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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  November 16, 2023 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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>> and i'm ama daetz. we begin with a protest that blocked traffic from getting into san francisco for hours this morning. >> protesters blocked the westbound lanes just after 730. this was right, right during the morning commute. abc seven news reporter luz pena is live with the latest on the protests and the arrests made today. >> louis. >> that's right, emma. this has been one of the most disruptive actions associated with apec. so far. this week, protesters began taking over the bay bridge at 7:30 a.m. and it took chp officers several hours to clear the way. protesters shut down the san francisco, oakland bay bridge, stopping their cars westbound. and around 7:30 a.m. and blocking traffic while chaining their arms together and hanging banners are read. stop genocide. >> we need joe biden to know that he has probably the most power in this situation to stop this genocide of people in palestine and to say that no more us funds are going to go to israel. >> around 20 protesters laid on
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the bridge covering their bodies with white sheets and pretending to be dead to make sure that we both put world leaders like president biden on notice, but also made sure that the public really knew what was happening. dozens of chp officers in riot gear arrested 81 protesters and towed at least 15 cars that were part of the protest. >> but what these protesters have done, again, is unacceptable. it took hours for chp officers to reopen the bay bridge. >> they said many of the activists ended up throwing their car keys into the bay. >> you can protest that. you have your first amendment rights. don't do it here on the bridge. don't impact people's lives in emergency vehicles, people needing to get to the hospitals, work in schools. they're going to go to jail. >> we have so much empathy and compassion because we know it was a huge inconvenience. but times like these and moments like these call for us to be inconvenient, balanced. >> this driver said he missed his flight. >> sympathy and a little bit
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off, kind of a combination. i understand their plight and certainly admire it, but wish i'd gone further. >> one of those arrested was a mom that was stuck in traffic, headed into san francisco for work. so i told my kids, i called and i was like, hey, there's this protest. >> and they're like, mama did history? go film it? so i got out of my car and started filming in it, and i saw the police being very pushy with the protesters. >> pedro said she was arrested after shooting video of chp officers pushing protesters. >> he said, you got to move out of the way. and i couldn't. there was a car behind me and said, hold on. and he grabbed me and arrested me. >> protesters were cited with two misdemeanors, failure to disperse and unlawful assembly. i also asked the protesters we spoke to today if they're planning more actions like the ones that we saw today on the bay bridge. they said we will have to wait and see in san francisco, luz pena, abc seven news. >> all right, louis, thank you. and something else you don't think about also stuck in that back up at least three transplant organs that were heading to ucsf medical center where you want your organ to
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work. >> well, when you put it in. and the longer the organ is preserved in between the donor and the recipient, the slower the organ wakes up. so this impacts the early organ function after transplant, the longer it's preserved. >> ucsf doctor garrett roll also says at least one surgery was canceled this morning because the patient was stuck on the bridge roll. expects other surgeries to be impacted throughout the day. >> now, we've seen this kind of protest before. back in 1991, some 6000 persian gulf war protesters blocked the eastbound lanes and hundreds were arrested. then in 2016, a protest labeled as a day of action to commemorate martin luther king junior's birthday shut down all lanes of the span for an hour and a half. and in 2020, a black lives matter protest blocked the westbound lanes for more than two hours. >> a guilty verdict for the man charged with the attack on paul pelosi. >> david depape could face up to 50 years in prison. abc7 news reporter stephanie sierra has been inside the courtroom each day. joining us now with the latest. steph >> yes, larry and david depape
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found guilty on both federal charges of assault and attempted kidnaping. showing no emotion in that courtroom as he learned his fate. the man charged with the attack on paul pelosi found guilty on all counts. us attorney ismaeel ramsey says this verdict sends a strong message to the country. >> in america, one is free to believe whatever they want and to engage in passioned political debate. with this guilty verdict on all counts sends a clear message that regardless of what your beliefs are, what you cannot do is physically attack a member of congress or their immediate family for their performance in their job. >> moments after the guilty verdict came down, speaker emerita nancy pelosi released this statement saying, quote, speaker pelosi and her family are deeply grateful for the outpouring of prayers and warm wishes for mr. pelosi from so many across the country during this difficult time. the pelosi family is very proud of their
