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tv   ABC7 News 600PM  ABC  December 7, 2023 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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>> building a better bay area moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc seven news. since the pandemic things have changed and do i want everyone at work all the time? >> yes, i do. >> san francisco's mayor wants everyone back in the office and she's not the only one. good evening. i'm ama daetz. and i'm dan ashley. >> thanks for joining us. part of building a better bay area includes supporting small businesses. and for those in san francisco, it seems like it's really been one thing after another since the pandemic. >> and tonight we focus on what the small business owners say is the only solution to the recovery of the downtown area. >> abc seven news reporter lyanne melendez is here with more on what they're saying. leanne. >> well, you know, there convinced that if people come back to the office five days a week, there would be a different downtown and it would help them tremendously because, you know, small businesses say for them this hybrid situation where people work from home on some days and come to work in person on other days, isn't cutting it. they claim that city hall hasn't
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done enough to push the private sector to come back and as we found out, the largest employer in this city still has a hybrid policy. this could well be the epicenter of san francisco's doom loop. folsom and second street, south of market. don't take it from me. ask jeff handy, owner of social 303 restaurant in the shadow of this once booming neighborhood, this building that i'm standing in front of used to have 4000 people in it. >> there's 400. so you're looking at businesses in san francisco who are suffering more than any other city in the country. >> he bringing those people back into the office, more than 2 to 3 days a week has been a challenge for the city, regardless of what the mayor has said in the past, who doesn't want to go meet with their coworkers after work and have a drink and let the traffic die down? apparently thousands of people who live or work in san francisco return to work policies were not as heavily endorsed in san francisco, so
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that hurt all of us. >> and it continues to the oasis grill next to the embarcadero center is a classic example since covid, they have not recovered and find that the private sector has little interest in supporting small businesses. >> he too, thinks the downtown recovery is achievable if people come back into the offices to bring at least 90% of the employees back because how do you do that? >> i don't know. this is maybe the mayor should do that. the government we asked a government official how the city plans to bring back the workforce more often than just a few days. >> we are exponentially impacted by the amount of tech and public service businesses that have chosen to remain remote. and so at the end of the day, the city hold on a minute. >> the city also has employees still working from home. >> they do have the ability to stay home two days a week. and again, that is the decision of
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the mayor. ultimately, the mayor did that change? i think we are in a place right now where we need to we can we can go to flex schedules. we can allow people to do not necessarily 9 to 5 in some areas, but absolutely, we need to be coming back five days a week next up, the mayor will you ask city employees to come back to work five days a week? >> so to be clear, most of our 34,000 city employees are back at work, most of them. but i think the you know, you see city hall is pretty much at capacity and other city buildings, many of the folks who are maybe not at work are a lot of our technical support. but it's more than i think the latest number. and maybe i should get the latest number to give it to you, but it's a really high percentage. city hall eventually got back to us to report that approximately three quarters of city staff is working in person full time. >> since the pandemic, things have changed and do i want
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everyone at work all the time? >> yes, i do. >> to make matters worse, for these small businesses, apec didn't deliver the kind of boom they anticipated for a number of reasons. first, there was the security zone imposed by the secret service. >> as apex started to step in, we anticipated a three day heavy closure with a little setup. it was much larger than expected as we can all know. it really became a ten day shutdown for the entire neighborhood. >> secondly, people were told to work from home to avoid the traffic jams and the protesters from fisherman's wharf to downtown to union square to japantown. >> there's no question it was quieter throughout the city. people did heed the warning. >> according to the yerba buena community benefit center, the average revenueor small businesses near moscone center was down by more than 64. now many of these affected businesses are hoping the city keeps its promise of compensating them for their losses. now a reminder that a
