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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  December 8, 2023 11:00pm-11:36pm PST

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for a second time in less than 24 hours because of a former police officer who is suspected of shooting his wife. good evening. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley. thanks for joining us. this started last night at about 7:00 in pleasant hill right off monument boulevard. the swat team was sent home this morning after police said the suspect was no longer a threat.
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>> however, he was never arrested and it's not clear why, but they apparently left the scene altogether. then for some reason, police returned around 530 this evening. >> abc seven news reporter tim johns is following this develop story. he's live in pleasant hill tonight. tim, what are you hearing about this case? >> yeah, dan, ama, still a lot of unanswered questions. as you can see behind me here. police have blocked off the streets immediately surrounding the house. however it wasn't always like this. now yesterday, they did engage with the suspect for several hours, but then swat team members just decided to pack up and go home. that has caused a lot of concern here in this neighborhood. and then around 530 this evening, police decided to come back and shut down the streets once again. fear and confusion on the streets of pleasant hill. >> why is he still there? why have they not done anything about him? is my question. >> it all began thursday night when police responded to a home
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on cleopatra drive after a man had locked his wife out of their house and barricaded himself inside. and when the woman tried to enter the home, her husband shot her through a door with a shotgun. for hours afterwards, swat and crisis team officials made numerous attempts at contacting the man, all of which were unsuccessful. meanwhile, the man live tweeting from inside. some of those messages. very disturbing ing god for give all of them, please, please, god , god, god. but after hours of trying to engage the man, swat teams determined he was no threat to the general public and left the scene. an unusual move says dr. lisa hill, a criminal justice professor and policing expert at cal state east bay. >> what's a little irregular about this case is he had already engaged in leith of force. he had already shot his wife. >> while the police say they continued to monitor the situation, their decision to leave the house unattended for most of friday has upset many
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who live and work in the area. that's crazy to me because now he's a danger to all his neighbors. >> if there's kids that live nearby, you know they're at risk if he decides to do anything wrong. >> if i lived on that block, i would be armed, you know, legally and protecting my family. around 530 friday night, police once again issued a shelter in place order for homes nearby and shut down neighboring streets. >> as for what happens next, dr. hill says law enforcement officials will have to do a cost benefit analysis to make that determined ation. >> in addition to the safety feature, how much manpower they're willing to use use in order to get this person to surrender. now wife, she is expected to be okay. >> thankfully, she was treated at a local hospital for minor injuries and was released earlier today in pleasant hill. tim johns, abc seven news. >> all right, tim, thank you. the national retail federation is retracting its claim that
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organized crime led to billions in inventory losses. the nfr estimated nearly half of the $94 billion in losses was due to that kind of crime. however experts say that number is closer to 5. but bay area residents still say retail theft is a major problem with local businesses. many local retailers have left the region due to rampant shoplifting, including target, which closed three bay area locations. rose to number from two different years. >> both with inventory loss across the industry. the reason it was half is retail sales grow every year. plus, the numbers aren't adjusted for inflation. the nfr arrived at the incorrect figure by looking at the wrong data. >> new at 11, a south bay couple is pleading for help after their food truck, which is how they make their living, was heavily damaged. it was struck by another food truck that someone had just stolen. making matters worse is they lost their
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insurance coverage. here's abc7 news. south bay reporter lauren martinez. and then this part has completely gone through the window. >> i don't know if you can see the shattered window. luckily we were able to start it, but we can't really drive it anywhere. >> for the owners of bahria kitchen, a food truck based in san jose are scrambling to fix their main source of income. on november 26th, the owners say their truck was sideswiped by another food truck being stolen out of the same shared lot. it was parked in. >> someone drove up through this gate with their service window out, which kind of caught to on ours, and then they just kept going. >> the wintertime is the slow season, but this crash couldn't have come at a worse time. their in company ended their coverage on november 8th. no longer providing renewals for commercial automobiles. now they're on their own with repairs while business is stalled. >> this is what pays for my rent and our rent here at the kitchen. it pays for our bills right now, the couple is trying
