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tv   ABC7 News 900PM  ABC  November 13, 2023 9:00pm-10:01pm PST

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it is like really hard. they're precipice of like something huge . >> i love it. i feel like we're starting the holiday early with
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the apec conference and everything is so energetic. i love the people around. i just love it. i love the energy, the festivities of the asia pacific economic cooperation summit are in full swing tonight in san francisco with colorful laser beams shining up the length of market street as the city welcomes the world's top leaders. >> good evening and thank you for joining us for this special edition of abc7 news at nine. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. in addition to the laser beams welcoming dignitary liz from out of town tonight, the sky star ferris wheel officially opened at its new location at fisherman's wharf. the ferris wheel, which was previously located in golden gate park for the past three years, is operating at its new location for six months under a special event permit from the port of san francisco. and we'll have to see if it ends up staying there permanently. >> that's right. but the glowing attractions weren't the only things drawing attention. as the first weekday of the conference kicked off know, as abc seven news reporter dion lim shows you
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the day started with dancers rappelling down the transamerica pyramid. >> at first glance, these orange clad climbers on san francisco's iconic transamerica pyramid caused a bit of concern. >> we got scared. we thought something else was going on as bystanders tilted their necks. >> flashbacks of this anti-abortion activist scaling salesforce tower in 2022 came to mind. >> i assumed it might be a little protest going on because part of the whole apec thing upon closer inspection, it was clear these were artists. >> this trio's impressive choreography is the work of nonprofit bandaloop, who says they were asked by the city and the transamerica pyramid to kick off apec. >> we perform and dance on buildings all over the world. we're trying to bring unity through the joy of public art, the sense of awe and disorientation and disruption is something that we welcome as part of the impact of our work, sfpd chief bill scott has warned those who choose less legal forms of distraction because
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this is a national special security event. >> the us secret service is the lead as far as the security of this event and we could not ask for a better partner to lead this event in other parts of the city. >> a noticeable increase in security. >> i think we haven't been robbed yet so we can't complain and clean up efforts are clear. >> this alleyway off van ness avenue, known for homeless encampments in recent years, was empty, minus some debris. it's something visitors at pier 39 noticed, too. the interesting part is seeing them clean the city up, seeing all the highway patrols, staying at our hotel and all the barricades they put up yesterday, i saw many homeless people around the city, but but today i think they they brought something not to burst. one's bubble. but with closed roads and 20,000 people expected to descend on san francisco this week, some hope it won't scare other tourists away. >> but i have to say there are more people here today than i
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even expected. maybe people decided to come out today. you know, before the rain hits in san francisco. >> diane lim, abc seven news inside moscone center. >> the apec summit is well underway today. finance ministers from 21 pacific rim countries met for the start of multi day meetings. abc7 news anchor kristen sze was at mosconi all day talking to participants. she has a rundown of today's happenings innovation, sustainability and inclusion. >> those are the big goals of this year's apec summit. this morning us treasury secretary janet yellen got things underway by welcoming finance ministers from 21 member economies. she challenged them to boost economic productive tivity, but to do it while transitioning to sustainable energy sources. >> we need to put ourselves on a sustainable growth path, not one where we safeguard our planet while provide our economies with the clean energy they need to grow. now. >> talks will also center on how
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to boost economic prosperity among women and poor people. how important is apec to the us? well over half of the nations global trade is with pacific region economies and focus a lot on the differences that we may have with a lot of our other apec members around the region. >> but when it comes to the challenges that we all face, if you're a small and medium sized enterprise, that's struggling to export in northern california, you have a lot in common with some of the small and medium sized enterprises in the philippines and peru and papua new guinea. >> today we saw ministers, cabinet secretaries and high level staff, but the main delegations, including the presidents and prime ministers, will be arriving over the next two days. president joe biden arrives tuesday. expectations are high for his one on one meeting with chinese president xi jinping. the goal is to improve relations between the two countries, which has soured recently, and the focus has really been on how do we manage that competition responsibly. >> it's okay to compete, but how do we manage that competition responsibly? the us has been
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cool on digital currency and crypto, but yellen said the us wants to learn from china and other countries that have embraced blockchain technology. >> of course, climate change is another hot topic. yellen wants to agree on how to equally measure carbon emissions among the different economies. >> we need to further improve this year, for the first time, apec is hosting a stakeholders forum. >> labor groups, women leaders, indigenous communities and green energy startups will all be represented. >> the focus for our forum and really is on energy transition. so going from carbon intensive global economy to a more net zero economy. and so these voices, they all bring different ideas about how to do that. >> san francisco will be heavily featured tomorrow. the group global sf will be holding an all day forum on climate tech sustainability and artificial intelligence. we'll be there for that and for president biden's arrival. so stay tuned. kristen sze from the moscone center, abc
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seven news. >> and here's a live look at the bay bridge moving along nicely now, but commuters are being warned about big changes starting tomorrow morning. that's because lanes on the bay bridge will be shut down for four hours for the apec summit. it will be one lane in each direction between san francisco and treasure island. those closures begin at 5 a.m. and lanes won't reopen until friday night. >> then on wednesday, we will see the closure of two two off ramps from 80 through san francisco. so the fifth street off ramp from westbound 80 and the fourth street off ramp from eastbound 80 will close from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. each day. >> and for westbound traffic, the fremont street and eighth street off ramps remain open, even though the fifth street ramp will be closed and since eastbound drivers won't be able to use the fourth street off ramp. >> the last san francisco exit will be at seventh street. >> abc7 news is your station when it comes to everything. apec 2023. our complete coverage has everything you need to know. you'll find it all on the front
