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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  November 30, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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to make sure the town is safe for shoppers. >> building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc7 news frustrations over flaring flames and steam shot into the air over martinez last night in a story we first broke here on abc7 news at 6:00. >> it is the second refinery this week where flaring was set off and that's raising concerns in the community. tonight we're getting answers for you on what flaring is and why it happens. good evening. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. this all started monday at the chevron refinery in richmond. chevron says the flaring was caused by a partial power outage. >> then the latest flaring happened last night at martinez refining company in martinez. people living near these two locations are wondering what this means for their health. and now members of congress are calling on regulators to hold the martinez refining company accountable for its recent flaring activity. >> abc seven news reporter ryan curry explains what flaring is
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precisely and why people are so worried about its effects. tall and bright flames flaring from the martinez refining company continued wednesday night into thursday morning. >> residents are now worried for their health. >> it just seems constantly some things going on at the refineries every year or every few years. >> according to the american petroleum institute, flaring happens to alleviate pressure. they say natural gas builds up and it is safer to burn it than release it into the atmosphere. but burning it still releases toxic chemicals like the burning of any fossil fuel flaring releases pollutants. >> this can be methane, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides, chemicals that should not be inhaled, especially by people who live nearby. those closest to these facility. these are usually unfortunate. those most burdened by these environmental hazards. >> this is now the third time in just over a year flaring occurred at this refinery. they
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say flaring happened following an operational incident that they said we have been maintaining clean combustion during the flaring and ground level. air monitoring has shown normal measurements. still many are concerned about this refinery. residents already filed a lawsuit this week demanding pbf energy, which owns the refinery, be more trans apparent following its two other chemical releases. as the lawyers representing the plaintiffs say that the refinery's emissions from those flaring events are a danger to the people's health. and now, after what happened yesterday, they're adding that recent flaring event to the lawsuit. congress member john garamendi wants the state and county to closely monitor the refinery. there's a long history of this particular refinery of flaring of emissions of various kinds being sent into the air and contaminating the communities nearby. >> that's got to stop, he says. >> as long as we continue to use fossil fuels, refineries have to be more mindful of people's health. >> we still are using the petroleum products that come
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from the refineries. so as long as that's going on, these refineries have to operate safely in martinez, ryan curry, abc7 news in oakland today, city leaders launched a new campaign just in time for the holiday shopping season. >> they're deploying more uniformed and undercover officers to make sure shoppers feel safe. leaders hope people will support local small businesses and think oakland first. abc seven news reporter suzanne fawn takes a closer look at the plan. >> have a good day. all right. thank you very much. >> merry christmas. >> the season for giving kicks off with plenty of shopping. oakland resident karen brooks has a few more gifts to get. let's see. yeah on college avenue in oakland's rockridge neighborhood, the stores in the restaurants are bustling. >> it's a great walking neighborhood, but like in many bay area communities, there's an underlying safety concern. >> near coal hardware store on
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college avenue in rockridge, thieves broke into two cars early thursday morning. >> there's one in front of the store. i barely saw it. i heard the pop sound and then i saw someone actually go into a car and steal a bag and run off. >> you just have to be careful. it happened over at trader joe's a few days ago. i think somebody bashed in the window there, too. >> this holiday season. the mayor of oakland wants everyone to shop local. to that end, she helped launch the think oakland first campaign with a goal of supporting small businesses. tao says that initiative begins with safety. >> we've increased police deployments in the business corridors all across the city, the mayor says from now until january second, there will be more foot patrols in oakland's shopping corridors and business districts. >> business districts which include the downtown jacqueline square, kono, piedmont avenue officers will be out seven days a week foot patrols, traffic motor squads and community resource officers.
