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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  December 6, 2023 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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and saint mary's grad mahershala ali. >> all right. have a great night, everyone. >> jimmy: hi, i just wanted to say we lost not only a giant in the world of television but a great man one of the most important and impressive people i ever had the pleasure of meeting.
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norman was the genius who brought us some of the greatest television shows and characters of all time, "all in the family," "good times," "the jeffersons," "maude," "the facts of life," "diff'rent strokes," "sanford and son," "one day at a time," "mary hartman, mary hartman," "fernwood 2 night." it's an incredible list, and he was an incredible person. he changed situation comedy in the best possible way. he taught us so much about so many serious things, always making us laugh while he did it, and everyone who works in or even watches television owes him a great debt, especially me. i was fortunate enough to work with norman on several projects over the last five years, including live revivals of some of his greatest shows, and i loved him dearly. he was so funny. for the holidays the year before last, my wife and i sent him a shirt, this shirt, norman f'ing lear.
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he loved it. he wrote us a note. i want to share it with you. "dear molly and jimmy, i can't [ bleep ] believe this [ bleep ] sweatshirt. [ laughter ] it's something i've always wanted more than i can [ bleep ] tell. you guys are the [ bleep ] best, and i wish you the dearest, sweetest, greatest [ bleep ] holiday season in the history of holiday [ bleep ] seasons. signed, norman f. lear. his middle name was milton, so norman was a hundred when he wrote that. he died last night at 101. 101 years, and somehow it wasn't enough. he leaves behind his lyn, a beautiful family, and a legacy that won't ever be matched. it would be impossible. we were all lucky to have him. i hope we never forget him or the many lessons that he taught us. one of the many, many sweet things about norman was he never said good-bye. he'd say "to be continued" and "over and next." and so that's how we'll leave it. to be continued over and next. i'll be right back.
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warning, the program you are about to see is "jimmy kimmel live." it seeks to throw a humorous spotlight on our frailties, prejudices, and concerns. by making them a source of laughter, we hope to show in a mature fashion just how absurd they are." >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- mahershala ali, greta lee, and music from grupo frontera, with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you very much. thank you. i'm jimmy. i am the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks for coming. thank you for joining us as we wrap up another weird year.
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maybe you heard "time" magazine today named their person of the year for 2023, and that person is taylor swift. taylor swift beat out vladimir putin, the president of china, king charles, and to me that makes sense. those guys are terrible singers. really. [ laughter ] the editor-in-chief for "time" said, taylor swift is "the rare person who is both the writer and hero of her own story," and also, he said, we really wanted to sell some magazines this year. [ laughter ] they actually released a varieties of covers, three, i believe, which makes me wonder. if the nominees don't know who is going to be "person of the year," when did she shoot these, last night? [ laughter ] do you think they do this with all the nominees? like, are there a series of sexy photos of federal reserve chairman jerome powell on a computer somewhere? anyway, congratulations to taylor. now, maybe people will finally start talking about her. [ applause ]
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and then on the other end of the human popularity scale, tonight marked the fourth republican primary debate. trump was not in attendance. for that again. every one of these debates feels like an 'nsync reunion without justin timberlake. [ laughter ] it's like trying to get pumped up for j.c. chasez. and it's hard. instead, it was nikki haley, ron desantis, chris christie, and vivek ramaswamy, or as trump calls them, bird brain, meatball, fat pig, and vivian hamas-karate. [ laughter ] and the debate took place at the university of alabama in tuscaloosa, which sounds kind of like a threat. "if you don't straighten up, you'll be debating vivek ramaswamy in tuscaloosa!" [ laughter ] this is the last debate between the eventual tusca-losers before voters go to the polls. the iowa caucus is at the end of january, which means we're only six weeks away from ron desantis in des moines eating a corn dog in six-inch heels, everybody. [ laughter ] before the debate tonight, the
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candidates were asked to sign a pledge written by the rnc committing to support the eventual nominee, which will almost certainly not be them. forcing them to agree to support donald trump, it feels like asking japan to promise to support godzilla. trump had his own event last night, a town hall on fox news where scammy sosa somehow managed to swing and miss at the softest of all balls. >> you are promising america tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody. >> except for day one. >> ex-for? >> he's going crazy. except for day one. >> meaning? >> i want to close the border, and i want to drill, drill, drill. >> that's not -- that's not retribution. >> i'm going to be -- [ applause ] i'm going to be -- he keeps -- love this guy. he says you're not going to be a dictator, are you? nope, nope, nope, other than day one. >> jimmy: right. he'll only be a dictator on day one as opposed to the rest of the time when there's no tator, just dick. [ laughter and applause ]
