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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  November 21, 2023 5:00am-6:01am PST

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i want to be there for this one. i can't if i'm sick. pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease. you may be at risk if you're 19 to 64 with certain chronic conditions. or if you're 65 or older. don't pause a moment longer. ask your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia today. more drama at san francisco's openai now at five. the ultimatum from employees who say they're ready to walk. >> more fallout for elon musk. the billionaire's actions online now impacting business dealings and partnerships. >> thanksgiving is in just two days, but millions are already making their way home for the holiday. we're keeping an eye on the skies and the road. experts say today is the last best day to get out, to avoid the last.
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minute rush. good morning. it is tuesday, november 21st. >> yes, i'm going to see what our forecast is like. hi, drew. >> hi, good morning. it is a great stretch. we had a lot of sunshine yesterday. that continues today. here is a live look outside this is sutro tower this morning. and what it's showing you is that we have great visibility just like yesterday. we have clear skies this morning that will lead to a lot of sunshine on the way for your tuesday. but it is chilly out there. we have numbers that are about 5 to 10 degrees cooler air than we were this time yesterday. so what we're seeing out there is a lot of spots in the 40s, a couple of spots in the 30s this morning, like san ramon. good morning. at 38, at 44 in oakland, 51 in the city. certainly i would take the heavier jacket with you this morning if you're out and about the next couple of hours before we warm up nicely as the day goes on. one of the changes you'll notice to the sky will have some high thin cirrus clouds moving through. but all in all, it's a mostly sunny day out there. temperatures warming nicely. later on today, we'll go into the 60s and 70s, a few degrees warmer today compared to yesterday. high of 71 in santa
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rosa. we'll go to 68 in the city, 72 in san jose, 65. in antioch, 68, the high in half moon bay. we will look at the travel forecast coming up in about eight minutes. let's check in with jobina. and we're doing traffic this morning. >> thank you, drew. good morning, everybody. so we are starting back at the richmond, san rafael bridge. we are now in week seven of the sigalert. and right now, this is the biggest issue out on our roadways. three lanes blocked in the westbound direction of 580 and no wide load vehicles allowed in that spot. and emeryville showing you 8-80 where we have those headlights traveling in the westbound direction. looking good there. no major advisories, but a slight slowdown for our super commuters. tracy to dublin will be 36 minutes. reggie and kumasi. >> thank you. jobina. this year's thanksgiving holiday travel is looking to be one of the busiest in decades. tens of millions are expected to hit the road or hop on a flight this week. abc seven news reporter ryan curry live at sfo with more on those projected travel numbers. ryan >> yeah, reggie, good morning. all of that typical travel advice you hear year in and year out when it comes to the holidays. it's best to apply
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that this year. you can expect it to be a very, very busy holiday travel season both today and tomorrow as we gear up for thanksgiving. security lines are going to be long here at sfo, as will the check in line. so be prepared for that. officials here at sfo actually do say we past that peak travel day. they say it was back on friday. that was mostly due to schools being able to have this entire week off as well as remote work being a consistent thing. we're seeing following the pandemic. still it does mean that you will be seeing a lot of busy ness at the airports this day as well as tomorrow. they're going to be crowded. the faa expects 50,000 flights nationwide the day before thanksgiving to point 5 million passengers today and tomorrow. also other parts of the country are expecting severe weather, potentially, i'm sure, flying out of this, people flying out this time of year. remember back in christmas when it was a headache for a lot of travelers, bags getting lost and flights getting canceled. the whole nine yards. us
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transportation secretary pete buttigieg says they are monitoring airlines to make sure that headaches, those headaches don't happen again. >> while we can't control the weather, we will also be using every tool at our disposal to keep cancellations and delays as low as possible in the first place. yeah snow, heavy rain, other things. >> all of that could happen over the next few days. it's something people have to take into account if they are planning on flying out. no matter where they're going throughout the country later on in the next few days. so deep breaths. a lot of patience. and remember that there are a lot of things that you can't control. but being prepared is some things that people can't control. so it's best to apply that when traveling this holiday season. we're live here at sfo, ryan curry, abc seven news. >> ryan, thank you. you might want to pack a covid test if you're traveling for thanksgiving. as you heard from ryan, hundreds of thousands of us will pass through bay area airports this week while bay area covid hospitalizations remain low, there's a looming threat for a tripledemic covid flu and rsv cases that are
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rising. >> i would certainly wear a mask in the airport, especially if you're going long distances. >> so we unfortunately will expect a bump after thanksgiving and another bump that continues after the december holidays and then another one after new year's. >> the cdc says unvaccinated travelers should be on alert. there's concern over the country's most dominant and infectious variant, hsv one. new developments about san francisco based openai. >> most of its employees are threatening to quit unless they are fired. the ceo is reinstated. jobina is at the live desk. with the revolt going on inside the tech company that's helped to pioneer ai. >> yes, kumasi hundreds of openai employees are vowing to walk off the job to get their boss back. it all started friday when the board of openai fired ceo sam altman, claiming he, quote, was not consistent. be candid in his communications with the board. bloomberg reports the dispute may have stemmed from altman's push to commercialize ai more rapidly,
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despite concern that the unregulated technology could displace jobs and pose major security risks in response to his firing, microsoft, a top investor in the company, quickly hired altman and another top executive. then 725 of openai ai's 770 key employees signed a letter threatening to join altman at microsoft unless the board resigns. and altman is reinstated as ceo. altman has long been viewed as the golden boy in the tech world, especially when it comes to ai. fortune magazine compared his cult of personality to that of steve jobs that apple. so essentially his following there. and microsoft has now guaranteed every open ai employee a position. and it also leaves the door open to altman going back. altman said, quote, we are all going to work together some way or other. as for the employees