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to find a mechanic to repair the frame and find a new insurance company. >> among a list of other things we're trying to figure out what catering orders we can do. >> we've had other community members reach out and be like, hey, you can use our truck if you need to use our deep fryer, like just to get us going. >> young rodriguez said, running the small business that's half kitchen and half vehicle has never been easy. but he founded bahria in 2017, in memory of his mother and her filipino cooking. >> this is how we share our story as a first generation asian american. filipino american. you know, like we're very underrepresented. you know, it's still kind of like the underdog in the culinary world. >> the couple started a gofundme and said, this speed bump won't stop them from pursuing their dreams. >> every hurdle we've had, we've gone over it. like we can't turn back now. we're going to keep going. we're going to keep pushing. we're not giving up. >> in san jose, lauren martinez, abc seven news. >> in the east bay, there's another stinky situation in
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richmond this time around, the area of the chevron refinery. a strong odor was reported this afternoon. the air district posted a notice of it online saying inspectors were on site and taking a look investigating. they got in touch in contact with the chevron on officials to identify the cause in order to take action to fix this problem. this is the same refinery, keep in mind, recently issued violations because of flaring. >> all right. let's turn to the weather. no rain, but it sure is chilly out there. >> it is chilly. sandhya is here with a warning about another freeze warning for parts of the bay area sandhya. >> that's right. dan and ama. it feels more like winter here than it does fall. let me show you those temperatures right now and you will notice san ramon has already dropped down to 37 degrees right now in the north bay. we have temperatures in places like calistoga at 36, napa, 38 degrees. there is a real temperature change across many parts of the bay area where you're noticing it's even cooler, nine degrees cooler than yesterday in novato, 5 degrees drop compared to yesterday in san carlos. so that freeze
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warning is for the north bay valleys from midnight tonight until 10 a.m. tomorrow. temperatures down to 33 degrees, which means any tender plants could get damaged. so make sure you protect them. don't forget about the pets and outdoor pipes. temperatures as we go hour by hour will drop. so by tomorrow morning, we're talking about subfreezing in places like santa rosa, down to freezing in petaluma. as we head towards that 7 a.m. hour. so it's going to be cold. i'll let you know how long this chill is going to last. but one thing you need to know is sunday, they have already issued a freeze watch for the same general area. temperatures down to the mid 30s. so i'll be back with a full look at the weekend forecast coming up. ama. >> all right, we'll check back with you. thank you, sandhya. new details now in the deadly shooting at the university of nevada las vegas campus. an associate professor was identified today as a third person who was killed in vestigators say the shooter legally purchased a handgun and brought nine loaded magazine clips with him. the gunman was a former professor who applied and was rejected by unlv police
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believe his rejection may have been a motivating factor in the shooting. and they say the gunman had a list of intended targets but had trouble locating them at the school. some of his former students said he was known for holding grudges. >> he kept a running log of every single negative thing that a student said about him. he would try to fit, figure out who wrote the negative feedback, and police did kill that gunman during a shootout. >> 17 year old ethan crumbley was sentenced to life without parole in michigan after he pleaded guilty to killing four students, as well as injuring six others and one teacher at a high school. relatives of victims and survivors spoke before his sentencing about the lasting impacts of that day in november of 2021. >> the thing that stands out to me was what my wife said put her head in her hands and it said, not my baby boy. i am a
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really bad person. i have done terrible things that no one should ever do. all i want is for the people i hurt to just have a final sense of culpability that justice has somewhat been served on. >> crumbley's defense attorney says her client is remorseful and looks forward to rehabilitate sitting in prison. >> could we soon see an unlimited clipper card? testing is entering its next phase to include 6000 employees with uc san francisco currently called bay pass. it's only available in a pilot program and allows people to ride bart and other modes of public transportation for free. the next phase will include a total of about 20,000 people and run through 2026. the metropolitan transportation commission is taking applications for coming here. >> there are now rules to regulate artificial intelligence technology, but it's not the united states who made them. a look at the guidelines coming from the european union. >> oakland's effort to crack down on crime gets a boost when
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the newest recruits will be ready to hit the streets. >> and combating crime in san francisco, did people like what they heard from city leaders this week? we' cough? congestion? i'm feeling better. all in one and done with new mucinex kickstart.
