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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  December 7, 2023 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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all right. thank you so much for watching tonight. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel. reveal all of us. we appreciate your time as always right now on jimmy kimmel , adam levine. >> have a great night, everyone. previously on "jimmy kimmel live" -- >> i am literally freaking out right now. i have no idea how this possum got in my house and up into my
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tree. and i'm trying to get him out, but it will not let me, and i just don't know what to do. i don't know how it got in here. i don't leave my doors open. somebody help. >> lou: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- adam levine, halle bailey, and music from atarashii gakko! with cleto and the cletones. and now -- jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome, welcome. thank you very much. how are you doing? ♪ hi. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for joining us at our headquarters here in sunny los angeles, california where tomorrow night the president will be in town. president biden will be here slowing down traffic and panhandling off some of our
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biggest stars including barbra streisand and steven spielberg at a fund-raising event. you know, last time trump had a fund-raiser here, i don't know if you remember this, it was just him and jon voigt at buffalo wild wings. [ laughter ] expensive. $25,000 will get you a photo op with joe. and for $50,000 you get the unique experience of teaching the president of the united states how to take a selfie. [ laughter ] did you watch the not-so-highly anticipated republican debate last night? of course you didn't. no one watched it. it was the lowest-rated debate so far. trump was again the elephant not in the room. he didn't show. which i guess left us with nikki haley as the star of the thing. >> we really do need to ban tiktok once and for all. and let me tell you why. for every 30 minutes that someone watches tiktok every day, they become 17% more antisemitic, more pro hamas based on doing that.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's true. that's what happened to kanye. [ laughter ] he watched tiktok for a week he turned into hip-hop hitler. it's crazy. nikki haley was wildly misrepresenting a study of tiktok. but she was shot out of a cannon last night. fresh off an endorsement from the powerful koch brothers. she was all hopped up on koch last night. but the winner of the dangerously detached from reality award went to vivek ramaswamy who rattled off a litany of ludicrous conspiracy theories in his ongoing effort to win over the doefivorced timeshare salesman with an adderall addiction vote. he got so out of hand lambasting nikki haley christie had to step in. >> this is a smart accomplished woman. you should stop insulting her. [ cheers and applause ] >> chris, your version of foreign policy experience was closing a bridge from new jersey to new york. so do everybody a favor, just walk yourself off that stage, enjoy a nice meal and get the hell out of this place. when it comes to nikki i think if you're going to send your
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sons and daughters -- >> while you weren't voting -- while you weren't voting -- >> excuse me, chris. i'm speaking and i'm not done yet. >> jimmy: what a charming and likable man, huh? asleep in bed full of bedbugs is what he is. after the cheap shot at governor christie telling him to go enjoy a meal. he did. christie made a nice little meal out of vivek ramaswamy. >> you do this at every debate. no, don't interrupt me. i didn't interrupt you. okay? you say -- you do this at every debate. you go out on the stump and you say something. all of us see it on video. we confront you on the debate stage. you say you didn't say it. and then you back away. and i want to -- i'm not done yet! this is the fourth debate. the fourth debate that you would be voted in the first 20 minutes as the most obnoxious blowhard in america. so hshut up for a little while. >> jimmy: and then christie tore his arms off chewbacca style. [ laughter ] a couple months ago i'd never even heard of vivek ramaswamy.
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and i'm hoping we can go back to that. [ laughter ] but in the meantime i was trying to figure out who he reminds me of and i think i finally got it. it's count chocula. [ laughter ] he is like the breakfast cereal -- when i say -- i should clarify, he's not an actual vampire. but he does suck. for sure. [ laughter ] and then we have ron desantis who was supposed to be the big challenger to trump. somewhere along the line he turned into the kid who never gets invited to the birthday party. he's just weird. you know, a lot of these far right lunatics have this idea that the democratic party is run by lizard people. have you ever heard that? and it always sounded insane to me. until -- >> when i'm president, this will never happen to our country ever again. >> thank you, governor desantis. >> i will keep the faith and i will -- thank you and god bless you. >> thank you -- >> i don't think men should be going into little girls' bathrooms. i think it's wrong. >> i think it's very important for the country we get that done. >> they can't hear you.
