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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  November 14, 2023 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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solutions. this is abc7 news. >> aipac is ramping up today. president biden and vice president kamala harris arrived at sfo an hour later. china's president xi jinping also landed at sfo tomorrow, biden and xi are scheduled to sit down and meet for the first time in a year. good evening. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us with the global spotlight on san francisco because of the apec summit and with so many dignitaries, business leaders and journalists in town, some groups are just jumping at the chance to get their message out. our media partner, the san francisco standard, shared this video taken outside the saint regis hotel where china's president is staying during apec. >> it captured some people arguing. as you see, one man is carrying a chinese flag. a woman tries to grab it. she's held back by another person. and in another scene, a woman is leaning against a tree, holding a photograph and yelling. you can see all the media attention that is around her. nearby is a
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sign in english which reads in part, give me back my father. >> demonstrators clashed outside sfo as president g arrived. the crowd included hong kong nationals and supporters of tibet out there to protest china's policies and human rights record. there were also supporters of g waving chinese flags to welcome them. now this comes as another protest is getting underway at market and powell streets. >> abc seven news reporter suzanne phan is live to explain how the city is getting ready for all these rallies. suzanne dan, let me tell you, busses just started rolling in about a minute or two ago. >> i can tell you for at least 15 to 20 minutes, there were thousands of protesters there blocking market. they have since moved down market towards the embarcadero. and again, as i shared with you, the busses have started to roll again. now, all these protests are here calling for a cease fire in gaza. it's one of many protests during the week of apec on third street near townsend in san francisco.
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hundreds of chinese americans came out with flags. >> it's very patriotic for the chinese community. >> the hope to send a strong message welcoming chinese president xi jinping. >> the chinese people are very happy to see the president. xi will be here and we'll have the meeting with the president of biden. and it's a sign of the improvement of relationship between china and the us. >> demonstrators for various social causes believe apec is the perfect setting for getting their message across the economic summit brings heads of states, ceos and lots of eyes from around the world. on sunday, dozens gathered to demonstrate, starting at the embarcadero and heading toward fifth street and moscone. on monday, protesters projected this onto the side of the embarcadero, calling for a cease fire in gaza. and these performers rappelling down the side of the transamerica pyramid building, also making the same demands. so as the world watches, as president joe biden meets with top world leaders like chinese president xi jinping and canadian prime
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minister justin trudeau, city leaders say they're ready for anything. >> in san francisco, you know, we're used to dealing with a lot of protests. you know, throughout the year. we probably have at least one protest somewhere in the city every day. so our officers are really skilled at handling those, facilitating first amendment activity as the protest during apec are sure to impact people throughout the city of san francisco. but having protests in the city at the same time where we have dignitaries in the city is going to make things a little more difficult to get around. >> and police say they're ready. >> we've got all hands on deck. we have other agencies from around the state in the bay area that are helping us, namely the california highway patrol, who sent us, you know, a large number of officers last week. >> the san francisco chief of police announced that his entire department has been mobilized this is the first time in decades, which means every able bodied officer will be working and we'll be working 12 to 14 hour shifts. >> we'll have coverage at daytime and nighttime and our goal is to be prepared for
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anything and everything that may come our way. >> and tonight, protesters along market street say they're standing in support of palestine and again are calling for a cease fire tomorrow morning, climate activists will rally and then march to demand that citibank and exxonmobil stop funding fossil fuels. we're live in san francisco, suzanne phan, abc seven news. >> okay, suzanne, thank you. president biden arrived on air force one, of course, at sfo around 130 today. we brought that to you live. governor gavin newsom, first partner, jennifer siebel newsom, congressman kevin mullin and san francisco mayor, london breed greeted mr. biden on the tarmac. the president will sit down with china's president xi jinping in a highly anticipated meeting tomorrow. abc seven news spoke with mayor breed moments before the president's arrival about what she hopes can be taken away from this visit. and apec. >> we hope that some newfound relationships and also reestablishing some old relationships will help us build
