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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  December 5, 2023 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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your time right now on jimmy kimmel. bill burr. >> have yourself a great night. previously on "jimmy kimmel live" -- [ cheers and applause ] >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live." tonight --
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bill burr -- lily gladstone -- and music from joshua ray walker -- with cleto and the cletones, and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. hi, everyone. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks for coming. thank you for joining us here at our home on hollywood boulevard. this is the time of the year when lists are made, accolades are handed out when we say, this is the top this, this is the top that. tomorrow, "time" magazine will name a person of the year, a distinction that dates all the way back to 1927.
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the first person of the year, which back then it was called "man of the year," was charles lindbergh, who, i think sailed over on either the nina, the pinta or the santa maria. it's a big deal, and the person of the year isn't necessarily even a person, but "time's" "whatever of the year" doesn't have quite the same ring to it. so they go with person and put out a list of the top nine finalists, and i really hope, for their sake, they make the right choice, because, if they don't, "time" headquarters is about to get stormed by an angry group of swifties who will be physically and psychologically unable to shake it off. taylor swift is one of the fine finalists. vladimir putin is one of the nine finalists, and so is barbie, the doll. insulting the humans. putin and barbie have a lot more in common than you'd think. they both live in mansions. they both love horses. they both dabble in the martial arts, and they love to play dress up. you can see they wear misdemeanor of the same outfits. i mean, putin is basically
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ruthless dictator barbie. the artist formerly known as prince charles is a finalist, which is not a big deal for him. he's been on the cover of "time" a lot. he was on in 1978, looking like guy the interns shouldn't get drunk around at the office holiday party. also in the running is federal reserve chairman jerome powell, which seems like let him win if you don't want to sell too many magazines. you know, we only printed up so many copies, and maybe save him for the swimsuit issue or something. today is also publication day for liz cheney's tell-all "oath and honor," which is billed as "a memoir and a warning." the warning is that another four years of trump will lead to another four years of annoying books about trump. cheney really goes after trump. usually the only women who hate him this much were married to him. but she -- she says her fellow republicans in the house referred to trump regularly as orange jesus or
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o.j. for short, and i guess she has an audience because "oath and honor" is the number one best-seller on amazon. it's narrowly edging out, i did not make this up, the number 2 book on amazon right now is snoop dogg's cookbook, which was published in 2018. five-year-old book. how is that possible? the busiest shopping week of the year, and a five-year-old book about tater tots is number two? how stoned are these people? anyway, liz cheney takes aim at a number of her fellow republicans, including new speaker of the house, mike johnson, who, you know, mike johnson worked hard behind the scenes to facilitate trump's bogus claims that the election was rigged, and he's still at it. this morning, as part of an ongoing effort to pretend the insurrection on january 6th was no big deal, johnson announced that they would be releasing thousands of hours of footage of the friendly neighborhood attack or riot on the capitol. >> the release of the january 6th tapes is an important and critical exercise. we want transparency.
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we should demand it. the american people do. we trust, house republicans trust the american people to draw their own conclusions. >> jimmy: you can definitely trust us to draw our own conclusions. maybe the american people will say "now i get it, mike pence should have been hung!" >> they should not be dictated by some narrative. they can review the tapes themselves. we're going through a methodical process of releasing them as quickly as we can. as you know, we have to blur some of the faces of the persons who participated in the event of that day because we don't want them to be retaliated against and be charged by the doj. >> jimmy: exactly. we want transparency, so we're also going to blur out all the faces that were there. these people weren't trying to hurt anybody. ted cruz was only hiding in a supply closet because he loves the smell of a mop. the last thing we want to do is send the message that americans can't try to overthrow their government anymore. we have to protect them from the law enforcement we work so hardp
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meanwhile, you know 23andme? the dna service that lets you find out how many times your father cheated on your mother? [ laughter ] well, they had a security breach. hackers broke in and got access to nearly 7 million accounts. and now they have all our you'd think a company that can tell me how polish my grandmother was by studying the loogie i sent them in the mail would be more sophisticated. [ laughter ] have you seen the trailer for the new grand theft auto? it's very realistic, and it's the first new grand theft auto in i guess more than a decade. the last one was pretty realistic too, so much so that a family in new jersey had a clever idea. they tricked their grandma into thinking grand theft auto was actually the news. >> on the parkway -- >> no, oh, my god. >> no. >> no way. >> on the parkway. oh, my god.
