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tv   America This Morning  ABC  November 8, 2023 4:30am-5:01am PST

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she wager enough? just barely. $5,000, bringing her to $20,000. pam, you are joining deanna and rob as our third finalist this week. congratulations. that 2-game total point affair begins tomorrow. we'll see you then. ♪♪ captioned by los angeles distribution d broadcasting, inc. on america this morning, the overnight election results big wins for democrats from virginia to kentucky to a major decision on abortion. our analysts with a closer look, the results coming despite a new poll with more bad news for president biden.
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>> a rare move on capitol hill to censure a congresswoman for her remarks on israel. the reaction overnight. plus, the new push for a pause in the fighting in gaza. what a potential deal could mean for the hostage held by hamas. and here at home, time for training the jewish americans, picking up guns for the first time, worried about their personal safety. >> safety concerns in the sky. does a shortage of airline pilots mean there's less experience in the cockpit bit? the new report raising questions. our expert with the bottom line. drowning in debt. >> the stunning new figures on credit card debt and who's suffering the most. >> a new battle in the sneaker wars. why nike claims new balance. and skechers stole its technology. >> and the animals behaving oddly from this deer's wild leap to the bear who came back after stealing the taco bell delivery order at the front door. from abc news in new york, this is
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america this morning. >> good wednesday morning, everyone. >> i'm rhiannon ally and i'm andrew dymburt. we begin with the breaking news overnight election results in several battleground states are in and democrats are celebrating. >> they picked up big wins in kentucky and virginia, even flipping control of virginia's house of delegates. a major blow to republican governor glenn youngkin and perhaps the biggest news, the decision by voters in red state ohio on abortion rights this morning. >> another election win for abortion rights groups after voters in ohio overwhelmingly said yes to a ballot initiative that will enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution. surprisingly strong democratic showings. >> some upset victories and a unified theme around abortion rights in the way that voters are reacting to it and responding to it. that continues to reflect badly on the republican party. >> ohio was the seventh state to put abortion access on the ballot since the supreme court struck down roe v wade. anti-abortion rights groups have lost in each election, including
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in red states kansas, kentucky and montana. >> how important is this issue to you? extremely important. it determines whether or not i'm going to continue living here in virginia. >> last night, democrats were able to hold on to their majority in the state senate and flipped control of the house after emphasize abortion access while republicans rallied around governor glenn youngkin push for a 15 week partial abortion ban. >> governor glenn youngkin has made it a personal mission to try to get overall republican control of the state legislature to push his own version of a 15 week partial ban on abortions. he was rebuked, and it appears that republicans are not going to have full control of the state legislature in deep red kentucky, heavy democratic governor andy beshear fended off republican challenger daniel cameron. >> this is our chance to build that commonwealth we have always dreamed of to stop the fighting, to push away the division, to recognize that we have more that unites us, that can ever pull us apart. democrats not so lucky in
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mississippi, where brandon pressley, the second cousin of elvis presley, concedes to incumbent governor tate reeves. but the democrats momentum nationwide surprising analysts. it comes despite a new poll showing president biden trailing former president trump by four points in a general election match up even among voters younger than 35. biden still trails trump, third republican presidential debate is tonight in miami. five candidates will be there, but not donald trump. even anka trump is expected to take the stand today at her father's fraud trial in new york , two days after the former president's contentious testimony. >> she's expected to face questions about her father's assets and financial statements as he faces punishment for inflating the value of his properties. ivanka trump is not a defendant, but prosecutor shooters claim she remained involved with the trump organization even while working at the white house. a man arrested on the grounds of the us capitol with a loaded assault rifle. >> now faces several charges. police say the man is a registered sex offender from
