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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  November 28, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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enforcement, they say it actually makes it easier for illegal vendors to sell on the sidewalk. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz, the 90 day ban means street vendors both with and without permits are not allowed to sell on the sidewalks of mission street. >> but today, one day after it went into effect, permitted vendors say the fencing operations are already back. abc seven news reporter louis pena has been monitoring the situation. she joins us live from the newsroom with the latest tonight. louis >> yeah, that's right. we saw multiple changes. sidewalks are now clean. people can walk without stepping on merchandise. but we also found this secured city tags a sign of stolen items. it's been 24 hours since the 90 day street ban on san francisco's mission street went into effect. and according to this vendor, what you see will depend on the time of day. >> there was a lot of activity, people selling, buying, and there was inspectors on the side doing nothing. >> last week, rodrigo lopez was selling on 24th street. now he's
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documented. >> we feel very disappointed, this disturbed vendors. we are not selling right here, right now on the street. but all the vendors, they are on the street. so we want we demand more actions from the city. >> at 8:40 a.m, rodrigo says he captured people pulling merchandise out of suitcases and selling them on the sidewalks. when we showed up several hours later, 24th street was clean. no vendors in sight and public works inspectors began to show up with sfpd. it turns out when rodrigo shot these, it was before inspectors began their patrol on weekdays. >> we're there right now from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m, although we're looking to see if we can extend that a little bit. it's really dependent on resource. and then on weekends, we're out there from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. so outside of those hours, people can go out there and continue vending. so what the city is going to do is really monitor this. is it working during these hours? >> the san francisco public works department says inspectors have been attacked by unpermitted vendors. so for months they've been patrolling
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with sfpd officers as they're going out and telling them that they're not allowed to do that anymore, they have to pack up and leave. >> if they don't do that, if there's not compliance with that, we can issue something called a notice of violation. >> amin owns pueblito marquez on 24th street. he's thankful for the change, even if it's not consist. and yet, have you noticed a difference? >> yeah, the difference is better people. they can walk uh- clean several bart plazas are part of the ban. >> in the past these have been fencing operation hotspots on the phone, the bart police commander confirmed they're now adding extra resources to the area. but vendors like rodrigo say it's not fair that unpermitted vendors get to set up shop when inspectors are not around. what's your message to the city? >> so the message to the city is to do their job. >> bart police officers and public works employees have the authority to confiscate items if unpermitted street vendors do
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not move. but off camera, a public works inspector said unpermitted vendors leave as soon as they see them coming in the newsroom. luz pena, abc seven news. >> you got to realize, we sat here for five years without understand finding who was behind him and it was totally shrouded. >> this is not a good faith. they're not talking to my people in fairfield. that's not how we deal here today. >> the solano sierra club publicly opposed california forever's new city in solano county. >> the organization says the billionaire backed group ignores years of smart growth planning that is endangering travis air force base. >> i-team reporter stephanie sierra has been following this story. joining us now with new developments tonight. steph >> yes, the same questions continue lingering tonight. we're learning new details about california. forever's proposed land swap with solano county and why city officials are concerned about the implications to travis air force base. the sierra club is calling out what they see as threats to agricultural land and
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biodiversity conservation. the solano sierra club says california forever's secretive billion dollar acquisition is nothing short of a hostile takeover. and criticizing the plan for a new city conflicts with county policy that restricts development on agriculture land losing prime land means we're losing our ability to feed ourselves. princess washington is the chair of the solano sierra club and mayor pro tem of suisun city. she says over the past 30 years, the bay area has lost more than 217,000 acres of ag land to new development. this land we cannot get back. >> washington and fairfield mayor catherine moy both called out concerns surrounding travis air force base. >> the threat to travis air force base, that's a big fat no. >> city officials say they've asked california forever. why not make the land immediately surrounding travis air force base available to be relinquished? what's your response to that? >> i mean, i think that they should wait for the overall plans before anyone is kind of