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resolution was passed to set aside $10 million in the event that there would be heavy losses . and we know now that that, in fact, happened. and, you know, what the city is telling me is that they are not forcing people to come back necessarily because they are afraid to lose them to the private sector and private sector is afraid of the same thing. >> right. they don't want to lose their employees. >> correct. >> all right. thank you, liane. all right. >> on to storm watch now. we'll start with the winter weather advisory and the snow in the sierra. it's a dark picture, but you can see the flurries. here's a live look at zephyr cove in south lake tahoe. today's storm brought rain to the bay area. check out the downpour we captured at tilden park in berkeley. really coming down for a while. and tomorrow we expect the weather to be dry. >> yes, the sheep out there will be happy i think. abc7 news, meteorology. sandhya patel is the forecast. sandhya yeah, absolutely. >> and dan and amaya, you're going to feel the chill in the air tomorrow morning, but right now i want to show you a live
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view from mount rose. can't get enough of this. it's looking more like winter and december from mount rose where the snow is coming down heavily right now. light snow being reported in truckee as we look at live doppler seven, the sierra has been seeing snow showers today. they're still under a winter weather advisory here in the bay area. we saw some showers come through here. now, very isolated in nature as we get you in a little bit closer, just east of san jose, in the hills around mount hamilton area, we are seeing a few drops. so let's go hour by hour behind this system, the skies are going to clear and as the skies clear, that cooler air mass comes in. we have a freeze warning going up at midnight, right. it runs until 9 a.m. for the north bay valleys. temperatures as low as 28 degrees. and that means frost and freeze will damage tender plants. so bring them inside or cover them. protect those pipes and pets as well. a freeze watch has been issued for saturday morning. same area as those temperatures will plunge. and i'll be back with a full look at
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your low temperatures for tomorrow morning and how long this cold weather is going to last. and the full look at the weekend forecast coming up. dan, ama, all right. >> we'll check back with you. thank you, sandhya. happening tonight, it is the first night of hanukkah and the first candle on the menorah in san francisco. union square is lit just about a half hour ago. this year's event is in memory of men's wearhouse founder george zimmer, a longtime bay area resident and abc7 news reporter suzanne fawn joins us live from union square. and suzanne, some say ceremonies will be subdued given the ongoing israel-hamas war. >> that's what they say and tonight, though, we still see a lot of families out here and a lot of security in the distance. you can hear the music, some clapping and of course, you see the menorahs being lit. now people are out here for the first night of hanukkah and with the war going on in gaza and more cases of anti-semitism across the united states, many people say the celebrations across san francisco will be very different this year. for many jews, hanukkah will carry a lot more weight this year. the
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eight night festival starts with lighting the first candle on a menorah. rabbi moshe langer is with chabad san francisco. >> lord knows there is sadness with all the massacre that happened on on october 7th. this year. it's something like that hasn't been seen since the holocaust against the jewish people this year. >> many will be thinking about the more than 1200 people in israel who were killed by hamas militants and the hundreds more taken captive. >> there's a lot of sadness and we're trying to heal in our community here at zahav. >> we are mourning so many losses and we're also in pain over what's going on here in our own communities in thinking a lot about the ways that anti-semitism, anti arab violence and racism all tied together. >> rabbi michael copeland says her congregation in the castro district will celebrate hanukkah a little differently this year. >> this year is a we're celebrating. it might be a little bit more subdued than in past years, and we like to go over the top, enjoy and dancing. and this year that doesn't feel
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quite right. we still need to bring in the joy, but but we're also really deep in sadness as well. >> state senator scott wiener recognizes the challenging times we face globally and in san francisco, given rising cases of anti-semitism and violence. >> as we've seen jewish businesses in san francisco and l.a. in in new york be targeted, which is straight up anti-semitism. it's really a scary time for the jewish community. we i know it's a scary time for our muslim and arab arab communities. >> local leaders say it's important to take this time and to remember the essence of the holiday. so it is a somber time. >> but hanukkah is a ultimately a story of resilience and being willing to fight to bring joy, to bring light. >> that's the whole idea of the holiday of hanukkah. every night we add another candle to increase in the light. >> and again, here's a closer look at the menorah. this is the
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48th year, this public menorah lighting has been held here in san francisco. and of course, we know that people will be returning tomorrow to light the next candle. we're live at union square, suzanne phan, abc seven news. >> suzanne, thank you so much. coming up next, testing the faith of the 40 niner faithful for some season ticket holders. >> the price is going to double next season on draftkings kept sending emails to the wrong player. >> he asked them to stop but need seven on your side to ...and multiple concussions, migraine attacks followed me home. it got so bad, that i curled up in a dark closet. that was the day i asked for nurtec. nurtec is the only medication that can treat and prevent my migraine attacks, all in one.
