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tv   ABC7 News 400PM  ABC  December 4, 2023 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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retail theft in the city. breed credits the drop in car break ins to the police department's use of bait cars and stepped up patrols, as well as the work of district attorney brooke jenkins . >> the police department doing their jobs and also the district attorney taking up the final mantle to ensure that there is accountable city. >> the mayor says most of the break ins are being committed by organized theft rings. her announcement came just hours after several cars were broken into two in the hayes valley neighborhood. breed says is the organized rings committee. most of the break ins adapt to the crackdown on. it's important for the city to adjust its strategies to now this announcement coming just hours before a conversation tonight with san francisco city officials about crime, drugs and other quality of life issues in the city. >> joining us will be mayor london breed chief william scott and district attorney brooke jenkins. >> and coming up later this hour, we will get a live preview with our host reggie aqui and
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lyanne melendez. now earlier today, an advocacy group called together sf action spoke about plans for reform that will be on next year's ballot. abc seven news reporter suzanne ford is live in the newsroom with more on this. good afternoon, suzanne, julian, dan together sf action says it's pushing a bold reform package. >> it says the people of san francisco are tired of waiting for change. >> most voters view the mayor as the ceo of the city. >> more and more people seem to be frustrated with the direction of san francisco and what's happening when it comes to problems such as the fentanyl crisis, homelessness, crime and housing, a civic engagement group called together sf action says the change the city needs starts with amending the city charter. >> the powers of the office of the mayor have been whittled down by mostly politically driven measures. this has resulted in no one being in charge and no one for voters to clearly hold accountable together. >> sf action proposes a reform package. the two charter
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amendments include cutting the number of city boards, commissions and advisory bodies by half, and that cuts the number of commissions down from 130 to 65 and empowering the office of the mayor to hire and remove department heads without commission approval. these two measures provide clear authority over who's in charge in san francisco, government so that voters can get beyond the endless finger pointing that we've been stuck in. >> now and be able to hold the elected officials accountable. >> some business owners in san francisco residents backed the proposed changes. >> if you want to go find an to answer something related to homelessness, for instance, there are more than four commissions that say they're responsible for it. >> bill maggs believes streamline government will be a big help. >> why in the world do we need 130 commissions? why do 1200 people, you know, need to be able to, you know, share power with the rest of the city government? max young owns several businesses, including the bamboo hut on broadway. >> he used to own mister smith's bar in the mid market area to my business on seventh. >> and stevenson was directly
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impacted by drug dealers taking over my corner. and i had to shut it down in 2019. in and i'm still unable to open. >> young hopes the charter amendments will help make san francisco streets safer. >> this holds people accountable . we need the mayor to be accountable. we need our leaders to be accountable right now. if the mayor can't hire and fire her leaders, we've got a problem . >> come next month together, sf action will start gathering signatures to qualify for the november ballot. now, i reached out to several commissioners as well as supervisors and community advocates, and they say they're not prepared yet to comment on this measure because they don't know much about it. live in the newsroom. suzanne alfon, abc seven news. >> okay, suzanne, thanks very much. in the south bay, santa clara county supervisors will soon vote on funding for affordable housing units that will support farmworkers. abc7 news reporter zach fuentes has a look at the plan. >> 2023 has been an especially difficult year for many agriculture workers throughout the bay area from the half moon bay shootings to floods that destroyed many homes in monterey
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county. those events put a light on how many of those ag workers have lived these are folks who are part and parcel of our community who bring us fruits and vegetables and unfortunately, what we don't know about them is that they're living in living conditions that are not accepted. all the majority of santa clara counties remaining agricultural land is in the most southern part of the county. the district supervisor, sylvia arenas, represents. she says there are 1400 seasonal farm workers and 700 who live there permanently, many in dismal living conditions. arenas has put together a plan, she hopes brings in safe, affordable housing, bringing the workers into homes and also helping their employers build housing. >> we've got to make sure that we work through those regulatory issues and that the county does their part. so we're actually looking into county owned land to see if that is also possible. and for the very first time, we're actually doing that. >> supervisors are set to vote tuesday on accepting the plan if they do work, can begin to hire a consultant to look into ideas on the table that could help put the plan in motion. more broadly, the board will also
