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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  December 6, 2023 7:00am-9:00am PST

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great movie. >> oh, the other two. i have not seen yet. so maybe that's a reason i know to go. >> oh, turning red is so cute. >> yeah. yeah. okay. yeah it's about. do you know what it's about? >> a girl in middle school going through puberty turns into a panda. >> oh, yeah. interesting >> and it takes place in a very specific time. yes. when boy bands are really big. >> oh, it's like there's a whole boy band in it. >> yes. >> yes, it's cute. i have not seen luca, though. yeah, i haven't. i haven't seen it either. >> and add it to the list. >> yeah. i really like the panda movie. >> yeah. >> good morning america for our viewers in the west. overnight donald trump on the abuse of power and retribution on his first day in office. overnight donald trump refuses to rule out abusing the power of the presidency if elected back into the white house. his answer about what he would
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do on day 1, as president biden gets candid behind closed doors about his decision to run again and the race for 2024. as the war between israel and hamas escalates, here at home the fbi director's sharp warning about the heightened threat environment. breaking overnight. deadly texas shooting. the investigation after at least six people were killed in multiple locations. shannen doherty is here live in times square on her valiant fight after revealing her cancer has spread. the new warning about the way criminals are rolling back car odometers. how you can avoid getting taken for a ride when buying a used car. >> breaking news, tv legend norman lear passed at 100 years old. behind some of the the most iconic movies and show, all in the family, good times, facts of life and so many more. he brought countless laughs to many living rooms across the
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country. and mississippi strong, as rolling fork recovers from the deadly tornado eight months ago, this morning gma has returned to the community once surrounded by devastation. now how the resilient neighbors are helping neighbors rebuild to climb out of the unnatural disaster. their unbreakable spirits shining on. sam champion and i are here live in mississippi for a morn full of surprises, bringing some families new homes for the holidays. >> announcer: live in times square, this is good morning america. >> good morning america on this wednesday morning. it's great to see robin in rolling fork, bringing us moments of hope in that rebuilding community. good morning, robin. >> it is great to be back here, michael. you know, eight months ago rolling fork was making headlines. we made a commitment to help them recover, rebuild, reopen. this morning sam and i, we're here and we're gonna help one family get home for the holidays, george.
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>> it is going to be an inspiring morning. thank you, robin. we're going to begin with the race for 2024. overnight, donald trump declared his intentions if he was elected back into the white house, refusing to rule out abusing the power of the presidency. the latest in a string of dangerous threats. this is why president biden said he's running for a second term. chief washington correspondent jon karl has details. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, george. donald trump was asked a simple and direct question by a friendly interviewer and he wouldn't rule out abusing power if he gets back to the white house. in fact, he used the word dictator to describe his plans for day 1 in office. at a town hall overnight with fox news host sean hannity, donald trump was asked what should have been an easy question. would he abuse the power of the presidency during his second term? >> i want to be very, very clear on this. to be clear, do you in any way have any plans whatsoever, if re-elected president, to abuse power? to break the law?
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to use the government to go after people? >> you mean like they're using right now? >> reporter: he dodged the question, but minutes later hannity pressed him again for an answer. >> under no circumstances, you are promising america tonight, you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody? >> except for day 1. except for day 1. >> meaning? >> i want to close the border and i want to drill drill drill. >> that's not retribution. >> i'm going to -- he says you're not going to be a dictator, are you? no, no, other than day 1. we're closing the border and we're drilling drilling drilling. after that i'm not a dictator. >> reporter: just the latest comment from the former president that's raised alarms about what he would do if he makes it back to the white house. it comes as joe biden is making the threat trump poses to democracy a big part of his campaign message. during a closed door fund-raiser
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tuesday, biden told supporter, quote, if trump wasn't running, i'm not sure i'd be running. but we cannot let him win. the president later clarified that, telling reporters that he would still be running even if trump dropped out. a senior campaign adviser telling abc that biden is trying to underscore what is at stake in 2024. biden is facing low approval ratings and a slew of polls showing him neck and neck with trump even with the former president facing multiple criminal indictments. a new court filing in one of those cases makes it clear that special counsel jack smith is going to place the blame for the violence on january 6th squarely on donald trump, making the case that rioters were doing essentially what trump wanted them to do. jack smith plans to use trump's own words to argue the former president is not only responsible for the violence on january 6th, but that, quote, the rioters disruption of the certification proceeding is exactly what the defendant intended.
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smith points to trump's embrace of those who have been convicted and sentenced to prison for storming the capitol. >> i call them the j6 hostages not prisoners. i call them the hostages, what's happened. it's a shame. >> reporter: he also cites how trump and his campaign have elevated the so called j6 choir a group of prisoners who recorded a version of the national anthem from behind bars. trump played their recording with video images of the violence on january 6th running in the background at the very first campaign rally of his 2024 campaign in waco, texas. >> justice for all featuring president donald j. trump as the j6 choir. >> reporter: smith also says he will present evidence that trump had enormous influence over the rioters, that he could have stopped the violence, but he didn't. something trump seemed to acknowledge in an interview with me not long after january 6th. >> i was thinking about going
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back during the problem to stop the problem, doing it myself, secret service didn't like that idea too much. i could have done that. i would have been very well received. don't forget, the people that went to washington that day, in my opinion, they went because they thought the election was rigged. that's why they went. >> reporter: of course, trump didn't go to the capitol on january 6th. according to the sworn testimony of several of his top aide, he instead went to the small dining room next to the oval office and he watched television doing nothing to stop the violence as it unfolded on capitol hill. george? >> his intention and motivations hiding in plain sight. thank you very much. michael? we're going to turn to israel's war with hamas as the fighting intensify, the war is also raising alarms here in the u.s. the fbi director told lawmakers yesterday that the threat environment is unusually high.
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>> all the lights were blinking red before 9/11. apparently, obviously, all of us missed it. would you say that there's multiple blinking red lights out there? >> i see blinking lights everywhere i turn. >> chief justice correspondent pierre thomas is tracking this homeland threat. good morning, pierre. >> reporter: michael, good morning. those of us who remember 9/11 see the fbi's director's exchange with senator graham as disturbing, chilling. here's why he said he's seeing blinking red lights everywhere. since the israeli/hamas war started a number of terror groups including isis and al qaeda have been flooding social media with calls of attack including here in the u.s. and there's been a spike of attack against the muslim community and jewish americans. in fact, wray said he's never seen a time where so many of the threats are all elevated all at exactly the same time. wray is calling on congress to renew the law which allows the fbi to conduct surveillance on terror suspects overseas.
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that law is set to expire at the end of the year. wray said now is not the time to let that expire. juju? >> a chilling update. thanks. as concerns increase, so do concerns about anti-semitism across the country, including on college campuses here in the u.s. the presidents of three top universities were grilled on capitol hill. selina wang is there tracking the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, juju. college campuses are indeed at the center of heated debate around the israel and hamas war. the controversy at some of the world's most elite institutions even making its way to capitol hill. the presidents of three top universities penn, mit and harvard grilled on capitol hill, accused of not doing enough to track down an anti-semitism on their campuses. >> do you have the courage to condemn the ideology driving anti-semitism? or will you offer weak, blame shifting excuses?
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>> reporter: the republican led committee expressing frustration that universities have not done more to discipline students and faculty who they believe are fostering anti-semitism mentioning incidents of vandalism of jewish cultural centers or slogans chanted in protest, threatening e-mails to faculty. university presidents say they have a duty toct student, while preserving free speech. >> i have sought to confront hate while preserving free expression. this is difficult work. i know that i have not always gotten it right. >> reporter: claudine gay is the president of harvard. >> does calling for the genocide of jews violate harvard's rules of bullying and harassment? yes or no? >> it can be, depending on the context. >> what's the context? >> targeted at an individual. >> it's targeted at jewish students. jewish individuals. do you understand your testimony is dehumanizing them? >> reporter: one congress woman, a harvard grad, called the school's president's response deafening.
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>> i asked a very specific question. does calling for the genocide of jews violate their school's bullying and harassment policies? not a single university president could say yes. >> reporter: i spoke to an mit student during the hearing who was visibly shaking, in tears, telling me she believes her university leader has done nothing to address anti-semitism on campus. students are also dealing with a rise in islama phobia. this student telling us none of the communities are feeling safe. michael? >> definitely understand why. thanks. we're going to turn to the fight over more aid for ukraine. a critical vote in the senate appears doomed to fail as republican diggs in on border security. top spokesman for the national security council john kirby is standing by. but first terry moran is tracking the latest. >> reporter: this morning is the moment of truth for u.s. aid to ukraine. but the blame game has already begun on capitol hill. >> this mess was created entirely by hard right republicans.
