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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  December 8, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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ternet package. call, or go online today to learn more. avenues >> you're looking at businesses in san francisco who are suffering more than any other city in the country. >> absolutely. we need to be coming back five days a week remote work has changed the landscape of downtown san francisco. >> and now at five, what city leaders say needs to happen to help struggling small businesses and more stores from leaving. plus she don't listen to us. >> she don't pay attention to us. she just came here and say this is what i want.
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>> legal street vendors forced to move, expressing their ongoing frustration with the city ban what they say a one time pay, why they say a one time payment from the city is not enough. >> new charges against president biden's son, hunter. this time they're in california and they are related to tax evasion. >> first, though, snow in the sierra. new video from overnight. a look at what your weekend is going to look like if you are going to be in tahoe club. looks a little bit better than that, but okay, that that actually sends so many triggers through my spine. >> yeah. >> just waking up in the morning and going, oh, get that scraper out. >> yeah. >> you know, we got that burst of snow and i wish there was more, you know, but we'll take what we can get. but we are really turning a corner going into a drying trend, not only over the weekend but into the week ahead. it is frosty out there. we have our freeze warning in north bay valleys and you can see how the clouds are arcing over the state of california. that's a ridge of high pressure building on in and take a look at the current
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numbers. 34 degrees in santa rosa and napa with 37in vallejo, 36 and ramon, 37 there in livermore. we've got 38 in palo alto. so these temperatures will continue to drop off the next couple of hours. so certainly near freezing and that's why the national weather service has issued that freeze warning until 9:00. temperatures in some of our inland valleys could drop as low as 28 degrees. this continues into your saturday morning. and then as we look at the next several hours, you'll notice we will get into the 40s, san francisco. so we are in the 40s right now and climb through the 50s. so morning drive, you'll need the jacket out there and the rest of the day. we're sunny but we're below average. we'll talk about the weekend coming up. thank you, lisa. >> developing news, president biden's son hunter has been hit with more federal charges. jobina is at the live desk with how these are now related to tax fraud and evasion. jobina. >> thank you, kumasi. hunter biden has been indicted on nine tax related charges here in california. he's accused of
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failing to pay $1.4 million in taxes from 2016 to 2020. after earning more than $7 million. that year. prosecutors right that hunter biden spent this money on drugs, escorts, luxury hotels, exotic cars, clothing and other items of a personal nature. in short, everything but his taxes, end quote. the indictment says that he earned millions from foreign entities, as the white house has not responded. >> so it's really a speaking indictment. it talks about hunter biden's business dealings with china and the ukraine and the fact that he made all this money, perhaps some of it not legitimate, at least according to house republicans, and that he wrote off business expenses that did not qualify. >> hunter biden's attorney from the indictment as having no new evidence and accused special counsel david weiss of, quote, bowing to republican pressure earlier this year, hunter biden
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was charged in delaware with felony gun charges after a plea deal with prosecutors fell through. he pleaded not guilty. if hunter biden is found guilty in these new charges, he could face a maximum of 17 years in prison. reggie jobina, thank you. >> california is facing a record $68 billion budget deficit hit. that's the worst it's been in 30 years. the nonpartisan legislative analyst's office says the deficit is due to lower than expected tax revenue this year. lawmakers say this is unwelcome news, but the state is holding record reserves, which should cover this shortfall. governor newsom will present a plan to cover the deficit in january. the negotiate with state lawmakers before the next budget year begins. that is july first. this morning, the mission street vendors association will host a march for survival and press conference. it comes a day after the city of san francisco announced $1,000 payment for legal vendors. they were displaced when a 90 day ban on
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street vending started two weeks ago. the city opened sanctioned locations where legal vendors can continue selling. but the vendors say those places have low traffic. yesterday, they expressed concern to supervisor hillary ronen angry disappointed because she she don't listen to us. >> she don't pay attention to us. she just came here and say this is what i want. $1,000. that's money. it doesn't mean anything for us. those thousand dollars, we can make it if we sell industry in one week easily . >> a supervisor ronan's office says despite the challenges, the ban will continue because it's working to cut down an illegal activity along mission street and san francisco is looking for ways to bring people back to the downtown area. >> some small business owners want to go back to move forward. thpandcaic work style with more people in the office. five days a week. right now, thousands of workers are still on hybrid schedules where they work from home. some days they're in person, other days. and that includes some city
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employees. mayor london breed has called for more in-person work to help with the recovery. so we asked her and supervisor asha safai about that. we are exponentially impacted by the amount of tech and public service business is that have chosen to remain remote. >> and so at the end of the day, the city hold on a minute, the city also has employees still working from home. they do have the ability to stay home two days a week. and again, that is the decision of the mayor. >> will you ask city employees to come back to work five days a week? >> so to be clear, most of our 34,000 city employees are back at work, most of them. but i think the you know, you see city hall is pretty much at capacity and other city buildings. >> so city hall tells us about three quarters of city staff work in person full time. mayor london breed says many of the people who are not working in person are tech support employees.
