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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  November 30, 2023 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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m? because i am like that, but i never went underwater. all right, let's go pee. - okay. - mm. want to make out a little bit more? - yeah, a little more. - mm. ♪ ♪ will be the nominee for our party in 2024. >> governors gavin newsom and ron desantis face off in a long awaited debate. but was it really the duel we expected? good evening. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us this debate was the culmination of months of barbs between the two men who hold, of course, vastly different political views. sean hannity of fox news served as the moderator and started the night off with a list of topics. >> however, this debate turned into more of a shouting match
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than political discourse. abc7 news reporter tim johns watched it and got reaction. tim >> yeah. dan i'm a shouting match is definitely a good way to describe what was happening at times. both governor newsom and governor desantis made sure to get a few personal jabs in at each other throughout the evening. they also expressed their vastly different views on everything from the economy to abortion to homelessness. the attacks came quickly thursday night, both from florida governor ron desantis. he's imposed restrictions on his own people while exempting himself from those restrictions and going to the french laundry. and california governor gavin newsom. >> one thing in closing that we have in common is neither of us will be the nominee for our party in 2024. >> the two governors participating in a 90 minute red state versus blue state debate where they argued about some of the nation's most pressing problems. desantis attacking newsom over issues of crime, homelessness and population loss in california. >> they actually, at one point ran out of u-hauls in the state of california because so many
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people were leaving. >> newsom also hitting desantis on everything from his struggling presidential campaign to lgbtq rights and abortion. >> if you want to bring us back to a pre 1960s world america in reverse, you want to roll back hard earned national rights away from the stage. >> many here in the bay area tuned in to watch the debate unfold. john dennis is the chair of the san francisco republican party. he thinks desantis was the night's clear winner, especially on topics regarding the economy and immigration. >> i think a lot of that has to do with i think ron desantis, frankly, is smarter guy and a more seasoned guy on the democrat side, feelings were predictably the opposite at emerson is a democratic party consultant who has worked with governor newsom in the past. >> he tells me newsom was the night's victor and hammered desantis over his feud with disney and his controversial don't say gay bill. >> he's also 41 points down in florida, his home state, and governor newsom was kind enough to bring that up a couple of
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times, no matter who might have won or lost. >> thursday night, though many experts say this likely isn't the last time we'll see newsom and desantis debating each other . >> he's building up his name recognition, building up his national profile and just putting that into people's minds . maybe for 2028, maybe for another year. >> now, while the debates may be over for governor newsom for a while, governor desantis will be back on stage next week for the fourth republican primary debate in alabama. in the newsroom, tim johns, abc seven news. >> all right, tim, thank you. and now to a rather dramatic turn of events today with the man accused of killing tech executive bob lee in san francisco. it's all because of some pictures in an online article. and now the suspect's lawyers are demanding the trial be moved out of san francisco. abc seven news reporter jared stone spoke with the tech executives. ex-wife and a legal analyst about what could happen next. >> nima didn't agree to have his photograph taken. we didn't agree to have his photograph taken. this was a hit job. and there's going to be ramifications. what they did was disgusting.
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>> what they did was illegal. >> lawyers represent murder suspect nima momeni. outraged over these jailhouse pictures posted in a san francisco standard article earlier this week. now going so far as calling for a change of venue from omanis trial. >> obviously, the media publicity. okay. the reputation of the defendant, the reputation of the victim, um, whether or not a person can get a fair and impartial jury. >> the ex-wife of late tech executive bob lee momin's, alleged victim, spoke with us after learning of the motion. >> at first it was a little shocking and confused thing, but at the same time, you know, if you look at the case in a whole, i don't think it matters where they judge it at that he it's a pretty set case. you know, he murdered a man in cold blood that, though, is something that a jury would likely decide on during a trial. i think the defense just they're just fishing for things now at this point. legal analyst stephen clark says a motion like this is
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a long shot here because we have seen both nima momeni and bob lee's image attacked serve only mr. lee's drug use was trumpeted by the defense early on in this case, and his reputation has been diminished because of that. >> and now the defense is saying that mr. momin's being targeted because of these jail photos. it's just interesting that the defense comes out and complains about pretrial publicity. at the same time, they're holding press conferences after every court appearance. >> clark believes the judge is likely to strike down the motion when it is ruled on in january. what i want to see here, i don't care where the where they do the venue at, i want to see justice for bob. >> our family has been through enough at this point. my children, myself, my father in law, my brother, who have been traumatized by all of this, every delay that they do is another you know, forgive it, forgive me, but it's another knife in the heart. >> a tentative trial date in this case has been set for march
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jr stone, abc seven news in san francisco, police are trying to put a stop to one of the city's biggest problems. >> that is, of course, retail theft. they're sending out a warning to shoplifters lifters that if you get caught, you will be arrested. police say retail theft is dropping drastically this holiday season and down 30% in the past three months. all thanks to undercover efforts made up of plain clothes and uniformed officers. this week, police announced 17 arrests during a strong operation in a single retail store in the mission and new at 11, a violation has been issued over yesterday's flaring incident at the martinez refinery that we reported to you. a power outage set off the original flaring at the chevron facility. the bay area air quality management district issued a notice of violation to the refinery for public nuisance, as it is called. >> all right. let's turn now to the weather. it was windy for much of the bay area today and there's a chance we could see rain tomorrow.