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clearing two tables of merchandise. it happened just before one employees yelled at the shoppers to get down for their own safety. no one was hurt, but the incident, of course, left customers shaken. >> the fact that two people i didn't see the second person, but somebody said there was a second person, two people can take down an entire store of customers and at least 20 employees were in there. it's broad daylight. 1245 this afternoon. it's crazy. >> police say the thieves drove off in a white suv heading toward i-80. so far, no arrests as abc seven news reviewed records showing at least five robberies at this store over the last four months. at and sticker shock for 40 niner fans. some season ticket holders learned the price of their seats will double. they spoke with abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey. >> the cost of being a 40 niners
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fan has just gone up. >> faithful baby always represent renting hundreds of season ticket holders are now faced with a reality of paying thousands of dollars more for season tickets or possibly lose the seats they've had for years. >> you know faithful toward the team and the team has nothing to do with this. right. it's really the management of the team that's that's failing us. we spoke with three fans and received emails from others who got word from the 40 niners membership service team that seats in sections 232 to 235 and 243 to 246 at levi stadium are now designated as preferred seats. >> and with that comes a price hike that shocked them all. brian hate is a 20 year season ticket holder. last year went to 4500 for this is for the two tickets and then 9300 for next year for the two tickets. 50 year family season ticket holder elizabeth lent sits in section 252. we pay approximately $4,000 a year for our ticket, and next year it'll be closer to 9 or 10,000. raymond reynolds in section 233 has had family
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season tickets since kezar stadium. and as prices went from 9000 for four seats to 20,000 in 2024. but they're not moving our seats. >> you know, the people that sit in the sub seats that they pay $20,000 to sit there and they're on the 30, 40, 50 yard line. and we're in the end zone. so it's like all right, what am i getting a levi's stadium spokesperson told us the ticket holders are getting additional benefits, including access to an indoor club space and these benefits are reflected in the price increase. >> the spokesperson also told us that the organization is in communication with the season ticket holders, although the fans we spoke with say they have gotten little response as of now , if the fans refuse to pay the increased prices, they'll lose their tickets. but just like they are faithful to the team, they remain faithful. a resolution is possible. >> i have faith that the 40 niners are going to try to make this right. >> and maybe i'm foolish. you know? i know it's a corporation, but you just can't believe you season ticket holders for 40 years. and this is how it ends at levi's stadium.
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>> dustin dorsey, abc7 news. >> now to our ongoing work to build a better bay area. we've been covering the ban on street vending along san francisco's mission street. it's part of the city's effort to tackle the stolen goods market, but permitted vendors are also being affected. so today city officials unveiled a plan to offer financial help to those who need it. abc seven news reporter luz pena has the details. tensions continue to flare in san francisco's mission district as primitive street vendors hold a private meeting with supervisor hillary ronen urging her to end the 90 day street ban. >> everyone after that, including myself, angry, disappointed because she she don't listen to us. she don't pay attention to us. she just came here and say, this is what i want. >> after two weeks of the ban, the city announced a financial support package for vendors. but many say they just want to go back to the streets. >> $1,000. that's nothing for us. $1,000. that's money. that doesn't mean anything for us, because with $1,000, we can go
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stars.and dollars. we can make it if it's along the street in one week, easily. >> podemos supporter. >> we can support ourselves. thursday, mayor breed said the city's one time payout was in response to the challenges vendors are facing as city inspectors and law enforcement tackle unpermitted street vendors selling stolen items on mission street. >> we don't want them to be penalized financially because of all the other stuff that's going on. >> san francisco's office of economic and workforce development is also launching a marketing campaign to help promote the two locations the city rented for vendors to sell indoors. >> so we're really launching the campaign today. we've been working with community partners. we have a website, we even have profiles of the vendors on some of them their in their products. >> vendors have categorized those two locations as 2137 mission street and a large tent on lilac alley as dead zones. career veinticuatro runs the tent. >> it's still affecting the