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i mean, really, like such a crazy interview. all kidding aside, how about sean hannity having to squeeze him to say he won't be a dictator? i mean, how clear does trump have to make it. hannity was like "wanna take another stab at that one, bro?" nope! [ laughter ] i'm tired of these fake questions, like, "will you become a dictator if you're re-elected?" of course he will! he says it! basically, in november, we're going to be voting on whether to ever vote again, and another dumb thing we need to stop asking is whether joe biden is planning to stay in the race. of course, he is. why else would he be texting us every 20 minutes asking for 5 bucks? at a fund-raiser in massachusetts last night, grampotus reportedly said, "if trump wasn't running, i'm not sure i'd be running." and if that doesn't rake in the dough, i don't know what will. [ laughter ] one of the craziest story lines is that if the polls are to be believed, biden is trailing trump among young voters, which, let me put this in terms maybe
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young voters will understand, just because you think alfred is too old to take care of wayne manor doesn't mean you replace him with the joker. [ laughter ] oh, you don't know batman either? okay. all right. well, we're in trouble. [ applause ] somewhere out there in the multiverse, a president hillary clinton is wrapping up her second term while joe biden's telling a waitress at the cracker barrel his soup's too hot. [ laughter ] the other big story in washington is that another prominent republican is getting out of the house. last week, george santos got the boot. today, bitter former speaker kevin mccarthy says he will resign from congress at the end of the month, which means republicans now have an even slimmer majority. mccarthy, who apparently thinks he has fans, put out a video announcement to gently break the news. >> while i'll be departing the house at the end of this year, i will never ever give up fighting for this country that i love so much. we did our part. and when the stakes were the highest, we rose to the
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challenge. >> jimmy: wait, who is this "we" he's talking about? [ laughter ] >> we were willing to risk it all no matter the odds, no matter the personal costs, simply put, we did the right thing. thank you, god bless you, and god bless america. >> see you in hell! >> that's a wrap. >> jimmy: i'll miss that dummy. and i'll miss his ventriloquist doll too. so now, like all of trump's banished boot lickers, kevin mccarthy will spend the rest of his days reading commercials for on a podcast no one likes. [ laughter ] in north korea, trump's buddy kim jong-un has a problem on his hands. the birth rate in his country has plummeted. experts say the drop is due to malnutrition, poverty, and the fact that having a baby in north korea means the baby would be living in north korea. [ laughter ] on monday, kim appeared at something called the national conference of mothers, and by all accounts, he was shedding tears.
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it's hard to tell when he's crying because he's always glistening like a glazed honeybaked ham, but he was, and then everyone was like, "we'd better cry too!" you know, he's very sensitive. they say that whenever he feeds an uncle to a pack of dogs, he's bummed for like a week. [ laughter ] well, it's time to get some help with the elf. if you are a parent who has an elf on your shelf, this is your reminder, nightly reminder to move it and also an idea for what to make it do. tonight, just crack open a bottle of tequila and give it a straw like guillermo before the show. >> guillermo: yes, every day. [ applause ] >> jimmy: the my pillow man, mike lindell, has been in a good mood lately because a district judge in georgia ruled that folks like mike who are suing to replace voting machines with paper ballots should not be referred to as conspiracy they are irss. for whatever reason, mike feels
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totally vindicated by this, and would like to celebrate with a return appearance on our show. >> by the way, jimmy, this whole show vindicates mike lindell so i think i should come back on your show. you owe the country an apology for everything you've been saying about mike lindell and mocking him, that he's a conspiracy theory and all this, theorist so i expect he will have me back on. >> plus, he's just looking for an excuse too have you back. >> for an excuse. hey, jimmy, i got the tin foil hat. i get to take it off on your show. that will be nice, huh? >> jimmy: yeah, we'll put you in a pair of tin foil underpants instead. sadly, i don't think we have a spot for mike on our show before we go on break this year, but i understand he has a new holiday special on his channel. did you know that. and i would love to be a part of that. ♪ >> you're just in time for mike
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lindell's my christmas spectacular. hope you like eating. we're about to carve the tur-possum. mm-mm. that's a good tur-possum tail right there. we got to feed some, mr. president. he ate the whole thing. i got a whole bunch of celebrity friends stopping by. it's an all-star cast including movie karate man chuck norton, the qanon nephew judo, will he eat his christmas -- musical performances from the whistle-blowers choir and my neighbor dave, who found a bugle at the dump. from the land down under, this chubby mexican fellow wishes us a cinco de christmas. >> guillermo: what do i do?
