spend at least two hours and 20 minutes to go to work. you know, come, go to work and come back home. >> con nguyen purchased an electric vehicle specifically for his commute from san jose to foster city. he said if the freeway tolls plan does come to fruition, then hopefully drivers with evs can get a discount. hopefully they will be more lean in, you know, on the freeway.
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>> it'll be great for us. and you know, less, less travel, the less better. >> mtc says freeway congestion is jumping back to pre-covid levels. their freeway pricing study aims to reduce travel times, encourage transit use and generate money for road safety improvements. s in 2022. mtc spokesperson john goodwin said the study will address how new fees would impact low income drivers. how do you make sure that the burden is are not borne disproportionately by low income people? mtc will be holding two workshops virtually. bay area residents can weigh in on the trade offs between driving and taking transit. >> we're already paying so much to live here. >> mtc says. any changes wouldn't happen before 2035. in the south bay, lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> what they're proposing is a humanitarian pause. there will be no pause. >> his first sit down interview
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since the hamas terror attack. the exclusive abc news interview with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. plus a california woman vanishes on an exotic yoga retreat in guatemala . the family is questioning the investigation and you saw it right here on abc seven tonight. but another golden state icon might have stolen the monday night football show from the sidelines. we'll explain
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but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined. well, that would be convenient but there is no b-m-o here. ah, you can just call us bee-mo, and there is now. you know what else is convenient? mobile banking that makes it easy to track your goals and manage your money get out of town. but we... just got here. when a bank helps you get and stay ahead. that's the bmo effect. ♪ bmo ♪
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tonight, a woman from california goes on a yoga retreat and has not come back. teams now searching from land and sky. her family at a loss is asking for any kind of clue to bring her
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home. they are frantic, as you can imagine. the woman from los angeles county headed to guatemala for the retreat in mid-october. federal and state officials are working with international authorities to investigate the disappearance of 29 year old nancy ng. she was last seen on october 19th when reportedly kayaking with others from the retreat at a nearby lake. her family hired professional rolls to launch a search and rescue effort around the lake. however, officials suggest needing a criminal investigate after they failed to get answers from witnesses. nancy's family is asking anyone with information to please share it. >> my fear is that no one comes forward and it becomes a cold case and people stop carrying it and we don't find her. >> a gofundme has been set up to help fund search efforts for nancy. a verdict today in the trial of the captain of the scuba dive boat that caught fire off the california coast in 2019, killing 34 people. jerry
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bolin was found guilty of a form of criminal negligence known as seaman's manslaughter. boylan was the first to abandon ship and jump overboard when the conception caught fire near the channel islands. 33 passengers and a crew member died, all trapped in a bunker room below deck. several victims were from across the bay area. everywhere from santa cruz to fremont. >> today's verdict will not bring those loved ones back. it will not heal the wounds. it will not undo undo the travesty that occurred as a result of this defendant's conduct. but it does bring some measure of vindication. >> boylan now faces ten years in federal prison. now, two major new developments in the war between israel and hamas. israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu sitting down with abc news for the first time since the october seventh terror attacks by hamas. >> president biden has said that it would be a mistake for israel to occupy gaza. who should govern gaza when this is over?
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those who don't want to continue the way of hamas and certainly is not. >> i think israel will for an indefinite period, will have the overall security responsibility because we've seen what happens when we don't have it. he also says there will be no cease fire despite the many calls for humanitarian pause to the violence. well, there will be no cease fire. general cease fire in gaza without the release of our hostages. as far as tactical little pauses and our here and our there, we've had them before for i suppose we'll check the circumstances in order to enable goods, humanitarian goods to come in or our hostages individual hostages to leave. >> the interview comes as the war nears its one month mark. israeli officials say at least 1400 people in the country have been killed. and a hamas run health ministry says at least 10,000 palestinians have died. and back at home today in tacoma
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, washington, a continuation of the effort made back here at the port of oakland, we told you about protesters calling for a cease fire where a us military ship was docked and they blocked off traffic near the cape orlando vessel allegedly loaded with weapons for israel. pro-palestinian activists voicing their opposition in for the war. this after east bay activists successfully stole the ship by climbing onto the side of it on friday. another home insurance company is ending coverage in california, forcing tens of thousands to get new providers. its farmers insurance group, the second largest insurer in the state, according to the chronicle. most policyholders will be offered coverage by the same parent company. it will continue to service existing policies, but non-renewal notices are being sent out to all customers. farmers insurance attributes inflate in severe weather and high construction costs. so it is going to be another challenge for homeowners all across california. all right. let's
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turn our attention to the weather forecast. a good bit of rain over the weekend and meteorologist sanjay patel is back tracking the potential for more sandy. absolutely. >> dan, and that potential is coming later on this week, but a better opportunity next week. here's what you're going to have to deal with first thing in the morning from our sutro tower camera. you will notice that the view is in and out of the fog. so give yourself that extra time for the morning commute, because we do have visibility down to about a quarter mile or less in half. moon bay right now, even though all's quiet on live doppler seven, as dan just mentioned, and there was a soaking for parts of the bay area over the last couple of days, basically yesterday, those showers began and today they continue through. this morning's commute was wet. as you know. so about 2000/900 of an inch in half moon bay and santa rosa, five hundredths in the city, seven hundredths in oakland picked up almost a quarter of an inch there in livermore and hayward, san jose 707 inch. ben lomond 6000/200. we do have more rain in the outlook. this is