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>> buckle your seat belts. there's going to be a new sheriff in town. >> thank you. >> jimmy: that's how he smells things. and not only -- look at this. not only does he have the little tongue going. look at this, how he stands. who stands with their palms facing backwards? [ laughter ] that's right. a lizard. he's a lizard. meanwhile, fraudsilla was back in court today. there he is. >> donald trump's face is brought to you by -- benjamin moore. color number 1286, burnt umber. apply with a roller. it has an autumn rustic hue, perfect for a family room, trial or rally. >> jimmy: sorry, we've been looking for sponsorships and that's what happened. anyway, trump was in court with his son eric. i guess he couldn't find a sitter, so he brought him. [ laughter ] eric was there next to his dad. not next to his dad. actually, eric was 20 feet behind his father next to sad orville redenbacher. [ laughter ] trump knows that he needs to win this election to pardon himself. and if he does we're getting new
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details on who might be there to help him out. according to axios, melania wants tucker carlson to be vice president. and she wants anyone but her to be first lady. [ laughter ] last time, you know -- last time trump was president they had a few reasonable people like john kelly and jim mattis in there to push back against his most destructive ideas. this time around the reports are that trump's cabinet will be all loyalists, no restraints. which is just -- the man who cheated on every wife wants loyalists by his side. [ laughter ] without restraints. if trump wins we're basically a year and a half away from swearing in supreme court justice kid rock, folks. [ laughter ] and then we have disgraced former congressman george santos who has a new gig, making videos on cameo for $400 a pop. which is a dilemma because on one hand you hate to give money to a guy like george santos. but on the other, pretty good chance he has your credit card information already. [ laughter ] whatever the case, i couldn't resist. so i sent george through cameo a
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number of different ridiculous requests. like you could tell him what you want him to say. i'll be parcelling these out over the next week. i didn't say they're from me. i just wrote them and sent them to find out will santos say it? okay? [ cheers and applause ] all right. so this is the request. the request was george, please congratulate my friend gary fortuna for winning the clearwater, florida beef-eating contest. he ate almost six pounds of loose ground beef in under 30 minutes, which was a new record. not feeling great right now. doctor thinks he'll be released from the hospital soon. please wish him a speedy recovery. all right. will santos say it? [ audience responds ] let's find out. >> hey, gary fortuna. george santos here. i just wanted to stop by to congratulate you for winning the clearwater, florida beef-eating contest. eating six pounds of loose ground beef in under 30 minutes is a all-time new record, which is amazing and impressive.
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congratulations for the win. i know you're feeling a little under the weather. but i hear from a great source that the doctor said that you'll be released from the hospital soon and recover well. look, have a speedy recovery and then enjoy the festivities of the end of the year. bye! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: pretty good. five stars. you want to try another one? "george, please congratulate my mom brenda on the successful cloning of her beloved schnauzer adolf. she and doctor haunschnaffer went through a lot of dogs in the trial runs, but they finally got it to stick. tell her to give adolf a big belly rub for me!" will santos say it? [ audience responds ] >> hey, brenda. i wanted to congratulate you on successfully cloning your beloved schnauzer adolf. i know it was a lot of trials and tribulations, but you finally did it. now you get to enjoy adolf and be happy. so give him a belly rub for me.
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mwah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: mwah to you too! you want one more? my name is ron. please tell my wife to call me george. not george, my name is ron. you are george. just tell her to call me george. but again, ron. i haven't seen swoosie or the kids since my disco birthday and it's not fair. she says i burned down the shed shooting off fireworks but i was trying to scare a bear away. it isn't fair. i love my swoosie and i just want our family together on christmas or if not that, valentimes day or flag. watch out for bears." all right. will george santos say that? [ audience responds ] >> hey, ron's wife. ron wants you to call him george. but then again not george because his name's ron. i'm george. anyway, just call him george. but again, not really. just call him ron. i'm george. he's not george.
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he's ron. you haven't -- he hasn't seen you, swooshie, or the kids since his disco birthday and it's not fair. you keep accusing him of burning down the shed shooting off fireworks. but he was trying to scare off a bear to protect you. this isn't fair. he loves his swooshie and he just wants his family to be together on christmas. and if not on valentine's day or flag day. just watch out for bears, swooshie. bye. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, it's swoosie, but pretty good. thank you, george. i ordered about a dozen more of these. so join us all next week for the rest of them. [ cheers ] i also want to wish a happy first night of hanukkah to those in the jewish community who celebrate hanukkah. [ cheers and applause ] and george santos, who claims to be jewishish. and the first night of hanukkah is a special time for jewish families all around the world. it's the night on which -- what?