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making making up an opinion about the project, which is what most of the electeds in the area are doing. and we're very confident that the uses that we're going to propose in the new year, such as using it for solar farms, are going to be entirely compatible and in fact support the operations of travis air. >> washington says california forever recently learned that certain parcels north east of travis air force base were identified as targets for the department of defense to acquire for their environmental protection program. >> by the time the parcels were identified, their company had already acquired them. >> did the department of defense request for those specific parcels back? >> no, absolutely not. and we acquired them from third party landowners, so we didn't even learn about the fact that this was a priority for them. from them, we learned about it from just independently talking to people in the community. and those are the very parcels that we proposed to swap to the water agency. >> schrameck says he would exchange around 1400 acres of pasture land for 1500 acres of their land. that, he says, has the highest habitat values. but
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mayor moy says there's more to the story. >> right now in this land swap they're trying to pass off a piece of land to the solano county water agency that's now under investigation by state and by other environmental groups, and that could come with fines up to $20 million. >> what's your response to that? >> that's categorically false. and i would ask her to present the evidence of that because that is absolutely not true. >> now, the solano county water agency will decide whether or not to negotiate with california forever to supply water in mid-december. if they don't schrameck says today he's still confident he'll have enough water to support a city of tens of thousands of people. and those plans continue developing starting this thursday, he says two new offices will open in vallejo and vacaville so residents can come in and ask questions. >> that's a lot of water. >> it is a lot of water. we'll
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be tracking it. >> yeah, as you have been. thank you so much. >> all right. now to get in touch with steph and the i-team, you can call this number on your screen or go to abc seven slash i-team. >> all right. let's take a live look outside at the conditions. it is still dry out there right now, but the rain is expected to return. for the details and timeline, let's go to abc seven news meteorologist sandhya patel. sandhya. >> yeah, just a matter of hours before that wet weather arrives. let's go right to live. doppler seven and we're going to talk about what's happening right now. so moisture is getting picked up just off our coastline and also just off the mendocino coast. that is headed in our direction as a light level. one storm is moving towards california. this will bring us beneficial rain. and as we time it out for you, 6:00 tonight, it is approaching the north bay coast. as you will notice, by 10 p.m. we are starting to see some showers moving in. the intensity picks up briefly as we head towards tomorrow morning's commute. if you're an early commuter, give yourself that extra time because we are going to see some moderate showers moving through. and this continues as we head towards 8
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a.m. on our exclusive abc seven news storm impact scale. this is a level one tonight through tomorrow morning. light to moderate showers, slick roadways and breezy conditions and a slight possibility of isolated thunder. that's not our only opportunity for wet weather. i'll be back to let you know exactly when you can expect more rain coming right up. dan? >> okay, sandhya, thanks a lot. we'll touch base again in a moment. investigators are trying to determine if a possible propane leak was what sickened a dozen people at an overnight youth camp in sonoma county early this morning. the occidental volunteer fire department responded to a 911 call from the catholic charities, cyo camp on boheme, pen drive or highway. authorities say the young campers were triaged and given oxygen to determine their degree of illness. now two campers had to be taken to a hospital. the western propane gas association tells abc7 news. a company called mcphail fuel provides added the propane equipment to the camp. the president of the gas association says they believe a faulty space heater
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may be to blame for this. >> coming up, the latest in the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price. now the question is can appoint officials even be recalled? we're going to tell you what the board of supervisors says about the matter when abc7 news at 5:00 returns coming up tonight, multiple pileups. >> the chain reaction crash across the northeast. whiteout conditions from ohio to new york. you'll see it. hostages released tonight. the images coming in. but where are the americans? and in the us was the water supply in pennsylvania targeted by iran? next
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impact on the current effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price. >> abc7 news reporter anser hassan breaks down the decision on tuesday. >> the alameda county board of supervisors voted to ask voters
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on the march ballot if appointed officials can be recalled. >> it would be only allowing the county supervisor to fire or to let go of any non-elected. >> carl chen is with saif. saif alameda for everyone which is leading the recall campaign against alameda county district attorney pamela price. >> recall. price. recall. price for a second time this month. >> they've rallied at the board of supervisors office, demanding that no changes be made. while the recall campaign is underway. the board of supervisors has called parts of charter 62, which pertains to a recall as being outdated and unconstitutional. but watchdog group calls it a power grab. >> they are also making it so it's possible that the person who gets appoint and could not be recalled. so you would have basically a an unremovable person that could be appointed by the board of supervisors. >> chen admits the proposed changes likely will not impact the current recall effort against d.a. >> price so it doesn't impact a whole lot of what we are doing.