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vote on 700 new affordable housing units in san jose, mountain view and palo alto. it would be paid for using funds from voter approved measure a that includes 82 apartments for people with permanent disabilities 115 for working families who have become homeless, and more plans for the rest 103 apartments for extremely low income residents and 178 apartment apartments for very low income residents. the board meets tuesday at 930. supervisor cindy chavez said she expects the vote to be a unanimous yes. county ceo james williams said the progress is positive, but admits more funding will be needed for the future. it's important that we identify additional resources to continue this important work and not stop here in santa clara county. zach fuentes, abc seven news. and we have some developing news in oakland police are on the scene of a deadly shooting. >> it happened at a 7-eleven store. this is video from sky seven over this homicide scene. it's at fifth avenue and into national boulevard. officers responded to a call at about
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3:00 this afternoon, a couple of hours ago. when they arrived, they found one person who had been shot that victim was pronounced dead at the scene. that person has not yet been identified. >> berkeley police are negotiating with someone accused of shooting through the floor of their second story apartment into the apartment down below. police arrived at the building on eighth street near dwight way in west berkeley this morning. the street remains blocked off as the standoff continues. at this hour, a police negotiator is trying to get the suspected shooter to come out. san francisco inspectors are trying to figure out why a glass facade fell from a mission bay apartment building today. the glass mounted in the front of the window on a fourth floor unit fell and just shattered on the sidewalk down below in front of the building. at 188, king street across from oracle park. thankfully no one was injured in that. >> thank goodness. someone easily could have been, obviously. well now to all of that fog across the bay area this morning. you saw it. it was especially frustrating for travelers at oakland international airport where scores of flights were delayed
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or canceled, something that doesn't happen in oakland that often at the airport. abc7 news reporter leslie brinkley checked it out. >> it was the worst flight ever. >> passengers had plenty of tales of travel. woe to share at oakland airport today because of what airport officials called an irregular fog pattern. a dense bubble of fog shrouded the airport all morning while everywhere else nearby was sunny . here you see a ghost town at baggage claim. by mid-morning. by midday, all the delayed flights finally started landing. as of 11 a.m, oakland airport reported 22 delayed departures and 24 delayed arrivals. a couple of cancellations, but there's still a spillover into the afternoon hours. by 2:00, the tally was 40 incoming delays and 51 outbound delays with plenty of stories to tell. >> we actually tried to land here in oakland first and the pilot pulled out to say, nope,
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can't do it. and then we tried san francisco and they got rerouted to san jose. >> they said, we're running out of fuel. we got to go to sfo, got to sfo. they said, hold on a second, we'll figure it out. then they said, we're going to deplane. we don't know when this plane is going anywhere, sir, and we can't compensate you for anything. so figure it out. >> this passenger is going to try to recoup his $70 lyft ride to retrieve his parked car at oakland airport. >> but there was no transparent communication between the pilot. the onboard staff and the airport staff to actually give the customer correct information . >> you sat on the plane for four hours, four hours, and they wouldn't let you off. >> you could at your own risk, but i don't want to take a risk. so a lot of us just sat there. >> sfo is more notorious for fog delays. today was apparently a rare bird. >> usually oakland is fortunate
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in the fact that weather delays are not common in so yes this today was an unusual circumstance at oakland international airport. >> i'm leslie brinkly, abc7 news. >> could barely see your hand in front of your face. this morning. >> the proverbial pea soup. >> exactly the question is will we see this fog again? yeah >> meteorologist sandhya patel has her eye on that for us today. >> sandy. absolutely >> and dan and julian, it is going to be another round of the heavy fog for parts of the bay area. >> let's take a look at a live pictures. i should say pictures from earlier today. you will notice that there was some fog. this is from this afternoon. look at oakland airport. it was just socked in, hazy and san jose sutro camera even showing that thick layer of fog over downtown san francisco. things have really improved. visibility has improved. we've got plenty of sun. as you look at that live picture and we take you back in time. yes, we did have that thick fog this morning. it lingered into the early afternoon. there's a dense fog advisory that has already been
