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tv   America This Morning  ABC  December 5, 2023 4:30am-5:01am PST

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captioned by los angeles distribution and broadcasting, inc. on america this morning, a massive explosion neighborhood. >> why? police say they were executing a search warrant at the home before the blast. israel is war in gaza enters a new phase. >> new information on just how long the intense bombing may last. >> meanwhile, here at home, the concerns about anti-semitism.
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from philadelphia, where a crowd protested a jewish owned restaurant to college campuses, several university presidents now set to answer questions from congress. >> a popular restaurant chain's caffeinated lemonade comes under new legal scrutiny. why panera is facing a second wrongful death lawsuit. >> a consumer alert. the privacy concerns for travelers using >> caught on camera. a high school prom posal leads to a horrifying crash. is the school to blame? >> later. a new job for ex-congressman jorge santos. >> and what was behind this daring high flying stunt that made history. >> from abc news in new york this is america this morning. >> good tuesday morning, everyone. i'm rhiannon ally. >> and i'm andrew dymburt. we begin with a massive explosion rocking a neighborhood in northern virginia. police were called to a home where someone had been firing a flare gun
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dozens of times. >> officers tried to execute a search warrant and that's when things took a troubling turn. overnight, this terrifying dying house explosion caught on camera. the debris showering this neighborhood in arlington county, virginia. the blast felt several blocks away, but you could feel the sound concussion. police were already at the scene before the explosion. they were investigating a flare gun reportedly being shot from a home. one flare in the sky seen here near the front door with your hands up. officers say they obtained a search warrant, but the suspect would not come out as officers attempted to execute that search warrant this evening . >> the suspect inside the residence discharged several rounds. the house subsequently exploded and we continue to investigate the circumstances of the explosion. >> police say the only person apparently inside during the explosion was that suspect. but the extent of injuries not confirmed overnight.
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>> nobody has been transported from the scene to an area hospital as firefighters brought the fire under control. >> many questions lingered, including why the suspect was firing those flares in the first place. police say the suspect also discharged a firearm before the explosion. the officers on the scene suffered only minor injuries from that blast. >> now to new details about israel's expanding ground war in gaza amid growing concerns about the humanitarian crisis that's unfolding. we're getting a better sense of just how long israel's intense bombing campaign against hamas could last. abc's liz landers is here now with more. liz good morning. >> andrew it now appears that that intense fighting in gaza could last well into next year. >> this morning, israel's defense minister sitting down with abc news off camera saying he believes the war in its current intensity will last at least another two months. he says israeli military leaders increasingly concede that killing all of hamas's estimated 30,000 fighters will be impossible, adding their goal is
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to break the chain of command, having already killed 40% of battalion leaders, they. these satellite images show israeli military vehicles staging in southern gaza, where many civilians were previously told to flee to safety. up to 600 americans are still in gaza, including ruihua alfarez father. people are sheltering together so they'll be like, you know, 20, 30 people all together and there's not enough food. israel says it's dropping leaflets urging people to move to designated safe zones. our producer has been forced to move his family seven times since the war started in october. we don't know what to do. >> there is no safe place at all in gaza. >> one u.n. official saying every time we think things cannot get any more apocalyptic in gaza, they do. israel says it will only consider another pause in the fighting if hamas returns. the 15 women and two
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children still in its custody. a state department official suggests hamas is holding these women in out of fear for what they may reveal about the sexual violence they've suffered. >> the reason this pause fell apart is they don't want those women to be able to talk about what happened to them during their time in custody. >> phone and internet service went down again last night in gaza, only adding to the chaos for civilians. andrew >> liz, thank you. the president of harvard and mit and the university of pennsylvania head to capitol hill today to face questions about the rise in anti-semitism on college campuses. school administrator have been accused of allowing damaging rhetoric to spread. meanwhile, the white house is condemning a pro-palestine protest outside of a philadelphia restaurant that's owned by a jewish chef. protesters were calling for the owner to be charged with genocide and they were urging people to boycott the restaurant because of the owner's donations to israel. >> the purposeful gathering of a mob outside of a restaurant isn't simply because it is owned