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>> all of this factors into the san francisco downtown economy showing increasingly vacant buildings. it's not only affecting the city's economy, but also its livability. during our abc seven take action san francisco town hall event, we heard from city leaders about this issue. abc seven news reporter jared stone has a look at some of their ideas for a change and a potential timeline. >> when we broke news last week that downtown san francisco's vacant office space rate is at an all time high of 35, meaning that more than a third of all office space in the financial district is sitting empty. some thing that san francisco mayor london breed addressed in our abc seven take action san francisco discussion monday night in my economic recovery plan. >> it has everything thing to do with changing what downtown what we tradition we know downtown to be mayor breed said that her vision of change doesn't just involve filling those downtown offices where in many cases
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companies have gone remote. >> it also has to do with housing, something as simple as converting an office space to housing and being able to do that without going through a process is something we've already done. oz erickson is with the emerald fund, a san francisco real estate development company. we spoke with him after the town hall. he says tax incentives from the city and the state are a must over a 60 year period, events, the city will collect roughly three times the amount of taxes by abating it right now. others we spoke with last week described an office to housing change as anything but simple. >> we definitely need new housing, but it's very difficult to make those kind of conversions. but i think that we will start to see some happen fairly soon on a smaller scale. and then if the proper incentives are put in place, you know, maybe two, two years plus
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from now. >> that's colin yasu kochi, who's the executive director of the tech insight center at cbre, which focuses on the tech industry and how it affects commercial real estate. yasu kochi believes that the office to housing type of conversion could likely ramp up in two years. but only if interest rates drop. during monday's event, the mayor would not say how long she believes it will take to bring san francisco's downtown back. erickson says there's no quick fix here cutting the red tape is likely to take a year and a half, in his opinion. then at least another eight years to make a dent. >> if you take 5 million out of 25 million, that's a significant percentage. and if you and if you then chew up the remaining space at 2,000,000ft■!s per yea, you get down to a reasonable number within ten years. >> mayor breed also spoke about bringing things like a soccer stadium, college classrooms or even a european spa concept to the downtown area, loosely
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thrown out ideas of what the future of downtown san francisco could look like. j.r. stone, abc seven news. >> i try my best to get a timeline. i said five years, ten years. what is it? give us an expectation. and she wouldn't commit. yeah. if you missed the town hall, there are still ways to watch. the take action event is now available on the abc7 news bay area streaming app and you can find it wherever you stream. the full conversation will air on tv tomorrow night at 9 p.m. and again on sunday at 6 p.m. i hope you can find some time to watch new video overnight of snow falling in the sierra and it is piling up this morning. >> check out this video. oh people still out there in it. so it likely means more openings at lake tahoe area ski resorts. the uc berkeley central sierra snow lab near soda springs received 11in of snow on wednesday, and that brought the season total to 25in. even with that boost to the snowpack, the statewide percent of average for this time of year is only 39. if you're
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heading to the sierra, chains are required on interstate 80 and it is 11 degrees in south lake right now, going for a high of about 40. >> and there's a look at what they picked up. palisade adds 15in sugar bowl a foot, as well as sierra at tahoe, 11in soda springs, nine inches in kirkwood, kingvale, at seven inches. so high pressure building in no more snow for the short term. and unfortunately for the long term as well. as we look at those cold mornings, freezing cold nights and those chilly afternoons, it is 36in novato, 34in napa, some fog forming there, 37in livermore and this morning we've got the freeze warning in the north bay. it's a cold start. the dry days throughout the weekend and then next week, little change. we'll have sunny and slightly warmer days out there. as for today, 60 in oakland, 58 in napa, 61 in san jose. and then tonight,
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should be even colder than this morning. so saturday morning, you may want to sleep in with temperatures dropping below freezing in many north bay valleys jobina. >> thank you, lisa. good morning, everyone. so we are going to start with the sig alert we're following right now in san jose issued by the chp due to an overturned big rig that was carrying vegetables. so now apparently there are vegetables in the roadway. this is on northbound 101 to brokaw road. the off specifically. and you can see that minor slowdown popping up on our sensors. our second sig alert this morning is going to be one that's not too much of a surprise, but continues to cause a mess. the richmond-san rafael bridge, we are in week nine of this issue with still three lanes blocked in the westbound direction and no wide load vehicles allowed there. we will end with a live picture in emeryville showing you 80. those headlights are traveling in the westbound direction. reggie thanks for being. >> still ahead, we're hearing from the wife of the former pilot accused of trying to bring down an alaska airlines flight bound for sfo. what she had to say after he was released from custody and a very slim chance that there will be local crab
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for christmas. >> we have an update on the season with supposed to open nearly a month ago. >> plus, it hurts you know, after being a fan for so long, frustration for the 40 niners faithful. >> up next, we hear from some lifelong fans who say the price of their season