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>> reporter: democrats are furious that after weeks of talks over a bill that would send urgently needed military aid to ukraine, negotiations on capitol hill have fallen apart. a classified congressional briefing on aid to ukraine degenerated into a heated debate, with one senator screaming at a u.s. general, sources say. ukraine desperately needs more ammunition and weapons from the u.s., as russia's sheer size and brute force tactics generate steady gains on the battlefield. but republican house speaker mike johnson has drawn a line in the sand, declaring that any new funding is contingent on transformative change to our nation's border security laws. republicans insist that democrats and president biden must agree to toughen u.s. asylum laws and build more border wall, among other demands. congress has failed to act on major immigration reform for decades, and now communities along the border are overwhelmed. >> these are the people waiting as of right now to get into a van with border patrol, just to
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get processed. but there are hundreds more standing right behind them, also waiting to somehow get picked up by the agents. >> reporter: last night as the clock ticked, the president was blunt. >> the failure to do this is absolutely crazy. >> reporter: senate majority leader schumer says there will be a vote on aid to ukraine today. it will almost certainly fail. and then we'll be back to negotiations, with both sides far apart and dug in and outnumbered ukrainian troops on the battlefield running out of ammunition and arms, as russian forces keep grinding them down. george? >> terry moran, thanks. let's bring in john kirby. john, thanks for joining us. we just heard president biden say it would be crazy not to pass this aid package. we also heard terry moran say democrats don't have votes right now. what is the president going to do? >> well, we're going to stay engaged in congress, george. we were up on capitol hill yesterday.
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we'll keep having those conversations to try to get this over the finish line. this aid to ukraine is absolutely critical. it comes at a critical time, george, as the winter months start to set in and it becomes harder for the ukrainians to be able to claw back some of that territory. >> since it's so critical, what can the president do on border security to get the republican votes he needs? >> again, i won't negotiate in public. from day one he submitted a proposal for immigration reform. we're serious about it. we're willing to have a good faith negotiation with the republican side over this, but they're simply not willing to do this. they want to saddle up this supplemental funding here with borer proposals that are simply unacceptable for the president and administration and basically holding this ukraine aid hostage. again, we're willing to have a good faith negotiation. i would add a significant chunk of the supplemental requests that we submitted had border security in there. more borer patrol agents, more asylum courts and court officer, more physical infrastructure. i think we're willing to have a discussion on that.
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what we don't want to see is ukraine held hostage for it. >> two sides don't seem close. the consequence of this stale mate could be the defeat of ukraine, couldn't it? >> it could lead to ukraine not being able to defend itself going into the winter months. we've been saying this for weeks. the russians are on the offensive in some places and they have every intention to continue to go on the offensive even through the winter months. they've got more man power and resources even if they aren't doing a lot on the battlefield. this is a critical time for ukraine. and we're running out of time and money. >> running out of time, money. israel aid is also at stake here in congress right now. the war continues to grind on in gaza. what can you tell us about the remaining american hostages? >> don't have a whole lot more information for you on that this morning, george. we think there's about eight hostages that are americans. we know at least one woman in that group. we're doing everything we can to try to get them released. we're constantly engaged with our partners in the region to
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try to get the humanitarian pause back in place so that the flow of hostages can renew. i will tell you though that even with the pause now ended, we are still flowing in humanitarian assistance, trying to get it to the level it was during the pause. >> there doesn't appear to be a clear end game to this war. >> well, again, i can't speak to the end game specifically this morning, george. that's something for the israelis to speak to. we obviously want to see hamas eliminated as a threat to the israeli people. that hasn't been achieved yet. they're going after the leadership as best they can. they believe they need to operate in the south. we told them we'll continue to support their military operations. we want to make sure as they do that, they're factoring in those innocent civilian lives as much as possible. >> john kirby, thanks. juju? we're going to turn to breaking news overnight. six people were killed in texas. aaron katersky is here with the latest on that investigation. good morning, aaron. >> reporter: good morning to you. overnight austin police said the shootings and murders were the work of a single gun man but didn't know it until his arrest after an eight-hour spate of violence.
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it began just before 11:00 a.m. tuesday with the shooting of an austin independent school district police sergeant. an hour later police were called to the scene of a double homicide. later in the day, someone on a bicycle was shot. police responded to a burglary called on a home where an officer came under fire. there was a shootout with the suspect, who fled. inside the home there were two people found dead. the shooter was finally caught on the outskirts of austin, and police linked him to a double murder in san antonio. in total, six dead, three others shot thankfully with nonlife threatening injuries, and a wild day in texas, guys. coming up, new details on the american woman killed in a shark attack in the bahamas as we hear from an eyewitness. >> celebrating the life and legacy of norman lear, the man behind some of the iconic american television shows. and the new warning about criminals rolling back miles on odometers. how experts say you can protect yourself when buying a used car.
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first ginger. >> unfortunately, our forecast verified in washington state. we were warning about 5 to 10 inches of rain. they had 8 or 9 inches in 24 hours on top of what was a supersaturated weekend. one of several water rescues. a woman was rescued from her jeep. thankfully she was okay. the first responders do so much training. checking in on grant falls. the river actually hit its highest level on record. those records go back to the 1940s. this was huge. you can see what it looked like all around arlington, washington. i'd love to tell you it's done but we have another one thursday and saturday. you end up with atmospheric rivers still with flood watches and rivers down to eureka and the spine of sierra. starts to get into the winter weather part of it. you will end up getting feet of snow as those snow elevations start to lower. by the weekend that's a colder system. we'll end up with a couple feet there. that system does make it across the east.
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even severe storms this week in the gulf. your local weather in 30 seconds.
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shannen doherty is going to join us live. and robin is in rolling fork, mississippi. we'll be right back. ♪ “wow” by team salut, düki tran ♪ ♪ slide in strong wow ♪ ♪ fine fine specimen wow ♪ ♪ drop it down now pick it up wow wow ♪ ♪ ♪ wow wow ♪ ♪ drop it down now pick it up wow wow ♪ ♪ ♪ wow ♪ ♪ ♪ let's go let's go let's go ♪ ♪ ♪ wow wow ♪ ♪ ♪ wow wow ♪ ♪ drop it down now pick it up wow wow ♪ ♪ ♪ wow wow ♪ ♪ wow ♪
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merced, fresno and bakersfield. the other half is going to go toward that high speed rail they're already working on between las vegas and southern california. officials are hoping to complete that project by the 2028 la olympics. house traffic this morning. jobina reggie, it's not too bad, but for people that are traveling towards the san mateo bridge, you want to give you a heads up. >> we're following a crash on southbound 880 before 92. the speeds there around seven miles per hour. so slow for you. and once you hop onto the bridge, if you're traveling in the westbound direction, we have a stall at the mid span. reggie you can see that there is fog
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see areas along the coast and in the north bay lake santa rosa, half moon bay, we're down to half a mile. again, that dense fog advisory in effect until 10 a.m. rain is on the way later today. it's a level one on the abc seven storm impact scale with scattered showers and isolated downpours. looking at your day planner today, the best chance for finding rain is right around lunchtime. that's when we'll have those light showers moving through into the afternoon. the rain wraps up between 3 and 6 p.m. we're expecting up to half of an inch of rain throughout the storm. reggie, drew, thank you for streaming us on the abc7 bay area app. >> abc7 at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma. five stars. >> all rise for to kill a mockingbird unmissable and unforgettable a mockingbird for our moment beautiful elegiac satisfying even exhilarating. a new york times critic's pick. mockingbird is now the most successful american play in broadway history. all rise for aaron sorkin's great play,
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your pets favor products are now packed with reward earn points however you shop and discover rewards you and your pet will love. >> download the my purina app today to get started my purina your pet our passion one app yeah sisters. >> sisters. there were never such devoted sisters. welcome back to gma. there she is. the new mirror ball champion. what a big night on "dancing
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with the stars." in our next hour the winners will join us live off their big win. but boy, what a great season. >> she had a terrific season. it was a great season for everyone. following a lot of headlines including the latest on the race for 2024. overnight donald trump declared his intentions if elected back into the white house. he refused to rule out abusing the power of the presidency and used the word dictator when talking about what he would do on day 1. this comes as president biden gets candid about trump fueling his decision to run for a second term. also right now, officials have identified the suspect involved in the virginia home explosion monday. 56-year-old james hugh. they believe he died in the blast. officers were sent to the home when a 911 caller said he fired a flare gun at homes. officials say he had made multiple concerning social media posts in social weeks. no word on the cause of the explosion. overnight it was the battle of the hughes brothers. all three young american hockey stars were on the ice together for the first time. jack and luke play for the new jersey devils while quinn play
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for the vancouver canucks. all together they had two goal, four assists and, of course, jack and luke and the devils came out on top. their mom whose heart is in my heart. never in a million years did we think they'd play for the national hockey league. you go. what a night she must have had. >> three sons all in the nhl. amazing. >> i was like, the mom. you were like, what about the mom? what about the dad? [ laughter ] >> dads need love, too. share the love. all right. we're gonna change to hope. hope growing in a place where all had been lost. earlier this year tornados devastated rolling fork, mississippi. robin headed there to see the damage firsthand. this morning she returned to the community to show us how it is recovering from the devastation. good morning, robin. >> good morning again, michael. it really is. the human spirit, perseverance, kindness. all alive here this morning. the tornado, as we know, hit in march.