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get started for $59.99 a month for 12 months. plus, ask how to get an $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. call, or go online today to learn more. many businesses are closing up shop. but do the numbers really support that? during our take action, san francisco live event on monday, city leaders addressed this issue. as abc7 news anchor dion lim found some members of the community who came away feeling that they didn't quite get the answers they wanted. >> abc seven's take action town hall discussion on crime kicked off with a stark visual show of
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hands. >> how many of you have been broken into your business, your home, your car? raise your hand. how many of you personally know someone that had something broken into? >> nearly every single person in the audience of about 200 raised their hands. according to city polling, san franciscans give the city a c plus grade for overall feelings of safety. the lowest grade since 1996. police chief bill scott weighed in on how to improve that figure. >> i think we already are on our way. we made an announcement in august about some new strategy and we have reduced car break ins from that point to now 50. and year to date, we're down 18. so we're at 18,000, which is a lot of victims, mind you, going into 2018, we ended the year 31,000 car break ins. so i do think we're moving in the right direction despite break-ins being down compared to pre-pandemic levels, the chief did acknowledge that fewer people are reporting some
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crimes. >> just this week there was a string of car break ins in hayes valley early monday morning. >> it's really frustrating and really annoying. >> in the hours after sfpd confirmed to abc7, no one filed a police report immediately after the windows were smashed. >> i don't know. i don't know if that's really true. >> when it comes to retail thefts, the president of the castro merchants raised concern about a recent incident at cliff's variety and the person who stole the item turned back to the officers and said this is only $750. >> you can't do anything to me. and my question to you, mayor, what is it that you're going to do next year or going forward to show these thieves that they can just steal from small businesses and get away with it? >> mayor breed responded by first touting how retail crime numbers are down, though the city does not keep track of retail crime data, brea then addressed criminal justice reform programs and accountability.
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>> all of what we're seeing has everything to do with making sure that there is accountability in our district attorney who is filing charges in many of those cases, as i've reported, asian asian-americans have seen an increase in crime targeting their community. >> aapi organizers asians appreciated being invited to participate in the audience. >> i think we are all facing these issues, which is very special for abc7 to be doing this and having the hard conversations. the solution requires all of us, not just our three leaders in a city that's nearly 40% asian, some audience members felt more could have been done to address the concerns of the population. >> now the population that makes up nearly 40% of the city. >> i just found it, you know, a little troubling or disheartening, right, that there wasn't any specific mention of any programs or partnerships. right. dedicated to support the asian american community of san francisco, specifically our elderly community. i've spoken to many nonprofit leaders in the tenderloin who work with asian american communities, and they tell me the same sentiment that asian-american elders,
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vietnamese elders, chinese elders, et cetera. are scared to leave their homes, scared to go outside because they're experiencing these hate crimes or these harassments. >> however, all audience members i spoke with agreed, and this discussion was just the beginning. >> i thought we needed even more time, right? so an hour on homelessness, an hour on crime, an hour on fentanyl. these are all things that are incredibly important to our city. having said that, really appreciate abc covering this in san francisco, dion lim, abc seven news. >> all right. if you missed the town hall, there are still ways to watch, of course, and it really is worth your time to take action. event is now available on the abc7 news bay area streaming app. find it wherever you stream and the full conversation will air on television tomorrow at 9 p.m. and then again on sunday at 6 p.m. right here on abc seven. >> oakland is fighting its own crime issues, adding new members to its police force. still, with a need for more. these are the newest recruits to the oakland police department graduating from the police academy today. it marks the end of six months
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of intense training. these 22 graduates bring the total police force to 724 officers. the only female cadet in the class and an oakland native says she chose opd because she wants to be a force for change in her city. >> giving back to me is protecting the young ones. that's where it starts. we have to make sure they're safe. they get home from school safe. we have to make sure they get jobs. we have to make sure as a family we come together as a community. we're a family, sir, there are still 16 weeks of field training ahead for these officers. >> they likely will be on the streets on their own in june. >> congratulations to them and best of luck. the european union is stepping up efforts to control artificial intelligence with the world's first set of regulations. the eu is hoping to set the standard ordered to mitigate concerns about this new technology. the new law bans the riskiest, uses of ai, including exploitation of people reproducing biometric information and manipulative cyber techniques. the european is calling the new regulation a