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busy at work gathering toys for local kids. it's all happening inside the target store in san rafael. and that is where we find abc7 news reporter leanna howland with the story that has a good cause. hi lena. hey reggie, good morning to you. >> we are just about one hour away from all of the fun. that's just getting ready to kick off here in san rafael. this morning, kids will be running around this store filling up their shopping carts high with as many items as it will carry, all to help out some other families that might be going through a tough time this holiday season the event called dig deep. sf from last year. and this is
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unlike any other toy drive before today. these elves have been hard at work fundraising for thousands of dollars to prepare for today. this year, they say they reached close to $100,000 in total. today, any of the elves that have raised $500 or more are taking their money here to target and they're buying gifts for older youth, often overlooked in most toy drive efforts. that's the age group of kids ages 8 to 12, where a teddy bear or tonka truck just won't suffice. you'll notice many of these dig deep elves are hand picking the toys that kids really want with the help of their own kids to guide their shopping choices. the salvation army says this is the largest single day toy acquisition and handover in the bay area. shopping kicks off this morning at 6:00 and all of the toys purchase east during today. by today, by these santas elves, they will be handed out at the salvation army's toy distribution in san francisco, which is happening on december 19th. live in san rafael, lena
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howland, abc seven news. >> lena, thank you. now we're going to take a moment to let you know about a big change coming to abc seven mornings. >> yes, it involves our friend and coworker joe fortson. jobina >> hi everyone. hi, friends. hi. okay, let's do this. so i was supposed to write something there is nothing in the teleprompter because i really just didn't know what to say. okay. but i will start with today is my last day here at abc7 news. my husband and i are going to be moving back to my hometown of atlanta, georgia, which is where my family is and this is truly bittersweet. sweet. i had a difficult time just processing all of it and even the decision because i love the bay area for i love you all. i love the people that i have gotten to meet via social media in person. so i'm talking about you all the people that watch the show all the time. so thank
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you. but i also love the people in this building and that i get to sit with and talk with and laugh with and, and hang out with all the time. it's such a joy to be able to enjoy, boy, what you do and where you are in your life. so this decision was not easily made, but i think as many of you all can relate. family is incredibly important. and you know, time is not always promised. so i did have the opportunity to step away and go home, and that is my decision here. but also, i want to thank you because i have been able to meet so many people and have you all watch my stories and comment on them and have such kind things to say and i am forever grateful. so i am really going to miss it here, here and miss all of you. and i cannot believe it is really here that we're doing it. but we're here.
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>> i'm over here trying to keep it together. >> i know, i know. i'm so grateful. i'm going to miss you all. >> and i'm just in complete denial. yeah. >> you know, like, there's like an emotional shield. i'm like, i'm on tv. we're not really doing this right now, but yes, so that's that's today's news. and we'll share more things throughout the day. and also, i'm not like disappearing from the earth. so if you still want to chit chat about things, you know, i'll always reply so you know where to find me. well jobina, you have been incredibly special to us. the core four, the core four. i just i can't speak enough about really how great if you are a regular viewer of the show, how great things are behind the scenes, you get to see just like a little glimpse and we're reading scripts and there's all these things. but when you do it all kumasi i know it's really wonderful. >> she's not here all the time. we sit over there, she's helped me so much. i'm like, where do i
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go now? what am i supposed to do? and you know, and little book club. yeah so my little buddy, yeah, i'm going to miss you. >> i am going to miss you, too. i know. lisa. i feel like lisa is like the, like, best kept secret of the station. oh, because for real, she really is also a joy. but, like, has like. okay, now everyone's getting a little. we're going to move on. >> come in. >> because we have to. we have to get through a couple more hours. >> yes, we do. we have. >> so we're moving on. i'm going to i'm going to save mine for later. how about that, lisa? >> let's do the weather. >> let's do it. let's do it. >> yeah, let's do it. all right. well, we have such a cold morning out there. in fact, the coldest morning we've had in quite some time. not till about seven, 8:00, when you're really going to feel it. unfortunately, with temperatures that will be at or below freezing, especially in our north bay interior valleys, that's a look at live doppler seven, where high pressure is building in one of the coldest readings right now with some patchy fog is in napa at 35 degrees. so we're going to
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go down to at least freezing here. elsewhere around the bay area, we're looking at mid 30s for you. how about 34 in santa rosa, 36 novato. but look at our inland valleys. san ramon at 35. san jose 43. so it is awfully cold out there and it'll be even colder for your saturday morning . so along the coast we're in the 40s coming up to the upper 50s by about 2:00 in the afternoon around the bay. it'll be a sunny afternoon as well, but boy, it's going to be cold all throughout the morning. by 2:00 we're in the upper 50s and then dropping quickly as we get towards the three, 4:00 hour. and then finally in our inland valleys, this is where we lag behind this time of year where temperatures are coolest. they're upper 50s for the afternoon, but getting there is going to take quite some time. so make sure you bundle up, give the kids the extra jacket. and as we look at the next several days, notice very little change. we're staying dry, but eventually we will be looking at temperatures coming up slowly into the 60s for most of us. so