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pop who demonstrated extraordinary composure and courage on the night of the attack. a year ago. and in the courtroom this week. thankfully, mr. pelosi continues to make progress in his recovery. president biden was briefed on the verdict by abc news. mr. president, the pelosi attacker was found guilty. >> your reaction? >> sharing a thumbs up as he walked off stage during an apec event. >> we look forward to the sentencing phase of this. >> litigation departs. federal sentencing may be postponed depending on what happens in the state case. san francisco district attorney brooke jenkins released the following statement saying, we will confer with the federal prosecutors and with the victim in this case as we determine what our next steps in the state case will be. mr. depape is facing a different set of charges in our case, including attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse and false imprisonment. we are confident in our case and are prepared to move forward to trial. depape has been transported to the san
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francisco county jail, where he will be held until a sentencing hearing scheduled for early december. we're live at the federal courthouse. stephanie sierra, abc seven news. all right, stephanie, thank you. >> now we go to abc7 news anchor kristen sze. she's at moscone center in san francisco covering the apec summit where vice president kamala harris is. and kristen, it was a big day there today. >> it was a big day. but before we get down to business, can i just share something fun with you? of course. i'm from the bay area, so i didn't think a whole lot of the cable car here. but look at this at the international media center, it is the big draw, the star attraction in all the international journalists are loving. it cannot stop taking pictures on the cable car and ringing that cable car bell. so there is definitely some charm to the city by the bay and its iconic symbol of the cable cars. so i just wanted to share that with you as something fun. but yeah, it's been all business and a packed day today for sure, both here where the world leaders are meeting and over
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across the street at the ceo summit at both president biden was front and center giving speeches as leader of the host country, president biden led off the first meeting of the leaders of the 21 apec member economies. it was a roundtable. the us set the focus of the meeting. of course it was climate change. biden called it an existential threat to humanity. he then called on apec leaders to do a mea culpa. the president said that apec members account for half of the world's global trade , but at the same time, they're to blame for a lot of the pollution that is causing global warming. we're responsible for the largest share of global emissions, so we must also bear responsibility for the solutions. >> while we still have time to change course, biden asked apec members to take stronger action. >> he also called on the group to make good on the paris agreement to invest $100 billion in fighting climate change. now there is a little bit of tension going on in the background, and
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mexico's president said publicly he did not want to appear in that family photo if peru's president was there. mexico's andrés manuel lopez obrador and other latin american countries do not consider peru's dina baluarte a legitimate president. she's next to president biden in pink there. lopez obrador is in the second row. you can barely see his head on the upper right in the photo, baluarte took over after peru's congress impeached the elected president last year. they say that group photo is always a little awkward. so this year pretty much the same. all right. just getting underway soon. vice president kamala harris will be hosting a discussion with the apec business advisory council, all she's expected to announce in fact, she has made the announcement of a $900 billion investor that the us is making to increase women's participation in clean energy and environmental conservation. and earlier today i had an exclusive local news interview with one of the key players at the summit that is the us trade representative. ambassador
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ambassador katherine tai. she has been chairing the daily meetings with the foreign ministers, of course, so a very busy woman and we discussed what she thinks are the biggest accomplishments coming out of the summit. >> i think that our most significant contributions to our apec host year in terms of trade are the convening of the indigenous peoples. our indigenous community leaders coming together for of the apec economies actually invited leaders, our tribal leaders, indigenous community leaders to come and have a conversation with the entire set of apec trade ministers about about what it is like their history, where their challenges are and the connectivity between our indigenous peoples. so that is a first for an apec convening and apec trade ministerial. i am hoping that peru will take this up next year and help to make it a regular part of apec.