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whoa, what is this? >> jew.p.s! we have a special delivery for james kimmel. >> jimmy: oh, that's me. is this it? okay. thanks. how are you doing? >> good. sign here. >> jimmy: okay. there you go. "congratulations on 10 wonderful years together." oh. that's nice. it doesn't say who it's from, though. guys? do you know who this is from? >> from me! happy hanukkah! happy hanukkah to everybody. >> jimmy: no, no. come on now. >> i am the chanucorn, the chanukah unicorn here to spread cheer at this special time of year again. >> jimmy: gary we are not doing this again. >> i'm not gary, i'm the chanucorn! >> jimmy: i'm sorry. this is one of our writers gary. he came up with this chanucorn
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character every year. [ cheers and applause ] don't encourage him. every year for the past ten years he barges in and interrupts the show with the horn on his head and the thing. for no reason at all. >> ah, this year there is a reason. i am here to show everybody my brand new commercial! [ cheers ] >> jimmy: you have a commercial? >> i do have a commercial. >> jimmy: for what? >> it's only the hottest holiday gift of the year. may i share it with the mi mishpuchah? >> jimmy: no. advertisers pay us a lot of money -- why would i play the commercial for free? >> because if you play my commercial i'll leave. >> jimmy: okay, play the commercial. ♪ barbie's got a new friend ♪ >> shalom. >> sha-what? >> shalom. >> who are you? >> i'm your new besty. >> you're not ken. >> no, i'm chanu-ken.
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>> it's chanu-ken the chanucorn. and he's here to represent. ♪ he's ai orthodontist ♪ ♪ and lactose intolerant ♪ >> nice shmate, by the way. i love that color on you. >> what's chanucan? >> you'd understand if you were jewish. >> i am jewish. >> just play, it's fun. ♪ ♪ he often wears a shawl ♪ ♪ he does barbie's taxes and he loves a matzo ball ♪ >> i'm shvitsing like a kishka. oops. sauerkraut. >> hanukkah comes complete with tums, neosporin, mucinex, gas-x, vick's vapor rub, an inhaler, another inhaler, thick prescription glasses and
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hemorrhoid cream. chanu-ken and barbie's crazy mutant hybrid baby sold separately. >> this is a story about how we met. >> oh, my god, is he still here? >> bring naches to your holiday season with chanu-ken, as seen on "jimmy kimmel live." chanu-ken, from the makers of stretch armstein. >> oy vey! [ cheers and applause ] >> i just want to tell everybody, i will be selling chanu-kens out of the trunk of my 2003 honda cr v-out in the back lot after the show. 1995. i'm willing to haggle. thank you so much. wait, wait, wait, >> jimmy: what? >> do you hear that sound? it's a hanukkah miracle. >> jimmy: we're not playing a sound. >> the dreidel dog! >> jimmy: all right. we've got a fun show for you tonight. halle bailey is here.
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we have music from atarashii gakko. and we'll be right back with adam levine. the chanu-corn, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] >> announcer: abc's "jimmy kimmel live," brought to you by target.