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>> but that's not all violent crime operation center and our ceasefire units will be conducting high level operations as some of them undercover were in the business districts. in the hour we spent in rockridge. abc7 did not see an increased presence, but shoppers and businesses say they're happy with the plan. >> so i'm glad to hear that. >> i think the first patrols in the presence of the police would be make people feel safe. >> of course more needs to be done, but i hope it's working. >> karen brooks says smash and grabs and car break ins won't stop her from shopping in oakland. i would hope that other people will come here and will shop and in other neighborhoods in oakland as well. in oakland, suzanne phan abc7 news in san francisco. >> police say retail theft is dropping drastically thanks to undercover efforts. this week, police made more than a dozen arrests in a single operation and now they're sending out a warning to shoplifters. abc7 news reporter tara campbell has the story. the message that we want to send is we want to
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discourage people from taking the chance. >> san francisco police chief william scott has a warning for shoplifters. we can't be everywhere, but we're in a lot of places. and if you happen to go in one of those locations and try to steal and we're there, we're going to arrest you. >> he's talking about what the department calls its blitz operations made up of plainclothes and uniformed officers and aimed at discouraging retail thefts like this. officers are inside a retail established stores. >> some of our from walgreens to some of our bigger retail outlets and they're actually aggressively, aggressively arresting people when they commit crimes in their presence. >> and he claims the strategy is working. with more than 300 arrests since starting the operations almost two years ago, he also says sfpd data shows a 30% drop in retail thefts in the past three months. >> some of them repeat offenders, some of them first time they've come on our radar. but the bottom line is many of
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these offenders are very, very prolific. they are responsible for a lot of the issue that we see in our city. >> the department highlighting its efforts this week, announcing the arrests of 17 people at a single retail store in the mission district. we have a great city with communities all over the city, with retail corridors. >> so it's not all about the operations that we do at places like union square. >> and he says the city is going to come down hard on repeat offenders. >> da jenkins is not only seeking prosecutions on the cases where appropriate, she's seeking detentions, which is, in my opinion, a really good thing because we don't want them to get out after they've been arrested and before they have their day in court and re-offend . >> tara campbell, abc seven news. >> california forever. the billionaire backed company that is proposing to build a new city in solano county opened several offices today. >> abc's seven news i-team reporter stephanie sierra got a tour. she joins us live with insight on the plans. you've
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been following this closely. >> that's right. and the ceo who's behind this, jan sramek, made it clear the one universal theme he's learning from solano county residents is there's a desire to for change. and despite strong opposition to a new city, he believes these new offices will help him get feedback and bring clarity about his mission. after years of secrecy, a billionaire backed plan to build a new city in solano county is one step closer to the public, quite literally. nestled in this strip mall is one of two new offices. california forever just opened this one in vacaville, and the other in vallejo. ceo jan sramek says more are coming to fairfield and rio vista in the coming weeks. >> i know that there's been a sense of mystery about it going back a number of years and a lot of people still have questions. so that's what it's for. it's to come in, get your questions answered, hear more about the project inside are posters of renderings of what the city could look like.
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>> people fishing, riding bikes and walking. sramek told us in september, the city's affordability and walkability will make it stand out. >> many cities in in california are not walkable, and there's a lot of people who really like that lifestyle. >> each office has a team of people sorting through thousands of surveys sent to local residents, asking questions about what they want, the future to look like, and more specifically, what they like about the project and what they dislike. >> and then on the backside, we're looking at more qualitative data surrounding particular issues that they're concerned about. >> sramek has come face to face with many of those concerns during a series of recent town halls, including one last night and i'm sick of developers coming in and we don't know nothing. >> and then you say it's not in secret where residents called out the secrecy while raising questions about the lack of infrastructure and access to water. >> city officials say one thing i can tell you right now that there are zero mayors in in
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solano county who are willing to sell or give up some of their water rights. but jan says that won't be a problem even after the solano county water agency rejected their request to access a nearby aqueduct. >> but since the water agency decided not to do that for now, then we will just work on our own infrastructure. but we've always had enough water rights for our project and that remains the case. >> sramek says the company has water rights to a large part of the groundwater basin along with water rights from the river. those water rights alone would be enough to support a population of tens if not tens of thousands of people. now, sramek says the goal is to have 50,000 people living in this city by the late 2030. that has raised concerns about traffic congestion. but sramek says this project will reduce overall traffic and help improve highway 12. of course, all of this needs to get past the voters first, and he believes these offices will help with that. they'll be open during the day monday through friday. and we're told blue prints of this city will be