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ooh. my god. ooh. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how good is that? [ applause ] that's one way to get her to give up driving. [ laughter ] the new number one song in the united states according to the billboard hot 100 is 65 years old. "rockin' around the christmas tree" by brenda lee, which was released 1958 is tops the charts for the very first time. brenda lee was 13 when she recorded the song, which is crazy. a 13-year-old named brenda? it's insane. it's never been number one before, but for whatever reason it is now, and now brenda lee, has a number one hit at 78 years old. it's nuts. i mean, between the president, the golden bachelor, and now brenda lee, old people are hotter than ever, and young
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people -- i'm worried about -- there's a new holiday thing happening now. kids, instead of writing out a list of what they want for christmas, are making powerpoint presentations for their families. look at this. >> here is my christmas wish list. >> wait a minute, what is this? something i really want box. >> it's a reminder. your stocking stuffers. >> how much is that bracelet? >> that doesn't matter. here are my stocking stuffers. here are more stocking stuffers. if you ask me which uggs, i want, i want these one. >> thank you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what is this? "shark tank?" now that we live in this -- call me old fashioned, but if you're old enough to make a powerpoint presentation, you're too old to ask your parents for uggs. i mean it's just -- hey, what are you doing? >> guillermo: i'm making a powerpoint, jimmy. >> jimmy: you made a what. >> guillermo: powerpoint. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: i didn't know you knew how to make a powerpoint. >> guillermo: everyone knows what si powerpoint is, jimmy. you want to see mine? >> jimmy: sure. >> guillermo: i work workout gear. >> jimmy: are you working out now? >> guillermo: i'm going to start, jimmy. never too late to start. . >>. >> jimmy: you want hoka sneakers -- >> guillermo: i got one more. i want a batting cage. >> jimmy: for real. >> guillermo: for my son so we can practice baseball. >> jimmy: where are you going to put it. >> guillermo: in my backyard. hold on. one more. i want a customized water bottle with my name and that too. >> jimmy: i'll keep that in mind. >> guillermo: i got one more
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too. i want items for the guest room, a trimount to do exercise and after exercise i want a couch so i can lay down right there. >> jimmy: i'm impressed you put this together. >> guillermo: one more. i want a computer. >> jimmy: what do you want the computer for. >> guillermo: so i can do work, jimmy. >> jimmy: what kind of work would you be doing? >> guillermo: sending emails. watch netflix. >> jimmy: all right. >> guillermo: a lot of things. >> jimmy: all right. i don't know if i'm going to get you that. >> jimmy: i got one more. then a want a trip to cancun. [ applause ] >> jimmy: who is that that's on top of you? >> guillermo: that's theron -- >> jimmy: we'll ask if she's interested. >> guillermo: then, jimmy, i
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work hard so i want a bottle of don julio. >> jimmy: you want a thousand-dollar bottle of don julio. >> guillermo: don't be cheap, jimmy. >> guillermo: hold on. and a monkey. >> jimmy: you can keep him in the batting cage. if i agree to buy you the monkey, would you promise not to give it shots of don julio? >> guillermo: no, i'll take care of it. >> jimmy: is that it? >> guillermo: yeah, that's it. >> jimmy: take down the whole thing. [ applause ] we keep forgetting to move the elf on the shelf so as a public service for parents who are saddled with this, every night we'll give you a reminder and a suggestion. tonight grab your elf, and put it under the mistletoe with a barbie doll or whatever. where is that hand? they'll put you often the naughty list. we have a beloved holiday tradition at our show. every year, guillermo and i dress up like elves and sit down