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people that were following the rules, were paying taxes that have a legit business. >> santiago lerma with supervisor bonin's office, said the ban is working and will continue despite the challenges the street has been clear. >> the amount of drug users on the street has really diminished. >> it's so clean now, why not let them go back? is what many of them are saying. well while the issue is that we have a lot of folks that are just waiting for us to turn our back. vendors say they feel like collateral damage in a fight to end illicit activity, despite them having permits all along. >> the plan is yes to escalate, but for us, the mission street and mission district, that's our place. we don't want to be anywhere else. we want to be here in san francisco. >> luz pena abc seven news. >> all right, let's get a check on our weather. we got some more rain today. we were expecting it. >> we do. and it's snowing in the sierra. meteorologist sandhya patel is here. sandhya
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yeah, and it is just nice to see ama and dan. >> let's take a look at your evening forecast in case you want to step out and go run some errands. or perhaps you are going to do some holiday shopping. 7:00 tonight, 50 degrees inland, light winds by 9 p.m. we're talking about those clouds moving out. the stars are in. look at those temperatures going from the mid 40s to the low 40s calm conditions around the bay. those clouds around at 7:00 pm. temperatures in the low 50s, but they'll be dropping off in the upper to mid 40s by the time 11 p.m. rolls around and for the coast, we are looking at basically the clouds now heading from 50 degrees to the mid 40s by 11 p.m. so it's going to be jacket weather tomorrow morning. right now on live doppler seven, all is quiet. we do have a lot of cloud cover and isolated shower or two can't be ruled out for the southern part of our viewing area. colder air mass behind the system that came through today and brought us those showers. and that's why we're going to notice those temperatures really dropping tonight. the sierra has been
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seeing the snow showers today. they are still dealing with a winter weather advisory until 10 p.m. tonight, 2 to 6in of additional snow, up to ten inches above 6000ft. the snow level right now, 4500ft. so it's below lake level. and with those gusty winds, obviously, it's not a good idea to just head up there without chains. so if you're going take them, travel may be difficult. let's take a look at the 24 hour snow totals. this is nice to see. 15in palisades, tahoe foot at sugar bowl, sierra at tahoe, a little bit less than that at soda springs, 11in there. and kirkwood picking up nine kingvale, seven inches of snow right now from our sutro tower camera, san francisco looking good, 53 degrees here, 52 in oakland. it is breezy out there, 57 in san jose and san mateo is at 54 degrees. a live view right now from our oakland airport. camera and even though the showers have ended the runway is still a little wet. 45 in petaluma, 50 in santa rosa, low 50s, concord, fairfield, livermore. here's a look at what you can expect. well, we just saw that right now. so let's just move it along here and
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we'll take a look at what you can expect here are the headlines tonight. we're looking at those clouds lingering. they'll be clearing. so the headlines for the next few days. cold and frosty in the morning with a freeze warning going up for the north bay and the weekend outlook calling for a chilly morning. dry days both saturday and sunday. so in case you want to get outside, perhaps go out and get a tree, it should be nice looking weather certainly tonight is clearing trend tomorrow morning may see a few high clouds and some patchy fog around. certainly out towards the central valley. but we may see some fog here locally in our valleys as well, with the skies clearing, those temperatures are really going to plunge. so we go hour by hour here by 10:00. we're already in the low 40s and our colder spots heading into tomorrow morning. notice down to 30 degrees in santa rosa. it's going to be chilly. there will be some frost around down to freezing even at 8 a.m. in some of our valleys there. so tomorrow morning, here's where they bought him out. subfreezing santa rosa lakeport getting down to 36 in
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livermore 39. san jose low to mid 40s from oakland to san francisco for your afternoon highs in the low 50s to low 60s. plenty of sun, but because it is going to still be a cooler air mass, you're probably no going to notice that it's a little chilly for this time of year. accuweather seven day forecast tomorrow morning. watch out you may be scraping the ice off your windshield if you park outside there will be frost. so give yourself that time. bundle up before you head out the door and then enjoy the sunshine. you'll need those shades cold and frosty. saturday morning we're going to go with a dry weekend. a little warmer next week, mid and upper 60s showing up, so it should be nice. yeah. ama and dan. >> thanks andy and don't forget you can get cozy anytime with the yule log, but as we mentioned, never don't burn your fingers. >> we are streaming it 24 over seven. find it on abc7 or put it on your big screen with the abc7 bay area streaming tv app. look, but don't touch. >> yes on national program to help people with their finances. now has a permanent office in oakland tonight. you're going to
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hear what a huge difference it's but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga. like straight lines that seem wavy, blurry, or missing visual spots that make it hard to see faces like this one, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you've been diagnosed with amd and notice vision changes, don't wait. ga is irreversible. it's important to catch it early. talk to your eye doctor about ga and learn more at loving this pay bump in our allowance. talk to your eye doctor about ga wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune? maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck?