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threatening to quit, they say they will act imminently. so this is a lot of drama. >> i can't even imagine what the group chat is like. thank you, jobina. tesla's shareholders are calling on its board of directors to suspend elon musk. investor jerry brockman says he wants the board to send a message that musk went too far. last week, musk agreed with the post on ex, echoing an anti-semitic conspiracy theory that falsely claims jews are organizing immigrants to replace the white race. since then, apple, ibm, lions gate, paramount and abc7's parent company disney have pulled their ads from. so far, no comment from tesla. in response to elon musk comments. rock and roll hall of fame musician neil young says he's going to stop using x young's website posted a statement over the weekend saying in part, for reasons that should be obvious to the richest man on earth. we are taking this action against his company. young joins a handful of musicians who have recently
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boycotted the social media platform rock legend gene simmons on saturday also announced he is leaving x today. >> president biden is expected to take his first action on the fentanyl crisis since entering a partnership with china last week. the white house says a meeting hosted by the president today aims to accelerate efforts to counter the flow of fentanyl into the united states. this is a first step. his administration has taken since holding these talks with chinese president xi jinping at apec last week. that meeting will take place at 8:00 our time before the president departs for nantucket. that's where he will be spending thanksgiving. >> mark your calendar because the 2024 presidential debates are set. the first debate takes place september 16th at texas state university, just north of san antonio. the second happens on october 1st at virginia state university in petersburg. the final debate happens a week later on the ninth at the university of utah in salt lake city, the only vp debate takes place september 25th in pennsylvania. the moderators and formats still to be announced at
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508 this morning. >> let's take a look at the travel forecast first. statewide we have dry conditions today. if you're hitting the roads or maybe to the skies across california, we'll have some high clouds moving in across northern and central california. southern california, it is warm, 70 and 80s from santa barbara to la at 81 degrees. but nationwide. and we will have some issues when it comes to east coast destinations . here's a look at today and what we're seeing. there's a pretty powerful cold front that is now working its way up the mid-atlantic and into the northeast. so later on today, we do expect some delays to develop because of the weather. i'd say around some of the hubs like jfk, newark, dulles, philly. so keep an eye on that. if your travels do take you to those areas. otherwise guys, it's looking really nice and really quiet. we expect a lot of sunshine west of the mississippi , really quiet conditions. but again, it's the mid-atlantic and the northeast today that is dealing with some inclement weather back here at home. here is a live look. this is your
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sutro tower camera showing you. it is quiet out there. we're expecting a lot of sunshine today, mixing in with some high clouds from time to time. but all in all, it's a really pleasant afternoon out there. sun's up here at 656 this morning. it is a bit chilly this morning, 40s and 50s to start out the day and then as you get into the afternoon by 4:00 pm, we'll see those temperatures in the 60s and in the 70s. looking at the three day forecast, we'll have additional cloud cover tomorrow. so as a cold front moves through here without any rainfall and that leads to a bright thanksgiving on thursday, we're going to preview that weekend forecast coming up on the seven day reggie, in about nine minutes. drew, thank you. >> collecting and distributing turkeys across the bay area just in time for thanksgiving. coming up, the events happening today to make sure that everybody is able to celebrate. >> thieves in hayward target a used car lot not once, but twice. both in the same night. while the owner is saying about the police response. >> more bear business in the sierra. we'll tell you what one man used to get this bear from under a preschool. >> a live look outside right
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now. at 510, we'll
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faded out from underneath that skull by a man armed only with a paintball gun. that man lives nearby the preschool and says he was asked to coax a bear out of a crawl space under the school. while the slow motion video shows the bear peek out to see if the coast is clear, he then made a run for it. >> a group of bold car thieves made off with about $100,000 of inventory in hayward. the burglary happened sunday night at city motors. used car lot. the thieves broke into the business and forced open a lock box. so then they were able to get the keys to all the vehicles. they stole three cars using one of them to break through the glass showroom doors. the dealership says after the police got there, they took a report and left. the thieves came back and took a fourth car. the general manager of the dealership is not blaming police, though, for that additional theft. >> yeah, i mean, there's no way
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to tell. i'm sure they were doing their job. maybe some another important call came. i have no idea. maybe somebody else was supposed to be watching. they probably thought they weren't going to come back. i mean, maybe i would think the same thing. you know? but still, they did come back and they took the other car, not the g-wagon. >> so far, no arrests have been made. police are still looking for the suspects. >> san francisco mayor, london breed is praising the city's retail theft blitz strategy, calling it effective and announcing an expansion as we enter the holiday shopping season. according to the mayor's office, police have arrested more than 300 people since stepping up operations last year. the theft blitz includes putting officers hours inside stores and using bait cars and plain clothes officers to target auto burglaries. san francisco received a $17 million state grant to combat organized retail theft in september, and the city is scrapping a proposed all to operate parking meters late nights and on sundays, the
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municipal transportation authority reached an agreement with supervisors aaron peskin and asha safai to halt the plan in exchange for sci fi tabling his proposal that would have taken this matter to voters earlier this year, the mta announced plans to extend parking meter hours to help offset $130 million deficit, although now we're past the shutdown signs of the pandemic. >> clearly, clearly, people are still feeling food insecure. >> that was california congressman jimmy panetta during a news conference yesterday introducing the farmers feeding america act and another effort to support families in need of food assistance. representative panetta is partnering with second harvest of silicon valley, trying to bring extra support to local food banks, food pantries and soup kitchens. this new bill requires most food banks received an extra receive an extra $500 million a year in federal funding to help feed more families year round.