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>> yeah, meteorologist sanjay patel is here with your 24 hour accuweather forecast sandy. yeah dan and ama. >> it's a good idea to just have those umbrellas handy for the next 48 hours because we have a chance of a few showers tomorrow and again on saturday. let me show you live. doppler seven taking you back in time. there were a few showers, showers that came through here in the last 12 hours. certainly has been snowing in the sierra nevada. and right now it is all quiet. other than a few clouds and some fog around. so we're going to go hour by hour tomorrow morning. we start out with some clouds and fog as we head towards the evening hours at 5 p.m. notice a few showers showing up, continuing into the 7 p.m. hour. and this is primarily in the north bay. winds have been the other story gusting right now. mount diablo to 32 miles an hour, although not quite as strong as they were earlier. the winds will remain gusty as we head towards tomorrow morning, especially near the coast, 25 to 30 miles an hour. but the good news is the winds do let up heading into the afternoon. i'll be back with a complete look at that timeline that does include
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some wet weather for part of your weekend coming right up, ama. >> all right, sandhya, thank you. new developments tonight in the billionaire backed plan to ild new city in solano recently opened up severalr offices near the planned development area near travis air force base. the california forever projects backers hope to build a new city that is both walkable and affordable. the offices have teams collecting information on what local residents want for solano counties future. >> developing news now in the middle east. israel says it has resumed its air assault on gaza after a truce with hamas expired a little over two hours ago. now it says hamas violated the cease fire. the two sides appear to be struggling about how to agree on continuing the daily exchange of hostages. hamas released more than 100 hostages during the week long cease fire in exchange for palestinian prisoners. secretary of state antony blinken attempted to get the two sides to extend the ceasefire. >> our immediate focus is working with our partners to extend the pause so that we can
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continue to get more hostages out of gaza and more assistance in. we will not stop working until we get every hostage back home with their families and loved ones. >> israeli officials say about 150 people are still being held in gaza. and the fbi says some of them are americans. we sent out the alert about the end of the truce through the abc7 news mobile app. it's one way you can stay on top of breaking news when you download it. be sure to enable the push alert feature. >> bringing back downtown san francisco. the challenges the city is facing as it tries to rebound. >> i know hindsight is 2020, but it felt like i would be a bad mother if i didn't do it. >> actress felicity huffman opens up about her role in the college admissions scandal and how it changed her. >> and a special night in the south bay. see how they honored the native american community
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continue to work from home and retailers continue to have a tough time attracting customers through their doors. at abc7 news we cover this topic often because we're committed to finding solutions to this deep problem to help build a better bay area. in one week abc7 will host take action. san francisco. one hour of direct questions and answers with mayor london breed, police chief bill scott and district attorney brooke jenkins about the city's prolonged problems and potential solutions to those problems. abc7 news reporter j.r. stone with a look at downtown san francisco as slow recovery. >> the skyline of san francisco's financial district, it is about as picturesque as it
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gets. an area that was bustling with people several years ago, but one that according to the numbers, is now more vacant than it ever has been. >> so right now in downtown san francisco, we have a vacancy rate of a little over 35, which is the highest that we've ever recorded in the history of san francisco. >> colin yasukichi is executive director of the tech insights center at cbre, which focuses is on the tech industry and how it affects commercial real estate. >> he says that office vacancy numbers in san francisco were 3 to 4% pre-pandemic, meaning we've seen at least a 30% increase. s on that trend may continue. >> we think that the vacancy rate will probably creep up some more in 2024, probably at least through the first half of the year. i would say because there still are firms who are consolidating and reducing the amount of office space they have. >> the challenge still remains remote work and the role the city's reliance on tech as its
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largest industry. and those tech workers, they they've been working from home for a long time. many of those businesses are operating successfully from home. >> and while the bay area council's jeff bellisario says home lawlessness, crime, public safety and all around cleanliness are still the top concerns among current and potential. san francisco employers. he also says one thing is true it's not a doom loop, right? >> the numbers don't necessarily suggest that a doom loop would have high unemployment. you would have businesses running to other cities. that's not where we are. but we're not in a spot where we're thriving and succeeding. right? we're kind of surviving. >> while companies like nordstrom cinema and old navy have closed retail locations in the city, bellisario says san francisco business license data shows that overall the city is no longer losing more companies than it's gaining. still, though, retail vacancy rates have risen to above 18% in union square, kazuko morgan of cushman
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and wakefield says businesses are opening up. and good news is on the horizon. there are a fair amount of leases that have been signed that have not been announced that will be probably forthcoming next year. >> we have a fair amount of tenants that are under construction and that's going to add to the vibrancy as well. >> morgan says that workers going back to the office and more convention ins would both help retail, but the positive image of san francisco must also get out there to our biggest issue. >> i think, has been just the backlash with the media and throwing us under the bus, the city and i think that's been that's been that's probably been one of the toughest things that we've had to deal with when people, you know, just everyday people go and take video of dozens of people running out of a store and then all of a sudden you see walgreens closed multiple locations and cvs closed multiple. >> i do think there's something