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where your happy is everywhere! anywhere! he's “pew-pew! pew-pew!” kinda happy. they're even happy-er. and you?! you're the ha-pee-ist of them all! because this place... has all the happy you never knew could exist. so you're a new kind of happy, every time you visit. welcome to your happiest place on earth! only at the disneyland resort. for a limited time, kids ages 3 through 9 can visit a disneyland resort® theme park for $50 per child with a special 1-day, 1-park ticket. [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ >> jimmy: hello there. welcome back. tonight, you know her as the little mermaid, her new movie is "the color purple." halle bailey is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later a super talented group of young ladies all the way from japan. their song is called "tokyo calling," music from atarashii gakko. [ cheers and applause ] next week, we've got new shows with great guests, including -- george clooney, keegan michael-key, kumail nanjiani, carey mulligan, jason mantzoukas, charles melton, alan ritchson and zac efron with music from lenny kravitz, lainey wilson, sleater-kinney and queens of the stone age. so join us all next week. our first guest tonight is a three-time grammy-winning and multi-platinum selling artist who's moving his jagger back to las vegas. starting may 17th maroon 5 returns to park mgm. tickets go on sale saturday. please welcome adam levine. [ cheers and applause ]
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adam. welcome, man. i wanted to say it's nice when a musician comes out and immediately acknowledges our band. i think that's very -- [ applause ] it shows -- >> part of the thing. >> jimmy: some kind of a kinship there. >> we understand each other. >> jimmy: you know, cleto and i, we've known each other since we were 9 years old. i know you guys in maroon 5 have been together since high school, right? >> isn't that crazy? >> jimmy: it is crazy. >> same dudes. >> jimmy: same guys. >> more or less. >> jimmy: what, around 30 years? >> i can't count anymore. it's amazing. we're together and we somehow still like each other. ish. >> jimmy: you have ups and downs, right? >> as any band would. >> jimmy: you guys have an
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ongoing -- i don't know if i want to call it an argument or debate or what it was. about whether double pane glass would protect you from a velociraptor? >> yeah. >> jimmy: yes. >> we like to tackle the important issues. >> jimmy: and what side of that double pane glass were you on? >> that was like in maybe the '90s we had that argument. we argue a lot. that one i think i was on the side of like it's a velociraptor. there was no double pane glass when there were velociraptors. so how are we ever going to really know if that's possible unless we can clone dinosaurs? it's a whole other debate. >> jimmy: well, here's how i would approach it scientifically. >> how would you approach it? >> jimmy: i would first of all i think velociraptors are up to your knee or something like that? they're pretty small. i get my scientific knowledge from movies. >> well, they're bigger than that. substantially larger than up to your knee. >> jimmy: if guillermo was here tonight he would have the answer and i know he would know this immediately. >> they're huge. and very strong and very
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powerful. >> jimmy: you think they're up to your knee or -- >> i think they're higher than your knee. i think they're like a person size. velociraptor? >> jimmy: i don't think so. >> i love you but i think maybe you're wrong. >> jimmy: oh. well, during the commercial break we'll gag google it and see. >> this is the kind of stuff -- >> jimmy: would you agree that if they're below waist high they could not get through double pane glass? >> it would be a baby if it was that small. and then i would say no, they can't get through. >> jimmy: but if it's an adult and it's below the waist, what would you say -- >> i've never seen a grown up velociraptor that size. >> jimmy: you've never seen one at all. >> but i've seen j"jurassic p park." >> jimmy: this is the kind of argument that could end a band. but you guys have persevered. >> i just went down the rolodex of arguments with our tour manager. he reminded me that two weeks ago we had a seven-hour debate. because we were on a plane and obviously there was just no way for us to find out in the moment. the debate was how many claps are in the theme song to
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"friends"? >> jimmy: oh. ♪ gonna be this way ♪ >> four. right? am i wrong? >> jimmy: do you add them all up or just the wunds right ones ri? >> he said five. and i'm like it's not five. ♪ gonna be this way ♪ pa, pa, pa, pa. right? we landed and went on the internet and we found out that actually the song, the -- this is so dumb. >> jimmy: the rembrandts. >> the rembrandts' original song before it became the theme song of the show is a different version. in the rembrandts' non-"friends" version there's five claps. >> jimmy: is that true? >> correct. but who listens to that version? you watch the show. and on the show they rerecorded or they did something and there's four claps. this is so lame. >> jimmy: that's crazy. they probably had to pay more for that fifth clap. >> i don't know. but honestly i love that the song is getting all this -- >> jimmy: wow. so you were on the losing end of that arkment too.