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okay. but it's, you know, bringing so much confusion in and how they are using the, the charter of the county section 62 and also with the state charter and which would overrule which one, one issue who is collecting signatures. >> chen says state law allows for anyone over the age of 18 to collect signatures in a recall. but county rules differ and that could raise legal issues against the recall. >> well, there's a lot of differences between county and state law, but there's absolute no question that the county law governs county elections. >> on tuesday, attorney james sutton, who represents da price, wrote to the board of supervisors with concerns over the recall. the email states that the board has the duty to invalidate any and all signatures, collect and by people who are not registered voters in alameda county to be registered voters in the county. >> it's pretty basic. and that law is on the books. it's going to be on the books for the
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foreseeable future, regardless of what happens with this charter amendment. >> sutton's email states the da price will consider all legal options to enforce the county laws. in oakland, anser hassan abc7 news. >> coming up, we will introduce you to a group aimed at developing leaders while supporting local asian-american organizations. it's all part of our day of giving celebration as we highlight bay area nonprofits working to uplift our communities. >> i'm david goodman with the redwood empire food bank. and i want to thank disney and feeding america for its generous contribution of $15,000. year in and year out. we receive $15,000 at this time of year to make sure that everybody has a joyous holiday season and if you would like to help this organization or any of the others, we're profiling on abc7 news today. >> we have all the information on our website. it's important to do it today as many nonprofits are doing matching pledges on this day of giving. so take care of that. now if you'd like, just head to abc7
5:16 pm action. we'll be right back here entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium.
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introduces you to one group that is as much about helping their own volunteers as they are the asian-american causes that they raise money for. >> whether it's at the japanese friendship garden in san jose, doing beach cleanup or lending a hand at food pantries project by project is everywhere. >> we are a 100% volunteer run nonprofit organization whose mission is to develop leaders through innovative philanthropy. >> for more than a quarter century, the nonprofit picks a local asian american organization to partner with. >> this year, our theme was education access. and so we had partnered with an organization called the oakland asian cultural center. they really try to increase access to cultural programing in the bay area. >> then using teamwork, project
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by project finds a way to raise money and awareness for the cause is my favorite project would be plate by plate, which is the oldest and largest aapi focused tasting benefit event that we host every year. the event is also held for chapters in new york and l.a. they've even gotten me involved. it not only helps the partner organization which we are extremely proud and happy to announce that we exceed our fundraising goal of $100,000 this year, but the nearly 40 restaurants and beverage vendors who participate, they get some visibility as well to what their beverage concepts are or their restaurant concepts, especially like smaller businesses. for kathy being involved with project by project was especially important given the challenges asian americans dealt with during the pandemic. >> there were a lot of just things happening in the bay area, like anti-asian, hate, lots of crimes, a lot of xenophobia, she says. >> while the pandemic may no longer be front and center, the
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need is still great and we see a lot of underrepresentation in leadership positions in media and politics. >> our vision is to really create an empowered aapi community. >> on this giving tuesday project by project hopes, you'll contribute in some way. this is a group that grows community one project at a time. in san francisco, diane lim, abc7 news. >> they're doing great work and if you'd like to help this organization or any of the others we've been profiling on abc7 news today we have all of the information on our website. it's very easy to find, but as i said before, it's important to do it today because many nonprofits are doing matching pledges this day of giving, which will only amplify your gift. just head to abc7 slash take action. >> we're taking a little time to get that done. all right. let's take a little time for the weather. we are indeed going to take some time to talk about the cold. >> meteorologist sandyha patel is here. awfully chilly out there, sandy. >> yeah, this morning we had temperatures down near freezing
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and even below. but we're going to trade that chill for some rain, believe it or not. so, dan and anna, let me show you a live picture right now from our oakland airport camera as we pan around, i want to show you what it looks like. the clouds are beginning to gather ahead of the system that is going to bring us rain tonight. so at least the clouds will insulate us. it's not going to be as cold as we look at live doppler seven area of low pressure off the northern california coast is spinning and it's going to drive in some wet weather as we head towards tonight. already picking up the moisture up along the northern california coast right now and some radar returns off our coast as well. as you look at live doppler seven. so let's check out the view from our golden gate bridge camera. and it is fine in terms of visibility, 60 degrees in san francisco, oakland, 58, san jose, you're at 63 degrees. san jose, you manage to get up to 70 degrees. the rest of you in the 60s. today, half moon bay, 57. so a nice recovery considering how cold and frosty it was this morning. look at this stunning view from our santa cruz camera. absolutely gorgeous, 59 in santa