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one month later the mississippi strong initiative began following the recovery, rebuilding and reopening phases of the community of rolling fork. 15 lives were lost. hundreds of people who lived here found themselves displaced. i stood right here on this foundation in april. there were clothes still hanging in the closet of homes. as you can witness for yourself, the signs of hope and rebuilding are all around us here. progress, yes, it can be slow after a natural disaster. while rolling fork is no exception, this town is rebuilding and reopening. sam is here with me and we are going to show you the joy throughout the morning. and you know how we do it on gma. we have a few surprises along the way, guys. >> thought you were gonna rap for a second there. [ laughter ] we're so happy you're there, robin, from the beginning. you're back to show what real
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hope an resilience is like and what it all means. we're going to turn to new details on the shark attack that left an american tourist dead off the coast of a popular resort in the bahamas. officials have now identified the victim. victor oquendo has that for us this morning. >> reporter: good morning, michael. 44-year-old lauren ericson was with her husband of 13 years at the time of this deadly attack. that's according to our boston affiliate wcvb. this morning we're also hearing from her heart broken community. this morning new details in the deadly shark attack. an american tourist killed while on vacation with her husband in the bahamas. police identifying the victim as 44-year-old boston resident lauren ericson. they say she was paddle boarding about 3/4 of a mile off shore from sandals royal resort monday morning when the shark attacked. a witness telling us he first saw the couple laughing and talking on the beach before paddling out to sea. after about half an hour, he
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said i saw the husband out there shouting before a resort boat and some jet skiers went out to help, bringing her back to land. >> she suffered serious injuries to the right side of her body including the right hip region. >> reporter: her friends and neighbors left heart broken. >> shocking. i mean, these poor people. they probably looked forward to this vacation for months. >> reporter: she's now being remembered by her colleagues at curriculum associates. lauren was a beloved member of our math editorial team, and she infused her deep dedication to students and educators into every material she touched. while rare, most shark attacks in the caribbean occur in the bahamas. in june, heidi ernst, a tourist from iowa, lost her leg when a shark attacked. ernst speaking to us while recovering in the hospital. >> i have been diving for 11 years. i have never had a shark even threaten me in any form or shape. >> reporter: sandals saying they are deeply saddened by the tragic passing as police
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continue their investigation. guys? >> victor, thanks. breaking news. we're celebrating the life of norman lear who passed away at 101. he most recently brought laughs to some of the iconic television shows to stage in front of a studio audience. chris connelly has more on his life and legacy. good morning, chris. >> reporter: good morning, george. a figure of unparalleled importance in the history of television. norman lear brought unforgettable comedy and characters, hot button issues with the land mark tv series he created and produced. doing so he changed the course of popular culture in america. a monumental force in the history of american television. norman lear was the man behind some of america's most iconic tv shows producing, writing, creating, for decades. >> i have had a good time as anybody has had in any business
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ever in the history of humanity. >> reporter: lear was credited with breaking barriers by exploring controversial social issues like race, civil rights and the vietnam war, tv sitcoms from the 1970s on ward. >> when we introduced americans to the bunkers and the jefferson, people weren't used to tv shows dealing with issues like racism and sexism. but we thought humor was a way into people's hearts. >> reporter: particularly with "all in the family's main character archie bunker loved an dismized for his blunt character." >> let me tell you something. you are a meat head! [ laughter ] >> reporter: lear would go on to produce revolutionary sitcoms like pha. >> our two favorite love birds. the way they're always groping each other, i wonder what they're using to ring the doorbell. [ laughter ] >> reporter: "one day at a time." ♪ this is it this is it ♪
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♪ this is life the one you get so go ahead and have a ball ♪ >> reporter: "sanford and son." >> i want to ask this officer a question. >> proceed. >> now here's the question. what have you got against black drivers? [ laughter ] >> reporter: "the jeffersons." ♪ well we're moving on up to the top ♪ >> reporter: and "good times." >> dyno-mite! >> reporter: over the year, lear's talents also hitting the big screen, producing "the princess bride,". he was born in connecticut in 1922. he served the country as an air force radio operator and gunnery sergeant during world war ii flying 52 combat missions. at the 2021 golden globe, lear given the carol burnett award
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honoring his years of excellence in television. >> there's no greater spiritual experience than watching 200 people laugh. it's enhanced my life every minute of it. >> reporter: he made you laugh. he made you cry. he made you feel. the shows he brought into being will continue to entertain audiences ever more, have much a fitting tribute to him. george? >> what a wonderful man he was, norman lear will be missed. thank you, chris. michael? coming up next the must see demo showing how criminals are rolling back car odometer, costing americans billions of dollars a year and how you can protect yourself when buying a used car. we'll be back. rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine.
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the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. at target, get low prices on... rsv? parties. [ “love like this” by rosemarie ] get your parties started for less, at target. [ music ends ] (mom) hosting everyone for the holidays was a bad plan. (uncle) especially when your wi-fi only works close to the router. (dad) uncle larry, please. (uncle) better plan is switching to verizon home internet. (cousin) yeah, then you'd get fast, and reliable internet. (uncle) just saying. (mother-in-law) and wi-fi coverage in every room. (dad) thanks mom. (cousin) you should fix it, bro. (mother-in-law) is that too much to ask? (uncle) where did you get this router, in a yard sale? (mom) ok - everybody out! (dad) out! let's go. (mom) goodnight! thank you! (vo) switch to verizon home internet with whole home wi-fi, and now get a 5-year price guarantee. perfect for the most wi-fi time of the year. it's your holiday, it's your verizon. ♪
7:41 am
♪ acqua di gio. the new refillable parfum. giorgio armani at macy's. the fragrance destination. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements.
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skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save.
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we're back now with a warning about buying used cars as an old odometer scam is making a comeback that could cost you. steve osunsami join us with the story. >> reporter: there's now more incentive than ever to mess with car mileage because of the higher prices for used cars after the covid prices. experts say it's getting harder to tell when the numbers are wrong. paul burrows lives in iowa and said he had no idea the mileage on his pretty new car was a lie. in november he found an incredible deal and paid $10,000 for this 2015 audi to a private owner in chicago thinking it only had 66,000 miles. but when he registered the car with the state he discovered the
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truth. >> the mileage had been altered. that car had 185,000 miles on it and not 66,000 miles on it. >> reporter: we asked experts to run the vehicle and they tell us if those low miles were real, the car would have been worth as much as $18,000. >> was i heart broken? yes. i thought maybe i was missing a really good car at 66,000 miles. >> reporter: as we discovered, it only takes minutes to cheat. >> go through and select chevrolet. hhr. this is a nine model. >> reporter: josh ingall repairs vehicle odometers north of atlanta and said thieves can quickly change an odometer reading. >> there's our kilometer value. 70,000 kilometers. >> and you just tell it a new number? >> that's it. miles will change. 43,000 miles. >> it changed instantly. >> seconds. it takes no time.