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page of our website. abc seven all right. >> we are preparing for that for the week ahead and preparing for rain in the forecast. >> yes, several days, perhaps. meteorologist sandhya patel is tracking that for us. sandhya yeah, dan and ama, hang on to the umbrellas. >> over the course of the entire workweek. let me show you live doppler seven right now. >> we do have a light storm headed our way on our exclusive abc seven news storm impact scale. that low is spinning off the coast and the first band of wet weather comes in here at 3:00 while you're sleeping. hopefully 5:00. we are looking at scattered showers for that commute at 7 a.m. san francisco, north bay getting some light to moderate showers and then the showers begin to shift northward at 9 a.m. and even further north as we head into the afternoon. so most of you will end up with just a mix of clouds and sun on our storm impact scale. it's a level one. scattered showers for tomorrow, slippery roadways, breezy conditions and can't rule out isolated thunder
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possibility. it's a slight chance. so for apec tomorrow, definitely grab the rain gear tomorrow morning is when you'll see the wet start your afternoon high of 68 degrees. it's cooler as we head towards wednesday. some showers continuing pretty much off and on through the rest of the workweek. and then i'll let you know if the weekend will feature a change or if we'll continue with this trend of the wet weather coming right up, ama. >> all right, sandhya, thank you . police have issued dispersal orders and arrests are being made at a cease fire protest that's happening at the ron dellums federal building in downtown oakland. protesters have staged a sit in in the building lobby. they got there at four this afternoon and say they're not leaving the group jewish voice for peace organized the rally organizers are calling this the largest protest of jews standing in solidarity with palestinians in state history. the group says its members are willing to risk arrest to send a message, a cease fire in gaza message was projected onto the ferry building this evening. >> all organizers of this
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display want to get the message out as world leaders and media descend on the city for the summit. of course, too many innocent civilians have died, they say, urging a stop to the bombing and in the middle east, new us air strikes are targeting fighters supported by iran. >> and this is in response to the five american service members who were killed in the region. >> and it comes as the largest hospital in the area now says its ability to treat patients is at a crisis level. abc news reporter patrick revel is in jerusalem. >> hostilities in the middle east widened ing the pentagon says us forces conducted new airstrikes in syria, hitting a safe house and a training camp used by iran's armed forces and militant groups supported by the country. an official confirms iran backed fighters were present at both locations. the sites are linked to at least 46 drone and rocket attacks on us forces in iraq and syria since mid-october, which resulted in dozens of injuries elsewhere in the region. a helicopter crash near cyprus left five us service
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members dead. the black hawk helicopter was carrying special operations forces involved in a nighttime refueling training mission when it went down in the eastern mediterranean due to a mishap, according to the pentagon, the elite troops were training to potential evacuate american citizens. nine americans are still missing since hamas attacked israel on october 7th, including an orphan toddler. israel says the group is still holding 239 hostages. this comes as israel's forces pushed deeper into gaza city. the israeli military releasing video from tank mounted cameras showing almost total devastation and there is intense fighting around hospitals, which israel claims hamas is using as control centers inside those hospitals. tragic scenes, including doctors performing surgery on injured palestinians by flashlight. >> we do not want to see a firefight in a hospital where innocent people helpless people, people seeking medical care, are
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caught in the crossfire at al-shifa hospital, premature babies removed from their incubators because there is no electricity, according to a doctor there, at least three have died. >> the doctors say we are sure that we are alone now. >> no one here, us. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has said there could be a potential deal on the hostages with hamas. but hamas earlier said it was suspending those talks over the bombing of the al-shifa hospital . patrick reevell, abc news tel aviv. >> and we're learning one of the five american service members killed in that helicopter crash. patrick mentioned in the eastern mediterranean sea over the weekend was a california native army chief warrant officer shane barnes grew up in sacramento. so the 34 year old was on the black hawk that crashed off the island of cyprus during what said to be a routine fueling mission. the defense department is investigating the cause of the crash. obviously, officials say there are no indications of any kind of hostile activity. there's very little room for error when your aerial refueling
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at night over night with night vision goggles at low altitude and sometimes small mistakes can turn into tragedy. the crew was part of a special operations forces unit recently sent to the region in response to the war between israel and hamas. the us has deployed two aircraft carriers to the mediterranean in the past month, both coming up a massive storage yard fire shuts down a heavily traveled interstate in southern california, and now the cause is under investigation. plus, as we brace for the rain here in the bay area, sandy is talking about crews are preparing in the north bay and they're also hoping the wet weather will lead to an official end to the fire season. stay with us
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i stopped taking prevagen and i found myself slacking back so i jumped right back on it. i feel as if it's brought me back to the good 'ol days. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. ♪honey baked ham and potatoes au gratin♪ ♪tasty glazed turkeys that won't be forgotten♪ ♪their warm mac and cheese has us feasting like kings♪ ♪these are a few of my favorite things♪ every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company the closure of interstate ten is being investigated as arson. that's according to governor newsom. and they made a determination, a preliminary determination.