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to be said about there are actual problems. >> yeah, there are actual problems, but a lot you know, those problems exist in every city. right. and every shopping mall, even some of the best of the best with the best secured city. and, you know, your classic high end luxury politician have talked about the recent interest in san francisco from artificial intelligence companies, those we talked with said that while that is a definite positive going forward, those ai companies would take up only a portion of the millions of square feet of vacant space available. >> all j.r. stone, abc seven news. >> now all week we've been taking a closer look at the issues affecting san francisco so profoundly that will continue sunday night at 11:00. tune in for a look at public safety in the city and whether perception actually aligns with reality. our in-depth coverage culminates with take action, san francisco that i mentioned a few moments ago. a town hall event where we will talk with the mayor, police
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chief and district attorney live on december fourth, streaming a 7 p.m. and if you have questions, you'd like us to ask, rit now to submit them or goen to abc7 news .com/ take action sf new at 11. >> in an exclusive interview with our sister station in los angeles, actress felicity huffman is talking about her role in the varsity blues college admissions scandal. huffman served 11 days in prison and paid a fine after admitting to paying $15,000 for someone to falsify her daughter's sat results. she says she didn't reach out to college consultant rick singer, intending to break the law. but he explained her daughter may not get into her top choice schools when he slowly started to present it. >> the criminal scheme, um, it seemed like and i know this seems crazy at the time that that was my only option to give my daughter a future. and i know huffman did apologize in the
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interview. >> she says she is now working with an organization that helps formerly incarcerated women reenter our society and we had our own tree lighting here in the bay area tonight. >> as you can see, it's beginning to look a lot like christmas in dublin tonight. the dublin civic center celebrated its 40th annual tree lighting. there are a lot of family friendly activities as music games. they even made some fake snow, which made it very festive . great night there in dublin. >> yeah, it's nice that the rain held off for that, which is nice. >> but how long will the rain hold off? meteorologist cindy patel is here with the forecast. sandhya. >> yeah, we're going to see some wet weather tomorrow evening. so dan, and let me show you right now a live picture that says december is almost here. take a look. this is from zephyr cove. the snow is really coming down. chains required. on 450 right now. this is basically what we expect around this time of year. and state route 88 as we check out live doppler seven, you can see that snow coming down. really, it is at higher
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elevations. it's not at lake level, but certainly we'll see the accumulating snow through saturday night. we're talking about a few inches at donner, four inches at kirkwood. let's talk about your rainfall season to date. i know we've seen some rain recently, but it's still not enough. we are still behind, so we'll take anything we can get. oakland, 29% of average, 36% of where you should be in san jose. but santa rosa, san francisco and sfo, all between 52 and 56% of normal atmospheric river is setting up for this weekend. but it's going to go into the pacific northwest. now all of the energy with these storms have been moving into the pacific northwest, and that's where they're going to stay. but we're going to get the back end or the leftovers of this this moisture here, moisture plume is going to link up and really dump on the pacific northwest by next week, early next week, they're going to be looking at 6 to 8in of rain, up there and several feet of snow here in the bay area. the disturbance that came through that brought a few
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showers. also brought the northwesterly winds. and those winds are still gusty in some parts of the bay area. on live doppler seven, we are seeing a few clouds right now. temperatures at this hour in the 40s and the 50s. a live view from our exploratorium camera. pretty cool display there. here's a look here. isolated showers and gusty winds overnight. winds ease tomorrow shower chance lingers spotty showers on saturday and milder weather coming your way next week. so tomorrow morning, you're fine. if you're heading out the door, you don't need to worry about slick roadways. but tomorrow afternoon at 3 p.m, a few showers begin to appear. 6:00 still in the north bay. and then as we head towards saturday, this is our better opportunity for seeing that wet weather sliding from the north bay to other parts of the bay area between noon and three. once again, it is not a big system. we're just expecting spotty showers. so through saturday night, we're talking about anywhere from nothing measurable in san jose to about 18 hundredths of an inch in santa rosa. your morning temperatures is mid 30s to low
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50s breezy definitely need to bundle up tomorrow afternoon. we're looking at highs in the 50s and 60s. it will be a breezy friday and a check of the accuweather seven day forecast. isolated chance of a few showers tomorrow afternoon evening. it's a one for saturday with spotty showers early morning chance on sunday in the north bay. after that we're going with a milder pattern through midweek. before we reintroduce use the possibility of some rain on thursday. but you've got to check out those temperatures tuesday, wednesday, ama and dan we're talking 60s and 70s for december. yeah, i like it. yeah >> thanks, andy.