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released starting in january. so we'll get a sense more information here and more details. >> all right. thank you, stephanie. >> absolutely. and to get in touch with stephanie and the i-team, you can call this number on your screen or go to abc seven slash i-team fighting the opioid crisis by putting life saving medication in vending machines. >> the easy access approach is just one way. santa clara county is taking action to prevent overdose deaths. >> the california ballot isn't always easy to understand, but tonight we are helping you with a closer look at some of the candidates vying for the bench in san francisco. >> i'm meteorologist sandhya patel tracking gusty winds right now and the possibility of showers. i'll let you know how long coming up when abc7 news at
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oakland's merritt college excuse me this afternoon involved a stolen car whose driver ran away from the crash scene. that's according to oakland police. crash happened at 145 on campus drive. two juvenile passengers in the car were hurt in the crash and taken to the hospital. police say the car was stolen in another city. two people are recovering after being pulled from the bay today when their boat capsize caused. san francisco firefighters say the pair was thrown into the water about 200 yards off the shore of baker beach in san francisco. they are going to be okay. the boat is going to sit on baker beach until a salvage crew can head out there and move it. >> santa clara county is stepping up its effort to combat opioid overdoses by installing a potentially life saving vending machines. naloxone the emergency medication that can stop an overdose will now be available
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for free in five select vending machines throughout the county. the machines can now be found in two county jails. a juvenile hall, santa clara university and mission college. santa clara county has plans to install more machines at health and community centers. and we should mention, if you or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction or other issues, you can find a list of local resources. we've put together on our website, abc7, slash take action . >> happening now it is beginning to look a lot like christmas in dublin. oh, look at that. snow is being made at the dublin civic center in anticipation of tonight's 40th annual tree lighting ceremony. there will be lots of family friendly activities, including train rides, letters to santa, fun in the snow and of course, the countdown to the lighting of the tree. >> that is fascinating to see the snow and then the green grass right behind it, a little snowman. >> if you're up there. >> all right. let's turn our attention now to the weather forecast. yeah no rain to wash that snow away, sandhya. >> not tonight. >> just an isolated shower or
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two. it's not going to be widespread. but dan and i do want to show you something that's pretty cool. you know, we're talking about holidays, festivities. take a look at this live picture right now from our zephyr cove camera and some snowflakes right now. it is breezy up in the high country and certainly seeing the snow coming down as we take a look at live doppler seven, you will notice that the snow is falling right around highway 50 and points southward. if you are traveling up to the mountains, is definitely carry your chains over the next couple of days. a disturbance is coming in. that's what's triggering that northwesterly breeze behind it. and that's why we've been dealing with windy conditions right now on live doppler seven. a couple of sprinkles offshore, but i don't think we're expecting i don't think we're going to see widespread rain or anything like that. just a pop up shower or two as we take a look at that live picture from emeryville camera, you can definitely see that it is gusty out there, low to mid 50s from santa rosa to napa, 57. in fairfield, it is 53 right now in livermore. and a lovely view from our pier 39 camera as we
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look at the ferris wheel and san francisco skyline, mid 50s from oakland, san francisco, san jose, 57. palo alto and half moon bay, 55 degrees. so it is gusty in our hills. mount eminem 25 miles an hour. hood mountain 20. mount diablo 29 miles an hour. your hour by hour forecast will show you 30 mile an hour winds just over that as we head towards later on tonight. still gusty. you will notice 25 to 30 mile an hour winds going into the late night hours. but while you're sleeping, the winds will back off. and tomorrow morning it will be breezy, but not quite as windy. tomorrow afternoon, the winds will ease even further as we look at our live picture from our golden gate bridge camera. here's a look at the forecast headlines. isolated showers and gusty winds tonight. winds ease tomorrow. there's a slight chance of showers, lingering spotty showers for your saturday and certainly milder weather coming our way next week. so the hour by hour forecast will show you a pop up shower at 11 p.m. tonight. not a whole lot happening overnight other than the winds. now,
