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tv   ABC7 News 900PM  ABC  November 20, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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expect a bump after thanksgiving and another bump that continues after the december holidays. certainly wear a mask in the
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airport, especially if you're going long distances. >> covid concerns on the rise as people gear up for holiday travel. just days before thanksgiving. good evening. and thank you for joining us for this special edition of abc7 news at 9:00. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley. you can now get more free covid tests delivered right to your house. the government is offering another round of test kits ahead of the expected winter surge. you can get as many as eight tests if you do not receive any. in september when the last batch was handed out to order, those just go to covid tests. dot gov and it will be good to have those tests handy as public health officials warn of an uptick in covid cases this holiday season. abc7 news reporter stephanie sierra is tracking what we can expect as the busy travel week gets underway. as you jet off to your thanksgiving destination this week, don't forget this. >> i would certainly wear a mask in the airport, especially if you're going long distances. >> mask up as covid cases go up. >> so we unfortunately will
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expect a bump after thanksgiving and another bump that continues us after the december holidays and then another one after new year's. >> ucsf infectious disease experts dr. peter chin-hong and dr. george rutherford explain while bay area covid hospitalizations remain low, there's a looming threat for a tripledemic covid flu and rsv. i think cases will definitely more than double for influenza because we're just at the beginning of our influenza season for rsv. >> hopefully we won't increase too much more and we can start coming down, although it's still relatively early with rsv. >> plus, concern over the country's most dominant and infectious variant yet, hsv one. the cdc says unvaccinated travelers should be on alert. >> it's very transmissible. so the things that you might have used or strategies before to escape infection may not work quite as well anymore. >> at sfo, masks are optional but recommended as the airport is forecasting 6.3 million
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passengers to travel through from thanksgiving to new year's. that's 87% of pre-pandemic traffic, a surge that's impacting parking. >> and we're concerned that we might reach capacity over the thanksgiving holiday. so think about some alternate ways of getting to the airport. >> meanwhile, at the oakland airport, non-reserved parking is already limited. >> we project over 360,000 passengers will pass through the airport between the last friday and monday, the 27th. that's 85% of pre-pandemic traffic. >> the next busiest days for both airports will be this wednesday and next friday. to add to that, this wednesday alone, sfo is expecting 144,000 people to come through. so another reminder to get to your flight early, two hours early for a domestic flight and three hours early is recommended for an international flight in the newsroom. stephanie sierra, abc news. and there are already some
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cancellations and delays at airports across the country. >> according to the website flightaware, more than 2000 flights are delayed. another 50 are canceled, mainly because of weather. some of the biggest airports in connecting hubs are dealing with delays. o'hare airport in chicago and hartsfield in atlanta are each dealing with more than 100 delays right now, 50 flights are on hold at lax in los angeles. >> and the tsa is expecting to screen 30 million people, which is the highest number of thanksgiving air travelers since 2005. reporter jen sullivan explains the faa's plan to ease travel woes for airline passengers. if you're flying this thanksgiving, expect packed airports. >> the skies will be extremely busy this thanksgiving. >> the tsa predicts more than 2.5 million passengers will fly each day with the most travelers on sunday in those long lines could be met with a shortage of staff, particularly a lack of air traffic controllers. >> the shortage is a big problem. >> the faa estimates air traffic
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control across the country is understaffed by 3000 positions, and it's due to a variety of issues. >> controllers are retiring when they reach age 50 or mandatory retirement at age 56. >> another hurdle is how long it takes to train air traffic controllers. >> it is a very, very rigorous process. >> so the faa is teaming up with colleges that offer specialized programs in this field. >> this will allow successful graduates to move quickly, directly into on the job training at facilities. >> and while that may not help curb delays right away, it will help fill those positions over time. but don't worry, the faa, tsa, are taking immediate steps to prevent snags in the skies this week, like temporarily expanding flight routes by allowing commercial airlines to fly in zones typically reserved for the military. if your flight does get delayed, remember, you do have rights as a passenger. >> if your flight gets canceled or significantly delayed for any reason. i want the traveling public to know that you are
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entitled to a full cash refund. and if you choose to, to take that refund rather than a rebooking. >> i'm jenn sullivan reporting. >> back here in the bay area, san francisco mayor london breed says the city's retail theft blitz strategy is working and will be expanded as we enter the holiday shopping season. according to the mayor's office, police have arrested more than 300 people since stepping up operation last year. the theft blitz includes putting officers inside stores and using those bait cars and plainclothes officers to target auto burglaries. san francisco received a $17 million state grant to combat organized retail theft in september. >> we're getting new details tonight after someone was shot by police in vallejo today. the vallejo police department says just before noon they got into a chase with an alleged robbery suspect leading here. tennessee street and sonoma boulevard. police say the suspect took off running after crashing into another car. that's when vallejo police claim an officer fired at least one shot, hitting the suspect. vallejo. police tell us
