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tv   ABC7 News 800AM  ABC  November 18, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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over in san francisco, leaders say they are happy with the turnout, the benefits they expect for the bay area as local business owners are feeling the opposite. good morning to you. it is saturday, november 18th. i'm gloria rodriguez. happy saturday to you. and of course,
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we're going to get to that story. but first, we're going to get a check of your weather with meteorologist lisa argen and lisa. you know, when i got up this morning, went outside, it was raining really heavily. it was windy as well. are we still seeing that right now? >> we're not. you know, we've been talking about this for about eight days. this area of low pressure that has been offshore and finally moved onshore very early this morning, bringing the very heavy rain, some thunderstorms around santa cruz. and right now, we are looking at some scattered showers. live doppler seven taking you in closer to the south bay from gilroy to watsonville. looking at some steadier showers. morgan hill and on the peninsula, more is offshore. but san mateo to 80 down through pescadero. some wet weather up in the north bay. more rain developing from glen ellen down 116 through sonoma. sears point highway 37 and back towards la bonita, san rafael 101. some wet weather and the east bay right now getting a break. but boy, you had some heavy rain earlier. we're going to keep with this level one system today with a scattered
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rain, showers, breezy south winds anywhere from a couple of hundreds to 2/10 of rain expected through the evening hours. and as we look at our current numbers, it's mild due to the southerly winds, upper 50s to near 60. what a cool shot there right from san jose where numbers are mild. the winds are going to take us through the afternoon soon and we'll be looking at a drier overnight forecast. so we'll talk about how much rain we've received and a look at the busy holiday week, which includes more sunshine than rain. gloria >> sunshine is always good to hear. thank you so much, lisa. and as lisa continues to monitor those wet conditions outside, you can keep track of the forecast with the same tools. it's all on our app or right here, wherever you are streaming us right now after months of planning and a hectic week, the apex summit is official, fully over. and now the question is how did san francisco do? and will we see the benefits promised by city leaders? abc7 news reporter tim johns talked to leaders about that.
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>> it was a parade of planes at sfo friday as world leaders left san francisco following the apec summit. >> i think it went very well. we couldn't have expected much better in terms of how it turned out. >> for months, city leaders have been planning the international gathering, the biggest event the bay area has hosted in decades. they say by successfully pulling this off our region is set to benefit for years to come with everything from new job opportunities to enhanced economic growth. i think what happens in the region in terms of opening markets and reducing trade frictions and facilitating investment is extremely important to our economy and its future. that spirit of working together for the benefit of everyone involved was a key theme of this year's summit and something that was on display multiple times throughout the week. on friday, the prime minister of japan toured stanford and took time to have meetings with the ceos of several local tech companies. at an afternoon press conference attended by abc7 news, he
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highlighted the continued partnership between his home country and the bay area. >> the japan is the largest foreign direct investor investing country in california and is a vital partner in terms of trade. >> earlier in the day president biden had a sit down with the president of mexico. there they discussed how to stop the fentanyl crisis that's hammered cities across the country, including san francisco. >> this is a matter of humanism. it's an act of solidarity. we are sincerely committed to continue to assist at our fullest capacity city to prevent drug trafficking, local leaders say hosting apec is another way to push back against the doom loop narrative, reinforcing to our international guests that our region remains the hub for innovation and creativity the world over. >> hopefully, these visitors will take that impression home and want to come back. >> tim johns, abc seven news.