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upon the economic opportunity cities that we know we all so desperately need. >> a little before president biden's arrival, vice president kamala harris arrived at sfo. >> she's plane landed just after 230 this afternoon. tomorrow he will sit down with president biden at filoli gardens in woodside. their first meeting since a conversation on the sidelines of last year's apec summit in bangkok. abc7 news anchor diane lim has a look at what tomorrow's meeting means. anchor you clutching flags representing china and the us. >> throngs of spectators lined howard street early tuesday eager awaiting chinese president xi jinping. some gathered in protest president xi's visit during apec marks the first time he and president biden meet in a tension filled year between them. >> they've got by lateral issues. they've got regional issues, they've got geopolitical issues that are sources of friction in the relationship. >> lily mcelwee of the center
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for strategic and international studies says while the talks should be considered procedural, i don't think we're going to see a lot of deliverables as they should also be seen as dialog to opening communication on many issues, including ones important to san francisco and silicon valley. >> americans care a lot about tiktok, for example. think that tiktok is just one one of a number of technology issues that may or may not be discussed on ai. however, we may see move to begin the dialog of how to set controls on the use of ai in warfare. >> miguel. he also predicts discussions over china's role in america's opioid crisis. the cdc reports more than two thirds of the 107,000 drug overdose deaths in 2022 are due mostly to fentanyl. >> there are reports that the us and china are set to announce that beijing will help cut down on the manufacturing and the export of precursor chemicals to fentanyl that often go through mexico and are then through
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those supply chains. the drug is created and imported into the united states, while other details of exactly what will be discussed are yet to be seen. >> one thing is certain of this highly orchestrated meeting of world powers is she needs to reflect to his own people that things went smoothly and that china is seen as a peer to the united states. >> an agreement on fentanyl could be a big win for president biden and the city of san francisco. >> the department of public health reports the drug is responsible for 72% of the 620 overdose deaths of 2022. in san francisco, diane lim, abc seven news and things are a lot quieter inside moscone center right now because today's meetings have all wrapped up. >> yeah, that's at least the formal meetings. there are more activities tonight. abc seven news anchor kristen sze is live in muskogee, moscone center to tell us all about what happened there today. very busy day there. kristen >> it was dan and it's finally getting quiet after all the ministerial meetings that were
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talked about and discussed. and of course here in the international media center, the reporters are starting to log off from their computers after filing their reports for publications from around the world. but definitely it was a buzz of energy. so now tonight, they go into reading mode. if you will, party mode and kind of meeting people. and that's what's happening. the bay area council is hosting a boat party for japanese officials at pier nine. and president biden himself will be at a fundraiser for his reelection with governor gavin newsom in san francisco's financial district. but yeah, you talked about what happened earlier today here at moscone. we'll show you there was important business on tap and done earlier today that included the apec business advisory council members signed that memorandum of understanding calling for expanding economic opportunities for small businesses and women owned businesses and indigenous groups. they're also asking for the 21 apec economies member economies to take decisive action on climate change. they want more regulation on emerging
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technologies like artificial intelligence. the group will discuss their recommendations with business leaders on thursday. now, later today, us secretary of state antony blinken ruffled some feathers when he talked about freedom, in this case economic freedom. blinken was talking to a group of foreign ministers when he called on pacific rim nations to show economic independence and freely choose their own trading partners. his comments were seen as a jab at china, which applies economic pressure in the region on trade and military alliances. blinken advocated for an open asia pacific community. the united states believes in that vision, a region where economies are free to choose their own path and their own partners, where problems are dealt with openly, where rules are reached transparently and applied fairly , where goods idea is, people flow lawfully and freely we'll see if president biden and