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the suspect is expected to be okay. police also say they found a handgun at the scene. the solano county major crimes task force is now taking over this case. >> today, a san mateo county jury convicted the hayward man who decapitated the mother of his young daughter with a samurai sword. abc seven news reporter lauren martinez was at the courthouse and joins us live with the details. lauren >> yeah, it was an emotional day for karina castro's family who are now looking after the victim's young children. it took the jury less than a full day to find 34 year old rafa solano guilty of first degree murder. prosecutors described the killing of 27 year old karina castro as brutal. they say solano repeatedly struck castro in the neck on a san carlos street in september of last year as a crowd of people looked on in horror. castro's father praised prosecutors today, saying he's relieved by the
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verdict, but not as much as he'd like to be. >> while i'm glad he's going to be in prison for as long as humanly possible, my daughter is still gone. i don't find a lot of satisfy action out of this. but i will take whatever i can get. solano told abc seven news i-team reporter dan noyes that he killed castro in self-defense, claiming castro threatened him over social media . >> his attorney says solano is a paranoid schizophrenic, which intensified his response to the threat. now solano faces a prison term of 26 years to life center. singh will be scheduled after a jury delivers verdicts on some aggravating factors in this case. live in the south bay, lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> lauren, thank you. >> police identified 18 year old rf mohammed as the victim who
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was involved in a fatal hit and run on highway 13 in oakland. it happened near joaquin miller road and lincoln avenue just before 11:00 last night. mohammed was the passenger in a zip car that crashed into another car. he and the driver stepped out of the vehicle. that's when another car came and struck mohammed, where he later died. investigators say the car that hit him fled before the chp arrived. and they're now searching for the people in that car. >> some bold car thieves made off with about $100,000 of inventory in hayward. the robbery happened last night at city motors. used car lot. burglars broke into the business and forced open a lock box and took all the vehicle keys. the thieves then helped themselves to three cars, driving one of them? yep, directly through the glass showroom doors. the dealership says after the police arrived, took a report and left. the thieves returned to steal a fourth car. still the general manager of the dealership says he doesn't blame the police for the additional theft. >> i mean, there's no way to
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tell. i'm sure they were doing their job. maybe some another important call came. i have no idea. maybe if somebody else was supposed to be watching, they probably thought they weren't going to come back. i mean, maybe i would think the same thing. you know? but still, they did come back and they took the other car. >> and police are still searching for those responsible. >> meanwhile, oakland city leaders say they're doing all they can to stop violent crimes. today the city announced a new permanent leader for the oakland department of violence prevention. abc seven news reporter suzanne phan gives you a closer look at what that's going to mean. >> i want to introduce to you our all of our new chief of the department of violence prevention, dr. holly joshi, who . the new chief of the department of violence prevention. dr. holly joshi, is a big win for the city of oakland, says mayor shengtao. >> i know that she has the pulse of the community. she understands the community. >> the announcement was made at esperanza elementary school on
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the campus of stonehurst elementary in east oakland. joshi, a tended it as a little girl. joshi worked for the city of oakland for 14 years. from 2001 to 2014. >> i was a member of the oakland police department. i think i worked in every department that you could inside of the police department. i was the chief of staff. i ran an investigative unit that was focused on violent crime, intervention and response . i was an undercover officer where i was out here in east oakland for several years partnering with community based organizations. >> oakland's mayor says heading the department of violence prevention is a big move. >> we are safer and healthier in our community through the different resources that we offer. we're all better for it. >> antoine towers is so-called violence interrupter, works with youth alive and oakland violence prevention coalition. he supports the new chief named. >> she's an amazing individual that's done great work in the community and tower supports the work of the department of violence prevention in every time we work with a family and save an individual or mediate a
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situation and prevent an escalation, it counts. >> joshi says she plans on looking at the root causes of gun violence, gang violence and gender based violence. our role at the dvp is to focus on prevention and intervention and then the police department's role is accountability. >> so we're going to work really hard at our role prevention and intervention because we want to reduce the footprint and the need to utilize the criminal justice system. >> in oakland, suzanne phan abc7 news. >> after the break, the latest on the effort to free civilian hostages being held in gaza and what president biden says about a possible deal. >> plus a us navy plane ends up in a bay in hawaii. how many people were on board and what officials say happened? >> i'm meteorologist sandyha patel a bright start to the week, but we do have warmer weather coming your way. the holiday forecast is coming up when abc7 news at
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this van jus. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to.
