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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  November 21, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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it's a challenge trying to operate a business every day. >> oakland's popular horn barbecue now redtagged after an early morning fire ripped through the building. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley and i'm stephanie sierra. >> it happened just after 4:00 this morning at the restaurant located on mandela parkway in west oakland. >> the fire department is investigating, of course, but the owner thinks he may have been targeted since the fire happened just two days after he made a scathing instagram post about vandals who tagged the building with graffiti. >> abc7 news reporter anser hassan has the latest from the owner. when matt horn arrived at his restaurant, horn barbecue on tuesday morning this is what he found. >> this breaks my heart. it really does. in and it's tough. the oakland fire department says the fire broke out after 4 a.m. >> horn says he's still assessing the damage which destroyed the kitchen and damaged the venting system which cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars to install.
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>> i hear a lot of people say, well, you know, welcome to oakland. this is oakland. no business owner should have to deal with having their business and having their property destroyed. >> i don't know if we can call it a total loss. >> michael hunt with the oakland fire department says they're reviewing surveillance video and talking with nearby businesses as part of their investigation. but horn thinks this could be arson. >> the timing of it does feel that there's a possibility it could be personal. >> he made a post on instagram calling out people who tagged the side of his building. he wrote to you cowardly individuals respond possible for this. hear me clearly. you're nothing more than the filth that plagues our beautiful city. that was posted monday. the fire broke out tuesday morning. >> my team works extremely hard, but it's becoming harder and harder to try to go out and fulfill a dream and a purpose while justifying and crying. >> still, horn remains determined to rebuild and stand by his community. on wednesday, he still plans to give out 150
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turkeys to those in need, which will be prepared in his outside smokers. and he plans to keep his employees working full time hours between his two other oakland restaurants. >> we decided to come here. we accept it. you know, the challenges that we may face. and in order to overcome those challenges, we need to continue to walk by faith and follow that light at the end of the tunnel. and so we're going to continue to serve our community in oakland, anser hassan abc7 news. >> two people are now charged in connection with the death of an oakland woman killed by a stray bullet that went straight through her house. 32 year old tremon gray is charged with murder. 35 year old alonzo dyer faces felony gun charges. police say both men were involved in the september 15th shooting near 39th avenue in masterson street in the laurel district. 42 year old wing yin yang was asleep on her couch inside her home, a block away when police say a stray bullet struck and killed her. her husband and their two children were also in the house,
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but thankfully were not hurt. >> there's nothing like losing a mother, a daughter, a wife, a partner i can't even imagine what they're going through, what they've gone through. >> opd says they're still searching for at least two more suspects they believe are also involved. >> an oakland city council member wants the city to show support for an end to the violence between israel and hamas. council member carol fife plans to introduce a resolution in support of an immediate cease fire in gaza. the council will hold a special meeting monday to deliberate on this resolution. fife said in a statement. the resolution was written by oakland muslim and jewish leaders who want to see the federal government invest in practices of unity and healing. a similar resolution has already been introduced in congress. >> in san francisco, a popular ice cream spot reopened today, about a month after it was vandalized in what police are investigating as a hate crime.
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abc7 news reporter suzanne phon tells us the owner who is jewish says she is fighting hate by spreading love. >> it's delicious. >> i got cookie dough. >> what flavor did you get? >> i choose love. whatever flavor you choose at smitten ice cream in the mission district, supporters say every scoop, every pint spreads love. >> all right. today was the grand reopening of the popular ice creamery after a heartbreaking experience about a month ago, robin sue fischer's store was vandalized. she says two men smashed the front windows, spray painted free palestine and out the mission. fischer is jewish. she shared her thoughts in this instagram post about the attack on the store. >> really left us, me and my team, scared and hurt. >> with help from the community, she raised more than $100,000 to pay for repairs to add new security at her store and to pay the wages of her 18 staff members. they were out of work for a month.
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>> the community helped lift us up. >> fischer named her ice creamery smitten, which means in love. >> and she hopes that by reopening her store that she can show the world that love is fierce and that this ice cream is a unifying force, this store reopening is a symbol of us coming together in a symbol of the strength of the love in this community. >> for sure. >> created a new ice cream flavor for the occasion. it's called i choose love, which has strawberries and blueberries and raspberries. she hopes ice cream will bring people together even during difficult and divisive times. fischer's also selling these special t shirts and sweatshirts that say, in the spirit of ice cream, i choose love. proceeds will go to the courage museum. that's an empathy building education center, said fischer. fischer has a lot of supporters. >> i think it's really important that we stand behind her on this reopening day and bring the community together and choose love. >> it's amazing that she could turn something that was directed at her by hate into something that's about community and love.