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rosa. it is 57 degrees in napa. currently in the 50s from fairfield to concord and livermore from our east bay hills camera, we are noticing those clouds coming together ahead of this system. so showers arrive late tonight, wet for the morning commute. we are looking at an unsettled pattern that continues into the weekend. i'll explain in just a moment. it's a light level one storm for tonight, going into tomorrow morning. light to moderate showers, slick roadways breezy at times. and there's a slight possibility of an isolated thunderstorm. so just keep that in mind. 6:00 tonight, the wet weather already knocking at our door as we head towards 830. the rain is beginning to move into the north bay. but for the rest of us, we're going to have to wait until about 10 p.m. and then you will notice while you're sleeping, the showers continue to move in moderate pockets of rain for the 5:00 commute hours. so just be prepared for some slow going on the roadways. 8 a.m, we are going to be noticing the rain is shifting mainly from san francisco southward. and at 10
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a.m. as well. and then the showers are gone and you get a break for the rest of your wednesday afternoon. rainfall estimates will range from a few hundredths of an inch, where it does range to a rain to about a third of an inch. not everyone is going to measure, but at this point, it is beneficial rain. we'll take it while we can. temperatures in the 30s and 40s tomorrow morning. coldest spot is lakeport at 39 i think 40 here giving your heaters a break and your bills a break will be nice tomorrow afternoon. you're looking at mid 50s to the mid 60s. a mix of sun and higher clouds and a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. it's a level one for tomorrow morning as you will notice. wet start, dry end thursday, a slight chance of a few showers in the late afternoon evening. there's a slight chance on friday and then a chance of rain on saturday. so yes, it is not a washout between thursday and saturday, but we do have periods of occasional wet weather chances in the forecast. and the next week we'll go with a dry,
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milder pattern. ama and dan. >> all right, thanks, andy. virgin atlantic has made history flying the first transatlantic flight powered by 100% sustainable fuel. >> the plane took off this morning from london, heading to new york. it used 70 tons of fuel, made mostly from waste cooking oils and animal fat because the fuel is so new. current regulations don't allow planes to use more than 50% sustainable fuel. but the uk's civil aviation authority gave a special permit for this flight. all right. we'll be right back
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step up this giving tuesday in all sorts of great ways. we were at royal pin donuts in south san francisco earlier today when a single mother got a really great surprise. a bay area cosmo company shades by shan gave $2,500 to dawn boyle through its mom for berries foundation. dawn was at a loss for words. as you can understand, and i just want to thank everybody. >> this is really awesome and i'm still, like i said, i'm in shock. but i appreciate it. and
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i don't think ever getting a donut again will be the same. >> right? dawn was nominated through the shades by shan website. this will go along for the holidays since she has a child with autism. so this really will help her a lot. shades by shan donates a portion of every sale to its mama berries foundation that is so not just giving tuesday for that group. right. >> all right. giving super good. all right. well, let's check in on the news that we have coming up ahead. yeah, let's go to abc7 news anchor karina nova for a look at the stories coming up at 530. >> karina thanks, dan. >> and tonight, sandhya is going to join us to time out the rain that's moving into the bay area. plus how to donate wisely on this day of giving. we'll get some tips on making sure your generosity makes a difference. and in our effort to build a better bay area, we're taking an in-depth look at the challenges facing san francisco. abc7 news reporter lyanne melendez breaks down the issues ahead of next week's town hall meeting with the mayor. police chief and
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district attorney join us for those stories and more at 530 on abc7 bay area streaming tv. dan? okay, karina, thanks a lot. >> and you can download the abc seven app or head to abc7 and join karina in two minutes. >> and if you're watching us here on tv, world news tonight with david muir is next for sandhya patel. all of us we appreciate your time. >> i'm dan ashley and i'm ama daetz. we will see you again at 6:00.
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by choosing treatment, you choose family, your career and your life on your terms. choose change, california, and find medically proven treatment options at tonight, the chain reaction crash. multiple pileups reported on highways across the northeast. whiteout conditions from ohio to new york. more than 20 vehicles involved in multiple chain reaction crashes. more than a foot of snow already falling near buffalo, new york, with more on the way. the deep freeze from chicago to the northeast, all the way down to florida. and tonight, in washington, d.c., the national christmas tree coming down in the wind. and what's c


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