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i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team. they took care of me like a . i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me.
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israel-hamas war. more multiple rallies were held to protest the bombing of gaza hospitals with children and health care workers inside. activists say that more than 200 health care workers have been killed since the war broke out last month. many while performing their duties and treating victims of the war. we know that they've been very brave and they will not leave because they won't leave their patients behind. >> and they take an oath to do no harm, as do many of us here. and so that is exactly what they're doing. they're staying put so that they can treat the people of gaza, the people of palestine. >> many protesters also say that us medical institutions have been largely silent about the attacks on the palestinian medical community. >> and as for the latest in the middle east, doctors say they are cautiously optimistic about the survival of 28 premature babies that were rushed to egypt today from a besieged hospital in gaza. >> meantime, sources tell abc news that an agreement to free as many as 50 civilian hostages from hamas custody could be near
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. president biden was asked about it during today's turkey pardoning event. >> here's abc's justin finch. >> greeting crowds at the white house, president biden responding to a reporter asking if a deal is coming soon to free some of the 236 hostages remaining in hamas custody. >> mr. president, is it hostage deal near? i believe so, but i'm not prepared to talk so yes. >> the us teaming up with israel and qatar in hostage talks with hamas, sources tell abc news the negotiators are making headway on a deal calling for hamas to release 50 hostages in exchange for israel allowing more aid into gaza and a five day cease fire. but no common ground reached yet on the exact number of hostages and how long that ceasefire would last. families of civilian hostages is holding out hope this is important to
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understand that these people, they are as citizens in egypt, the world health organization says doctors are treating 28 premature babies from gaza, but they're not out of the woods yet by any by any means. the hamas run palestinian health ministry says at least nine babies have already died, while the un estimates at least five have died. all are from gaza's al-shifa hospital, where their incubators lost power more than a week ago and where israel says hamas militants ran a command post and hid hostages, which hamas denies. the israel defense forces releasing video justifies their ground action inside al-shifa. israel's military says this drone video shows a hamas tunnel 30ft below the hospital, leading to a steel blast door. israeli forces and hamas also facing off outside north gaza's indonesian hospital. israel says no shells were fired at the complex, but the hamas run palestinian health ministry says
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a shell strike killed at least a dozen people at that hospital. justin finch, abc news, washington. >> a navy surveillance plane overshot the runway and ended up in a bay in hawaii. the crash occurred today at the marine corps base hawaii in kaneohe bay on the island of oahu. the base is about ten miles from honolulu. all nine service members aboard were able to escape. thank goodness this navy p-8 poseidon aircraft. no major injuries. experts say the base is known for its extreme short runway. and poor weather may have been a factor in the crash. of course, they are investigating. >> yes. all right. let's check on our weather because we're finally to thanksgiving week. >> we are. and what a gorgeous week it is. we've started at least. abc seven news meteorologist sandyha patel is here to let us know how long it will last. sandy. >> it's going to last. most of this week, believe it or not. so dan and emma, let's take a look at live doppler seven and we'll talk about why we're expecting such nice weather like we started out with today. high
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pressure is in control of our weather and that's diverting the storm track well to our north. so take a look at the winds because of this ridge of high pressure and where it's placed, we are noticing that the winds are still offshore, blowing from land to sea, 26 miles an hour. mount diablo, atlas peak. and that wind direction is what brings us the warmth. so let's check out temperatures for san jose. tomorrow. you're going to be at 72 degrees when day, thursday, thanksgiving in the low 70s really mild. but by the end of the week, going into next week, we're going to notice that temperature drop off closer to average, which is 64 degrees. so a beautiful view tonight from our san jose camera. as you will notice, all is calm now, while the winds were gusty in the hills early this morning, they have dropped off even though it is still breezy in the hills. if you are traveling, here's what you need to worry about. much of the eastern seaboard will have to deal with heavy rain, thunderstorm tomorrow. severe weather is possible in the south, as you will notice, 83 in
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miami, 47 degrees in new york city, 47 in chicago. look at the chill, fargo. it's going to feel like winter, 38 degrees and out west, seattle, portland, mid 50s, phenix, 79. if you are traveling around the state, no problems here weather wise. yes. the gusty santa ana winds will continue tomorrow morning, but by tomorrow afternoon, they'll let up 79. pretty warm in los angeles, 78 in san diego, 57, tahoe, 63 degrees in eureka. here's a live view from our emeryville camera looking at san francisco. just beautiful out there, mid 50s and san francisco, oakland, 49. san jose , 52. palo alto, you're at 46 degrees. a live view from our kgo roof camera and all is calm along the embarcadero. temperatures in the mid to upper 40s from santa rosa to napa, 43. fairfield 50 right now in concord, a live view from golden gate bridge. camera and you don't have any visibility restrictions here. increasing high clouds overnight. chilly morning, warmer tomorrow with near record highs for some