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and i think it's a really wonderful thing in san francisco. >> suzanne phan abc7 news. >> there appears to be a tentative deal to free some of the hostages in the middle east conflict. abc news has learned the agreement would call for 50 women and children to be released by hamas. in return, fighting would be stopped for four, maybe five days. also israel would release three palestine prisoners for each israeli hostage. president biden appears optimist stick. >> we're now very close, very close. you could bring some of these hostages home very soon. but i don't want to get into the details of things because nothing is done until it's done. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is urging his government to vote to approve this agreement. hostages would gradually be released during the cease fire. >> well, after a three decades in congress representing parts of san mateo, santa clara and santa cruz counties. today, representative anna eschew
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announced that she will not seek reelection in 2024. abc seven news south bay reporter zach fuentes sat down with the congresswoman in one of her only in-person interviews since making the announcement and he joins us live now. zach no doubt a force in silicon valley. >> oh, absolutely. still a force and will remain so. she's quick to point out this was not an exit interview. she still has a year left and a lot of plans and a lot of things that she wants to accomplish within that year before she closes this three decades long chapter that she is looking back on today with a lot of gratitude and pride. a lot has changed since congress woman anna eshoo was first sworn in in january of 1993. >> the internet was nascent. it was a baby that was just being born. >> she was part of legislation to advance the internet. and in her decades long tenure, 66 of her bills have passed, signed by five presidents, something recognized by speaker emerita nancy pelosi just hours after she announced her retirement. >> any subject you can name
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health care, education and energy technology, climate, whatever the subject that she has been on the forefront now after years of work representing her district, which is included large parts of the peninsula and south bay as she says, she feels at peace with retirement plans. >> i have commuted across the country every single week for 31 years. her retirement comes at a time when congress has seen turmoil, including the recent house speaker race and struggles to avoid a government shutdown. >> but she said that's not what influenced her retirement. >> aunt i'm not fleeing the congress. that's not what my decision is about at all. i think that it's time for me. >> as she joins a growing list of sitting congress members retiring, marking a shift in many congressional districts across the country. >> so i'll be looking at the ways in which candidates try and establish themselves as being new, different, young, hip outsiders, which i imagine a lot of these campaigns are going to claim. >> as for issues district, many
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are rumored to be eyeing her seat, but issues not putting her name behind anyone yet in the next year, she says her focus is on getting bills signed into law, including legislation on artificial intelligence. after that, she said she looks forward to more flexibility. >> my life is filled with half dues. i have to do this. i have to do that. i have to set up appointments. so i can make sure i can have dinner. sometimes with my family. so i think that i think stepping out of congress that it it's only a dream to me now. but i look forward to not having as many half two's. >> so some of the people rumored to be looking at her seat, possibly running for it include former san jose mayor sam liccardo, state senator josh becker, assembly member evan lowe, and santa clara county supervisor joe simitian. again, as she told me, she's not putting her name behind anyone just yet. she says she's confident that her constituents will make their voices loud and
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clear and that the district will be well represented after she leaves right now. live in the south bay, zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> and again, she has another year. zach, thank you very much. >> coming up, local health officials are warning about the rise in rsv cases. what the data shows in the south bay and the message from doctors. >> plus, an update on repairs at that luxury high rise in san francisco that's had so much trouble with then nearly 400 displaced residents will be able to move back in. abc7 news at
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water data is showing a dramatic increase in rsv cases in the community. >> abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dawsey explains the latest recommendations to keep you and your loved ones safe. >> rsv is on the rise in scc. santa clara county health
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leaders say an already busy flu and covid season is getting even busier, with a rise in respiratory syncytial virus. >> what we saw last year and so far what we i think we're seeing this year is a peak first in rsv, then a peak in flu and then a peak in covid. so we're going to be monitoring that's part of what we do here at the public health department. but so far, it does look like rsv is probably going to peak first in wastewater monitoring backs that up. >> santa clara county is the leader of community detection for a number of illnesses and diseases, including rsv. in the last month, the wastewater has shown double the amount of rsv in san jose and in the palo alto, sunnyvale and gilroy sewer sheds. it has doubled in the last week. >> rsv affects everybody in every age in our community and we know that the more rsv there is in the community, it's then going to spread to and put those young infants at risk, babies younger than one and people older than 60 are most vulnerable to serious complications from the virus. >> and a new rsv specific vaccine aims to help them. it's