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. they are all tax related at three felonies and six misdemeanors. the 56 page indictment alleges hunter biden spent years not paying the taxes he owed, including by filing false tax returns or failing to
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file. prosecutors claim he, quote, spent millions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle rather than paying his tax bills. the white house is not commenting on the new charges in a separate matter. hunter biden also faces felony gun charges, to which he has pleaded not guilty. >> a national nonprofit is stepping up its efforts to help those in the east bay who don't have checking or savings accounts. people known as the unbanked. today, operation hope opened an office inside a wells fargo branch in oakland. the organization program called hope inside offers customized programs to teach people about personal finance as they work one on one with a person such as myself. >> we try to provide a budget. we look at their long term goals and objectives. >> of his 300 clients since april of last year, 45% reduced their debt, 47% increased their savings, and 57% increase their credit score. operation hope's services are free. >> that is nice. all right. how can we solve homelessness in san
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francisco? we took that question straight to city leaders. their answers ahead. >> and next. look, ma, no pilot. see how a local company made that happen? stay with us
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closely. it's what you're not seeing in this video that makes the story. where's the pilot? >> a historic flight was made right here in the bay area with tech created by a local company. >> abc7 news south bay reporter zach fuentes has more on how this fascinating technology could really shape the future. >> yeah, we're in flight now. >> commercial pilot and engineer dan atta-mills passion for aviation runs deep. >> i grew up next to a small airfield in southern california and i used to watch the small cessna 172 come in and land. and i thought you know, why not? when i was picking a career growing up, tommy-lee might not have imagined that she'd be operating a plane in this way. >> but late last month, she was part of history operating this cessna 208 caravan with not one human being on board doing all of her work from this control
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center in mountain view, 50 miles away from the plane. we operated out of hollister municipal airport and basically the taxi, the takeoff, the cruise, the landing, all of that was over a scale of about 12 minutes for the uncrewed portion . reliable robotics is the company behind the autonomous flight system, though they've flown a smaller plane without a pilot on board in 2019, they say this flight was the first time a cargo plane of this size was operate remotely by a private company. the system like ours will go a long way to save lives and prevent accidents. ceo robert rose says their technology will improve aviation safety in order to move the pilot out of the plane and into a control center, you need to have a more advanced navigation system. >> you need to be able to automatically land, you need to be able to automatically take off and auto taxi and many accidents on small aircraft today are due to issues during those phases of flight. >> and though rose says he sees the system rolled out more broadly for cargo first, the hope is that it could one day transition to passenger aircraft, something he said
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could facilitate better travel between smaller airports. >> and instead of needing to fly out of san francisco, oakland, san jose, we could take a flight out of palo alto or reid-hillview or san carlos with pilots like tom delay's expertise still needed to operate the system, rose said he sees it adding jobs. >> i think we're going to have factor ten, factor 100 more aircraft as we move into the next decade. >> so i see this as a growth opportunity for aviation. >> the technology still has to be certified by the faa, something rose says they're well on their way to doing in mountain view. zach fuentes, abc seven news, just fascinating. >> the east bay man accused of trying to shut off the engines of a plane traveling from washington state to san francisco is now out of custody. joseph emerson left the county jail in portland today after posting $50,000 bond. his release comes after a grand jury indicted the former pilot on 83 counts of recklessly endangering another person. but did not file attempted murder charges. the 44 year old claims he suffered a panic attack and was in a dream like state during the october
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incident, two days after he ingested magic mushrooms. some dramatic new video is coming in after the campus shooting at the university of nevada, las vegas police today released surveillance footage from the moment an officer took down that suspect. and let me warn you here, the video may be difficult to watch for some people. you can see the suspect in a long black trench coat follow a plainclothes officer around a patrol car. that officer stumbles, gets up and then opens fire. as you see, we've frozen the video at the moment. he killed the suspect. the officer was not seriously hurt. two of three victims have been identified, a fourth who was shot but survived, was downgraded today to life threatening condition. police have identified the gunman as 67 year old anthony polito. investigators say he was a longtime professor who was rejected for a job at unlv's business school before the shooting. polito reportedly mailed 22 letters to other university personnel around the united states. at least one
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contained a white powder. preliminary tests indicate it's talcum powder. the other envelopes will have to be tested as well, of course, but police are now working to intercept those letters. >> it's one of san francisco's most challenging and complex issues solving the homelessness problem that has stuck with the city for years. but during our abc7 take action, san francisco live event, city leaders promised us they see things changing by taking a more forceful approach. tonight, abc seven news reporter luz pena is looking at what the city is doing to solve the problem and what's standing in the way. >> there are nearly 8000 homeless individuals in san francisco, according to the latest count, and the city spends 5% of its $14 billion budget tackling homelessness when questioning the top three city leaders on this crisis, the audience pointed out many of those living on the streets seemingly disappeared during apec and dreamforce and the audience wanted to know why and how it was done so quickly.