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>> i think folks have heard about this week the san francisco principle is first of all, we love it when our cities name is in something that's becoming international policy. but what are the san francisco principles? i know it's still being hammered out. what is it that you're trying to accomplish? >> certainly. so these principles are negotiated. they're meant to memorialize those principles that make it clear that the apec economies are committed to each other in promote voting, inclusivity and sustainability as parts of our trade and investment policy bodies. and so at this moment, when there's so much that is changing around us, heightened geopolitical tensions as fragile supply chains that need to be fixed uh- climate change, all of these aspects. we know that inclusivity and sustainability are keys to our ability to have a prosperous economy. and so i remain optimistic that our negotiated, who have been working very, very hard for the past few days, will still be
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able to achieve consensus. >> finally, i've got to ask you, you are arguably the most prominent person after vice president kamala harris, who's of asian-american descent, working in the biden administration, and to be able to represent the administration and the us at apec with all these asian leaders here. how do you feel about that? oh i feel tremendously proud. >> i feel tremendously proud of being an american. and in my title, i am the us trade representative and to be able to sit at that table and to convene and host these meetings and to let people know that with my asian heritage, that i am the person who has been appointed to be here to speak on behalf of the entire us economy and the united states is a tremendous honor and privilege. pride in her voice. >> and of course in the aapi community. there's a lot of pride in ambassador thai as well. so after all the hard work today is done, it's time to
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socialize and cement all the goodwill that's been created. right. so, you know, the spouses and the leaders and their spouses will be at the legion of honor tonight, a very fancy affair. and for the working media, there is a reception at city hall. so i hear there's a shuttle to take us there. and i hear there's a great swag bag. so larry and anna, guess what? i'm going tonight to enjoy. >> enjoy. fantastic. >> what's in that swag bag? >> yeah, we'll see. maybe tomorrow. fantastic coverage all week long. >> it's thank you guys. thank you, guys. >> all right kristen, thank you so much. and abc seven news is your station when it comes to everything apec 2023. we are posting continual coverage on our website and streaming apps. download the abc bay area app wherever you stream coming up on abc seven news at four a apec fashion the styles through the years and what participan might wear for tomorrow's so-called family photo major league baseball team owners. >> they vote in favor of moving the a's to las vegas. we'll tell you what that means. and cruz is pulling the plug on its
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autonomous cars. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. i'm tracking the next round of showers and thunderstorms. i'll let you know if the wet weather will continue for the weekend. coming up when abc seven news at
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move to las vegas on our own. casey pratt has been following this story for what seems like years now. dressed in your customary funeral attire. we're talking about the a's and oakland. >> yeah, well, you know, sometimes we have to break out the black attire when these these somber notes hit. but, you know, i feel like i have to keep cautioning people. yes. this is another big step for the a's towards las vegas. but there's still a lot of road left to travel. and we're talking desert roads. riddle with pitfalls. major league baseball's owners unanimously approved the a's move to las vegas today. they also waived the relocation fee. but what they didn't do was present any actual information about the financials of the move or show anyone, even a rendering of what this ballpark is supposed to look like. so for now, the only thing we do know for sure is that the a's will be playing in oakland through 2024. after that, who knows? >> i have no issue with the city of oakland or the mayor. you know, we tried very hard to make a deal in oakland. we did that
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out of respect for the fans in oakland. >> the outcome of the vote is extremely disappointing, not only as the leader of the city of oakland, but i know that it's going to be hard for the fans as well too. and so but we all know that there is a long way before shovels are in the ground and that there are a number of unresolved issues surrounding this move. >> i understand there's an incredibly difficult day for oakland fans. and i just want to say, we gave every effort out and did everything we could to try and find a solution. there and it was only in the last couple of years that we began to turn our attention to another market, that being las vegas. >> now, you may be surprised to hear i actually agree with john fisher. this is a really rough day for a's fans, but i don't agree with the sentiment that they did everything they could do. they wasted years on fremont , years on san jose, years. suing mlb over antitrust exemptions. they didn't even focus on oakland until 2018. larry nama. so did they really do everything they could or did
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they pull the plug too fast? well you could also point out that in all of those locations, they fail to ever get a shovel in the ground. >> so who knows what will happen in las vegas. but so now we have this weird situation where the team has a lease that runs through next year and there's already talks about possible fan boycotts on opening day and who knows how it unfolds from there. but what leverage, if any, does the city of oakland have in this situation right now? yeah, well, the thing we heard there, nobody knows where they're going to play. >> so at this point in time, if they want to extend this lease past next season, the city of oakland is going to say, okay, then maybe we keep the team name and colors or okay, maybe that means you have to give us expansion. otherwise why would they ever extend this lease? >> well, the a's could end up playing at oracle park if the giants want to go for that. that. yeah, there's a lot of pendulum swinging back and forth in terms of leverage here. that's possible. yeah, lots of chips still to fall here. >> a lot to figure out. but for now, not great news for a's fans in their hopes to keep the a's in oakland. all right.