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that will be into next week. sunday looks to be the slightly warmer day out there and jobina has got the details on your friday morning ride. >> thank you, lisa. good morning, everybody. so starting here with some clear pictures and then we're going to get to the sig alerts that we're following right now, the san mateo bridge at the limit. no advisory there. same thing goes in oakland showing you our 8-80 at the coliseum camera. but now we do have a bit of an issue with your drive time from antioch to concord and it is due to roadwork in that area. we saw this yesterday. it was very long, not too bad right now at 34 minutes, but longer than normal. so i want to point that out, especially for a friday. and then the backup is building because of the sigalert in san jose, northbound one, two, one to the road off ramp is where you'll find that overturned big rig kumasi. all right. >> coming up, the seven things to know this morning. >> a special honor to steph curry. how the basketball superstar is be
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already sold to carvana. go to carvana and track your car's value today. nature's bounty hair growth. help grow thicker, fuller hair with just one capsule a day of advanced hair complex. conquer hair thinning... ...and fall in love with your hair all over again. only from nature's bounty. plans to pay vendors impacted by the 90 day vending ban. $1,000 each. but vendors say it's not enough. >> number two, president biden's son, hunter, has been indicted
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on nine tax related charges. he's accused of failing to pay $1.4 million in taxes from 2016 to 2020. if found guilty, he faces up to 17 years in prison. >> number three, the bay area pilot accused of trying to stop the engines on a plane flying to sfo has been released from jail in oregon. joseph emerson is facing 83 counts of reckless endanger. >> number four, there may soon be another challenger to san francisco mayor. london breed's reelection. manny pacquiao, owner of manny's in the mission, tells our media partner, sf standard, he's considering getting into next year's mayor's race and will decide in the coming weeks who will become breed's third challenger. number five after a freezing cold start , especially in the north bay with 30s there also our inland valleys will rebound with sunny skies upper 50s to near 60 today. >> number six, our biggest issue on the road is going to be the sigalert underway right now in san jose due to an overturned vehicle on northbound 101 two brokaw road at number seven.
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>> if you're planning a trip to yosemite soon, there is some good news. the dining room at the iconic ahwahnee hotel reopens next week. it's been closed for about a year now for renovations. crab season. it's being delayed for the third time this season. the california department of fish and wildlife says humpback whales are still migrating off the coast and they can get entangled in crab nets. officials will assess things in two weeks. >> this is really cool. an interchange in north carolina will be renamed after warriors star steph curry. the renaming will happen at exit 30, of course, of interstate 77 in davidson, which is north of charlotte, not far from davidson college, where curry went to school. and i think all of you know why it's 30, but in case you don't, it matches the jersey number. curry's had his entire career. curry broke the ncaa record for the most three pointers by a freshman when he was at davidson. coming up at 530, new strategies from law enforcement to protect you from porch pirates this holiday season. and with the ongoing war
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in gaza intensifying, jewish communities across the bay area are coming together to celebrate the you ping and pong that body. you plunge that body.
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who's like, i know that it's impacted more than just joe. >> i hope that they would also understand the condition that my husband was in during that that flight. >> the former pilot accused of attempting to bring down a flight bound for sfo is out on bail this morning. now at 530, we're hearing more from his wife and we're learning more about the shooting at the university of nevada, las vegas campus, including new video showing the moment the shooter came face to face with a plainclothes officer. jewish communities across the country are staying vigilant. this hanukkah, adding more security to events as the war in gaza continues. >> good morning, everybody. it's friday, december 8th. >> we start with a check on the weather. hi lisa. >> hey there. good morning to
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you. it is awfully cold. we have temperatures at or below freezing in the north bay for our freeze warning. high pressure building in. so with calm winds, we're allowed to really drop off until at least 8:00 this morning. 34 santa rosa, there's some fog in napa. it's 35. san ramon, 37 in livermore. still holding to on some low 40s on the peninsula on the south bay. but those numbers will drop as well. so until 9:00 areas from sonoma. marin woods, san rafael up towards saint helena. awfully cold out there. so we'll be looking at the temperatures slowly coming up by about ten, 11:00 and then by noon time, we're all in the mid 50s. so you still need your jacket out there. but by the later afternoon, notice barely any 60s out there, maybe into gilroy. so it's going to be certainly another cold night tonight. i think even colder tonight than we had this morning. so saturday morning, we're talking about more frost and another freeze warning. and then we'll talk about slightly warmer numbers ahead jobina.