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with children to find out whether they've been naughty or nice, and tonight we sat down with a delightful young gentleman named jackson. >> hi there. how are you? >> good. >> jimmy: i like your outfit. >> thank you. >> jimmy: it's very christmassy. do you like our outfits? yes. >> jimmy: which one of us looks better? thank you. i appreciate it. sorry, guillermo. can we have your letter to santa? thank you very much. all right. good handwriting. dear santa, i have been good for christmas. i would like a sensei to give me powers. what does that mean. what kind of powers do you want? >> life powers. >> jimmy: what if you got in a fight at school, would you use your powers? >> no. >> jimmy: you would not. it would only be used when? >> when it's time. >> jimmy: when it's time and when is it time? >> whenever it's time. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: it's time whenever it's time. i like that. >> guillermo: i like that. >> jimmy: remind you of a young steven seagal. you know who that is? no. you would like ninjago toys. this is all part of your fascination with karate. do you know how to do any karate? >> yes. >> jimmy: do you like when i say ka rat tay instead of karate, or would you prefer it the other way? >> the other way. >> jimmy: you find it annoying when i say karate? >> yeah. >> jimmy: okay. go ahead and do a little bit for us. ooh. that's a good punch. that's a good kick. and that's it? okay. all right. very good. >> guillermo: good job. >> jimmy: have you been naughty or nice this year? >> nice. >> jimmy: nice. all the time? >> yes. >> jimmy: not done any naughty things? >> yes. >> jimmy: you have? >> none. >> jimmy: you haven't. >> yes. >> jimmy: yes, you haven't. >> yes. >> jimmy: yes, you have.
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>> no. >> jimmy: done what? >> none that -- >> nunchakus? you've done -- have you been good? >> yes. >> jimmy: okay. now, i want to ask you about something that i find interesting. what is a butt attack? [ laughter ] >> it's a late thing that i do. >> jimmy: can you show us on elf guillermo what a butt attack is? so you will kind of move your butt at the person. >> yeah. it's -- it -- they laugh when i do it. >> jimmy: they laugh when you do it. you do it to be funny. >> yeah. >> jimmy: if santa comes down the chimney at your house would you treat him to a butt attack? >> no, i never seen santa when it's christmas. >> jimmy: you haven't seen him because you go to sleep, right? >> i only seen him for like
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eve events. >> jimmy: for events. like bar mitzvahs? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what else you want for christmas? >> duck. >> jimmy: what's that? >> a duck. >> jimmy: you want a duck? >> yeah. >> jimmy: like a real duck? >> yeah. that follows me to school. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. that would be fun. let me do a little magic. ♪ this is how i do magic. what do you see? >> a duck. >> jimmy: is this the kind of duck you're looking for? >> yes. >> jimmy: what do you think? >> good. >> jimmy: you like him? >> yeah. >> jimmy: anything you want to say to him? >> i love you, duck. >> jimmy: i think he's ready to follow you to school. do you want to talk to the duck? >> yes. >> jimmy: yeah, go ahead. >> hi, duck. >> jimmy: i think he likes you, huh? >> yeah. >> jimmy: do you want to see if
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he'll follow you? >> yeah. >> jimmy: walk around. see if he'll follow you. now, try the butt attack. what do think? what's he saying? >> good job. >> jimmy: he's saying good job. [ laughter ] all right. well, i mean, there he is. are you having second thoughts about this duck idea? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you are. [ laughter ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we've got a good show for you tonight from "killers of the flower moon," lily gladstone is here. we have music from joshua ray walker, and we'll be right back with bill burr.
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how are you doing between practices? i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team. de'aaron we're going to take a quick look at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great.
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but not just for me. for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente. with the freestyle libre 2 system, know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: hi there, welcome bam. tonight, she gives a powerful performance in martin scorsese's latest film, "killers of the flower moon," lily gladstone is with us. then later from dallas, his album is called "what is it even?" music from joshua ray walker. tomorrow night, we'll be joined by mahershala ali, and greta lee with music from grupo frontera. so please join us for that.