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>> reporter: does the car have a record of like, oh, i have been tampered with? >> some do, some don't. this one does not. >> reporter: according to car fax new data tells them there are about 2.1 million cars with odometers that have been rolled back, up 7% from a year ago, and 14% from two years ago. the cost to american car buyers is more than $1 billion each year according to the federal government. >> there are sometimes organized scammers and there are sometimes one off people. >> reporter: experts say the best protection is to always get a report using your car's vin. and have an independent mechanic look underneath the car before you buy. >> they can look for overly worn brake pedals. they can look for shocks that may see much more wear than that odometer reading suggests. >> reporter: one bit of good news for someone buying a relatively new used car. experts say any car like an electric car, for example, that reports its mileage online or to the cloud is harder to mess with. but they warn the crooks will catch up there, too.
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the best bet, guys, is still to get a full report on any used vehicle you are about to purchase. guys? >> good advice. steve, thank you very much. coming up next, mississippi strong. we're checking in with robin and sam to show how rolling fork is rebuilding, as neighbors step up to help neighbors. ♪ (i know i can) ♪ ♪ (count on you) ♪ ♪ (you've got the love) ♪ ♪ (you've got the love) ♪ ♪ (you've got the love) ♪ ♪ (you've got the love) ♪ ♪ (you've got the love) ♪ ♪ (you've got the love) ♪ ♪ (you've got the love) ♪ ♪ (sometimes i feel like saying) ♪ ♪ (lord i just don't care) ♪ pandora. loves, unboxed. salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain.
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salonpas. it's good medicine. (♪) "now what?" you say it when getting older. ..starts getting old. at prudential, we think you should ask it when your birthday opens up a new chapter. like, when you realize you've got the rest of your life to look forward to. ask "now what?" here's what: you tap into the insurance, investment, and retirement expertise of prudential and get everything you need to help ensure the best is yet to come.
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who's your rock? speak to an advisor, or visit when you're ready to begin treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukemia, calquence helps you do the fighting. and you can do the exploring. you can do the splashing... ...the sightseeing... ...and the playing. calquence is an oral targeted therapy for cll. more patients begin with calquence than any treatment of its kind, and calquence is proven to work better than chemoimmunotherapy in patients with previously untreated cll. calquence may cause serious side effects, which may lead to death. these include serious infections with fever, chills, or flu-like symptoms; and bleeding problems that may increase with blood thinners. decreased blood counts are common and can be severe. new cancers have happened, including skin cancers. heart rhythm problems with fast or irregular heartbeat, dizziness, feeling faint, chest discomfort, or shortness of breath, have happened. tell your doctor if you have bleeding, heart rhythm, or liver problems; infection, or if you are or plan to be pregnant or breastfeeding. calquence helps you do the fighting. and you can focus on the things you're loving.
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ask your doctor if calquence is right for you. back now on gma. let's head out to robin and sam in rolling fork, mississippi.
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hey, robin. hey, sam! [ cheering ] >> oh my goodness! i mean, you know, when people lose so much, what they have is each other. as you can see, kindness, kindness is in action here in rolling fork. >> it is impressive this crowd is out this morning. this community is all about neighbors helping neighbors. right, gang? as they try to rebuild for the holiday, so many people have lost so much, every little bit help, robin. you're the one who showed everybody how much this community lost. nobody would know if you didn't take time to show it. >> we did. we just really made a commitment. we are just so in awe of how they are helping one another and how our viewers have really committed to help as well. we all know, 19 days until christmas. can you believe that? 19 days. we're going to bring a little holiday cheer like only gma can.
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we have some big surprises. you know we love to surprise folks on gma. [ applause ] coming up in our next hour, we cannot wait to show you what we have in store for you. but first of all, thank you and bless you for your resilience and strength an perseverance and what you're showing america. that you are mississippi strong. [ cheers ] [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing it for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis.
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don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. [crowd gasp] ♪ with clearer skin, movie night is a groovy night. [ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ah mornings! cough? congestion? i'm feeling better. all in one and done with new mucinex kickstart. headache? better now. new mucinex kickstart gives all-in-one and done relief with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. it's comeback season. nature's bounty hair growth.
7:53 am
help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. anne! thank you so much. ♪ hey, do you wanna sit? thank you. yeah, of course. i love the baristas here. they're so sweet, i know. i'm steve, i lost 138 pounds in nine months on golo and taking release. i love the baristas here. since taking release, my sleep is way better. my inflammation has gone way down. i'm nonstop now, i feel way better than i did before. i don't sit down in life anymore. my skin has been so much smoother
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so much more hydrated. it's olay! with olay hyaluronic body wash 95% of women had visibly-better skin. and my skin is so much more moisturized. see the difference with olay. what happened? well, when you opened up the chewy box, you went a bit... ...bonkers. that's one word for it. i guess i blacked out. this is the best squeaky toy ever. probably shouldn't. but we did get you a few more gifts. honey. ooh, there's more. chewy's prices were so great. you don't need to explain yourself, linda. keep on saving. pet's aren't just pets. they're more. well, i hope i got a leaf blower this year. you got a turtleneck. unwrap the excitement with deals up to 40% off at chewy. >> coming up, shannen doherty is live here in time squares to talk about her valiant fight with cancer and the person who has kept her strong. plus rsv. with cases on the rise and
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holiday season in full swing and how you can combat
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may, december, rated-r morning america is sponsored by chewy. >> get great deals that deliver the excitement this holiday at chewy. >> eight stars have advanced to the semifinal, leaving one final spot remaining. >> go big or go home. >> i can do a one handed cartwheel with a glass of water in my free hand. >> i think we have a glass of water. >> celebrity jeopardy! new tonight, eight. >> building a better bay area. moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc7 news. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc7 mornings. how is traffic in this fog? >> oh, reggie, we have had a number of visibility issues today. thankfully that is not the case at the richmond san rafael bridge, but the backup is. it is long if you're traveling in the westbound direction well over two miles. and then you heard reggie
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mentioned that fog. we're seeing it at the bay bridge. and we also have an advisory at the golden gate bridge. hey, drew. >> hey, joe. >> we are seeing some drizzle as well on our exploratorium camera. this is ahead of steady rain later today. looking at the fog, not as widespread as the past couple of mornings, but it's off the coast and the north bay that a dense fog advisory is in effect until about 10 a.m. this morning on the abc7 storm impact scale today. it's a level one storm for scattered showers and downpours, slick roads and rough surf along the coast. our biggest impacts, the day planner today for most of us, the best chance of finding that light rain is midday. temperatures in the upper 50s and lower 60s. reggie, thank you. >> drew, if you're streaming with us on the abc7 bay area app, abc7 at seven continues next with t time. everybody else is watching. good morning america. the. see it the ford mustang mach e the spirit of a mustang with the versatile v of an suv drive it rapid acceleration zero emissions owner it the ev with blue oval
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the largest public charging network in north america see it drive it and own it. >> ford mustang, mach e, all electric, all mustang. get a mustang mach-e at 1.9. apr for 60 months plus 3000 retail bonus cash plus 37 50in tax credit. it >> welcome to the happiest place on earth. where you're happy is everywhere anywhere. he's a poo poo poo poo poo. kind of happy they're even happier and you you're the happiest of them all. because this place has all the happy. you never knew could exist. so you're a new kind of happy every time you visit. welcome to your happiest place on earth. only at the disneyland resort for a limited time, kids ages three through nine can visit a disneyland resort theme park for $50 per child with a special one day, one park ticket . >> so do needs and choose shoulder, knees and toes, knees
7:59 am
and toes. >> head, shoulders, knees and toes. knees and toes. and eyes and cheeks. and professional massage therapists and esthetician is helping you be your best massage envy. >> where better begins this year? >> give the gift card every body will love stop in and pick some up today i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis thanks to skyrizi. >> i'm playing with clearer skin. three out of four people achieve 90% clear skin at four months and skyrizi is just four doses a year. after two starter doses serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. >> tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to the skyrizi. >> nothing on my skin means everything. escort dermatologists about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save my dry eyes made me a burning, stinging five times a day. >> makeup smearing drops user. i want another option. >> that's not another drop trivia. >> it's not another drop. it's
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the first and only nasal spray for dry eye trivia treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough and throat and nose irritation in relying only on drops. >> not me, my own real tears are my relief. >> ask your doctor about tavr. >> what's your garage door telling you? maybe it's time for a change. at precision, we do house calls. let one of our door designers come to you and help you design the door of your dreams. let precision show you the difference a new door can make precision door service a name you can trust. >> watch abc7 news now streaming 24 over >> good morning america. it's 8 a.m. storms on the move after heavy rain and flooding slam the pacific northwest with rivers already overflowing. the new danger this morning. 90210 star shannen doherty is live in times square.