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atlanta who's likely dealing with mental health issues. investigators want to know, given those factors, how he was able to obtain the gun. >> now to the war in the middle east and the growing push for a pause in the fighting. president biden has confirmed he requested a pause this week as new details emerge about a potential plan to secure the release of more hostages. in the meantime, a rare move on capitol hill. the house has voted to censure a congresswoman who expressed anti-israel views. abc's liz landers is here now with more. liz, good morning, ryan and congresswoman rashida talib became only the 26th member of the us house to ever be censured. >> meanwhile, talks are reportedly underway aimed at pausing the fighting in gaza. this morning calls for a pause in the fighting in gaza are growing louder for the website. axios reports. a proposal being discussed between the us, israel and qatar calls for a three day pause where hamas would release up to 15 hostages and then use
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the pause in fighting to verify the names of all hostages being held. believed to be about 240 people. the white house not confirming the report. you ask the prime minister of israel for the three day pause. >> we get a chance to talk to him. i did ask him for a pause in the past yesterday, tom hand thought his eight year old daughter was killed in the attack on israel last month. >> but the government recently told him she may still be alive. tom, sending this message to his daughter. >> i, i know you can be strong. she can survive it. you will survive it. and we'll get you home and. our sights again. >> meanwhile, the fighting rages on with israeli troops saying they've entered the heart of gaza city. an estimated 70% of gaza's population has been displaced from their homes. the u.n. secretary general calling gaza a, quote, graveyard for children. one group of children
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held a news conference outside a gaza hospital. >> we come now to shout and invite you to protect us. we want to live. we want peace here at home. >> thousands joined this pro palestinian march in new york last night and on capitol hill. >> the resolution is adopted. the house censured michigan congresswoman rashida talib, the only palestine american in congress. >> she was criticized for defending the pro palestinian chant from the river to the sea, which critics say calls for wiping israel off the map. many palestinians insist it's a call for freedom. the lawmaker who pushed to censure talib says he had to temporarily close his office due to, quote, serious threats of violence against my staff live in southern california. hundreds of jewish americans are learning how to shoot guns, saying they fear for their safety because of events overseas. one firearms training company reports a 300% increase in calls since the war in gaza
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started. >> in my appearance, i mean, anybody in the middle east would right away spot me as an israeli. so that's really uncomfortable all and that's why i kind of stepped into the next level of training. >> as for that vote here in washington, 22 democrats joined republicans to censure congresswoman talib for her anti-israel comments. a censure is only a public reprimand. it does not require any other discipline. andrew >> all right, liz, thank you. in north carolina, police say a man who shot two sheriff's deputies was out on bond after a string of other crimes, including murder. officials say the deputies were trying to serve a warrant when the suspect opened fire. they say sean locklear then stole the deputies car and ran one of them over. he was previously released on bond and a robbery case and was charged with murder last year, but was again released and removed his electronic monitor, a plastic bracelet on your leg on pretrial
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release for murder means nothing that was cut off. >> that's the reason we had the warrants to come find him. >> one of the deputies is in critical condition. the other is in serious condition. >> the pilot shortage is reported creating new safety concerns in the airline industry. according to the wall street journal, a hiring surge is putting more pilots at the controls of larger planes, which they may have less experience flying. airlines in the us have added nearly 10,000 pilots this year. that's in addition to 13,000 that were added last year. but our aviation analyst says the airlines are responding by stepping up their training. >> i'm not concerned about how quickly the pilots are moving up, provided everybody see they're moving up to serve, is aware that we've got to watch this very carefully and we've got to stay ahead of increasing the amount of training. basically, what we have to do is train good judgment, because that is the key to good airline piloting airlines often recruit pilots from regional carriers, meaning those pilots may have less time at the controls of
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larger planes. >> fire has destroyed a blimp hangar in southern california that was often used for movie and tv shoots. the structure was one of two at a former marine air station. the hangars dating back to the 1940s were among the largest wooden structures built in the 20th century. no one was hurt. time now for a look at your wednesday weather. called super fog is being blamed for another deadly highway crash near new orleans. one driver was killed early yesterday when smoke from nearby fires combined with fog to really reduce visibility. last month, seven people died in a series of super fog accidents on interstate 55. looking at the radar today, more snow in parts of the rockies and there's rain and snow showers around the great lakes checking the high temperatures. more record heat across the south. chilies in the northeast. 91 in south texas.