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cities. and we are expecting mild weather to continue through thanksgiving here is your thanksgiving day forecast. cool start temperatures in the 40s, but by noontime, bright and breezy, 60s and it's a mild holiday. we're looking at mid 60s to low 70s by the evening, temperatures will drop off into the 50s. so tomorrow morning, high clouds passing through filtering the sun tomorrow afternoon and that means it's not going to be quite as bright, but it's still going to be mild. not tomorrow morning though. bundle up. 30s, 40s. out the door tomorrow afternoon in you are looking at high temperatures ranging from the 60s to the 70s with a mix of sun and high clouds. a weak system will come in late wednesday night, bringing a few showers up to northern california. but here in the bay area we're just expecting a slight dip in the temperatures as we head into sunday. it's a dry pattern and here is your accuweather seven day forecast, a mild one at that above average temperatures the next few days a lovely holiday and it is going to get cooler for shoppers. hey while you're out there, just go grab yourself a jacket or something this
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weekend. you will definitely need it because we are expecting some cold mornings and cooler days, so ama and dan looking nice. >> yeah, it does look nice. yes. sandhya, thank you. >> three people were injured at disneyland this morning after a light pole fell down. one of them was sent to the hospital with serious injuries. the other two were treated on site with minor injuries. came down because of strong winds as the county was under a wind advisory by the national weather service. the incident was on the main street area of the park around 8:30 a.m. and just down the road from anaheim. >> the high winds continue to wreak havoc at santa ana's john wayne airport. the strong gusts flipped over a small cessna near a taxiway just before 9:00 this morning. the pilot of the aircraft did not sustain any injuries and the incident did not cause any major delays at the airport. wind gusts around orange county were measured at more than 50 miles an hour. >> still ahead, collecting and distributing turkeys ahead of thanksgiving will show you the events held around the bay area to make sureveryone is able to celebrate the tradi
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♪tasty glazed turkeys that won't be forgotten♪ ♪their warm mac and cheese has us feasting like kings♪ ♪these are a few of my favorite things♪ every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company
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are said heights. in 2012 because he wanted to make sure everyone had something to eat for thanksgiving and christmas. >> my message this year is a gift of food is a gift of life. the first year in 2012, i collected 19 turkeys. last year we had 1301 turkeys that we collected. >> that is a huge increase. smith says. in the last three years, all donations to the turkey drive helped prepare more than 150,000 meals. the next drive will be on december 16th in the parking lot of saint emidius church. all donations benefit the san francisco marin food bank and the san jose earthquakes p hunger at home ing a drive thru meal. >> distribute an event this morning at paypal park.
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volunteers from the quake foundation, which is a charitable part of the san jose earthquakes, helped distribute nearly 150 meals to families dealing with food insecurity. this year, they gave away more than 200 whole turkeys, chickens, several side dishes and a few desserts just in time for thanksgiving. in another effort to support families in need of food assistance, congressman jimmy panetta and second harvest of silicon valley introduced the farmers feeding america act. >> although we're past the shutdowns of the pandemic, clearly, clearly, people are still feeling food insecure. >> and that's representative panetta at today's news conference discussing the need for extra support at local food banks, food pantries and soup kitchens. the new bill requests food banks receive an extra $500 million per year in federal funding to help feed more families year round. currently, second harvest serves an average of 500,000 people every month. panetta plans to push this bill into the next upcoming farm bill
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and at the white house, the annual presidential thanksgiving tradition of pardoning the turkeys got underway. >> i hereby pardon liberty and bill. relations, birds. congratulations, birds. >> both birds are from minnesota, which typically produces more turkeys than any other state in the country. >> the turkey pardon wasn't the only holiday tradition at the white house today. as you can see, first lady jill biden received the official white house christmas tree. she was joined by families connected to the military. the 18.5ft fraser fir is from fleetwood, north carolina. the tree will be put in the blue room of the white house. the white house christmas tree presentation is a tradition going back 58 years. coming up here, a victory for religious freedoms in the south bay after a woman was forced to remove her hijab while in custody. >> we'll tell you about the settlement and the policy reform just announced.