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issued for solano county. this is from 2 to 11 a.m. visibility will drop to a quarter mile or less. so be careful. so as we go hour by hour, notice, the fog expanding for the morning commute. we're going to see some thick fog around the north bay. the delta parts of the east bay shoreline and this is going to continue until noontime before we start to see improving visibility for many parts of the bay area. rain is on the way. i'll be back with a timeline of when you can expect that coming right up. >> julian, we've been warned. >> thank you, sandhya. well, city workers in burlingame staged a one day strike to protest alleged unfair labor practices by city managers. today, members of the union walked a picket line outside of city hall. they claim managers threatened and retaliated against workers who recently went before the city council asking for fair wages. >> we tried to file a lawsuit with the state. >> these incidents keep on happening and so we're left with the position of having to take a drastic step of going on strike to send a strong message to the
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city council that these threats and intimidation have to stop. >> we have reached out to the city of burlingame for reaction to the union's claims, but we have not heard back and union faculty members at cal poly pomona walked off the job today, the first of four one day strikes planned at cal state university campuses this week. >> the faculty members, including professors, librarians and counselors, are demanding an immediate 12% wage increase. csu is offering 5% each of the next three years. tomorrow san francisco state faculty members will walk out, followed by cal state los angeles, and then sacramento state. >> an image crisis or deeper problems solution is to move san francisco forward. >> hope for those suffering from traumatic brain injuries. the groundbreaking research going on at stanford and real versus fake. >> the annual christmas question gets a little trickier this feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown
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perpetuating this image problem. here's abc seven news anchor dion lim. >> it's shocking videos like these that have given san francisco a reputation for crime in recent years. what the i've reported on many horrendous cases and received tips from viewers daily on social media. viewers are clearly fed up. a gallup poll shows san francisco was ranked a top city for perceived safety in 2006, but has seen a nearly 20 point drop in recent years. but does perception align with reality? we combed through years of crime stats and the results are complicated. overall, san francisco's violent crime rate is low compared to other major cities. in the most recent data from 2022, san francisco clocked in at 658. violent crimes per 100,000 people. this lags behind new york, los angeles and houston. it's also half the rate of minneapolis, a city with less than half the population violent crimes include homicide and rape , aggravated assault and robbery
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. a robbery is when property is taken from someone through threats or harm. san francisco was thrust into the national spotlight with this video in 2020. one of a massive smash and grab robbery involving nine people at a louis vuitton at union square. the next year, gun wielding individuals hit a camera shop for $180,000 in gear across, according to sfpd data. in our neighborhood safety tracker, robberies increase slightly in the last 12 months compared to all of 2022, but they haven't reached pre-pandemic levels. videos of shoplifting have gone viral as well. who could forget this video captured by abc seven's lyanne melendez at a walgreens where a garbage bag wielding shoplifter rides a bicycle right out the front door. shoplifting has become such a problem. some stores say it's part of the reason they've closed in recent months. data from the california department of justice shows a significant rise in 2022 than the pre pandemic average. and then there's this here in san
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francisco. it's not hard to find broken glass from car break-ins on the street, you'll see signs like these all over encouraging drivers to park smart. they frequently happen in tourist hotspots like lombard street or the palace of fine arts cases seem so commonplace. several months ago, the san francisco da and police chief held this briefing. >> we are restaffing our deployment for our tourist areas . >> if you look at unconfirmed vehicle incident reports from sfpd, the numbers are high. 18,262 break ins year to date in 2023. but they're actually lower than pre-pandemic when in 2019 there were more than 25,000 break ins during the same months . >> are you sick of it? of course i am. >> i've interviewed hundreds of crime victims over the years and ask many of them and they will say the data is skewed. it's because oftentimes they're frustrated and have given up reporting to police in san francisco. dion lim, abc7 news.