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>> there was malice intent that this fire occurred within on the fence line of the facility you see behind me that it was arson and that it was done and set intentionally by a large team of firefighters battling the flames for three hours. >> officials saying the fire burned an equivalent of six football fields. the fire damaged the concrete freeway overpass, too. but la city officials say the traffic was not as bad as feared. but there is no timeline on how long the repairs will take. >> in oakland, firefighters were able to quickly respond to four vegetation fires near highway 31 late this afternoon. they were all located in this area near the joaquin miller road exit. abc7 news reporter leslie brinkley was there and has the details. >> four separate brush fires mysteriously material ised here along the highway 13 corridor on monday after noon in oakland. those four fires were along the
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north side of highway 13 on the upslope side at about 230. by 4:00, a fire crews were able to contain and confine those four fires, but it did go up to three alarms, 50 to 60 firefighters on the scene taking every precaution possible since obviously these fires that mysteriously popped up were very close to homes and neighborhoods here in this corridor. but there were no evacuations means there were no homes actually threatened. no structures threatened. so they got a grip on this really rapidly with a rapid response. there was smoke in the air that since dissipated by 4:00, we were told alameda county mutual aid hand crews came to the scene to start clearing brush and looking out for hotspots and mopping up the scene from these four separate fires. they'll, of course, be
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looking into the cause of the blazes as and highway 31 northbound remain closed for quite a long time. in the middle of the afternoon commute south bound continue to flow smoothly northbound traffic closed starting at the 580 junction northward. so kind of a mess for those trying to get somewhere late this afternoon soon. but the good news is as these fires up in the oakland hills were quickly taken care of and crews were on hand to make it all move in a good direction, reporting from oakland, i'm leslie brinkley, abc7 news. >> oakland swore in a new fire chief today. chief damon covington took the oath near the ferry terminal this morning administered by mayor shengtao. his family stood alongside him for the ceremony. >> a leader who not only he leads with his heart, his compassion, but here in oakland, you have to be the one to lead
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with your values and i see no one else out there. chief covington, that fits that role more than you. >> covington has been with the oakland fire department since 2001, formerly working as the deputy chief of fire operations, he began serving as interim fire chief in june. the city recently decided to keep him on permanently, so he's now made his promise to oakland to keep its people safe. congratulations and best of luck. >> yeah. all right. and this rain could really help us out. >> boy, it really could maybe tamp down any fire danger for the time being. so let's get to tales from abc7 news meteorologist sandyha patel. sandy. >> well, dan and ama, we're hoping that by the end of the week it could actually end our fire season if we get a good amount of rain. >> right now. i want to show you some live pictures from our tower cameras and the one that really stands out, of course, is sutro tower. you will notice the illuminate lights down market street just really putting on a show tonight, welcoming apec visitors as we take a look at
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live doppler seven, we are tracking a storm that has really just all the right dynamics. cold unstable air behind it, a moisture source ahead of it. the problem is it's what we call a cut off, low. it's going to cut off from the main jet stream. and so it's just going to meander here off our coastline, sending us waves of rain and depending on where it ends up, you may end up with some downpours or you may end up with just some lighter rainfall at times. so here's live, doppler seven rain and some moisture is starting to get picked up off the northern california coast. but we're going to have to wait until overnight before we start to see the wet weather here on our local radar. as we look at that live picture one more time from our sutro tower camera looking pretty cool in downtown san francisco, where it is 58 degrees, 53 in oakland, san jose and mountain view in the upper 50s, palo alto, 51 degrees. a live view from our walnut creek camera in the east bay where all is quiet. upper 40 in santa rosa, 51 in napa. low 50s. concord and fairfield. and one
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other live picture from our golden gate bridge camera. it was a nice day today, but cooler than the weekend. most of you ended up in the low 60s to the mid 70s in places like san jose. showers arrived tomorrow morning. more rounds of wet weather through friday and isolated thunder is possible. so on our exclusive abc7 news storm impact scale, this is a light level one storm for tomorrow. we're looking at scattered showers, slippery roadways especially for that commute. so be careful breezy with the isolated thunder possibility. just a small chance as we go hour by hour, 4:00 tomorrow morning. the damp roadways for you. early commuters. be prepared and you will notice some pockets of yellow, which is moderate shower activity at 6 a.m. crossing the central bay, moving into the north bay. and then notice where the waves of showers end up. 10:00, it's primarily a north bay event, mendocino county. and then just continue to lift northward. you get a big chunk of time where it's just going to be clouds and sun for most of tomorrow. after