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>> thank you, lisa. good morning, everyone. so the biggest issue right now is the sig alert that's underway in san jose. and the sensors keep building. so that's showing that the backup is beginning to form due to an overturned big rig on northbound 101 to the brokaw road off ramp. your speeds are down to around 12mph there. and this is our live camera in san jose showing you 101. and all the headlights that you can see slowing here. those are the northbound lanes running into that backup. elsewhere, though, in walnut creek. nice and clear, showing you this picture of 680. thanks to being a new development to the bay area pilot accused of trying to crash a plane that was headed for sfo while off duty and rioting in the cockpit is out of jail this morning. >> it was an emotional scene as joseph emerson was reunited with his wife in portland yesterday. she spoke moments before they were reunited. >> and i'm i'm so happy my boys are going to be so happy to have their dad home. it's been a long time and i'm just i'm just glad that that this is happening. he
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deserves to be home right now. >> emerson is charged with 83 counts of reckless endangerment for the incident. he told authorities he was struggling with depression and took psychedelic mushrooms before the flight. he's been ordered to seek mental health services, stay away from drugs and stay 30ft from any operable aircraft. that is why emerson and his wife are having to drive from portland back to their home in the east bay. >> dramatic new surveillance video has been released showing the moment an officer took down the man who carried out a shooting at the university of nevada, las vegas. this week. we do want to warn you, the video is hard to watch. you can see the suspect in this video in a long black trench coat follow a plainclothes officer around the patrol car that officer stumbles, gets up and then opens fire. we have frozen the video at the moment that he shot and killed the suspect. the officer was not seriously hurt. now, two of three victims have been identified and a fourth who was shot. but survived, has life
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threatening injuries. as we've also learned, the gunman mailed 22 letters to other university personnel around the country. he was a longtime professor who tried to get a job at unlv's business school but was not hired. >> developing news three people are recovering in the hospital after a car crashed into a christmas parade in bakersfield. the victims were waiting for the parade to start at when the car entered the route last night, the 72 year old driver was taken into custody. police say alcohol may be involved, but the cause of the crash is still under investigation. the parade was delayed by two hours and it had to be rerouted. security concerns are high across the country as hanukkah begins. the war in the middle east has police on alert and jobina now a shooting outside a temple in new york is being investigated as a possible hate crime. >> reggie in albany, new york, a man fired shots outside a temple yesterday. the preschool inside was placed on lockdown when officers arrived. and they say the suspect said, quote, free palestine. the shooter is
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described as emotionally disturbed. armed with a long criminal history. it comes as the fbi warns of a higher threat level due to the war between israel and hamas at the lighting of the national menorah last night. second gentleman, doug emhoff, who is jewish, addressed the concerns. he also criticized the presidents of harvard, mit and the university of pennsylvania during a congressional hearing this week. they appeared to put more value on free speech than condemning anti-semitism. >> seeing the presidents of some of our most elite universities literally unable to denounce calling for the genocide of jews as anti-semitic, that lack of moral clarity is simply unacceptable. >> the presidents of harvard and penn have released statements clarifying or walking back their remarks and are calling genocide, quote, vile and evil. but a congressional committee has now launched an investigation into the policies
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and procedures at all three schools. kumasi. thanks jobina. >> back here at home, some cities held menorah lightings for the first night of hanukkah. this year's celebration are different than in years past because of the war in the middle east and recent anti-semitic attacks. we spoke with rabbi michael copeland, who said her congregation in san francisco's castro district is toning their commemoration down this year, is celebrating. >> it might be a little bit more subdued than in past years. we like to go over the top and joy and dancing, and this year that doesn't feel quite right. we still need to bring in the joy, but we're also go really deep in sadness as well. >> state senator scott wiener says the jewish community has been shaken up by recent anti-semitic attacks, but he says hanukkah is ultimately a story of resilience and being willing to fight. >> happening now, children shopping for children. it's all part of a mission to help others for christmas. local kids will be going inside a san rafael target this morning to buy some toys. an abc seven news
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reporter, lena howland is there. selina, describe to us how this all works. >> hey, richie. well, we are just about 30 minutes away from all of the fun getting ready to kick off here in san rafael. and in just about 30 minutes, we will see kids running through this store with their shopping carts. and they're hoping to fill up their carts as high as they can get them with as many items as they can hold, all to help out some other families that might be going through a tough time this holiday season. and here's a look at some of the toys they've already lined up. prepare for today. this is unlike any other toy drive before today. these elves have been hard at work fundraising and thousands of dollars to prepare for today. in total, this year, they reached close to $100,000. today, any of the elves that have raised $500 or more, part of dig deep sf are taking their money here to target and they're buying gifts for older youth often overlooked in most toy drive efforts.