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currently, second harvest serves an average of 500,000 people every month. panetta plans to push this bill into the next upcoming farm bill. today, organizations across the bay area are helping feed and clothe families ahead of thanksgiving. the bay area rescue mission is holding its annual turkey dinner giveaway in richmond. it starts at nine. it goes until 1130. 500 families are receiving a box of hope. it includes all the fixings for a traditional holiday meal. now samaritan house in san mateo is giving out groceries at its yearly holiday food distribution event. it starts at 9:00 and goes until noon and in san francisco, the saint anthony's foundation mission is giving thanks on golden gate. that event kicks off at 11 a.m. volunteers will hand out hygiene kits, socks, hats, scarves and other winter essentials. organizers of the sf turkey drive are still taking donations for the holidays. yesterday, they set up in the parking lot of the san francisco zoo to collect frozen turkeys and veggies. pierre smith said
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he started the sf turkey drive from his home in merced heights in 2012 because he wanted to make sure everyone had something to eat for thanksgiving and christmas. >> my message this year is a gift of food is a gift of life. the first year in 2012, i collected 19 turkeys. last year we had 1301 turkeys that we collected. smith says in the last three years, all donations to the sf turkey drive helped to prepare more than 150,000 meals. >> the next drive will be december 16th in the parking lot of saint emygdius church. all the donations benefit the san francisco marin food bank. >> it's looking a little bit like winter now at lake tahoe, at least as far as ski season is concerned. heavenly mountain resort opens today. several other sierra resorts are already open. that includes mt. rose and boreal. if you're thinking of heading up soon, keep in mind many new parking reservation systems are installed at some ski resorts to try to limit
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traffic around tahoe. one local expert has an insider tip. >> if you hit those western slope resorts at bear valley and dodge ridge, it's still kind of old school style where you could just drive right up, park your car and walk up onto the resort themselves. sugar bowl, boreal, mount rose, diamond peak and homewood. it's just drive on up at december 1st as the day to kick off the season right on. >> well, he's great. sorry i can't hear anything right now. >> he hadn't been able to hear lost because it wasn't over yet. >> i knew something went wrong. like the lights have been wrong. this technical. >> but you said it with confidence. you sure did. >> right over that man. you said you're done. >> all right, so you saying hit the western slopes? that's his key. there's no reason for me to even have three. >> that's three, maybe three. >> rip it out this morning.