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>> i'm not done with life, i'm not done with living. i'm not done with loving. >> talking about her valiant fight with stage iv cancer. what doctors are saying, and how her mom is helping her fight. perfect 10. marvelous finish. five couples battling in the ballroom. xochitl gomez and val walked away with the mirror ball trophy. the winners join us live. ♪ and i'll rise up ♪ >> and mississippi strong. this morning rebuilding rolling fork. we're here live, eight months after the deadly tornado devastated the community. >> we're trying to bring hope and help these families rise up. >> honoring our commitment to help them rebuild with a pastor taking his recovery into his own hands. we've got big surprises all morning long as we say -- >> good morning america! [ cheers ] >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma.
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>> good morning america. it is great to see robin there in rolling fork, mississippi, for mississippi strong. we're going right back to her. hey, robin. >> hey there, michael. even though this town was devastated with the tornado, the spirit here is unbreakable. we're getting ready for the annual christmas parade and solid gold marching band is playing. they're setting up for the south delta high school band who lost their equipment in the tornados. neighbors helping neighbors here in mississippi. joyful atmosphere. sam has a special delivery? >> consider me one of your christmas elfs. i'm in the truck with my buddy. he won't let me drive. he's by enough to stop me from driving. we have a lot of surprises in the back and we're going to be delivering them all morning long. let's see if i can put the hat on and maybe it will cover my
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pointy ears. [ laughter ] >> okay, thank you. now top stories. we're going to start with the fourth republican primary debate. only four candidates will take the stage before votes are cast next month. rachel scott is there in alabama. good morning, rachel. >> reporter: george, good morning. the pressure is on. this is the last scheduled debate before those first votes are cast in iowa next month. it will be the smallest stage yet. only four candidates have qualified. florida governor ron desantis, former south carolina governor nikki haley, entrepreneur vivak ramaswamy and chris christie. this field has narrowed. tonight all eyes will be on nikki haley. she has been seeing this rise in the polls. now backed by big donors. she will certainly be a target on that debate stage, as governor ron desantis looks to make up some lost ground after dealing with some shake-ups. not on the stage tonight will be the front runner donald trump.
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the big question, will any of his rivals respond to those latest comments that he made just hours ago, saying he would be a dictator only on day 1 not ruling out abusing his power if elected, michael. >> we all will be watching. thank you so much, rachel. now to the series of storms slamming the pacific northwest forcing several rivers to overflow. there is more rain to come. ginger is here with the latest. hey, ginger. >> michael, several water rescues were happening around washington state because they got 8 or 9 inches of rain in just 24 hours. this woman was rescued from the top of her jeep. thankfully, she's okay. there is more where that came from. with this river that did reach its highest point ever on record. those records started back in the 1940s. that is now going down. but others still have the chance to rise. we still have quite a few flood watches. pouring into that state line between california and oregon. a second storm that comes through tomorrow.
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then we've got another one for saturday. the snow elevation is good to lower, meaning you'll get more snow with the saturday storm. in the mean time, you can pick up 4 to 8 inches at the coast of rain. then, juju, snow into the mountains. we also want to know on saturday, memphis back to houston, please watch for severe storms. >> it's turbulent out there. thanks, ginger. now to the increase of rsv cases among children. many hospitals across the country are reporting a shortage of pediatric beds after thanksgiving. erielle reshef is here with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, juju. doctors are seeing the post thanksgiving uptick in respiratory illness likes covid, flu and the common cold circulating in much of the country. cases of rsv also on the rise from coast to coast. 11 state plus new york city and puerto rico reporting high or very high levels of respiratory activity. it's not unusual for this time of the year, but rsv hospitalizations are elevated among children under 4 years old
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especially infants under 6 months. most kids are rsv can recover on their own, but parents do need to remain vigilant. this season there is a new weapon in the fight against rsv for children with an antibody shot now available for infants. that drug is in short supply, and the government is now working to make sure doses of that drug are available for babies. pregnant women and older adults above 60 years old can get the new rsv vaccine. guys? >> thank you, erielle. coming up in our gma morning menu, shannen doherty is here live. she tells us about her cancer prognosis after revealing it has spread to her bones, and what's next for her. also ahead, we have the first interview with dancing with the stars champs xochitl gomez and val. >> sam is happy there are mississippi strong. hey, sam. >> hey, george. yep, we are in the truck, not far from where robin is. we're loaded up. that's my buddy driving the truck. we're loaded up with lots of gifts for the folks in town.
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let me tell you, they've done an amazing job with this area. can't wait to show you what's going on here when gma comes right back. you what's going on here when we come back. let's go! (carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro, your husband deserves it! ♪ (mom) carolers? to tell me you want a new iphone? a better plan is verizon. (dad) no way they'd take this wreck. (carolers) ♪ yes, they will, in any condition. ♪ ♪ get iphone 15 pro and ipad and apple watch - all on them! ♪ (mom) please forgive him. (carolers) ♪ it's all good - just a little awkward. ♪ (soloist) think we'll wrap this up. (vo) for a limited time, turn any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. that's up to $1700 in value. only on verizon. at target, shop now and save with deals on top tech, lift topping toys, trending beauty and more. hurry. these deals end saturday. only at target.
8:08 am
dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent.
8:09 am
ms tries to stop me. ms is like riding into headwinds, but i keep pushing forward. does ms define me? no, it does not. i take ocrevus, an infusion treatment that's two times a year. female vo: a prescription for adults with relapsing or primary progressive forms of multiple sclerosis, ocrevus is proven effective in reducing relapses in rms, and slowing disability progression, and reducing brain lesions in rms and ppms. male vo: don't take ocrevus if you have hep b and tell your doctor about vaccinations
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or if you've had colitis or hep b, as hep b could come back. a common side effect of ocrevus is infusion reactions. some may be serious. an increased risk of colitis and cancer may exist with ocrevus and it can increase the risk of infections, which can be serious. pml is rare but may happen with ocrevus. it can lead to disability or death. we take ocrevus. that's more progress, less progression. female vo: ask your doctor about starting with two-times a year ocrevus. (vo) we all wish we could hear our cats' voices. female vo: ask your doctor about starting with and thanks to petivity, we've come one step closer. the petivity smart litterbox monitor tracks your cat's litterbox behavior and weight... and alerts you when changes could require a vet visit.
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>> michael: >> back now with our gma cover story. we fell in love with shannen doherty on 90210. now she has a new podcast where she's opening up like never before about her battle with cancer, and the lessons she's learned. we're going to speak to her live in a moment, but first take a look. ♪
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actress shannen doherty became a high school name as brenda walsh on "beverly hills 90210." >> everybody looks like they just stepped out of a music video. i don't even have the right hair >> reporter: she went on to star in another huge hit "charmed." >> the spell was on supposed to work on me. okay. it said those in this house. >> reporter: but in 2015 the actress was diagnosed with breast cancer, under going chemotherapy, radiation and a mastectomy. following the grueling treatment doherty announcing some good news. i am blessed, i know that. but for now, remission. i am just going to breathe. but earlier this year, the 52-year-old revealing the cancer had spread to her brain and just recently spread to her bones. yet she remains full of fight and hope. >> i'm not done with life. i'm not done with living. i'm not done with loving. i'm not done with creating. i'm not done with hopefully changing things for the better.
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>> it is great to have shannen here. thank you. always great to have you here. >> so much fun seeing you. always happy to hang out with you a little bit. >> i love hanging out with you as well. this podcast you're doing, you're really letting people into your heart, your mind. we know you've been battling stage iv breast cancer. now you announced it's spread to your bones. how are you feeling, first of all? >> i'm feeling great, for the most part. you know, there's sometimes when you don't feel good and you just sort of power through. but overall, i feel happy and blessed and thankful. >> what are your doctors telling you? >> you know, they tell me we're just gonna keep on chasing protocols, essentially. you hope to stay on one for as long as possible. we have amazing things happening right now in the cancer world, with new clinical trials and everything else.