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>> thank you, casey. i know you'll be on top of it. >> yeah. and vegas is trying to become a sports powerhouse. this weekend. the city is hosting its first formula one race. drivers will hit speeds topping 200mph, weaving past resorts like the venetian and caesars palace. you can watch the race saturday night at 10:00 on espn. >> for what it's worth, the ticket prices and the hotels and everything have plummeted because they they were trying to charge premium dollars for this event and vague as citizens have vegas citizens have not have not really bought into that. so just be advised if you if you're planning a move there anytime soon. all right. >> okay. let's check on our weather. a little break from the rain today. >> it looks like we got a little sunshine behind us. sandy, any more of that coming our way? >> yes. so we do have some more wet weather in the forecast. larry and ama. but we did get a little breather today as ama mentioned. good afternoon to all of you. let's take a look at live doppler seven at and we'll talk about where the wet weather is very isolated right now, as you will notice, heading into
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fremont, union city. hey word area. so we are seeing some of that wet weather that shower activity moving towards pleasanton in the next hour. now in the north bay, occidental bohemian highway, jenner cazadero highway, some light showers just enough to require the windshield wipers area of low pressure has been sitting off the coast. that storm is finally going to start making its move as we head towards the weekend. but until then, out ahead of it, we are seeing lightning strikes. so thunderstorms are a possibility for tonight. and also right on through saturday. here's a live view from our golden gate bridge camera. and we're seeing a little peek of sun through the clouds right now. it's in the mid to upper 60s from san francisco to oakland, san jose, 67 degrees. palo alto, you're at 63 and it is pretty cloudy from our sfo camera. but no issues weather wise. otherwise mid 60s novato santa rosa, it is 68in napa and 67 in concord. a lovely view from san francisco. you can see salesforce tower there.
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light to moderate showers, possible thunder tonight. periods of wet weather through saturday. and we're looking at a dry pattern and warmer weather next week on our abc7 news storm impact scale. this is a light level one for the afternoon through tonight. we're looking at showers briefly heavy at times slippery roadways. certainly that possibility of some thunder. so 5:00 tonight we'll be seeing some activity. 730 we are expecting light to moderate showers to move through and then a quiet period tomorrow morning. can't rule out an isolated shower or two, but really it's the evening when activity picks up again. we're looking at unsettled weather really through the night and going into saturday. that last round coming through in the morning there will be downpours. can't rule out that thunderstorm activity going into most of your saturday. so i would plan on indoor activities saturday or carry an umbrella an outdoor on sunday rainfall estimates through saturday will range anywhere from about a quarter of an inch to just over an inch in the mountains. thunderstorm
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probability, yeah, it's still in the forecast even tomorrow as we look at your morning temperatures, 40s, 50s, cloud cover heavy tomorrow afternoon, we're looking at scattered showers, temperatures in the 60s and the 70s. the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a one tomorrow. saturday day and then we dry out as we head towards the next week time period right in time for the holiday. we're going to go with warmer weather. thanksgiving is looking really nice right now. so ama and larry, the kind of weather we want just in time for the holiday. >> that's perfect. thank you, sandhya. all right. >> coming up, alameda county district attorney pamela price is battle to try to stay in office. her new campaign coming up. >> and later, from a hotel to a home, the
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alameda county district attorney pamela price is fighting back against a recall effort to kick her out of office. the campaign is called protect the win. >> abc7 news reporter anser hassan learned about that strategy during a one on one interview with price. >> recall price recall price for months there have been efforts to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price. >> now she's fighting back the effort to what they call a recall is really an attack on our democracy. >> and that is so important. people voted. as i said, it's
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been a year ago. people voted for me for change, for a new direction. and so it's bigger than me. >> price is launching protect the win a campaign to push back against what she calls false narratives by election deniers. >> it's about people who don't want to see the criminal justice system reformed and don't want to see change. and unfortunately, they were able to get outside money to fund that. and it's part of a national attack on progressive prosecutors and fortunately, it has come to alameda county. >> price points to major initiatives that she's launched just this first year in office, such as hiring more than 120 new staff, including attorneys and victim advocates, expanding the felony trial team, increasing mental health services and addiction recovery through the court systems and $4 million in funding to fight organized retail theft. >> i hope that we will be able to engage people in a real dialog now a continue doing
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education campaign about what the role of the district attorney is, what i can and cannot do, what i hope to be able to do and what we are actually doing. >> leading the recall effort is a coalition of community groups who say they already have the 73,000 signatures necessary to get the recall vote on next year's ballot, although those signatures still need to be verified, they claim price's philosophy as a prosecutor makes her soft on crime when she says restorative justice, she forgets the victims. >> and the goal of diversion program i-team's are for dismissal. she considers home detention, incarceration. so that's why we have an increase in crime. >> i'm not lenient on crime. the fact is, the tough on crime rhetoric and the policies of the past have failed us. >> price was elected on a campaign for reform to out racial and economic disparities in the criminal justice system and prioritize rehabilitation over excessive punishment all which takes time.