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>> we're starting off on a colder note, and a lot of spots, 10 to 12 degrees cooler in some areas, 40 degrees cooler in fairfield this morning. so a bit of a chill has set in. you probably felt it last night. temperatures right now in our coldest areas are starting out in the 30s, like antioch at 39, right, 38 in san ramon, 39 in palo alto. so you get the idea. it certainly is cold out there this morning. take the heavier jacket with you. here's live. doppler seven along with satellite high pressure is still in control. it'll supply us with a nice afternoon. we have some high clouds moving in with a weak front. another front way back here. this one's going to move through here wednesday with little fanfare, just additional cloud cover. and we are going to remain dry the next seven days. in fact, here's future weather today. you see those high clouds later on this afternoon. there's that cold front that will bring moisture to parts of oregon and far northern, northern california. and for us, it's just a mix of sun and clouds on wednesday. and then it clears out just in time for thanksgiving on thursday. it is
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going to be a bright holiday across the bay area. so today, mostly sunny skies, temperatures maybe 1 or 2 degrees warmer than we were yesterday. 60s and low 70s. the name of the game overnight tonight. we'll see some of those clouds. stick around. we'll call it partly cloudy and numbers again on the chilly side, 30s and 40s for the most part, taking a look at future tracker temperatures tomorrow is equally as delightful and the thanksgiving planner is looking nice. expect a lot of sunshine. a chilly start in the 40s. but by 3 p.m. we're in the 60s and in the 70s. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a nice stretch. the next seven days we're keeping those mild temperatures through thanksgiving. a little bit cooler over the weekend, but we remain dry through monday of next week. jobina thank you, drew. >> good morning, everybody. we are following a new crash right now in san jose that's causing a little bit of a slowdown in the area. it's on southbound 87 before curtner avenue. it is in the process of clearing. so the slowdown isn't too bad in that area. a live picture right now, starting with the san mateo bridge. everything at the limit here in the same thing goes in oakland showing you where 880 at the coliseum camera those
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headlights are traveling in the southbound direction. we will wrap with the drive times again it's picked up a little bit for the tracy to dublin ride 45 minutes kumasi. >> thanks jobina. coming up, the seven things to know this morning. >> a growing mystery in southern california. for some reason, historic plaques are going missing in l.a. public officials now scrambling to figure out why. >> a live look outside at 520. we
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libre the original eau de parfum. yves saint laurent at macy's. the fragrance destination. million people will hit the road for the holiday weekend. number two. >> hundreds of employees at openai are threatening to follow. former ceo sam altman out of the company after his firing last week in an open letter. the workers are also calling for open ai's board to resign. >> number three, a deal to release hostages taken by hamas is close to being struck. that deal calls for more than 50 hostages to be freed in exchange for a five day cease fire. number four, california state supreme court says p-g-and-e's does not have to pay damages to thousands of customers for shutting off power during wildfires. >> a class action lawsuit against p-g-and-e's claimed the
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power outages caused billions in damages to local homes and businesses during the kincade fire in october of 2019. and number five, we're starting out on a chilly note in the 30s and 40s and a lot of cities we have clear skies out there. >> a lot of sunshine on the way. it's a mostly sunny afternoon and temperatures back in the 60s and 70s later today. >> number six, our biggest issue on the road right now is going to be a crash that we're following in san jose on southbound 87, just before curtner avenue. >> number seven, san jose now has its own edition of monopoly, the winchester mystery house is the game's most iconic spot, the one held by the boardwalk in the original game. other landmarks include san pedro square, the children's discovery museum and original joe's. some of the biggest names in sports history got the chance to get drafted all over again in san francisco yesterday. former giants legend barry bonds, dusty baker were among the athletes taking part
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in the first madea charitable foundation celebrity draft. and dime. the guests could bid on the celebrity athletes for a chance to win a dining experience with them at participating local restaurants. >> this is a special cause. i mean, when you have a special cause, you can pull together, you know, some really, really good people. >> madea is a non profit that supports children's activities here in the bay area and nationwide. the list of draftees included shaquille o'neal, marshawn lynch, and former warriors chris mullin in a series of plaques commemorating the birthplace of los angeles have been stolen over the past two weeks. >> these bronze plaques, some dating back to the 1920s, have been taken by thieves at the pueblo historical monument in downtown la. the plaques are dedicated to events that happen over generations in the historical area. officials believe the plaques are being sold for scrap metal. >> at the end of the day, this is a city's cultural heritage that belongs to all angelenos. so to chip away at all of these
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messages as all of these kind of histories that were given out really is at the loss for the city. >> earlier this month here at home, a series of metal busts of historical figures were stolen from vallejo city hall in today's gma first look, people who are taking weight loss drugs like ozempic and manjaro are looking at holiday meals in a whole new way. >> here's abc news reporter eva pilgrim. >> in this morning's gma. first, look how weight loss drugs are about to transform form the thanksgiving feast. >> the holidays have just become so much more of an enjoyable experience for me since manjaro tara rogenhofer has lost more than 200 pounds since starting manjaro, she says her habits have changed for the better. i've been able to turn that fear and anxiety into more enjoyment and making sure that, you know, i'm still eating the foods that i enjoy. i'm just making sure that i'm not eating as much of it. >> with the average american consuming more than twice their recommended daily calories on a typical thanksgiving day, drugs
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like ozempic wegovy and manjaro can be a game changer for those battling with obesity. and coming up at 7 a.m, whether you're hosting someone on this medication or taking it yourself, we'll have what you need to know to have your best thanksgiving ever with your gma first look. i'm eva pilgrim, abc news, new york. >> coming up at 530, the investigation into how a us navy plane ended up in the water while trying to land in hawaii and a victory for religious freedoms in the south bay after a after a woman was was forced to remove her hijab in custody. >> we'll tell you about the settlement and the policy reform just announced. >> but first, this live look outside. it is coming from 527