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>> now our in-depth coverage of these issues continues tonight. when mayor breed police chief bill scott and district attorney jenkins answer questions directly from abc7 news. take action. san francisco will be hosted by abc7 news anchor reggie aqui. our reporter lyanne melendez and abc7 insider phil matier. you can watch live tonight streaming at 7:00. abc7 is where you'll find it and on abc7 news bay area as well and all the apps you'll be able to find it at 7:00 live and it should be. julian. we know a lively and important discussion about so many issues that the city is facing and addressing in some cases. >> i spoke to leanne earlier today who said, what are you most looking forward to? she said a plan to words, a plan. so hopefully we'll i think that she's not alone. >> i think a lot of people want here. >> exactly. certainly so we're looking at the forecast now, some rain sneaking up on us. nice. >> a big storm coming out north of us, it sounds like. sandy, will we get any of that? >> yeah, so we will. but midweek
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is when we're expecting it. >> dan and julian, they've been getting hit with some heavy rain across the pacific northwest. that atmospheric river, along with several feet of snow. and that is going to continue as we look at live doppler seven, you will notice the pacific northwest is where all the action is at widening that picture here. it's a pretty impressive storm on live doppler seven. and we will see some rain later on in the week. but until then, it has been kicking up the swells right now, 14ft at point arena, ten footers at bodega bay beach hazard statement until 4 a.m. tomorrow. there is an increased risk of sneaker waves, particularly northwest facing beaches. never turn your back to the ocean, as you know, just in case those waves creep up on you. live view from our san rafael camera. and there is plenty of sun there. didn't look like that this morning across parts of the bay area. you know, it was very thick right down on the deck, that fog, 60 degrees in the city. it is 58 in oakland right now. mid 60s in san jose, 59 in half moon bay and a live view from our walnut creek camera where we are seeing clear conditions mid 60s from santa
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rosa to napa to fairfield, concord, you're at 66 in livermore, 64 degrees. you want blue skies. you got it from our exploratory camera, at least for the time being. areas of dense fog again overnight, milder tomorrow afternoon and it's going to turn wet and windy on wednesday. so i'm going to show you that timeline in a moment. first, though, tomorrow morning, give yourself that extra time fog, just like this morning will be dense in pockets and it will slow down the commute. temperatures will be in the 40s and the 50s to start the day tomorrow afternoon. it is going to be a warmer day. you're looking at high temperatures that will be in the 70s for our warmest places like san jose, mid to upper 60s for many parts of the bay area, clouds will increase, leading to the light level one storm for wednesday. we are expecting light to moderate rain, occasional downpours with those slick roads and breezy to gusty conditions. let's go hour by hour while the storm track is to the north for the time being, that's going to change tomorrow morning. we start out with the fog at 5 a.m. notice in the afternoon, the
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clouds are just increasing. and by the time we head into wednesday, late morning, early afternoon, rain starts to move in and as we head into the 2:00 hour, you will notice widespread rain across the region by evening. just some scattered showers remaining, but those showers will continue to linger into thursday as well for parts of the bay area. rainfall estimates anywhere from about a 10th of an inch to about one half an inch expected. hills will pick up a little bit more than that. the accuweather seven day forecast does feature that morning fog followed by a milder afternoon level one for wednesday, wet and gusty with lingering showers for the start of hanukkah on thursday evening. and you will notice that it's a cold couple of mornings that follow friday and saturday with the possibility of frost. certainly some cool days ahead. and then temperatures will recover sunday and monday. so, julian and dan, we've got a little variety for everyone in the seven day forecast. >> okay. build in some extra time for that morning commute tomorrow, though. >> big, big reminder to do that. yes, absolutely. all right. well
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the college football playoff snub, why an undefeated team was left off the roster obviously unfortunate. >> yesterday. but you know, i know in dom's heart he truly was trying to defuze the situation in the aftermath from that sideline scuffle at the niners game sunday
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for many kids, this is going to be their first time visiting a concert hall and seeing a live musical performance. abc abc7 news reporter ryan curry was there. >> what is one way to get into the holiday spirit? well, the san francisco symphony is trying to answer that. for over 3000 elementary school students. the symphony is offering free concerts for these children as part of their annual community day. >> it's the kickoff to the holiday season. in addition, this is probably the first visit to the symphony for many students and children. >> rudolph frosty and an elf greeted students as they walked into the lobby that is decked out for the holidays. the kids then saw the symphony's deck the hall program that features several acts headlined by the symphony's orchestra to the deck. >> the hall program is an incredible assortment of the sf symphony and different performances, and we actually have students from other programs within the city performing to over 150 schools from all over the bay area.