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tomorrow, as we head towards the afternoon hours, you will notice a shower or two popping up going into the evening hours. best chance in the north bay. but then saturday comes around and things change a bit. focus between 5 and 8 a.m. is around santa rosa to ukiah and then look what happens as we head into the afternoon. could see some spotty showers scattered around the region. so definitely have those umbrellas handy, but it's not a washout for your saturday plans. rainfall totals from tonight through saturday night. we're looking at nothing measurable to about 707 inch for our wetter locations up further around ukiah, picking up more than that, your morning temperatures, 30s, 40s it will be breezy and chilly. so definitely a good idea to layer up. and then tomorrow afternoon breezy but not quite as windy 5060 on your highs. accuweather 70 forecast we'll keep in an isolated evening chance of showers tomorrow afternoon evening spotty showers level one for saturday and then a morning
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chance lingering on sunday. but after that we're going to go with a warmer pattern with some 60s and 70s ama and dan thursday we bring in another opportunity for rain. it is december after all. at that point, you know, we need it. we do. >> yes. thank you, sandhya. all right. >> coming up, combating bay area traffic congestion with mike rowe transit. it's cutting edge technology that could be a game changer for commuters in the east bay. we'll explain how it works as abc7 news at
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this electrical pole is now in custody. started around 330 this morning at the fourth in king street station in san francisco. the disruption forced caltrain to stop service into the station, setting up a bus bridge to the 22nd street station as the man finally came down around 9:00. when we are all familiar with mass transit, of course, but in the east bay and east contra costa county, they're working on something else to move people around efficiently. >> it's called micro transit, and it could help california reduce its carbon footprint. this new project is 28 miles and will connect four east bay cities. abc7 news reporter anser hassan explains how this could help build a better bay area. the road to the future is coming to contra costa county right now . >> first and last mile is one of our biggest challenges here in
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contra costa county and so we want to we want we don't want people have to drive to the bart station. tim hill is with contra costa transit authority. >> for the past few years, its been working on the dynamic, personal micro transit system 28 miles that will connect pittsburg, antioch, brentwood and oakley with autonomous vehicles. >> the vehicle is small. the vehicle is only five feet wide. know and so that reduces a lot of the infrastructure cost as well as operating costs. and the vehicles also electric. so it's also sustainable zero emissions using an app, users would show up at an access point similar to a bus stop or bart station to get in and off to your destination on the exact pick up and drop off locations are still to be determined. and it takes you from, say, pittsburgh directly to a bart station or to the downtown community center or to a university or a school like los los medanos college. all those really important points of interest to the community. >> eastern contra costa county has a population of close to
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300,000 people and growing. the county estimates that 79% commute to work in other parts of the bay area. most using highway for one goal of this new system is to reduce traffic by using a closed circuit roadway and help california meet its zero carbon emission goals. >> we also want to get people off of cars. that's the most important, i think, element here, which is how do we reduce our carbon footprint? it's a public private partnership which includes glide ways. >> it provides the tech and the vehicles which are being tested at gomentum station in concord, a ride that takes you 25 minutes will now take you predictably all the time. >> 6 to 7 minutes. the cost $450 dollars. >> but still less than the billions. for example, to expand bart. next comes design and environmental reviews. if the timeline holds, the first glide cars would be operating within 3 to 4 years with social equity in mind. >> so we want to make sure that the fares are going to be consistent with the public
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transportation system to make sure it's equitable and accessible in the east bay anser hassan abc seven news. >> coming up here next. >> looking ahead to the march election and the judges vying for the bench in san francisco, could they change the direction of city politics? >> and taking action in san francisco. we search for solutions to what it will take to solve homelessness across
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avenues when it comes to building a better bay area. >> local judges are often appointed to match local politics in san francisco. that has meant more progressive courts. >> yes, with an election just four months away, there is a cry for change. some residents are worried. san francisco courts have become a revolving door for repeat offenders. now a rare election for two judicial seats will determine if that door gets closed. abc's seven news reporter lyanne melendez sits down with the candidates and is here with that story. >> very interesting. what's happening? >> yeah, you know, and the district attorney here in san francisco has said time and again that these judges are too lenient. so you should also know that there are 14 judges up for