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by a jewish person. well that's anti-semitism, the governor said. >> the protests represented hate, bigotry. that's reminiscent of a dark time in history. >> new details this morning about the former us ambassador under arrest accused of being a spy for cuba. 73 year old victor manuel rocha, a former ambassador to bolivia, allegedly worked for cuba since 1981. attorney general merrick garland calls it one of the highest reaching and longest lasting infiltrations of a us government by a foreign agent. abc's pierre thomas reports on roach's alleged motive. >> u.s officials are trying to determine what classified information rocha may have given the cubans thus far. they make no allegations that he betrayed his country for money, but instead they say he was a true believer doing it to help the cuban communist revolution. >> john rocha also previously held a position on the us national security council. the white house says us funding for the war in ukraine will run out by the end of the year unless
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congress takes action. democrats want more aid, but in exchange, republicans are demanding more security in the us southern border. >> it's not every day that you hear a supreme court justice use the term nutcase, but it happened yesterday as the court considered whether a multi-billion dollar settlement for victims of the opioid epidemic is legal or not. justice. >> justice can't you see the supreme court seems divided as it reviews a landmark bankruptcy settlement for purdue pharma? >> that's the company behind the powerful painkiller oxycontin in linked to tens of thousands of overdose deaths. the justices heard arguments yesterday over whether the owners of purdue pharma, the sackler family, can be protected from future lawsuits under terms of the settlement. >> why is it that you're able to come in and undo something that has such overwhelming agreement? >> it seems to me that that's a fairly clear case for the application of what is called our major questions doctrine.
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>> under the bankruptcy deal, the sackler family would pay about $6 billion to settle lawsuits with opioid victims and state governments. but the biden administration says by guaranteeing immunity, the deal violates federal law. justice elena kagan questioned whether the government should end an agreement that was approved by opioid victims overwhelming the support for this deal. >> and among people who have no love for the sacklers among people who think that the sacklers are pretty much the worst people on earth, they've negotiated a deal which they think is the best that they can get. so i'm wondering why one nutcase holdout should hold up something like this. >> but justice ketanji brown jackson questioned why the deal needed to be reached in bankruptcy court. members of the sackler family have denied wrongdoing, saying the company developed oxycontin to help families. how the justices rule on this issue could have major implications on other bankruptcy cases. the court's ruling, meanwhile, is expected next june. relatives of three people who were killed in a racially
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motivated shooting at dollar general store are now suing the store and also the shooter's family. >> three black people were shot inside the jacksonville store back in august. their families claim dollar general was negligent for failing to secure the store. they claim the shooter's family should have known he was obsessed with violence. neither the family nor dollar general have responded to the lawsuit yet former new jersey governor chris christie has made the cut for tomorrow's gop presidential debate at the last minute. >> christie reached the polling threshold. he'll join ron desantis, nikki haley and vivek ramaswami, former president trump, the front runner, is skipping the event again. he's attending a fundraiser for instead. >> time now for a look at your tuesday weather. covered roads were likely a factor in this fiery crash involving a propane truck in northern vermont. the driver did escape. the fire was allowed to burn itself out. looking at the radar now, a so-called atmospheric river is bringing heavy rain to the pacific
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northwest. flood watches are in both seattle and portland. showers are also expected across the midwest. checking today's high temperatures, a mild 60 degrees in denver, 40 in the northeast, 80 across the southwest, 66 in dallas, 45 in kansas city. >> coming up, privacy concerns for travelers using >> also ahead, the youtube star who crashed a plane on purpose learns his punishment. >> and a new twist in the legal battle over the sandra bullock movie, the blind side. but the family portrayed - hey! - hee-haw! here we go! [train horn] [car beep] sorry! ahhhh! [doorbell] now who is that? tadaaaaa! kevin bacon! kevin! ahhhhh! santa!!!!! ♪ [burps] that's ludacris. all your holiday favorites... both classic and new...
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i think we're all in for a very big christmas treat. on the disney bundle, with hulu and disney+.