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is she literally came, hit him, swung him around like a rag doll. she got up and struck his
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dad. >> now, at 530, a brawl on the basketball court and it was caught on camera. what happened to the parent who got physical with a teenage athlete? >> and a busy holiday travel week is under way. we are breaking down the best and worst times to hit the road. good morning, everybody. it's tuesday , november 21st. >> let's see what the weather has in store. it was beautiful yesterday. it is. >> and that trend continues. reggie, if you're traveling today across the state, you should have no problems when it comes to the forecast outside this morning. here's a live look from sutro tower showing you the golden gate bridge. we have clear skies. we are fog free this morning. it's also a colder morning compared to this time yesterday. some spots ten degrees colder when it comes to the 24 hour temperature change, 30 from santa rosa to ukiah. antioch, san ramon, palo alto at 39. so i would take the heavy jacket with you this morning. you'll need it the next couple of hours, but we will warm up nicely with a lot of sunshine today, mostly sunny skies later on this morning and into the afternoon, we'll warm back into
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the 60s and 70s. maybe 1 or 2 degrees warmer than we were yesterday. mostly sunny, 68in the city, 69in oakland, 72in san jose, 71in santa rosa. we'll go to about 66 in concord, 68 in half moon bay. now, if you're traveling here locally or even nationwide, we'll show you that travel forecast coming up here in eight minutes. let's check in with jobina and traffic is doing on this tuesday. thank you, drew. >> good morning, everyone. we are beginning in san jose showing you a live picture of 101. if you were with us earlier and heard me talk about that crash in san jose on 87 that has cleared. this is walnut creek. this is a new view from our 680 camera. so for your reference point, so you know where things are off to the left hand side is the walnut creek bart station. we'll end with some dry times here. tracy to castro valley now, 51 minutes, highway 85 to the san jose airport. 12 minute ride and then just creeped up only a minute. highway one to san francisco along to 80 in the northbound direction will take you about ten minutes. >> jobina. thank you. if you're not leaving today for thanksgiving row, this is going
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to be one of the busiest seasons we've seen for travel in decades. tens of millions of people ready to hit the road or take a flight. abc seven news reporter ryan curry live for us at sfo this morning to talk about these projected big numbers. hi, ryan. >> yeah, hi, reggie. good morning. yep. here we are talking about another very busy travel season in where people heading on the road for thanksgiving. let's focus on that part right now. the road travel that's going to be pretty busy. millions of people expecting to be on the road, both today and tomorrow as they make their way toward the need to for thanksgiving. if you are traveling by car the wednesday before thanksgiving from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. is the worst time to travel. that's pretty much rush hour. and you don't want to be stuck in that if you are leaving on wednesday, go in the morning before 11 on thanksgiving, a little similar, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. is the worst time to be on the road, especially if you're going from here to maybe sacramento or the mountains or the central valley. again, leave early. the same applies when
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you're coming home as well. black friday from noon to 4 p.m. will be the worst time to travel . all you'll want to do the same as you did the day before. head out before 11 a.m. or after 7 p.m. if you want to wait until after until the weekend to come home on thanksgiving, that is, you should probably do the same, which is avoid the rush hour point 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. that will be the worst time. the best time to travel on the weekend is before noon. take it from triple a who say the same thing. leave early wednesday has notoriously been the worst day to be on the roads before thanksgiving. >> and that time frame between 2 and 6 p.m. is the worst time to be on the road, because at that point, you're mixing holiday travelers on the roads with commuters, people who have to work on wednesday and that could lead to a lot of traffic congestion. >> not good if you're trying to get to where you need to be. good news, though, for road travelers. this year, renting a car about 20% cheaper this year than it was in years prior. gas also down nationwide, which we
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love to see before big holiday rush. there's also a special promotion going on at circle k, a circle k gas stations that is anywhere in the bay area and across california on the west coast. certain times you'll be able to get 40% off, which is very good news and credit to you . anything you can do to save money this time of year that will pay big dividends later on this week. we're live at sfo, ryan curry, abc seven news. >> i thought you were telling me about the hot new club circle game because i'm looking forward to that. so much open opening. right. >> right. >> yeah. did not mean to say that that's bad, but yeah. okay >> thanks, ryan a seeing charging the court and seemingly tackling a player. >> the video has a bay area youth basketball league in an uproar. abc7 news reporter gloria rodriguez joins us live in the newsroom with the story you'll see only on seven. >> gloria a good morning, reggie. this morning, police are urging anyone with additional video of this incident to reach out to them. meanwhile, many
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parents are upset and say the person responsible should face more consequences. this youth basketball game in concord takes a sudden turn when a scuffle between two, nine and ten year olds leads to a parent getting involved and even appearing to throw a punch. at one point, a parent from the concord team makes physical contact with a player in the orange from the pittsburg team. tony alvarado, his nephew, plays for the pittsburg squad representing good shepherd catholic school, who was playing the team in the white jerseys from saint francis of assisi school. the game was at a nearby charter school in concord on sunday. >> that player in the orange uniform hit him, grabbed him by his collar or neck and dragged all him around and threw him on the ground with her. when she got up, she then a assault did the father and hit him in the chest. alvarado and many others are outraged that the woman was only escorted out of the building. >> concord police say the woman