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that's the age group of kids between the ages of 8 to 12. wear a teddy bear or tonka truck just won't suffice. you'll notice many of these dig deep elves will be picking out toys that are that that are toys that kids really want with the help of their own kids to guide their shopping choices. so here's major matthew madsen of the salvation army. >> it's going to be an army of elves, of teenagers that are going to be going through there because teens know what other kids want. and they're going to be doing the shopping and we're going to be bringing bringing out nearly $100,000 worth of toys that dig deep has raised all this money. and we're going to be able to put it to great use. so it's modeling for these young people the importance of giving, but it's also making a difference in the lives of those in need. >> the salvation army says this is the largest single day toy acquisition and handover in the bay area. the video on your screen right now is just a look at the event from last year. and back here live in san rafael,
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this is just getting ready to kick off in about 30 minutes. we're already seeing many families arriving here getting their shopping carts ready and they are pretty pumped to pick out all of these extra toys. they're getting all sugared up with some hot chocolate here at starbucks and some extra snacks. so a lot of fun being had here in san rafael. for now, reporting live in san rafael, i'm lena howland, abc seven news. >> once i saw the starbucks sign, that's all i could think about now. so i'll take a latte just in case you're wondering. yeah. i'll see you later. i'm on it. >> okay. >> sticker shock for 40 niner fans. some season ticket holders learned the price of their seats are going to double. they spoke with abc7 news south bay reporter dustin dorsey. >> the cost of being a 40 niners fan has just gone up niner faithful baby always representing hundreds of season ticket holders are now faced with a reality of paying thousands of dollars more for season tickets or possibly lose the seats they've had for years. >> you know, faithful toward the team. and the team has nothing
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to do with this. right. it's really the management of the team that's that's failing us. >> we spoke with three fans and received emails from others who got word from the 40 niners membership service team that seats in sections 232 to 235 and 243 to 246 at levi stadium are now designated as preferred seats. and with that comes a price hike that shocked them all . brian hate is a 20 year season ticket holder. last year i went to 4500 for this is for the two tickets and then 9300 for next year for the two tickets. 50 year family season ticket holder elizabeth lent sits in section 252. we pay approximately $4,000 a year for our ticket, and next year it'll be closer to 9 or 10,000. >> raymond reynolds in section 233 has had family season tickets since kezar stadium and his prices went from 9000 for four seats to 20,000in 2024. >> but they're not moving our seats. >> you know, the people that sit in the sub seats that they pay $20,000 to sit there and they're
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on the 30, 40, 50 yard line and we're in the end zone. so it's like, all right, what am i getting? >> a levi stadium spokesperson told us the ticket holders are getting additional benefits, including access to an indoor club space, and these benefits are reflected in the price increase. the spokesperson also told us that the organization is in communication with the season ticket holders, although the fans we spoke with say they have gotten little response as of now, if the fans refuse to pay the increased prices, they'll lose their tickets. but just like they are faithful to the team, they remain faithful. a resolution is possible. i have faith that the 40 niners are going to try to make this right. >> and maybe i'm foolish. you know, i know it's a corporation, but you just can't believe you be season ticket holders for 40 years. and this is how it ends at levi's stadium. >> dustin dawsey, abc seven news. >> coming up, we're getting a sneak peek at an amazing exhibit in the east bay honoring a group of black women in the community. move over wright brothers historic flight here in the bay area. we're going to explain what makes this so unusual. but first, a check on the weather from lisa. >> well, i hope your plants are
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doing okay because it's been cold, but we have a series of frosty days. a freeze warning today for the north bay interior valleys that will continue into saturday. and most likely sunday, as well as high pressure builds on in and temperatures continue to drop off to around freezing or below. and some of these areas right here, look at our inland valleys still holding in the upper 30s from concord. it's in the low 40s. hayward and fremont. but we'll continue to see numbers drop off to around 40 degrees. so the north bay, one of those typical spots, hopefully the pipes and the plants and the pets are being cared for. we have the cold mornings continuing in the dry days throughout the afternoon and then for the future, at least for this week ahead, we're looking at little change with temperatures slowly coming up. so it's upper 50s today for you in richmond, 60 in oakland, looking for 59. in palo alto. and if we look way out, you see all the rain in the pacific northwest. this is until about
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next weekend. but then we could see a little bit more come our way. so that's getting ten days out. we hope so. but it's a dry seven days and we'll talk about the rest of the news and running is awesome. but her moderate to severe eczema would make her skin so uncomfortable. i was always so itchy especially when i was hot. now my skin doesn't itch as much. now we're staying ahead of her eczema.