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reelection, but on the ballot, san francisco voters will only see two names. and that's because when a judge has no one running against him or her, they are automatically reinstated and their names will not even appear on the ballot. there are only two judges who face opposition, and here's why. concerns over homelessness, crime and public drug use are forcing voters to reconsider who gets to sit here and dictate the law. the data analytics company emc research found that 3 in 4 voters say superior court judges are among those responsible for current crime levels. in san francisco. so at least two superior court judges are now being challenged. the two judges, michael biggert and patrick thompson, have been criticized by a group called stop crime sf, because they claim these two judges have had revolving door policies when it comes to releasing criminals. we'll start with thompson, who in august 2022 denied a motion to retain a man for allegedly
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selling drugs despite two prior convictions in 2013 and 2018. you released a drug dealer, jefferson, archie. the police had arrested him with enough fentanyl to kill 85,000 people, according to police. that's what they're alleging, that that you had released this person despite his record. >> one of the things that gets missing in all of this discussion is that there are checks on me if i get it wrong. he's appeared before at least four other judges since i made that determination. and he's not re-offended and he's still awaiting trial. he keeps coming back to court. that's not the revolving door situation that they're trying to depict. thompson is running against jean myong jin roland, a san francisco prosecutor who has worked for the district attorney's office for more than 22 years. >> i have reviewed and looked at thousands of cases, and a lot of
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what i do is weighing the evidence and looking at the law. and then i make tough decisions every single day. >> albert chip zecher is running against the incumbent judge, michael benkhert, who has been on the bench for 12 years. biggert was appointed by then republican governor arnold schwarzenegger. benkhert now presides over kerr court, a new judicial approach to get people with mental health and substance use disorder into treatment. before that, benkhert was already a judge in drug court, where he, according to the stop crime sf report, released beat a convicted sex offender who had multiple arrests for robbery, assault and battery and yes, as this individual failed to appear and was arrested not on new crimes, but because she didn't show up. >> it's entirely possible that a person who's really struggling living on the sidewalk, struggling with drug addiction and mental health, being abused on the street, they may not show
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up for court. >> when do you say enough is enough, though, for somebody who's being arrested over only because they failed to show up for court? >> but i say enough is enough. when the clinical people say we don't think we can help this person judge biggert clarified that the person he's talking about did eventually re-offend and was then sent to criminal court. >> nice to see you again. >> thank you very much for his challenge. >> a chip zwecker has been practicing law for nearly 33 years and is on the board of directors at uc college of the law in san francisco. he says people tell him they are fed up message that they're telling me is that san franciscans are tired and they're tired of the conditions on our streets. >> they're tired of the fact that people are not being held accountable for the conditions on our streets. and that's why i'm running. >> both biggert and thompson say running to keep their seats on the bench is a new experience. >> someone's decided that they want to run against me, and i'm
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actually enjoying the process of meeting people and finding out what their concerns are, why should people vote for you? >> in march and why should they retain you? >> i know civil law. i know administer native law and criminal law, and i'm actually passionate about doing the right thing. >> zecher and roland have the support of stop crime. sf supervisor aaron peskin calls it a political attack on the judicial system. >> san franciscans need to analyze this carefully and i think reject this right wing attack on san francisco's judiciary. >> but stop crime. sf says they have every right to present the facts gathered by a few volunteers called court watchers. they observe and then record any rulings made by judges. >> beyond that, nobody in san francisco knows what's going on. so we're attempting to shine light on what's happening in our courtrooms and they make crucial decisions every day. >> now, unseating a judge in san francisco has been attempted before. in 2018, four people
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tried, but they failed. now, only once has a candidate been successful and that happened in 2008 when judge thomas mellon was defeated by then san francisco supervisor gerardo sandoval. sandoval is still a judge overseeing misdemeanor trials. now i just have to say that they're incredibly ably vetted. these judges, before before they're even appointed by a governor, qualified, very qualified. and but it's hard to find the information about the judges, the seated judges. so people have to do their homework and research. all right. >> thanks, liane, very much. >> former san jose mayor sam liccardo has taken a major step toward a run for congress. he hasn't made an official announcement yet, but today, liccardo filed the paperwork to run for the house seat. and a shoe is about to vacate. liccardo served as san jose's mayor from 2014 to 2022. and as you said last week that she won't be running for reelection next year. santa clara county supervisor joe simone announced