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san francisco mayor london breed has said her office expects apec to boost the local economy by about $50 billion next year. >> the summit will be in peru. the apec summit was expected to bring more than 20,000 visitors and generate $53 billion for the local economy. that's according to san francisco travel. many small businesses south of market around moscone center, though, say apec hurt them more than it helped the city. security fencing, concrete barriers and uniformed officers apparel kept customers away. >> we thought maybe going to help us, but took the business from us getting our business down like over like 60 or to 80. it's cost us tens of thousands compared with this time last year. >> it's over an 80% loss in revenue. >> in response, supervisor matt dorsey says he is committed to
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advocating for small businesses long term success and sustainability. 8-80, a daly city nonprofit, is scrambling to organize relief to those impacted by the devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake in the philippines. the filipino bayanihan center is asking anyone in the us to donate to help families there. the nonprofit says many of them lost their homes in the disaster. the quake knocked out cell service and internet, so they are not able to reach their loved ones. >> i tried to call them all the time, but i cannot reach them anymore. so it's really sad because they are all my second family. they really you know, they're very close to me. >> the president of the philippine scenes and other country leaders have been in san francisco for apec. the ambassador to the us says they are still gathering new information and they do not know the death toll at the moment in the north bay. a new ad campaign is raising awareness about the dangers of fentanyl in marin
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county. signs and fliers are up and they're asking the question, hey marin, where's the fentanyl? the answer is everywhere. a free marin, one of the nonprofit arts involved, says it's designed to break the myth that fentanyl is not a problem. >> we're just really strongly trying to reduce the stigma around addiction and around some substance use disorders, because if we don't do that, we really can't tackle this. if parents are like that would never be my kid. >> and we are seeing progress in the world this week on the issue. president joe biden met with mexican president andres manuel lopez obrador, who pledged to stop ingredients used in fentanyl from passing into the us as chinese president xi jinping promised to go after the companies making the chemicals that produce the deadly drug. com cast is the latest company to join major advertisers pulling their advertisements from x. this comes as lionsgate disney, apple and ibm all pulled
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their ads because of hate speech and anti-semitic rhetoric. shared on the platform. and that includes elon musk. just days ago, musk responded to a post about an anti semitic concept known as the great replacement theory. it called it, quote, the actual truth. and experts say they expect more companies to follow suit and pull their ads. this morning, a big shakeup in the artificial intelligence industry. sam altman, who co-founded openai, was fired by the san francisco company openai . ai is behind the widely popular chat bot chat. gpt another co-founder, greg brockman, announced on social media that he was quitting. the move followed the announcement that altman was ousted for being, quote, not consistently candid in his communications. he took part in thursday's apec ceo summit. abc7 news is committed to building a better bay area and this morning we have an update on a story we first brought to you months ago. last night marked the conclusion of a
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long journey from serving time to getting a second chance as a small business owner. abc7 news reporter lauren martinez was in san jose talking to people whose lives changed for the better. >> it feels amazing. it's really mind blowing. it's still kind of surreal. i'm not scared to fail. i'm not scared of no. my fearlessness and my relentlessness is what brought me here. >> 14 formerly incarcerated individuals are starting a new chapter as small business owners. >> photobomber started getting so many gigs that i had to quit my job and now i'm doing this full time. >> it's all thanks to the company ieso ventures and santa clara county. for the first time, they partnered to provide a 20 week long incubate program. this year they help people with criminal records develop and fund their business. >> is this is a community that's left behind and it's a community that's hungry. and the resilience and the perseverance, i think, is so much overlooked. you give them an opportunity and see just see what they can do. >> friday night was the first
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ever reentry entrepreneurship summit. participants shared their stories, gave their elevator pitch or brought their business. you book and i took melissa contreras, started her catering company out of her home. she reflected on how hard finding a job after incarceration was safeway, costco, even dollar tree. >> nobody would hire me because i was a high risk parolee. >> in april, her company, taco mas, was valued at zero. now she's made nearly $150,000 in revenue. >> for the first time in my life, i'm able. i'm able to afford a vacation for the first time in my life. if my car breaks down, i'm able to fix it without worrying. >> like many of her fellow cohorts, contreras credits the training and mentorship the reentry business program provided. >> because when someone like me comes out here, we don't. if we don't have someone helping us or leading us in the right direction, we end up back doing the same things that we were doing over the next two years. >> ieso will be incubating and
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investing in 40 entrepreneurs looking to restart their life. the mission is to build a more equitable entrepreneur community. i'm very happy because i persevered in san jose, lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> that is so inspiring. >> well, now let's get a check of your forecast with elisa. good morning, lisa. >> good morning to you, gloria. over a half inch of rain here in santa cruz. a couple of hundreds more to go. it is 59 degrees breezy south winds. we have some gusty winds to come tonight. the passage of the cold front and a dry sunday. but what about the week ahead? stay tuned. i have the answers next. >> thank you, lisa. and also ahead from decor to ice rinks, the holiday season is here and the annual traditions making their way back into the bay area. plus what sfo officials want travelers to know. and crab season delayed again. the earliest it could return this year.