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those morning showers. then here comes the next round on wednesday morning, around 11 a.m. wednesday night, potential is there for an isolated thunderstorm, as you will notice, going into 11 p.m. scattered showers continue right on through thursday. and we'll show you the rainfall projections with this. most of you will end up in that quarter of an inch to an inch category. but there will be places like the ben lomond area, clear lake that are picking up higher totals, inch, inch and a half. so don't be surprised if you do see those higher totals, 40s and 50s on those temperatures. don't leave home without the umbrellas tomorrow morning. and make sure you have the shades because you will see some sunshine tomorrow afternoon, mid 50s all the way to the low 70s for your tuesday day. the accuweather seven day forecast level one tomorrow through friday off and on showers pretty much every single day and then that lingering chance on saturday before the low moves out of here sunday is dry day and so is monday. certainly will be comfortable by then, but we are not looking at all at once. all day. rain ama
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and dan. it's going to be off and on for apc visitors as well. >> okay. we need it. yes thanks, eddie. >> and as we get ready for the rain in the north bay, public works crews are clearing storm drains to avert possible flooding. firefighter are hopeful the rain will close the books on this year's fire season. abc's seven news reporter cornell bernard has the story. >> the roar of the vacuum truck is music to the ears of novato public works employee melanie fraley. how many drains, how many gutters you guys going to hit today? >> today we have ten on our list . >> rain is returning this week, so there's no time to lose. clearing storm drains around town to prevent flooding. melanie says her team is on it because the alternative is a big bummer. >> emergency maintenance is not that fun. emergency maintenance happens in the dark, so we try to do all of our preventative maintenance during the pre rain season. >> it's not cold enough for a brain freeze, but it may be wet
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enough for some sturdy tarps at pienta hardware, putting some tarps on a few things and you can't get wet and everyone comes to pieces when it's going to rain. >> everyone knows that i'm trying to get here before it. >> rain gear is trending again as hot selling items. yeah they're they're they're interested in getting their drains hooked up for their, their roof drains. the promise of rain is bringing relief to north bay firefighters. this wildfire season has been mild and approaching. storms may be enough to close the books on prime fire season. >> the city of santa rosa fire department is looking at declaring the end of our fire season here locally in the city of santa rosa as early as tomorrow, tuesday. and that's going to be based on our weather recently and the forecast rains that we're expecting this week. >> ready or not, rain is on the way, making a comeback in the north bay. cornell bernard, abc seven news after the break. >> john fishers effort to move the a's to las vegas could advance one more step. this week we'll tell you what mlb owners are expected to do when they
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meet in texas you ping and pong that body. you plunge that body. you green that body. you brain power that body.
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scheduled to gather in texas tomorrow for their quarterly meetings. that's where they're expected to vote on as team owner john fisher's bid to move the team to nevada. fisher will need 75% or 23 out of 30 members to vote in favor for it to pass, which is likely to happen. however, the a's would need to finalize many local and state agreements before any move is made. >> one of the new main attractions on the las vegas strip is the is in red here. the sphere in vegas released its quarterly earnings showing the venue lost nearly $100 million, however, a company officials say that's not all entirely correct. they say the report includes july and august months when the sphere was not yet open and not bringing in revenue. of course, the entertainment center opened in september and has made nearly $8 million from shows and
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adverts rising so far. >> in the meantime, las vegas is prepping for the formula one grand prix race this week. the opening ceremony is wednesday, but the big race happening saturday night. the race will feature a 3.8 mile track, with cars reaching speeds of up to 212mph. practice events will be held on thursday and qualifying day is friday. all right. >> coming up, thanksgiving is right around the corner and already experts are warning about holiday travel. what you need to know if you're planning on heading out of town. >> plus, nancy pelosi's husband takes the stand in the federal trial against the man charged with attacking him. we'll
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and we are your bargain bliss market. what is bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you love, but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. this thanksgiving, we're giving you even more reasons to celebrate. we are offering you $21 off a jennie-o frozen turkey with in-store discount. that's as low as $0.50 a pound. so why wait? hurry in to your neighborhood grocery outlet today. because this deal is only available while supplies last.