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>> alameda county is not for sale, and we've proven that over and over again. and now we have to prove it again in alameda county. >> anser hassan abc7 news. >> well, get ready for more traffic trouble tonight in san francisco. the big event at the legion of honor. what you need to know before you hit the road this evening and looking ahead to another highly anticipated day at apec. >> the family photo taken wearing local attire. what they will or will not be wearing, the possibilities of but some can stop you in your tracks.
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progress. president biden today at the aipac conference. >> the president's speech, though, just one part of today's activities. >> tonight, there's another big celebration, this time at the legion of honor. >> abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn joining us live now with the preview. suzanne so tonight, we're here at the legion of honor behind me, you can see a lot of officers. >> you can see a lot of metal barricades and to my right here, you can see that the tent is up today. there were so many preparations underway. we should remind you that the no parking signs don't take those lightly. we saw quite a few cars towed away today. and tonight we expect to see a bunch of motorcades, another motorcade catches the attention of onlookers, including romsey, baha'i. baha'i owns pine and jones market on nob hill because of all the escorts for dignitaries, there are no parking signs on pine street and california street. >> we're on pine. it's a two way zone. they did it for only today because i feel like the president might leave through here. >> the no parking signs are in
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preparation for the big apec event at the legion of honor. people who live in the outer richmond district say you've got to take those signs seriously. >> they had a line of tow trucks and they absolutely. anyone still parked here after 8 a.m. got towed. we saw at least two from this block here because of the legion of honor event. >> clement street is closed between 33rd and 42nd avenues. liz tells lives in the area. she doesn't mind, but some of her friends do. the va hospital up the street. >> i definitely know a lot of folks that work at the hospital tend to park here on this area, especially because we have so much parking on this block specifically in front of the park. so i think it's hard for them. >> extra barricades are up more uniformed personnel have arrived. law enforcement and secret service officers now have the area around the legion of honor secured. >> i think it's interesting. >> it's exciting. this isn't an everyday occurrence, but at the same time, it'd be nice to know when things are coming through, when folks are leaving and to have a little bit more awareness of what's going on. my kids up
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at washington are really excited to see the motorcade and stuff come by. >> they're all talking about it. they're planning on being out there to watch and tonight you can see the big black busses here. >> these are the busses that could be shuttling in a lot of our dignitaries to the event here at the legion of honor. so many people tell me they are excited to see san francisco on the world stage. that's the latest live here. i'm suzanne von, back to you. >> all right, suzanne, thank you. now to what some consider to be an awkward tradition that everyone is anticipating to some degree at aipac on the last day of the conference, these leaders take a group photo and it's what they wear that captures everyone's attention. yeah. abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez explains. >> as most every nation has a traditional outfit that reflects that country's unique culture. and so every year to wrap up the apec summit on the last day of the conference, world leaders wear a piece of clothing that represents the country hosting the event. then a group picture is taken. yes, that's former president trump in vietnam in
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2017. and there's then-president clinton wearing the traditional shirt from indonesia. and later in the philippines. in 1996, former president bush posing for apec 2001 in china. then wearing a chilean poncho in 2004. and the following year in korea. and who can forget then-president obama smiling next to the chinese president in traditional chinese clothing? so now for the host country, the us, the city nation is a bit of a conundrum because, well, what is america's traditional outfit? the garb of i don't really have like the best perspective on the country. >> so i'm going to say like a burning american flag or the warriors. >> that's a good choice, too, you know, because the warriors are winning. so the warriors got to know everybody's after them. >> a t shirt and a hoodie and, you know, good sneakers. >> i don't know if i care. >> tough crowd. so we stopped by the clothing store buffalo exchange in san francisco's