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our first guest tonight is one of the funniest people of all he is a comedian, actor and filmmaker with two big hits on netflix right now. he plays squirtle the turtle alongside adam sandler in "leo." and made a movie all on his own called "old dads." please welcome bill burr. [ applause ] ♪ >> hi. >> jimmy: welcome. >> what's going on. >> jimmy: how are you doing? i want to ask you about something because i'm curious about this. one of our producers claire was on the phone with you yesterday. you were driving, and she said you were -- >> sober. >> jimmy: sober. >> yes. >> jimmy: as you were driving you were cursing at other drivers and yelling at them from the car. >> yes. >> jimmy: do you ever find yourself in a situation where they recognize you after you've yelled at them from the car? >> i don't -- well, i don't look
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at myself like that. i just -- i'm in my head so i'm looking out so i'm not seeing me. i'm just seeing what they're doing, and it just annoys me. [ laughter ] i think once you start calling somebody an [ bleep ] like that whole, oh, my god, is that the guy from that show is out the window and you just want to win the argument. maybe when they drive away, they're like, hey isn't that guy from comedy central? >> jimmy: you just announced your new tour is going to start in february. >> yeah. [ applause ] >> jimmy: a couple days after the subordi the super bowl. will you drive to palm springs. >> yes, definitely. >> jimmy: a lot of yelling on the way there for sure. >> yeah. >> jimmy: have you played there before? >> i don't know. >> jimmy: you don't know. >> i can't remember. i've been doing it so long. >> jimmy: last time you played here you played fenway park. no comedian ever had played fenway park before. and look at that crowd.
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[ applause ] >> that's when you showed your celebrity softball home run video after that. it wasn't until i was driving home, didn't he like move the fences way in on that? >> jimmy: it's softball. you can't hit a softball 310 feet. >> the key word in that is "soft." [ laughter ] it was slow pitch underhand. you hit a liner to the shortstop, and it was a celebrity home run, and you're sitting there showing me the footage like i was supposed to be impressed. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: listen, if you want to go out back and throw the ball around, i'd be happy to do that with you any time. >> a 55-year-old bald comedian. that's your big claim to fame. all right, jimmy. i'll take that action. >> jimmy: but that's exciting. i mean that's a pretty great deal? >> that was definitely -- that was a big gig. >> jimmy: did you have any opening acts? >> yeah, tony v.
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>> jimmy: tony v is the first comedian to play fenway park. i love tony v. that's great. he must have been so excited. >> i started out. i learned so much from him, so it was a nice full circle moment, and then in the end, probably the best part is we were up in the right field bleachers smoking cigars as people were walking out, and they were hey, great show and we just, both boston guys, you know, so it was an unbelievable, unbelievable moment. yeah. >> jimmy: and then as if -- >> i'll tell you what was even better, my friggin' agent. >> jimmy: what. >> he bought a house on the jersey shore so i have to keep working. he's not going to say -- i didn't get a chance to go to a dunkin' donuts and get a high-five. next morning i'm at logan airport. please take all your liquids out of the bag. [ laughter ] yeah, then i was on my way to toronto. >> jimmy: how old are your kids now? >> soon to be 7 and 3 1/2. >> jimmy: okay, so is it elf on the shelf type of deal? are you threatening them?
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>> my wife bought the elf on the shelf deal. so that's aall her responsibility. that stuff you were talking about, i laugh about that every night. i'm laying in bed and second her head hits the pillow, i forgot to move that bleep mr. elf. >> jimmy: it's a big responsibility. >> how deep is the lie going to get? i already don't like i said there is this guy that doesn't exist and now the elf. you're totally like -- i really feel like whoever is keeping us all separated through politics and whatever, like, santa claus is part of it. [ laughter ] whereas they just immediately break down the trust between the kids and the parent, like you start -- they don't -- and it's totally for the parent. you just want to see them get excited about life because you're so miserable. [ laughter ] you know? you sit there, santa claus is coming, right? he's coming. you excited? oh, boy, oh, boy, three more days. are you excited? [ laughter ] is life worth living? [ laughter ] it's so stupid.