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president xi is meeting tomorrow. they'll be able to see eye to eye on that particular issue. and with regard to climate change and with regard to growing the economies or free trade and of course, lots of issues on tap there. so we'll see. meantime ambassador tai will be holding a lot more meetings with foreign ministers here at mosconi tomorrow. and the theme will be anti-corruption and the ceo summit will also begin tomorrow at they're going to address climate change resiliency and certainly inclusive growth. and all the ceos will be there. so tonight, the ceo summit opening reception is at the asian art museum. so they party tonight. but dan and ama tomorrow, they get right down to work. >> yeah, back to business. okay. thanks very much, kristen and the bay area council is hosting an apec meets california and silicon valley series on the historic klamath floating boat at pier nine in san francisco. >> officials invited world leaders to participate in interactive sessions and engage in various topic discussions. today, a panel focused on focused the conversation on hydrogen power. this week's
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themes will also include discussion on autonomous vehicles, innovation in health care and the application of artificial intelligence in biotech and life science meetings will continue every day until friday. >> metal fences were put up along the embarcadero today. it's all part of the security measures for world leaders who will gather at the exploratores tomorrow for an event hosted by president biden. a section of the embarcadero around that exploratorium will be closed tomorrow. as you can see, between broadway and battery lanes have already been affected this week to accommodate security preparations at the exploratorium. the embarcadero is expected to reopen on thursday. and starting today, one lane in each direction on the bay bridge is closed. the lanes will not reopen until friday night. also starting today, one off ramp in each direction is closed from 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. these ramps will reopen overnight, however, for westbound traffic. fifth street is closed. the fremont street and eighth street off ramps
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remain open. eastbound drivers won't be able to use the fourth street off ramp, the last san francisco exit. therefore is seventh street. apec really is affecting the bay area differently each day, which is why we have a day by day schedule on our website for you. you'll find it as part of our apec coverage at abc7. >> and climate is part of the focus of apec. a new report today by the us government warns the effects of climate change are damaging every part of the nation and it's too late to prevent many of the harms from worsening over the next decade. but more can be done to slow those impacts. as abc news reporter melissa don explains, president biden is vowing to fight climate change and pledging $6 billion in programs to do so. >> the latest climate report released by the federal government is ringing the alarm for americans. >> the authors of the fifth national climate assessment warn climate changes are making it harder to maintain safe homes and healthy families and that those challenges will worsen as temperatures rise. us president
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biden today pledging $6 billion. the white house says a lot of that funding will come from the bipartisan infrastructure law and the inflation reduction act to combat climate change. >> it shows that communities across america are taking more action than ever to reduce climate risk. it warns that more action is still badly needed. we can't be complacent. >> biden, vowing more funding from fema, the epa and projects to strengthen and modernize the electric grid, as well as grants to support drought resilience in the west. >> it anyone who willfully denies the impact of climate change is condemning the american people to a very dangerous future. >> the report also showing progress being made for instance, us emissions are going down even as the population and demand for energy goes up. >> the major economies of the world need to make the major emissions reductions. and it's not just talk, not only has the president passed the largest climate investment here in the united states, he's been able to
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bring together hundreds of nations around the world around this proposition. according to the report, many regions are experiencing multiple impacts at the same time at a much faster rate in the 1980s, it states the us had $1 billion disaster every four months, but now on average the us is experiences $1 billion weather or climate disaster. >> every three weeks. two other notable global climate reports that were released from the united nations and the 2023 climate action report. it also warned that global efforts to curb emissions are falling short. this going into a major un summit later this month melissa. don abc news, los angeles. >> well, some people in the bay area woke up to wet streets. they did indeed. >> and there is more rain in the forecast. abc7 news meteorologist sanjay patel is tracking it for you, sandy. >> that's right. >> and dan and amy, i want to show you a live picture first and then we'll talk about where the showers are right now and when our next opportunity for
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the wet weather is coming. embarcadero center, all decked out for the holidays tonight as we look at satellite radar live, doppler seven, an area of low pressure continues to spin off the coast. it sent us a wave of energy which brought us the showers earlier this morning. and we still have a few more showers up in the north bay. we have another round coming as we head towards tomorrow. so let me get you into street level radar, highway one, sea ranch. you will notice annapolis road, it is still wet as we widen the picture here. here is what came through earlier this morning and then the showers started to lift northward, just as we had expected. so here's what's coming as we head towards later on tonight. it moves out of the picture. and then tomorrow afternoon, we have those scattered showers moving into the picture again tomorrow afternoon and evening. that trend will continue through for several more days. i'll be back with a look at the apec forecast, plus your weekend coming right up, ama and dan. >> okay, sandhya, thank you very much. on strike at csu's who walked the picket line for one