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morning show, good morning america. >> we are back now with the youtube star who pleaded guilty to crashing a plane on purpose over california. two years ago during the stunt, which he
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staged to gain views, he parachute from the plane. trevor jacob has now been sentenced to six months in prison. >> one of the biggest online travel sites is under fire after its customers were targeted by hackers. itself was not breached, but hackers reportedly breached the portals of hotels and other companies that use its services. customers were then tricked into paying the scammer instead of the hotels. says it's implementing new security measures. panera is facing a second wrongful death lawsuit linked to its caffeinated lemonade. dennis brown's family says he went into cardiac arrest after consuming the drink at a panera in florida. they say brown suffered from high blood pressure. panera began posting warnings about charged lemonade when it was sued after the death of a woman who had a heart condition. >> a major development in the public feud over the blind side. the inspiration football movie starring sandra bullock. the family on which the movie is based is now revealing text messages claiming the football player they took in tried to
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extort them. here's abc's lana moyes. >> this morning the tuohy family is firing back, responding in court to former nfl player michael oher. the inspiration behind the oscar winning film the blind side, in which sandra bullock plays his adoptive mother, toni. >> here's your quarterback. all right. you protect his blind side when you look at him, you think of me. >> in court documents, sean and leigh anne tuohy, who took an oar during high school, claim or tried to extort them years after the movie's release, threatening to defame them if he wasn't paid millions. in one text message, he allegedly wrote, i was robbed of 50 million plus 10 million is my final offer. the couple claim or threatened to expose them as, quote, fakes and thieves. and after they refuse to pay, they say he upped his demand to $15 million. we're not going to be strong on. >> we haven't done anything. we're not going to be extorted. >> in a petition filed this summer or alleges sean and leigh
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anne tuohy tricked him into signing what he thought were adoption papers, saying the adoption never happened and that those documents were really for a conservatorship or claiming the tuohys only saw him as a, quote, gullible young man whose athletic talent could be exploited for their own benefit. he accused the couple of using the concert mentorship to get rich, saying he wasn't paid his fair share. from the blind side. success at the box office. but in new court documents, the tuohy say they were made conservators of the person, even as there was no financial estate to administer. adding the family, including mr. heir, came to a verbal agreement to divide the proceeds from the book and movie evenly with identical payments of $138,000, even though the movie made 330 million at the box office. in the new court documents, the family also denies orr's complaint that they misrepresented him as their adopted son or has not publicly responded to this latest development. andrew rhiannon all
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right, lionel, thank you. >> coming up, an american tourist is killed by a shark in the bahamas. what experts are now saying about this attack. >> also ahead, a high school prom stunt leads to a horrifying prom stunt leads to a horrifying crash. is the school to blame when it comes to your hair, ingredients matter. that's why herbal essences is packed with naturally derived plant ingredients you love, and none of the stuff you don't. our sulfate-free collections smell incredible... ♪ and leave your hair touchably soft and smooth. ♪ herbal essences there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. how long have you been tracking the value of our car?
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the family that takes delsym together, should we sell it? we hold... our low mileage is paying off. you think we should... hold... hoooold!!! hooold! now!!!! i'm on it. i'm, on it. already sold to carvana. go to carvana and track your car's value today. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit [deep exhale] [deep exhale] [trumpet music plays] 579 breaths to show 'em your stuff. every breath matters. don't like rsv take your breath away.