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his candidacy for the seat yesterday. yesterday tesla's cybertruck is officially here. >> we're going to give you a look at the excitement surrounding today's launch as these futuristic looking trucks are ready to hit the road. stay
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it's the seventh straight day of releases following the extension of a cease fire. there are talks to continue the truce, but there's already some tension. hamas responded to the killing of two palestinian boys in gaza by launching an air by launching an attack, rather, in jerusalem. three people were killed there. so far, about 100 israeli hostages have been released. abc news reporter matt gutman spoke with the sister of a recently freed american israeli hostage. >> did you guys let out a cheer? yeah we've been holding it in for so long, so everybody was just able to let go just a little bit. the kids especially, they're really tired. we're just very happy. >> the humanitarian crisis in gaza is growing. more than 1.8 million gazans have been displaced out. that's 80% of the population. and we will continue to keep you updated on what's
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happening in israel, gaza and here at home. you can find the latest updates anytime at abc7 and download the abc7 bay area app to get breaking news alerts and live stream updates across the country. >> people are talking about san francisco's image crisis. crime tents, drugs, empty downtown streets and closed stores are sending a bad unflattering message around the globe. how do we move beyond these issues and build a better bay area? this is what we will address in a live town hall style event on monday with mayor london breed police chief bill scott and district attorney brooke jenkins is now part of this conversation. will be around moving past san francisco homeless crisis as abc seven news reporter lou pena explains the number of people on the streets is stable, but the cost to take care of them continues to grow. >> so san francisco has one of the nation's highest per capita concentrations of homelessness high housing costs, drug abuse and covid are some of the
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factors contributing to this crisis. every two years, the us department of housing and urban development requires communities count. the number of people experiencing homelessness in february of 2022, the city counted 7754 homeless individuals. hi, i'm luz pena with abc7. nice to meet you. what's your name? johnny crawford. how long have you been out here? >> i've been out here since 2018. >> johnny crawford is one of over 4000 homeless who live on the streets of san francisco. tell me about being out here. what is it like? >> it's interesting. yeah if you're not cut out for it, you're not going to make it. if you're cut out for it, you can survive. >> san francisco has over 1000 occupied vehicles every night. many are families with kids. over 100 of these rvs are parked along lake merced boulevard, all homeless. >> i'm sleeping here with my daughter, my two kids. nelly has
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been renting this rv for the last year. >> before living here, they rented a room in the mission district. but her work hours were cut during the pandemic and they had to move out after the coronavirus. >> is that working? is down. my check is like 200, 300. so i came to pay the rent. what do you work? housekeeping a motel. >> san francisco has about 10,000 units of housing for individuals experiencing homelessness, but just 2300 units of housing for families. but as demand grows, waitlists for housing and emergency shelter will get longer. >> our shelter system is about 91% full. >> can you get shelter on the same day that you need it? >> yes. often you can often not always. >> not always. what about families? >> most of the time, families can get an emergency placement the day they need one, and it
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can take a few weeks to get a single room weeks. and that's why we have the emergency. >> why so long? because our our long term family shelters are pretty well occupied as of november 29th, 2023, there were close to 500 pending shelter waitlist applications as the city prioritizes who gets into a shelter. so if someone has a long term chronic illness, yes, they're going to have a higher prioritization than someone who is able bodied and healthy. in the last year, san francisco faced another setback in clearing homeless encampments, an injunction that was brought forth after the coalition on homelessness filed a lawsuit against the city. they alleged encampment sweeps violated the rights of the unhoused. this has blocked the city from enforcing certain laws like sleeping on public property. the debate has polarized the city. even leading mayor london breed to rally outside the ninth circuit court of appeals. the fact that the
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courts have crippled our ability to do our jobs, to help get people into shelter is criminal. >> the coalition has requested the city offer shelter before removing individuals from the streets. >> we're trying to get them to stop illegally confiscating property and criminalizing them when they have no choice but to be on the streets. >> recently, the court provided clarification allowing for the city to continue cleanup efforts. we went out with the members of the san francisco department of emergency management and the homeless outreach team to see the process gave us a warning. >> you know, instead of during the three hour effort, we saw at least ten people out of more than 50 tents get shelter or housing. >> but jose torres was candid. he said there's not enough space for everyone in need. how do you do this job when there is not enough shelter? as you say, it's difficult. >> it's difficult to talk to people and not have enough to offer. >> in san francisco, luz pena abc seven news.