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>> got invited to the symphony for this event. the shows are designed for these young students to get inspired by the arts and also grow their excitement for this cherished time of year. >> the children have exposure to classical violin, musical instruments, dancing young ballerinas and different styles of music across different cultures. they had to split this up into two different groups because the amount of students that are coming to this event, the first group, about half of them, came in the morning time. >> and then after that a transition period within the next group came in to enjoy this concert. we're in san francisco. ryan curry, abc7 news. >> now to a holiday makeover for dogs. mudville. pet adoption service in san francisco is taking in 100 dogs over the next week. the organization specializes in finding homes for older dogs. the new arrivals are all getting mudville makeovers from emergency health care to brand new holiday outfits. >> and all of these dogs are pure perfection. they've come from shelters all over the area that are overcrowded, crowded
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and all of them are seven years or older. they're lovely with people and other dogs. >> they are cute and you can see all of the adoptable dogs on their website. there's an adoption event every saturday at foothills san francisco headquarters. >> one word irresistible. all right. something potentially scary in the air. and it's all because of some very bad habits on the ground and real answers for a better bay area. >> don't miss. take action. san francisco tonight at seven. wherever you stream
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after a new york times report found some air traffic controllers were caught sleeping on the job. frightening, obviously. >> the report follows a series of near misses in the air and on the ground. abc news reporter reena roy has the latest on this disturbing allegations. >> in a new investigation by the new york times is alleging air traffic controller were sleeping while on duty or using alcohol and drugs. it comes as millions of americans prepare to travel for the holidays. the report, not independently confirmed by abc news, covers hundreds of complaints to the faa's hotline over two years, claiming one employee showed up to work this summer drunk, joking about making big money. buzzed while the times admits those are extreme examples, the broader issue raised by controllers and others who reported we spoke with the paper are the dangerous staffing shortages, mental and emotional stress and fatigue. air traffic controllers are experiencing responding to the allegations. the faa telling abc
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news the report in the new york times is not reflective of the overall high safety standard that exists throughout the national airspace system. flying has never been safer. the air traffic controllers union firing back, saying the investigation is an inaccurate portrayal of air traffic controllers, but acknowledged the ongoing staffing issues and fatigue. there has already been growing concern about the safety of america's skies after a series of near misses this year. like this one, southwest bought a fedex is on the go. a fedex flight cleared to land in austin came within 100ft of a southwest plane taking off back in march. the faa held a safety summit to address concerns, looking at patterns and risk factors, hoping to figure out how to prevent similar issues in the future. one key area is staffing . currently, there are 1000 fewer air traffic controllers working than there were over a decade ago. reena roy, abc news new york. alaska airlines has announced plans to acquire
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hawaiian airlines in a nearly $2 billion deal if the deal goes through, alaska airlines would then be the fifth largest airline nationwide, and honolulu will become a major hub, offering expanded service to locations throughout the asia pacific region. >> that deal still needs to be approved. >> and stanford medicine is tackling the struggles faced by those with traumatic brain injuries. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey explains how their latest research can make a difference for millions of people. >> the simple things we take for granted are all precious gifts to modesto resident gina arata outside like the birds and the noises and the sunlight. >> but even walking, putting on your own shoes, buttoning your pants, simple things that she was not able to do just a few years ago, a devastating car accident in 2001 left arata with burst lungs and brain bruising and searing. >> she was in a coma for 14 days when she woke up, the law school hopeful was no longer able to comprehend books or even normal
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conversations like, you could tell me something, then i would ask you the same question in like five minutes later, and they'd be like, i answered that question already for you. >> but i had no idea, no recollect. >> in 2018, arata was presented with a chance to fix the problem she was having through stanford medicine, a first of its kind procedure that would surgically implanted device deep into her brain to stimulate and activate the neural networks that were subdued by the car crash. stanford's jaime henderson said brain functions can be dimmed after traumatic injury and these sensors turn the dimmer switch back up for arata. >> when we activated the stimulator, the results were actually pretty remarkable. so she went from being unable to read through a novel or a book to actually reading and remembering novels wasn't capable of holding down a relationship, wasn't capable of having children, and being a mother. >> and i feel like this device is giving me the opportunity to possibly have those more than 5
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million americans live within impacts from severe traumatic brain injuries, and arata hopes her willingness to be the first patient to try this new procedure can help others going forward. >> i hope that i could provide the opportunity for other people who suffer injuries, such as a brain injury, so i can so they can provide them with the opportunity to have families and have relationships and get a job and drive their cars essentially to live the life they thought was lost. dustin dorsey, abc7 news coming up. >> the fallout from yesterday's sideline scuffle at the 40 niners game and real or fake? what's the best christmas tree to buy the 44 is up next hi, my name is damion clark. if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear. depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. all of
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and i thought i should try that too. - after taking prevage, i just didn't have to work so hard to remember things. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. dre, greenlaw and eagles head of security dom d'assandro at yesterday's game in philadelphia . to watch. >> here's the play that started it all. and greenlaw slams him down. devonte smith slammed to the ground in the third and now tempers flare. and that's where dom dasan ro the head of security for the eagles, steps in and the 49 ers, dre greenlaw seems to take a swing. oh yeah. he that's he he oh man. going to have to sort all this out. >> they did sort it out. >> greenlaw was ejected, but so