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explosion. elon musk's space x held a second chance to prove that he can create a rocket capable of deep space travel. the spacecraft got further than the first flight attempt, but it lifted off the pad. it separated successfully, completing the first stage of the launch. but during the second stage, engineers begin to lose data from the rocket, and that means they didn't know where it was and they were forced to detonate it. crab season is being delayed by the state again because of migrating whales off the coast in the northern part of california. recreational crabbing is on hold also because of poor meat quality. the earliest that the season could begin is now the middle of december, where it is the fifth consecutive year that crab season is being delayed because of migrating whales. officials are worried that whales could get caught in the fishing lines this morning. thanksgiving is
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approaching quickly. the rain may put a damper on some plans this week, but it is not stopping some people from getting into the holiday spirit. abc7 news reporter tara campbell has everything holiday related, including some potential new pets. >> well, we went to costco and we got our turkey from turkey trimmings to tree lightings. >> the bay area is getting into the holiday spirit in downtown san jose. friday the final touches were being put on an outdoor ice rink. >> just get ready to have fun and go ice skating. you know, it's a great experience for the whole family. >> the rink will be surrounded by christmas in the park displays and winter wonderland and amusement rides and will be open until mid-january. >> we have a grand opening on monday and so today is just kind of a soft opening and let people experience it. and then monday we'll have a grand celebration. >> and in downtown san francisco, people are already taking to the ice at union square. >> i love downtown. i love the holidays. and i think it's really sweet that we're here and
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we're just going to go ice skating. it just brings me like a lot of nostalgia and like just we like my family has a lot of traditions and so like, especially around this time of year and if you're planning on flying this thanksgiving. >> officials at san francisco international airport say they're expecting numbers to near pre-pandemic levels for people that have been traveling at sfo, the last few years, they're going to come back to a busier airport than they've seen for a while. >> and that means getting to the airport early is as important as ever. we always recommend allowing extra time getting here about two hours prior to your domestic departure, three hours if you're flying international. >> meanwhile, back at union square, friday marked the start of holiday windows today through december 31st. >> we're partnering with macy's for our 37th year of showcasing beautiful adoptable animals here in the window. >> and you can come by and check out these puppies and kittens thursday through sunday until the end of the year. >> it's just a great tradition
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that we have where people can come down and celebrate christmas, support local businesses like macy's and come home with a lifelong partner. >> tara campbell, abc seven news. >> well, marin county has lifted its burn permit suspension, but there are some guidelines you still will have to follow. marin county fire is allowing people with a burn permit to safely burn only dry natural vegetative material. people who want to burn must first confirm a spare. the air alert is not issued for that day. burning on windy days is not allowed and burn piles should be no higher than four feet. a ten foot wide ring of dirt should be made around that pile and more lake tahoe resorts are opening up. so you can hit the slopes for the first time this season. definitely not ideal conditions right now, but hey, get yourself out here. >> it's a great time. we got the vibes going. oh, the stoke is at an all time high, right now. first day can't beat it. you can't beat it.
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>> they are very excited there. well, boreal mountain resort reopened after a bit of a delay and the resort has more than 15 snow guns. so they could build a thick enough base north star and heavenly both announced a delayed start to their ski season. it's a very, very chilly out there. and this one here in the bay area. we are waking up to some rain today, but lisa, it looks like we have a little bit of a break in the rain right now. right? >> right. that low pressure moved overhead with the thunderstorms early this morning. you and i were driving in it and we had an urban small stream flood advisory for the south bay, the peninsula, where the rain really added up over a half inch of rain over a third of an inch in the south bay. that rain shadow not really materializing. we did see some decent rain in san jose. there's a look at the past several hours where the thunderstorms arms really took aim on monterey, santa cruz through parts of the santa clara valley and then into i-5 there. but we still have the wet weather developing live