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was initially arrested, but later released because of a lack of evidence. and that video evidence showed the elements of a crime were not present. concord police say the woman in question was trying to separate the child and was knocked to the ground in the process. but video shows the boy in the orange jersey walking away from the one that he was in disagreement with the principal at saint francis of assisi says she was made aware of the situation and has no comment. she says cyo is not a school related function or activity. it's a church league run by the diocese of oakland. and we're told that action will likely be taken against the parent, possibly as early as today. live in the newsroom, gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. thank you, gloria. >> two employees of the san francisco sheriff's department have been awarded more than $1 million in discrimination and harassment lawsuit against the department. according to the lawsuit, danielle dillard and kim lee say they endured years of racial abuse on the job. lee and dillard both worked as clerks processing warrants for the department. a jury awarded
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the two women $1.1 million for emotional distress. >> but this has been my job for 18 years, and it will continue to be my job until it's time for me to retire. hopefully there's some type of change i can move on. >> i can build myself back up. i can do some mental work on myself. and i know that i don't never have to be silenced on any job. the sheriff's office and the city responded to a ruling in a joint statement that reads in part, we are surprised and disappointed by the outcome of this case. >> we will continue to make to take all reasonable steps to make our employees feel safe and valued. >> in the south bay, there's been a settlement in the case of a muslim woman whose hijab was taken away in a santa clara county jail. it's also led to reforms in county policy. last october, asia, aden was booked into the main jail and forced to remove her hijab while in custody. it was the second complaint in two years involving
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the removal of a religious head covering at a santa clara county jail. >> the trauma that that experience caused is something we want to make sure no one else, be they muslim, sikh or otherwise ever experiences. aden received a $90,000 financial settlement, cba and the sheriff's office also created a policy that allow people to keep their head covering on or be provided one while in custody, including in booking photos, law enforcement can still have detainees remove head coverings for safety purposes like searches, but that would be in a private setting or away from men . >> bay area healthcare workers are calling for an immediate cease fire on the israel hamas war. they held multiple rallies protesting the bombing of gaza hospitals with children and health care workers inside. activists say more than 200 health care workers have been killed since the war started last month. while many performing, many will performing their duties and treating
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victims of war. >> we know that they've been very brave and they will not leave because they won't leave their patients behind. and they take an oath to do no harm, as do many of us here. and so that is exactly what they're doing. they're staying put so that they can treat the people of gaza, the people of palestine. >> many protesters also say us medical institutions have been mostly silent about the attacks on the palestinian medical community in the middle east. a second hospital in gaza has become a battleground in the war. israel is denying a report that an israeli shell hit the second floor, killing at least 12 people. and jobina is live with more information about some good news potentially, potentially this morning jobina. >> thank you, kumasi. a senior hamas leader says a deal to release more hostages seized by the terror group is close, but us officials warn the deal, which is calling for more than 50 hostages to be freed in exchange for a five day cease fire. could collapse at any point in israel, some families
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of the hostages claim their government is more interested in killing palestinians than saving jews. national security council spokesman john kirby is pushing back on claims that israel is committing genocide. he acknowledged there were too many civilians dying in gaza because of the conflict. but he said israel has a right to defend itself and that hamas is the one committing genocide. >> and what hamas wants make no mistake about it, is genocide. they want to wipe israel off the map. they've said so publicly more than one occasion. in fact, just recently, and they've said that they're not going to stop and israeli defense official says thousands of hamas fighters have been killed in the fighting. >> israeli troops will soon move into southern gaza, but are promising more targeted operations there. kumasi. >> thank you, jobina volcanic expert say it is just a matter of time. up next, people living in a small town in iceland don't
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expect their homes to be standing for long after they've been forced to evacuate. >> we now have an answer to a mysterious message posted by snoop dogg. >> what the rapper really meant when he said he was, quote, giving up smoke. so first to check on the weather with drew. we are tricked by that one. >> highs today in the state. we are seeing 60s and 70s across northern california, 80s in southern california. no problem with the weather if you're taking to the roads, maybe to the skies, we will have quiet conditions. that is a different story. if you are flying to the east coast today. we are tracking this cold front. you can see it nicely right there. it is going to bring rain heavy at times across the mid atlantic and the northeast. even some snow across parts of new england. so that is certainly going to slow down flights into a lot of the hubs, say from boston to jfk to newark into dulles and even philly. so that's something you should track if you are flying east later on today. elsewhere, we're doing just fine when it comes to nationwide weather. if you're traveling to tahoe, it is lovely. a lot of sunshine. we're
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mild in the 50s, today and tomorrow on thanksgiving, very early before the sun gets up here. we may have a few flurries flying around that is about it with a quick moving cold front. it's out of here. once the daylight hours come up and it's nice, but cooler in the 40s. and then we're into the 30s on friday with brisk sunshine. this morning though how cool is this? a live look with one of the cruise ships coming in underneath the golden gate bridge this morning. do you know which one? this one is? >> that looks like a princess. >> i think it looks like a princess one. all right. here we go. we're nicely welcoming those visitors with lots of sunshine today. we'll have temperatures in the 60s and 70s by 4 p.m. so it's a delightful afternoon. the three day forecast showing you we cloud up our skies a little bit tomorrow with a cold front moves through here without any moisture behind that front. it brings a sunny holiday here on thanksgiving and the temperatures in the 60s and in the 70s. we'll take a closer look at this day planner coming up. and the weekend forecast in about
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why did you get vaccinated against
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pneumococcal pneumonia? i help others. but i need to help protect myself. honestly? i couldn't afford to get sick. i want to be there for this one. i can't if i'm sick. pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease. you may be at risk if you're 19 to 64 with certain chronic conditions. or if you're 65 or older. don't pause a moment longer. ask your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia today.