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from the climate prediction center just released today, november 12th through 16th, which is next week. looking at above average rainfall for the west coast. parts of the southern tier states below average for parts of the northeast. so what's the likelihood we're talking about a 50 to 60% chance? pretty good chance of above average precipitation here in the bay area. stay tuned. we certainly have the precip in the form of the frozen kind in the mountains, the sierra nevada. they are requiring chains on all roads except 80 going up to the mountains and a winter weather advisory until 10 p.m. tomorrow night, up to five inches of snow. gusty winds and the snow level lowering between 5 and 6000ft in the morning. we've already seen some snow flurries down to about 6500ft. your temperatures right now anywhere from the 40s to the 60s. as we look at a live picture from our exploratorium camera, visibility is good from this vantage point. it will not be everywhere. chilly morning with fog bright and breezy for the afternoon. we are expecting colder mornings
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midweek with a chance of showers friday and then dry and milder weather for this weekend in case you're making plans. so hour by hour, we go tomorrow morning, we have that fog watch out. you will notice a few high clouds passing through. other than that, it's a bright tuesday afternoon. your morning temperatures will range from the upper 30s to the mid for 50. excuse me. so watch out for the fog and bundle up because it will be chillier than what you've been seeing and it only gets colder on wednesday. you'll notice those 30s 40s. but this is when you'll really feel it. thursday morning the coldest morning we're looking at near freezing for parts of the north bay valleys. it is going to get cold could be some frost tomorrow afternoon. it's a breezy one. it's a bright day. temperatures ranging from the low to the upper 60s, 59 at lakeport. and we're going to fast forward to next week to give you a quick glimpse potentially stronger storm is coming, but friday, there's an opportunity for a little bit of shower activity. there is the storm coming in on monday, going into tuesday, wednesday,
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thursday could be widespread rain and mountain snow around the state. accuweather seven day forecast does feature the morning fog then sunshine cold morning on wednesday but certainly milder in the afternoon and then we'll bring in that chance of showers friday it's warmer weekend for you and then cooler and cloudier on monday. dan we'll be right everyone needs a place to recharge. how we get there matters. i could use a little help. yeah, there's a lot of risk out there. huh ♪ hey, is this thing hard to learn? nah, it's easy. huh. you know, i think i'm going to ride it home. good thing you chose u.s. bank to manage and grow your money. with our 24/7 support at least
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you're not taking chances with your finances. yeah, i think i'm gonna need a chair. oh, ohhhh.
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♪ ♪ we can tell you what it's capable of or you could find out for yourself. how we get there matters.
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the man and cast brought on a special guest while the game was being played. none other than the governator. >> all right. welcome back. yes. and let's welcome an icon right now. arnold schwarzenegger. arnold and you're a seven time mr. olympia, one of the most famous actors in history, a successful businessman, a former two term governor of california and former governor arnold schwarzenegger joined the broad cast with his pet donkey named lulu. >> schwarzenegger also said back in his heyday he could bench press 525 pounds. that's the equivalent of adult male grizzly bear or even a grand piano. well, as we told you earlier, the nba all star game is coming back to the bay area in 2025. and the setting may inspire some changes to the game. sports
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director larry beil will be back with that is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? it is with comcast business. powering all your devices with gig-speed wifi. and you get fast downloads and uploads. pick it up! pick it up! oh we got this!
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announcement came down today, the 2025 nba all star game will
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be held here at chase. nba commissioner adam silver flying in for the ceremonies this afternoon. it'll be the third time the bay area will host this event. 1967, back at the cow palace, 2000in oakland. and in about 15 months here in san francisco. and there are at least thinking about tinkering with the format. >> i mean, people are out there talking about concepts about a ryder cup type format, maybe thinking about us players playing against global players. i just know we're looking at all different approaches to all star and this is a great market to try new things. i mean, when you think of innovation, you think of the bay area or you think of san francisco in the oakland area. so like stay tuned. >> it's going to be a great event and a number of great players. and again, in the center of the epicenter of basketball will be here at chase center in san francisco in 2025. >> we're here at chase, the warriors in detroit reunited with james wiseman, who played only ten minutes and was scoreless for the pistons. steph, still on the early season
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heater, 16 points in the first quarter alone. warriors up by five, led by eight at the half late third quarter. moses moody playing the d knocking it away up to gary payton the second with authority warriors up one after three. fourth quarter and the warriors turn it on with 37 points in the period chris paul ten of his 17 came in the fourth warriors pulling away and curry finishes with 34 points, seven more threes. first player in nba history to have at least four threes in the first eight games of the year. love the glare at the end. warriors victorious 121 096 and two overall five and one on the road nfl news for the second straight year the niners made a blockbuster deal at the deadline last year. christian mccaffrey this year from washington defensive end chase young reunited with his former ohio state teammate and friend, nick bosa on the 49 ers d line earlier today. the newest 49 ers said, oh, there's a very different vibe from what he was used to in washington. >> it's just different, you
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know? you know what i'm saying? it's like a kind of that that same thing at ohio state where it's like you're expected to win . and it's just like that vibe of we're going to win. i'm just excited to, you know, be blessed with the opportunity to be with this franchise and college basketball season beginning tonight wins for cal stanford and saint mary's. >> abc seven sports sponsored by river rock casino. we'll be
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you can start streaming, but that is our report for sandyha patel, larry beil, all of us, i'm dan ashley. we appreciate your t previously on "jimmy kimmel live!" -- >> cross your legs. >> i'm watching morgan. >> three, two, one, let's go. >>. [ laughter ] >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight --


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