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eclectic haight-ashbury neighborhood to get some ideas and maybe put together a traditional all american outfit. wow wow. this cowboy hat says a miracle, except that i can't see the president of china wearing one of these. can you maybe see a black leather motorcycle jacket? yeah, that's usa for you . definitely blue jeans. i mean, the gold rush. levi strauss, am i right? but then i think about the summer of love, freedom of expression and freedom to be who you want to be. that's what defines america. yeah, but would they wear it? disappointed but not discouraged. i head over to the forever fashionable lola of san francisco in noe valley. lola? oh, i need your help. >> how can i help? so let's see here what we got. oh that's going to be good. >> lola herrera. i immediately knew what we needed and went to
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work. and finally, fashion meets culture. this is illuminating. you look amazing. do you think they'll like it? >> i think they'll love it. >> wow. well okay, but i don't know. i got to check with somebody and run it by them on zoom. okay, great. >> so stand by. let's do it. >> hi, are you there? can you see me? well, what do you think, mr. president? hey. okay we've got it. that's it. america's outfit for apec 2023 in san francisco. so love it or leave it. leon melendez, abc seven news. >> love it. >> leon's fantastic and she's wearing that tonight. so all epic events. all right. coming up, some big changes coming to cruz and dwayne the rock johnson inspiring a limited edition dessert that we will actually try in studio. so t
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, claiming they presented an unsafe, reasonable risk to the public. that came days after a pedestrian was hit by a human driven car, then pinned underneath and dragged by a cruise. seems like there are a lot of bugs that still need to get worked out. i don't know. i think maybe this is a good idea. michael, what do you think? >> you know, consumer watchdog doesn't believe in this technology at all. they say it takes a human behind the wheel because what do you do if somebody walks directly in front of the car, but then over here is two little kids and they say you need a human to make those decisions. so i don't know if we're ever going to get this right. honestly and i know i'm one of the few who believe that. >> i think it's so complicated because the processing speed that these vehicles have to operate at, i mean, trying to predict what a human is going to do, it's almost impossible. and it's the tech is just not ready for where we need it to be. all right. forget about taylor swift, her boyfriend, travis kelce. he's dropped a new single for the holidays. you were
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handsome. >> you were pretty. >> you're the king of south philly. i built my dreams around you. >> it's a duet with his brother jason, the kelce brothers are just fantastic. this song is part of a philly special christmas special philly special by the way, is one of the plays they ran in the super bowl a few years ago. an album released from the eagles to raise money for our charity. it's incredible . i like sandy. you're probably not the biggest nfl fan. i'm just saying. i'm just i'm just i'm making a guess on that. travis kelce is just being discovered by so many people because he is with taylor swift. >> of course. and it's kind of cool that it's, you know, a different kind of music that he's actually putting together as opposed to what taylor does. i mean, it's just a little fun thing for the holidays. >> amazing for a good cause, right? yeah. >> but had you guys even heard of travis kelce before taylor swift paired up with no. right. michael >> no. i mean, is he going to be
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okay if she plays football? that's a good question. >> i think his greater concern should be if he shows up in some lyrics. yeah. down the road that's yeah, that may be coming. hazardous >> speaking of music, snoop dogg , well, he claims he's giving up smoking. the rapper took to instagram to let the world know he's going to drop it like it's hot. he's a notorious cannabis advocate and once claimed he smoked 81 joints a day. now, during an interview earlier this year, snoop said he was cutting down on lighting up because he became a grandfather. my question is, okay, lighting up, what about other forms of cannabis? is this everything wrong? >> oh, so you think he's vaping or he's taking edibles or something? i don't know anybody. >> sandhya, you know, i mean, maybe becoming a grandfather. >> this is an eye opening experience from him for him. and maybe this is a start. ama yeah, you know, maybe it's not every