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>> performance of "the nutcracker suite" from the east kill shelter players and special visit from george santos >> how much cash do they keep in the house? >> i want a playstation 5. >> just leave the back door open for santa. >> i thought santa came down the chimney. >> and i thought kids knew when to shut the [ bleep ] up. >> the honorable judge jeanine pirro and trained feline dog gio. congresswoman lauren boebert cranking out her holl lay handies and if you have a mess to clean up get 75% of kitchen towels using promo beetlejuice and i'll be doing yo-yo tricks. there's a special visitor. grateful president donald j. trump. ♪ >> hello, everyone. >> oh, no, it's late night tv
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pedophile, jamie krimbell. >> i brought a pie. >> i don't want no pie. i'm waiting for the president. >> jimmy: mike, come on. that was a good pie. come here for a second. i'm worried about you. have a seat. mike, i don't know how to break this to you, but donald trump isn't coming. >> he's coming at midnight. >> jimmy: no, he's not coming at midnight. he's never coming. look, it's almost 5:00 in the morning. i'm sorry, but donald trump doesn't care about you. he doesn't care about anyone but himself. >> gosh darn it. i've been such a fool. >> jimmy: you have. >> i've been waiting for a real president to come and now i realize i don't need to because donald trump has been here all along. you wait, jiminy he is round up all the deviate
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perverts, no offense, he is an idea that lives here in the hearts of all who still believe in the magic of christmas. >> jimmy: yeah, that's not what i meant at all. >> yeah, but that's what it is. so join me for mike lindell's my christmas spectacular. and if you need a last-minute christmas gift, use promo happy b day jesus. this one depicts the decapitation of saint john the baptist. mike lindell's my christmas spectacular only on frank's speech on monday at:00. merry christmas to all and to all a merry christmas to all. >> jimmy: thank you, mike. we have a good show for you tonight. from "past lives," greta lee is here. we've got music from grupo frontera, and we'll be right back with mahershala ali. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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welcome to your happiest place on earth! only at the disneyland resort. for a limited time, kids ages 3 through 9 can visit a disneyland resort® theme park for $50 per child with a special 1-day, 1-park ticket. the all-in-one and done symptom relief of mucinex is delivered fast with doordash, so you don't have to leave the couch. oof! that was fast. mucinex. available on doordash. it's comeback season. [ applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi there, welcome back. tonight a talented actress who
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st is here and music from grupo frontera. tomorrow night adam levine and hallie bailey and music from atarashii gakko. it's on threat application starting friday, starring mahershala ali. [ applause ] how is it going? i feel like when you come out i
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should hand you an award. where are your oscars? do you carry them around or at home? >> they're at home. >> jimmy: they stay at home. interesting. i would have mine -- krazy glue it right to the hood of my car. >> there you go. a couple of free car washes. >> jimmy: i bet you would get a lot of free car washes. are they in a prominent place in your home? >> they -- so, they're -- they're up in sort of a more private area where our bedrooms are, but they're on the top of these built-ins, and -- oh, yeah, they just kind of live there. >> jimmy: do people ever come over and say, hey, aid lee take have see them? >> no, but you would -- i know people have been curious because they're not where you could -- they're not in an obvious place, but if you walked upstairs, you know -- >> jimmy: you would see them. >> and go in one of our room, you would see them. >> jimmy: are there a whole bunch, on their own shelf or littered with trophies that you have? >> there's a few trophies.