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>> but first, after the break, the latest on the massive leadership shakeup at san francisco based openai ai. just days after the company's board fired ceo sam altman
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and we are your bargain bliss market. what is bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you love, but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. this thanksgiving, we're giving you even more reasons to celebrate. we are offering you $21 off a jennie-o frozen turkey with in-store discount. that's as low as $0.50 a pound. so why wait? hurry in to your neighborhood grocery outlet today. because this deal is only available while supplies last.
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there's people who compare to what happened to openai when steve jobs got fired at apple. right. it made news. and this is making news. >> a major shakeup in the tech world. openai ousts its ceo. now his fate is causing some turmoil and there could be other effects here in the bay area. former ceo sam altman is heading to microsoft and now hundreds of openai employees say they want to go with him if changes aren't made immediately. >> abc7 news reporter zach fuentes has more on how experts think the bay area could be affected. >> openai the company behind chatgpt has the artificial intelligence industry reeling?
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the company's board fired ceo sam altman on friday. the reason not entirely clear the equivalent of if apple had fired steve jobs right after the iphone came out. it's something hundreds of openai employees are not happy about. now, monday, an announcement that altman, along with openai's former president, will join investor microsoft in an open letter, employees called for the company's board to resign. they threatened to take up microsoft on job offers and join altman there. microsoft is based in washington. openai is based in san francisco. >> employees who are in california may well go to microsoft, right? so and they can't take the trade secrets from openai. right. but they but they can't take the knowhow. >> experts say any negative impacts openai may face would not just impact the company itself, but the startups built on its technology. >> and a lot of the startups, of course, are in san francisco. there's been talk about how ai in general and the investment that was going into it, the billions and billions of dollars of investment was really priming san francisco to possibly have an upswing, with many ai
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companies requiring employees to work in at least a hybrid format. >> the ai industry has grown increasing important to san francisco's real estate market. >> those people are coming in much more often than maybe other tech segments in the market. you know that that is a big plus. >> robert salmons, a senior research director with cushman wakefield, says that despite the headlines, he remains optimistic for the city's outlook. >> this is just a hiccup, i think, because it is such a focus in san francisco with with ai workers, ai employees, is that that will continue to be the case and certainly will still be the center of that revolution. >> for now, industry experts are keeping a close eye on what the new partnership between altman and microsoft could produce. >> if you see this movement of employees right, microsoft will be coming out with its own product or enhancing their products. so it will be interesting to see what microsoft can do. >> zach fuentes, abc7 news. and zach mentioned that hundreds of openai employees are threatening to follow former ceo sam altman
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to microsoft. >> earlier today on getting answers at 3 p.m, our anchor kristen sze spoke with one of the legal experts you saw in zach's report just now. she gave a more in-depth explanation about why the shakeup is so significant, especially with some employees ready to jump ship that is incredibly stunning, right. >> so along with sam altman, you also have greg brockman, who left. right, who was also the president. so that is that is essentially my taking all the top talent or whether rather most of the top talent from openai. and now that employees are following it does not look good for openai at all. i mean chatgpt is probably the most well known chatbot that and probably the most the mostly used chat bot right? so it'll be interesting to see what the future will hold, right? whether we're openai, i would remain as the top chat bot as it is now or if microsoft will be getting an
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edge in the fe months to come. >> now microsoft isn't the only company responding to the turmoil at openai today, salesforce ceo marc benioff tweeted an offer to openai employees. he says any researcher who resigns and has their immigration status affected as a result is welcome to join salesforce immediately. it's developing an ai research team for its platform called einstein on cruz co-founder and chief product officer dan khan quit a day after the company's ceo, kyle vogt, resigned. >> khan said he was stepping down through a slack message to staff today, according to reuters, vogt's announcement came from his account sunday, where he told colleagues to, quote, remember why this work matters now. both decisions come shortly after the company had to recall 950 of its autonomous vehicles after one dragged an injured pedestrian on a san francisco street last month. >> new details tonight. california state supreme court has ruled p-g-and-e's does not have to pay damages to thousands of its customers for shutting
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off power during wildfires. a class action lawsuit against p-g-and-e's claimed that the power outages caused billions in damages to local homes and businesses during the kincade fire in october of 2019. the lawsuit also blamed poorly maintained equipment for the outages. the kincade fire burned more than 77,000 acres in sonoma county in the south bay. >> a settlement in the case of a muslim woman whose hijab was taken away in a santa clara county jail. abc7 news reporter dustin dorsey has a look at how the case is leading to changes that will safeguard religious expression. >> a victory for religious freedoms in santa clara county last october, asia aden was booked into the main jail and forced to remove her hijab while in custody until she was released. it was the second complaint in two years involving a removal of a religious head covering at a santa clara county jail. >> we were told last time that there were new policies in place . that training had happened and that we would not have to worry about this happening again. and