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is abc7 news. >> nancy pelosi's husband, paul testified in federal court today against the man charged with attacking him in his san francisco home last year. david depape has pleaded not guilty to federal attempted kidnaping and assault charges. >> abc7 news reporter stephanie
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sierra has the latest from inside the courtroom. >> chilling testimony from paul pelosi recounting the moments leading up to david depape attacking him on the head arm and hand several times with a hammer. the jury watched intently as mr. pelosi described waking up to the defendant a few feet away in his upstairs bedroom with a hammer and zip ties in his hand. talking sternly as he recalled the series of threats to pap made towards his wife leading up to this 911 call. this is everything's good. >> i've got a problem. but he thinks everything's good. >> okay. call us back if you change your mind. >> i really believe that the people will feel as he feels they will sit in his chair and they will feel that anxiety, feel that pain. >> adam gassner is a federal criminal defense attorney. he explains the testimony and substantial amount of evidence against a couple dictate the defense strategy. >> it tells a lot about maybe the negotiate actions that occurred behind the curtains, that there wasn't an offer that
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mr. dupré's lawyers felt was acceptable before this trial began. >> the government raised concerns to the judge that people possibly one of depapes children, was passing out fliers with misinformation about the case. the judge agreed, worried it may have influenced members of the jury. some of those false theories suggested the surveillance video was tampered with. today, the fbi agent who edited the footage shown in court testified about its accuracy. >> the reality is these jurors have been specifically instructed and not to listen to anything outside of the jury room, not to read the press. and certainly not to read fliers that have no basis in fact. if they do see that they're supposed to tell the judge. despite audio evidence of depape admitting his intent to harm speaker emerita, nancy pelosi, the defense argued during opening statements depapes overall plan had nothing to do with nancy pelosi and her official duties as a member of congress. i think they're trying to narrow this so it might be a
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reach the jury could struggle with whether or not this is a crime that involves her or whether this is a crime that strictly involves mr. depape and paul pelosi. >> the trial resumes tomorrow, will, of course, be following it closely in san francisco. stephanie sierra, abc7 news. >> in new york today, donald trump jr took the stand as the defense team's first witness in the $250 million civil fraud case against the trump organization. the eldest son claimed he his father and their company are not liable for the inaccurate financial statements that inflated the company's assets by over $2 billion. while trump jr was on the stand, he described his father as an artist and a real estate visionary and that he alone created a value for the company that cannot be measured on balance sheets. the judge in the case has already ruled that fraud occurred, but the depositions will determine the amount of damages to be paid and if they'll lose their new york business license in the process. donald trump's eldest sister, retired federal judge maryanne
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trump barry has died. the new york city medical examiner says mrs. trump passed away overnight of natural causes. barry retired in 2019 amid an investigation into whether she and her siblings siblings committed tax fraud to inflate their inheritances because she retired. the investigation was closed. maryanne trump barry was 86 years old. >> in the nation's capital, the us supreme court is attempting to address ethics concerns by implementing a new code of conduct. all nine justices signed it in an effort to restore some public trust in the high court after allegations of unethical financial dealings. they didn't make clear how they would enforce this new code or take complaints. this just after congressional democrats threatened to pass legislation that would mandate ethics reform. >> the clock is ticking yet again for lawmakers on capitol hill to pass a bill to keep the federal government open. a time will run out on monday at money, rather will run out at 1201 on saturday. there'll be no more
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money after that point. there's already opposition from fellow house republicans to the plan put forward by the new speaker, mike johnson. abc news reporter liz landers is in washington. >> there's another potential government shutdown looming in washington and new house speaker mike johnson has just five days to strike a deal with the senate and the white house. or there will be a shutdown. johnson unveiled an unconventional two step plan to fund the government. under his proposal, five federal agencies, including veterans affairs, housing, energy and more, would receive funding through january 19th. the department of defense and homeland security would get a longer runway with funding through february 2nd. >> trust us, we're working through the process in a way that i think the people will be proud of. >> this slimmed down bill leaves out aid for israel and ukraine and also doesn't include changes to immigration policy. a sticking point for some republicans is we can't sit back and do nothing and talking to prime minister netanyahu, they