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>> jimmy: there's a few trophies. >> a few with one new addition, this past summer my daughter had been doing gymnastics and she got a trophy and so when we got back home to california, she was sure to put her tree phi right in front of my oscars. >> jimmy: oh, she did. [ applause ] >> plopped it right up there. >> jimmy: how old is your daughter? >> she's 6 1/2. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> she'll be 7 in february. >> jimmy: that's very cute but then you have to remind her, hey, listen, mine are way better -- mine are a much bigger deal. >> she is clear that her trophy is the most important in the house. >> jimmy: and how many cartwheels can you do? can you do? >> no. >> jimmy: you're nominated for an emmy right now for -- [ applause ] my kids. actually i love that they got bored after a minute, "chimp empire." you did the narration for that. will there be a sequel to that?
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>> i would love to do a sequel. >> jimmy: would you call it "the chimp empire strikes back"? >> you could. >> jimmy: you know who is in the category you're nominated, other nominees. >> i do. >> jimmy: let me read them in case -- pedro pascal, angela bassett, morgan freeman who is like the michael jackson jordan of narrating things and bob woodruff, who was the president at one time. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's a hemphill of a category right there. >> yeah, i read those names and it was basically like, well, another loss. [ laughter ] the obamas produced your movie. they're producers on your film. i think it's the first purely based entertainment feature they've done. did you work with them -- did they really produce? >> they did. i know sam, scam had -- sam esmail our director -- >> jimmy: he did "mr. robot." >> he spoke to president obama about the thicks that rest natured with him in the book and
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then, i call him barack. barack will call me. [ laughter ] and we go over our lines a bit. >> jimmy: you ran lines with the president, huh? >> he helped me get off book for the last third of the film. so -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you have any interaction with him. >> unfortunately, no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no. >> no. no. [ applause ] >> jimmy: did he come to the premiere? >> no. >> jimmy: did you ever have a meeting with him? >> he's bob woodruff. he's everywhere. >> i haven't met with him, unfortunately, but i feel like i know him. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow, some producer, bob woodruff is. it's enough to be producer. the premiere in new york on monday. i like what you're wearing now, but this is -- this is pretty spectacular. >> thank you. thank you. [ applause ] >> jimmy: this is an outfit and the reason i bring this up is because you helped design this, right? >> yes, yes, my brother and
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myself, we designed that. >> jimmy: what do you say to him. do you draw it out or i want it to look like somebody put a lot of tape on my suit or what? >> sharpie. no, honestly, he presents me with ideas, and, you know, my part in it is about a pocket here, a pocket there. you know. >> jimmy: details. >> details, but he's always presenting me with ideas, and we're going through and we're like building up a nice little closet. >> jimmy: you love that because that's your thing. >> it's one of my things. i hope to be multi -- >> jimmy: as far as hobbies go, that's one of your things, because this is a photograph from your high school yearbook, and there you are. and you were -- let's go down the line here. >> it's under herschel gilmore. >> jimmy: under herschel gilmore. you were best dressed. you and katrina brown. is that katrina right there? >> yes. >> jimmy: best dressed. that's pretty good. most attractive was -- look --
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>> it wasn't me. he must have been a hell of a good-looking guy. jingle fumar. d d debbie -- did you know jingle? was he the most attractive? >> i wasn't looking at the dudes. >> jimmy: debbie? >> i think she was cute. look, that was a long time ago. a long time ago. >> jimmy: did you set out to be named best dressed or something you wanted? >> you know, i have to admit it was something i wanted. [ laughter ] it was. we were -- we were -- we were a little competitive about -- but -- >> jimmy: who was. >> inspiring each other. >> jimmy: you and the other guys. >> we were, like, look at those kicks, new jacket or how you put your outfit together. like, we were very, very serious. >> jimmy: was it the first award you won or had you won awards before that? >> i think i got a most improved in first grade.