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like, i don't know what i'm going to do, like, that day. i'm just going to be totally honest. >> jimmy: are you? >> i'm just going to be, look, i got call up in the lie that you're supposed to say as a parent. it's stupid. the whole thing is stupid. i don't believe -- i don't really believe in much. like i don't believe in santa claus. i don't think jesus -- >> jimmy: you going to tell the kids this? >> jesus was like the first criss angel. criss angel is doing everything that jesus did other than pulling the fish out, he's walking on water too. [ laughter ] you know? they both got the long hair and the good body. they don't wear shirts, you know. [ laughter ] i just don't like -- no, i really -- like, i know what i'm going to tell my kids when they get to a certain age. i really am. like i have it down. >> jimmy: you have it planned out. >> people and religion and
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narcissists, sociopaths. want to see a great case thing on narcissism, liberals are so [ bleep ] stupid the way that they handle trump. >> jimmy: what do you mean. >> you should shut up. he is a narcissist. neutral energy. >> jimmy: you think he'd go away -- >> i think he was a one-hit wonder, right, he wrote "the twist" and that was it. he was on the casino circuit and you idiot liberals let him twist again when you indicted him and now he's a martyr and he's coming back, jimmy. >> jimmy: peppermint jimmy. >> it's going to be great for comedy. he's coming back. i can't believe like these are honestly going to be two choices. i tried with each thing to be, like, figure out who i'm going -- it's got to be darby i want somebody in their 40s. somebody that will have to live with their decisions. i don't want like -- [ cheers and applause ] with any luck, with any luck, they'll both die of natural causes before the election and
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maybe you can get somebodies that still has something to live for. >> jimmy: wow. this year you won't get a visit to santa but you are going to get a visit from the secret service. >> why, i said die peacefully. >> jimmy: oh, you did. i didn't hear peacefully. >> you threw that in to throw me under the bus. >> jimmy: bill burr is here. he means no harm. >> how long have you been wearing suits. you're supposed to unbutton the coat when you're sitting down. that's bugged me the whole time. >> jimmy: i'll unbutton it. >> more with bill burr, after this. [ applause ] >> announcer: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by target. join target circle by december 8th and enter for a chance to win $500 in target circle earnings.
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all right, another year, another batch of fifth grade head cases. >> anthony, welcome. >> you from new york, new guy? pate trots suck. >> that's new england. i think the shirt is on backwards. >> come on. look at this. a bunch of motormouths. >> yep, same old same old. >> sweater from gymboree. >> the father said squad. >> peaking the 11. there's the class clown secretly despises himself. >> hysterical, cole. >> how many coles this year? >> reminds me of jason from 1991. >> god forget we ever get to see a richie again. >> jimmy: that's bill burr in "leo" which i have seen with my
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children five times now. they love leo, they love the whole thing have your kids seen the movie? >> they loved it then they had a bunch of questions about how did you come up with the voice? hilarious. i'm just talking but how did you come up with it. i'm just talking. i'm not doing a voice. it doesn't sound like you. every time there's -- >> jimmy: she didn't think it sounded like you? >> no. i don't know what she -- i was just happy she thought i had a little mel blanc in me. nobody in this crowd got mel -- >> jimmy: he was the looney tunes guy and you have another number one netflix movie, one that you directed and co-wrote and starred in. called "old dads" which i really enjoyed. [ applause ] >> yes. >> jimmy: and not just a joy but related to in many ways, because a lot of it is about putting your kids in a school in l.a. and not only did i relate to a lot of these, you shot the movie in the school my kids went to.