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found to reduce an infant's risk of hospitalization from rsv by 57. santa clara county public health assistant health officer dr. monica roy says despite a shortage of infant vaccines, there is a recommendation for expectant mothers to protect their children without waiting to get them vaccinated after birth. the idea is that weeks 32 through 36, the mother gets vaccinated, she develops antibodies. >> those get passed on to her infant and so that baby is then protected during this this fall winter rsv season in addition to the rsv vaccine. >> dr. roy says an increase in emergency visits for influenza like illnesses means it's important for everyone to get updated. covid and flu shots as well. and of course, she says don't forget proper cold and flu season practices to stay safe during this thanksgiving holiday. >> you know, wash your hands, cough in your elbow, so mask up if you're going to be around a lot of people indoors and stay home if you're sick in santa clara county. >> dustin dawsey, abc seven news, displaced residents of a
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flooded san francisco high rise will have to wait. >> even longer to return home. the san francisco chronicle is reporting new details in this ordeal. at 33, tehama the chronicle says hines, the owner of 33 tehama, messaged residents saying they can't return this year because of unfinished repairs. more than 400 tenants were displaced when the 35 unit building flooded. that was june of 2022. they were first promised to return by fall of last year, but that was pushed back to the second half of this year. >> after the break, we're tracking holiday travel from storms that could impact flights to the best times to hit the road. we've got the details next
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to track more than 50 miles to their destinations. >> but as many are hitting the roads and the skies, major
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storms are moving in, threatening to make that holiday commute even more difficult. >> yeah. abc's justin finch is tracking the latest. >> two days before thanksgiving and there are already lengthy lines at some us airports. >> yes, i am so excited and i'm traveling to new jersey. >> the transportation security administered later says tsa agents are preparing for record crowds, expecting to screen some 30 million travelers over the holiday tuesday and wednesday before thanksgiving are very busy. >> the busiest day usually is the sunday following. and so the sunday following thanksgiving this year, we expect about 3 million passengers going through our screening checkpoints. and if so, that will be an all time record. >> the faa predicting the us will see nearly 50,000 flights daily today and tomorrow, just as forecast shows stormy weather moving from the midwest to the east, bringing heavy rain and up to two feet of snow possible in parts of new england and parts of the west. >> it mother nature, of course,
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is the x factor in all of this for casters. >> also expecting storms to hamper plans for some of the 49 million commuters. triple a estimates will be driving over the holiday wednesday. they expected to see the heaviest traffic, though. motorists are seeing some lower prices at the pump. >> gas prices are lower than this time last year in many states, significantly lower. so there is going to be a bit of relief when you fill up at the pump. >> triple a is encouraging all travelers to anticipate delays and leave early. justin finch, abc news, washington. >> all right. here's a look at some of the best and worst times to hit the road tomorrow. the best time to drive is before 11 a.m. and you'd be wise to avoid the roads from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. then on thursday, thanksgiving day, your best bet will be to hit the road before 10 a.m. or after five. the worst time to travel will be 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. because that's when so many people are trying to get to
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their destinations. >> yeah, good to know. well, from travelers to those turkey trotters that will be out this week, let's check in on our holiday forecast. >> yeah. abc seven news meteorologist sandyha patel is here with a story on that sandhya and dan and steph it is not going to be raining for the turkey trotters or for your friendsgiving or thanksgiving if you do have plans on thursday. >> let me show you some live pictures. good evening to all of you. look at this. beautiful views from our tower cameras. the post sunset glow. the sun is setting at 4:54 p.m. these days, so the sun has gone down and we have absolute gorgeous weather to talk about. so let's talk about what is happening in terms of our temperatures. livermore's average high is 63 degrees. tomorrow, you're going to hit 70 on thanksgiving, 71. and then notice the temperatures really dropping off into the 60s as we head towards the weekend and going into next week. a live view from our east bay hills camera. you can see those passing high clouds and a nice burst of color post sunset view.