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>> we we've made significant progress. and the fact is, it wasn't because of apec. we made progress because we got clarity on a court decision in mayor breed blamed part of the homeless crisis on the ninth circuit court decision that prevented the city from moving people who declined shelter. >> we were not able to move people the way that we're able to move people now. the court decision came after a lawsuit was brought forth by the coalition on homelessness. the executive director for the coalition was sitting in the front row when the mayor pointed out the legal challenge. >> swease have groups that are suing the city for the things that we are and aren't doing. did you notice that she looked at you when she talked about suing the city? >> i did notice that, yeah. and you know, the lawsuit suit is a way for us to push the city to have more shelter. guess what? they added more shelter beds since we filed this lawsuit. >> according to the mayor, the city offered 300 people housing and shelter in the month of november. only 100 accepted the
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executive director for code tenderloin pushed back on why many tell her they decline shelter. >> people are turning down shelter because it's not a safe place for them. we have to come with out-of-the-box solutions. >> a recent san francisco report found 54% of people experiencing homelessness declined. >> shelter district attorney jenkins, is there anything legal that can be done? so i think the recourse is obviously outside of the criminal justice system. >> but is it? it is. i mean, the criminal justice system is just say no, i'm camping here. >> well, no, they have to be made to be uncomfortable is the truth of the matter. >> we cannot make it comfortable for them to pitch a tent on our sidewalks and stay. >> abc seven take action. san francisco also brought opposing views face to face after the town hall, we noticed chief scott and the executive director for the coalition on homelessness talking. we asked about it the end of the day, you know, they asked not just for jennifer and me, but i think for
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everybody is we have to work together on these things. >> we're not going to always agree after one hour of tough questions for san francisco's top leaders, there was consensus . >> what we need more of is more of this. we need to have more sessions and more working groups where people can come together. >> in san francisco, luz pena, abc seven news. >> now, if you missed the town hall, there are still ways to watch the take action event. is now available on the abc7 news bay area streaming app. find it wherever you stream and the full conversation will air on tv this saturday at 9 p.m. and then sunday at 6 p.m. >> still to come here, how a muddy seafloor could be a clear winner when it comes to fighting climate change. >> imagine an online sportsbook starts emailing you multiple times a day and refuses to stop. if that happened to one bay area man i'm michael finney and i'll have his story next. on seven on
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sudden this guy is getting emails every day from draftkings . some of the emails contain financial information. he contacts a company to say something is wrong and the
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response he's the problem. and emails keep pouring in. tim he never signed up with the online sportsbook. draftkings and yet account emails started arriving in his mailbox one after another. well it started off because i got a quote unquote confirmation of an account i had set up over the weekend a while back. >> and, you know, we all get that much spam. so i just ignored it and actually deleted it. and then it kept coming and i got notified some money deposited to the account. that's not right. >> tim wanted the emails to shop and to make sure his information wasn't compromised. so i reached out to the support team and said, hey, you got a problem here? >> you know, i don't know if it's a mistake or fraud or what, but this isn't me and we have a problem. um, to which they decided to be stupid, to be quite frank. tim says eventually draftkings told him it would investigate, but the emails kept coming. so i reached out to him again and they say, well, you
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refuse to provide your pii. so we closed the case. >> pii is personal. identifying information, birth date address, social security number, stuff like that. he refused, then told seven on your side about his problem and we made contact draftkings wrote us the person who filed the complaint was seven on your side should no longer be receiving emailfrom draftkings. not exactly dripping with information. so we made contact again and draft kings was more forthcoming, telling seven on your side that it did not have any of tim's personal information and had corrected the email. >> it's been quiet enough. we can assume it's done. and thank you. thank you and your team for helping. >> now, if you need seven on your side's help, let me know about it by filing a complaint online at abc seven on your side. >> what a story. yeah. all right. thank you, michael. >> all right. >> expect some chilly mornings in the days ahead. sandia shows you the temperatures in her seven day forecast. stay with us