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>> oh, yeah, yeah, that was -- that was the scene where i called the woman the "c" word. >> jimmy: yeah, you did. is that based on a true story? >> no, but i didn't take account that when we shot there would be kids there and doing take after take of it and their parents would be sitting there so when the camera wasn't on me, i would say something else, but i definitely had to double-check with all the women. i'm like, that's funny, right? that's totally funny so i had never done that until after the movie. after the movie i got into it with some other dad or something like that and i called him a smug "c." >> jimmy: for real? >> it was a sports argument then -- >> jimmy: you did? >> yeah, i lost my temper. can you believe it? >> jimmy: yeah. >> i ended up driving a what. oh, my god i just did that scene in the movie. is that going to get back to where my kids go to school. what the hell and i had this panic attack then it was like typical guy stuff. i ended up running into him at a
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restaurant he wasn't supposed to be at and he was like, hey, man, i'm an idiot and we both laughed and now we're great friends. >> jimmy: what do you mean he wasn't supposed to be at the restaurant. >> he got the address wrong or something. >> jimmy: i see. >> we ended up going at the same time so it ended up smoothing out. >> jimmy: i see, okay. i'm glad it's smoothed out. how did you get bruce dern to be in the movie? >> that was probably monica levinson. she's a beast, man. one of the producers and has done a bunch of stuff. >> jimmy: was he fun to shoot with. >> he was unbelievable. so i had worked with his daughter laura so that was sort of our in. it was a while ago. when he got to the set, like, he was just -- he's just legend and he just started telling stories and it was me, bobby and bokeem sitting in the car and he's been doing it so long all these legends are people to him. jack was blah, blah, blah and he's talking about jack nicholson and we were all listening and, yeah, he did a
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lot of improving so you had to be like on your toes, and then somehow we started talking about booze and i told him i had stopped which led to root beer and then talking about how great root beer floats were. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so when he rapped on the movie him and the whole crew had root beer floats as he told the story. it was nice. >> jimmy: that's a pretty good -- but i do want to say, when you play softball, what they do, the ball doesn't travel as far. >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: you understand so they move the fence in, first celebrity home run in nine years. >> who were you up against, gilligan? [ laughter ] you acting like that was murderer's row. you know what was so annoying you showed me that. i went and found online tom selleck hit a home run in tiger stadium, baseball, a real one into the upper deck. >> jimmy: a baseball. a baseball. >> oh, yeah, you going yard at
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comiskey? >> jimmy: it's certainly possible. look at you, you're wearing work shoes as if you work. here we go. >> look at him. watch out, watch out, jimmy kimmel. >> jimmy: you know what, you know what, that's not bad. >> that's not bad. that would have been a flyout in my warehouse league but we'll give you a home run. >> jimmy: bill burr, watch him in "leo" and "old dads" on netflix. we'll be back with lily gladstone. [ applause ] ♪ moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. lily gladstone and joshua ray walker are coming up, but first, it turns out that the gift that really keeps on giving may be our old friend, guillermo himself. ♪ >> guillermo: hi, i am goo guillermo now with six different mustaches, and i
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barely giggle when you tickle. let's press some holiday cheer. look at me. i'm shopping at target. >> are you talking to me? >> guillermo: yeah, how are you doing? >> can you see me? >> guillermo: yeah, i can see you. >> wait, are you? >> guillermo: yeah, i'm talking to you. listen, target is bringing back the magic of holiday shopping, so you can feel like a little kid again. >> oh, that's nice. >> guillermo: are you a target circle member? >> yeah, i am actually. >> guillermo: that's good because target circle members are entering the target circle holiday giveaway for a chance to win $500 in earnings. i hope you win it. >> he's talking to you. >> guillermo: my name is goo guillermo. what's your name? >> ryan. >> guillermo: hi, ryan. you should tell your dad to get the target toy car. >> guillermo: is it right under my feet? pick out the best one. >> guillermo: target is bringing back the magic of holiday shopping with thousands of toys under $25. >> 25. >> guillermo: oh, wow. he's real smart. bye, ryan. >> bye. >> guillermo: do you guys have
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that target toy cash register? the one behind you? great choice. >> he even has the red card. >> guillermo: oh, perfect. good job. i think you should take me with you guys. we should, we should just take you with us. >> sure. >> guillermo: under two conditions, one, i get a coconut pie for breakfast. okay? actually, it was only one condition. >> join target circle by december 8th to be entered for a chance to win $500 in target december 8th to be entered for a chance to win $500 in target circle earnings. get your parties started for less, at target. [ music ends ] type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3.