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change at wal mart promising a more calm shopping experience. but first, hear from the amazon delivery worker who faced off with a rattlesnake and spent weeks in the hospital. and they're best sellers. but are these trucks best for safety? some surprising crash test results there is nothing like it dancing is my passion. but with my moderate-to-severe eczema, it hasn't always been easy. i was constantly itching.
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awards. what will they reveal this morning on good morning america? >> good morning america. we're back with crash test concerns for some popular trucks as an industry safety group found backseat passengers in full size pickups are not as safe as they should be. >> the ram 1500 ford f-150 and chevy silverado, 1500 all earned poor ratings. testers say the safety technology in the front seat hasn't made it into the back yet. >> not a flaw to and the delivery worker finding something really unexpected at a
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customer's door, a rattlesnake, an amazon delivery driver is describing her weeks long recovery from a rattlesnake bite. everybody keeps telling me that it's like a 1 in 1,000,000. >> that's something like that happens. >> monet robinson says she was delivering packages in palm city , florida, when she felt a sting on her leg. >> as usual, we scanned the package, put it down and then go to take the picture. i felt like a bee sting, but it was not a bee. >> it was an eastern diamondback rattlesnake. the highly venomous snake was still at the front door when deputies arrived. it was coiled up by the amazon package. >> what bit you a snake? let me get you on the phone with fire rescue. don't hang up. oh my god. >> robinson and a neighbor called 911 not realizing the seriousness of the bite until she got in the ambulance and i couldn't hardly breathe because my airway was like closed and my throat was like swelling. robinson spent nearly three weeks in the hospital fighting
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for her life. authorities credit her quick thinking, immediately calling for help when the snake bit her. >> just grateful it was in my time. that's what everybody said. >> we are glad she's okay. amazon says it's investigating the incident. american are facing record high credit card debt now topping $1 trillion. >> credit card balances spiked by $48 billion between july and september. and more people are falling behind in their payments, especially millennials . meanwhile, walmart is expanding its quiet shopping hours for people with sensory processing issues, including autism. the company says every us store will lower its lights, turn off the music and take other steps every day from 8 to 10 a.m. local time. those hours begin this friday. >> coming up, the mother who is suing american airlines claiming the airline misplaced her kid. >> also ahead, bittersweet panda monium at the national zoo [♪]
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can't stop adding stuff to your cart? get the bank of america customized cash rewards card, choose the online shopping category and earn 3% cash back. [♪] choose the online shopping category did you know, sweat from stress is actually smellier than other kinds of sweat? that's why i use secret clinical antiperspirant. it provides 3x stress sweat protection. danielle? [♪] secret works. [♪] works. a big auction a 17 plus carat diamond known as the blue royal. >> jay it sold for nearly $44 million. it's the largest internally flawless, vivid blue diamond ever auctioned. >> a florida woman is suing american airlines, claiming it misplaced her kids as they traveled from missouri to new york. amber vencill says her ten and 12 year old sons were flying with the unaccompanied minor program when their connecting flight was canceled. she claims
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they had to spend the night in a cold room that was like a jail cell. >> i asked them if they had anything to eat or drink and they were like, no, mom. i have faith that during the transitions at the airports, they would be with a flight attendant. since they had that service. >> the airline is reviewing the lawsuit. it says safety and comfort are its top priorities. >> now to the pandemonium in washington. it's a bittersweet goodbye at the national zoo as some beloved animals prepare to head home. here's abc's andrea fujii. this morning, fans of the beloved giant pandas at the national zoo are saying final goodbyes as the animals prepare to head back to china as early as today. >> we know they go to china for a higher purpose to be a part of the breeding program. the chinese pandas, mae xiang and tian tian arrived at the national zoo in 2000. they were only supposed to be on loan from china for ten years, but the agreement was renewed three times. and in 2020, they had a