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>> no, i -- well, i guess we were both right. >> jimmy: well, that's why you guys have been around for so long. we stumbled upon a video from i believe 1995. this is you guys -- >> oh, my god. >> jimmy: and that's you right there in the front, right? >> that's me with that great hair. >> jimmy: floppy hair. >> ech. >> jimmy: look at these punk kids, huh? >> this is me attempting a stage dive and failing. >> jimmy: let me get back on there. >> when you show that, i feel how much it hurt. because they threw me back against the backstage wall. and it was so brutal. i never -- >> jimmy: was that your first stage dive? >> and my last. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you've never stage dived again? >> no. i thought i was going to be completely incapable of walking for the rest of my life. but there was so much adrinl i popped back up. >> jimmy: what do you remember about your first tour with the guys? >> oh, my gosh. our first tour -- our first big kind of tour we got was with -- to say it was with sheryl crow
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is a stretch. and i still talk to her about this to this day. we played the parking lot. [ laughter ] it was so sad. there was like a park lot stage where bands would go out at 3:00 or 4:00 when it was like blisteringly hot over the summer and the bands would go. and she would play on the actual stage in the arena at like 9:00. that was our first big tour. and we toured in this horrible rv. which was a step up from the 15-passenger van. if you know about touring, you start off in a van and you make your way to an rv. and if you're lucky you get to a bus. >> jimmy: you get to the bus, he yeah. >> but the rv was -- we called the rv rv keitel which was a really funny name for an rv. and it smelled like pee and it was gross. and that's what i remember from our first big tour. it was playing the parking lot of a sheryl crow tour in an rv that smelled. >> jimmy: the next tour did you upgrade to a bus or did you keep the rv for a while? >> no, no, we got to the bus. which is a huge deal. >> jimmy: was it a good bus? >> no.
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[ laughter ] it was like -- it was a bus that kind of was -- the way it worked basically with buses was you would get your first bus and you were just so excited that you weren't in a crappy van, you know, that you had to sleep with somebody on the floor. so you're so excited to be on a bus. that was it. you've made it. but they were sketchy like '80s buses that hadn't been refurbi refurbished. they weren't particularly nice. you know, could just feel how much gross stuff had happened on them over the years. it was like, you know, can you imagine? but we didn't care because we were so happy. just the fact we got to be on a bus. >> jimmy: and the bus driver, did the quality of the drivers go up -- >> yeah. there's different of course echelon of bus driver. the more affordable the guys are the just more suss they tend to be like in general. and we had one that was remarkable. i'm not going to say his name because he'll probably kill me. >> jimmy: okay. >> but there was one that stood out that was pretty -- >> jimmy: in what ways did he stand out?
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>> he was memorable. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> he -- i don't know if i even want to go here with this story. he was a very vibrant man. had a lot of energy. not sure where that came from. >> jimmy: i see. i understand. coffee probably. >> lots of coffee. and he -- the funniest -- kind of the cutest thing about him actually -- cute's a weird word to use for this. but he had a little fish that he kept and it kind of was how he bragged about how good his driving was. where he had a fish, like a little japanese fighting fish, you know those little guys that you put in one single thing and he had it on his dashboard of the bus and he was like i'm so good -- i don't want to do his voice. he's going to figure out i'm talking about him. and he had a little fish. his name was sushi. and he had -- i don't make this up. and he had it on the dashboard. and that was like his way of being like i'm so steady, you know, i'm never going to -- >> jimmy: that if i don't splash the fish out of the bus? >> yeah. he loved that fish. >> jimmy: and you didn't use him
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again for the next tour? >> we used him until his services were no longer required. >> jimmy: i see. >> and then we moved on to somebody else. and we liked him so much. in case he's watching. >> jimmy: adam levine is here. tickets for maroon 5 at park mgm come out on saturday. we'll be right back. >> jimmy: "jimmy kimmel live" live brought to you by target. join target circley dember 8th, enter for a chance to win $500 in target circle earnings. ? only when i see flakes. then i switch back to my regular shampoo. you should use it every wash, otherwise the flakes will come back. tiny troy: he's right, you know. is that tiny troy? the ingredients in head and shoulders keep the microbes that cause flakes at bay. microbes, really? they're always on your scalp... little rascals... but good news, there's no itchiness, dryness or flakes down here! i love tiny troy. and his tiny gorgeous hair. he's the best. - make every wash count! - little help please. some people just know what road to take.