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you know, it doesn't matter if you choose left or right because they're both chewy, crunchy and delicious. you know, it doesn't matter if you choose left or right because they're both chewy, crunchy and delicious. is it menopause or something else? the menopause journey has stages. learn about yours with clearblue menopause stage indicator... that tracks your fsh hormone levels... combining them with your cycle data. what's your menopause stage? anne! thank you so much. ♪
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hey, do you wanna sit? thank you. yeah, of course. i love the baristas here. they're so sweet, i know. (♪) [water spraying] this is ludicrous. ludicrous! alright, who called for ludacris? sorry, we meant this is ludicrous. oh you don't tell ludacris what's ludicrous, ludacris tells you what's ludicrous. okay. [faucet further breaks] oh, that is ludicrous. you don't need me for this, hang on. ♪like a good neighbor, state farm is there.♪ good thing you have state farm. just file a claim on the app, or call us. guess i can go. don't you mean roll out? no i don't. like a good neighbor, state farm is there.
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but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. music from joshua ray walker is on the way. our next guest is a very talented person who shines
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brightly alongside a dicaprio and a de niro in martin scorsese's "killers of the flower moon." >> was he murdered? >> don't know. >> he tried to kill himself. last year. did you know that? >> uh-huh. >> was he murdered, or did he kill himself? do you know? >> i don't know. >> jimmy: "killers of the flower moon" is in theaters and on digital platforms now. please welcome lily gladstone. [ applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome, lily.
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it's great to meet you and great to have you here. >> you too. i'm such a fan. >> jimmy: i am too. you were great in the movie. this is unbelievably great. [ applause ] i can't even imagine what it must be like to suddenly be in the middle of something like this with marty scorsese and dicaprio. i mean, it's pretty crazy. >> yeah, i'm expecting to wake up any moment. >> jimmy: i bet you are and, of course, as you know, many people are expecting you to get an oscar nomination. [ cheers and applause ] another big thing. which is very interesting because when you were in high school -- this is a photo from your high school yearbook, and you were voted most likely to win an oscar. there you are, lily gladstone. [ applause ] josh got the to hold it, though. >> of course, he did. >> jimmy: that's nuts, huh?
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>> yeah, mth, 2004. you guys. >> jimmy: is that how you got interested in acting? >> no, that started when i was pretty young. i mean, my dad has always encouraged it. my mom got put in my head pretty early. >> jimmy: what movie or tv show made you think i want to do that? >> it was "return of the jedi jt. >> jimmy: really? [ applause ] >> maybe not what you would think, though. i was 5. as kids do, you get upset when your favorite character gets lasered so your parents are always reminding you, they're actors, they're actors, so i really, really wanted to be an ewok. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: really. >> uh-huh, and since i was just told they're actors, i'm like, okay, i know they're not real so if i want to be an ewok, i got to be an actor. >> jimmy: are you still interested in being an ewok? >> of course, but i think i just want to live the lifestyle. i don't think i can fit in the
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wardrobe. >> jimmy: they seemed to have fun until they came and ruined the whole thing for them. >> exactly. >> jimmy: it was like a big celebration all the time. >> you know, some people will argue with me about this but the ewoks and their like early seed, there's a story of indigenous resistance and they're arguably the ones who bring down the empire. >> jimmy: interesting. you grew up on a reservation in montana on a blackfoot reservation. >> blackfeet. >> jimmy: most of my life my parents always said, oh, we are -- my dad's side, we are part blackfeet indian. >> you're kidding. >> jimmy: and i thought we were. we did one of those dna test, not at all. >> you're not alone. it happens a lot in this country and a lot of times we hear that and we're like, cool, who's your family? >> jimmy: it's like, i don't know, the kimmels. [ laughter ] and what was that experience like growing up? is it just normal young experience or is it different in
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a lot of ways you really later. >> you realize later and don't realize how special it is. when i was in middle school i moved to seattle, and lived in kind of a suburban area and that was a culture shock. yeah. and our reservation happens to be next to glacier national park so that was a normal backyard to grow up next to. >> jimmy: you find yourself in this movie, and leonardo dicaprio is your love interest in the film. >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: and then which, you know, would elicit a woo from most people and then you find out that leo is going to have in his mouth disgusting teeth the whole time. [ laughter ] >> yep. >> jimmy: does that ruin it in any way, oh, leo and they're like, oh, leo. >> only ruins the kissing scenes. >> jimmy: did he take -- would he take the teeth out at lunch? >> oh, yeah, there would be somebody to receive them. everybody anticipated the teeth.