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then it did. the trauma that that experience caused is something we want to make sure no one else, be they muslim, sikh or otherwise ever experiences. >> a settlement was reached between the san francisco bay area office of the council on american islamic relations and the santa clara county sheriff's office to do just that. in addition to a $90,000 financial settlement for aiden kerr, sf bay and the sheriff's office created a policy that will allow people to keep their head covering or be provided one while in custody, including in booking photos. law enforcement can still have detainees remove head covering for safety purposes like patent search or mental health concerns, but it would be in a private setting. sheriff bob johnson said in a statement. the sheriff's office respects all religious faiths and the office is committed to ensuring safety and security within jail facilities in a manner that is consistent with protecting the rights and religious expression of those in custody. >> my hope is that this settlement is a step forward. >> it is the county and the sheriff's office demonstrating that they understand that this
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was not the standard. >> we approached this as an opportunity to educate and not to blame you can't undo the harm that my client suffered, but it was really important to my client that the same kind of harm not happen to other people. >> this new policy is being implemented now at santa clara county jails and in january, senate bill 309 will offer similar religious freedom protections at all prisons and jails in california. in santa clara county, dustin dorsey, abc7 news. >> two employees of the san francisco sheriff's department have been awarded more than a million dollars in a discrimination and harassment lawsuit against the department. according to the lawsuit, danielle danielle dillard and kim lee say they endured years of racial abuse on the job. lee and dillard both worked as clerks processing warrants for the department. a jury awarded the two women $1.1 million for emotional distress. >> s this has been my job for 18 years and it will continue to be my job until it's time for me to
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retire. hope hopefully there's some type of change i can move on. >> i can build myself back up. i can do some mental work on myself, and i know that i don't never have to be silenced on any job. >> the sheriff's department and the city responded to the ruling in a joint statement that reads in part, we are surprised and disappointed by the outcome of this case. we will continue to take all reasonable steps to make our employees feel safe and valued. >> today, san francisco international airport raised a flag in honor of transgender transgender day of remembrance is a day to acknowledge and remember those who have been murdered by transphobic violence at sfo tweeted that it believes everyone should be able to live authentically free from bigotry and violence. and san francisco city hall is also paying tribute, lighting up the colors of the trans flag tonight. this marks the end of transgender awareness week to raise visibility to trans people and issues the community faces a coalition of trans organizations held a rally on the steps
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tonight. it was followed by a march to the sf lgbt center, where they held more programing for the community. some politics now. >> your voice, your vote. the 2024 presidential debate schedule has been released with locations across the country. three general election debates will be held nearly a year from now. the first one is in mid-september in san marcos, texas. the second is in october, on october 1st. and saint in petersburg, virginia. pardon me. and the last one is october 9th in salt lake city, utah. the commission of the presidential debates says all of them will start at 6 p.m. and will run for 90 minutes without commercial breaks. >> coming up, the san francisco mta had planned to extend parking meter hours, but now there's an update on that proposal. the deal just struck with two city supervisors. plus its monopoly. >> san jose edition, the new version of the board game just unveiled today at the winchester mystery house. and we'll tell you about the other local landmarks included in this edition. so stay
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and asha ash-shafi'i to halt the plan in exchange for safaiyeh tabling his proposal to take the matter to the voters. earlier this year, the mta announced plans to extend parking meter hours to help offset $130 million deficit in los angeles, the ten freeway is back open after a section of the road was badly damaged during a fire last week, we reported that at the time crews completed the emergency repairs ahead of schedule and were able to reopen it to traffic last night. >> abc7 news reporter sid garcia from our sister station in los angeles has the story. >> here's the point of view from our eyewitness news. van as we drove through the now reopen ten freeway. it opened yesterday evening, a couple of days ahead of tuesday's scheduled reopening
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. the traffic along the burned area of the ten is flowing once again. >> it's better now. >> josue anaya tells me driving to work near the burn area was a lot easier early this morning after last week's nightmare of getting around this repair work. he and his buddies are glad it's open again. >> i think it's good for everybody because i know people come from montebello east l.a. and they work like hollywood area and out here because downtown la is always busy. hopefully it all gets cleaned up and repaired back to normal. >> but, you know, i'm glad that it's open. they were very, very expediate with it as repairs below the freeway continue for a few more weeks, efforts are under way to help the area businesses that were hurt by the shutdown. >> with the opening of an emergency business resource center at fifth and central, just a few blocks away from the freeway burn area. >> at the center, businesses will have access to a range of resource from government agencies and will be here to guide them through the process