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panic eruption more than 700 earthquakes have been detected in the southwestern part of the country, adding to fears an eruption may be imminent. the force of a massive underground magma stream bursts through the streets and it caused some significant damage for people. so they are rushing to get out of town and they're coming to the realization that their home and their community may soon be gone. >> the lava tunnel is laying very close to our house, so we are expecting to lose everything if it will erupt. >> iceland is in a hot spot where magma often breaks through the earth's crust and can result in big eruptions. what happens there can affect large parts of the world. in 2010, you might remember ash spewed into the atmosphere and it brought transatlantic air travel to a standstill for weeks.
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>> in hawaii, a navy surveillance plane overshot the runway and ended up in the water and happened yesterday at a marine corps base, hawaii in kaneohe bay. this is on the island of oahu. the base is about ten miles from honolulu. all nine service members aboard were able to escape the navy p-8 poseidon aircraft without any injuries. experts say the base is known for its extremely short runway, and poor weather may have factored into this crash. >> high winds caused some major damage in southern california and even caused some people to get hurt at santa ana's john wayne airport. the strong gusts flipped over the small cessna aircraft near a taxiway. the pilot of the aircraft did not sustain any injuries and the incident did not cause any major delays at the airport. wind gusts around orange county were measured at more than 50mph, and that leads us to this. in anaheim, where three people got hurt at disneyland after winds brought down a light pole. this happened on main street. one of these people was sent to the
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hospital with serious injuries. the other two were treated on site with minor injuries. the winds also created a dangerous driving conditions. five five big rigs were knocked over as the powerful santa ana winds blew through. the drivers say they had empty cargo loads, making the trucks a lot lighter and more susceptible to get picked up off the ground by gusting winds. >> i can't tell you how i feel. the shock, you know. >> yeah, you're lucky it didn't go over the edge. yeah. just because the speed limit is 65 does not mean you should be driving 65mph, especially in winds like this. >> and visibility of the sand and the dust and the debris blowing around. >> the winds also damaged street signs and knocked down several trees throughout southern california. >> snoop dogg is explaining why he is giving up smoke, but not the smoke he's known for. >> yesterday, he clarified, saying he's going smokeless in partnership with the solo stove, which makes a smokeless fire pit . he is now the official spokesman for the brand. they
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released the collaboration. it is a snoop stove bundle. you get a fire pit, a bucket hat and a sticker pack for $350. well, he played it because we were like, oh, really? >> oh wow. >> he didn't play me. i knew that. yeah, he wasn't going to give up the actual i mean, doesn't there come a time where you just kind of friend just let go of his stove top stuffing? >> there always is a time, an opportunity for growth and maturity. >> there is. >> if you missed it yesterday. >> yes. our friendsgiving was amazing. friendsgiving. >> everything was really tasty. and if you did miss it, this was the day that i decided i was going to let go of my stove. top stuffing tradition. >> so, you know, you know, it's too salty for me. >> yeah, the sodium is hot. the sodium, it's good for you. >> yeah, we had a lot of good years, you know. >> two, three. >> yeah. decades. decades. got it. yeah. this morning it is chilly in spots. we're starting out in the 30s in some of our
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coldest cities. good morning, san ramon, palo alto. you're in the upper 30s. same story for antioch. 44 right now in oakland, 52 in the city. okay. so take the heavier jacket with you, but we'll warm nicely thanks to sunshine returning later on today. high pressure still in control of our forecast today and tomorrow. we'll watch this front back here move through here on wednesday. it'll add some clouds to our sky, but it moves through dry. we're not anticipating any rainfall in the seven day forecast. here's future weather today. it's a mostly sunny sky. these are high cirrus clouds moving in from time to time. the wispy ones that kind of look like brush strokes in our atmosphere. and then as we head towards wednesday, we'll turn to a partly sunny sky. there you can see the cold front has some moisture, but watch as it moves into our neck of the woods. it just falls apart. maybe a couple of early morning flurries around tahoe, but it's a quick moving front. that means thanksgiving day. it is sunny. it is nice out there. and temperatures pretty close to average for this time of the year. today, mostly sunny. we'll go into the 60s and
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70s was very nice this afternoon . overnight tonight, we'll keep partly cloudy conditions again, temperatures dipping into the 30s and into the 40s. thanksgiving day is looking great around here behind that front, we have lots of sunshine and maybe a little breezy from time to time, but temperatures in the 60s and in the 70s. here's your accuweather seven day forecast for the next seven days for you. we'll keep those mild temperatures through thanksgiving starting to cool off for shoppers on friday, the weekend below average but we'll keep that sunshine through early next week. jobina >> thank you, drew. good morning, everybody. so we are following some emergency roadwork underway right now in oakland. that is blocking all lanes. if you rely on northbound or southbound 13 between moraga avenue and broadway terrace. so heads up to you. that's the part of your commute. no slowdowns around that area at the moment at the richmond-san. rafael bridge. we still have the sigalert in effect week seven of that issue there. and at the bay bridge toll plaza, it has officially filled in metering. lights came on at 534. thanks for being on new at six more turmoil at crews the day after
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its ceo resigned and its co-founder also on the way out. >> first, though, the cost and benefits of letting your pets sleep in bed with you. >> oh, boy. guilty here's a live look outside. it is 550. we're coming right back. >> this is abc 724 san francisco, live in the south bay in san jose in concord, live in oakland. >> yes, you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. we are. we are. we are. we are. we are. we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app join us and start watching cancer is a journey you don't take alone.