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day only today and they're now saying it will take weeks, not months, for a major los angeles freeway to reopen after last weekend's fire that is suspected
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between 3 and 5 weeks to make the repairs and total demolition will not be required. so that's encouraging. that section of i-10, also known as the santa monica freeway, burned on saturday. and what's being called now an act of arson. it was terrible damage. but the good news, no one was hurt in the fire. >> there's new information on the effort to recall alameda
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county district attorney pamela price, the organization pushing for the recall, says they've gathered more than 75,000 signatures in support of the effort. they need 73,000 verify signatures. so organizers say they will continue the signature gathering effort just to be safe. they have a march 5th deadline. and today, price stood by her claim that the recall effort is illegal. the county charter did determines how recall elections are supposed to be conducted in alameda county, and it protects elected officials. >> it protects our vote. and the folks that are trying to challenge the charter, they've misused the charter. >> price's team says the recall effort violates several rules stated in the county charter, including signature collection by people brought in from other counties and states. her team also claims the recall is being funded by wealthy real estate developers and tech investors. >> all right. let's turn now to the weather forecast. some rain drops today and more on the way. >> yeah, we're racking up the
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numbers on that storm impact scale, sandhya. we are indeed exclusive to abc seven news and we're going to keep it going every single day right on through saturday. >> dan and amy, i want to show you the forecast for apec. good evening, everyone. if you are visiting here in the bay area or you are a local and you're going to apec, here's a look at the forecast for tomorrow afternoon, evening showers, 67 degrees. thursday scattered showers mid 60s and it's still an unsettled pattern for friday with temperatures was in the mid 60s. also an opportune city for some isolated thunder between on thursday night and friday on live doppler seven. you will notice that the moisture is pretty much focused right around the north bay where a lot of those showers fell earlier today from highway one to highway 128. we take you into street level radar where we are seeing some wet roadways. mountain view, road fish, rock roads. so not completely done for the night. the isolated showers will remain in the forecast for this evening
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. an area of low pressure continuing to spin off the coast, cut off from the main jet stream. there's a little wave forming on the back end of that low. that's going to continue to send us energy. that area of low pressure off the coast. and that means showers, bands of showers off and on through saturday. a lovely view from our santa cruz camera. here's a look at the 24 hour rainfall totals. venado up in sonoma county, 8000/500 of an inch, about a third at the santa rosa airport, 3/100 sfo. napa trace and concord and oakland, 100th of an inch. a lot of this falling earlier today from our golden gate bridge camera. visibility is all right. temperatures in the low to mid 60s from mountain view to san francisco, 67 in san jose and it's cooling in half. moon bay, 59 degrees along the embarcadero . all all's quiet, but we have had a little bit of a breeze. upper 50s santa rosa novato, fairfield, 64 right now in concord. and another live view from our east bay hills camera. you can see really just a beautiful view as we look across the bay. isolated showers in the north bay this evening. our next round coming in tomorrow
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afternoon, evening unsettled pattern will continue into the weekend. it's a level one on our storm impact scale. a light system for tonight and tomorrow afternoon, evening. the few showers are in the north bay, so it's mainly north bay tonight. but tomorrow, everybody is going to have an opportunity for wet weather and can't rule out a slight possibility of thunder. so the rain line shifts off the coast overnight tonight. tomorrow morning, it's still off the coast. watch what happens tomorrow afternoon. north bay begins to get light to moderate showers. that starts to spread in the evening hours. so the evening commute may be challenging. thursday morning, you're still looking at showers going into the afternoon. can't rule out thunderstorm arms and evening. friday still some more wet weather coming through here. so you see it's just an off and on wet weather pattern. rainfall estimates anywhere from about a 10th of an inch to just over an inch tomorrow morning. you start out with cloud cover, 40s, 50s, a little bit of fog, maybe tomorrow afternoon. make sure you have the umbrellas. we are looking at temperatures in the low 60s to the low 70s and here