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looking good, not looking so great is east coast travel right now. they are getting slammed with some downpours. snow on the northern periphery of this storm and certainly the gusty winds. so this is going to be the challenging area for travel across the pacific northwest. some wet weather as well. but this is really the focus from the southeast to the northeast where they are seeing that wintry mix travel issues. well, tomorrow afternoon, things will be quieter, 53 in boston, new york. you're looking at 58 degrees across the central tier states. no problems to speak of weather wise. 60 in dallas, 49 degrees in minneapolis. out west, we're looking at 79. in los angeles, 52 in portland. and let's look at the statewide travel forecast. tahoe is looking good, 56 degrees down south. san diego, 76, 80 in los angeles, eureka might see a few showers, 58 degrees. so locally, we have temperatures in the 50s and the 60s. it was a mild day.
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most areas were a few degrees above average. and that's because high pressure is in control of our weather. keeping the storm track well to our north. so we have been seeing high clouds coming through the bay area and just filtering our sun throughout the day today. that's what you're going to see again tomorrow. here is a lovely view from our san jose camera. one more time. sun and high clouds tomorrow. bright and sunny for the holiday. it will be breezy in the hills on thanksgiving as offshore winds develop. but because of the recent rain, we're not expecting any fire danger. and not only that, the winds are not expected to be strong. colder nights, cooler days. this upcoming weekend. let's talk thanksgiving as you do get it underway for the holiday is going to be really nice. cool start. temperatures in the 40s. a few passing high clouds and then it brightens up. it's going to get breezy in the afternoon, but certainly a mild holiday, mid 60s to low 70s clear skies in the evening speak of evening tonight. we do have those clouds going through. that's going to continue tomorrow. some showers up to the north and in the sierra, a mix of showers and snow. so if you are traveling,
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slight chance tomorrow night, better chance on thursday morning. temperatures, 30s, 40s and a low 50 there in san francisco. a lot of cloud cover tomorrow afternoon we're looking at a mix of sun and high clouds mid 60s to the low 70s morgan hill getting up to the mid 70s. the accuweather seven day forecast temperatures are going up for thanksgiving. it's going to be well above average. really a nice bright holiday and then chilly for black friday shoppers on friday morning. cooler in the afternoon in those temperatures at night will be lower over the weekend, but the days will be crisper and we are looking at more november like weather going into next week. so steph and dan, really overall couldn't be better weather here locally. yeah, great ideal. >> i love the sound of it. thanks, sandy. well, financial assistance is on the way for salmon fishers hit hard by a string of poor seasons. the national oceanic and atmospheric administration has declared a federal fishery disaster for the 2023 chinook salmon season, the
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federal government announced in october it will dole out relief to commercial chinook fishermen. the disaster declaration will qualify. impacted fisheries, tribes, businesses and more for federal funds ♪tasty glazed turkeys that won't be forgotten♪ ♪their warm mac and cheese has us feasting like kings♪ ♪these are a few of my favorite things♪ every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company bounced from one doctor
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every bite is a celebration with to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you.
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as the saint anthony foundation hosted its second annual giving thanks on golden gate block party, hundreds came out to have fun. the event doubled as a holiday giveaway with volunteers passing out warm winter gear and hygiene kits to those in need. >> we really wanted to do something where we could connect one on one with those in need, with guests. so we came up with the giving things on golden gate block party quite a few familiar faces came out for today's celebration, including longtime former house speaker and san francisco representative nancy pelosi and the giants mascot lou seal. >> well, we still have much more news ahead. at 530. we'll tell you about a million dollar grant to build new housing for low income farm workers in san mateo county. it would be geared towards helping farm workers displaced by the january mass shooting in half moon bay. san
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mateo county supervisor ray mueller joins me next to talk about this housing project. plus, using ai to diagnose and treat food allergies. it's happening. and we'll talk to the doctor behind the new technology and technique. join us for those stories and more at 530 over on the stream. and if you're watching us here on tv, world news tonight with david muir is next for sandhya patel. >> all of us, we appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley. >> and i'm stephanie sierra. see you in two minutes on the stream .
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tonight, the storm system hitting now, several major airports and up i-95, right through new york city tonight. we also have breaking news on the hostages coming in now. first tonight, with millions of americans traveling for thanksgiving, this major storm sweeping across the country. heavy rain, ow


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