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>> tough out there on the streets as you can tell. and tonight at 11, we'll dive into the unprecedented vacancies in downtown san francisco as retailers and office workers change habits. that's right. >> we will ask mayor london breed police chief bill scott and district attorney brooke jenkins about the issues impacting the city during a special town hall event streaming live monday 7 p.m. if youestions you'd like us to ask, scan the qr code on your screen to submit them or go to abccom slash take action sf and stay us. abc7 action sf and stay us. abc7 news at six is back after this but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces
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annual inflation fell to its lowest level in more than two and a half years, and monthly inflation was zero again, zero. gas prices are down by $1.77 from their peak after putin's war prices hit is a look at bay area gas prices. >> san francisco drivers paying 4.96 a gallon in oakland is 4.84. in san jose, the average is 4.76. all three cities are down from a month ago, when the
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average was above $5 a gallon. >> tesla rolled out one of its most anticipated vehicles to date. the cybertruck. tesla ceo elon musk was at an event in austin, texas earlier today to witness buyers picking up the first cybertruck. meanwhile bay area residents packed local showroom doors to get a firsthand look at the unique 4x4. the truck's windows are made of shatter proof glass and its angular body is made of stainless steel alloy. shoppers were left feeling curious and impressed. >> the fact that it's electric, i mean, that's really important. even though there are other electric trucks and that it's very futuristic, it's really different. it doesn't look like a truck. so that's really fun. >> cybertruck's end entry level model goes for about 61,000 higher end models start at 100 grand. >> it is unusual. >> it really is different design . >> look forward to seeing those on the road and seeing in person. all right. let's talk about the weather. one more time. yes. >> sandhya patel is here with what's coming. sandhya. yeah, we
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have the possibility of a few more showers and also some snow in the sierra ama and dan. >> let's take a look at a live picture right now from our sutro tower camera. it's shaking around because it is breezy out there. timeline showing a pop-up shower or two. certainly snow in the sierra for friday morning. friday evening excuse me into saturday morning is when our best opportunity for seeing a few showers will be here locally as we check out the snowfall totals through saturday night, we're looking at about four inches in kirkwood, three inches at donner right now on live doppler seven. it is a quiet picture for tomorrow afternoon, looking at 5060s ice related shower, not out of the question. the winds will ease. and then looking at the atmospheric river over the weekend, just aimed at the pacific northwest and northern california continuing into next week for us. we have an opportunity for some rain on thursday of next week. certainly more mountain snow mixing in with rain. but look at these rainfall projections up around the pacific northwest. almost seven inches there in portland. northern california, eureka looking at three inches as we take you into next week.
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accuweather 70 forecast isolated chance tomorrow. so it's a level one for saturday with spotty showers and then we'll have just a little lingering chance early sunday before we go with a drier warmer pattern at least through midweek. ama and dan. >> thanks, india. >> all right. larry beals here at sports watch. you got counting down right this sunday, right? >> yeah, big game. we'll hear from brock purdy returning to the scene of the crime for the first time. if you want to look at it that way, back in philly. plus, this is how to make an entrance. dan, right here. yeah. oh, i like it. and an announcement. dan we're going to hawaii next. in sports in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus.