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is your accuweather 70 forecast. it's a level one storm wednesday , thursday, friday, saturday isolated thunder chance and then we dry out for sunday through tuesday just in time for holiday travels and plans ama and dan. here we go. yes. thanks, andy. >> how's the next government shut down? been averted. what? still needs to happen to keep the federal government funded? b on friday
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inflation is slowing. the dow rocketed almost 500 points. the nasdaq jumped up 326. the s&p rose 84. the cooler than expected inflation report could mean good goods will be getting cheaper in washington, the house backed stopgap funding bill by newly elected speaker mike johnson, which could avert friday night's government shutdown. >> the bill had bipartisan support, though more democrats supported it than republicans. this bill now goes to the senate for approval. senate leaders say they will support it and promise quick action. >> leader mcconnell and i will figure out the best way to get this done quickly. neither mcconnell nor i want to shut down after the senate. >> it will go to president biden's desk. it doesn't include any supplemental aid for israel or ukraine. the bill, however,
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will keep the government funded at the same 2023 levels until the end of january. new house speaker mike johnson says the plan gives this time to the legislature to pass individual spending bills and will avoid the need to pass a massive spending bill near christmas time. >> bay area residents were among the thousands who packed washington, d.c. today. next, hear and see their messages in support of israel. >> also hear the man charged with attacking paul pelosi took the stand today. abc7 news was in the courtroom for his bizarre
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abc7 news. >> here's a look at what's happening today at apec. president biden and vice president kamala harris arrived separately at san francisco international airport. so did the president of china. the apec ministerial meeting took place tonight is the welcome reception for the ceo summit. earlier today, we spoke with the head of an apec advisory group that advocates for businesses. they want to make certain american companies don't end up on the short end of trade agreements. >> american products are still
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very much desirable all over apec for sure, but all over the world. i think there's some things which, you know, we make second to none. so that's definitely a two way street. the only way trade can happen is if it's a two way street. >> and starting today, the bay bridge is affected by apec, one lane in each direction is closed. and so as one ramp of interstate 80 in each direction near moscone center, the ceo summit will hold its first day of sessions tomorrow. >> speakers include condoleezza rice, gavin newsom, uber's ceo, as well as presidents and prime ministers from apec member economies, the sold out apec study centers consortium conference will be held at uc berkeley's institute of international studies tomorrow is the big meeting between president biden and china's president xi at filoli gardens in woodside tomorrow evening. president biden is hosting an event at the expo atrium in san francisco, part of the embarcadero will be closed to traffic as a result and we are keeping a running list of road closures on our website. our complete coverage has everything
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you need to know. you will find it all on the front page of our website. abc seven we'll turn now to the trial for the man charged with attacking paul pelosi today, the defendant himself testified, yeah, the defense called a handful of other witnesses to the stand, including the person referred to as target one on david depapes so-called hit list. >> abc seven news reporter stephanie sierra has the latest from inside the court. >> a chilling hour of testimony where david depape took the stand breaking out in tears several times as he described his beliefs about hollywood and his attempt to, quote, search for the truth. showing little remorse for the attack on paul pelosi. depape lived in hawaii for two years before moving to the bay area to work as a carpenter. he told the jury he would spend his off time sitting in the garage where he lived playing video games, watching youtube and listening to right wing podcasts. depape testified that one of those podcasts was james lindsay talked extensively about speaker emeritus nancy pelosi and a university of
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michigan professor, also known as target one on his so-called hit list. >> if there are jurors on this panel that feel empathetic to him, that believe him, all it takes is one federal criminal defense attorney adam gassner says depape did not meet the bar for a federal insanity defense, but to reach the bar to be federally insane pain, to put in an insanity defense, you have to show by a clear and convincing evidence that he does not know the conduct that he's participating in. he doesn't appreciate the gravity of it. >> depape told the jury he only remembered hitting paul pelosi once, yet the surgeon who treated mr. pelosi testified he had injuries from being hit three times, including a five centimeter laceration at the top of his head, close to a critical blood vessel. the crux of this case comes down to the facts and whether or not the evidence supports the charges. the defense spent a great deal of time today trying to paint a picture that david depape was not motivated by. speaker emérita nancy pelosi's official duties as a member of congress.