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by the time this protocol that i'm on stops working, there will be something else. i'm determined to outlive almost everyone. >> that's a good thing. that's a great thing. what is your protocol? what does your day look like? what do your treatments look like? what advice do you have for those on the same journey that you are on right now? i am on a protocol that has chemotherapy property, not traditional chemotherapy. it's an infusion. i get it once every three weeks. you're sick for a couple of days. you know, those days you just kind of hang out. you catch up on tv. you do a little work on the computer. you get taken care of. my mom comes and takes care of me. my friends stop by and bring me soup and bread and whatever i can possibly eat. it's actually, you feel a little spoiled. >> yeah. you deserve it though. >> it's the silver lining. >> you spoke of your mom.
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i know your mom had a health scare growing up. she had an aneurysm. she was only given a 10% chance to live. she pulled through. obviously, makes her extremely strong and strong willed. what advice has she given to you about not giving up? >> you know, there's a verse from the bible that you can do all things through christ which strengthens me. so i was raised on that. which for me just really makes me believe that it's all about faith and believing in a higher power and believing in yourself. you got to dig deep sometimes. that well is there. you just keep digging into the well for the strength and the hope to sort of get through every single day. i do. i dig deep. >> you were diagnosed in 2015. but you had a humorous outlook through all of this. >> i'm sorry. [ laughter ]
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>> you to have any humorous outlook is amazing to me. how do you maintain that frame of mind? >> what's the alternative? the alternative is that you're negative and depressed. that's not going to help your cancer. especially if you believe in mind over matter. i think believing that you're going to get through it is, it resonates within your entire body. the brain is a very powerful thing. and laughter is always the best medicine. >> yeah. laughter seems to help a little bit of everything. you've been in the public eye for over 30 years. your career full steam ahead. you have this podcast going where you're going deeper into your career, your life. everything you have ever gone before. what do you think people will be most surprised to learn that they may not know already? >> oh. there's some -- >> oohing. okay.
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>> there's some good ones on here. they're going to learn a lot about "charmed." they're going to learn a lot about cancer. i have some amazing expert doctors on that can really help anybody and their family members dealing with cancer in any way, shape or form. i think they'll be surprised by the relationship. my guests are all amazing that i do have on. their friends and people that i have worked with that i have kept relationships with. it's going to be a wild, poignant sometimes incredibly emotional, and a lot of humor kind of ride that i'm going to hopefully take people on. >> so you have your village, your support, your friend, everybody who is behind you on the podcast, which is amazing. your 90210 co-star ian ziering said you are a fighter. i know you've developed quite a bond in the last few years along with brian austin green.
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how did they show up for you? >> you know, brian and i always sort of had a bond. ian and i, our bond sort of came a little bit later in life. those two check in on me constantly. they are always sending me text messages. do you need us for anything? do you need me to do anything for you? whenever we see each other, it's just warmth. nothing but love and hugs. i think that's how you show up for somebody, right? by truly wanting for that person to be doing well. that exudes out to the other person. >> you showing up for us this morning give us a big thrill. love and hugs and everything else. >> thank you. >> we really appreciate you being here. great to see you. >> i appreciate you. thank you. >> shannen's first episode of let's be clear is out now. you can listen wherever you get your podcasts. do yourself a favor, make sure you check that out. now let's go to ginger. >> thank you, michael. that was beautiful. thank you, shannen. let's look at mount washington.
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they just had 7.6 inches of snow. making you feel like you're at the north pole when you're in new hampshire. the snow shoe pictures coming in, too, with the fresh snow. appalachian did get a hit there. that chill though is moving east. everybody's gonna feel it all the way down to florida. north florida even upper 30s for feel likes. time to go back to robin and sam in rolling fork. hey, guys.
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>> hey there, george. [ cheers ] the idea of being home for the holidays, it's bitter sweet for the people who lost so much. we got a unique opportunity to look at a program in this community that lifts people out of a nightmare of a natural disaster and into the dream of homeownership. for the residents of rolling fork, mississippi -- >> there's nowhere like rolling fork. >> home is where the heart is. >> it's small town america. it's really a close knit community. >> their community put to the ultimate test. after an ef-4 tornado, captured by accuweather, bringing winds up to 170 miles per hour ripped through the area last march. >> y'all need help over there? >> leaving behind a trail of destruction, hundreds of people displaced, including renters.
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>> most of the population here was renters. a lot of the people who owned the rental property, they can't rebuild the properties back. >> the vast majority of them didn't have renters insurance. so they not only lost their home, but they lost everything inside of their home. now what little they did have, they have nothing. >> britt williamson one of the city's beloved pastors taking things into his own hands. >> we are building between 1200 and 1300 square foot homes. >> launching a nonprofit called rolling fork rising, with a revolutionary idea. >> our goal is to help renter families that were affected by the tornado come back to rolling fork not as renters but as homeowners. >> the organization getting to work over the past eight months. >> we own ten lots inside rolling fork. we have four foundations poured. as you can see, we have two houses that are currently under construction.
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>> participants attending a series of homeowner classes to earn the unique opportunity to establish equity to make a house a home. >> rolling fork was almost completely destroyed so we're trying to bring hope and help these families rise up. we're eagerly awaiting the time where we can tell them this is your new home. >> oh my goodness. pastor right here. you're going through the program. i know you can't wait to hear those words. how do you think you'll feel when that happens? >> very excited. anxious. >> there's so many people that are here, that are trying to just kind of do whatever they can. i'm sorry. [ laughter ] gotta be sam. he's always making noise. what's going on? >> i'm bringing this truck in. you just showed us, it takes a lot of lumber to rebuild communities.
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this segment is sponsored by our friends at 84 lumber. about $25,000 worth of equipment coming in on trucks just like that. [ applause ] to help build homes for families like yours. i know that's some good news for you. that's some good news for you. we saw how hard it is. what does that mean to get your community going? >> that is incredible because one of the great things that we need is resources, funding, material, different things to help our nonprofit be a blessing from god to people in our community. >> this is important. matt and robert are over here from 84 lumber. how are you? >> i'm doing well. how are you? >> i understand there's more than that. give me a number. is it $100,000? >> it is. [ cheers ] >> you know a little bit about this community.
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what made you want to take on the project and help these folks? look at them. they are so into doing their own stuff. >> we're excited to be here. 84 lumber, family owned company. we're just thrilled to be part of the rebuilding of rolling fork. [ cheers ] >> big check like this. i promise i'll give it over. i just need to hold it a minute. [ laughter ] >> just to reiterate, we're talking about $25,000 worth of building supplies in addition to $100,000 going to your foundation. [ cheers ] what can you do with this? >> that's going to build another house. that is going to build another house. that's going to be a blessing to another family in our community that had no opportunity to come back and who will now be a homeowner because of that. we thank y'all. we praise the lord for the gift.
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[ applause ] >> oh, wow. how did you come up with this idea to do this? >> well, after the tornado we started, my church did immediate disaster relief. in the midst of helping a lot of family, we discovered how many families were renters. because of our economic situation, people that own the rental home weren't going to build back. so if we didn't do something to help the renter families come back, rolling fork was probably gonna die. we just felt like we needed to be a blessing from the lord to put together a program, and god put together this program. he's given us a great team, great board, great construction manager. so what was the program like? what is it like? >> it's it was wonderful. i learned a lot. i learned the most important thing was, is the rebuilding of our town. when the
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tornado hit, we're all in. for most of roland, for residents were renters. so and a lot of these people are still displaced and in hotels. yeah. >> so many of them. and this is why i just i want to say something to you. first of all, thank you. thank you. and i know this is just first of a few more surprises that we have for you here at rolling fork. and, you know, i think i got some. >> what's going on? >> wait a minute. >> what's what's what's stuck in there? oh, that looks very nice. >> these are keys to your new home that is being built. >> okay. that is going to be your home right down there. >> folks at home are seeing it right now. which one? yeah, that one. right across the one that's almost built. >> we're going to try and get you in before the holidays.