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fact, abc's seven news meteorologist drew tuma discover how it works and what it may take to protect it. watch >> watching a majestic parade of whales migrate by or discovering the stunning array of marine creatures thriving beneath the surface. it's easy to understand the urgency of protecting our bay area coastline, but now researchers believe there is another powerful reason one that could be critical in the fight against climate change. >> so i think what's most significant about the sea floor is that it is the final resting place of carbon. it's kind of the ultimate carbon reservoir on the planet. >> sarah hutto is climate change coordinator with the greater farallones association. she's also part of a research team. dr. mounting what they call carbon hotspot. it's often muddy stretches of ocean floor where huge amounts of carbon settle, preventing it from being released into the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas. much of the
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work was done at the greater farallones cordell bank national marine sanctuaries. >> so this study is just one piece of that to say, hey, the sea floor holds a lot of carbon. it's constantly accumulating carbon and a piece of our climate strategy to be should be to ensure that that can keep taking place. first. >> it helps to understand that even muddy areas of the seabed are teeming with life. that marine life is also a source of the organic material or ocean carbon that ultimately settles on the seabed. and researchers argue that managing those sections of sea floor correctly could help that natural carbon sequestered. so that's certainly a conversation for decision makers. coauthor doug george is an ocean scientist with noaa, the national oceanic and atmospheric administration. he acknowledges that coastal areas are also attractive for industries like offshore wind farms, ocean wave power, oil drilling and offshore mining,
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and that governments may need to work to strike a healthy balance. >> anything that is disturbing the seafloor is going to move that sediment potentially back up into the water. >> the team is working to create a kind of blueprint to help countries around the world to identify carbon hotspots along their own coastlines and perhaps begin the process of better protecting them so that they can better understand how their decisions for the coastline and for the sea floor can be informed by where these carbon hotspots are. >> a new focus on a powerful natural solution in the age of climate change. >> drew tuma, abc7 news. >> now the noah research team is presenting its carbon findings at the united nations climate conference going on in dubai. >> all right, well, let's get one last check on our weather because we had some more rain today. >> we sure did. meteorology sandhya patel. back with the forecast, sandy. >> yeah. and dan, and let's talk about the rain and how much fell
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over the last 48 hours. how about 1.20 in kentfield? that was the highest total. 7000/100 in napa. 7/100 in san jose. you will notice 2000/900 in san francisco, oakland, 1300s. same thing for brentwood. a quarter of an inch there in concord. now we're going to be dealing with the freeze warning for the north bay valleys. midnight tonight until 9 a.m. tomorrow. temperatures dropping down to about 28 degrees for the coldest spots. and that means any tender plants will get damaged. same area going under a freeze watch saturday morning. so protect your plants, pipes and pets. tomorrow morning. temperatures, as you will notice here in the bay area, anywhere from the low 30s to the mid 40s. but some of the wind sheltered valleys in the north bay will get down to about 28 degrees. we're looking at live doppler seven and all is quiet now as we go hour by hour. the leftover clouds that are with us right now will be moving on out of here as we head towards tomorrow. so, yeah, it's going to be a chilly one tomorrow afternoon, though. a nice sunny day. temperatures in the 50s and the 60s. here's your
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accuweather seven day forecast. cold three mornings ahead but the days will be nice and bright . temperatures will be either below or about average. and then next week we're going to bump those numbers up above average, not only in the mornings will be milder, but we'll certainly have milder weather in the afternoons as well, considering it's december. i mean, it's going to be nice. >> yeah, we'll take mild. >> yes. danionella >> thanks, sandhya. >> all right. and dry for the niners on sunday. >> yeah, i was thinking of about 65,000 people going. it's not going to rain on sunday. willits? >> no, 40 niners of. >> well, thank you, sandy. i have won four in a row. they've got a potential trap game on sunday. traffic and weather together on seven's hosting a desperate seattle squad that knows them very well. brock purdy on the niners mindset next