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doppler seven picking up on saint helena yountville near napa. some light showers and back towards the coast, bolinas lagunitas, highway one, novato marin wood and a bit of a break out there towards the east bay. but the peninsula, a smattering of rain showers from five 8-80 san mateo, woodside and more to come as we look at the east bay. you can see right around hayward, the hills there some wet weather and then over into livermore. we have been picking up a little bit of rain, but certainly not as much as we saw in the north bay overnight. and the south bay. a bit of a break here. highway 17, it was really coming down hard. morgan hill and gilroy, some wet weather right now. and as we look outside, it is foggy. it is gray and breezy. rainfall amounts over two inches in novato, 2.192.20 in kentfield, napa 0.90. you can see the camera shaking sfo over an inch with just shy of a third in concord and 0.67 in orinda. so as we look outside, you can see how
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gray it is. 58. san francisco, 60 in oakland, 62 in san jose. speaking of san jose, a gorgeous shot here. those breezy southerly winds keeping it mild. and we're going to see a wind shift in those gusty winds out of the north northeast tonight. but as for right now, we're still on the mild, muggy side of the system. 60 in napa, as well as concord. and that's why we're going to see more showers develop. looking pretty gray out there through sfo. so rain showers continue today, sunny and breezy for your sunday. more sun and warmer days for next week, including the holidays. so our by our you'll notice this gel's pretty good with our current radar with the rain returning in the north bay and then as we get towards the afternoon and you can see the showers continue to develop for the east bay. the south bay and then right in through 3:00, it's scattered showers taking you into the six, 7:00 hour into the east bay, 580 and the south bay, even the peninsula are picking up some more rain. so anywhere from just trace amounts to
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another 10th of an inch is expected, perhaps even a third of an inch. if you're in one of those areas with a heavy downpour. our winter weather advisory, 4:00 today through 4:00 on sunday, 1 to 4in. temperatures were in the 30s with rain in the sierra nevada, 1 to 4in at 6500ft. here comes the sun, the mild temperatures monday, tuesday, upper 60s to mid 60s into wednesday. and then looking at mid 60s today, maybe a peak of sun, but still the scattered showers. our level one system continues in the accuweather seven day forecast a slight chance of a thunderstorm, but overall it's the scattered showers and we're behind the system tomorrow it's sunny, dry and then as we go into the next several days, we don't have any rain chances. in fact, the warmest day looking like thanksgiving with a high near 70. so really some good rainfall totals overnight. this is the system we talked about eight, nine days out. finally it's moved through. >> yeah, and it looks like thanksgiving, as you mentioned, is going to be beautiful. so
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that'll be nice for people who are enjoying the holiday with their family and friends. yeah. >> and everything is getting pretty green out there. it's nice. >> gorgeous. well, thank you so much, lisa.
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rece davis and kirk herbstreit preview week 12 matchups from the game day set in harrisonburg, virginia. champaign and chips are one in spots in title games. >> decided this time of year and on abc. we'll start with that opportunity in the acc for louisville. jeff brown's first year beat miami. they go to the acc championship game. yeah, i mean, it's louisville story. it seems like it's a bit on the back burner for some people, but it's been tremendous. jeff brohm, former quarterback, was on to coach and have a great career and he comes back and has become a great story. he's going to go up against a team in
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miami. it's just a hard team to figure out. tyler van dike has not had a great year. he's coming back to quarterback this week. they're going to have to find a way to put points on the board to stay with louisville. they're 330 eastern time. the battle for the victory bell. ucla and usc and no announcement. but we'd be disingenuous if we didn't acknowledge that. could be caleb williams last game in college. speaking of acknowledging this crowd is fired up. that's what you're hearing in the background. you're right. you know, usc, ucla for older guys like reese and i it's a uniform game we just love it. i mean, we'd love to see both these teams undefeated, but there's an a rivalry game. there's still everything at stake for those teams. prime time, the game, your call in washington and oregon state at washington just kind of dealing with this gantlet of the pac 12, oregon state is another physical challenge. jonathan smith does such a good job with this program. this is not oregon state's trying to upset washington, who's undefeated. they're favored. so big expectations and they can also win out and get in the pac 12 title game in the last season in
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the pac 12 as we know it. >> all right. thank you for that preview. and turning now to a heartwarming story that first captured the attention of san francisco about a decade ago this week marked a very special anniversary for the make-a-wish organization. abc7 news anchor ama daetz brings us back to that moment and caught up with the now teenager known as batkid. >> recognize this teenager? what if we take you back ten years? we begin this morning's broadcast with breaking news from san francisco's hall of justice. ah, i bet you know the name now. batkid, aka miles scott. it has been ten years since his wish transformed san francisco. >> i'm doing amazing. i would love to just say like, yeah, i'm fine now. >> 15 years old, miles plays football and baseball and helps on his family farm in siskiyou county. he's come a long way since battling leukemia as a child.