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>> okay. all right. you're very welcome. you're very, very welcome. >> he's such a promotional guy right here in rolling fork. >> and we have so much more to share. strong congratulate. ready, baby. >> my first spin ever. here we go. it's great to be here. >> i can see the excitement just bubbling over if i pay cash, are the valves cheaper? >> celebrity wheel of fortune new tonight on abc, the $100,000 pyramid. >> new tonight, building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc7 news. good morning. >> i'm stephanie sierra from abc7 mornings. let's get to jobina with a look at traffic. >> thank you, stephanie. good morning, everybody. we are going to begin with a live picture outside. this is from the bay bridge. you should be able to
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see the western span, but that fog has really filled in here. we have advised for the golden gate bridge as well. so expect low visibility in these two spots. we'll end with some drive times for you because it's slowing, especially in the south bay highway 85 to the airport there in san jose, 22 minutes along, 87, and then highway four to the maze 52. >> stephanie jobina, thank you. and meteorologist drew tuma has your accu weather forecast after the break. >> here's a holiday thought to ponder. is it truly a wish list? if you only have one wish here's to getting everything you're hoping for this season. make your wish list a reality with exceptional offers. during the season of audi, there's the blackout and then you see the planes crashing and then that
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noise. >> what happens next in that sequence? >> everything. i know i have told you, i don't believe you. >> i haven't believed you since you walked through that front door. >> leave the world behind, radar . >> think smoke pollution is only a concern during wildfire season . wood burning also creates smoke pollution accounting for over one third of all wintertime air pollution in the bay area, creating. unhealt and outside your home. protect the health of your family and neighbors by not burning wood, no matter the season. smoke is smoke. sign up for alerts and do your part to spare the air. >> hey bay area live with kelly
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marcus. >> coming up we'll chat with shannen doherty and ariana madix . plus holiday gift bargains with monica mangan. >> that's at nine on abc seven. we'll see you very shortly, guys. outside a rooftop camera. it is foggy, but not as foggy as it has been in the past couple of mornings. we do have a dense fog advisory along the coast and in the north bay, but there are some other areas with reduced visibility just not as thick as the fog we're dealing with. yesterday, rain returns today on the abc seven storm impact scale. scattered showers and downpours. the biggest impact, slick roads, the best chance for wet weather. the middle part of the day. >> stephanie, thank you, drew. and we will have another abc seven news update in just about 30 minutes. and always on our news app and on abc seven >> welcome b >> announcer: welcome back to gma, live from times square. good morning from time squares. an inspiring morning in rolling fork, mississippi, with robin and sam. hey, guys. >> oh. >> do you know what? we told you.
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we told you this morning that hundreds of people who live here, they lost their homes. behind every number like that, you know some very personal stories. >> because each one is a family. each one is a person who works and lives in this community. the story we are about to see is someone incredible. she's a mom, of course. she stayed strong for her kids. >> she's right here. she's rebuilding their lives, working to give her family a brand new home. the terror of a night of march 24th still lingers for 38-year-old venesha carter. >> i am grateful to be here. i could have lost my life. my kids could have lost their lives. it was horrific. >> when a devastating tornado tore through her neighborhood in rolling fork, mississippi. the mom of two protecting her young children as her home took a direct hit. >> i have to put on my cape and become super mom and act like i'm not scared. even if something happened to me, i want them to survive.
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>> their lives thankfully spared but everything else ripped away in an instant. >> at one point i was like, what am i going to do? it's all over. but you are a mother. you've got to figure it out. >> after living in a hotel room for six month, fema setting up her family with a temporary apartment. >> it still is an adjustment. even though we're somewhere put up, it's not yours. you don't own it. >> when she learned about the nonprofit rolling fork rising and a mission to turn renters into homeowner, venisha jumped at the opportunity to get involved. >> that's one thing on my list, being a homeowner. to hear that it could be possible, it makes me feel really good. >> venisha, making the commitment. >> good job.
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>> to build a better life for her family. >> i want everybody to be happy and everyone in the tornado can get a new house. >> they bring a lot of hope to me because no matter what i go through, i have to be strong for those two. >> such a beautiful, beautiful family. >> thank you. >> how do you do it? where do you find the strength? >> god. i have faith all my life. it's taken me a long way. without it, i don't know. >> i know. >> i always keep god in my heart. >> and the way you have done it. the way, everything that's going on. you've been going to college? >> yes, ma'am. i graduate saturday. >> you graduate saturday? what's your degree? >> psychology. applied psychology. >> what do you want to do? >> i want to help kids. i want to counsel. i want to mentor. i want to put in what i have been through and make them better as possible. >> you've done great with your two beautiful children, derek
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and kylie. robin has been, i don't know. you've been fishing things out of the pocket all morning long. there's a graduation. there's a lot happening here. what's going on? >> i have to dig deep. here it is. the keys to your new home. come on! >> come on in! >> the door is open. >> you have to open the door. >> you do it. >> come on in. >> yes. we were hoping to get you in by the holidays. what do you think? >> exciting. i'm very happy. i'm very, very happy. >> i don't think these are really gifts. >> let's just see what they are. [ laughter ] >> are you okay, honey? >> she's fine. it's okay. come on. it's okay.
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>> do you want to open some gifts with me? >> how about if we do it right here? >> they are real presents. >> wait a minute. >> is that your name? >> yes. >> oh, gosh. [ laughter ] >> it's okay. it's okay. >> you are so inspiring. i can't believe anybody would -- >> after march i started to lose focus. i'm not going to lie. but i have people in my corner that said, keep going. took 15 years to go back to school. you have to keep going. i'm so excited. i had to push myself. >> we're excited to be here and be part of it.
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>> okay. thank you. >> look here. [ laughter ] >> i can feel it. >> yes, you can. >> let me understand how you see the house. this is the first time you have been in it. >> yes, sir. >> can you see yourself living in it? >> yes, i can. you make it a home. of course, this is yours. it's going to be warm and toasty. i will make memories with my children. >> what's incredible about this, families and the communities are all right here in this neighborhood. you know this area. you know it well. before the storm, do you remember it? >> after, no. but, yes. i was lost. when i came back the next day, i was scared. my heart started pumping hard. it was dark. couldn't see. when i saw it in the daylight, it was terrifying. >> what's it like to stand inside the house right now that's going to be yours after seeing all of that mess?
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>> robin is playing santa. >> i'm used to rolling fork. i would rather be here because i made a home. >> we are so proud to be part of it. >> can you see what they've done here? >> they are opening every one. >> thank you. thank you for the example you are setting for your children. continuing on. it was a dream for you to get a higher education and you are raising these beautiful children. we have a few more surprises. >> yes, ma'am. we've got a few more coming up, guys. this house is watching over us. >> yes. >> wonderful seeing that family enjoy the fruits of robin's generosity. [ laughter ] >> and deep pockets. very deep pockets. >> coming up, dancing with the stars after party, xochitl and val will join us live. z and val
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us but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces
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it is the it is the holiday season. we are counting down to christmas with our advent call calendar of deals offering our viewers special deals every day until the holidays. are you ready to see what we have? >> oh, yeah. >> let's get it going. kitchen gadgets all from brain stream. they are 50% off. you can scan the qr code on your
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screen to check them out. now on to the celebration, guys to the "dancing with the stars" after party. it was the biggest finale ever, with five couples battling it out in the ballroom for the first time ever. it came down to marvel stars xochitl gomez and jason mraz. >> the winners and new champions of "dancing with the stars" are -- xochitl and val! [ cheers ] >> fantastic job! >> that pause always gets me in my heart. there they are, xochitl and val winning season 32. there's the glorious ball gown in front of you. in the middle of you last night. you won. you're joining us live from los angeles. i can't imagine you got a lot of sleep last night. first of all, congratulations. how does it feel to have that mirror ball trophy in your hands?