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was d'assandro known as big dom to a chorus of cheers. >> i'm telling you, he's. he's the most popular guy in philadelphia right now. >> they might be right about that. fans who were at the game couldn't believe he was tossed. >> he shouldn't get in trouble. >> i think the officials went overboard. it's ridiculous. >> no matter what his intentions were, big dom could face additional penalties. >> i know it. and dom's heart. he truly was trying to defuze the situation right there. sirianni >> all right. we're we're told that big dom is just beloved in philadelphia. chris, let's start with you. what do you think? >> weird scene. yeah you don't see this too often. and with security, you're supposed to try and diffuse a situation. he got a little bit in there. and if you look at the video again, he actually did get in greenlaw's face. so i also didn't see any san francisco fan reaction in that story. so a little bit of a shot. yeah. yeah yeah. >> quite the mess there during the game. the question is, greenlaw, could he potentially face any additional suspension? have you been hearing anything about that? chris i haven't seen anything like that yet, but the
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league office always looks into matters like this to look at the video, they'll talk to some people. >> but right now i don't think i didn't think it was that far of a kind of hit that dre greenlaw wouldn't do it. it just looked bad. and it happened to be on the eagles sideline. if that happened on the 49 ers sideline, none of this probably happened. so i don't think there was anything malicious or vicious as football. it's a physical, violent game and it just they were already upset because of the way the game was going. the eagles were so and it was over pretty quickly. >> yeah, exactly. >> all right. decisive victory there. yeah, we're just days away from finding out who is times person of the year. so we have the short list for you. it includes chinese president xi jinping, pop star taylor swift, openai founder sam altman, barbie of course, vladimir putin, king charles, the third fed chairman, jerome powell, and two groups that made headlines in 2023. the striking hollywood writers and actors as well as the prosecutors who brought criminal charges against former president trump. really interesting list here that really runs the gamut. anything stand out to you, sandy? >> you know, i mean, i'm just surprised that vladimir putin is at that in that list, julian. i
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mean, considering how things are going and but, you know, i have a little inside information on this. oh, tell us, stan. >> i don't know who it is, but i was told at a recent gathering that it from somebody who knows that it's been a very good year for women. so i'm going to go out on a limb and say it's barbie. i don't know that, but i'm going to say it's barbie or taylor swift. and it was a great year for both of them. yeah, definitely. >> it was taylor swift. >> yeah, absolutely. yeah. >> but, you know, but it'd be i think the fun choice might be barbie just because it was such a profound impact in so many ways, not just the movie, but the effect that it had. we'll see. and how about sam altman? >> i mean, we now all know what ai is, right? and chatgpt. tt that's true because of the company that he now oversees. once again. >> so we'll see. >> yeah. be interesting. >> authentic is merriam-webster's word of the year. as we reported the other day and today oxford is out with its word. it's riz which is a defined as style charm or attractiveness and the ability
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to attract a romantic partner. it's thought to be a shortened version of the word charisma. and everyone out here, all of you guys. but we'll start with you, chris. you definitely have some reads going on. so i actually i i've seen used that word. >> i've seen this trending on social media now that it makes a little bit sense with the charisma thing. so thank you dan, i appreciate that. i'm not going to deny that you're correct in that assessment. >> you're not getting person of the year, so don't get too excited. >> thank you, chris is so modest . >> so my son actually used rhiz and i said, go again. and he goes, oh, mom, get with the program. i know i never heard of it before. >> this story earlier today. >> so yeah, and we are i think we can all agree here, shockingly hip, all of us usual. no, i didn't know all of the words that you all were talking about last week, though. >> okay. that's good. >> there we go. for the record. >> okay, dan, you're the only one that's played at outside
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lands, at least in these four, right? >> oh, that's true. >> yeah. there we go. >> there you go. thank you, sir. >> well, now to the annual debate over christmas trees. will it be real or will it be fake? here's abc news reporter stephanie ramos. there it is. >> when it comes to picking the tree to trim, is real or artificial, the one for you this is a fake tree. >> there's so many more benefits to getting a real tree. >> it's the spirited debate that comes around every december. and in some cases dividing families. >> we have always been a family of real trees. >> last year, nick webb thought the artificial tree at her mom's house was only for the year when she walked into her mom's house this year, my entire family has switched over from being real tree people to being fake tree people. >> they do last longer. >> according to the american christmas tree association, this year, nearly 77% of consumers planning to put up a tree are leaning toward artificial, many citing ease to assemble consistent appearance and easy maintenance as reasons behind
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their choice. but experts like gary kastner, whose nickname is dr. christmas tree, says when it comes to the environment, real trees are the way to go when you're finished with your tree, they'll recycle them. >> they'll mulch them. >> it's not bad at all, really. maybe it just needs a little love. >> all right. real or fake? we have a real tree. but we also in the hall now put up a fake tree, and we put decorations that the kids give us. or travel decorations that we pick up where we go. but we have a real tree as well. let's start with you, sandy. what do you guys like? >> so i like to alternate. we like to alternate between real and fake. and this year we've got multiple trees. they're all fake. dan but i will say we like that fresh smell of a real tree. so some years we just go out and buy a real tree to add to our crazy collection. yeah, i tried to convince my wife, angela, one time you get a spray can of pine scent.