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getting set for their sunday showdown in philly. not involved in the talk 40 niners quarterback brock purdy who of course suffered that serious elbow injury in their january game and he needed surgery after the nfc championship as we probably should have expected this the young quarterback keeping it all in perspective of treating today's practice news conference and the clash of titans coming up on sunday as if it's just another game. but for purdy, remember, he was four for four when he got knocked out of the nfc championship. the matchup with the ten and one eagles is critical. whether he really wants to say it or not. >> am i going to go into the game saying i want revenge and all this kind of stuff? it's not like that, you know, so i'm just going to try to go do my job and be the best brock that i can be
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for this team. >> obviously, with, you know, us losing in the nfc championship last year, you know, there's definitely emotion that comes with it, but you got to let those natural emotions just come as they do and just focus on complete execution. there's more media people this week of practice. >> i've seen all year. you guys tend to make things a little bit bigger than they are. it's a week 13 game. yes it's against the philadelphia eagles. yes, they're the one seed. we're fighting for potential seeding. yes. that's all big. >> it is all big. so is this the san jose state spartans? they end the season on a six game winning streak, becoming bowl eligible. and they announced where they were going bowling today. it's really fun. they bring the whole team for this reveal. they build up all the suspense and then who emerges is head coach brant brennan makes the announcement in a way that none of them will ever forget. i've not seen bill belichick do that anyway. hey, they're heading to the islands for the
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hawaii bowl against coastal carolina. december 23rd. nice homecoming for quarterback chevan cordeiro, who transferred to san jose state from hawaii. that was him in the brown hoodie that you saw there and that game will be televised on espn. i should probably go cover that today. okay, dan will be my assistant, dan, today is november 30th, 2023, 1130 23 just happens to be the numbers of klay thompson, steph curry and draymond green all in action tonight as the reeling warriors host the la clippers. there is some good news on the injury front. gary payton the second initial concern that he might have a torn calf muscle after this play but an mri reveals it is a strain. only gp2 is going to be reevaluated in a week. we thought it might be a couple months and chris paul has a leg nerve contusion. he'll be reevaluated monday. steve kerr on the three guys that they're celebrating tonight. >> my first job in the nba as a coach to get to coach these guys for a decade. i mean it doesn't happen often in so i'm just extremely fortunate and it's not
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just for the success but for, you know, the relationship that that we've built with all three of them. i mean, i'm i love all three guys and it's been an amazing decade. and we're still together. it's pretty remarkable . >> it doesn't happen much in the nba. tiger woods playing his first competitive golf round since the masters in april, strolling up the fairway with justin thomas had five bogeys and a double. but this 22 foot birdie on four and then a 48 footer on 11 iron, but a plus 375 eight off the lead for tiger said he was uncomfortable all the whole way through it's a no cut event so we'll see how he holds up over the weekend. obviously coming back from ankle surgery. it's a struggle every time he's got to walk the course . but, you know, it's fun to watch tiger back out there. one injury note for the warriors, though, andrew wiggins is not going to play tonight. they say he slammed his finger in the car door this morning. i've done that. you've done that? yeah it's brutal. i've never done
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that. >> well, some of us are more nimble than others. no, but take him out and show him what it's like. yeah exactly. a little demonstration. sure. we'll put that on the ground. yeah. yeah. let's do that. we'll have that for you at 11. now that's the way to get viewers down. all right. thanks, larry. oh, all right. a lot of good stuff to tune in for tonight, though, at eight. >> the golden bachelor, followed by bachelor in paradise at nine. then stay with us for abc seven news at 11. that is going to do it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for joining us. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley for cindy patel, the remarkably graceful and fortunate larry biel. >> all of us here, we appreciate your time. >> his piano career is going to be over by. >> we'll see what happens by.
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♪♪ this way to health insurance. from the alex trebek stage at sony pictures studios, this is... today's past champions are... a botany professor from asheville, north carolina... a post bachelor research associate from washington, d.c... and a marine officer currently serving in stuttgart, germany...
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and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- ken jennings. [applause] thank you, johnny. welcome back to "jeopardy!" champions wildcard. now, yesterday's game proved once again that anything can happen out here on the alex trebek stage as henry baer shot from third to first on the heels of aough final jeopardy! that none of our champions knew. today we welcome back tyler, ciara, and alisa. good luck, everyone. here comes the jeopardy! round. we have these categories for you. we start off with... from there it's... we'll find out. then... followed by... tyler, you start us off. theon of smyrna for $200, please. - ciara. - what is the earth?


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