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thing, but this is a start. >> what i find more interesting about snoop is just that. michael he's maintained his popularity for decades. when you think he'd be aging out for a certain group in the population, but he's as popular as ever. he's on so many commercials. >> i shows you how smart this guy is. i mean, he's truly i mean, he's really amazing. and i do notice how he's leaving himself. loopholes. he didn't say i'm done with cannabis use. he never said that. >> right. see, that's the consumer guy always looking for the loopholes. >> all right. now to a new offering from salt and straw. yes. the popular ice cream maker has launched its first ice cream cake. the two limited edition cakes are inspired by dwayne the rock johnson. they're named nadia. nadia is. each cake has seven layers. it includes cake, ice cream and mixins. the mixins and fixings. >> we love it. so joining us today is salt and straw founder and head ice cream maker, tyler malek. thank you so much, tyler,
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for talking with us today. >> thank you. >> all right. so we have samples of both cakes. a lot of layers. tell us what's in them. >> yeah, so they're all hand layered. it's beautiful. this each cake is 20 servings, which is totally right along the lines of the rock. right so it's just a massive, delicious behemoth. the first you've got is naughty. it's got like a little bit of a whiskey. caramel ice cream. this beautiful chocolate cake, a peanut butter cookie dough. and then peanut butter crumble on top. and then the second is nice. so this is based off of his cheat meal that he always posts on instagram, which is just a it's a coconut pancake ice cream with banana fosters and marionberry jam and candied ganache. so we have fun with this pienta is the rocks alter ego. he puts this out there, this kind of non denominational force for the holidays that's focused on in a little bit of nice charity and a little bit of naughty tequila drinking. >> i was going to say i know he
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loves his tequila because he has his own brand teremana. >> and i was i didn't i don't taste any tequila in here. i'm going to keep trying, though. >> he's going to dig deep. >> you'll find it. >> how limited are these like, can people get them at any salt and straw location? >> yeah. would they literally drop tomorrow morning at 11 a.m. in our shops and we sold them. >> we put them up online, we made a few put them up on the line online and they sold out in three hours. wow so we're really excited kind of bring this to the city, you know, and now make sure that, you know, our local superfans have an opportunity to get their hands on it. >> i don't know if i'm naughty or nice. they're both so good. >> they're both like the audience knows what you are. >> but anyway, you know, i'm supposed to ask questions, but i just want to eat. what else are you working on for the holidays? take your time. by the way, i think this is such a cool collaboration. >> you know, the rock partnered with us about five years ago at salt and straw and he's just like, he's an amazing partner for our company and investor. honestly so he we've been
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working with him on ways to create new flavors. the ways to tell stories and really unique ways, which is what we're, you know, really famous for at salt and straw. so in this case, you know, bringing something new to the world, a brand new ice cream cake is pretty it's a bit of a behemoth. we get ready for our new flavors on the friday after thanksgiving. so black friday, we have our most famous menu of the year is our holiday menu. so it's all based off of kind of nostalgic flavors that one one of those flavors, one of the five flavors next friday is very tequila heavy. so i think we might we might hit the spot there for you. >> this guy, i don't know why people are pointing at me, but, you know, you got to get the rock to record something for your phone or your website. >> can you smell what the rock is cooking to? >> just put a picture in front of my face? >> yeah, well, that will work too. awesome. >> what does it take to be head ice cream maker? that's a cool job. >> yeah. yeah it's the best.
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>> yeah. you know, we make about 100 different ice creams every year, so i've made almost 1500 ice creams in my career. >> wow. >> and it's a it's a feat. you know, it's amazing thing. we've got i've got a team of about 150 pastry chefs underneath me just constantly creating and testing and working. you know, creating amazing ice cream. so you saw some of the videos of us hand layering. there's a lot of tedious that work that goes into all of our ice cream making and it makes for, i think, a really magic experience pays off. >> this is magical. tyler, thanks so much for joining us. go to salt and straw and get the rock favorites. thanks so much. the fourth. we'll be right. i'm sorry, was i? >> well, no, no. we'll be stinging, 5-times-a-day,...