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needed this yesterday. >> in his words, you crane needed yesterday. >> at least five republicans have already said they won't vote for the proposal, meaning that johnson will need house democrats to back his measure for it to pass. while the proposed bill doesn't include all of their priorities, it is a, quote, clean. continue ing resolution that they should be able to support the president. when asked by reporters if he would veto the current plan from speaker johnson saying monday, i'm not going to make a judgment on what i veto, what i sign, but let's wait and see what they come up with. a shutdown could impact an estimated 3.5 million federal workers, 2 million of those in the military. the timing of this potential shutdown could affect americans leisure and safety ahead of this busy thanksgiving holiday, air traffic controllers and tsa agents could be working without pay and federally run museums and parks could shut down during one of the busiest times of the
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year in washington. liz landers, abc news. >> well, if you're counting, thanksgiving is just ten days away. and today we are getting a first look at what experts predict holiday travel will look like. here's a hint it's going to be busy. abc7 news reporter zach fuentes has more. >> millions are just days away from taking off for holiday travel. experts at triple a just released its 2023 thanksgiving travel forecast and it reveals a lot of information that could impact travelers over 55 million americans are going to be traveling. >> it's the third busiest thanksgiving weekend since triple a started counting. >> these things since so many are expected on the road and at airports travel this thanksgiving could come with challenges, especially here in the bay area. >> if you're traveling earlier than normal, you may encounter some residual travelers from the apec conference. >> there's also the risk of government shutdown if congress doesn't come to an agreement by friday. >> the tsa, airport security screeners and faa air traffic controllers are considered essential workers. but local travel industry analyst henry
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harteveldt adds that those agencies could still have staffing impacts that could affect flights. air traffic controllers are swamped. they can't bring in an scheduled air traffic controllers because that's not in the budget. so be prepared for some headaches. and if the government shutdown lasts longer than a few days, that's when things could get really bad. >> part about suggests adding an extra 30 minutes to your arrival. time to any bay area airport. though many are traveling by air. triple a says millions more are expected to drive. >> it's going to be the busiest on the 22nd as people really get out the door and that heart of the day from 11 a.m. to two in the afternoon, though, traffic could be a problem. >> there is some good news for drivers. >> we're starting to see those gas prices go down, which means if you're comparing things to last year, you're going to have some deals compared to where you were. experts also say positive impacts may last longer than just peak travel times. >> the higher number of people traveling could mean a brighter long term outlook. >> even in an economy that is
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certainly very unstable and very uneven for a lot of people, there is still a lot of demand for people who want to go somewhere for thanksgiving. so it's a certainly a very good sign about at least the bay area economy overall. all. >> zach fuentes, abc7 news. >> and tonight we're learning more about a nonprofit that supports veterans. it's called student veterans of america. >> the organization helps veterans transition back to civilian life by providing aid to those seeking higher education. and the walt disney company is making a one dollars million donation to the group and its mission. >> our donation to student veterans of america is designed to actually teach veterans to educate them after they've served our country to even better prepare them for the workplace to get jobs, not just for disney, but for any entity out there. and over the last ten years, the walt disney company has hired more than 15,000 veterans. >> yeah, that is something this company is really committed to. and disney, of course, is the
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parent company of abc seven. >> that's right. all right. still ahead, former oakland police chief laurent armstrong is staying active in the community where he's been volunteering in the impact he's having on a group of young students. >> but first, after the break, new details about this weekend's deadly shooting in a chili's parking lot. what we're learning about the suspect and his relationship to the victim. >> stay with us (♪) (♪) get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more.
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get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. because it's about you. you, who forgot to charge your phone last night. you, who sprints to the boarding line so your bag will fit. you, with him. until one day, you boarded a united plane, that was designed for... well, you. and your phone got charged, your bag fit, (so did everyone else's, but this story isn't about them) your toddler didn't tantrum and you... got to fly happily ever after.