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but even the judge pointed out during pretrial discussion the evidence refute daetz that depapes target one. gayle rubin, a professor who studies anthropology and women's and gender studies, also testified said depape believed a false theory that she supports child pedophilia via the defense asked questions about her sex related papers criticized by the right wing media. we also heard from the former speaker's chief of staff who was asked about the difference between official and campaign business. the trial resumes tomorrow and we'll stand by on a possible verdict. in san francisco, stephanie sierra, abc7 news. >> tens of thousands of people gathered from across the united states to show support for israel in a march on the national mall in washington dc. the march is believed to be the largest pro-israel gathering in the us since the start of the israel-hamas war. congressional leaders from both parties joined as they work to pass emergency aid for israel. >> we are here united, democrat
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and republican house and senate, to say we stand with israel. >> while there are few issues in washington that could so easily bring together leaders of both parties and both chambers, but the survival of the state of israel in her people, you unites us together. >> tomorrow, the special envoy for hostage affairs, who is the united states top hostage negotiator, will meet with the families of american citizens kidnaped by hamas. an abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey spoke with some bay area jewish community leaders who attended the march for israel rally in washington today. >> the flag of israel was flying high in one of the largest acts of solidarity with israel as it continues its war in gaza. in response to the early october attack by hamas. tens of thousands took to washington, d.c. to call on the safe return of the hostages taken from the militant group stand against
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anti-semitism and stand with the jewish community. >> now is not the time to stay at home and be, you know, a couch activist. we all need to wake up and get involved right now because our community's future is at stake. >> jewish community relations council of the bay area ceo tyler gregory and oakland's temple beth abraham, rabbi marc blum were in d.c. they said seeing celebrities national leaders and so many others stand together against anti-semitism helped bring a much needed feeling of community. >> as a jew, i have felt very alone in the last several weeks, since october seventh. and i think israel as a nation has felt very alone. so coming to this rally today really made me feel less alone. and it certainly made my israeli cousins, friends, family feel less alone. >> berkeley's aaron cotler was also in d.c. rallying for the return of his friend hirsh goldberg. poland and other hostages taken in october. >> there are at least 240 hostages that we know of from 33 different countries and nationalities across religions and ranging in age from eight
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months to 85 years old. and i think the march today is about showing that while we as a community are concerned about hate and fear and anti-semitism, we're not scared. >> rallies and protests continue in favor of israel as well as in favor of a cease fire in gaza, like at the federal building in oakland monday night. gregory says he hopes there can be peace going forward. you can have enough room to hold space for grieving israelis and palestine. >> nians we're not asking folks to pick a side. there's enough room for all of us. hamas wants to destroy the jewish state and kill more jews. we think by removing them from the equation, we can get back to a peace process so that there can be a state of palestine next to a state of israel. >> dustin dorsey, abc7 news. >> plumbers, locksmiths and other skilled workers of the california state university system held a one day strike today. protests are taking place at san francisco state university as well as other csu campuses. both sides are currently at an impasse in contract negotiations, as the employees say they are underpaid
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compared to those who do the same work on uc campuses. >> the offers are unfair. they are actually insulting, but they are offering is what is it, 5? yeah versus you know, that we actually need. >> and those csu employees have been working without a contract since june. >> coming up next, how a team at uc berkeley is using ai to attack plastic pollution around the globe. and the solution could be just a click away. >> plus, while your holiday shopping strategy should my wife's name is joy. we've been married 45 years. i'm taking a two-year business course.
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san francisco isn't the only meeting that could have a potential impact on the pacific rim. >> members of the united nations are trying to hammer out a solution for global plastic pollution and abc7 news weather anchor spencer christian learned a team from the university of california is helping to understand the threat from plastics pollution. >> just climb aboard the research vessel kwai. we took a look recently as the crew returned from a section of the pacific ocean known as the great pacific garbage patch and that
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plastic pollution is a global problem. being tackled right now at the united nations treaty conference in nairobi, kenya. the goal is an international agreement to cut levels worldwide. >> and, you know, our folks are there on the ground. the international community is there on the ground in nairobi, literally negotiating this as we speak. >> doug mccauley is an environmental scientist with the university of california. although he's concerned with the damage to the pacific and other marine environments, he and his colleagues have launched a project aimed at cutting overall plastic pollution. at its many sources. they've created what you might think of as an environmental search engine known as the global plastic policy tool. and they're now making it available to those same world delegates negotiating the plastics treaty. >> we actually have a really exciting opportunity in the context of this u.n. plastics treaty to fix this problem, to turn off the tap of plastic pollution. >> the berkeley research team employed artificial intelligence to essentially turn complex data about global plastic pollution into one click policy choices, showing negotiators what happens