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[ cheers and applause ] we're back with adam levine of maroon 5. by the way, our crack research team did some research on the velociraptor and found out two things. that it is the size of a wolf and also found out it's the size of a turkey. which is not -- none of those things match up with each other. >> and if i'm being honest i literally based my whole factual like opinion of this on literally one movie. "jurassic park." so who knows if it's right? we're both right. >> jimmy: again, you've compromised beautifully. maybe you should be in charge of the country. [ laughter ] maybe you're the guy who could bring us together, adam levine. >> nope, nope, nope. >> jimmy: do you have fun going to las vegas? >> i do. it's fun going to las vegas. >> jimmy: you must be okay with it because you just extended your residency there, park mgm. >> i'm super excited. we really weren't sure what it was going to feel like playing in vegas. especially being a band. i think for a long time we kind of put it off. but then we finally kind of gave in. >> jimmy: i think there was kind of an old thought as far as
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performing in vegas goes and now it's a little more like -- it's like you're on tour but instead of you moving the audience is moving, coming in to see you for each gig. yeah. >> yeah, it kind of becomes like your living room. which is kind of a really great thing for a band who's been touring, you know, and traveling for so many years. >> jimmy: for sure. do you bring the kids to las vegas? >> yeah. and you know what? crazily enough, i think now in the modern vegas it is not -- it's actually pretty decent for kids. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> it's not like how it used to be. >> jimmy: there's great stuff for kids in vegas. for sure. >> it sounds crazy. but they have a chuck e. cheese in las vegas. >> jimmy: of course they have a chuck e. cheese in las vegas. >> and who doesn't love a chuck e. cheese? >> jimmy: have you been to chuck e. cheese? >> well, i hadn't -- we actually -- actually, we took our kids to chuck e. cheese in las vegas. >> jimmy: you did? >> yeah. because there's nothing to do there for kids. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: listen, there's an aquarium there.
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there's -- you can take them to circus circus. there's all kinds of stuff for kids. >> yikes. we took them to chuck e. cheese. i hadn't been in a long time. so my like -- what i used to think of that place and remembering it was a bit horrifying. you know, it was not a crazy -- not a place i have fond memories of really. >> jimmy: yeah. it's a nightmare. >> it's kind of sketchy. and you could hear the animatronic things moving. you know, you could hear the noises. >> jimmy: yeah, those animals smelled like a rug -- like an 80-year-old apartment. >> it wasn't a good scene. however, they've kind of like rebranded chuck e. cheese a little bit. >> jimmy: they have? >> it's pretty good. and they told us, they said look -- because we were like hey, can we come early because we did this show on saturday night and before we left on sunday we were going to go to chuck e. cheese. and they're like if you come in at 9:00 a.m. you can come in to chuck e. cheese before we open. which was really cool. so we came in and we all played video games for an hour and a half. and ate their pizza which is better than it used to be.
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which it used to be disgusting and it's actually pretty good. listen, they're agreeing with me. it's changed. and they don't have the scary robots anymore. >> jimmy: i'm so disappointed in you people. [ laughter ] >> it's not that -- they have a new show that's like on a screen. so it's not nearly as -- >> jimmy: oh, they have a tv now? . >> they have a tv. so you don't have to be weirded out -- >> jimmy: they got rid of the robots. people didn't like the robots anymore. i'm wondering where the robots went. did they throw them in the recycling heap or are people buying those robots and now there are a bunch of weird homes around the country with the whole chuck e. cheese band set up there? >> wow. you've put a lot of thought into this. >> jimmy: come on. >> yeah, probably. >> jimmy: wow. i would not have guessed you for a chuck e. cheese guy. >> i don't like love chuck e. cheese. [ laughter ] i'm not this big chuck e. cheese guy. but i was surprised at how well they did with the rebrand. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i grew up in las vegas there. and we just never went to chuck e. cheese.
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no. >> hey, man. this is the new chuck e. cheese. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know what i like to do? i like to bring like some italian tourists into a chuck e. cheese and let them have some of the pizza and just watch them go wild. >> okay, look, it's not that -- it's not italian amazing pizza. i mean, come on. this is not like -- >> jimmy: right. but what makes me mad is like -- we'll bring our kids in there and they'll be like this pizza is great. and i'm like you little bastards. do you know how much -- do you know how much effort i go to to make a pizza at home? >> i know you're into pizza. >> jimmy: or to scour the neighborhood for the best possible pizza for you. and then you sit here and you eat this greasy disgusting rebranded cheese. [ laughter ] >> when you put it like that it makes it sound horrible. >> jimmy: i hope when our interview is over we go right into a commercial for chuck e. cheese. [ laughter ] >> i hope we do too. >> jimmy: well, it's great to see you. have a great breakfast at chuck e. cheese in vegas.