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>> it feels crazy. i don't know. it still hasn't fully sunk in. usually after the show i watch the show. i haven't had that moment yet. i can't really tell how real it is. i don't know. being here is real. >> i cannot believe you have so much poise xochitl at 17. you had a streak like no other. four perfect scores in a row. >> isn't that crazy? yeah. i didn't think that i'd make it this far. to be here -- >> which is disrespectful to me. [ laughter ] it's okay. >> it wasn't you. it was me. i knew you'd get me to week 5 at least. >> no, it feels amazing. so much work that went into this. not just from us but so many people on the show to make the numbers look as beautiful as they have. production, wardrobe, everybody. season's been a blast, and we feel so grateful. >> congratulations to you, too,
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val. this is your third. a hat trick for you. you posted that xochitl is a force and it's been an honor to guide her. >> yeah. >> you guys clearly bonded. >> yeah, yeah. it's been an amazing responsibility to take care of this young woman and teach her how to dance. that's my gift. the fact that i had a chance to pass it forward to this young lady was an honor for me. >> xochitl i know val isn't getting ready for you. you volunteered to baby-sit? >> yes. i'm down anytime. that's my excuse because i feel like he's such a cutie. adorable. >> that's an easy baby-sitting gig. not sure you can afford her. as a marvel star, she commands a huge salary, i'll have you know. but, val -- >> we can discuss it. >> yet, val, i know you also were voted one of people's
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sexiest men alive. >> i'm glad you mentioned it. >> congratulations. yeah. last night you were displaying other secret talents. i didn't know it was you actually playing the violin. what was that like show casing that as well? >> it was amazing. between ballroom dancing, violin playing as a middle schooler. this is my pay back for all the bullying. i get to shine on "dancing with the stars." it's my first passion. i really appreciate the show. xochitl allowed me to display that this season. >> also on display in that freestyle dance, xochitl, was your mexican-american heritage. the costuming, the vibe was all there. you represent on marvel, you represent on dancing with the stars. how important is representation to you? >> representation is really huge for me. mainly, you know, in latin
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ballroom dances i want to focus on the latino portion of it and making it as accurate as i can. it's been a huge priority for me especially costumes and designing and just the background. they did a wonderful, wonderful job with the background in our free style. it's funny. i took val to his first dinner. that's where he saw the ofrenda. he was inspired by that aesthetic and that look. oh my gosh, if we could do this and execute it well with all the things, it would be so perfect. >> just the meaning of what it stands for and just her spirit of always kind of paying homage to the folks that came before her, whatever field she is participating. it felt right. >> that's awesome. i also know -- despite the four perfect score, xochitl, you came in with zero dance background.
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what advice would you give people who are trying something new like that? not just dancing, but anything that feels challenging? >> anything that feels challenging at this point. i didn't think i'd make it this far. i took a few zumba classes and stuff in preparation. the only thing that can truly get you to the place you want to be is your own determination and your own mindset. to not overthink. to have fun. luckily, i had someone who was helpful. didn't overthink. >> didn't overthink. >> that's a good piece of advice. well, listen, it was such a thrill to watch you grow and triumph over the season. congratulations to you both. you can watch xochitl and val on the "dancing with the stars" live tour, right? >> yes. >> yes. >> i'm very excited because we get to perform live in front of our fans and the folks that voted for us. those are really kind of, not the unsung hero, but we never get to say thank you. we ask for the votes but we
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never get to say thank you. this is our opportunity to do so. >> thanks so much, guys. ginger? >> yes. huge congratulations to my former partner. mwah. and xochitl, if he could get me to the finale, girl, i knew you were going to win. let's start with houston. we have a look across the city that looks decent for now, right? we're going to have some mild an even warm air. by saturday we'll start to open up the skies. that cold front will mean a severe thunderstorm outbreak potentially. louisiana, arkansas, western tennessee, even mississippi, including rolling fork, will get in on that action saturday. as it gets closer, we'll tell you what to expect. the rain gets going on the i-95 corridor sunday afternoon. let's get a check closer to home.
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on tonight's "$100,000 pyramid" airing at 10 p.m. on abc josh peck faces off against jenny jenkins and eliza slessinger, who can't help butting in. >> park your car in -- >> lot. >> for a house. >> drive way. >> there's a door. you go in -- >> garage door. >> okay. state's top above california. >> oregon. >> yes. okay. type of nut not a walnut? >> peanut. almond. cashew. >> salad with bleu cheese. >> walnut. cashew. >> sorry. [ laughter ] happy kids h
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how are you doing between practices? i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team. de'aaron we're going to take a quick look at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great. but not just for me. for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente.
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>> michael: go back to robin gonna go back to robin and sam in rolling fork with two people who are giving back in a big way.
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hey, you two. [ cheers ] >> there's still a long way to go to help rolling fork recover, rebuild and reopen. there is still so much hope. >> i know. it looks really good so far but there's a lot to do. the most important thing in the world you can believe in is your community. this segment is sponsored by our friends at 84 lumber. they are helping us highlight taking care of the physical health and the mental health. we've got them all right here. i love them both. >> brandy bradshaw is the director of community outreach at the local hospital. dr. hamilton, i love it. dr. hamilton is believed to be the only licensed therapist in the county. brandy, i remember you were on gma3. >> i was. >> that's right. we saw 90 minutes. 90 minutes you have to commute. what is it about this love of community that keeps you here? >> you can see right here, everybody is great. they have a heart for each
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other. it's hard to leave something like that. i never considered it. >> we were talking about you putting the hospital. you showed it to us on gma3. it acts as the only care facility in the area. what happens if people don't have community hospitals? >> if there were no hospitals, there would be no community. we're so engrained in the economics and just every day life of people here. plus there is nowhere else. if it wasn't for the community hospital, there would be nofa silty for the community. >> we believe dr. hamilton here is the only licensed therapist in the county. >> i am. >> come on. my goodness. here you are. you said you look at yourself sometimes as the wounded healer because you have to heal yourself as well. what are folks telling you? sometimes you're counseling them in a car, on a porch. what are they telling you? >> i meet people wherever i can. what i hear most often is fear. they're afraid of it happening again.
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one of the first things i try to do in treatment, i become their support system. i want them to know, who can you call on? that's important to me in treatment. >> well, our friends at 84 lumber wanted to help us give a little christmas cheer to you. we've got -- how about $1,000 gift card? [ cheers ] >> here you go. >> it will be hard to present this anywhere but you can use it any place you want. how's that? >> we are helping so many people. 84 lumber wanted to make sure they could help you. thank you for what you're doing in this beautiful community here. [ applause ] i mean, they showed the resilience they have. we have so really -- we've been moved by the stories. gma will be here following all along the next phase of recovery of this community. we are not going to forget you. we are not. [ applause ] thank you. michael?
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>> all right, robin. we will not forget. we will be right back. bin, we will not forget and we will be
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allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a powerful thing. ask your eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal your skin from within. >> rakubian has been bringing families together for over 50 years. a new 2023 integra launch is now discounted at just 130 4.9 98. your holiday adventures begin at rec van. >> there is nothing bigger. nothing better than monday night football on abc and espn. n and the next morning watch gma for the tuesday morning nfl ticket giveaway for tickets to a monday night football game. >> oh, thank you to troy and joe for that. and thanks to robin
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salmon and mississippi strong people of rolling fork. it's great to see how far you've come sunday is a night of disney holiday magic. >> first mickey saves christmas. >> merry christmas, everybody. then hold on to your mittens for olaf's frozen adventure. >> are you with me now? sunday, starting at seven, six, seven. >> step into a winter wonderland with a holiday favorite. san francisco ballet's nutcracker. tickets on sale now at sf ballet .org/ nutcracker. >> hcm is a serious heart condition affecting as many as 1 in 200 people like me and me. >> it can impact how you feel and what you can do. >> i still felt tired on my beta blocker, so i talked to my cardiologist about treatment advances in hcm. >> that gave me new options. it was a breakthrough for me. that conversation was big for me. >> talk to your cardiologist today and visit hcm realtalk
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cash only at your california ford dealers. it's big shag carpet, big smg features northern california's biggest selection of flooring with free samples that you can check out. and a no surprise guarantee. so the price they quote is always the price you pay. and during smg's christmas sale, select flooring in their showrooms and mobile showrooms is up to 40% off, up to 40% off carpet waterproof core hardwood and laminate. now that's big and more than carpet. go to shag carpet .com for the showroom nearest you or to have their mobile showroom come to you building a better bay area moving forward finding solutions. this is abc7 news. good morning. >> i'm stephanie sierra from abc7 mornings. here's jobina with a look at traffic. >> thank you, stephanie. good morning, everybody. we are going back to the bay bridge because we have a much better look now at the western span. if you are with us just 30 minutes ago you could barely see coming across. if you're traveling towards this area, the metering lights came
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on at 529. and check this out. there's still a fog advisory in effect issued by the chp for the golden gate bridge, but much clearer. hey, drew. hey, drew. >> yeah, we still have one issued by the national weather service for the coast in the north bay until 10 a.m. but visibility nowhere near as bad as it was yesterday. rain is approaching live doppler seven along with satellite, showing you a cold front is on its way on the abc seven storm impact scale is a level one for showers and downpour hours. the best chance of finding wet weather will come the middle part of our day into the early afternoon. temps in the upper 50s to the lower 60s. stephanie, thanks. >> drew. and time now for live with kelly and mark. we'll be back at 11 for midday live. have a great day . >> it's live withwith kelly and mark!" ♪ ♪ today, actress and podcaster, shannen doherty! plus


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