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and connect them with the help that they need. >> here's an idea of how this freeway closure hurt locals in the pocketbook. ron williams and his fellow truckers lost thousands during this closure. >> lease a lease 600 to $400 a day by circling around far as fuels. we have big trucks. we are all owner operators. >> abc7 news reporter sid garcia in los angeles. authorities are still trying to identify a person of interest in connection with that fire coming up. >> tahoe resorts are getting ready to open for the ski season just in time for thanksgiving. what you need to know about the reservation systems and pki if you're planning
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make vaccination against covid-19 a part of your health routine. spikevax that body... ...with spikevax by moderna. ♪ down its original location. after two decades in business, the popular pizza spot made the announcement on their instagram account on sunday. they're most
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known for their chicago style deep dish pizza. the restaurant's other two locations in san francisco's mission district and albany will remain open. little star pizza first opened its doors back in 2004. well, there won't be any commercial dungeness crab for thanksgiving again this year. >> this after the season was delayed again for coastal california, leaving the industry waiting until at least december 16th. fishermen are feeling the impact, with one man saying he won't be able to afford christmas presents this year. >> it was been a struggle all this year. this has been really tough. salmon was about half my income and crab is probably another half of the income. so with the economy and everything else, it's been very, very difficult. >> so many people are feeling it. the salmon season was canceled this year so the population could regrow. and this is the fifth year in a row crab season has been delayed. restaurants at pier 39 aren't able to serve fresh local dungeness crab, which is what attracts people to eat there
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this time of year. the states fish and wildlife department says the delay is due to poor meat quality and a need to protect humpback whales off the coast. >> well, in lake tahoe, it's time to hit the slopes. heavenly mountain resort announced today that it will open tomorrow. several other resorts are already open, including mount rose boreal and mammoth mountain. so if you're heading north for the long weekend over the holiday, we talked with an expert about what you need to know this year. >> one of the biggest challenges right now is going to be that reservation system that's the parking reservation system. that's going to be at the palisades. that's going to be at heavenly mountain resort. any of the altera or the epic pass resorts. you're going to have to reserve your parking that includes northstar. so basically you need to go online. you need to reserve your parking. there's going to be paid parking in areas like kirkwood mountain resort. they're going to have free parking. but a mixture of paid parking. but if you hit those western slope resorts, bear valley and dodge ridge, it's still kind of old school style where you could just drive right up, park your car and walk
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up onto the resort themselves. so no reservation systems other than parking. those are the big changes this year. sugar bowl, boreal mountain. rose diamond peak and homewood. it's just drive on up. and the other good news is homewood just announced they are not going to try to go private. so that's going to stay public again this year. so people going up there want to see one of the best views of the lake head over to homewood mountain resort. it's a beautiful view right there on the west shore coupe tells abc seven news that most other resorts in tahoe that aren't open yet are looking at a december 1st date to kick off the season. >> so not too long from now, about ten days. if you're looking to ski this weekend, he says, your best bet may be to head to bear valley mountain resort off highway four, which he expects to have less traffic. so several tahoe resorts already open. mammoth down south. of course, ski season is here. >> i know. it's crazy. all right. let's get to our weather now. >> all right. meteorologist cindy patel is back with the sunshine cindy. >> that's right. it is going to
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be a nice looking week. plenty of sun this week and ama and dan . let me show you a live picture from our east bay hills camera as we look across the bay. visibility is terrific tonight. we don't have any fog to speak of. increasing high clouds overnight. it's going to be a chilly morning warmer tomorrow with near record high temperatures for a few cities such as sfo san jose, redwood city, you'll be getting close. mild weather is expected through thanksgiving. let's talk about thanksgiving day forecast in the morning at 8 a.m. on thursday. it's going to be a cool start. temperatures in the 40s in case you have to do some last minute running around for family event or maybe you're doing friendsgiving and noontime. it's going to be bright and breezy. temperatures in the low to mid 60s as we head into the afternoon. mild holiday is expected. when i said running around i mean in the morning before to set up for the afternoon and in the evening we are looking at 50s and 60s under clear skies on live doppler seven. we are noticing clear conditions right now. there is a system that is out over the