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>> jimmy: you did. [ laughter ] >> but there was a nice gap between first grade and senior year. >> jimmy: do you collect clothes now? are you one of those guys that has a lot of stuff in the closet? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: do you have more real estate in the closet than your wife does? >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh, you do? and does that bother her? >> you know, she's been very gracious about it. i got to say but she has her own little collection of things too that, you know, that bothers me. [ laughter ] but, yeah, we both take up a good amount of space. >> jimmy: are we talking like shoes mostly? i know you have hat, right? >> hats. >> jimmy: how many hats do you have? >> i have enough where there's some in storage. >> jimmy: you have a storage facility for -- >> no, no, i don't -- i need to defend myself. >> jimmy: okay, go ahead. >> in my defense, so, i'm a fairly particular person. and i don't buy stuff very often, and so if i buy something i really like it, so it means something to me or if i get a
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gift for someone, it means something to me, or because of this work, sometimes companies are giving you stuff and so i might be picking from things they give you so over time you end up collecting stuff or you go do an awards season and got 15 suits at the end of the year and you're like, what am i doing with all these suits and they take up all the space so that is my excuse for having so much stuff. >> jimmy: and that's why you have a storage facility full of hats? >> there might be some chairs and boxes and other stuff too. >> jimmy: you mix it. not like a hat land or something like that. >> right. >> jimmy: do you have one of those hats that has the beer cans on the side and the straw? >> not quite. >> jimmy: they're just nice hats? we'll get you one. now i know what to get you for the holidays. mahershala ali is here. "leave the world behind" is in theaters now and we'll be right back. [ applause ] >> announcer: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" brought to you by target, join target circle by december 8th and enter for a chance to win $500 in target
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>> could i see your i.d.? >> amanda. >> it's a fair ask. you're's stranger showing up in the middle of the night. my kids are upstairs. >> of course, i understand. well, you're not going to believe this, but i left my wallet in my coat pocket, which i checked at the symphony and in the commotion i must have forgotten it there.
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>> you said you heard about the blackout while you were on your way home. >> jimmy: that is mahershala ali and julia roberts and ethan hawke. a pretty good group of actors right there. >> yeah. >> jimmy: this movie and i don't want to smile it so i'll ask you to explain it but i do know that it is one of the things that i feel like i can mention is there's a scenario that's maybe the scariest scenario imaginable as an american, as a human being, as a parent. it's a world without wi-fi. >> exactly, exactly. there's been a cyberattack, so essentially the film is about a family that goes on a vacation, they rent an airbnb and on their first day there in the middle of the night, two people show up, myself and my daughter and we say that, hey, we are the owners of this home and that there has been a cyberattack or blackout in new york city and so basically we're trying to get in
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the home and let them know we need to stay there and so chaos ensues. >> jimmy: yes, we don't know who is coming from what angle, what exactly is going on. what's happening in the world outside. >> exactly. >> jimmy: and at a certain point in the film awe enjulia roberts have a dance scene where you -- it's -- the two of you are alone, put on a record. >> in the middle of the world collapsing we dance. >> jimmy: an old-fashioned record and you're dancing. what is that song. >> it's called "too close" by next. >> jimmy: from the '90s. >> very much from the '90s. i think it is from 1998. ♪ baby when you're riding i get so excited ♪ then when you're dancing in a movie are you dancing as the character you're playing or dancing -- >> i'm dancing as the character, sam was directing me to dance in that corny manner, and so -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you did say corningy, right. >> yes, yes, and he was pushing
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me to dance cornier and that's when i set some boundaries and i was like, listen, i'm not going to lose my black heart for you. [ laughter and applause ] keep that about right there. you know, but, yes, dancing in character. >> jimmy: what about julia? she was dance income character? >> yes, i believe so. listen, i don't know how julia dances in her private life but, yes, we were both committed to being in character, and, yes. >> jimmy: is that fun to do something like that? >> it was nerve-racking. >> jimmy: really? >> the thing that made it fun was working with julia. >> jimmy: right. >> because she was nervous as well and everybody is looking at you and you got to do it 17 times and that song is playing over and over. >> jimmy: so it was really playing and you're listening to it. >> yes, yes, rehearse to it, everything. >> jimmy: and then you are -- i think you're a good dancer, right? your dad was like a professional dancer. >> yeah, he did broadway. >> jimmy: so that's got to be hard. like it would be like being a baseball player and you have to act like you can't hit.
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>> you got to strike out. >> jimmy: like it's got to somehow damage your soul in some way. >> yes, yes. yes. >> jimmy: your dad was on "soul train." >> he won "soul train" in 1976. they had a national dance contest, he won like $2,500 and a car and moved to new york. [ applause ] >> jimmy: right, right, i think i remember you telling me that story. wow, that's something else. julia roberts and ethan hawke. it's unbelievable. really is. >> amazing. >> jimmy: great to see you. the movie, it's a thriller, it's called "leave the world behind," it's in theaters now and it premieres on netflix on friday. the best dressed of not just in his high school but really probably anyplace you want to look. mahershala ali, everybody. we'll be right back with greta lee. [ applause ] [water spraying] this is ludicrous. ludicrous! alright, who called for ludacris? sorry, we meant this is ludicrous.