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if they cut output or increase recycling, or employ a myriad of other solutions. all translated accurately into the program. sam pottinger is a data scientist and i researcher at berkeley. >> it's not enough to just give them a report that says, okay, here's why this is such a big problem. go figure it out. we want to give them a toolbox where they can experiment with what different policies might do . >> the global plastic policy tool lets users examine almost every aspect of plastic production and use with data just a click away. ultimately, they're hoping negotiators use it to create a lasting treaty crafted to eliminate the worst plastic pollution by 2040. we're we're going all in as scientists to help him shed light on the pathway to fixing this in san francisco. spencer christian abc seven news. >> and the pollution tool was produced by a collaboration that included berkeley and the benioff ocean science lab in santa barbara. >> all right. rain is in the
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forecast for the rest of the week. see what to expect where
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best deals. well abc7 news
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reporter leslie brinkley says your strategy should be different than last year. >> what type of dress are you looking for? >> pink if you're after a really specific toy or color or size. experts say maybe by now government reports show imports of things like footwear tvs and toys are actually down so far this year with railroad operate. reuters reporting they're picking up fewer loads at ports to haul to destinations inland. >> yes, there are fewer products being delivered into the retailers, but they're already running a little bit heavy on inventory. why? because they've been running slower on sales for the fall period. >> that means there is excess inventory on many items. there is a lot of uncertainty as retailers analyze current shopping data. if the numbers are not something that they like, they're going to execute some pretty dramatic price cuts in the latter half of this month. >> retail sales as a whole is
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moderating. >> it is plateauing. >> thanksgiving is going to be the big kick start. and very late in december, consumer figures are clearly telling us that they are going to be shopping even later than normal. >> uncertainty comes from how much inflation will put a dent in budgets. >> i guess part of me thinks that it would be a little bit less this year. >> inflation definitely affects what we would do. we will spend a lot on grandchildren that are little and not much for anybody else. >> data shows consumers are still looking for experiences. what is expected to be big this year is dining out gift cards for restaurants. >> it's things that they can experience together here in walnut creek. >> i'm leslie brinkley, abc7 news. >> good tips. >> yes. time to find out when more rain is coming. yeah. meteorologist sanjay patel is here. >> sandhya yeah. ama and dan. >> it's coming tomorrow afternoon and evening. we still have an isolated shower in the north bay. but look at this cool view from our sutro tower camera. that laser beam pointed
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down market street. really cool changing colors. here's a look at basically live doppler seven and you will notice that there are some showers still showing up in the northern part of our viewing area right around ukiah. they're still seeing some highway 128. so that's just going to remain isolated until the next round comes tomorrow. it's a light level one storm that's still spinning off our coast. it'll send that next band of wet weather tomorrow afternoon, evening. so your morning will be okay tonight. you will notice that things are pretty quiet as we head into tomorrow morning. a lot of cloud cover, maybe a little bit of patchy fog. and then here comes that band of some wet weather, 230 in the afternoon, noon into 5 p.m. so the evening rush could be a little bit on the slippery side as we head into tomorrow night. those showers will still continue. your afternoon highs will be in the low 60s to low 70s. make sure you have your rain gear and be prepared for gusty winds, especially near the coast. tomorrow, we're looking at 30, 35 mile an hour winds in
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the early to middle of the afternoon and still continuing through at least five, 6:00 in the evening. that low is going to meander and then eventually get closer to the coast by friday into saturday and move on out. but it will bring a rain snow mix to the sierra. snow levels will be pretty high, around 8000ft. the accuweather 70 forecast, our next round gets here tomorrow afternoon, evening . it's a11 right through saturday day with those scattered showers isolated thunder chance and then we'll go dry for the second half of the weekend dan and ama for those of you who want the dry weather, we'll be ready for that. >> yes. thank you, sandy. >> all right. larry's here with sports and some warriors. yes this is a problem. >> this is a problem. steph curry has been carrying the dubs through the early part of this season. somebody else is going to have to do some scoring tonight b but we need an atm from our bank unless you want to spend a small fortune in fees. uh, no, thank you. banking with us means more fee-free atms than the two largest us banks combined.