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it was been a struggle this year. this has been really tough. salmon was about half my income and crab is probably another half of the income. so with the economy and everything else, it's been very, very difficult. >> that is tough to hear the salmon season was canceled this year so the population could regrow. this is the fifth year in a row that crab season has been delayed. restaurants at pier 39 aren't able to serve fresh local dungeness crab, which is what attracts so many people to eat there. this time of year. the state's fish and wildlife department says the delay is due to poor meat quality and a need to protect humpback whales off the coast. >> november is manatee awareness month and some florida wildlife experts say the beloved sea cows are on the brink of extinction. they are calling for stronger protections. there's currently a
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shortage of manatees main food source seagrass, which has led to mass starvation for the sea animals in the past few years. experts estimate there are only about 3000 manatees left the federal government is now deciding whether to restore the sea cow status to endangered. and a new national geographic documentary narrated by jeremy renner. we're getting an up close look at some of the tremendous migrations that animals take every year. every day, millions of animals trek across long and sometimes dangerous distances around the globe. and some of these migration paths can last a lifetime. >> there are animals out there who are the real heroes of the world, who travel every single day. millions of animals making millions of journeys. they travel without borders, without boundaries as they navigate by sun moon stars, some of them even navigate by smell from a tiny dung beetle to a larger than life humpback whale. >> the documentary follows animals of all kinds. >> i hope the audiences will
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have a newfound respect for the little animal. characters like the barn swallow no bigger than your fist that undergoes a 6000 mile migration from southern africa to the uk every year to team up with its long lost partner. >> you can watch national geographic's incredible animal journeys streaming right now on disney plus and hulu. >> pets bring us so much comfort, but sometimes that comfort can be difficult when it comes to getting to sleep. studies show pets help ease anxiety, depression and reduce stress levels, and it might seem like it would be reassuring to have a pet right by your side when you're going to bed. but doctors say it should not come at the cost of your sleep. >> you want to get continuous sleep. you want to have good quality and quantity of sleep. you want to get to the deep stage of sleep and rem sleep. >> our dogs mean the world to us, but we need to also pay attention to what we need to and making sure that we put that first. >> nearly half of american pet
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owners say they sleep with their pets. >> many of those same people report they have sleep problems. doctors say if you aren't able to get seven hours of sleep, seven hours, seven hours, oh, you may need to change your sleeping habits. if your pet is in the bed with you. >> i would say my pet sleeps longer than i do. >> that's what i'm saying. that's all my pet does, basically has breaks for being up. right? >> exactly. i wake up, he gets a treat, and then he's back in bed. speaking of dogs, speaking of dogs, let's move out of the way so you can see all the dogs. it is chilly out there this morning. we're starting out in the 30s and 40s, but we'll warm up nicely with a lot of sunshine. this morning. here's a live look at our abc seven oakland airport camera. she have no problems getting out of here. if you're flying. we have great weather, sunny skies, temperatures in the 60s and in the 70s. kumasi >> thank you, drew. new at six. a listeria outbreak tied to produce that is getting people sick here in california. >> and the oakland a's owner opening up about the team's pending move to vegas. what he says he won't be doing despite criticism about the relocation,
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the monopoly south bay edition, a new edition of the game focusing on san jose. >> what iconic spot will be most valuable in this version through your cancer diagnosis. never forget those who loved you so well and know that you have the responsibility to give back. love, dad.
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that are right for you at (gentle music) the busiest at our local airports all year. we are live with everything you need to know before you fly out to see friends or family for


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