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the tickets for maroon 5's "m5lv the residency" at park mgm are available starting saturday. adam levine, everybody! we'll be back with halle bailey. [ cheers and applause ] elp prot. i prep without pills. with apretude, a prescription medicine used to reduce the risk of hiv without daily prep pills. with one shot every other month, just 6 times a year. in studies, apretude was proven superior to a daily prep pill in reducing the risk of hiv. you must be hiv negative to receive apretude and get tested before each injection. if you think you were exposed to hiv or have flu-like symptoms, tell your doctor right away. apretude does not prevent other sexually transmitted infections. practice safer sex to reduce your risk. don't take apretude if you're allergic to it or taking certain medicines, as they may interact. tell your doctor if you've had liver problems or mental health concerns. if you have a rash or other allergic reactions, stop apretude and get medical help right away. serious side effects include allergic reactions,
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♪ >> jimmy: welcome back. music from atarashii gakko is on the way. our next guest is a grammy nominee who played ariel in "the little mermaid." now she sheds her scales to co-star in a musical adaptation of "the color purple." >> keep your head held high, just like mom taught us. i'll come visit you when i can. even if we have to part. you and me. >> us have one heart. >> jimmy: "the color purple" opens in theaters christmas day. please welcome halle bailey. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] very good to see you. you know, your name is not
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difficult to say but it's really hard because people want to probably say either haley bailey or halle bally or something like that. >> or halle berry. >> jimmy: or halle berry you probably get a lot. which is a nice compliment to be mixed up. yeah. you have been here a couple of times before. >> i have. >> jimmy: as a musical performer with your sister, with your group. how old were you guys when you started in that? >> oh, my goodness. we started singing ever since we were like 5. but the last time we were here together performing was for our first album "the kids are all right." and i think i was like 15 years old. >> jimmy: you were 15 then. wow. >> yeah. it was crazy. it's always so amazing to be back here with you. >> jimmy: yeah, it's great to have you here. and how is your sister doing? >> she's amazing. >> jimmy: do you guys live together or what's your deal? >> yeah. technically we do live together. i copied her and moved to the same apartment building that she moved to. >> jimmy: oh, you did? >> yes. because i'm a clingy little sister who needs my big sister
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and i asked for her permission of course. >> jimmy: oh, you did. you know what? most little sisters would not ask for that permission. they'd just move in and assume it was going to be great. >> yeah. so she was like oh, yeah, come on. but we're on different floors. so we still have space. but when i need her she's -- >> jimmy: do you ever have surprise elevator time? >> oh, yeah. all the time. we have keys to each other's place. >> jimmy: is that good? do you go into her place when she's not home? >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: you do? >> all the time. i steal clothes. she gets mad at me because our packages, we pick up our same packages and sometimes i can't wait for her to come to my apartment to get them, so i start going through them and i'm like oh, this is nice. and then i wa err it for the night. >> jimmy: does she get mad? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you know, it's funny. like no matter what the scenario sisters do take clothes from each other. the one whose clothes are taken always gets mad. >> yes. >> jimmy: and then for you guys it must be especially annoying because you get photographed in
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these clothes and now it's like oh great, now i can't wear that. >> yeah, now i'm wearing what you wore. yeah. >> jimmy: well, just make sure you're home more. i guess you're first to the door. maybe give the ups guy a couple extra bucks. you know what i'm saying? [ laughter ] >> that's a good idea. >> jimmy: you guys, you live here in l.a. as you mentioned. and you guys got signed to a record contract by beyonce, right? >> yes. >> jimmy: which is crazy. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. thank you. >> jimmy: i mean, when beyonce -- first of all, she saw you guys on the internet? is that how it worked? >> and he. she disco . >> yes. she scoffed us odiscovered us o when we were 13 and 12. her team reached out to us first through an e-mail. i didn't think it was real. like no, that's crap. that's rained m person sending that. and chloe my sister who's a huge fan, she's like no, that's the parkwood symbol. that's her company. >> jimmy: they have the logo right. >> yes. >> jimmy: and then beyonce