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>> i feel normal, but every time i think about it, it's like, wow, that actually happened. that was four years of my life. >> miles was just five years old when make-a-wish, greater bay area granted him his wish to be batman. that's it. you got football out, batman never really, like, fades away. >> he's always coming back. he doesn't have all the super powers or any super powers, but he's still going out there and saving people. that's what i like about him. he gives people hope without any superpowers, it sure felt like the city of san francisco had super powers on that wish day, as crowds cheered miles on as he fought crime across the city. i do remember one part in that whole day going to that burger shop and looking down in the window, and they're all dancing with signs and stuff . i'm standing there by batman. why are they dancing? they're
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dancing for you, miles wish come true and granting wishes is what make-a-wish does for so many children facing a critical illness that bruce and hope you have the wish you know, you're you're done. you can't stop you anymore. >> that was ama daetz reporting. and we're glad to say miles is cancer free. he tells abc7 news he's looking toward his future and he either wants to be a welder or a hunting guide. well, next on abc seven mornings we could see record setting numbers at the airports this holiday season when the most travelers are expected to pass through tsa next week.
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what you need to know ahead of the thanksgiving holiday. good morning to you. i'm gloria rodriguez. we'll have more on that in just a moment. but first, we start this half hour with a look at your weather. a lot of you probably woke up to rain this morning like we did. is that going to continue today? >> well, you know, if we could divide up the bay area, the north bay and the south bay did the best, it could have been a level two there. but the east bay, the peninsula, the steady rain and our level one continues for everyone for the rest of the day. so, yes, it was coming down hard with an urban and small stream flood advisory for parts of the south bay with thunderstorms and now we are getting behind the system, but we are looking at some scattered rain from gilroy through corralitos and then the peninsula smattering of rain from two 8-80, san mateo, monterey to highway one up in the north bay. yountville and napa looking at more rain out west. word from novato to 101. sears point and a heavier cell east of bolinas. there moving into marin county. so the east bay showers from hayward to 38
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over towards dublin 580 level one system scattered showers breezy winds a couple of hundredths to 2/10 today. expect objected like this shot here isn't it pretty from the oakland airport. it is very wet out there upper 50s to low 60s. a beautiful view in san jose. you picked up a third of an inch in the south bay 60 in napa. breezy winds in the upper elevations. the south winds with us throughout the day today. then they'll switch around to gusty north winds. but the afternoon looking at the showers sticking around and all around the bay. we'll talk about a drier holiday week ahead and talk rain totals in a few minutes. there, you could hear the water on the roads and you could see a tree limb that snapped earlier this morning. >> it fell over a parked car witnessed us say that parts of the tree were blocking leavenworth street near the intersection of bush street. san francisco police were at the intersection helping direct
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traffic. the rain hitting san francisco streets is making for dangerous roadway conditions. so be careful out there on the roads. this morning. thanksgiving is a few days away. experts predict this travel season will break record traffic will pick up next week as the storm is set to move across the country. abc news reporter johny fernandez tells us how the storm could impact airports and roads. >> a major storm is moving across the country as millions of americans hit the road and head to the airport for thanksgiving. abc's rob marciano with what to expect when traveling. watch how quickly this rain stretches across the ohio river valley and into the northeast. >> tuesday night, wednesday, thanksgiving day for millions across the north will feel more like winter than november. >> still, many travelers are hoping for smooth sailing this holiday season and hopefully all the flights stay on time. >> and we don't get weather right. tsa expecting to screen 30 million passengers between
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now and november 27th. >> a 9% jump from last year, tuesday and wednesday will be the busiest days for air travel before thanksgiving. with over 2.5 million passengers likely to be screened each day. but the peak is the sunday after with nearly 3 million passengers expected to be screened, according to the tsa. >> so we have a clear message for our travelers. it's plan ahead. >> airlines insist that they are prepared hiring tens of thousands of new employees to help manage the crowd. meanwhile on the roads, nearly 50 million americans are expected to get behind the wheel. the busiest day to travel will be wednesday, but leaving in the morning or after 6 p.m. will help you avoid the worst traffic. johnny fernandez, abc news, new york. >> and here in the bay area, some good news for drivers. gas prices continue to drop. they're lower than a year ago in san francisco. gas now averages 5.18 per gallon in oakland, it's 504. the least expensive gas is in