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her hopes of earning the one seed in the nfc while the seahawks are just reeling at this point. they've lost three in a row. one of those losses coming at the hands of the niners two weeks ago. they meet again sunday at levi's and brock purdy continues to orchestrate kyle shanahan's offense like a maestro throwing for 314 yards and four touchdowns in a win over the eagles moving the niners to within a game of philly. this is a classic letdown game for the niners against seattle. they know a desperate division rival like the seahawks can be really dangerous as it's always a challenge when we play them every single time. >> it's not like, oh, we've beaten them, so we're just going
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to walk in this game. it's not like that, man. it's the nfl. they're a team right now who needs to win, and so do we. and it's going to be a dogfight like it always is. you don't have to overcomplicate things too much, which i guess when you don't overcomplicate things, it makes it easier. >> but it's not as an either of us are easy to go against. we just i know what we're going to get from them and i think they know what they're going to get from us, and that's why it's going to be a battle. steph curry saved the warriors again last night with a three in the final seconds that allowed the dubs to beat the blazers. >> curry at 31 points as the warriors overcame yet another poor shooting night from klay thompson, andrew wiggins and others. now jonathan kuminga didn't play at all in the first half, but he was so good in the second half that he played 17 straight minutes, scoring 13 points. he provided a much needed spark and some energy. steve kerr has admitted he needs to look at changing his starting lineup, mixing it up because the rotation right now just is not working. look at kuminga top of the square. throwing it down. that could mean more minutes for kuminga. >> i think jc showed a great
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deal of professionalism, you know, and not playing early and coming in, and he changed the whole game. >> every night's going to be different with this team. that's what i'm finding out. so everybody's just got to stay ready and i'm really proud of jc that he did that and he was really the reason we won. >> bucks pacers nba in-season tournament semis in vegas the commissioner adam silver and disney president bob iger there disney the parent company of abc seven oakland's own damian lillard helping the bucks come back from a 12 point halftime deficit. dame had 16 in the third, finished with 24 points. milwaukee was up one with eight minutes to go. lillard misses the layup here. tyrese haliburton ooping to my man obi toppin pacers back up 114 points for toppin and haliburton with a dagger three then you got to look what he does here. damian lillard that's the. what time is it gesture yeah haliburton with 27 pacers win 128 119 will face the lakers pelicans victor in the final tournament game saturday night here on abc seven. bay area native devin haney will put his perfect
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record on the line saturday night at chase center. he's on the left here. haney moving up to 140 pounds to fight wbc super lightweight champion regis progress. the fighters held a news conference today. again, this fight is at chase center saturday, complete with the usual jawing up close. i'm going to punch him in the face or words to that effect, basically. and we'll see what happens on saturday. and the sharks minutes ago, an incredible comeback, overtime win. they were down four. nothing in detroit. they win six, five and zero two. we'll show you that at 11. yeah, yeah, yeah. the sharks starting to put it together a little bit. yeah. yeah. >> fun to see kuminga come into his own a little bit more. >> your old neighbor? yeah. >> yes. you rented a house? yes yeah. >> did he rent? rent a place from you or he moved away. >> oh, dang. no thanks, larry. >> the side of the neighborhood wasn't all. >> that's not his standard. yeah. no. yeah >> or you weren't his standard. yeah i didn't want to say that. >> i suspect that had something.
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they were all thinking it, though. >> darn scared him off. all right. coming up tonight on abc seven at eight, it is three hours of bachelor in paradise. saddle up then. stay with us for abc seven news at 11. do remember that abc's seven news is streaming 24/7 get the abc seven bay area app so you can join us whenever you want wherever you are. that's going to do it for this edition of abc seven news. thanks for joining us. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel larry biel come back jonathan we miss have a great evening we'll see you tonight. you have rooms for rent dan yeah come on over. yeah we'll see you later.
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a deputy public defender originally from lafayette, louisiana... and a writer originally from tavistock, ontario, canada... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"-- ken jennings. [applause] thank you, johnny. welcome back to the quarterfinals of this round of "jeopardy!" champions wildcard. at this point, only three spots remain in the semifinals, and one of them is going to go to scott, yungsheng, or robin in just under a half an hour's time. welcome back, champs. good luck. let's show you and the home audience what categories await you in the jeopardy! round. first up... then we have... these responses will begin with the letter "t." then we have... and finally... all responses will be words


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