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samuel langworthy and his stepdaughter. langworthy allegedly then got a gun from his car and shot and killed the woman. langworthy drove away from the scene but was arrested a few hours later by chp officers near coalinga. the gun used in the shooting hasn't been found. the victim's identity has not been released. >> today, san jose state senator david cortez was in los angeles to celebrate the new california bill known as melanie's law, named in honor of the teenager
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who died of a fentanyl overdose at school. as sid garcia from our sister station in los angeles reports, this bill, this new law, will help keep other teenagers safe in the future. >> the bill will save lives. >> state senator dave cortez announced senate bill ten, known as melanie's law, has become law. it's named after melanie ramos. she's the 15 year old student who died of a fentanyl overdose last year at bernstein high school in hollywood hours after her mother was notified by the high school that melanie was missing. she was found in a school bathroom unresponsive. what melanie's law does is require all middle and high schools to put together a plan to prevent and respond to fentanyl overdoses. this includes training teachers on lifesaving fentanyl response and providing students and adults resources on what they need to know about the opioids. >> they will have to have a plan to respond to any overdose, to
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any incident like this with naloxone, which means they're going to have to have it. and it means that when they read the fine print in this bill, they're going to see that every single employee in the district and on these schools needs to be trained. >> the announcement was made outside lausd headquarters. melanie's mom, elena perez, along with their team of lawyers, are suing the district in response to what happened to melanie ramos. la unified has provided narcan to schools to help with overdoses on campus. it's la prevention de mas muertos en los ninos en las escuelas. melanie's mother says this new law is the prevention of death among young people in schools. she adds, no mother should have to deal with the pain she's suffering with over the loss of a child. the new law goes into effect january 1st. melanie's mother is urging parents if you haven't had that
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talk with your children yet about drugs, do it now. in downtown la, i'm sid garcia, abc seven news. >> legendary rapper tupac shakur may receive a grammy. almost 30 years after his murder, the artist was nominated for his work, used in the docu series dear mama. the five part series chronicles the activism shared between the late rapper and his revolution. mother afeni shakur. tupac isn't the only posthumous grammy nomination. he's also competing with david bowie and little richard, who also received nominations for their docu series this year. >> coming up, a high school student in santa cruz has now invented a tool to help get import water data to his community. we're going to explain how it works exactly. really interesting and why he did it. stay
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whenever you want. wherever you are, it's more impactful to understand the effects of climate change. >> when you can calculate the health data of local waterways. but as one local high school student discovered, there's no such tool. so he invented one. abc7 news south bay reporter dustin dorsey has more. >> our oceans and waterways are facing threats from the effects of climate change. the problem is we can't easily check to see if the water's conditions are healthy for humans and the environment. well that was until santa cruz's jack driscoll, natalie, decided to take matters into his own hands. >> being able to have more water health data will allow communities to be able to see the real effects of climate change in their local areas. so i went to kind of fill that gap to be able to create a system that was durable enough to be put out in the field and efficient enough and accessible enough to bring that data to communities. >> driscoll natalie was doing a lab at pacific collegiate school when the senior could not find the water health data needed to complete the project and then
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the sensors down into the water. so like most people do, he went to the internet to learn how. driscoll natalie taught himself electronics and computer programing to create this one of a kind device. it basically takes in the ph temperature and oxygen reduction potential of local waterways and then using a wi-fi module, we're able to transmit that data wirelessly directly to the cloud. >> so that means community members can view the health of their water from anywhere, even locally or anywhere internationally. >> driscoll natalie says that firsthand information exists for surfers when checking conditions of waves at given locations. and with this, people could check on water health. >> we knew we had the sensors and the wireless capacity to be able to bring that information to community. but all we had for water health was we had really high end sensor systems used by a lot of really scientific and big corporations locally and internationally. and those could cost upwards of $100,000. >> driscoll natalie is working with the monterey bay aquarium and other groups to patent his technology in order to build upon it so it has greater coverage to benefit people
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worldwide. >> not having access to that information was detrimental to the health of not just us as humans in the water, but for the environment and all the animals living in it and knowing that technology existed. i wanted to bring that to water health, to not only sustain our community but also communities all over the world. >> in santa cruz, dustin dorsey, abc7 news. >> that is fantastic. what a bright young man. >> yeah, absolutely. >> oddly, when i was in high school, i wasn't creating magnificent science. experiments are we surprised? >> all right. from that water to water from the sky. >> exactly. meteorologists sandhya patel is tracking some rain. yeah and it's going to be welcome rain coming our way because it's not going to fall all at once. >> dan and ama we're going to see it in waves. all right. let me show you a live picture from our exploratorium camera. just a gorgeous view of the embarcadero center. all lit up for the holidays for a-pac. very cool. salesforce tower there also lit up. here's a look at the forecast for apec. so tomorrow it's going to be a wet start in