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protect yourself from rsv... ...with abrysvo, pfizer's rsv vaccine. abrysvo is a vaccine for the prevention of lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious if you are 60 or older. having asthma, copd, diabetes, or heart disease puts you at even higher risk. abrysvo is not for everyone and may not protect all who receive the vaccine. don't get abrysvo if you've had a severe allergic reaction to its ingredients. people with a weakened immune system may have a decreased response to abrysvo. the most common side effects are tiredness, headache, pain at the injection site, and muscle pain. ask your pharmacist or doctor about pfizer's rsv vaccine, abrysvo. visit these retailers or find other retailers near you at [deep breath] tourists from boston is dead after she was bitten by a shark in the bahamas. >> the 44 year old was paddleboarding at a sandals resort when she suffered serious injuries to her right side. experts say the shark may have mistaken her as prey or may have
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felt threatened. it's the second deadly shark incident in the bahamas in two weeks. >> back in this country, a stunt that led to a crash before a high school prom last spring has triggered legal action with allegations that the school is partly to blame. this morning, a prom posal that went horribly wrong is now the subject of what could be $1 million legal battle. >> can you move your leg at all? >> william van sepp, a former student at arizona college prep high school, was crossing a campus intersection on his motorcycle in april when another student speeding through a stop sign rammed into his bike, sending him airborne. >> everything else fell okay. >> van sepp is now filed a legal claim against the school district and the city claiming the crash was the result of a preplanned promposal. the alleged plan called for a school resource officer watching nearby to pull over the driver for running the stop sign to make it seem like the driver was in trouble. that's when the driver would ask his passenger in the front seat to be his date for
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the prom. the lawsuit claims not only was the officer in on the plan, the principal was too. he she sustained a traumatic brain injury from this that will last his entire life. >> he also has severe neck and lower back pain. the officer denies knowing the driver was planning to speed. >> the principal denies knowing about the plan at all. but in a police statement, the driver claimed he okayed the idea with the school administration. >> it's just heartbreaking even to watch that video because as in any instant, he could have passed away. >> venice depp's attorney is asking for a $1 million settlement from the school district and the city and is working on a separate claim against the driver. >> some late night drama on monday night football. the bengals and jaguars were tied into overtime when cincinnati kicked the winning field goal. they won it 34 to 31, but it was a costly loss for the jags. quarterback trevor lawrence left with an ankle injury. we hope he has a speedy recovery.
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>> yes indeed. attention sushi fans. coming up, the health benefits of wasabi. >> plus, former congressman jorge santos gets a new gig dear wayfair. this year i want... to say thanks. over the centuries i've become passionate about home decor. and my favorite homes are wayfair homes. i even stop by on my day off! i know what people want, and you've got just what they need. also, i love your ottomans. your number one fan, santa. ♪ wayfair you've got just what i need ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ do you believe in magic ♪ ♪ in a young girl's heart ♪ ♪ how the music can free her whenever it starts ♪ ♪ and it's magic ♪ ♪ do you believe in magic ♪ at t.j.maxx, you can go above and beyond,
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♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. good morning america. >> yes, time to check the pulse. we begin with a new gig for former congressman jorge santos. >> santos has created a cameo account where people can pay $200 to get a personalized video message from him. his profile reads former congressional icon. several clips show santos offering advice. >> would you can boot me out of congress, but they can't take away my good humor or my larger than life personality, nor my good faith and the absolute pride i have for everything i've done. so this is about you,
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megan. be yourself, santos was expelled from the house last week for ethics violations. >> next, ryan seacrest on his new gig. yeah >> seacrest will be the host of wheel of fortune next year. he sat down with abc's will reeve to talk about taking over for pat sajak, who is stepping down after 41 seasons. i'll tell me everything, man. >> i mean, i grew up watching it . i'm such a fan. pat sajak is one of the greatest hosts in television. that game is beloved . that show that franchise is part of people's lives. i can't wait to meet people every night and literally do my best to make them feel at ease and comfortable so they can win a ton of money later on good morning america. >> seacrest opens up about seacrest studios. his foundation installing broadcast studios and children's hospitals all around the country. next the benefits of wasabi sushi lovers are going to love this. a study in japan found it could improve both long and short term memory. >> researchers say people who ingested wasabi daily showed substantial improvement in
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remembering names and faces. next, the amazing double stunt in dubai. >> this is amazing. it's a combo of wakeboarding and base jumping . a drone towed american daredevil brian grubb across a rooftop pool. then he leapt over the pool's edge and transitioned into a 77 story base jump. >> it's incredible video, and somehow he's successful. he landed on the beach below. the landed on the beach below. the top headlines next sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent.
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