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no. steph curry. steph out with a sprained right knee or he's played a back to back over the weekend and we think this is the play on which steph got hurt. you'll see his knee right there slamming down into the court is right knee not believed to be a serious injury but the timing isn't great. they did an mri and you know, hopefully it's not going to be a long lasting issue. curry's been carrying the dubs averaging over 30 points per game. chris paul will start tonight and the rookie brandon podziemski needs to get some run
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because the dubs got to have some scoring out there. spurs and thunder battle a twin tower 7 to 1. chet holmgren and seven for victor wembanyama. either you love or you hate the blue court wemby to the hoop, throwing it down right there after going behind the back. thunder up eight just before the half the pass is too low for wembanyama broken. almost every pass is too low for wembanyama we're going the other way. josh giddey to holmgren for the jam giddey you'll recall taking one pick ahead of jonathan kuminga in the 2021 draft thon and are up 16in the third quarter. nice ball movement here as giddey drops it off to holmgren again, it's all okc right now. one 2082 thunder in the fourth major league baseball owners have gathered in arlington, texas for meetings and according to a report from the athletic, the owners plan to vote on a's relocation to las vegas this thursday. a's fans, their response? they have unleashed their air fleet, flying a plane over the meetings with the message a's belong in oakland. vote no. but the expectation is the owners will vote yes if for
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no other reason than to just keep this deal alive. recent retired a's closer trevor may disappointed and frustrated and, you know, not the smoothest thing in the whole world. >> i don't think it comes down to it. there's just so many. like even from a business standpoint, it's hard to even make the case that it's a it's a easy homer. it's not really a one of those like, we would be stupid not to move situations which those do exist. and they have in the past. this isn't one of them. so that's what's making it really interesting. i think. uh- yeah, even from that standpoint, i don't really, you know, understand the urgency. uh- so it'll be interesting to see what the other, the other owners think. but it, you know, if the past has been any indication of how they they operate, i wouldn't hold your breath about them being the last bastion of resistance. >> a new giants manager bob melvin filling out his coaching staff among the more popular additions will be third base
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coach matt williams, who worked under beaumelle in san diego. williams, of course, spent ten years a great giant slugger, played third base, went on to manage and coached with melvin in oakland in 2018 and 19. not only am i excited and don't know , this might be like my sixth or seventh team with matt, so we have some history together, but but you know the giant flavor of the fan favorite when he played here, he's always considered himself a giant. >> but this was this was an easy one. so it's just it's great to be on another team with him. and i don't know that, you know, that there are better coaches out there than matt williams. >> every giants fan will be happy to see matt williams coaching third base. it's kind of a throwback to the past. great. also, my sources tell me that a's owner john fisher actually met and talked with a's fans in arlington who were there to try to sway and a cordial conversation. he still wants to move. but i mean but but it was
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cordial. nothing changed. no, nothing changed at all. but but cordial. well, that's so that's that's a step in the right direction. >> that is at least a step in the right direction. let's hope that this staff entry is not too bad. it didn't look too bad. >> i don't think it's going to be that serious. but you got okc coming in for back to back games later this week and so and they're a really good team. the thunder, you saw the highlights, they're playing well so they need steph curry ice. >> ice. >> ice, ice, ice baby. yes. >> thanks very much, larry. all right. >> coming up tonight on abc seven at eight, you can catch dancing with the stars at 10:00. watch press your luck and do stay with us for abc seven news at 11. remember the abc seven news is streaming 24 over seven. get the abc seven bay area app and join us whenever you want wherever you are. that is it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for joining us. >> i'm ama daetz. and i'm dan ashley for sandyha patel. larry biel. all of us here, we appreciate your time. hope you have a great evening and that we see you again for abc seven news at 11.
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a law student from long beach, california... and an orthopedic physician assistant originally from queens, new york... and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!," ken jennings. [cheering and applause] thank you, folks. thank you, johnny gilbert. and welcome back to "jeopardy!" we are now three games into this round of our "champions wild card competition." and so far, every one of the quarterfinals has been a nail-biter. close games, big scores. i hope it continues toy. nick, brandon, emily, welcome back to the alex trebek stage. good luck to all three of you champions. here we go into the jeopardy round. you'll be working with these categories... we start by going back to... then we have... then... and finally... nick, where do you want to start? let's go with ancient times for $200.


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