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santa clara county indigenous community were recognized for their efforts. abc seven news south bay reporter lauren martinez was there and has the story. an dyer day >> the native american community in santa clara county is keeping their culture alive. >> on thursday as members of different northern california tribes were recognized and honored as indigenous leaders, state assembly member ash kalra hosted the event at muwekma. ohlone middle school in san jose. >> i learned a lot from them
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both in terms of our history, but also how to become a better leader. myself him and his management. >> remaining members of the muwekma ohlone tribe held a land acknowledgment prayer and shared the tribe's history in and around the city of san jose. preserving the tribe's history is what inspired alfonso salazar. he dedicated his mural along the guadalupe river to the muwekma ohlone tribe in 2021. salas zah was recognized for his leadership in the arts. >> our history. it's part of our history, not just their history. and it's important for us to learn from what happened back then. >> san jose state organization gain was recognized for their leadership in advocacy. gain stands for gathering of academic, indigenous and native americans. >> i'm from the nez perce tribe of idaho. >> one student from out of state credited the organization for providing an inclusive space and then there was the legacy award. valentine lopez is the chairman of the ama mutsun tribal band
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restoring our ceremonies. >> our songs, our prayers is a very big part of it. >> lopez received the legacy award for ensuring accurate indigenous history and his countless roles with advisory positions. >> i see tonight as just recognition for all of our work together. it's not. it's not for me alone. it's for all of us together. in san jose, lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> what a special night. that's awesome. all right. well, the injury ravage warriors desperate for a win tonight. >> larry beil is here with sports. larry >> dan, i'm a lot of fans questioning whether klay thompson is still. got it. well klay scored ten straight points in one stretch against the clippers. next question. sports is next
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green in action with a reeling warriors hosting the clippers and really needing a win. how bad did steph curry want this game? he got teed up in the first half. he's turning into draymond. i know some of us have been screaming for more moses moody please he got the start
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goes hard to the cup at 13 points moses in for andrew wiggins who slammed his his finger in a car door ouch crazy sequence here steph with the miss moody always hustling gets the rebound while he's on the floor finds klay thompson who knocks down the jumper dubs led by as many as 18 in this game. and every time the clippers made a run, curry takes over driving and 126 points, eight assists, seven boards for steph. and with curry resting in the fourth klay thompson got hot three ball going up and it's going down. next question please klay scoring ten straight on his way to 22 points for the night warriors beat l.a. one 2114 hey, we're counting down to the 49 ers eagles showdown sunday in philly. their last meeting back in january. brock purdy the elbow injury required surgery. he's healthy again not thinking about payback, though. >> am i going to go into the game saying i want revenge and all this kind of stuff? it's not like that, you know? so i'm just going to try to go do my job and be the best brock that i can be for this team. there's more media people this week of practice. >> i've seen all year. you guys tend to make things a little bit
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bigger than they are. it's a week 13 game. yes, it's against the philadelphia eagles. yes, they're the one seed. we're fighting for potential seeding. yes. that's all big. >> coach prime deion sanders in dallas for thursday night football cowboys seahawks seattle leading 3530 under five minutes to go. dak prescott to jake ferguson. nice grab dak's third touchdown pass two point conversion puts dallas up three. seahawks with chances maybe think about blocking micah parsons on fourth and two free runner cowboys win 4135 niners nfc west lead now to three games sharks first round pick will smith plays for boston college so he was there tonight with the sharks visiting the bruins all smiles as pavel zacha on the power play goal sharks got shut out three nothing losing their 13th in a row to the bruins zero and ten on the road coolest thing we saw today. state going to the hawaii bowl that's how coach brant brennan made the announcement. surfboard in hand. no shirt. they'll play coastal carolina december 23rd. brant may need to get a spray
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connected tv app. it's available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now and you can start streaming. >> all right. thank you so much for watching tonight. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel. larry biel. all of us, we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel, sarah silverman and musical guest dwight yoakam. have a great night previously on "jimmy kimmel live" -- [ car horn honking ] >> what the [ bleep ] are you doing? i caught you red-handed again. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- sarah silverman. molly baz.


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