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herself, does she interview you before signing you to her label? does she make sure to check you out? >> oh, my gosh. we were -- that was so long ago now, like 15 and -- 13. we got to meet with her one time. i think we showed up to her set for the first time we ever saw her after she had asked, you know, to want to sign us. i remember it was super dark. she was in a white glittery jumpsuit. and we were like oh my gosh, this is beyonce. and then after it you get over it. >> jimmy: did she have a fan going? >> oh, yeah. it was the whole thing. it was like a dream. then after the more time you spend with her you're like she's just like a cool aunt. >> jimmy: and would she be critical -- and i don't mean critical in a negative way. i mean maybe you want to do this, maybe try this? in that way? >> of course. she has such amazing instincts because she's been doing this for years. i mean, the fact that her career has been this long-lasting as a black woman is so powerful and
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inspiring. so she knows. we listen to her and she gives notes. we're like wow, okay, we're going to take this into consideration. >> jimmy: oh, into consideration? >> oh, yeah. [ laughter ] that's how she is. this is my opinion but you be free. that's what we love about her. >> jimmy: oh, that's nice. but did you reject any of her thoughts? [ laughter ] >> no. >> jimmy: no, of course not. >> no. >> jimmy: i don't know, beyonce doesn't know what she's talking about. [ laughter ] and now you have -- boy, it's crazy how many of these like really giant stars that you're working with. oprah of course for "the color purple" is producer of your movie. steven spielberg. >> yes. >> jimmy: who else? quincy jones i think, right? >> yes. >> jimmy: are they actually involved? like was oprah on set with >> yes. that was one of the most beautiful things about the filming process of "the color purple" is oprah was there with us. like almost every week.
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and i've always just seen her on tv and like you get a car, you -- [ laughter ] i'm like oh my gosh, that's oprah. so i'm like wow. and then actually getting to work around her, she has such a beautiful like protective maternal instinct about her. so she always made sure we were okay, we were safe, and then you immediately, when you saw her you felt like okay, she's here, i'm good. it became that sort of thing. >> jimmy: if oprah had a strong opinion on something and it happened to be opposite of beyonce's opinion, who do you imagine you would side with? [ laughter ] >> oh, my goodness. i mean, they are both amazing. i would take what they both have to say into consideration. >> jimmy: into consideration. [ laughter ] >> but bey i would have to be like -- yeah, her. >> jimmy: what do you get -- do you have to get oprah a christmas present now? >> so that's really hard to think about. i've been thinking about all my christmas presents i have to give this year because there are so many people that have helped
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me on this journey of this whole year. beyonce. now oprah -- >> jimmy: oh, you have to give beyonce a present too. >> it's so hard to think of what could you get them. do you have any ideas? because i don't know. >> jimmy: everybody likes a popcorn bucket. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: you know, maybe find out what their favorite team is. beyonce's from houston. maybe get her like an astros popcorn bucket. >> okay. >> jimmy: people like those pretzels dipped in chocolate. >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh, bath soaps are always nice. >> baths are nice. the bath bombs. >> jimmy: am i not -- none of these are good enough? >> you know, they're okay. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. you know what you do? go on oprah's list. she tells you everything she likes right there. >> that's so true. oh, my gosh. >> jimmy: and go on oprah's list and get something for beyonce and say oprah said you would really like this. [ laughter ] well, congratulations on everything. say hello to your sister, please. the movie is "the color purple." it opens on christmas day in the
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movie theaters. halle bailey, everybody! we'll be back with atarashii gakko. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: thanks to adam levine and halle bailey. apologies to matt damon.
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"nightline" is coming up next. but first, making their u.s. television debut with the song "tokyo calling," atarashii gakko! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ singing in japanese ♪ ♪ tokyo calling tokyo calling tokyo calling ♪ ♪ tokyo calling tokyo calling tokyo calling ♪ [ singin in japanese ] ♪
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[ singing in japanese ] [ singing in japanese ] ♪ tokyo calling tokyo calling tokyo calling ♪ ♪ tokyo calling tokyo calling tokyo calling ♪ [ singing in japanese ] ♪ ♪
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♪ [ singing in japanese ] ♪ [ singing in japanese ] ♪ ♪ we imagine ♪ ♪ we imagine ♪ ♪ we imagine ♪ ♪ we imagine ♪ ♪ we imagine ♪ ♪ we imagine ♪ ♪ we are marching we are marching we are marching ♪
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♪ we are marching we are marching we are marching ♪ [ singing in japanese ] [ cheers and applause ] this is "nightline." >> byron: tonight, bethenny frankel, one of the most famous stars of the real housewives franchise, now taking


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