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san jose. it's under $5 per gallon. they're at 4.95. developing news, the education department is investigating rising reports of anti-semitism and islam phobia on multiple college campuses. as abc news reporter melissa don tells us, the reports of discrimination have increased since the start of the israel-hamas war. >> reports of anti-semitism and islamophobia now under investigation by the department of education at six colleges and universities and a k through 12 public school district in kansas . as the department is looking at five cases of anti-semitic harassment and two involving anti-muslim harassment. this follows several reports across the country from anti-semitic graffiti found on the law school of columbia university. >> i do not feel safe to cornell. >> were a student was arrested for making death threats against jewish people. at cooper union
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in new york. jewish students huddling in the library as pro-palestinian protests ears banged on the windows and doors. and the university of pennsylvania chancellor criticized for her response to what students say is growing divisiveness on campus amid hateful threats. the school said it would be cooperating fully with the investigation. >> her lack of acknowledgment for palestinian and arab students on campus has been pretty disappointing. us secretary of education miguel cardona telling abc news. >> with complaints about islamophobia and anti semitism on the rise there will be more investigations. >> so that's the ultimate goal. safe learning environments for students and learning environments that protect students civil rights, says cardona, says schools could lose federal funding if they refuse to create safe learning environments. >> the education department will look into whether the schools failed to shield their students from hate speech and threats, which are not protected by the
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first amendment. melissa. don abc news, los angeles. >> in the east bay law enforcement across the state are looking into alleged bomb threats to multiple schools on friday and that includes schools right here in the bay area. those threats were emailed from someone who claimed to be linked to a russian terrorist group which, quote, planted multiple explosives that would detonate the schools that got the emails were allegedly targeted for supporting ukraine in saint theresa's private school in oakland was one of those schools . officers had to search the campus on friday. no explosive sieves were found. the threat comes the same week that oakland unified school district warned parents of a kidnaping phone call scam. happening today, the oakland police department is joining the saint paul social justice ministry in an attempt to get more guns off the streets . the guns to gardens event takes surrendered firearms. it repurposes them into gardening tools. anyone who turns in a
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firearm can get a gift card of up to $300. the event will be at mt. zion missionary baptist church from 12:00 pm until 4:00 pm and still ahead on abc seven mornings, the second most expensive county to buy a home across the nation, which bay area region is taking that title ? i'll tell you. and let's get a live look outside this morning. this is our roof camera here in san francisco. it looks like we're getting a little break in the rain right now. it looks beautiful out there this morning at this moment. but there was a lot of rain earlier. we'll check in with lisa and see if we'll see more rain throughout the day. stay with us.
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you make it rain that body. you flu shot that body. and now, you spikevax that body... because even though the pandemic is over, covid-19 isn't. spikevax by moderna is a vaccine to help protect you against covid-19. you shouldn't get spikevax if you've had an allergic reaction to spikevax or its ingredients. rare cases of inflammation of the heart muscle and outer lining have been reported. the most common side effects are injection site pain, redness and swelling, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, and fever. make vaccination against covid-19 a part of your health routine. spikevax that body... ...with spikevax by moderna. ♪ the nation to buy a home from the county's ranking, secured the bay area as the most expensive place to live in the
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us for the eighth consecutive year. us data shows santa clara county has 16 out of the top 100. most expensive zip codes in the country. that includes los altos, saratoga, palo alto and los gatos. all cities have a median sale price of more than $3 million in the south bay. a new project is underway to help homeless youth find a home. abc7 news reporter dustin dorsey looks at the transformation from an old hotel into a new apartment community struggles on the streets for the unhoused are often debilitate. >> that's what makes safe stable housing so important for so many, including jocelyn arenas. >> if i hadn't been accepted into a housing program with my son at the age of 16, i honestly don't know where i would be now. today i probably and i'm being so honest, i don't think i would be here. >> and she's not alone. according to the bill wilson center, california is home to 32% of the nation's homeless. unaccompanied youth in san jose