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there's a power inside all of us to live our passion. and dupixent works on the inside to help heal your skin from within. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema. so, they can have clearer skin and less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. healing from within is a wonderful thing. ask your child's eczema specialist how dupixent can help heal their skin from within.
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customers ran and ducked for cover after two men dressed in all black burst into the store and they started to clear two tables of merch. employees yelled for shoppers to get down to protect their own safety, and no one was hurt. but the incident, of course, left customers shaken. >> the fact that two people i didn't see the second person, but somebody said there was a second person, two people can take down an entire store of customers and at least 20 employees were in there. it's broad daylight, 1245 this afternoon. it's crazy. >> police say the thieves drove
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off in a white suv heading toward i-80. so far, no arrests. abc seven reviewed records showing at least five robberies at this store over just the past four months. right now, it is 544. and today's gma first look police departments are using a new way to catch thieves who are stealing holiday gifts right off the front porch. here's abc news reporter trevor ault in this morning's gma first look porch pirate crackdown generally after thanksgiving through cyber monday and through christmas, our package thefts increased substantially. >> police in bellaire, texas, outside houston announcing on their facebook page last week operation catch grinch working with willing residents and fed up business owners to place trackers and cameras in three different locations. >> normally we would deploy you multiple resources out there to try to catch some of our crooks. when they're doing this and be a little more proactive. now we can monitor them remotely. and once the package is activated, then we can deploy the resources to go capture our bad guys and
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recapture our packages. >> and this isn't the only community taking action against porch pirates. coming up at 7 a.m, we'll tell you how other law enforcement agencies across the country are working to protect your packages with your gma. first look. i'm trevor ault, abc news, new york. vancing the aviation industry by launching planes into the air with no pilot on board. mountain view based reliable robotics is behind this autonomous flight system. last month, it made history by a successful fully flying the cessna 208 b without a human inside. the company has flown a smaller autonomous plane back in 2019, but the cessna is bigger. ceo robert rose says the technology will improve aviation safety in order to move the pilot out of the plane and into a control center. >> you need to have a more advanced navigation system. you need to be able to automatically land. you need to be able to automatically take off and auto, taxi and many accidents on small aircraft today are due to issues during those phases of flight. rose hopes the system will one
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day work for passenger aircraft, but for now they are working to get faa approval. >> a multidisciplinary art show in oakland called throughline just wrapped up a number of sold out shows earlier this month. it celebrated 13 change, making black women in the city. jobina is here to explain. >> yes, kumasi so i went to the show. it is absolutely beautiful , but it's a little tricky to explain without seeing it. so let me show all of you in this preview of a story you will see on abc7 at seven. >> i typically paint skin. i love to paint black and brown skin. >> the scale of these paintings by taylor smalls almost knocked me off my feet. they're stunning and in some cases nine feet tall, working really large scale like this. >> also just gives testament to these women as well that they should be like focused upon. >> smalls is walking us through the visual elements of the show
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she co-created called throughline, and it honors 13 black women in oakland. all from different industries like science and even tech. but all add to the joy growth and change in oakland. this show was really born like conceptually in the pandemic where i really wanted to just lean into a full body of work that was based around women in oakland, to name a few. honorees include retail and style maker sherri mcmullen, musician goapele and journalist naima jordan. we just dove into kind of formula putting this list of women that are both very well known people in oakland, but also some like very unsung heroes as well. so i'm so excited about this because it's like a beloved show to the point where people are now interested in taking it to other cities and around the world and feature
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women and everywhere. so i'm so excited for them. and also the idea of incorporating a bunch of different artists and i didn't know so much about the barrier to entry for galleries and things like that. this is very much a grassroots effort, so the people could display their art and the pieces are for sale, they are for sale. so check them out and if you have a nine foot wall, invite us to the party because the way mine would stop at the door. >> yeah, we can get half of this in here. that was great. >> okay, we'll see you the rest of the seven. >> yeah, that's cool. >> all right. good morning, everybody. it is cold out there. we've been talking about a freeze watch, but now it's a freeze warning, meaning it's happening. and we also have a freeze warning for saturday morning. things not getting much better for sunday either, as high pressure builds in. the winds are light and radiational cooling at its best. and yesterday's storm brought some snow. welcome snow to the mountains, a foot of snow. sugar bowl sierra tahoe, a little bit
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more than that palace aids. you can see 11in soda springs and nine inches kirkwood, seven inches kingvale. we are dry for today. and over the weekend, 34 in napa. there is some fog here. you can see the dew point at 33. we'll continue to see the temperatures drop there, some of them into the upper 20s taking you to oakland where it is 41 degrees. so, of course, a little bit milder there. and looking at san jose or where do i have next? san francisco, 46 degrees. so one of the warmer locations. but that's still cold for san francisco, right? 46 as we look at our inland valleys, we're in the upper 30s in livermore with 37 in novato, 42, in hayward. so get used to this weather because unfortunately without any clouds to insulate us, it's going to continue to be cold and the fog there is in the central valley. so we're sunny today for your friday. and then as we get into your saturday, we have a few clouds, we'll call it partly cloudy and still temperatures struggling to make it to about 60 degrees. 60 in oakland today,