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the morning if you're taking part in any of the events, definitely grab the umbrella. 68 degrees in the afternoon on wednesday. you are looking at our next round with breezy conditions, scattered showers on thursday. certainly trending lower in terms of temperatures for friday. it will still be unsettled and that's because this area of low pressure on live doppler seven is just going to spin here off our coastline, get cut off from the main flow, the main jet stream. and that means we'll be seeing bands of showers coming through off and on over the next several days. really right on through friday and possibly into saturday as well, depending on which computer model you buy. definitely a few clouds passing through right now on live doppler seven from our kgo roof camera. look at a lovely view of coit tower. temperatures right now, upper 50s, san francisco, san jose, you're at 53 in oakland, 55 degrees in half moon bay from our san jose camera south bay. all is clear down there looking at 49 in santa rosa, 51 in napa, low 50s fairfield, concord livermore. and look at this view from our
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east bay hills camera visibility is terrific when you can see all the way across the bay. well, that's going to be changing tomorrow. showers arrive tomorrow morning. more rounds of wet weather through friday and isolated thunder is certainly possible. so on our exclusive abc7 news storm impact scale, this is a light level one storm for tomorrow. scattered showers with those slippery roadways certainly breezy near the coast line. isolated thunder chance not out of the question. so we go hour by hour, 4:00 tomorrow morning. the first band of showers coming through the region. as you will notice, 6 a.m. still looking at some damp roadways, light to moderate showers and then the wet weather starts to lift northward by 10 a.m. and then most of the day, you're just looking at a cloud sun mix. but then here comes the next band. all right. this one looks more organized on wednesday. and then we have the opportunity for perhaps some heavy, brief downpour, isolated thunderstorm wednesday evening going into late wednesday night, and then some more showers coming through here on thursday. so once again, not a washout
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every single day is not going to be raining all day long. it's going to be off and on rain throughout the next several days. so here's a view of how much rain we're expecting through thursday morning. and that's generally speaking, about a quarter of an inch in brentwood and to just over an inch in ben lomond and clear lake, everyone else in between the winds will come up along the coastline, especially tomorrow morning. 20, 30 mile an hour winds. and for the higher elevations, for the rest of you, you're not looking at strong winds or anything like that. your morning temperature is 40s and 50s. you'll need a jacket. you'll need an umbrella. and then later on in the day, make sure you not only have your umbrella if you're in the north bay, but for the rest of you, make sure you have your shades mid 60s to the low 70s. and here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast that it's a one for tomorrow. showers arrive scattered showers for wednesday off and on thursday and on friday all ones will keep in the possibility of some more showers on saturday with the same storm system and then we'll dry it out
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for sunday and monday. so really it's beneficial rain on. and dan, that we're looking at this is not downpours and causing issues that's good. >> yeah. all right. thanks andrea. >> that's the best kind, right? yes former oakland police chief laurent armstrong is staying involved with the community. he's now a volunteer coach for bishop o'dowd high school's varsity basketball team. the former chief has recently been pushing to get his job back after being fired back in february. in the meantime, he's using his free time to mentor youth, which he did when he was chief. >> community is always asking me, what am i doing now? this is what i'm doing. i'm out here volunteering, helping young people develop into young men and young student athletes. and so this is what i'm doing with my time. >> armstrong is partnering with the team's head varsity coach, lou ritchie. some of the student players say it's motivating to see the former chief giving back, seeing him here, seeing coaches like coach bannister here as well, just giving back to the community that they came from. >> i mean, it just motivates me to, of course, succeed and then
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be able to bring my successes back and bless the community even further. >> the chief also played basketball during his high school and college years. he played at mcclymonds high school in oakland, then college ball at sacramento state. >> well, the head coach behind one of oakland's most successful high school football programs is stepping down. the mcclymonds football team announced on instagram that friday's game will be michael peters final home game as head coach. according to the east bay times, peters is stepping away from football to focus on his health and spend more time with his grandchildren. peters has won four state championships since taking over the program in 2013. he says he plans to continue working as the school's outreach coordinator. we wish him well. stay with
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i was like shaking you know, . when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case o. as soon as i got a hold of my . because of jacoby and meyers, it a medical bill or things like . if i know of any accident, i'm . of the areas impacted by the summit. the legion of honor will be the site of a high level
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leader dinner on thursday. the perimeter of the park will be a vehicle security checkpoint. pedestrians will still be allowed through both sides of california street from downtown to 34th street will be a no parking towaway zone. clement street will be closed to through traffic between 34th avenue and 38th, and some free parking lots will be available with proof of residents of the area at and free muni rides. >> president biden's apec after party at the exploratorium wednesday night is turning into the hottest ticket in town. our media partners at the standard are reporting that gwen stefani will be on hand to perform for the crowd of dignitaries. the museum is currently being transformed into a dazzling evening venue for prominent members of the week long geopolitical summit. and with the hollaback girl headlining herself, the party should no doubt not be a good time for sure. yes. all right. that is it for this special edition of abc seven news. thanks for joining us. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley for
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sandyha patel. all of us here, we appreciate your time. wheel of fortune and jeopardy are next. we'll see you at 11 is it possible to be more capable? and more practical? be able to perform here. and here. make a statement while barely making a sound. and command the road, as well as what lies ahead. how we get there matters.
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from sony pictures studios, it's america's game. wheel... of... fortune! ladies and gentlemen, here are the stars of our show-- pat sajak and vanna white.


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