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has the highest per capita rate of youth homelessness in the country. we have nearly 85 homeless youth. >> that's youth between ages 18 and 24 years old. for every 100,000 residents in san jose, we must do better with the sound of construction in the background of san jose and santa clara county. >> take a step towards better downtown san jose's pavilion inn is being transformed from a hotel to 43 units of permanent affordable housing for youth. it's jamboree housing's first 100% dedicated housing project for people aged 18 to 25, experiencing homelessness or coming out of foster care. >> we hope that this will be a springboard for our for our new incoming residents to move on, that it will be a place for them to feel safe, secure to a place where they're valued, a place where they can be themselves, something that's a challenge for people struggling with housing security at this age. >> after success in a similar program, arenas is now a housing active list. she believes this
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new project will lead to similar successes for future youth residents. >> i just know that this this property, it's going to be life changing, this incredible project behind us. >> this this is how i cultivate hope that we can have a brighter future than we have today and that we can end up in a place where there are no youth and young adults experiencing homelessness. in santa clara county, the project is set to open in summer 2024, in san jose. >> dustin dorsey, abc7 news. >> well, we have been tracking the rain all morning long. let's check in with lisa and see how it's looking so far. lisa, is it letting up? >> it is. we have on and off rain showers with our level one system today. here's a look at santa cruz, 59 degrees and cal in santa cruz county, just inland from capitola point six three. this morning. so some heavy rain in the south bay and the north bay. we'll talk about lighter rain for the afternoon. it's going to be a wet one,
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though, and a big difference for sunday. my forecast is coming up. >> all right. thank you, lisa. and also next, who gets the ax? it's the end of an era between cal and stanford, abc7 sports director larry viel previews the big game coming up
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changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. there may be other side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, received chest radiation, or have a nervous system problem. keytruda is an immunotherapy and is also being studied in hundreds of clinical trials, exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it's tru. keytruda from merck. see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at, and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. formula one's las vegas grand
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prix. it is the first f1 race to ever be held in sin city. drivers will hit speeds topping 200mph for. and we have a live look right now at the vegas spire. racers will weave past the venetian in caesars palace and the bellagio. ferrari's charles leclerc took pole position in a practice session last night. the race starts at 10:00 pm tonight and you can watch it on espn. happening today at the cow palace, the great dickens christmas fair opens for the holiday season. the fair runs saturdays and sundays starting this weekend through december 17th. active military members can get free admission for the first two weekends. tickets can only be bought online. they will not be sold at the door and you can get more information on their website. that's dickens, fairfax . com. and of course, we're getting you ready for thanksgiving week. and lisa, i have to ask before we get to the forecast, are you going to be cooking this week? i'll help you help. i'll be i think i would do the same. yeah. yeah good plan.
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all right. we've got some pretty good downpours up in nevada in the north bay highway one. >> right here by the marin humane society, looking at some very wet weather further to the north. and it is soggy from parts of saint helena and sonoma. but look at the peninsula there from daly city to san mateo, some light showers moving on over to hayward and union city. it is still a wet morning out there. not as heavy as it's been, but in the south bay around pescadero still looking at that level. one system to last throughout the afternoon, mid 60s out there. then gusty winds tonight, a dry and sunny sunday and getting warmer, keeping with that sunny theme all week long and thanksgiving looks to be the mildest near 70 inland. wow. >> but for today, keep the umbrella handy for sure. it is soggy out there. well thank you so much, lisa. thank you for joining us. i'm gloria rodriguez, along with lisa argen, college football is next and abc7 news continues at 5 p.m.
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in san francisco, live in the south bay in san jose in concord. >> live in oakland. yes. you're watching abc seven news live anytime anywhere. we are. we are . we are. we are. we are. >> we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app join us and and i love overcoming challenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world.
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when it comes to your health, you do you. you ping and pong that body. you plunge that body. you green that body. you brain power that body. you practice... and practice that body. you make it rain that body. you flu shot that body. and now, you spikevax that body... because even though the pandemic is over, covid-19 isn't. spikevax by moderna is a vaccine to help protect you against covid-19. you shouldn't get spikevax if you've had an allergic reaction to spikevax or its ingredients. rare cases of inflammation of the heart muscle and outer lining have been reported. the most common side effects are injection site pain, redness and swelling, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, and fever. make vaccination against covid-19 a part of your health routine. spikevax that body... ...with spikevax by moderna. ♪
9:00 am
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