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[ applause ]
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♪ >> what's the worst job you've ever had? >> i'd probably say the video store that i worked at in labrador city. >> what was the worst part about working at the video store? >> well, older customers coming in to buy porn. [ laughter ] which is fine but it's, you know, you have to interact with these people so it got kind of weird. >> what's the grossest porn you ever saw an old person buy? >> one guy bought pocahont-ass. it was a pocahontas parody. liong from pain caused by migraine, nurtec odt may help. it's the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. treat and prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. relief is possible. talk to a doctor about nurtec odt.
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[ applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: welcome back. music from grupo frontera is on the way. our next guest is a talented actor you know from "the morning show." her new, highly-acclaimed movie "past lives" is on demand now. please welcome greta lee. [ applause ] >> jimmy: how are you doing? >> hi. >> jimmy: nice to have you here. i've seen owen "the morning show." you are a fan tass tick on that and have a mutual friend chef david chang and i understand of yours, as well. >> question, i was at his house and have young kids around the same age. dave does and we do too. i noticed he has like a very professional expensive-looking drum kit. and we were sort of like, what's
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that? >> jimmy: you meaning his son hugo has a drum kit, yes. >> i was in the playroom, and we were like interesting choice, what's that and dave says, oh, yeah, kinleyle gave me that. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> are you guys -- do you hate him? >> jimmy: no, i love him, however, i enjoy giving -- when my friends have young children. >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: i like to give those children drum sets. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: so that they think of me each day, sometimes at 5:00 in the morning. >> sure. >> jimmy: and i found that it creates a lot of hilarity mostly for me. >> yeah, exactly. i was, like -- you like pranks, right. >> jimmy: i love them, yes, i do. >> that's an extended long prank. >> jimmy: it is a longtime prank but one of these days one of these kids is going to be in the foo fighters and it's like, oh, thank you for that prank, kimmel. >> yeah. so i would like you to know that
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for me. >> jimmy: yes. >> no thank you. >> jimmy: no, you don't want them. well, what i would do is -- how old are your children? >> i have two boys, they are age 7 and 4. >> jimmy: i give it right to them so that you really would be cut out of the equation. [ laughter ] >> okay, okay. >> jimmy: one way or the other there's going to be some noise. either them playing the drums or you dragging them away. >> okay. >> jimmy: he also told me you were a wonderful person. he said very nice things and said you were one of the first people to work with him at momo fuko in new york. >> i was a host and server at -- >> jimmy: so you would be there at the front when people came in. >> yeah, i was basically -- >> jimmy: a popular -- >> a very popular restaurant and everyone was coming through and i was like the doorman. >> jimmy: you were and nobody is happy there. well, some people are happy but the people who are happy you see just for a moment then you send them right to their table. everyone else is standing around and waiting or you're telling
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them they can't get in? >> yeah, i'm having to tell them, like, i'm sorry, it's a four-hour wait. >> jimmy: famous people come in? >> everybody. >> jimmy: did you have any very bad experiences with any famous people? >> of course. >> jimmy: that you can share with us. >> of course, i did and i will never name them. >> jimmy: 0 oh really. [ laughter ] >> well, this is what is so crazy right now, jimmy. i am in all of these rooms because of the success of the movie, the love for this movie with all of the people that i used to wait on. >> jimmy: for real. >> for real and they don't know that, but i do. >> jimmy: wow and you don't ever tell them? >> no. >> jimmy: wow. [ applause ] and do you ever see one that you go, oh, yeah, this one wasn't good, this one didn't react well to the news they would have to wait in line. >> for hours? yes. >> jimmy: is it matt damon? >> his name rhymes with, yeah, that -- no. to be clear --
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>> jimmy: does it sound like fat demon? >> yeah, yeah, totally. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: by the way, congratulations on the movie and i'm sure you -- >> thank you. thanks. [ applause ] >> jimmy: this is getting what they call oscar buzz which must be very exciting for you. >> yes. it is crazy, yes. >> jimmy: does that embarrass you when i mention it? >> a little bit. i mean, i'm trying to be really cool about it. like, yeah, whatever. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> yeah, no, it's so wild and for -- it's been a long road for me, and it's been two decades of dealing with my dad asking me things like, so are you medium famous yet to get to this moment? >> jimmy: he really asked that. is he sincere or -- >> no, he really wants to know. >> jimmy: are you medium famous yet? >> yes, he's been asking me that repeatedly for several decades. he just wants to know what to
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know his friends. it is a very practical question for him. he wants to explain appropriately -- >> jimmy: does he not understand in that event if they know what you're doing then the answer is yes, you are medium famous? i mean, it's got to be -- it's kind of self-evident. >> you would think but what i'm doing right now is i'm bringing -- i'm starting to bring them to as many events as possible just to prove, you know, that it's real. >> jimmy: i see. >> that i am now finally medium famous. >> jimmy: what have you been bringing them to? >> i brought them -- yesterday we were at the elle women in hollywood event. i was so lucky to be honored and this ridiculous lineup of people like j. lo and jodie foster and me and -- [ laughter ] and i brought my parents. it's so crazy. [ applause ] but, yeah, and my parents, my parents met j. lo. >> jimmy: they met j. lo. did they know j. lo?