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>> jimmy: leo had a tooth holder. >> he did and had a habit of playing them. he would be sitting there like, popping them out. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: which is something you can't do and also he had like kind of a grim mass like a frown on his face, his character, through the whole movie. >> yeah, broken nose, like leo had the prosthetics going to feel like the guy, popped his ear, had the broken nose, had a broken nose, all those little details. >> jimmy: it's crazy and one of those thing, probably easily could have gotten away without doing it but he did it for -- >> yeah, it really helped shape the world. i remember the first time i saw him, my stomach flipped a little bit when he had all of that on, because, you know, i've maintained a lot of very close friendships with people and they say there are times, like, several of my friends have said this they're times they watch it and walk away and only see burkhart. it's true. it's like he really -- he's -- he's one of the most committed
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researchers i've ever met actually like that photo, it's funny, i posted it a while ago, several years ago and forgotten about it. and i get a text from leo with that picture, and it was like a picture of -- it was a page of my yearbook like somebody had taken it face down. >> jimmy: he found it online. >> i guess so but my first thought was like did you call my high school and ask for my old yearbook. dude, i know you're committed -- >> jimmy: there's a difference between being committed and having to be committed. congratulations on all of this. you got a -- i know you got a big few months coming up ahead, and you were just great in the movie. it's called "killers of the flower moon." it is in theaters and on digital platforms now, lily gladstone, everybody. thank you. we'll be back with joshua ray walker. [ applause ] ♪
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know your glucose level and where it's headed. without fingersticks. manage your diabetes with more confidence. now widely covered by medicare for patients managing diabetes with insulin. visit to learn more. [ applause ] >> jimmy: thanks to bill burr and lily gladstone. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next, but first his album, "what is it even?" is out now. here with the song, "cuz i love
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you," joshua ray walker! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i'm cryin' 'cause i love you never been in love before ♪ ♪ i don't wanna feel these feelings yo once upon a time i was a ho ♪ ♪ i don't even wanna ho' no mo' something from the liquor store ♪ ♪ little bit of lizzo and some mo tryna open up a little more ♪ ♪ sorry if my heart's a little slow i thought that i didn't care ♪ ♪ i thought i was love-impaired but baby baby i don't know ♪ ♪ what i'm gon' do i'm cryin' 'cause i love you
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got me standing ♪ ♪ in the rain gotta get my hair pressed again i would do it for ♪ ♪ you all my friend ready baby would you be my man wanna put you ♪ ♪ on a plane fly you out to wherever i am catch you on the low ♪ ♪ i was ashamed now i'm crazy about to tat your name i thought that ♪ ♪ i didn't care i thought i was love-impaired but baby baby ♪ ♪ i don't know what i'm gon' do i'm cryin' 'cause i love you ♪
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♪ i'm crying, yeah ♪ ♪ i thought that i didn't care i thought i was ♪ ♪ love-impaired but baby baby i don't know what i'm gonna do ♪ ♪ i'm cryin' 'cause i love you ooh ♪ ♪ baby baby i'm cryin' 'cause i love ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] tonight, beyonce's big weekend, "renaissance" soaring to number one at the box office. featuring hits like "break my soul," "queer ballroom" in the spotlight and this is not your


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