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>> oh, come on. >> not by that, angela is not going for that. no way. chris, how about you? >> i have a fake tree, but i do enjoy the real tree sometimes. the other thing, too, is like, allergies can be a factor, so some people can't handle them as much. but there is something special about a real tree. the fake one. all the lack of maintenance, i guess, is a really good thing, especially when you're putting up and putting it away. >> that's true. and you buy it once. julia and i'm always stunned at how expensive christmas trees are. they are so expensive. >> and i'm shocked that 77% of people are going for the fake tree. i'm team real tree all the way. but the fake trees are so easy, right? you can leave the lights on them, put it in the closet, unfold it the next year, and then you're ready to go. >> so flip the switch and it's. >> hey, merry christmas. thanks >> that's fantastic. >> all right. >> that's this edition of
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of the discussion are mayor london breed chief william scott and district attorney brooke jenkins. >> now this event is hosted by abc7 news anchors reggie aqui and leon melendez and they join us live. guys, it should be a really fascinating discussion. i know you're looking forward to it. >> we're looking forward to it. we're very curious. as residents of san francisco to see what these leaders have to say. we decided over many weeks of coming up with questions on four main topics. we're going to get into homelessness. we're going
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to get into the state of downtown san francisco. right now. we're going to talk about drugs. and we're also going to talk about crime, drugs, we decided, was how we are going to start the night. and that's what leanne is going to begin with. >> well, i think it's very important, reggie, and out there to all of you to invite these three leaders who are just so influential. and really, we want to hear what the plan is. so we've invited the mayor, we've invited, of course, the police chief, and we've invited the district attorney. as you mentioned, because we want a plan. we want to hear what their plan is moving forward. now, things seem to be improving a little bit with crime. the drug situation is still, you know, very controversial. all it is, you know, a problem. as we know, we have a projection for this year, which the numbers don't look good, but we want to hear from them. we want to hear what you know, new measures, if any. and i think, reggie, a lot of people out there, people in san francisco and people who even work in san francisco who don't live here are really you know,
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frustrated. and finally they're saying, what is the city doing to improve conditions? what is the city doing to bring us back, if you will? >> and i think a lot of people saw what happened during apec. they saw that all of a sudden there were many streets that were littered or full of tents, suddenly clean. and they're wondering if you could do that for one huge event. why can't you do that on a daily basis for the people of san francisco? so we will definitely be getting into that. we'll be talking about downtown san francisco and how all of these elements end up influencing who comes to san francisco, who works here, who visits here. an important reminder that tourism is the number one industry in san francisco. and yet we are one of the last cities to recover when it comes to the number of visitors who are coming back to our city. >> right. and reggie, i think very important to a lot of san franciscans. i know that it's important for you. it's important for me is the image of san francisco. so that image that everybody has seen around the country, around the world and, you know, we want to have
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that image improve of san francisco to show that, yes, we do have homeless ness and perhaps we won't solve the homeless issue right away, but we can make it less of an issue, if you will. drugs open drug use, which is a big problem, which everybody sees around here. so and again, you mentioned downtown, which is so crucial. you know, so many businesses that have failed and also retail spaces. and it could turn into, you know, a real problem for san francisco for and not to mention the fact that they won't be collecting taxes if we can't if they can't introduce more people, more businesses into the downtown area and not only rely on one like, for instance, one are for instance, or artificial intelligence i to really improve