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balanced and human centered approach. >> okay, let's find out how many pairs of socks we're going to need to wear over the weekend. >> that's exactly right. i think swimsuit weather is over, although it's going to get warm again. i think meteorologist sandyha patel is here with the forecast. >> yeah, hold off on the swimsuits. and as far as socks go, dan and i would say two pairs, unless you have wool socks, then one pair is fine. all right. but that's just for the morning and for the nighttime hours. good evening, everyone. let's take a look at live pictures from our tower cameras right now. absolutely gorgeous views. fog is not an issue like it was this morning where we had some dense fog. now, here's your cold weather alert. here's what you need to know. areas of frost this weekend protect your tender plants, bring in pets and cover your outdoor pipes as they can get damaged. headlines for the upcoming weekend and next week. temperatures tumble overnight. we head into this weekend. it's going to be cold, frosty mornings. and next week, dry and milder days are expected. so we
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definitely have some warmer weather coming our way, but not immediately. here's a look at your temperatures right now. 40 degrees in santa rosa. petaluma is at 32 degrees. napa 38 concord, right now, 41 degrees. exploratorium camera, embarcadero is all decked out right now, 53 in the city, 40 already in oakland. hayward 48 in san jose and 45 in half moon bay. all right. the rain that we recently had is long gone. now the storm track is aimed well to our north. it's going to stay to our north. so we are in for a dry weekend and it's going to remain dry even through at least the middle of next week. on live doppler seven. all is quiet right now as we check out the hour by hour forecast tomorrow morning, down into the low 30s for our coldest spots. by 5 a.m, there will be some high clouds coming through. and you will notice these clouds just filtering the sun from time to time. but by the lunch hour, you're making a nice recovery. temperatures in the 50s by the early afternoon, you're in the 50s and the 60s first thing tomorrow morning. bundle up. you will need a jacket or a sweater.
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if you have early morning plans. temperatures ranging from the low 30s in places like santa rosa and napa down to 33 in livermore, 40 degrees in san jose and low to mid 40s from oakland to san francisco. south bay. temperatures tomorrow it's going to be nice. gilroy 64 san jose, same thing above average 62 in redwood city, upper 50s to low 60s coast side a mix of sun and high clouds. we'll call it filtered sunshine 60 in downtown san francisco, north bay. temperatures 60 in san rafael, up to 63 in santa rosa, 60 in vallejo. heading into the east bay, 61 degrees in oakland, fremont, castro valley. you'll need those shades in the inland east bay. we're talking about 60 in livermore, 61 in fairfield, 59 in concord. the niners are playing this sunday and they're taking on the seahawks at kickoff. it's going to be 61 degrees filtered sunshine pretty mild fourth quarter. we're talking about 60 degrees now as far as rainfall projection goes, we're taking you into next week. and right now, the computer model wants to bring in the
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possibility of a few inches of rain, not end of next week, but the following week. so mid december. here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. cold and frosty couple of mornings ahead. certainly cloudier on sunday. more sun tomorrow and then temperatures will inch up tuesdays foggy start numbers in the afternoon by wednesday. we're talking about upper 60s in our warmest spots so that's well above average. that's when you can pull out the bikini or or the speedos for swimming. i don't know. >> or don't know. >> yeah. yeah i'll leave a speedo at the back of the drawer. okay. sounds good for now, though. socks. >> okay. >> yeah. all right. >> thanks, sandhya, back
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you may find bard a little more crowded, as well as the area around union square, which is where the event starts. expect to see plenty of people dressed up like santa or other holiday characters. participants are encouraged to bring a toy to donate before they go bar hopping. >> i love that. it's so fun. >> well, holiday tradition came home to new york city tonight. >> yeah. the biggest music stars of the year shared the stage at madison square garden for jingle ball 2023. the first ever jingle ball was a one time concert cobbled together by radio
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station z100. that was back in 1996. now it's an annual tour where only singers who top the charts get an invite. >> not only is it the biggest holiday event of the year is, but to get here you have to have a hit song in the year. so these artists fought and struggled and all year long to get to the top. >> by the way, this year's tour includes a performance by cher. oh yeah. you can watch the iheart radio jingle ball tour right here on abc on thursday, december 21st at 8 p.m. and on hulu the next day. abc and hulu are both owneby our parent company, disney. >> very cool. all right. it's the same problem over and over again. sadly for the warriors, never seems to end right. >> larry beil is here with sports. larry. >> dan, i'm a season high for the dubs in turnovers and that proves to be fatal in okc. another close game, another agonizing overtime loss to the
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thunder. that's next. in sports you ping and pong that body. you plunge that body. you green that body.