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58 in fremont, san jose, warming up to 61. another frosty night tonight with temperatures dropping to near freezing again in the accuweather. 70 forecasts were partly cloudy into the future and slightly warmer jobina. >> thank you, lisa. good morning , everybody. we want to get right to new video into our newsroom of the sigalert. we're following in san jose of an overturned big rig you can see there blocking at least part of the lane there and also the broke off road off ramp as you approach northbound on 101. so it's blocking one lane on the freeway and also the off ramp there. and then as we go to our maps, we can show you how the speeds are impacted in that area. it was first reported around 330 this morning and upgraded to a sigalert shortly after. you can see the speeds are around ten miles per hour. we also have a live camera from san jose showing you 101 where all of those headlights are. those are the vehicles traveling in the northbound direction. so you can see it's crowded in that area. and even though it doesn't look like it, the metering lights are on at the bay bridge toll plaza. no problems getting
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into the city. >> reggie, thanks for being a new at six. harry and megan's favorite socal sushi spot opening a location in the bay area. >> first though, a judge's decision reigniting the legal battle over abortion in the state of texas. the medical emergencies one woman could face over the how are you doing between practices? i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team. de'aaron we're going to take a quick look at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great. but not just for me. for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente.
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take a moment to pause and ask, why did you get vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia? i help others. but i need to help protect myself. honestly? i couldn't afford to get sick. i want to be there for this one. i can't if i'm sick. pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease. you may be at risk if you're 19 to 64 with certain chronic conditions. or if you're 65 or older.
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don't pause a moment longer. ask your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated against pneumococcal pneumonia today. they also say the pregnancy puts her at high risk and could prevent her from getting pregnant in the future. in texas, abortions are not allowed after six weeks unless unless it causes bodily harm or saves a mother's life.
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>> i could see in this case, surely i would qualify for that exemption. so my doctor told me that i did not have that option in the state of texas. i was i was shocked. >> paxton argued. cox has failed to show she has a, quote, life threatening medical condition or that her symptoms put her at risk of death. he warned cox's physician she could still face civil and criminal penalties should she perform the procedure to russian officers have been charged in what the department of justice calls a global hacking campaign targeting officials in the us and the uk. >> the fbi says the men led a state sponsored organization known as the callisto group. it was active from 2016 to 2022. >> the callisto group targeted current and former employees of the united states intelligence community. the department of defense, the department of state, defense, contra, actors and employees at department of
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energy facilities throughout the united states. >> authorities say the group hacked into computers and email accounts of politicians, civil servants, journalists and others in the uk. a $10 million reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction. >> residents of one of san francisco's neighborhoods are planning to sue the us navy and the epa over cleanup efforts at the hunters point naval shipyard. super fund site. this comes just days after the navy announced it discovered small amounts of radioactive material at that site this year. activists have long demanded more oversight of the cleanup effort, and they voiced concerns of a cancer cluster impacting people who live in that area. >> it's time that we start caring about not just the old residents that stay here, but the new ones that are coming in that do not have an idea of what the travesty and the inhumanity that has happened here for this discovery raises concerns about plans to build thousands more
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homes in that area. >> we reached out to the navy and the epa. we have not heard back yet. >> all right. friday morning. good morning to you. starting out at the coast where temperatures are a little bit milder, low 40s this morning to the low 50 9:00, 2:00 upper 50s, the winds are light around the bay. we've got partly cloudy skies, not a whole lot of fog forming with low to mid 40s. very similar upper 50s by 2:00 and then dropping off again back to another chilly night. but the coldest mornings today, tomorrow and sunday are inland valleys, upper 30s to mid 40s. 9:00 and only in the upper 50s. sunny skies and then once again dropping off through the 30s with more frost overnight tonight back to you. >> thank you lisa. new at six several local starbucks workers vote to unionize. >> van new video out of the sierra shows just how much snow has fallen over the past day. and how tricky that commute has become. >> and hunter biden indicted again on more felony and misdemeanor charges. the president's son potentially
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could get 17 years in prison. his attorneys sounding off on the charges
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imagine that. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. get help right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. who knows what you can do when you du more with less asthma. ask your doctor about dupixent. the most prescribed biologic for asthma. now at six, bringing the workers back. >> the plea by san francisco business owners who say they just cannot make ends meet with no traffic downtown and the new way a south bay city wants to crack down on all those catalytic coner


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