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baby boy. but efforts to renew the agreement again failed. experts say it's a sign of worsening relations between the us and china. >> i am really sad because i know these animals as individuals, but when i think about what we're doing for our whole species, it makes the hurt a little bit less. >> pandas are no longer considered an endangered species with the giant panda population now growing. zoo workers say that's partly because of their work here. >> he doesn't flinch when they put the needle in. he also gets voluntary blood pressure readings. the cuff goes right around his arm inflates, deflates. and he's also had abdominal ultrasounds, cardiac ultrasounds and he's also had x rays done on his chest. >> the pandas will leave on a special fedex flight called the panda express and will travel with 300 pounds of bamboo to munch on workers say the sendoff will be emotional for both the people and the animals. >> if he did not trust us and we didn't build that relationship with him, we would not be nearly
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as successful as we have been. >> only four pandas will remain in the us. those are at the atlanta zoo and their agreement with china expires next year. as for us chinese relations, president biden and china's president will meet at an economic summit in san francisco next week. rhiannon andrew all right, katrina, thank you. >> coming up, the new sexiest man alive. >> plus, one deer's incredible >> plus, one deer's incredible leap of faith ♪ ♪ ♪ we're building a better postal service. for more on-time deliveries. and easier, affordable ways to ship. so you can deliver even more holiday joy. the united states postal service. delivering for america. that grimy film on your teeth?
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jimmy about the new title, saying, quote, never give up on a dream. we say it's long overdue. >> ages like a fine wine, indeed. >> next, there's a new battle in the sneaker wars. nike is suing new balance and skechers. >> it's claiming patent infringement. nike claims the two companies are using its flyknit technology, which uses lightweight but durable strands of yarn. >> nike is seeking unspecified damages. it already previously sued puma, adidas and lululemon over that same technology. all right. next the brother who was really, really confused. this is the best story you'll see all day. the toddler in california had the best reaction when he met his newborn sister. take a look. >> she doesn't have any arms. >> oh, parents everywhere. no that is called a swaddle. that is where you, you know, fold them up with their arms in two so they don't do that startle reflex and wake themselves up. so he had the most adorable response. it looks like she has no arms. very cute. boom. what
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next? this is cute too. a deer's leap of faith. >> this deer in new jersey went soaring over a car. you see it there, landing in the back of that truck. that truck was for sale at the time. the owner had to knock down $1,000 off the price because the deer dented the truck and it was right when the buyer was showing up. talk about timing. deer is okay, by the way. >> he actually leapt over almost two cars. finally, a 400 pound porch pirate. this black bear stole a florida family's taco bell delivery order, casually walking up to the door and taking it. he then came back for taking it. he then came back for the soda to wash some people just know that's not gonna fit. those are the people who know to choose allstate. that's not gonna fit. what's that? you need another four inches? do you work here? nope, i just saw you there and i thought i'd save you the trouble. nana! she's a human measuring tape. and she knows allstate is the right fit for her. it's not gonna fit. that's not gonna fit. what? steven? some people just know. well played. well played, my friend. those are the people who know you're in good hands
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we're still going for that nice catch. we're still going for that sweet shot. and with higher stroke risk from afib not caused by a heart valve problem, we're going for a better treatment than warfarin. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk. and has less major bleeding. over 97% of eliquis patients did not experience a stroke. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily or take longer for bleeding to stop. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, or unusual bruising. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. we're going for it.
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ask your doctor about eliquis.
5:00 am
now at five, the security precautions going into effect in san francisco this week as global leaders prepare to visit the city during the apec summit. >> a win for democrats across the country on election day. we are tracking the biggest races major policy decisions and how california is gearing up to head to the polls in 2024. plus the oakland a's should stay rooted in oakland and oakland


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