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warriors played okc, the dubs chose not to foul in the final
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seconds. that allowed chet holmgren to hit a three to send the game to overtime. and the thunder won tonight. the warriors did foul late and they still lost in overtime. the warriors just killing themselves. they committed a season high, 29 turnovers leading to 35 okc points. most turnovers by the dubs since 2002. steve kerr not happy at all with the fouling and turnovers dubs still built a 14 point lead, but they couldn't hold it despite 22 points from klay thompson, shay gilgeous alexander unstoppable 38 points driving with just over a minute left okc up by one steph curry almost won the game by himself under a minute left sweet reverse layup and then with 19 seconds left it's curry step back three splash so they're up three. curry goes for 34 eight seconds left. warriors decide we're going to foul this time draymond green hacks chet holmgren in the act of shooting brutal three free throws send the game to overtime and steve kerr then wasted a challenge there. he'd end up needing an ot shake closes it out from there 138 136 thunder in overtime
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agony where oh where will shohei go. where oh where will he be. the baseball world is waiting to see where the angels superstar decides to sign dodgers and blue jays believed to be front runners with the giants likely coming up short once again coming off their biggest win of the year in philly. the 49 ers cannot afford a letdown against the desperate seahawks. 40 niners beat the seahawks on thanksgiving night. this time around, the hawks come to levi's stadium. potential this classic letdown scenario for the niners. >> there's a lot of things that worked really well for us. there's some things that didn't work well for us, so it's just kind of a cat and mouse game of what are they going to change? what are we going to change? who's going to change anything at all? we look at the tape the same as if we hadn't played them at all. >> and, you know, obviously you're going to look at some stuff that they did last game, some stuff that we did last game and make adjustments when needed. but each week you've got to bring it. >> comedian will ferrell is a big seahawks fan. he appeared on kaye adams fanduel show and was
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asked what he would do if he was seattle coach pete carroll. >> i'd say, guys, we're going to punt on third down every series. we're not going to control the ball. let's not worry about it. i don't know what you do about the 49 ers, right. right. what do you do? i mean, they're they're loaded. they're loaded. hang on. for dear life. that's my. that's my. that's my. hang on for dear life. >> well, it looks like he's been hanging out there. sports on abc7 sponsored by river rock casino. we'll be
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how are you doing between practices? i feel pretty good. surrounding myself with a great team. de'aaron we're going to take a quick look at your knee with ultrasound. everything is looking great. but not just for me. for them. it's great to see you again man. thanks jb. for all that is me, for all that is you, kaiser permanente.
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a man through the abc7 bay area connected-tv app. it is available for apple tv, google tv, amazon fire tv and roku. download the app now so you can start streaming. all right. thank you so much for watching tonight. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel larry beil. all of us, we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel. eddie ♪ previously on "jimmy kimmel live" -- [ laughter ]


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