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were they familiar with her work? >> they knew j. lo, they were adamant about j. lo and jodie foster and they were so weird. [ laughter ] they were so weird. >> jimmy: what do you mean when you say they were weird? they were weird -- >> they were like, if there's a way to be simultaneously extremely nervous and aggressive at the same time. [ laughter ] like, it's just really, like, it's just disorienting and needing to tell them like, do you know greta lee? do you know her. >> jimmy: they say that? oh, yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you at any point regret bringing them? >> yes. [ applause ] >> jimmy: well, you will continue to bring them to these events. >> i think so. >> jimmy: in the hope that dad will then stop asking you this question. >> yeah, i think so. >> jimmy: well, maybe this will help being on. you can say, hey, look, i was on a show. >> yeah, he's going to watch. i think he's going to watch with all of his friends. >> jimmy: okay, good, good, all
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right. i know you speak korean in the movie. did you speak korean like throughout your whole life or when you were little or what? >> yeah, i did, but it was one of those things where growing up here in l.a., i had become much more westernized and it kind of -- when i got the job that was a real panic of mine of, like, can i actually speak korean? >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> because you lose a little bit of that as you just live life here. it's just an essence of being bilingual and bicultural. so that was a -- >> jimmy: were your parents satisfied with -- >> my korean? that's the other thing with my mom. it had been months and months of training and working with this incredible woman sharon. i don't know if you remember her at the oscars. >> jimmy: right. >> her genius is she can translate jokes in realtime.
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she's amazing. anyways, we were -- >> jimmy: hear that, guillermo? >> guillermo: yes, me too, yes. >> jimmy: needs a little help from me once in a while. >> oh, yeah, she's like the korean you. >> jimmy: we could open up a whole new market if he just paid attention for five seconds. >> guillermo: jimmy, i am. >> jimmy: you do a good job. so she helped you out -- is there she helped me out. but anyways, when the trailer came out for the movie and i send it to my parents, my mom asked me, she was like, well -- [ speaking non-english ] oh, interesting, it's korean. i had been telling her for like months what i was working on and like how vulnerable it is, like i was really -- a big part of my prep just like completely -- >> jimmy: i think what parents do, we don't listen to them for the first like 18 years of our lives and then they spend the next 40 not listening to us.
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>> okay. [ applause ] >> jimmy: well, congratulations on everything. i hope your parents behave themselves at all these events. >> i guess we'll see. >> jimmy: greta lee, everybody. "past lives" is on demand now. we'll be back with grupo frontera. [ applause ] how are you doing between practices? i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team.
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de'aaron we're going to take a quick look at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great. but not just for me. for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente.
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>> jimmy: thanks to greta lee and mahershala ali. our apologies "nightline" is next, but first, their album is called "el comienzo." here with the song "amor propio," grupo frontera! ♪ [ singing in spanish ] [ singing in spanish ]
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♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪ [ singing in spanish ]
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♪ ♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪ ♪ [ singing in spanish ] ♪ [ singing in spanish ]
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♪ [ singing in spanish ] [ applause ] tonight, we journey to one of the most remote places on the planet. our ashan singh goes inside groundbreaking research being done here on birds to solve a mystery. >> this is tinder. bird tinder. >> bird tinder. >> yeah, they're finding each other. they're doing their thing. >> byron: why what's happening on this


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