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san francisco. and we really have to focus on the small businesses. i think that is crucial. and what is the city doing for them? >> and julia and dan, this is not just us asking questions. we have a whole audience full of people who are stakeholders in san francisco, long time residents, business owners, people who run nonprofits here, who will be asking these leaders questions as well. >> so, you know, tune in. we're really excited about asking the question and finding solutions. and that's what we i hopefully we do very well. >> all right. we will see what happens. we're very curious as residents ourselves. >> well, we thank you. glad to have you guys guiding that conversation. it should be really interesting tonight. >> yeah, we will all be watching live at 7 p.m. >> all right. thank you very much. you can watch take action, san francisco with reggie. leanne and abc7 news insider phil matier streaming live tonight at seven. mayor breed police chief scott and district attorney jenkins will join them as you've heard to answer direct questions from abc7 news about the big issues facing san
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francisco and what does it mean for the future of this great city. >> all right, let's get another check of the forecast. looking nice outside behind us right now. >> it is after a foggy start. meteorology sandhya patel is back. santa yeah, absolutely beautiful up in the sierra as well. >> dan and julian, let's take a look at a live picture from zephyr cove where you can see just plenty of sun out there. they do have some snow coming their way. take a look at the snowfall projections midweek, really wednesday, thursday, 14in at donner, eight inches there at kirkwood. so this is going to be nice for them since some of the ski resorts really haven't opened yet because not enough snow. golden gate bridge camera is socked in. the fog has been not been lifting across parts of the bay area and it's going to be spreading as we look at live doppler seven. right now, things are quiet. high temperatures tomorrow coming up mid 60s to low 70s. so after the fog lifts, we're going to see higher clouds tomorrow afternoon. and then here comes the rain on wednesday afternoon going into early thursday for the north bay. the storm track does shift to our
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north and stays there later on in the week. but the pacific northwest getting pummeled and they are going to continue to see some issues with flooding there as rain falls on top of the heavy snow. accuweather seven day forecast fog to milder weather tomorrow, level one for wednesday. and then we are going with colder nights later on in the week. julie and dan okay very good. >> sandy thanks. a perfect record doesn't always mean everything. >> yeah, the drama playing out on the college football field. we'll explain what's going on next but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry,
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for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente.
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it's wheel of fortune and jeopardy. and then don't miss abc7 news at 11. got a great lineup for you tonight. >> well, now we got to tell you about the uproar over the college football playoff selections. fsu fans really hurting right? >> we were just talking about it during the break. for the first time ever, an undefeated team in one of the major conferences was left out. >> abc news reporter will reeve has a closer look at what happened here in the college football playoffs. >> semifinalists have been selected. florida state shocked. they're not one of them. the seminoles were a perfect 13 and zero this season and won their conference championship. the first school from a power five conference in cfp history. with such a resume to be left home. head coach mike norvell outrage saying in a statement, quote, i am disgusted and infuriated with the committee's decision today to have what was earned on the
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field, taken away a season ending injury to star quarterback jordan travis may have influenced the selection committee's decision to snub florida state. >> one of the criteria that the committee has used in the past is if a great player on your team is injured and unavailable, that can potentially affect out how you're ranked. and unfortunately for florida state, their star player broke his leg in the 10th game of the year. >> travis posting on social media sunday, quote, i wish my leg broke earlier in the season so y'all could see this team as much more than the quarterback to the end zone. >> and it's caught two time defending national champion georgia won't make it a three peat this year. >> the bulldogs fell short against alabama in the sec championship game, suffering their first loss in two full years. >> now, next year, the college football playoff will expand from four teams to 12, which maybe will avoid controversies
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like this in the future. i should point out that my dear friend julian is a miami hurricane fans alum, and so he's this is archrival florida state. you know, i wouldn't say he's brokenhearted about this. >> no, i didn't shed any tears. i'm wearing gators colors right now. but diehard miami fan, so better luck next year, boys. oh, yeah. >> said with such sincerity. exactly >> that'll do it for abc seven news at four. i'm julian glover. >> and i'm
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♪ >> joe: it has been 12 years sincend


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