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pacific, but it's getting blocked by this area of high pressure that ridge providing us with nice weather over the next several days. all right. you know, friday and saturday, we had rain. so where do we stand? rainfall season to date, this is taking you back from october 1st to now, which is about a month and a half or so. we're going up, but we're still behind where we should be. sfo, 58% of average, 34. oakland san jose 47. santa rosa, 74, and san francisco, 60% of average. we don't have any rain in the forecast. here's a live view from our mount tam cam. just a beautiful view. temperatures in the mid 50s around san francisco , 49 in oakland, san jose, 52. palo alto, 45 degrees. here's a view of city hall from sutro tower. and you can see it's a little breezy out there. mid 40s from santa rosa to novato 43 in fairfield, currently 49 in livermore here is how things are going to play out over night. tonight high clouds will move in tomorrow morning. we're going to start out with some 30s 40s as
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we head into the noontime hour. it's going to be pretty pleasant 60s and 70s and for the early afternoon will bump you up into the 70s for a few cities. so your morning temperatures in the 30s and 40s it will be chilly enough to require that extra layer tomorrow afternoon. short sleeve weather in the south bay 72. in san jose, 73. los gatos on the peninsula, 71 in redwood city, 68 half moon bay. downtown san francisco, 68 degrees. these temperatures like today above average in the north bay, 71 in santa rosa, 69. in san rafael in the east bay in oakland, 70 for you in hayward, newark, 71 fremont inland areas 66. concord, 68 degrees in livermore. now there is a system that gets in to the north of us wednesday night going into early thanksgiving, but it really falls apart. so we're looking at dry skies all all the way through the holiday week. so this is taking you through sunday for the accuweather seven day forecast. we'll keep it on the mild side for the afternoons
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. we are looking at above average temperatures through thanksgiving and then we'll cool it off for you by the end of the week going into the weekend. certainly we'll get chillier in the nights and in the morning hours as we inch closer to december. for dan and ama. can't believe it. i know this year is just flying. >> it is. thank you, sandy. >> fishing town in iceland remains on high alert for the possibility of a major volcanic eruption. the community of grindavik has been evacuated and the city is inside a literal hotspot for volcanic volcanic activity where magma often breaks through the earth's crust. experts say that can lead to massive eruptions, as iceland's government says the effects of an eruption could be devastating, with both grindavik and a geothermal power plant nearby. the plant provides energy for iceland's main airport. >> keep watching that, of course. and here's a never before seen photo of the milky way. you can see right into the galaxy's heart in this new breathtaking photo captured by
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nasa's james webb space telescope. is that something the new detailed photo can help astronomers astronomers unravel more details about the mysteries within the universe. it could also shed light on whether larger stars are more likely to form near the center of the galaxy or near the galaxy's spiral arms. the image contains roughly 500,000 stars is incredible. >> all coming up, a blast from the past to benefit the sport's future of some kids. the event that gave some sports legends a chance to get drafted again. this is abc 724 san francisco, live in the south bay in san jose in concord. >> live in oakland. yes you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> here we are. >> we are. we are. we are. we are. >> we are where you are. never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. >> download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and
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and we are your bargain bliss market. what is bargain bliss? you know that feeling you get when you find the name brands you love, but for way, way less? that's bargain bliss. this thanksgiving, we're giving you even more reasons to celebrate. we are offering you $21 off a jennie-o frozen turkey with in-store discount. that's as low as $0.50 a pound. so why wait? hurry in to your neighborhood grocery outlet today. because this deal is only available while supplies last.
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is on hand to celebrate the unveiling of the san jose edition of monopoly. the unveiling took place at the winchester mystery house, which earned the game's most iconic spot, the one held by boardwalk in the original game. other landmarks chosen after months of public input include san pedro square, the children's discovery museum, even original joe's. the game retails for $45. >> i had no idea he had a name. okay a's owner john fisher wants to make it abundantly clear he will not sell the team after the move to las vegas. fisher said, quote, i want my family to own the a's long into the future. after an announcement that was made last week. but the devil's in the details. it's now reported by the east bay times. fisher is subject to a ten year flip tax after the a's relocate
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the tax 20% of the entire purchase price is to deter owners from boosting their team's value. then immediately selling. >> well, some of the biggest names in sports history got the chance to get drafted all over again today in san francisco. all for a very good cause. former giants legends barry bonds and dusty baker were among the athletes taking part at the first madea charitable foundation celebrity draft. and dine. guests could bid on or draft the celebrity athletes at today's event, then dine with them at a participating local restaurant. >> but this is a special cause. i mean, when you have a special cause, you can pull together, you know, some really, really good people. >> media is a nonprofit that supports children's activities in the bay area and nationwide. the list of draftees also included shaquille o'neal, marshawn lynch and former warrior chris mullen. shaq was also in walnut creek for an event today. and my wife got to meet him, take a picture. cool. >> all right. thanks for joining
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us for this edition of abc seven news. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley for to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you. (christmas music) ( ♪ ) weathertech gift cards have the power to wow everyone on your holiday list.
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