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reporter dustin dorsey looks at the transformation from old hotel into a new apartment community. >> he struggles on the streets for the unhoused are often debilitating. that's what makes safe, stable housing so important for so many, including jocelyn arenas. >> if i hadn't been accepted into a housing program with my son at the age of 16, i honestly don't know where i would be now. today i probably and i'm being so honest, i don't think i would be here. >> and she's not alone. according to the bill wilson center, california is home to 32% of the nation's homeless. unaccompanied youth, and san jose has the highest per capita rate of youth homelessness in
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the country. we have nearly 85 homeless youth. >> that's youth between ages 18 and 24 years old. for every 100,000 residents in san jose, we must do better with the sound of construction in the background. >> san jose and santa clara county take a step towards better downtown san jose's pavilion inn is being transformed from a hotel to 43 units of permanent affordable housing for youth. it's jamboree housing's first 100% dedicated housing project for people aged 18 to 25, experiencing homelessness or coming out of foster care. we hope that this will be a springboard for our our new incoming residents to move on that it will be a place for them to feel safe, safe, secure, a place where they're valued, a place where they can be themselves. something that's a challenge for people struggling with housing security at this age, after success in a similar program, arenas is now a housing activist. she believes this new project will lead to similar successes for future
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youth residents. >> i just know that this this property, it's going to be life changing, this incredible project behind us. >> this is how i cultivate hope that we can have a brighter future than we have today and that we can end up in a place where there are no youth and young adults experiencing homelessness. in santa clara county, the project is set to open in summer 2024. >> in san jose. dustin dorsey, abc7 news. >> that is awesome. it is fantastic. all right, we are inching toward the weekend wash out, not wash out. >> no, no, no. half half sandy. all right. that's right. >> it's going to be half and half. so if you like the rain, saturday is your day. ama and larry, if you don't, sunday is your day. so live doppler seven, showing you some some showers have developed up around the north bay. you will notice around jenner fort ross road, we are seeing some scattered showers. it's a light level one system. we're going to continue to see waves of showers coming through here tonight. next round comes in here tomorrow, mainly
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in the evening hours. there's still a possibility of thunderstorms and this pattern will repeat one more day on saturday. so your high temperatures tomorrow, 6070s, keep the umbrellas handy. you will notice it's a level one through saturday and then sunday , we will dry out. the skies will open up. it's going to be brighter and warmer air heading into next week. ama >> all right. thank you, sandra. the world of frozen opened today at disney, hong kong and disney ceo bob iger. bob iger was there . >> i think the best thing here is you visit and you actually can meet olaf and anna and elsa and all the gang from frozen. of course, there are attractions, but there's also great restaurants. i think the thing that is great about it is you actually feel like you're in the place that the movie took place in, and it just gives you this power, full sense of story that i think people have grown to love over the last decade. >> that's going to be awesome and wait for it. iger also said frozen three and four movies are in the works. >> all right. halloween may be
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over. still some thrills and chills to be found out there. harold you went to the mine. >> you took him out of the case and i want back now. >> look at this season finale of goosebumps. coming up next there is nothing like it dancing is my passion. but with my moderate-to-severe eczema, it hasn't always been easy. i was constantly itching. whatever i was doing now, i'm staying ahead of my eczema there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and dupixent works on the inside, to help heal your skin from within. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. so, adults can have long lasting, clearer skin and fast itch relief serious allergic reactions can occur, that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pains,
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it's scary. first season. >> what are you talking about? you know, i don't. >> i don't know. >> harold, you went to the mine. you took him out of the case, and i went back now. i kept having these reminders of what a responsibility we had to deliver and to make these stories as good as they could be. and so i think we all felt that responsibility. >> their aim was to deliver a modern adaptation of the beloved r.l. stine books star justin long, who plays one man with two distinct personalities, is already setting his sights on a possible season two. >> i hope there's more possession involved because it was fun to jump back and forth, but i don't know. i don't know what the second season would bring, but before we can even think about that, there's still some unfinished business. >> i knew the second i got home that something was wrong. things
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do not look good. >> when we left off. and so i have to try to remedy that. and i scrambled to try to do that. but yeah, it is. it's a really intense, tense, epic dark ending. and i'm right, i'm the i'm the reason for it. >> check out the season finale friday night on hulu and on disney plus. george pennacchio, abc7 news. justin seems so sweet and docile until he goes nuts and goes goosebumps. >> that's it for abc7 news at four on larry viel abc7 news at five is next
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but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd
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